Concepts in immunity
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Immunology Review – Quiz 1
Goal of immune system: battle infection
Leukocytes: interact as network to attack microorganisms
Microbes can be intracellular (invade cells) or extracellular (grow on tissues)
Host defense mechanisms
External defenses (e.g. physical barriers)
Innate immunity: non-specific molecules/cells
Adaptive immunity: specific molecules/cells
Components of the immune system
3 types of lymphocytes (B, T, large granular lymphocyte)
m yeloid derived cells (monocytes/macrophages, granulocytes)
Hematopoietic stem cells
Hematopoietic cells derived from common stem cell in bone marrow
Differentiate in response to cytokines, other signals
Important definitions
Antigen: reacts with antibodies (foreign pathogen/particle)
Immunogen: antigen that induces immune response (e.g. protein, na, carb, lipid)
Hapten: small molecule that can’t induce Ig alone (e.g. penicillin); can if attached to larger protein
Passive immunity: established by transfer of Ig or lymphocytes (provided to patients)
Active immunity: result of host cells’ response to antigen (e.g. vaccination)
Humoral immunity: mediated by Ig
Cellular immunity: mediated by cells
Specific immunity: protects against specific antigen that elicits response
Non-specific immunity: protects against many types of antigens (usually related)
Immunological memory/secondary response: specific response to previously-encountered antigen
Cytokines: small proteins that signal between cells
Membrane-bound or soluble
Autocrine or paracrine
Bind to specific receptors
Know: IL-1,2,4,5,10,12; TNF-alpha, beta; IFN-alpha/beta, gamma; chemokines
CD: cluster designation for cell suface molecules (see CD chart)
Immune receptors: recognizing danger
Pattern recognition receptors
Bind to patterns on microorganisms and their products
Macrophages, DCs, epithelial cells, etc.
Nonspecific (bind to similar molecules on diff organisms)
Immunoglobulin (Ig)
One specific antigen
B cells
T cell receptors (TCR)
One specific peptide and MHC
T cells
Fc receptors (FcR)
Bind to Ig
A llow cells to use specificity of Ig to direct function
NK, macrophage, PMN, Eos, mast cells
Innate immunity: first cells to respond
Mechanisms present prior to infection
Sentinels that find infection near site of entry
Acute phase proteins/complement, macrophages, PMNs, NK cells, epithelial/endothelial cells
Phases of immune response -----------------------------------
Recognition of antigen
Activation of immune cells
Clonal expansion
Effector phase
Decline after antigen is cleared
Memory cells
Antigen presentation: recognizing pathogen presence
A ntigen-presenting cells (APCs): macrophages, B cell, dendritic cell
Small peptides presented with MHCs on APC surface
T cells recognize specific MHC-peptide complex with TCR
Major histocompatibility complex (MHC)
Bind small proteins and present them to TCR
Class I: all nucleated cells; present internal proteins
Class II: on APCs; present external proteins
Adaptive immunity: specific response
Lymphocytes with highly specific receptors (Ig, TCR)
Clonal selection
Lymphocytes exist in pools of clones
Each clone specific for single antigen
C lone activates when bound to antigen divides a lot
Differentiation to effector cells, memory cells
Receptor cross-linking
Must trigger several antigen-specific receptors at once to get cell response
Receptors localize near each other to bind to antigen on cell surface, bringing signaling molecules close together response
Ig can be use to mimic this process
Two signals for immune cell activation
Prevents inappropriate activation
1 : via immune receptor (Ig, TCR)
2: via costimulatory signal (general signal induced by presence of pathogen)
Antibodies: response to remove pathogen; humoral
Made by plasma cells (from B cells)
Multiple sites for same antigen
2 heavy chains, 2 light chains
Fab portion: antigen binding
Fc portion: effector region
5 classes: Ig-M,D,G,A,E
T cells: response to remove pathogen; cell-mediated
Lymphocytes, develop in thymus
Specific TCR
Activate humoral response
3 types
cytotoxic (CTL): CD8, cytokines
helper (Th): CD4, lots of cytokines
Th1: interact with macrophages, inflammation, development of CTLs
Th2: interact with B cells, promote Ig making
Th17: autoimmunity, inflammation
regulatory (Treg): suppress T cell activity in periphery, prevent autoimmunity
Immunological memory
On second exposure to antigen, response is faster and more effective
Antigen-specific memory lymphocytes in higher numbers, easier to activate
Lymphoid tissue and trafficking: linking antigens and lymphocytes
Primary lymphoid tissue: where lymphocytes develop (marrow, thymus)
Secondary lymphoid tissue: where mature lymphocytes reside (spleen, nodes, tonsils, etc.)
