Mrs. Agatone Chapter 21 Index of Images/Assignments
Chapter 21 Index of Images
Humanism and the Allure of Antiquity:
15th Century Italian Art
Figure #
Renaissance Florence.
FILIPPO BRUNELLESCHI, Sacrifice of Isaac, competition panel for east doors, baptistery of Florence Cathedral, Florence, Italy, 1401-1402. Gilded bronze relief, 1' 9" x 1' 5". Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence.
21-01 Detail
principal detail
photo: © 2005 Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd.
LORENZO GHIBERTI, Sacrifice of Isaac, competition panel for east doors, baptistery of Florence Cathedral, Florence, Italy, 1401-1402. Gilded bronze relief, 1' 9" x 1' 5". Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence.
21-02 Detail
Center detail
photo: © 2005 Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd.
DONATELLO, Feast of Herod, from the baptismal font of Siena Cathedral, Siena, Italy, ca. 1425. Gilded bronze relief, approx. 1' 11" x 1' 11".
LORENZO GHIBERTI, east doors (“Gates of Paradise"), baptistery, Florence Cathedral, Florence, Italy, 1425-1452. Gilded bronze relief, approx. 17' high. Modern copy, ca. 1980. Original panels in Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Florence.
LORENZO GHIBERTI, Isaac and His Sons (detail of FIG. 21-4), east doors, baptistery, Florence Cathedral, Florence, Italy, 1425-1452. Gilded bronze relief, approx. 2' 7 1/2" x 2' 7 1/2". Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Florence.
NANNI DI BANCO, Four Crowned Saints, Or San Michele, Florence, Italy, ca. 1408-1414. Marble, figures approx. life-size. Modern copy in exterior niche. Original sculpture in museum on second floor of Or San Michele.
DONATELLO, Saint Mark, Or San Michele, Florence, Italy, 1411-1413. Marble, approx. 7' 9" high. Modern copy in exterior niche. Original sculpture in museum on second floor of Or San Michele.
DONATELLO, prophet figure, Habbakuk (Zuccone), from the campanile of Florence Cathedral, Florence, Italy, 1423-1425. Marble, approx. 6' 5" high. Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Florence.
21-08 Alt View
Front center
photo: © 2005 Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd.
GENTILE DA FABRIANO, Adoration of the Magi, altarpiece from Santa Trinità, Florence, Italy, 1423. Tempera on wood, approx. 9' 11" x 9' 3". Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence.
MASACCIO, Tribute Money, Brancacci Chapel, Santa Maria del Carmine, Florence, Italy, ca. 1427. Fresco, 8' 1" x 19' 7".
MASACCIO, Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Eden, Brancacci Chapel, Santa Maria del Carmine, Florence, Italy, ca. 1425. Fresco, 7' x 2' 11".
MASACCIO, Holy Trinity, Santa Maria Novella, Florence, Italy, ca. 1428. Fresco, 21' x 10' 5".
FILIPPO BRUNELLESCHI, dome of Florence Cathedral (view from the south), Florence, Italy, 1420-1436.
Cutaway view of dome of Florence Cathedral (after P. Sanpaolesi).
FILIPPO BRUNELLESCHI, interior of Santo Spirito (view facing northeast), Florence, Italy, begun ca. 1436.
21-15 Alt View
Interior view of nave and choir. view E
photo: © 2005 Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd.
FILIPPO BRUNELLESCHI, early plan of Santo Spirito (left) and plan as constructed (right), Florence, Italy.
FILIPPO BRUNELLESCHI, facade of the Pazzi Chapel, Santa Croce, Florence, Italy, begun ca. 1440.
21-17 Alt View
Overall view of facade from entrance (1960s)
photo: © 2005 Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd.
FILIPPO BRUNELLESCHI, plan of the Pazzi Chapel, Santa Croce, Florence, Italy.
FILIPPO BRUNELLESCHI, interior of the Pazzi Chapel (view facing northeast), Santa Croce, Florence, Italy, begun ca. 1440.
MICHELOZZO DI BARTOLOMMEO, facade of the Palazzo Medici-Riccardi, Florence, Italy, begun 1445.
21-20 Alt View
Overall view on Via Cavour
photo: © 2005 Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd.
MICHELOZZO DI BARTOLOMMEO, interior court of the Palazzo Medici-Riccardi, Florence, Italy, begun 1445.
21-21 Detail
detail of arches in the cortile (medallions by Bertoldo)
photo: © 2005 Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd.
PAOLO UCCELLO, Battle of San Romano, ca. 1455. Tempera on wood, approx. 6' x 10' 5". National Gallery, London.
DONATELLO, David, late 1420s - late 1450s. Bronze, 5' 2 1/4" high. Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence.
ANDREA DEL VERROCCHIO, David, ca. 1465-1470. Bronze, approx. 4' 1 1/2" high. Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence.
21-24 Alt View
Rear center
photo: © 2005 Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd.
ANTONIO POLLAIUOLO, Hercules and Antaeus, ca. 1475. Bronze, approx. 1' 6" high with base. Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence.
ANTONIO POLLAIUOLO, Battle of the Ten Nudes, ca. 1465. Engraving, approx. 1 3" x 1' 11". Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (bequest of Joseph Pulitzer, 1917).
SANDRO BOTTICELLI, Birth of Venus, ca. 1482. Tempera on canvas, approx. 5' 8" x 9' 1". Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence.
