Business Address: Department of English

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Curriculum Vitae—February 2014

For Jan-Dec 2013


Business Address: Department of English

University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242

Phone: o: 319-335-3219; h: 319-679-2976



(currently averages 150 hits/mo.)


Higher Education

Ph.D. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

English 1978

M.A. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

English 1974

B.A. Duke University

English 1970
Professional and Academic Positions

9/2002- Additional 0% appointment in Department of Cinema and Comp. Lit.

and 0% appointment in International Programs

University of Iowa

Spr 1996 Visiting Professor University of Miami

1994- Professor University of Iowa

1985-94 Associate Professor University of Iowa

1984-85 Visiting Assistant Professor Swarthmore College

1978-85 Assistant Professor Virginia Tech

1974-76 Teaching Assistant UNC-CH

Honors and Awards

Outstanding International Educator. UI International Programs, 2003

Dean's Outstanding Teaching Commendation, 1989-90

Modern Language Association (MLA):

Anglo-Irish Division Executive Committee, 1986-1990; 2004-08

Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS)

International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM)

International James Joyce Foundation

Board of Trustees, 1997-2003

American Conference for Irish Studies (ACIS):

Executive Committee: Arts Officer, 1997-1999

International Association for the Study of Irish Literature (IASIL)

Women on Ireland Research Network (WOIRN)
Semester Advisees: U/G Courses Taught Students Enrolled

Fall 2013



Spring 2013


8:66—21-C British Lit: fiction, drama, music, 2000-2012


Fall 2012


8:65—20-C British Lit : British Rock and British Fiction, 1945-2000


8:79—Sel.Brit.Authors: FINNEGANS WAKE for Beginners


Spring 2012


8:66—21-C British Lit: The Soundscape of 21-C British Writing


8:79—Sel.Brit.Authors: James Joyce and Difficulty


Spring 2011


8:66—21-C British Lit: Here Comes Your 19th Nervous Breakdown: British Rock, British Fiction


Fall 2011

Caregiver Leave

Fall 2010


8:440—Seminar in 20-C: Joyce and Kittler


Spring 2010


8:66--21-C British Literature


Fall 2009


8:66--20-C British Literature


Spring 2009


8:65--21-C British Literature


Fall 2008

0 / 9

8:65--20-C British Literature


Spring 2008

0 / 9

8:66--20-C British Literature


Fall 2007

0 / 7

8:236--20-C British Literature: 1939-1968


Spring 2007

0 / 6

8:65--20-C British Literature


Fall 2006

0 / 6

On leave: NEH Fellowship

Spring 2006

0 / 6

On leave: NEH Fellowship

Fall 2005

0 / 5

8:65—20-C British Literature: The Fifties


0 / 5

48:275—Advanced Film History: A Critical Irish Cinema


Students Supervised

Degree Objective

Student Name

Program/ My Role


a. Ph.D. candidates

Dimitrios Latsis

ccl: comps

passed 2013

Sonia Johnson

English: writing dissertation


Jillian Walker

English: writing dissertation


Simon Ferrell

English: independent study

completed 2013

Sonia Johnson

English: prospectus meeting

Passed Dec 2011

Jillian Walker

English: prospectus meeting

Passed Nov 2011

Sonia Johnson

English: comps committee

Fall 2010- present

Jillian Walker

English: comps committee

Fall 2008-Spring 2010

Lisa Angelella

English: directed dissertation

2006-present (April 09 defense)

Tom Keegan

English: directing dissertation

Cleary Award 2005-6

Seely Award 2008-09

Defended Spr 2010

Jennifer Banash

English: directed dissertation

Piper Award 2008

2006-Fall 08 defense

Deb Manion

English: directed comps article

Fall 2008 passed comps

Erica Stein

Film Studies: comps committee

Fall 2007 to 2009

Jesse Schotterbuck

Film Studies: dissertation committee

Defended Spr 2010

Andrew Peterson

Film Studies: independent study

Spring 08

Scott Siegling

Art History: dissertation committee

2005 to 2010, 2013-14

Dan Gilliland

History: dissertation committee

2005 to 2008

b. Honors Thesis

Lauren Van Sant

English: thesis director

Spring 2011



In progress:

Rock Britannia: World War II and British Popular Music. 90,000 words. (Oxford UP has requested the manuscript)
In progress (CDA project 2013-2014)

Phenomenal Joyce. (4 chapters published)

Books and Monographs, refereed

Joyce and the Art of Shaving, National Library of Ireland monograph series,

35 pages (2004).