DCs pick up antigens in periphery and bring to node via lymphatic drainage
DCs present antigen to lymphocyte in node
Tolerance: avoiding immune response to “self” antigens
Removes/inhibits lymphocyte receptors for normal proteins
What to know:
Cells of immune system
Key cytokines and CDs
Adaptive versus innate immunity
Clonal selection and expansion
Antigen presentation
2-signal system
Immunological memory
Lymphoid organs
External defenses
Physical barriers: microbes must pass skin/epithelial cells actively or passively
Secretions: sweat, tears, saliva, gastric fluid have antimicrobial substances
Microbial products/competition: non-pathogenic bacteria (commensals) on epithelial surfaces
Soluble molecules: mediate protection against microbes before adaptive immunity develops
20 interdependent proteins
sequential activation inflammation, attract neutrophils (chemotaxis), help attach microbes to phagocytes (opsonization), kill microbe
activation is direct by microbes (alternative path) or by Ig bound to antigen (classical path)
Acute phase proteins
Plasma proteins
Innate defense against microbes (esp bacteria)
Limit tissue damage cause by disease/infections
Maximize activation of complement, opsonization
Produced in liver in response to microbe or cytokines (IL-1/6, TNF-alpha/gamma)
Interferons (IFN)
Protect against viral infections (interfere with replication)
Signaling molecules btwn cells
Type I (alpha, beta): made by lots of cells; inhibit protein synth in infected cells
Type II (gamma): leukocytes (Th1, NK); regulates Th1 response, increases phagocytosis and antigen presentation
Collectins: carb binding proteins; act as opsonins (help macrophage destroy microbe)
Peptide antibiotics: produced by lots of cells (e.g. epithelial, phagocytic)
Innate immunity cellular receptors/pattern recognition receptors
Innate immune cells have receptors to recognize pathogens
Germ-line encoded no gene rearrangements for expression
No memory response
Activation of receptors costimulation (signal 2) of lymphocytes
Types (one cell can have many types)
Mannose receptors
On macrophages, DCs, endothelial
Bind to mannosyl/fucosyl carbs eat microbe peptides on MHC T and B response
On macrophages
Binds LPS on gram neg bacteria
Helps destroy microbes, induce secretion of cytokines that trigger adaptive immunity
Scavenger receptors
On macrophages
Recognize carbs, lipids in bacteria and yeast cell walls
Toll-like receptors (TLR)
Cell surface or vesicles
Recognize patterns on multiple pathogens signal presence of pathogen expression of costimulatory molecules and cytokines needed for adaptive response
N ODs are similar to TLR but in cytoplasm (involved in Crohn’s disease)
Innate versus adaptive immune receptors -----------------------
Aka phagocytes; eat particles and dying cells
Derived from monocytes in blood
Differentiate in different tissues (mononuclear phag system)
S ecrete cytokines to activate immune cells
Can be activated to kill bacteria
Phagocytosis -------------------------------------------------------------------
Attraction to site of infection via chemotaxic signals MDP, C
Interaction with microbe for easier ingestion (opsonization)
Ingestion/endocytosis (invagination of membrane)
Fusion of phagosome and lysosome (microtubules)
Killing ingested material (O2 dependent/independent)
Reactive O2 intermediates (ROI)
Nitric oxide (NO)
Lysosomal proteases
Upregulated by IFN-gamma
Digested pieces released inflammation, recruit PMNs
Activation of macrophages to (can interchange based on stimuli):
Pro-inflammatory (classical): kill microbes through phag
