67. Papaveraceae (Poppy Family)
620. Papaver dubium L. 1753 Shr.437, B&B.488
(Smooth-fruited Poppy, Smooth-fruited Corn-poppy) Upright herb.
Habitat: "In waste and cultivated grounds" (Britton 1901). "In cultivated grounds" (Shreve et al 1910).
Frequency: "Throughout the state; infrequent" (Shreve et al 1910).
Records: Route 50 & Rowe Blvd. 6/11/89, Longbottom 141 (AACC); site now destroyed.
Sightings: Grassy field at Kinder Park; ca. 6 plants 5/14/88.
Herbaria: AACC.
621. Sanguinaria canadensis L. 1753. Shr.437, B&B.485
Early-blooming low native perennial herb with palmate-lobed leaves.
Habitat: "Open rich woods" (Gray 1867). "In rich woods" (Britton 1901).
Frequency: "Midland Zone" (Shreve et al 1910). "Infrequent on the Coastal Plain" (Brown & Brown 1984).
Records: "In a damp woods", no locale, but possibly with Hepatica and Anemonella somewhere off Annapolis Road, to Furnace Creek or southward (see Chamaedaphne) 4/25/1881, John D. Smith (US) (Stieber 1967). Near Brooklyn (A. A. Co.? Plitt 4/12/1899). Stony Run (Plitt 8/9/1899). Java Farm, infrequent along old entrance road through mixed hardwood forest, Higman 560 (CBC) (Higman 1977). Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary (Mason et al 1991).
Sightings: Chase Creek watershed (Rucker's ravine 4/4/81, Ventre's Ravine, Iliff’s ravine). Brewer Creek upper ravine. Martins Pond ravine. Truxtun Park ravine (possibly introduced). Slopes along river, Patuxent River Park near transmitter site (Longbottom, pc 1991). Between Pointfield Landing marina and Bear Branch 5/16/1992.
Herbaria: US (Stieber 1971).
622. Corydalis flavula (Raf.) DC 1824 B&B.491
[Capnoides flavulum (Raf.) Kuntze 1891] Shr.437
(Pale Corydalis, Yellow Corydalis, Short-spurred Corydalis)
Slender glabrous 6-14 in. annual native herb. Flowers yellow, in racemes; spur short, rounded. Pods drooping or spreading.
Habitat: "In moist forests" (Shreve et al 1910). "In rocky woods" (Britton & Brown 1913). "Open woods" (Brown & Brown 1984).
Frequency: "Rare in the Coastal Zone; infrequent in the Midland and Mountain Zones" (Shreve et al 1910).
Records: Old Forge Bridge (Longbottom 1993).
68. Fumariaceae (Fumitory Family)
623. Dicentra cucullaria (L.) Bernh. B&B.491
(Fumaria cucullaria L. 1753)
[Bicuculla cucullaria (L.) Millsp. 1892] Shr.437
(Dutchman's Breeches, Squirrel Corn)
Low stemless perennial herb with much-divided basal leaves.
Habitat: "In forests and open situations" (Shreve et al 1910). "In rich woods and on rocky slopes" (Grimm 1968). Presumably prefers circumneutral soil.
Frequency: "Rare in the Coastal Zone; frequent in the Midland and Mountain Zones" (Shreve et al 1910).
Sightings: (1.) Increasing at the head of a rich wooded swale at Truxtun Park; noted by D. H. Williams. 4/12/90 - other non-typical plants (trout lily, Virginia bluebells) occur here; all appear to have been introduced by some wildflower enthusiast.
(2.) Little Patuxent near Forge Bridge, April 1992 (Longbottom pc).
69. Capparidaceae (Caper Family)
624. Polanisia trachysperma T. & G. 1840. B&B.494
(Large-flowered Clammy-weed) Native annual herb.
Habitat: "Prairies and plains, Iowa to Missouri, Texas, west to British Columbia and California." (Britton & Brown 1913).
County Occurrence: Listed from Anne Arundel County by Brown & Brown 1984.
70. Cruciferae (Mustard Family)
625. Alliaria officinalis Andrz. B&B.510
[Alliaria alliaria (L.) Britton]
(Sisymbrium alliaria L.)
(Garlic Mustard)
Tall white-flowered erect biennial herb introduced from Europe.