The Field, “Ireland into Film” series, Cork University Press, 86 pages, 15 plates (2002).
Critical Regionalism and Cultural Studies: From Ireland to the American Midwest, University Press of Florida, 216 pages, 23 plates (1996).

Cited on

A summer school held in Munich at the Bavarian America Academy during 2013 used my book as the core text. Over the course of two weeks, 24 scholars responded to the book and its comparative methodology. Proceedings will be published by the Academy.
editor, For the Land They Loved: Irish Political Melodramas, 1890-1925, Syracuse Univ. Press, 366 pages, 21 plates (1991).

This edition presents four of the most popular and important historical melodramas, previously unpublished, in the Irish theatrical tradition. It also includes a monograph-length, contextualizing introduction.

Joyce's Anatomy of Culture, Univ. of Illinois Press, 314 pages, 16 plates, extensive bibliography of sources for the study of mass culture in Ireland (1986).

Chapter 6 ("The Sermon as 'Massproduct'") reprinted in James Joyce: A Collection of Critical Essays, ed. Mary T. Reynolds, New Century Views (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1993): 81-95.

Chapter 7 ("'Politicoecomedy' in Finnegans Wake III,ii") partly reprinted in Joyce and His Contemporaries, ed. Diana A. Ben-Merre and Maureen Murphy (New York: Greenwood Press, 1990), pp. 59-67.

Articles, refereed / invited

“Irish Children’s Radio Days.” Collection of essays on Patrick MacCabe (Rodopi Press Dialogue Series), ed. Jennifer Keating-Miller, 7000 words. Publication scheduled for 2015.

“Difficulty and Time: “Oxen of the Sun” and “Circe,” Cambridge Companion to Ulysses (in press), ed. Sean Latham, 6200 words, forthcoming 2014.
“Plumbing the Depths of Modernism,” review of Michael Rubenstein, Public Works: Infrastructure, Irish Modernism, and the Postcolonial, Irish Review, # 45 (2013), 107-109
“Joyce and the Everynight,” Eco-Joyce: The Environmental Imagination of James Joyce, ed. Robert Brazeau and Derek Gladwin, Cork UP (under contract), 8000 words, contract issued july 2013
World-Making in Thaddeus O’Sullivan’s The Woman Who Married Clark Gable,” Viewpoint: Theoretical Perspectives on Irish Visual Texts, ed. Claire Bracken and Emma Radley, Cork UP, 2012: 17-29.
“Roll-Over-Beethoven: Johnnie Ray in Context,” Popular Music 28 (2009): 323-40.
“Being in Joyce’s World,” Joyce in Context, ed. John McCourt (Cambridge University Press), 2009. Pages 163-72.
“Migration in Irish Cinema,” Liminal Borderlands, ed. Irene Gilsenan-Nordin and Elin Holmsten (Dublin: Four Courts, 2009). Pages 35-48.
“Thinking Inside the Box,” Genre and Cinema: Ireland and Transnationalism, ed. Brian McIlroy (London: Routledge, 2007): 111-122.
“Walking in Dublin,” A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man: A Case Study in Contemporary Criticism, ed. R. B. Kershner (2nd ed., New York: St. Martin's Press, 2006): 413-429.
“The Color of Schizophrenia,” Postcolonial Whiteness: A Critical Reader on Race and Empire, ed. Alfred J. López (SUNY Press, 2005): 137-153.
“Seeing the Light in Prison,” The Vacuum [Northern Irish cultural broadsheet] (March 2005), n.p. ( The circulation for this issue was 40,000; the issue was circulated free in European Union prisons.
"Re-Imagining Ireland, Rethinking Irish Studies," New Hibernia Review 7 (2003):  123-135. 
Art and Life, Nature and Culture, Ulysses,” James Joyce’s Ulysses: A Casebook, ed. Derek Attridge (Oxford University Press, 2004): 55-81. [Reprint]
Marching Season Style,” The Vacuum [Northern Irish cultural broadsheet] (July

