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AP Psychology_Consciousness Studies

Global Consciousness ProjecT:


Great Debate on Consciousness

Debates: Consciousness Symposium from Australia

General Studies

Journals and Articles


Gale Opposing Viewpoints

Academic Research Premiere

General Studies

  1. Correlation [ ] - Examines the relationships between variables in psychological studies. Includes an exercise in which students determine the correlation between two variables and offer possible explanations.

  2. Epsych: Journeys in Mind [ ] - Teaches about psychological processes and the nature of thinking via interactive demonstrations, experiments, and video clips.

  3. Extrasensory Perception [ ] - Provides synopsis of psychological research from a professor of psychology. Includes whether it really exists, claims of ESP, perception versus pretention, and experiment results.

  4. Frontline: What Jennifer Saw [ ] - Interview with Elizabeth Loftus, a forensic psychologist. Includes what happens to memory in a traumatic event, how juries are affected by eyewitness testimony, and why expert testimony is used in trials.

  5. General Psychology [ ] - Collection of articles for use in an introductory college course. Topics include neuropsychology, sensation and perception, learning and memory, emotion, language, personality, and psychological disorders.

  6. Mind Survey [ ] - Explores personal perceptions of the mental ability of various types of minds. Surveys include harm, punishment, soul, liking, destruction, and happiness.

  7. Cognition Lab Tutorials [ ] - Five games teach about cognitive psychology. Includes recognition, mnemonics, recall, interference, and short-term memory.

  8. Visual Cognition Lab [ ] - Presents several videos used in cognition studies and the results of the studies. Includes change blindness and inattention blindness examples.

Consciousness Studies, Journals and Articles

  1. Journal of Consciousness Studies - An interdisciplinary journal of consciousness studies publishing work in the sciences and humanities.

  2. Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness - The ASSC promotes research within cognitive science, neuroscience, philosophy, and other relevant disciplines in the sciences and humanities, directed toward understanding the nature, function, and underlying mechanisms of consciousness.

  3. Auditory Binding Experiment - Explores a phenomenon of mind-brain interaction which happens during the transition of awakening from sleep into awareness.

  4. Brain Science - Studies of consciousness, intelligence and autism. From neuroscientist Rodney Cotterill.

  5. Center for Consciousness Studies - The academic institution of the University of Arizona that facilitates interdisciplinary research on consciousness and hosts the Towards a Science of Consciousness conference.

  6. Center for the Explanation of Consciousness, Stanford University - The CEC is devoted to studying materialistic explanations of consciousness. The Center hosts talks and symposia from a variety of viewpoints exploring the nature of conscious experience.

  7. Center of Scientific Divulgation about Consciousness (CSDC) - Analyses the inconsistencies of the materialistic view of man and mind on the basis of the present scientific knowledge about brain and matter.

  8. Charles T. Tart Home Page and Consciousness Library Online - Dr. Tart has been well known for many years as a leading researcher on consciousness, particularly altered states, as well as on parapsychology and transpersonal psychology.

  9. Christof Koch's Real Home Page - A leading researcher into the neuroscience of consciousness. Includes personal information and links to online versions of some of his technical and less technical publications.

  10. Cognitive Philosophy - Exploring Mental Landscapes—musings at the intersection of cognitive science and philosophy.

  11. ConsScale: A Machine Consciousness Scale - A framework for characterizing the cognitive development of entities.

  12. Conscious Entities - Concise illustrated descriptions and discussions of leading philosophical theories of consciousness, and well known thought experiments, and the issues they raise.

  13. Conscious Experience, Existence and Behaviour - Essay by A. Randrup subtitled "Significance of Consciousness in Human Life".

  14. Consciousness Research Laboratory - Describes the scientific study of the role of Consciousness in the physical world.

  15. Consciousness and Cognition - A scientific journal publishing empirical research on consciousness.

  16. Consciousness and Experiential Psychology - Section of the British Psychological Society. Information on the Section, its aims and activities, including its journal "Consciousness and Experiential Psychology".

  17. Consciousness and Microtubules - A critical discussion of philosophy and science,and the scientized philosophy of consciousness, with special reference to materialism and David Papineau.