Wound-healing: produce ECM, alter cytokine production, suppress lymphocyte expansion
R egulatory (anti-inflammatory)
Dendritic cells
Immature DCs sit in tissues and phagocytose particles to sample environment
Mature when encounter microbe signal (via TLR or TNF-alpha) upregulate MHCI/II on surface can’t phag anymore, move to nodes to present to T cells, activate antigen-specific T cells
Subtypes for different T cell types
Different names for DCs
Langerhans (LH)—skin
Interdigitating (IDC)—lymph node T cell areas
Follicular dendritic cells (FDC)—B cell follicles of lymph tissues
Possible immunotherapy
N eutrophils/polymorphonuclear cells (PMN)
Major leukocyte in the blood
Granules with enzymes that kill bacteria
Short life span (hours/days)
Have Fc receptors
Move through blood till they get signal to move to tissue: selectin on endothelial cells
Inflammation induces selectin expression
E.g due to TNF-alpha from macrophage
PMNs slow down and roll ----------------------------
Sensitive to inflammation signals (C5a, LPS) causes PMN to upregulate integrins on surface bind to ICAMS on endothelium move into tissue by chemotaxis due to chemokine gradients move to infection and kill microbe
Natural killer (NK, LGL) cells
In many tissues and blood
Make and release cytokines (inc IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, GM-CSF) for virus and tumor killing, activating macrophages
Can kill cells
Perforin granules
Fas-Fas ligand
TNF (cytokine) release
No TCR or Ig
Express Fc receptors
Help with antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC)
NK activating receptors bind to molecules on stressed/tumor/virus-infected cells
Turns on NK killing and cytokine production
NK inhibitory receptors bind to MHCI and shut of NK to protect normal cells
Tumor/virus-infected cells sometimes dec MHCI to avoid T cells, but then NK can kill them
Mast cells (CT) and basophils (circulation)
Fc receptors for IgE
Triggered by specific antigens
Degranulate when activated release pharmacological mediators
Histamine: vasodilation, vascular permeability
TNF-alpha, IL-8/5: attract neutrophils, eosinophils
platelet activating factor: attract basophils
Production induced by IL-5 in marrow
Granules involved in inflammation
Attack parasites that can’t be phagocytosed with major basic protein
Related to allergies
Release mediators that activate complement attraction of leukocytes
G ranules with chemokines, growth factors
Interaction between innate immune cells: network
Macrophages make cytokines (TNFalpha) activates its own IL-12 production, recruits PMNs
IL-12 NK cells make IFN-gamma makes macrophages better killers, upregulates IL-2 receptors on NK so they proliferate
TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma, IL-12 also activate T cell immunity!!
Resistance to innate immunity
Organisms can become resistant to phag, ROS, complement, antimicrobial peptide
I nnate versus adaptive immunity
Innate cells/molecules often present at infection site when it occurs
Innate works rapidly acute inflammation
Adaptive takes longer and is highly specific for the microbe’s antigens
Adaptive system shows memory so next response is more rapid
Adaptive is specific, but doesn’t know “bad” from “good/benign” – innate system decides whether to attack
What to know
Know the different levels of innate immune defense: physical, soluble molecules, cells
Know the characteristics of the different cells of the innate immune system
Characteristics and function of innate immune receptors
Functions of immature and mature dendritic cells.