2004): 3-5 (
“Re-Imagining Man of Aran,” Canadian Journal of Irish Studies (special issue on Irish film) 29 (Fall 2003): 11-16.

“The Erratics of Irishness: Schizophrenia, Racism, and Finnegans Wake,” in Cultural Studies of James Joyce, ed. R. Brandon Kershner, European Joyce Studies 15 (Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2003): 117-36.

“Method Practice: Toward a Phenomenology of Crosscultural Studies,” for Bodies of Resistance: New Phenomenologies of Politics, Agency, and Culture, ed. Laura Doyle (Northwestern Univ. Press, 2001): 243-66.
“Addressing the Eye in Ireland: On a Paving Stone Mounted,” Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television 20 (2000): 367-74.
"'Old Wives' Tales as Portals of Discovery in 'Proteus'," in Ulysses: En-gendered Perspectives, ed. Marilyn Reizbaum and Kimberly Devlin (Univ. of South Carolina Press, 1999): 30-41.
"The Silence of the Hares: The Peripherality of Joyce and Ireland," in Joycean Cultures / Culturing Joyces, ed. Vince Cheng, Kimberly Devlin, and Margot Norris (Univ. of Delaware Press, 1998): 216-40.
"Blue Notes: From Joyce to Jarman," Re:Joyce: Text, Culture, Politics, ed. John Brannigan, Geoff Ward, and Julian Wolfreys (London: Macmillan, 1998): 211-223.

Rpt. Summer 1999 in Hypermedia Joyce Studies: (
"A State o' Chassis: Mobile Capital, Ireland, and the Question of Postmodernity," Bucknell Review 38 (1994): 190-224.
"Terrorist Chic: Style and Domination in Contemporary Ireland," in On Fashion, ed. Shari Benstock and Suzanne Ferriss (New Brunswick: Rutgers Univ. Press, 1994): 235-66. Translated into Portuguese and reprinted by Rocco (Brazil).

Reprinted in Fashion, ed. Malcolm Barnard, 4 vol, Routledge.

Preface, Irish Fictions by W. Cotter Murray (Iowa City: Maecenas Press, 1994).
With Chris Connell, "Political Backgrounds to Ulysses," in Teaching Ulysses, ed. Kathleen McCormick and Erwin R. Steinberg (New York: MLA, 1993): 31-41.
"Deconstructing Dedalus," in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man: A Case Study in Contemporary Criticism, ed. R. B. Kershner (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1993): 338-60.
"Ireland from the Outside," James Joyce Quarterly 28 (summer 1991): 777-89. Reprinted with modifications in Joyce and the Subject of History, ed. Mark Wollaeger, Victor Luftig, Robert Spoo (Univ. of Michigan Press, 1996): 195-210.
"The Strange Reward of All That Discipline: Yeats and Foucault," in Yeats and Postmodernism: New Critical Essays, ed. Leonard Orr (Syracuse Univ. Press, 1991), 146-66.
"The Erotics of Irishness," Critical Inquiry 17 (Autumn 1990): 1-34.