  18. Consciousness and Neuroscience - Paper by Nobel laureate Francis Crick and neuroscientist Cristof Koch.

  19. Consciousness and Personality - Insight into the science of consciousness from many perspectives: physics, science, mind-body medicine, psychology, spirituality and religion, and near-death experiences.

  20. Consciousness and Psychophysics - By E.G.J. Eijkman, Dutch Medical Physicist. Main content is an essay on "Universal Consciousness".

  21. Consciousness as an Active Force - Amy Lansky, a researcher in artificial intelligence, argues against a purely neurophysiological explanation of consciousness.

  22. Consciousness, Brain and the Physical World - Seminal 1990 article by Max Velmans.

  23. Consciousness, Literature and the Arts - The refereed journal provides a forum for new work relating the arts and literature to the exploration of consciousness currently flourishing in many disciplines such as philosophy, cognitive science, psychology, neuroscience, computer science, and physics.

  24. Consciousness: The Detector Approach - Understanding the Hard Problem - How Consciousness can fit into our Natural Orders. By Jan Holmgren.

  25. Development of Western Consciousness - Some ideas about how consciousness has changed since pre-history up until the present day, and how it will continue to change.

  26. Does Consciousness Exist in Animals? - Short comment on a paper by Bob Bermond "The Myth of Animal Suffering" by Titus Rivas M.A. Stresses behavioral rather than neuro-anatomical indicators of consciousness in non-human animals.

  27. Doorways in Consciousness - Cultures around the globe embrace sound in healing, creation, and exploring consciousness. This essay connects creativity with healing, thus recreating health in the body.

  28. Dressler Consciousness - Short online book by Johannes Dressler.

  29. Dynamic Consciousness and the Reality of Free Will - Concepts of existence, consciousness and awareness as well as a solution to the problem of free will.

  30. EmergentMind, Mapping the Frontiers of Consciousness - Key papers, discussions and research leads focusing on holographic models of mind and mind-body interactions.

  31. Explorations in Mind, Being and Reality - Being, mind, consciousness... this is the main focus of this multi-faceted site. The site houses essays in which approach is analytical, imaginative and experiential.

  32. Gaia Mind - Home page of an organization which supports research into the global nature of Consciousness.

  33. Geraint Rees Home Page - The neuroscience of consciousness. Many published articles by Dr. Rees are made available here.

  34. Honderich on Consciousness as Existence - First of the philosopher Ted Honderich's papers on the idea that perceptual consciousness is a kind of existence of things or a world.

  35. INACS Institute for Neuroscience And Consciousness Studies - Organization researching such areas as mind/brain/machine interface, anomalous consciousness, and lucid dreaming.

  36. Intuition - Its Powers and Perils - An introduction to the powers and perils of intuition, plus related essays and links to leading researchers.

  37. JCS-Online -- Digest of the Key Debates - Home page of moderated email forum devoted to discussion of articles in the Journal of Consciousness Studies. With a digest of some of the most interesting past debates.

  38. Journal of Mind and Behavior - An established psychology print journal that frequently publishes articles on consciousness.

  39. Julian Jaynes Society - Society for the discussion of Jaynes' bicameral mind theory of consciousness. Includes bibliography (with some abstracts and full-text articles), members-only area, and online application form.

  40. Knowledge, Possibility, and Consciousness - Brie Gertler reviews this book by John Perry. From Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.

  41. Making Robots Conscious of their Mental States - Article by Artificial Intelligence pioneer John McCarthy (dated 19-Jul-1999).

  42. Max Velmans on Consciousness - Gives access to publications by this well known (non-dualist and non-reductionist) consciousness researcher and psychologist. Many of his papers are available online here, plus abstracts of others and blurbs of his 3 books on the subject with links to reviews.

  43. Metaphors of the Mind - Dr. Sam Vaknin considers the appropriateness of metaphors, particularly the computer metaphor, used to describe the brain.

  44. Metaphysics by Default - Combines concepts from philosophy and science to describe a hypothetical framework for considering transmigration of consciousness.

  45. Metasubjective Cognition Beyond the Brain - Essay by Titus Rivas subtitled "Subjective awareness and the location of concepts of consciousness".

  46. Mind, Consciousness, and Language - The relationships between mind, consciousness, and language. Webmaster Giorgio Marchetti aims to provide users the opportunity to present their researches in these fields, and to inform about activities and researches carried out worldwide.

