Commission européenne Bruxelles, le 15 juin 2012 calendrier du 18 au 24 juin 2012

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Commission européenne

Bruxelles, le 15 juin 2012

CALENDRIER du 18 au 24 juin 2012

(Susceptible de modifications en cours de semaine)

Activités des Institutions

Déplacements et visites

Lundi 18 juin

Meeting of Agriculture and Fisheries Council (AGRI) (Luxembourg)

Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO attends the G20 Summit (Los Cabos, Mexico, 18-19/6)

Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO (20-21/6), Mr Janez POTOČNIK (15-23/6), Mr Andris PIEBALGS (20-21/6), Ms Connie HEDEGAARD (19-22/6) and Mr Dacian CIOLOŞ (20-23/6) participate in the UN conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) in Rio de Janeiro. Mr Janez POTOČNIK attends also in its preparatory committee (Rio de Janeiro)

Ms Catherine ASHTON leads the negotiations with Iran on behalf of the E3+3 (18-19/6, Moscow)

Ms Viviane REDING in Luxembourg: delivers a speech at the Digital Enlightenment Forum; meets with Mr Christian CHARRIÈRE-BOURNAZEL, President of the French National Council of Bars; meets with Mr Rod BACKSTROM, President and CEO of ICANN

Mr Siim KALLAS delivers keynote speech at the Baltic Development Forum Summit (Copenhagen)

Mr Antonio TAJANI participates in the opening of "Europabook" (Rome)

Mr Maroš ŠEFČOVIČ in Bratislava (18-19/6). On 18/6: Delivers keynote speech at the Europa 2020 conference, delivers a speech on "EU Cohesion policy – an opportunity for smart growth in Slovakia" at the annual conference of the Research and Development Aid Agency (APVV). On 19/6: meets Mr Pavol PAŠKA, Speaker of the National Council of the Slovak Republicand attends a plenary session in the National Council of the Slovak Republic

Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the High-Level Conference on Sahel food crisis “Addressing the emergency, investing in resilience” (Brussels)

Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ms Yoka BRANDT, UNICEF Deputy Executive Director for External Affairs

Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Ms Nancy LINDBORG, USAID’s Assistant Administrator for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance, and Mr Greg GOTTLIEB, USAID’s Deputy Assistant Administrator for Food Security

M. Michel BARNIER participe à la Conférence de la Fondation Ambrosetti "Improving European Integration and Competitiveness for Growth" et prononce un discours "Building the Economic Future of Europe: the Role of the Single Market" (Bruxelles)

Ms Androulla VASSILIOU receives delegation from the European Youth Forum

Ms Androulla VASSILIOU receives delegation from Federation of the European Sporting Goods Industry (FESI)

Mr John DALLI in Luxembourg: meets Mr Jim PAICE, British Minister of Agriculture, meets with the Court of Auditors, meets Mr Mars DI BARTOLOMEO, Luxembourger Minister of Health

Ms Máire GEOGHEGAN-QUINN in Bratislava: meets with Mr Peter JAVORCIK, Slovakian State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; delivers keynote address at the Annual Conference of the Research and Development Aid Agency APVV; meets with Mr Dušan ČAPLOVIČ, Slovakian Minister for Education, Science, Research and Sport; delivers speech at Europe 2020 Conference, Bratislava

Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA meets Baroness Valerie AMOS, United Nation’s Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency relief Coordinator (Brussels)

Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA attends the High-Level Conference on Sahel food crisis “Addressing the emergency, investing in resilience” (Brussels)

Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA receives Ms Yoka BRANDT, UNICEF Deputy Executive Director for External Affairs

Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA receives Ms Nancy LINDBORG, USAID’s Assistant Administrator for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance

Mr Günther OETTINGER receives Mr Brad PAGE, CEO of the Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute (CCS Institute)

Mr Johannes HAHN in Copenhagen: attends and holds speech at the Baltic Forum

Mr Štefan FÜLE meets Mr Marian LUPU, Speaker of the Parliament of Moldova

Mardi 19 juin

Mr Joaquín ALMUNIA presents State aid modernisation at ECON (Economic and Monetary Affairs commission at the European Parliament) (EP, Brussels)