Reprinted in Identities, edited Kwame Anthony Appiah and Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Univ. of Chicago, 1995.
"'Penelope' as Period Piece," lead article, Novel 22 (1989): 130-42. Reprinted with modifications in Molly Blooms: A Polylogue on 'Penelope' and Cultural Studies, ed. Richard Pearce (University of Wisconsin Press, 1994): 63-79.
"Fathers, Daughters, Anxiety, and Fiction," in Discontented Discourses: Feminism / Textual Intervention / Psychoanalysis, ed. M. S. Barr and Richard Feldstein (Urbana: Univ. of Illinois Press, 1989): 173-207.
"Convention and Spirit in Olaf Stapledon's Fiction," in The Legacy of Olaf Stapledon, ed. Patrick McCarthy, Charles Elkins, and Martin Greenberg (New York: Greenwood Press, 1989): 23-37.
"Simulating Utopia: The Example of Cheech and Chong," Border/Lines (Spring 1988): 48-49 (triple column, large format).
"Subworlds, Props, and Settings in Joyce's Exiles," Theatre Journal 39 (1987): 185-203. Being reprinted in Norton Critical Edition of James Joyce’s Exiles, ed. Spurgeon Thompson.
"Art and Life, Nature and Culture, Ulysses," in James Joyce's Ulysses: The Larger Perspective, ed. Weldon Thornton and Robert Newman (Newark: University of Delaware Press; London and Toronto: Associated University Press, 1987): 19-38. Portuguese trans. in riverrun: Ensaios Sobre James Joyce, ed. Arthur Nestrovski (Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 1992): 181-206. Trans. Maria da Glória Bordini.
"Joyce and Marxism" (preface to essays from panel chaired in Frankfurt, Germany, 9th International James Joyce Symposium, 1984), in James Joyce: The Augmented Ninth (Syracuse: Syracuse Univ. Press, 1988), pp. 309-11.
"'One Good Turn Deserves Another': Transvestism in 'Circe,'" Journal of Modern Literature, 11 (1984): 263-76.
"Nature and Culture in the 'Sirens' Episode of Joyce's Ulysses," Essays in Literature, 11 (1984): 49-58. Reprinted in James Joyce's Ulysses, ed. Harold Bloom ([Modern Critical Interpretations] New York, New Haven, Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 1987): 133-43.
"Quoting with an Accent: Bloomsday in Rome," Midwest Quarterly, 25 (1983): 34-46.
"Irish Censorship and 'Aeolus': The New Old Language of Ideology," in James Joyce: A New Language: Actas/Proceedings del Simposio Internacional en el Centenario de James Joyce, ed. Francisco G. Tortósa, et al. (Sevilla: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla, 1982): 175-81.
"Compound Words and Consubstantiality in Joyce's Ulysses," Language and Style, 15 (1982): 33-47.
"Irish Censorship and 'The Pleasure of the Text': The 'Aeolus' Episode of Joyce's Ulysses,"Irish Renaissance Annual, 3 (1982): 141-79.
"Theosophy, Guilt, and 'That Word Known to All Men' in Joyce's Ulysses," James Joyce Quarterly, 18 (1980-81): 45-54.
"Phyllis Moss and Finnegans Wake 581.22," A Wake Newslitter, NS 16 (1979): 76.


a. External

National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship, 2006.

Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship, 1992

Institute of Irish Studies Senior Research Fellowship, Queen's University, Belfast,

Jan.-Dec. 1992

Howard Foundation Fellowship, Brown University, 1987-1988

National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship, 1983

Travel to Collections Grant, National Endowment for the Humanities, Summer 1986

Research Grant, American Philosophical Society, Summer 1982

b. Internal

Career Development Award, UI, 2013-2014

Arts and Humanities Initiative Grant, UI, 2004-05

Career Development Award, UI, 2004-05

Career Development Award, UI, 1998-99

Seminar Fellow, Center for International and Comparative Studies, UI: "Film as Text:

Nation and the Nomadic." Summer 1993. Funded by Ford Foundation and National Resource Center grant to U.S. Department of Education

University Faculty Scholar Award, UI, 1988-1991

Old Gold Summer Fellowship, University of Iowa, Summer 1986

Supplemental Travel Grants, Educational Foundation, VPI & SU, Spring 1982,

Summer 1982, Summer 1984

Summer Stipends, Center for Programs in the Humanities, VPI & SU, 1981, 1984

North Carolina Legislature Research Fellowship, University of North Carolina

at Chapel Hill, 1973-74 (awarded to outstanding graduate student)
Invited Lectures and Conference Presentations

a. International

Invited keynote, “Critical Regionalism and Border Studies,” summer school of the

Bavarian America Academy (Munich), 2013
Plenary, University College Dublin conference, July 2008 (declined for health