  47. MindWarp - The MindWarp deals with various technologies for the alteration of consciousness - chemical, electronic, and rhythmic.

  48. Mystery of the Soul - Presents a practical approach to the mystery of consciousness.

  49. New York University Research Seminar on Consciousness. - Prepared for a seminar conducted by Ned Block and Thomas Nagel, this page provides links to papers by a distinguished roster of contemporary philosophers.

  50. On Minds' Localization . - Essya suggestin that observers are put in operative connection or disconnection with the surrounding occurrences by the physiologically modulated motion of unidentified microphysical particles.

  51. On the Possibility of Laws That Govern the Nature of Consciousness - Perceptual information and consciousness studies.

  52. Presence - The book - Offering excerpts from a book that tries to define existence through experimental exploration of the functioning of consciousness.

  53. Quantum Resonance Theory - A grand unified theory of consciousness, based on mysticism (primarily Kabbalah) and quantum theory.

  54. Science of Consciousness - A theory of the conscious mind, by Norman Stubbs.

  55. Some Concepts of Consciousness - Consciousness as a mongrel concept by Ned Block.

  56. Studies on Consciousness - Study of consciousness, mind and cognition. Contains regular reviews, essays and a bibliography on the subject.

  57. The Cerebral Code - Thinking a thought in the mosaics of the mind.

  58. The Light Millennium - Articles on the relationship of light to the phenomenon of consciousness.

  59. The Mind of Consciousness - An experiential textbook exposing the interconnectivity and functioning of consciousness and mind. The book unfolds a new way to evaluate your existence, written in everyday language, allowing easily assimilation of its direction.

  60. The Neurohacker Quarterly - An open-access magazine in the vein of 2600 publishing methodology and experimentation in neurohacking. Topics include wetware hacking, psychoactive research chemicals, and basic neuroscience and medicine.

  61. The Penrose-Hameroff Model of Consciousness - Information and scholarly publications on theories concerning neuronal microtubules as the microsites of consciousness through quantum effects.

  62. The Question of Animal Awareness - Paper about animal consciousness, by Esteban Rivas and Titus Rivas, in science and the human-animal Relationship, 1993.

  63. The Society for the Anthropology of Consciousness - The official website of the Society for the Anthropology of Consciousness, a division of the American Anthropology Association, which convenes academic meetings and publishes scholarly journals.

  64. The Unified Theory of the Nervous System and Behavior - New theory that takes the mathematical concept of nerve cell interactions as being a form of mathematics that links neural activity to psychology.

  65. Theories of Consciousness - Essays on consciousness, as defined by Philip Dorrell: "A system for deciding whether or not to do the thing that you were going to do next". Also, why Roger Penrose is wrong.

  66. Unified Reality Theory - Steven Kaufman attempts to demonstrate that the source of reality is a universal consciousness, that we are in no way separable from that source, and so in no way truly separable from each other or any other aspect of reality.

  67. University of Philosophical Research - Based in Los Angeles, and offering a master's degree in consciousness studies with "a curriculum that integrates the Ancient Wisdom traditions with the latest findings in Science and Psychology".

  68. View from the Stranger's Gallery - An oratorio attempting to render in music the internal and external influences that inform one's experience of consciousness, and which traces the current debate in cognitive science in a post-dualist world.

  69. Virtual Reality: Consciousness Really Explained - A radical scientific and evolutionary hypothesis about the origin of mind. By Jerome Iglowitz.

  70. Wasiwaska - Center for studies of the traditional Amazonian hallucinogen ayahuasca, and its effects on consciousness. Includes information about the center, its seminars and presenters, and "ethenogenic" drugs in general. Located in Florianópolis, Brazil.

  71. What Can the Paranormal Teach Us About Consciousness? - Susan Blackmore argues that the study of the paranormal (even if it exists, which she doubts) is not very relevant to consciousness research. Many or even most alleged paranormal phenomena seem to work unconsciously.

  72. Why the efficacy of consciousness cannot be limited to the mind - Titus Rivas' essay argues that consciousness must ultimately have an impact on the physical world.

  73. eGroups: consciousness - A moderated, interdisciplinary forum for academic consciousness researchers, including philosophers, psychologists, and neuroscientists.