SANDRO BOTTICELLI, Portrait of a Youth, early 1480s. Tempera on panel, 1' 4" x 1'. National Gallery of Art, Washington (Andrew W. Mellon Collection).
DONATELLO, Gattamelata (equestrian statue of Erasmo da Narni), Piazza del Santo, Padua, Italy, ca. 1445-1450. Bronze, approx. 11' x 13'.
ANDREA DEL VERROCCHIO, Bartolommeo Colleoni (equestrian statue), Campo dei Santi Giovanni e Paolo, Venice, Italy, ca. 1483-1488. Bronze, approx. 13' high.
21-30 Alt View
View of equestrian monument from front right
photo: © 2005 Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd.
DOMENICO GHIRLANDAIO, Giovanna Tornabuoni(?), 1488. Oil and tempera on wood, approx. 2' 6" x 1' 8". Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection, Madrid, Spain.
DOMENICO GHIRLANDAIO, Birth of the Virgin, Cappella Maggiore, Santa Maria Novella, Florence, Italy, 1485-1490. Fresco.
LEON BATTISTA ALBERTI, Palazzo Rucellai, Florence, Italy, ca. 1452-1470.
21-33 Alt View
General view of facade on Via della Cigna Nuova
photo: © 2005 Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd.
LEON BATTISTA ALBERTI, west facade of Santa Maria Novella, Florence, Italy, ca. 1458-1470.
LEON BATTISTA ALBERTI, diagrams of west facade, Santa Maria Novella, Florence, Italy.
FRA ANGELICO, Annunciation, San Marco, Florence, Italy, ca. 1440-1445. Fresco, 7' 1" x 10' 6".
ANDREA DEL CASTAGNO, Last Supper, the Refectory, monastery of Sant'Apollonia, Florence, Italy, 1447. Fresco, approx. 15' x 32'.
FRA FILIPPO LIPPI, Madonna and Child with Angels, ca. 1455. Tempera on wood, approx. 3' x 2' 1". Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence.
LUCA DELLA ROBBIA, Madonna and Child, Or San Michele, Florence, Italy, ca. 1455-1460. Terracotta with polychrome glaze, diameter approx. 6'.
PERUGINO, Christ Delivering the Keys of the Kingdom to Saint Peter, Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome, Italy, 1481-1483. Fresco, 11' 5 1/2" x 18' 8 1/2".
LEON BATTISTA ALBERTI, west facade of Sant'Andrea, Mantua, Italy, designed ca. 1470.
21-41 Alt View
Overall view of facade
photo: © 2005 Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd.
LEON BATTISTA ALBERTI, plan of Sant'Andrea, Mantua, Italy, designed ca. 1470.
LEON BATTISTA ALBERTI, interior of Sant'Andrea, Mantua, Italy, designed ca. 1470.
Arch of Augustus, Rimini, Italy, 27 BCE.
photo: © 2005 Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd.
21-44 Alt View
Total view from NW
photo: © 2005 Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd.
Andrea Mantegna, interior of the Camera degli Sposi (Room of the Newlyweds), Palazzo Ducale,Mantua, Italy, 1474. Fresco.
Andrea Mantegna, ceiling of the Camera degli Sposi (Room of the Newlyweds), Palazzo Ducale,Mantua, Italy, 1474. Fresco, 8' 9" in diameter.
ANDREA MANTEGNA, Saint James Led to Martyrdom, Ovetari Chapel, Church of the Eremitani (largely destroyed, l944), Padua, Italy, ca. 1455. Fresco, 10' 9" wide.
ANDREA MANTEGNA, Dead Christ, ca. 1501. Tempera on canvas, 2' 2 3/4" x 2' 7 7/8". Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan.
21-48 Detail
Principle detail
photo: © 2005 Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd.
PIERO DELLA FRANCESCA, Finding of the True Cross and Proving of the True Cross, San Francesco, Arezzo, Italy, ca. 1455. Fresco, 11' 8 3/8" x 6' 4".
PIERO DELLA FRANCESCA, Enthroned Madonna and Saints Adored by Federico da Montefeltro (Brera Altarpiece), ca. 1472-1474. Oil on panel, 8' 2" x 5' 7". Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan.
LUCA SIGNORELLI, Damned Cast into Hell, San Brizio Chapel, Orvieto Cathedral, Orvieto, Italy, 1499-1504. Fresco, approx. 23' wide.
Directory: cms -> lib9 -> PA01000218 -> Centricity -> Domain -> 298298 -> Chapter 19 Index of Images From Gothic to Renaissance: 14th Century Italian Artlib9 -> Unit 1: Industrialization, Immigration & The Progressive Movementlib9 -> Rules for Determining Significant Figures are criticalDomain -> Chapter 29: The Cold War Era and the Emergence of a New EuropeDomain -> Chapter 16: The Transatlantic Economy, Trade Wars, and Colonial Rebellions Outlinelib9 -> Name Adapted from the History Channel (History com) d-day Introduction298 -> Assignments: By Thursday, November 15th, read pages 381-393 in text, Gardner’s Art Through the Ages, 12th Edition By Friday, November 16th, read pages 394-406 in text, Gardner’s Art through the Ages, 12th Edition Open Book Quiz on Chapters 13/14 on
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