M. Michel BARNIER prononce le discours de clôture à la conférence de la Fédération européenne des intermédiaires d'assurances (BIPAR) au Parlement européen (PE, Bruxelles)

Ms Androulla VASSILIOU gives speech at the meeting of Committee on Culture and Education of the European Parliament (EP, Brussels)

Mr László ANDOR at roundtable on the plant relocations in Europe (EP, Brussels)

Ms Viviane REDING receives Deans of Business School and Corporate Women and Chairs of Europe's Industrial Associations

Mr Siim KALLAS speaks at the opening of the Sustainable Energy Week (Brussels)

Mr Siim KALLAS inaugurates electric charging point in DG MOVE (rue de Mot, Brussels)

Mr Siim KALLAS gives a keynote speech at the working lunch of the German Transport Forum (Brussels)

Mr Siim KALLAS receives a presenation of the report of the High Level Group on cabotage (Brussels)

Ms Neelie KROES delivers speech to 7th Annual Spectrum Conference organised by Forum Europe (Brussels)

Mr Antonio TAJANI delivers the closing speech at the Conference "L'innovation médicale: un atout pour la croissance économique et sociale en Europe?" (Brussels)

Mr Antonio TAJANI receives the High Level Group of Fashion industries

M. Michel BARNIER receives M. Michael C. BODSON, President and CEO of the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation’s (DTCC)

Mr John DALLI attends and holds speech at the EPAAC Open Forum (European Partnership for Action Against Cancer) (Rome)

Ms Máire GEOGHEGAN-QUINN receives Mr Laurent ATTAL, Executive Vice-President for Research at L'Oréal

Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA receives Mr Jakob KELLENBERGER, President of the International Committee of the Red Cross

Mr Günther OETTINGER delivers a speech at the opening of EUSEW (European Union Sustainable Energy Week) (Brussels)

Mr Günther OETTINGER receives Mr Vladimir KAVARIC, Minister of Economy Montenegro

Mr Günther OETTINGER receives Mr Urban RUSNÁK, Secretary General of the Energy Charter Secretariat

Mr Günther OETTINGER hands over award at the EUSEW Awards Ceremony (Brussels)

Mr Štefan FÜLE on official visit to Cyprus (19-20/6)

Mr László ANDOR presents the Employment Package to the social partners (Brussels)

Mercredi 20 juin

Commission meeting

Ms Viviane REDING and Ms Cecilia MALMSTRÖM participate in the EU-U.S. Ministerial meeting on Justice and Home Affairs (Copenhagen)

Mr Siim KALLAS receives Mr Tony TYLER, CEO of the International Air Transport Association (IATA)

Mr Michel BARNIER receives Mr Francis Maude, UK Minister for the Cabinet Office and Paymaster General

Ms Androulla VASSILIOU gives an opening speech at 21st Century Education: Creativity and Innovation in Primary and Secondary STEM Education conference (Brussels)

Ms Androulla VASSILIOU receives Dr Ludwig SPAENLE, Bavarian Minister of Education

Mr Algirdas ŠEMETA receives Ms Fabienne Keller, Senator of Bas-Rhin on FTT/VM

Mr Janusz LEWANDOWSKI à Paris: entretien avec M. Bernard CAZENEUVE, Ministre délégué en charge des Affaires européennes

Ms Maria DAMANAKI receives Mr Gérard ROMILI, President of the French National Committee for Fisheries and Ms Estelle GRELIER, Member of the European Parliament

Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA in Turkey: visit to Kilis refugee camp

Mr Günther OETTINGER receives Mr Matthias PLATZECK, Minister-President of Brandenburg

Mr Günther OETTINGER receives Ms Ursula VON DER LEYEN, German Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs

Mr Günther OETTINGER delivers a keynote speech at the European Energy Service Award Verleihung (Brussels)

Mr Johannes HAHN receives members of the Landtag of the Austrian region of Carinthia

Mr Johannes HAHN and Mr László ANDOR receive Mr Matthias PLATZECK, Minister President of the German Federal Land Brandenburg

Mr László ANDOR receives Ms Ursula VON DER LEYEN, German Labour Minister

László ANDOR delivers a keynote speech at “Second Career Labour Markets for the Elderly" (Brussels)