Plenary, James Joyce Summer School, Trieste, July 2008 (declined)

Keynote, “Stories for Boys: Constructing the Child in Postwar Ireland,” International Association for the Study of Irish Literature, Dublin, July 2007
Keynote, “Irish Genres” conference, Vancouver, March 2005
“Irish Film and Stereotypes,” Emergent Nationalism in 20th-Century Europe Research Network seminar, November 2004.
“Migration Film,” Plenary lecture, Nordic Irish Studies Network annual conference, Dalarna University College, Falun, Sweden, April 2004
“Being-in-Joyceworld,” plenary lecture, James Joyce Summer School, Dublin, Ireland, July 2003

“Critical Regionalism in Scotland and Ireland,” Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland, March 1999

"Phenomenology and the Blues," University of Dundee, Scotland, July 1996
"Yeats in Context," Institute of Irish Studies, Queen's University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, November 1992
"Socialism and Modernism," Second Annual Robert Lynd Weekend School, Ulster People's College, Belfast, Northern Ireland, September 1992
"Slouching Towards Sellafield" and two-week-long seminar at 33rd Yeats International Summer School, Sligo, Ireland, August 1992
"Joyce and Schizophrenesis," Joyce Summer School, Dublin, Ireland, July 1992
Two papers, 13th International James Joyce Symposium, Dublin, Ireland, June 1992
Three lectures, University College, Dublin, Ireland, Hilary Term, 1992
"Samuel Beckett and Prehistory," International Samuel Beckett Conference, Princess Grace Irish Library, Monaco, May 1991
Chair and presentation, "The Space of Theatre, Ireland and Japan," International Association for the Study of Anglo-Irish Literature, Kyoto, Japan, July 1990. (This plenary session was supported by a performance of Yeats's At the Hawk's Well by Jonah Salz's NOHO Theatre Group, Kyoto.)
Respondent on "Living Book Review" of Joyce's Anatomy of Culture, 11th International James Joyce Symposium, Venice, June 1988. (Also presented work on two other panels during this symposium: "Joyce and Anxiety" and "Joyce and the Discourse of Theatre.")
"Irish Historical Melodrama: Enlarging the Canon," International Association for the Study of Anglo-Irish Literature, Caen, France, July 1987
Presentations as part of two-part panel entitled "Joyce and Marxism," 10th International James Joyce Symposium, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 1986
"Politics and Women in Two Unpublished Historical Melodramas by P. J. Bourke," International Association for the Study of Anglo-Irish Literature Conference, Graz, Austria, July 1984
Chair and presentation, "Finnegans Wake and the 'Political Unconscious,'" 9th International James Joyce Symposium, Frankfurt, Germany, June 1984
Chair and presentation ("'No Fancy Clothes': English Economics and Joyce's Ulysses"), "Ulysses and the Music-Hall," 8th International James Joyce Symposium, University College Dublin, Ireland, June 1982
"Irish Censorship and 'Aeolus': The New Old Language of Ideology," Simposio Internacional en el Centenario de James Joyce, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain, March 1982

b. National

“Pipers at the Gates of Dawn: Syd Barrett and James Joyce, North American James Joyce Conference, Pasadena, June 2011

“Nightsoil in Finnegans Wake, North American James Joyce

Conference, Pasadena June 2011

Invited lecture at Boston College, April 2009 (postponed)
Respondent, panel on critical regionalism, American Studies Association,

October 2008

Kirkpatrick Lecturer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, April 2007
Chair, “Interacting with Ireland,” Modern Language Association, Chicago, December 2007
Plenary, ACIS Midwest regional conference: 12-14 October 2006, Northern Illinois University: “Mapping the Colonial Subterrain”
“Derek Jarman’s Aesthetics,” Derek Jarman Film Festival, UI, 2005
Roundtable, Institute for Cinema and Culture, UI, 2004
“Irish Film Studies,” Feminism and Film History Symposium, Iowa City, November 2003