Habitat: "Waste places, woods and along roadsides" (Britton 1901). "Roadsides and near habitations" (Robinson & Fernald 1908). "Moist soil" (Brown & Brown 1984).
Frequency: "Common, especially in Allegany County" (Brown & Brown 1984).
Records: Route 2 near West Pasadena Road 4/16/90, Longbottom 521 (AACC).
Sightings: Wooded swale between State parking lot and College Creek Bridge 4/18/91. Rt. 2 near golf course (Longbottom, pc 1991).
Herbaria: AACC.
626. Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. B&B.512
[Stenophragma thaliana (L.) Celak.]
(Arabis thaliana L. 1753)
[Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Britton]
[Sisymbrium thalianum (L.) J. Gay 1826]
(Mouse-ear Cress)
White-flowered small erect annual or biennial herb naturalized from Europe.
Habitat: "In sandy fields and rocky places" (Britton 1901). Turf weed. Dry soil.
Records: No locale, 4/25/1881, John D. Smith (US) (Stieber 1967). Round Bay (Plitt 4/22/1899). East of Upper Marlboro on a dry roadside 4/25/1948, L. B. Smith (US) (Stieber 1967). Java Farm & Ivy Neck, infrequent to moderately abundant in cornfields and along tractor trails, Higman 582, 624 (CBC) (Higman 1977). Back Creek watershed (Williams 1989). Beachwood Park, Jacobsville Park (Longbottom 1991). Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary (Mason et al 1991).
Herbaria: CBC. US & LCU (Stieber 1971).
627. Arabis lyrata L. 1753. Shr.439, B&B.523
(Lyre-leaved Rockcress)
Native white-flowered perennial or biennial herb.
Habitat: "On rocks" (Gray 1867). "Rocky and sandy places" (Britton 1901). "In open dry situations" (Shreve et al 1910). "Cliffs, ledges and sandy places in gravelly or sandy soil" (Niering & Olmstead 1979).
Frequency: "Throughout the state; common" (Shreve et al 1910).
Records: Vicinity Elvaton/Waterford (Plitt 7/2/1904). Manresa, in a field near shaded edge of a moist woods 5/5/1966, Stieber 244 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary 6/1/1988 (Sipple 1993). Near Round Bay Bog 6/20/89, Longbottom 162 (AACC). Along dirt roads at Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary (Mason et al 1991).
Herbaria: AACC. LCU (Stieber 1971).
628. Arabis shortii (Fernald) Gl.
(Arabis perstellata E. L. Br. var. shortii Fernald) B&B.523
[Arabis dentata (Torr.) Torr. & Gray] Shr.439
(Sisymbrium dentata Torr. & Gray 1838)
(Short's Rockcress, Toothed Rockcress)
Erect native biennial or perennial herb.
Habitat: "Rich moist woods" (Stieber 1971).
Heritage Rating: 1988: B2 (Highly State Rare). 1991: Endangered. 1994: S-1, Highly State Rare. Endangered.
County Occurrence: "...has been collected in Anne Arundel County" (Brown & Brown 1984).
Records: Manresa, field at the edge of a moist woods 5/5/1966, Stieber (LCU) (Stieber 1967).
Herbaria: LCU (As A. perstellata var. shortii) (Stieber 1971).
629. Barbarea verna (Mill.) Aschers. 1864. B&B.516
[Barbarea praecox (J. E. Smith) R. Br.]
(Erysimum vernum Mill. 1768)
(Early Winter-Cress, Scurvy-grass)
Introduced from Europe; naturalized. Yellow-flowered erect biennial herb. "Somewhat cultivated as a winter salad" (Gray 1867).
Habitat: "In waste places" (Britton 1901). "In cultivated grounds and waste places" (Shreve et al 1910). Rich moist soil. Fields and meadows.
Frequency: "Throughout the state; frequent" (Shreve et al 1910). "A weed" (Fogg 1956).
Records: E. of Upper Marlboro near the Patuxent R. 4/25/1948, L. B. Smith (US) (Stieber 1967). Manresa, in a field 5/5/1966, Stieber 247 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Java Farm & Ivy Neck, moderately abundant in cornfields and recently abandoned fields, Higman 575, 617, 1082 (CBC) (Higman 1977). Beachwood Park, Quiet Waters Park (Longbottom 1991).
