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Artificial Intelligence

Online Sources

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Moore’s Law Advances in Computing

  1. Singularity-related research links, from Ray Kurzweil, author of The Singularity is Near:

  2. Moore's Law – Raising the Bar

  3. Intel press kit released for Moore's Law's 40th anniversary, with a 1965 sketch by Moore

  4. The Lives and Death of Moore's Law – By Ilkka Tuomi; a detailed study on Moore's Law and its historical evolution and its criticism by Kurzweil.

  5. Moore says nanoelectronics face tough challenges – By Michael Kanellos, CNET, 9 March 2005

  6. It's Moore's Law, But Another Had The Idea First by John Markoff

  7. Gordon Moore reflects on his eponymous law Interview with W. Wayt Gibbs in Scientific American

  8. Law that has driven digital life: The Impact of Moore's Law – A comprehensive BBC News article, 18 April 2005

  9. IBM Research Demonstrates Path for Extending Current Chip-Making Technique – Press release from IBM on new technique for creating line patterns, 20 February 2006

  10. Understanding Moore's Law By Jon Hannibal Stokes 20 February 2003

  11. The Technical Impact of Moore's Law IEEE solid-state circuits society newsletter; September 2006

  12. MIT Technology Review article: Novel Chip Architecture Could Extend Moore's Law

  13. Moore's Law seen extended in chip breakthrough

  14. Intel Says Chips Will Run Faster, Using Less Power

  15. No Technology has been more disruptive... Slide show of microchip growth

  16. Online talk Moore's Law Forever? by Dr. Lundstrom

Ray Kurzweil

  1. - News, analysis, and essays on emerging trends in many technologies: AI, nanotechnology, genetic engineering, life extension, related areas.

  2. Fantastic Voyage: Live Long Enough to Live Forever - By Raymond Kurzweil, Terry Grossman, M.D.; Rodale Books, 2004, ISBN 1579549543. Book site, with descriptions, excerpts, resources, health research and news, press reviews, biography.

  3. Kurzweil Technologies, Inc. - Research, development and marketing firm. Technologies: pattern recognition, artificial intelligence, evolutionary algorithms, signal processing, simulating natural processes, related.

  4. National Inventors Hall of Fame Inventor Profile - Brief biographic highlights, inducted 2002. [Invent Now]

  5. Ray & Terry's Longevity Products - Firm sells nutrient supplements (vitamins, minerals, herbs) for longevity program documented in Ray Kurzweil, Terry Grossman book: Fantastic Voyage.

  6. Raymond Kurzweil - Growing biography, with links to many related topics. [Wikipedia]

  7. Singularity is Near - By Raymond Kurzweil; Viking Press, 2005, ISBN 0670033847. Book site, with descriptions, excerpts, resources, news, press reviews, biography.

  8. Winners' Circle: Raymond Kurzweil - Biographic announcement of 2001 Lemelson-MIT Prize. [MIT]

  9. The Smartest (or the Nuttiest) Futurist on Earth - Article on Kurzweil and his forcasts: in a few decades we'll have cell-sized, brain-enhancing robots in our bloodstreams, and be able to upload a person's consciousness into a computer. Fortune. (May 14, 2007)

  10. Artificial Intelligence - Inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil was online to answer questions on the Singularity theory: an era where humans and technology converge. Needs free registration. (June 19, 2006)

  11. Ray Kurzweil: Life in the Future - Will new technologies fundamentally change what it means to be human? Inventor and author discusses technology change and effects on everything from health to artificial intelligence. Audio file. [NPR] (December 23, 2005)

  12. Ray Kurzweil - Substantial interview on The Singularity is Near, with informative graphs. [InstaPundit] (September 02, 2005)

  13. The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence - By Ray Kurzweil; Penguin, 2000, ISBN 0140282025. Description, and comments by technology celebrities. (January 01, 2000)


  1. Accelerating Future - Website with articles and forum. Topics include accelerating change, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, intelligence enhancement, the Singularity, and existential risks.

  2. Critical Discussion of Vinge's Singularity Concept - Thirteen participants write essays on the Singularity; Vernor Vinge responds to each. Edited by Robin Hanson.

  3. Ethical Issues In Advanced Artificial Intelligence - Oxford philosopher Nick Bostrom's analysis and policy recommendations for the construction of advanced artificial intelligences with self-improving superhuman intelligence (the Singularity).

  4. How Long Before Superintelligence? - Nick Bostrom's scholarly analysis of the hardware and software required for superintelligence, and when it is likely to arrive.

  5. Long-Term Growth as a Sequence of Exponential Modes - Trend analysis: Fits the history of economic growth from 2 million B.C. to today as a sequence of growth modes, and suggests that in the next century a new mode may appear where the economy doubles every month or two.

  6. Nanotechnology Now - Singularity - A brief article with numerous links.

  7. Shock Level 4 Mailing List - Information on the Singularity, superintelligence, Powers, Jupiter Brains, Alpha-Point cosmologies, posthumanity, Apotheosis et al. "The four virtues of an SL4 post are Intelligence, Fun, Importance, and Future Shock. (Any post should include at least one.)"