“The Aesthetics of Migration,” Midwest MLA, Minneapolis, November 2002

“Grantsmanship,” Midwest MLA, Minneapolis, November 2002
“Crossing Irish Borders,” Conference on Global Feminisms, University of Iowa, April 2002
“Ireland, Space, and Cinema,” Yale University, February 2001

“Joyce and Heidegger,” MLA Convention, New Orleans, December 2001

High (Anxiety / Blithe) Spirits: Purgatorial Viewing,” American Conference for Irish Studies, Fort Lauderdale, April 1998
Inaugural lecture for University of Illinois’s Irish Studies Program, Champaign-Urbana, March 1998
"Going Where No One Lives: Famine Irish View the Prairie," Images and Functions of the American Prairie, University of Iowa, September 1996
"Psychohistorical Perspectives on Irish Culture," American Conference for Irish Studies, Carbondale, April 1996
"Toward a Phenomenology of Irish Film," Society for Cinema Studies, Dallas, March 1996
"The Syntax of Culture," University of Miami, January 1996
Keynote lecture ("Irish Art and the Irish Underground"), Ninth Annual Graduate Student Conference in Irish Studies, University of Notre Dame, March 1995
"The Looking Game: Toward a Phenomenology of Irish Film," MLA, San Diego, December 1994
Plenary lecture, "The Silence of the Hares," James Joyce Symposium, University of California at Irvine, June 1993
"The Shamrock Forever: Recovering Ireland's Lost Melodramas," La Fayette Butler Lecture, Bucknell University, April 1993
James Joyce Quarterly Annual Lectureship, University of Tulsa, May 1991.
Keynote address ("1916 Inside and Out"), Mid-Atlantic American Conference for Irish Studies, Philadelphia, November 1991
"The Invading Gene: Schizophrenia in Ireland," Literature and Science Discussion Group, Modern Language Association, Chicago, December 1990
"Ireland from the Outside," Joyce and History Symposium, Yale University, October 1990
Lecture, Long Wharf Theatre, New Haven, for opening of Donald Freed's Is He Still Dead?, forum supported by NEH and Yale English Department, June 1990
"Murder, Minimalism, and Virginia Woolf," University of Louisville, February 1990. (Also presented February 1992, University College, Dublin; March 1992, Women's Studies Colloquy Series, Queen's University, Belfast; March 1992 as part of "The Power of the Media: Text, Audience, Institution": Media Studies Research Seminar; and April 1993, invited lecture at Bucknell University, Center for Race and Gender)
Chair, "Authority and the Canon of Irish Studies," Anglo- Irish Discussion Group, Modern Language Association, Washington, D.C., December 1989
"Finnegans Wake and the Erotics of Irishness," Finnegans Wake half-century symposium, University of California at Berkeley, July 1989

Also presented as invited lecture at Univ. of Florida, April 1989; Univ. of Michigan, October 1989; Univ. of California at Irvine for "Joyce Modernism, and Ideology" spring colloquium, May 1990