Mr Dacian CIOLOŞ in Rio on the occasion of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development – Rio+20. Detailed program: On 20/6: meeting of the Ministers for Agriculture present in Rio. On 21/6: meeting with Mr Jorge MENDES RIBEIRO, Brazilian Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Food supply and signing of the MoU on EU-Brazil Dialogue on Agriculture and Rural development; meeting with Ms Katia ABREU, President of the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CAN); with representatives of the Federation of Men and Women Family Farming Workers (FETRAF); speech at the side-event "Agriculture – the way towards sustainability and inclusiveness". On 22/6: plenary of the Conference. On 23/6: opening of the Slow Food Market; visit to a farm.

Jeudi 21 juin

Meeting of Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO) (21-22/6, Luxembourg)

Eurogroup Meeting

Mr Joaquín ALMUNIA delivers the keynote speech at the High level Conference "State Aid in the Banking Market-Legal and Economic Perspectives"(Frankfurt)

Ms Neelie KROES delivers speech and presents awards at Tech All Star Event (London)

Mr Antonio TAJANI participates in the Public Assembly of Confcommercio (Rome)

M. Michel BARNIER participe à la Conférence Publique de Forum Europe "L'Union face aux crises de la mondialisation" (Paris)

Ms Androulla VASSILIOU opens "Mapping Cyprus" contemporary art exhibition (Bozar, Brussels)

Mr Algirdas ŠEMETA receives Stoiber group of Independent Stakeholders on Administrative Burdens

Ms Máire GEOGHEGAN-QUINN delivers keynote address at Research Europe's Conference 'Horizon 2020 and the future of European Research' (Brussels)

Ms Máire GEOGHEGAN-QUINN receives Mr Jan MENGELERS, President of European Association of Research and Technology Organisations, Brussels

Ms Máire GEOGHEGAN-QUINN receives Mr James REILLY, Irish Minister for Health

Ms Máire GEOGHEGAN-QUINN launches Communication Campaign on Women in Science (Brussels)

Ms Maria DAMANAKI meets with Mr Antonis STELIATOS, President of the Hellenic Professional Yacht Owners Association (Athens)

Mr Guenther OETTINGER delivers a keynote speech at the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) conference "Building a 2020 Vision for Europe's energy customers" (Brussels)

Mr Johannes HAHN receives Mr Lucian ISAR, Romanian Minister for Business Environment

Vendredi 22 juin

Meeting of Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) (Luxembourg)

Mr Joaquín ALMUNIA delivers the opening speech at the Annual Chatham House Competition Policy Conference (London)

Mr Siim KALLAS receives Mr Jean-Yves LE DRIAN, French Minister of Defence and Mr Enrico ROSSI, President of the Tuscany Region

Ms Neelie KROES delivers speech at Digital Agenda Assembly (Brussels)

Mr Antonio TAJANI participates in the Seminar "Europa Federale, unica Via d'uscita" (Rome)

Ms Androulla VASSILIOU in Morocco (23-26/6)

Mr Guenther OETTINGER attends the EU-Norway energy dialogue (Brussels)

Mr Johannes HAHN in Vienna: attends the 1st EU Townhall-Meeting and meets Mr Michael SPINDELEGGER, Austrian Foreign Minister

Mr Štefan FÜLE participates in the Inter-Governmental Council EU-Iceland (Brussels)

Mr Štefan FÜLE receives Mr Cristian DIACONESCU, Head of the Romanian Presidential Administration

Ms Cecilia MALMSTRÖM receives the State Board of the FDP Baden-Wurttemberg

Samedi 23 juin

Dimanche 24 juin

Ms Catherine ASHTON travels to Luxembourg to chair the Foreign Affairs Council and to participate at the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) meeting of 25 June

Prévisions du mois de juin 2012

25/6 Meeting of Foreign Affairs Council (FAC)

26/6 Meeting of General Affairs Council (GAC)

28-29/6 Meeting of the European Council

Permanence DG COMM le WE du 16 au 17 juin: Antoine COLOMBANI +32 (0) 460 752 063

Permanence RAPID - GSM: +32 (0) 498 982 748

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