Herbaria: CBC. US & LCU (Stieber 1971).
630. Barbarea vulgaris R. Brown ex Aiton 1812. B&B.516
[Barbarea barbarea (L.) MacM. 1892] Shr.438
(Erysimum barbarea L. 1753)
(Common Winter-Cress, Yellow Rocket)
Yellow-flowered erect perennial or biennial herb naturalized from Europe.
Habitat: "Low grounds and roadsides" (Gray 1867). "In fields and waste places" (Britton 1901). "In cultivated grounds and waste places" (Shreve et al 1910). "Fields, meadows and wet woods" (Grimm 1968). Rich moist soil. Common weed of turf and garden.
Frequency: "Throughout the state" common" (Shreve et al 1910).
Records: Farm area off Rt. 2, S. of Lothian, along a plowed field 5/21/1966, Stieber 248 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Patuxent Community Pond, in damp soil 5/2/1967, Stieber 249 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Java Farm & Ivy Neck, moderately abundant in cornfields and recently abandoned fields, Higman 596 (CBC) (Higman 1977). Back Creek watershed (Williams 1989). Beachwood Park, Poplar Ridge Park, Jacobsville Park (Longbottom 1991). Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary (Mason
et al 1991).
Herbaria: CBC. US & LCU (Stieber 1971).
631. Berteroa incana (L.) DC 1821 Shr.439, B&B.497
(Alyssum incana L. 1753)
(Hoary Alyssum)
Erect branching annual herb. Naturalized from Europe. White flowers.
Habitat: "In waste places" (Britton & Brown 1913). "Fields and waste areas" (Brown & Brown 1984).
Frequency: Unknown; a Frederick Road (Balto. Co.) site cited by Shreve and Brown & Brown.
Sightings: Davidsonville USAF transmitter site (by Williams; Longbottom pc 1991).
632. Brassica rapa L. B&B.508
(Brassica campestris L. 1753)
B. rapa may refer to turnip (B. napus) and B. campestris may refer to rutabaga in older
(Field Mustard, Bird's Rape)
Slender erect European annual.
Habitat: Fields.
Frequency: "A common field weed" (Brown & Brown 1984).
Records: CBC: Stevens Farm, infrequent in grassy field, adjacent to Muddy Creek Road, Higman 1394 (CBC) (As B. campestris; Higman 1977). Quiet Waters Park (Longbottom 1991).
Herbaria: CBC.
633. Cakile edentula (Bigel.) Hook. 1830. Shr.438, B&B.503
(Cakile americana Nutt.1818)
(Bunias edentula Bigel. 1814)
(American Sea-Rocket) Native annual fleshy herb with purple flowers.
Habitat: "In sands of the seashore" (Britton 1901). "On the strand" (Shreve et al 1910).
Frequency: "Coastal Zone; frequent" (Shreve et al 1910).
Records: Manresa, on the wet shore of the Severn 8/8/1966, Stieber 236 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Ivy Neck, infrequent to moderately abundant on Sand Point beach and other sandy beaches of Cheston Peninsula, Higman 860, 936 (CBC) (Higman 1977). Two county strand stations mapped by Sipple 1978. Marsh at Fishing Creek Farm (Williams 1986).
Herbaria: CBC. US & LCU (Stieber 1971).
634. Calepina irregularis (Asso.) Thel. B&B: unlisted.
Introduced European herb; crop weed.
Records: "Strawberry patch on the farm of Elliot Pettebone, Bay Head Rd., Annapolis. Wallace T. Garrett s.n. 12 May 1981 (GH, MARY)" (Hill 1988).
Herbaria: GH, MARY (Hill 1988).
635. Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medic 1792 B&B.501
(Capsella bursa-pastoris Muench
[Bursa bursa-pastoris (L.) Britton 1894] Shr.439
(Thlapsi bursa-pastoris L. 1753)
White-flowered annual or winter annual erect herb naturalized from Europe. Heart-shaped seedpods.
Habitat: In fields and waste places" (Britton 1901). "In cultivated grounds and waste places" (Shreve et al 1910). Roadsides.
