Constitution of the engineering student council university of maryland

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Article I. Name

This organization shall be known as the "Engineering Student Council", hereafter referred to as "ESC".

Article II. Purpose

Section 1

The ESC is a non-profit educational service organization intended to serve the following purposes:

• promote and create a community within the A. James Clark School of Engineering among students, faculty, and staff through

• engineering related events, such as the Engineering Community Fair,

• social events, such as the Engineering Fall Ball;

• promote engineering in general to all people, such as organizing Engineers’ Week;

• encourage activity among professional undergraduate engineering societies through

• competitive events, such as the Maryland Day engineering design competition,

• assisting societies with their own needs and goals,

• awarding intra-societal collaboration;

• continuously improve the engineering school by giving money back to the school and/or engineering societies;

• serve as a link between students and administration by

• acting as a forum for all students in ESC General Body Meetings,

• organizing events that bring students and the administration together, such as Dialogue with the Dean or Luncheon with the Deans;

• encourage leadership by offering positions and opportunities within ESC;

• instill a sense of pride in Maryland engineering among students.

Section 2

The ESC shall abide by established University of Maryland policies.

Article III. Membership

Section 1

ESC will consist of all undergraduate executive board members, committee chairs and members, one undergraduate representative from each student engineering organization, and active undergraduate and graduate members.

Section 2

All officers and members of the ESC must be registered students at the University of Maryland. There shall be no dues for membership.

Section 3

The ESC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, or sexual orientation.

Article IV. Voting

Section 1

All voting members are undergraduates and shall be defined as...

all undergraduate ESC Executive Board and active members.

Section 2

An active ESC member is someone who attends at least two General Body Meetings per semester.

Section 3

The President(s) will not vote in the elections unless there is a tie. The President(s) has the right to resolve a tie.

Article V. Executive Board

Section 1

The ESC shall have an Executive Board consisting of elected undergraduate officers, as follows: President(s)




Section 2

The ESC may create committees to oversee specific ESC activities and shall elect members to Chair all committees. The following elected officers shall chair the standing committees:


Fall Ball Chair

Engineers’ Week Chair

Maryland Day Chair

Public Relations Chair

Fundraising Chair

Sports Chair

Section 3

Should a vacancy occur in the office of President(s), the Vice President(s) shall assume the office of President(s) for the remainder of the term.

Section 4

Should a vacancy occur in the office of Vice President(s), the Executive Board shall select another undergraduate student to assume the office of Vice President(s) for the remainder of the term.

Section 5

An officer may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Executive Board.

Section 6

The Executive Board, by vote of three officers in the case of an Executive officer and by vote of four officers in the case of any other elected officer, may remove any officer from any office for failing to attend three consecutive General Body meetings or by failing to perform his/her duties as defined in this Constitution. Removal for any other cause shall be by two-thirds majority vote of members present and voting at a regularly scheduled or special General Body meeting.

Section 7

The President(s), with the Executive Board's approval, may discharge a committee.

Section 8

The President(s), with the Executive Board's or the ESC's approval, may remove any member of any committee.

Article VI. Duties of the Executive Board

Section 1

The President(s) shall preside at meetings of the ESC and the Executive Board and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. The President(s) shall appoint members of all standing and special committees with the advice and consent of the Executive Board. The President(s) shall be ultimately responsible for the affairs of the ESC.

Section 2

The Vice President(s) shall preside at all meetings of the ESC in the absence or inability of the President(s). The Vice President(s) shall be an ex-officio member of all committees and assist the President(s) in all ESC affairs.

Section 3

The Treasurer shall have custody of all funds and other assets of the ESC. The Treasurer shall maintain full and complete records of the assets and liabilities of the ESC, prepare general and event budgets, and manage the receipt and expenditure of funds. The Treasurer shall prepare and file financial reports as required by University, Federal, State, and local agencies.

Section 4

The Secretary shall record accurately the minutes of the Executive Board and General Body meetings. The Secretary will distribute the minutes of the General Body meetings to members of the ESC within one week’s time and will also make the minutes available upon request. The Secretary shall maintain records of the communications and correspondence of the ESC and the Executive Board.

Section 5

The Webmaster shall be responsible for posting all approved materials to the ESC website.

Section 6

The Fall Ball Chair shall be responsible for all activities related to the Engineering Fall Ball.

Section 7

The Engineers’ Week Chair shall be responsible for all activities related to Engineers’ Week.

Section 8

The Maryland Day Chair shall be responsible for all activities related to the Maryland Day engineering design competition.

Section 9

The Public Relations Chair shall be responsible for making the ESC known among the student body and for properly advertising all ESC related events.
Section 10

The Fundraising Chair shall be responsible for assisting in finding funds for all ESC activities.

Section 11

The Sports Chair shall be responsible for arranging athletic events between ESC, engineering societies, and engineering students.

Article VII. Elections

Section 1

The election of the Executive Board shall occur at the election meeting, normally the last General Body meeting at the end of the semester. All officers must be current undergraduates of the University of Maryland. In addition, the President(s) must have been a voting member of ESC for at least one term. The President(s) shall hold no more than two consecutive terms without the consent of the majority of the ESC members.

Section 2

The term of office is one academic semester. Officers elected in the spring semester shall serve in the fall semester and officers elected in the fall semester shall serve in the spring semester.

Article VIII. Organization Recognition

Section 1

Recognition of a student engineering organization by the ESC implies that the organization offers specific and valuable services to undergraduates in the School of Engineering and ensures representation in the ESC. Newly formed engineering societies can be recognized by a majority vote of the ESC Executive Board.

Section 2

ESC recognizes the following student engineering organizations:
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

American Institute of Chemical Engineers

American Helicopter Society

American Nuclear Society

American Society of Agricultural Engineers

American Society of Civil Engineers

American Society of Engineers of Indian Origin

American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers

American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Association for Computing Machinery

Biological Resources Engineering Society

Black Engineers Society

Chemical Engineering Graduate Students

Engineering Student Council

Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Student Association

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience

Materials Engineering Society

National Society of Professional Engineers

Partners in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Society of Automotive Engineers

Society of Fire Protection Engineers

Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers

Society of Women Engineers

Alpha Epsilon (Agricultural Engineering honor society)

Alpha Nu Sigma (Nuclear Engineering honor society)

Chi Epsilon (Civil Engineering honor society)

Eta Kappa Nu (Electrical and Computer Engineering honor society)

Omega Chi Epsilon (Chemical Engineering honor society)

Pi Tau Sigma (Mechanical Engineering honor society)

Salamander (Fire Protection Engineering honor society)

Sigma Gamma Tau (Aerospace Engineering honor society)

Tau Beta Pi (General Engineering honor society)

Article IX. Amendments

This Constitution may be amended by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members voting at a duly held Executive Board meeting or special meeting.

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