  8. Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence - Nonprofit organization devoted to creating, discussing and coordinating singularity-related efforts, and publish introductory material and research papers on the topic.

  9. Technological Singularity - An article from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

  10. The Singularitarian Principles - Principles that define and describe "Singularitarians", who seek to accelerate the arrival of a safe and benevolent technological Singularity.

  11. Vernor Vinge on the Singularity - The 1993 NASA lecture by Vernor Vinge, inventor of the Singularity concept. "Within thirty years, we will have the technological means to create superhuman intelligence. Shortly after, the human era will be ended."

  12. Yahoo! Groups: technocalypse - Radical singularitarian discussion list for "technologically and socio-politically Enlightened individuals" who want to "become our own god-like, potentially immortal successors".

  13. Singularities and Nightmares: Extremes of Optimism and Pessimism About the Human Future by David Brin

  14. A Critical Discussion of Vinge’s Singularity Concept by Robin Hanson

  15. Is a singularity just around the corner by Robin Hanson

  16. Brief History of Intellectual Discussion of Accelerating Change by John Smart

  17. One Half of a Manifesto by Jaron Lanier—a critique of "cybernetic totalism"

  18. One Half of an Argument—Ray Kurzweil's response to Lanier

  19. A discussion of Kurzweil, Turkel and Lanier by Roger Berkowitz

  20. The Singularity Is Always Near by Kevin Kelly

  21. The Maes-Garreau Point by Kevin Kelly

  22. "The Singularity – A Philosophical Analysis" by David Chalmers

  23. 2045: The Year Man Becomes Immortal, By Lev Grossman,, Feb. 10, 2011.

  24. The Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

  25. The SSEC Machine Intelligence Project

  26. The Artificial General Intelligence Research Institute

Academic Search Premiere Articles

How to open articles. Click on the BLUE link under the citation information for each article. Articles are already in MLA format. Then enter the username and password for the article database

  1. KURZWEIL, RAY. "How Infinite In Faculty." Discover 33.9 (2012): 54-55. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Feb. 2013.

  2. Kurzweil, Ray. "Merging With The Machines: Information Technology, Artificial Intelligence, And The Law Of Exponential Growth." World Future Review 2.2 (2010): 57-61. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Feb. 2013.

  3. Lyons, Daniel. "I, Robot." Newsweek 153.21 (2009): 66-73. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Feb. 2013.

  4. Adler, Robert. "Taking The Measure Of Ray." New Scientist 208.2792/2793 (2010): 03. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Feb. 2013.

  5. Tucker, Patrick. "Ray Kurzweil's Fast And Furious Future." Futurist 40.6 (2006): 56. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Feb. 2013.

  6. Kurzweil, Ray. "Human 2.0. (Cover Story)." New Scientist 187.2518 (2005): 32-37. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Feb. 2013.

  7. Grossman, Lev. "Sin·Gu·Lar·I·Ty. (Cover Story)." Time 177.7 (2011): 42-49. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Feb. 2013.

  8. Grossman, Terry. "Ray Kurzweil's Plan For Cheating Death." Futurist 40.2 (2006): 41. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Feb. 2013.

  9. Kurzweil, Ray. "KURZWEIL'S RULES OF INVENTION." Technology Review May 2004: 46+. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Feb. 2013.

  10. "RAY KURZWEIL ON PROMISE & PERIL. (Cover Story)." PC Magazine 25.13 (2006): 71. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Feb. 2013.

  11. Kurzweil, Ray. "THE COMING MERGING OF MIND AND MACHINE." Scientific American Special Edition 2008: 20+. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Feb. 2013.

  12. Bradley, James T. "Odysseans Of The Twenty-First Century." Zygon: Journal Of Religion & Science 42.4 (2007): 999-1008. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Feb. 2013.

  13. Kurzweil, Ray. "Will My Pc Be Smarter Than I Am?." Time 155.25 (2000): 82. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Feb. 2013.

  14. Dean, Josh. "Future Camp." Popular Science 276.1 (2010): 54-80. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Feb. 2013.

  15. Geraci, Robert M. "The Popular Appeal Of Apocalyptic Ai." Zygon: Journal Of Religion & Science 45.4 (2010): 1003-1020. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Feb. 2013.

  16. "Ray Kurzweil: Merger Of Man And Machines." Design News 62.1 (2007): 76. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Feb. 2013.

  17. Kilbane, Doris. "Ray Kurzweil: Inventor, Futurist, Life Changer." Electronic Design 54.23 (2006): 74. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Feb. 2013.

  18. Cordeiro, Jose. "The Singularity Is Nigh." Engineering & Technology (17509637) 5.1 (2010): 27-29. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Feb. 2013.

  19. Else, Liz. "Interview: Transhumans Wanted." New Scientist 202.2707 (2009): 26-27. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Feb. 2013.

  20. Broks, Paul. "What Is Consciousness?." New Scientist 192.2578 (2006): 56-61. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Feb. 2013.

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