Frequency: "The commonest of weeds" (Gray 1867). "Throughout the state; common" (Shreve et al 1910). "A weed...very common in lawns, gardens, etc. (Jaques 1959).
Records: No locale June 1880, John D. Smith (US) (Stieber 1967). Manresa, at the edge of a moist woods 6/1/1966, Stieber 240 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Java Farm, solitary to infrequent on cleared area near main buildings, Higman 1256 (CBC) (Higman 1977). Back Creek watershed (Williams 1989).
Herbaria: CBC. US & LCU (Stieber 1971).
636. Cardamine douglassii (Torr.) Britton 1889. B&B.519
(Arabis douglassi Torr. 1838)
(Cardamine rhomboidea DC var. purpurea Torr. 1822)
(Purple Cress, Douglass Bittercress)
Native perennial herb.
Habitat: "Along streams in rich soil" (Gray 1867). "Rich low woods"
(Robinson & Fernald 1908). "In cold springy places" (Britton & Brown 1913).
Heritage Rating: 1988: C (state declining). 1991: Watchlist. 1994: S3 - Watchlist.
Records: Waysons Corner, in moist woods 4/30/1950, L. B. Smith (US) (Stieber 1967).
Herbaria: US (Stieber 1971).
637. Cardamine hirsuta L. 1753. B&B.519
(Hairy Bitter-cress, Small Bitter-cress)
Annual or biennial herb probably naturalized from Europe.
Habitat: "In moist places and waste grounds" (Britton & Brown 1913). Moist roadsides, fields, lawns.
Frequency: "A common weed" (Brown & Brown 1984).
Records: Manresa, in a field 5/5/1966, Stieber 242 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Patuxent Community Pond, in sandy moist ground 6/1/1966 & 5/2/1967, Stieber 243 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Ivy Neck, infrequent to moderately abundant in cultivated fields, Higman 554, 634 (CBC) (Higman 1977). Back Creek watershed (Williams 1989). Quiet Waters Park, Jacobsville Park, Beachwood Park (Longbottom 1991).
Sightings: Chase Creek watershed (Clearing near Ruckers Pond by D. H. Williams).
Herbaria: CBC. US & LCU (Stieber 1971).
638. Cardamine pensylvanica Muhl. 1800 Shr.438, B&B.519
(Pennsylvania Bittercress) Biennial herb.
Habitat: "In swamps and wet places" (Britton 1901). "In springs and wet areas" (Brown & Brown 1984).
Records: Marley Creek Swamp (Longbottom 1991). Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary (Mason et al 1991). Hancock's Resolution (Envirens 1991).
639. Dentaria heterophylla Nutt. 1818. Shr.439, B&B.518
(Slender Toothwort) Native perennial herb.
Habitat: "In low woods" (Britton & Brown 1913). "In moist forests" (Shreve et al 1910).
Frequency: "Midland Zone; infrequent" (Shreve et al 1910). "Infrequent (& hybridizing?) with D. laciniata" (Stieber 1971).
Records: Java Farm, infrequent in mature mixed hardwood forest along old entrance road, Higman 561 (CBC) (Higman 1977).
Herbaria: CBC. US (Stieber 1971).
640. Dentaria laciniata Muhl. 1800. Shr.438, B&B.518
(Cut-leaved Toothwort) Native perennial herb.
Habitat: "Rich soil along streams" (Gray 1867). "In moist or rich woods" (Britton 1901). "In moist forests" (Shreve et al 1910). "Moist low woodlands and damp thickets" (Niering & Olmstead 1979).
Frequency: "Infrequent in the Midland Zone; frequent in the Mountain Zone" (Shreve et al 1910).
Records: "Infrequent on roadsides at Java Farm" (Stieber 1971). Java Farm, infrequent in mature mixed hardwood forest along old entrance road, Higman 1081 (CBC) (Higman 1977). Back Creek watershed: SPCA property with skunk cabbage (Williams 1989).
Sightings: Chase Creek watershed (Iliff's ravine 4/6/81). Ivy Neck (Whall property). Amberley (vacant wooded lot next to Robert L. Busch property). Woods Landing II (E. side of Little Magothy) 1992. Transplanted specimens from the Patuxent have spread and become naturalized on a south-facing slope under large tuliptrees gardened by Mrs. Carl Ortman, Rt. 648 & Old Frederick Road, Arnold 4/22/1996.