"Yeats and Foucault," International Association for Philosophy and Literature, Atlanta, May 1989.
"New Research on Irish Melodrama," American Conference for Irish Studies, Syracuse, New York, April 1988.
Chair, "Joycean Elsewheres: Oriental, Third World, Utopian," Modern Language Association Convention, New Orleans, December 1988.
Lecture with video accompaniment, "I Sing the Body Electronic: From Irish Censorship to Videology," Honors Program Lecture Series, Miami University, Florida, February 1988.
"The Irish Renaissance as Historical Model," Modern Language Association Convention, San Francisco, December 1987.
"Joyce, Bakhtin, and the Present," respondent paper on panel entitled "Joyce and Bakhtin," Midwest Modern Language Association Conference, Columbus, Ohio, November 1987.
"Simulating Utopia: Cheech and Chong / Baudrillard," Society for Utopian Studies, Philadelphia, October 1987.
Chair and presentation, panel on "Joyce and Anxiety," James Joyce Symposium, Milwaukee, June 1987.
"'Penelope' as Period Piece," James Joyce Symposium, Milwaukee, June 1987.
"Anxiety: Dickens, Freud, Joyce, Barthelme," lecture presented at UC-Riverside, UCLA, and University of Alabama, 1985.
"Emerald Island of Ceaseless Delights: Joyce and the Pantomime in Ireland," Modern Language Association Convention, Chicago, December 1985.
"Ideology and Style in Joyce," lecture presented at University of Arkansas, February 1984.
"The 'Enthralling Individual Self' in Olaf Stapledon's Fiction," Modern Language Association Convention, Los Angeles, December 1982.
"Joyce and Popular Culture: The Sermon in Finnegans Wake III, ii," Joyce and His Contemporaries: A Centenary Tribute, Hofstra Univ., October 1982.
Chair, "The Resilience of Memory in Joyce and Welty," Twentieth-Century Literature Conference, University of Louisville, February 1982.
"One Good Turn Deserves Another: Transvestism in 'Circe,'" Joyce Centenary Festival, State University of New York at Purchase, February 1982.
Leader, workshop with A. Walton Litz, "Artists Frame Their Works," May 1980, VPI & SU.
"Iconic Language and Consubstantiality in James Joyce's Ulysses," Mid-Hudson MLA Convention, Poughkeepsie, New York, November 1979.


  1. Department

2013 (Spring)

Associate Chair for Faculty

Curriculum Committee

Salary Committee

Chair, Peer Review Committee

Assistant Professor Review Committee (Lena Hill, Michael Hill)

Peer Review Committee

Associate Chair for Faculty Programs (Fall 2012)

Brown Bag Lunch session with José Limon

Curriculum Committee


Assistant professor review committee


Assistant professor review committee (spring 2010)

Associate professor review committee (fall 2010)

Chair, Tenure Professor Review committee: Lara Trubowitz


Promotion committee: Phil Round

Chair, Assistant Professor Review committee: Lara Trubowitz

Gen Ed Mentor (English)

Honors Thesis Reader (English)

Promotion committee: Mary Lou Emery (English)

M.A. Exam Committee (Film Studies)

European Cinema/Theory Search Committee (Film Studies)

Ballard/Seashore Fellowship Reader (Film Studies)

Appointed to Advisory Editorial Board, Joyce Studies Annual

CCL-Film Studies Exam Committee

Gen Ed Mentor (volunteer during NEH leave)

Tenure Review committee for Loren Glass (volunteer during NEH leave)

Interviewer for graduate student mock interviews (volunteer during NEH leave)


5th-Year Review committee for Loren Glass

General Education Teaching Assistant Mentor

Modern British area committee chair

Respondent at CCL’s Derek Jarman Film Festival (October ’05)

General Education Teaching Assistant Mentor (Fall 2004)—volunteer while on leave

Panel, Mock Interviews for Graduate Students (Fall 2004)—volunteer while on leave

Film Studies Qualifications Committee (Spring 2004)


General Education Teaching Assistant Mentor (Fall 2003)

Panel, Mock Interviews for Graduate Students (Fall 2003)

Reader, Honors Thesis Committee (Spring 2003)


Project Manager, total redesign of English Department website, May 2002-May 2003

(serving 45 faculty, Grad program and UG program)

Graduate Finances Committee

Arranged lecturer for Caribbean Diaspora Atlantic Program: filmmaker Christopher

Laird, Banyan Productions

Arranged Freedman Lecturer: Franco Moretti (Director, Center for the Study of the