JSTOR Articles

  1. The Problem of Consciousness in Its Biological Aspects, Charles Sedgwick Minot, Science, New Series, Vol. 16, No. 392 (Jul. 4, 1902), pp. 1-12.

  2. The Nature of Consciousness. I, C. A. Strong, The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods, Vol. 9, No. 20 (Sep. 26, 1912), pp. 533-544.

  3. On "Psychology as the Behaviorist Views It", E. B. Titchener, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. 53, No. 213 (Jan. - May, 1914), pp. 1-17.

  4. Local Environmental Conflicts and the Change in Environmental Consciousness, Pertti Rannikko, Acta Sociologica, Vol. 39, No. 1, Sociology and the Environment (1996), pp. 57-72.

  5. Crowd Psychology and the Theory of Democratic Elitism: The Contribution of William McDougall, John Allett, Political Psychology, Vol. 17, No. 2 (Jun., 1996), pp. 213-227.

  6. Concerning Alleged Immediate Knowledge of Mind, John Dewey, The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods, Vol. 15, No. 2 (Jan. 17, 1918), pp. 29-35.

  7. The Uses and Usefulness of Psychology, Mitchell G. Ash, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 600, The Use and Usefulness of the Social Sciences: Achievements, Disappointments, and Promise (Jul., 2005), pp. 99-114.

  8. The Theory Debate in Psychology, José E. Burgos, Behavior and Philosophy, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 149-183.

  9. Motivation for Collective Action: Group Consciousness as Mediator of Personality, Life Experiences, and Women's Rights Activism, Lauren E. Duncan, Political Psychology, Vol. 20, No. 3 (Sep., 1999), pp. 611-635.

  10. Conscious and Subliminal Conflicts in Normal Subjects and Patients with Schizophrenia: The Role of the Anterior Cingulate, Stanislas Dehaene, Eric Artiges, Lionel Naccache, Catherine Martelli, Armelle Viard, Franck Schürhoff, Christophe Recasens, Marie Laure Paillère Martinot, Marion Leboyer, Jean-Luc Martinot, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 100, No. 23 (Nov. 11, 2003), pp. 13722-13727.

  11. Behaviorism for New Psychology: What Was Wrong with Behaviorism and What Is Wrong with It Now, Peter Harzem, Behavior and Philosophy, Vol. 32, No. 1, The Study of Behavior: Philosophical, Theoretical, and Methodological Challenges (2004), pp. 5-12.

  12. Picturing the Soul: Moral Psychology and the Recovery of the Emotions, Maria Antonaccio, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, Vol. 4, No. 2, Cultivating Emotions (Jun., 2001), pp. 127-141.

  13. Attention, Self-Regulation and Consciousness, Michael I. Posner, Mary K. Rothbart, Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences, Vol. 353, No. 1377, The Conscious Brain: Abnormal and Normal (Nov. 29, 1998), pp. 1915-1927.

  14. Negative Illusions: Conceptual Clarification and Psychological Evidence concerning False Consciousness

, John T. Jost, Political Psychology, Vol. 16, No. 2 (Jun., 1995), pp. 397-424.

  1. Investigating the Biology of Consciousness, Antonio R. Damasio, Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences, Vol. 353, No. 1377, The Conscious Brain: Abnormal and Normal (Nov. 29, 1998), pp. 1879-1882.

  2. Are Current Philosophical Theories of Consciousness Useful to Neuroscientists?, Philip R. Sullivan, Behavior and Philosophy, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 59-70.

  3. Age-Grade Consciousness, John W. C. Johnstone, Sociology of Education, Vol. 43, No. 1 (Winter, 1970), pp. 56-68.

GALE Opposing Viewpoints Articles

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  1. "Aggression and survival." Science 305.5686 (2004): 921. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 11 Jan. 2012.|A121417072.

  1. Downes, Stephen M. "Consciousness at Center Stage." American Scientist 89.6 (2001): 560. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 11 Jan. 2012.|A79350824.

  1. Holmes, Mark D., and Don M. Tucker. "Fractures and bindings of consciousness: observing how awareness breaks down in epileptic seizures provides clues to its normal workings in the brain." American Scientist 99.1 (2011): 32+. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 11 Jan. 2012.|A259079763&catId=.