Herbaria: CBC. US (Stieber 1971).
641. Draba verna L. 1753. Shr.439, B&B.497
(Vernal Whitlow Grass)
Small (4-5 in.) annual or biennial herb naturalized from Europe.
Habitat: "Sandy waste places and roadsides" (Gray 1867). "In fields" (Britton 1901). "In open situations" (Shreve et al 1910). "In open sandy fields or on grassy slopes" (Fogg 1956). "In dry fields and waste land" (Jaques 1959).
Frequency: "Throughout the state; common" (Shreve et al 1910). Turf weed (Fogg 1956).
Records: Stony Run (Plitt 3/31/1899). Wayson's Corner, sandy field 4/30/1950, L. B. Smith (US) (Stieber 1967). Farm area off Rt. 2, S. of Lothian March 1966, Stieber 241 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Java Farm & Ivy Neck, infrequent to abundant along roads, open fields, etc., Higman 555 (CBC) (Higman 1977). Jacobsville Park (Longbottom 1991).
Herbaria: CBC. US & LCU (Stieber 1971).
642. Hesperis matronalis L. 1753 B&B.512
(Dame's Rocket, Dame's Violet)
Tall biennial or perennial herb introduced from Europe.
Habitat: "In fields and along roadsides, escaped from gardens" (Britton & Brown 1913).
Records: Balto. Beltway before 295, 5/1/90, Longbottom 574 (AACC).
Sightings: Beside dirt road to Round Bay Bog (Longbottom pc 1991).
Herbaria: AACC.
643. Lepidium campestre (L.) R. Brown 1812. Shr.437, B&B.501
(Thlapsi campestre L. 1753)
(English Pepper-grass, Field Pepperweed, Field Cress)
Erect annual, winter annual, or biennial herb naturalized from Europe. Leaves gray-green, pubescent.
Habitat: "In fields and waste places" (Britton 1901). "In cultivated grounds" (Shreve et al 1910). Roadsides. Turf weed.
Frequency: "Throughout the state; common" (Shreve et al 1910). "A weed...very plentiful in old fields and wasteplaces" (Fogg 1956).
Records: Manresa, in a field 6/1/1966, Stieber 238 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Patuxent R. at Rt. 50, along roadside 6/7/1966, Stieber 237 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Java Farm, infrequent along new entrance road, Higman 637 (CBC) (Higman 1977). Beachwood Park, Quiet Waters Park, Lake Waterford Park (Longbottom 1991).
Herbaria: CBC. US & LCU (Stieber 1971).
644. Lepedium densiflorum Schrad. 1835 B&B.501
(Lepedium apetalum)
(Dense-flowered Peppergrass)
Erect annual or biennial herb.
Habitat: "In dry soil" (Britton & Brown 1913). "Fields, roadsides & waste areas" (Brown & Brown 1984).
Frequency: "Rare" (Brown & Brown 1984).
Records: Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary (Mason et al 1991).
645. Lepidium virginicum L. Shr.437, B&B.501
(Wild Peppergrass)
Native annual or biennial herb. Leaves bright green, smooth.
Habitat: "A common roadside weed" (Gray 1867). "In fields and along roadsides" (Britton 1901). "In cultivated grounds" (Shreve et al 1910).
Frequency: "Throughout the state; common" (Shreve et al 1910). "A weed...the commonest of several species of peppergrass" (Fogg 1956).
Records: No locale 6/8/1880, John D. Smith (US) (Stieber 1967). Patuxent Community Pond, moist sandy soil 6/14/1966, Stieber 239 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Java Farm & Ivy Neck, infrequent along roads and tractor trails, Higman 681, 704 (CBC) (Higman 1977). Back Creek watershed (Williams 1989). Hancock's Resolution (Envirens 1991).
Herbaria: CBC. US & LCU (Stieber 1971).
646. Nasturtium officinale R. Brown ex Aiton 1812. B&B.516
(Sisymbrium nasturtium-aquaticum L. 1753)
[Roripa nasturtium (L.) Rusby] Shr.438
(True Water Cress)
Floating or creeping edible perennial herb naturalized from Europe.
