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IEEE P3004.9/D1, January 2010

IEEE P3004.9™/D2
Draft Recommended Practice for Transformer Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems


Technical Books Coordination Committee
of the
IEEE Society


IEEE-SA Standards Board

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This introduction is not part of IEEE P3004.9/D1, Draft Recommended Practice for Transformer Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems.

Equipment subclass

Failure rate

(failures for


Average repair


(hours per failure)


replacement time

(hours per failure)

All liquid filled




Liquid filled

300–10 000 kVA




Liquid filled

>10 000 kVA





300–10 000 kVA




a Small sample size; less than eight failures.

The failure of a transformer can be caused by any of a number of internal or external conditions that make the unit incapable of performing its proper function electrically or mechanically. Transformer failures maymight be grouped by the initiating cause, as follows:

Winding breakdown is, the most frequent cause of transformer failure. Reasons for this type of failure include insulation deterioration or defects in manufacturing, overheating, mechanical stress, vibration, and voltage surges.

Terminal boards and no-load tap changers. Failures are attributed to improper assembly, damage during transportation, excessive vibration, or inadequate design.

Bushing failures. Causes include vandalism, contamination, aging, cracking, and animal damages.

Load-tap-changer failures. Causes include mechanism malfunction, contact problems, insulating liquid contamination, vibration, improper assembly, and excessive stresses within the unit. Load-tap-changing units are normally applied on utility systems rather than on industrial systems.

Miscellaneous failures. Causes include core insulation breakdown, bushing current transformer (CT) failure, liquid leakage due to because of poor welds or tank damage, shipping damage, and foreign materials left within the tank.

Failure of other equipment within the transformer protective device’s zone of protection could cause the loss of the transformer to the system. This type of failure includes any equipment (e.g., cables, bus ducts, switches, instrument transformers, surge arresters, neutral grounding devices) between the next upstream protective device and the next downstream device.

Objectives in transformer protection

Protection is achieved by the proper combiningation of system design, physical layout, and protective devices as required to:

  1. Economically Meet the requirements of the application economically,

  2. Protect the electrical system from the effects of a transformer failure,

  3. Protect the transformer from disturbances occurring on the electrical system to which it is connected,

  4. Protect the transformer as much as possible from incipient malfunction within the transformer itself, and

  5. Protect the transformer from physical conditions in the environment that maymight affect reliable performance.

Types of transformers

Under the broad category of transformers, two types are widely used widely in industrial and commercial power systems: liquid and dry. Liquid transformers are constructed to have the essential elements, the core and coils of the transformer, contained in the liquid-filled enclosure. This liquid serves both as an insulating medium and as a heat-transfer medium. The Dry transformers are constructed withto have the core and coils surrounded by an atmosphere, which maymight be the surrounding air, free to circulate from throughe outside to the inside of the transformer enclosure. The Dry coils maymightcan be conventional (with exposed, insulated conductors) or encapsulated (with the coils completely vacuum -cast in an epoxy resin).

An alternative to the free circulation of outside air through the dry transformer is the a sealed enclosure in which a gas or vapor is contained. In either case, this surrounding medium acts both as a heat-transfer medium and as an insulating medium. It is important, with both liquid and dry transformers, that to monitor the quality and function of the surrounding media be monitored to avoid damage to the core and coil structures. Systems to preserve or protect the medium within the transformer enclosure are presented briefly in section 3.4.

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