Novel, Stanford University), September ‘02

Co-hosted Ida Beam Lecturer: Laura Mulvey, October ‘02

Participated in mock interviews for English graduate students on job market,

December 2002

  1. University

2013: reviewer, Jakobsen Conference

2012: reviewer, Jakobsen Conference

2008: Honors Program Committee, Rhodes Dunlap Fellowship

2007: International Program Advisory Committee

2002-03: Campus Webmasters Committee

1995-96: University Faculty Judicial Commission

1995: Lecture, Friends of the Univ. of Iowa Library

1993-95: Study Abroad Program Committee, Faculty Involvement Subcommittee Chair

1989-91: Student Publications Board, Inc. (Board of Directors for Daily Iowan newspaper)

1988-89: Center for Advanced Studies Advisory Committee

1986-89: Foreign Student Committee

  1. Profession


external reviewer, P&T, Suny-Stonybrook

reader, James Joyce Quarterly, Joyce Annual

External reviewer for tenure & promotion case at SUNY-Buffalo

External reviewer for promotion to Readership at Anglia Ruskin
2011: External reviewer for P&T at George Mason University of Iowa

External reviewer for “Frontiers of Screen History” project, Univ of Turku


Reviewer for Contemporary Literature

Invited to serve on NEH Literary Theory and Film panel (declined

owing to schedule conflict)

2010: NEH panelist-reviewer for 2010 Teaching Development Fellowship

Competition, NEH Divisions of Research Programs and Education Programs

(panelists pre-recruited on basis of “strong records as humanities

generalist teachers and researchers in specialized fields of study”)

Reviewed book MS for Routledge (fall 2010)

Reviewed articles for Joyce Studies Annual, New Hibernia Review,

2009: Reviewed proposals and articles for: Social Sciences & Research

Council of Canada, James Joyce Quarterly, Joyce Studies Annual, Mosaic,

2008: Reviewed proposals & articles for: Social Sciences & Research

Council of Canada, University of British Columbia Institute for Advanced

Studies, New Hibernia Review, James Joyce Quarterly, James Joyce

Annual, Modern Philology
External review letter for: University College Galway

(chaired professorship) (2008)

Editorial Boards: James Joyce Quarterly, New Hibernia Review,

Joyce Studies Annual, Virtually Ireland, Irish Theatre International
Board of Directors, Women in Modern Irish Culture Project

(multi-pronged initiative: to develop electronic database, run seminars and host conference supported by University of Warwick, Arts and Humanities Research Council UK, Queen’s University Belfast, University of Limerick, University College Dublin, and the Higher Education Authority’s North-South Collaboration Strand), 2005-present

Founding member, Helsinki-Trondheim research network on "Cinema and Emerging

European Nations in the 20th Century,” 2004-present

Editorial advisory board for "Irish Women Writers:  New Critical Editions," Liverpool Univ. Press and Univ. of Chicago Press, 2004-present
Advisory committee on "Women in Public and Cultural Life" for Republic of Ireland's

Higher Education Authority, 2003-2005

Adjudicator, Republic of Ireland / Northern Ireland's "North-South Initiative," 2003
Editorial advisory Board, Irish Literature and Culture Series, University of Wisconsin

Press, 2002-2007

Board of Trustees, International James Joyce Foundation, 1997-2003
Named an “Outstanding International Educator” by UI International Programs, 2003
Co-chair, academic program, XVIth International James Joyce Symposium,

Rome, June 1998

Jury member, Annual Literary Criticism and Related Fields Book Prize, American

Conference for Irish Studies, 1994

External Reviewer for tenure and promotion decisions: Yale University, Indiana

University, State University of New York at Stony Brook, University of Miami,

University of Pennsylvania, Northeast Missouri State University, University of

Illinois, Notre Dame, Baruch College CUNY, Penn State, UC-Santa Cruz,

University College Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, SUNY-Buffalo, Anglia Ruskin


Reader: PQ, PMLA, James Joyce Quarterly, LIT, Stanford University Press,

University of Michigan Press, Princeton University Press, Rutgers University

Press, University of Delaware Press, University of Illinois Press, University of Iowa

Press, University of North Carolina Press, University of Kentucky Press,

University Press of Florida, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, Blackwell’s, Syracuse

University Press, University of Texas Press, Joyce Studies Annual, University

of Texas Press


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