Habitat: "Brooks and ditches; escaped from cultivation" (Gray 1867). "In brooks and streams" (Britton 1901). "In streams and open wet situations" (Shreve et al 1910).
Frequency: "Throughout the state; common" (Shreve et al 1910).
Records: "Bank of tidal area of Muddy Creek" (Stieber 1971). Mill Swamp, infrequent on low banks near Muddy Creek Road; Java Farm, solitary on lower banks of stream below spring house; Higman 616, 1366 (CBC) (Higman 1977).
Herbaria: CBC. US (Stieber 1971).
647. Raphanus raphanistrum L. 1753. B&B.506
(Wild Radish, Jointed Charlock)
Erect annual or winter annual herb, native of Eurasia, separate from the garden radish.
Habitat: "A troublesome weed in fields" (Gray 1867). "In fields and waste places" (Britton 1901).
Frequency: "A familiar weed in or near cultivated fields" (Fogg 1956). "A bad weed in grain fields, etc." (Jaques 1959).
Sightings: Old Rt. 4 near Wayson's Corner (Longbottom, pc 1991).
648. Rorippa islandica (Oeder) Borbas var. fernaldiana Butters & Abbe B&B.514
[Rorippa islandica var. microcarpa (Regel.) Fern.]
(Yellow Water-cress) Herb.
Habitat: Damp places; wet river shores.
Frequency: "Frequent in wet areas" (Brown & Brown 1984).
Records: Patuxent R. at Rt. 50, in moist sandy-clay soil 6/27 & 8/8/1966, Stieber 246 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Marley Creek Swamp 7/7/90, Longbottom 829 (AACC).
Herbaria: AACC. LCU (Stieber 1971).
649. Sisymbrium altissimum L. 1753. B&B.512
[Norta altissima (L.) Britton]
(Tall Sisymbrium, Tumble Mustard)
Tall (5-6 ft.) branching annual or winter annual herb adventive from Europe. Pale yellow flowers in racemes. Leaves finely dissected.
Habitat: "In waste places" (Britton 1901).
Frequency: "An unsightly weed...unusually troublesome in grain fields and farmland" (Fogg 1956). "Rarely established as a weed of fields, roadsides, and waste places" (Brown & Brown 1984).
Records: Rt. 3 about 1 mi. S. of Rt. 176 9/4/1960, Eduards Baltars (US) (Stieber 1967).
Herbaria: US (Stieber 1971).
650. Sisymbrium officinale (L.) Scop. 1772. Shr.437, B&B.510
(Erysimum officinale L. 1753)
Erect annual or winter annual herb naturalized from Europe.
Habitat: "An unsightly branched weed...waste places" (Gray 1867). "In waste places" (Britton 1901). "A weed...common in waste places, fields and gardens" (Jaques 1959).
Frequency: "Throughout the state; common" (Shreve et al 1910).
Records: Patuxent R. at Rt. 50, in sandy clay 7/21/1966, Stieber 250 (LCU) (Stieber 1967).
Herbaria: LCU (Stieber 1971).
651. Sisymbrium officinale (L.) Scop. Var. leiocarpum DC. . B&B: unlisted.
(Sisymbrium leiocarpum Jord. 1864)
A variety with glabrous raceme, pedicels and flowers. (Gleason & Cronquist 1963).
Erect annual herb naturalized from Europe.
Records: "In a pasture at Ivy Neck" (Stieber 1971). Ivy Neck, solitary in pasture behind mule shed, north of Cheston Creek drainage, Higman 724 (CBC) (Higman 1977).
Herbaria: CBC. US (Stieber 1971).
652. Teesdalia nudicaulis (L.) R. Br. B&B.499
(Shepherd Cress) Erect annual herb introduced from Europe.
Habitat: "Waste areas, roadsides and fields" (Brown & Brown 1984).
Sightings: Fort George G. Meade; Little Patuxent near Forge Bridge April 1992 (Longbottom pc).
653. Thlaspi arvense L. 1753 B&B.499
(Field Pennycress, Mithridate Mustard)
Erect glabrous annual herb. Native of Europe and Asia.
Habitat: "In cultivated and waste places throughout Europe and Russian Asia to N.W. India" (Bentham & Hooker VII; 1924). "Fields and waste places" (Brown & Brown 1984).
Records: Kinder Park (Longbottom 1993).
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