Role of class I in NK cell recognition
Understand the differences between innate and adaptive immunity
Understand the role of innate defenses in activating adaptive immune defenses
Antigen due to vaccination/infection inc Ig specific to it
P lasma, extravascular spaces, secretions
Bind antigens with high specificity , affinity
Made by B cells
5 classes: G, A, M, D, E
Basic structure
4 polypeptide chain unit covalently bonded
2 identical light (L) chains
2 kinds: kappa κ, lambda λ
2 identical heavy (H) chains
5 kinds (define Ig classes): M--µ. D--δ. G--γ. E--ε. A--α
L bound to H via disulfide and non-covalent hydrophobic/hydrophilic interactions
Symmetrical: allelic exclusion – inhibition of the other Ig genes in the B cell making a specific Ig
L and H have disulfide loop every 90 aa’s
polypeptide loop domains of 110 aa’s
VH, VL, CH1, CH2, CH3 domains each with diff function
VH + VL: binding site for antigen
CH2-CH2: complement fixation
Characteristic of Ig superfamily
Fab fragment: N-term half of H chain and all of L chain
Antigen binding site: N quarter of H and N half of L
Binds to antigenic determinant
V ariable region of Ig
Constant regions CH1
All Ig of same class/subclass have same aa sequence in constant regions
Fc region: C-term half of H chain
Constant regions CH2, CH3
Determines effector function of Ig
Combines Ig with complement
Binds to certain types of cells at FcR
Fc receptors (FcR)
Many types of cells
IgG FcR: monocytes, granulocytes, lymphocytes (not RBC)
IgA FcR: monocytes, granulocytes (esp mucosal)
IgE FcR: mast cells, basophils (involved in degranulation)
Antibody valence, affinity, avidity
Valence: max number antigenic determinants Ig can interact with
E.g. 2 Fab sites can bind to 2 molecules antigen or 2 identical site on same antigen
Affinity: tightness of bond between Ig binding aite and antigenic determinant
Kd, dissociation constant (higher = more likely to dissociate)
Avidity: combined effect of valence and affinity
Higher valence higher affinity due to more bond sites
Antigens: fits in Ig pocket via non-covalent bonding
Innate system recognizes molecule patterns common to microbes
Adaptive system recognizes specific antigens on a microbe
Protein, lipid, carb, na
Ig binds to native antigen (how it is in nature)
Must be unique enough to induce immune response
Often several diff antigenic determinants (epitopes) per antigen multideterminant
Ig binds to this (can have multiple diff Ig’s if determinant is non-identical)
Protein: 3-6 aa’s; Carb: 5-6 sugar molecules
Carbs tend to have repeating sugar units several identical determinants
A ntibody classes (isotypes)
150kD (small, so gets into tissues)
vascular, extravascular, and secretions
most abundant Ig in blood
most immunity for blood borne microbes
crosses placenta passive immunity to fetus
4 subclasses with diff H chain sequences (1-4)
long half-life good protection
FcRn binds to IgG at low pH when IgG gets to endosome and recycles it
Requires help to activate complement
900kD (big!) mostly in vascular space/serum, not tissue
First Ig expressed on B cell
Also soluble in blood
5 5-chain units held together
J chain causes polymerization
Activates complement well (on its own)
10 binding sites per molecule high overall avidity
important since IgM is first in immune response; must act until IgG is ready
normal 4-chain unit
Also major Ig in secretions (colostrum, milk, saliva)
also has secretory component (SC) and joining chain (J chain)
SC: transepithelial transport, protection from degradation
J chain: holds units together via disulfides
420kD dimer
made locally by plasma cells in mammary and salivary glands and resp, GI, GU tracts transported through epithelial cells to lumen
Defense against microbes at mucosal surfaces
2 subclasses
Low quantities vascular
Antigen receptor on B cells
Naïve B cells have IgM and IgD for the same antigen
Antigens internalized when bound presented on surface to T cell T cell signals B to proliferate and become plasma cell plasma makes lots of Ig
Very low quantities vascular
Acute inflammation
Protection from worm infections
Allergies, hay fever, asthma (hypersensitivity)
Mast cells with IgE
Antigen binds mast cells releases histamine
Allotypes and idiotypes
Genetic markers on Ig’s that differ between individuals
Often single aa differences on L or H chain
immunogenic when injected into individual that doesn’t have the allotype
don’t affect function of Ig
Unique antigenic determinants in the antigen binding site
Ig’s can be made against them when injected into other animals
Each B cell clone expresses same idotype (produces single type of Ig)
IgM versus IgG
Neutralizing virus/toxins: IgM is better since it has 10 binding sites
Wider distribution: IgG, since it’s smaller and can get into tissues
Long-term protection: IgG due to long half-life
Interaction with innate components: IgM can activate complement on its own, IgG requires 2 molecules
What to know
Know the different antibody isotypes and subclasses.
Be able to describe antibody structure and know how this relates to different functions
Know where different antibody isotypes are found
Understand the basic nature of an antigen and its epitope (what is recognized)
Understand the unique features of each isotype that relate to its specific function
Know the differences between isotypes, allotypes and idiotypes
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