  1. Haggard, Patrick, and Sukhvinder S. Obhi. "Free will and free won't: motor activity in the brain precedes our awareness of the intention to move, so how is it that we perceive control?" American Scientist 92.4 (2004): 358+. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 11 Jan. 2012.|A122581617&catId=.

  1. Barlow, Connie. "The way of science." The Humanist Mar.-Apr. 1998: 17+. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 11 Jan. 2012.|A20430859.

  1. Chapman, Steve. "Attitudes shifting on marijuana." Hill 24 Oct. 2011: 34. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 11 Jan. 2012.|A272518858&catId=.

Academic Search Premiere

  1. Azeri, S. (2011). Consciousness as Objective Activity: A Historical-Genetic Approach. Science & Society, 75(1), 8.

  2. Tucker, D. D. (2011). Fractures and Bindings of Consciousness. American Scientist, 99(1), 32.

  3. Loy, D. (2008). Consciousness Commodified: The Attention-Deficit Society. Tikkun, 23(4), 51.

  4. Bowman, J. (2011). Madness & the media mind. New Criterion, 29(6), 63.

  5. WEINTRAUB, P. (2010). of Two Minds. Discover, 31(10), 64.

  6. BIER, M. (2010). Quantum Consciousness and Other Spooky Myths. Skeptic, 16(1), 40.

  7. Heffern, R. (2008). Consciousness Science's biggest mystery. (cover story). National Catholic Reporter, 44(12), 7.

  8. Schönfeld, M. (2006). Animal Consciousness: Paradigm Change in the Life Sciences. Perspectives On Science, 14(3), 354.

  9. Steiger, B. (2006). MYSTICAL SOCIETIES AND ALTERED STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS. Conspiracies & Secret Societies, 310.

  10. Miller, M. (2008). Sad Brain, Happy Brain. Newsweek, 152(12), 50.


  12. Tolson, J. (2006). Is There Room for the Soul? (cover story). U.S. News & World Report, 141(15), 56.

  13. Bellah, R. N. (1974). New Religious Consciousness. New Republic, 171(21), 33.

  14. What is Consciousness?. (2004). Monkeyshines on Health & Science, 18.

  15. Lutzger, D. (2003). [The Mind's Eye]. Psychology Today, 36(5), 10.

  16. Kaernbach, C. (2008). Attribution of Mind: A psychologist's contribution to the consciousness debate. Journal Of Consciousness Studies, 15(4), 66-82.

  17. Lynn, S., Fassler, O., & Knox, J. (2005). HYPNOSIS AND THE ALTERED STATE DEBATE: SOMETHING MORE OR NOTHING MORE?. Contemporary Hypnosis (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.), 22(1), 39-45.

  18. Lacewing, M. (2007). Do Unconscious Emotions Involve Unconscious Feelings?. Philosophical Psychology, 20(1), 81-104.

  19. Stins, J. F. (2009). Establishing consciousness in non-communicative patients: A modern-day version of the Turing test. Consciousness & Cognition, 18(1), 187-192. doi:10.1016/j.concog.2007.12.005.

  20. Sturm, T., & Wunderlich, F. (2010). Kant and the scientific study of consciousness. History Of The Human Sciences, 23(3), 48-71. doi:10.1177/0952695110363355

  21. McGeer, V. (2003). THE TROUBLE WITH MARY. Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, 84(4), 384-393.

  22. Frogel, S. (2010). The Soul: An Existentialist Point of View. Human Studies, 33(2/3), 191-204. doi:10.1007/s10746-010-9163-8

  23. Hunt, H. T. (2009). A Cognitive-Developmental Theory of Human Consciousness. Journal Of Consciousness Studies, 16(9), 27-54.

  24. Wagstaff, G., & Cole, J. (2005). LEVELS OF EXPLANATION AND THE CONCEPT OF A HYPNOTIC STATE. Contemporary Hypnosis (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.), 22(1), 14-17.

  25. Bateson, P. (2011). Ethical Debates About Animal Suffering and the Use of Animals in Research. Journal Of Consciousness Studies, 18(9/10), 186-208.

  26. Ritvo, H. (2000). Animal Consciousness: Some Historical Perspective. American Zoologist, 40(6), 847.

  27. Lau, H., & Rosenthal, D. (2011). Empirical support for higher-order theories of conscious awareness. Trends In Cognitive Sciences, 15(8), 365-373. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2011.05.009

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