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Bungee: A New Way for Users to Coordinate through Location-Based Devices

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UbiComp'13 Adjunct, Sept 8-12, 2013, Zurich, Switzerland.

ACM 978-1-4503-2139-6/13/09...$15.00.


Alexander Gountras

School of Informatics

& Computing,

Indiana University,

535 W. Michigan Street IT 475,

Indianapolis, IN 46202

Ethan Harmeyer

School of Informatics

& Computing,

Indiana University,

535 W. Michigan Street IT 475,

Indianapolis, IN 46202

Andrew McColgin

School of Informatics

& Computing,

Indiana University,

535 W. Michigan Street IT 475,

Indianapolis, IN 46202

he world of ubiquitous computing and location based technology is changing the way we interact every day and will continue to influence the way people live into the future. Mobile devices have given us the opportunity to step away from the desktop computers and blend technological affordances into our daily routines. Many of these routines have been going on long before technology existed. Many existing mobile applications use some aspects of socialization, navigation, location and coordination in order to give specific affordances to users. We are looking into ways to enhance all of these interactions by tying all of these affordances together, given specific context. The goal is to create a system that is flexible enough to give users the power to decide how, when and where they interact by giving them a useful digital toolbox.

Author Keywords

Ubiquitous computing; Design; Connect; Human-Computer Interaction; Location-Based Applications; Coordination; Socialization; Navigation

ACM Classification Keywords

HCI; Design; Location-Based Technology


Quickly emerging and more accurate location-based technology has allowed substantial room for exploration through various ubiquitous interactions.  We decided to address this area because of the large gap in the way current location-based applications are being used. Although specific location-based applications allow for some social interactions they do not fully encompass social interactions that tie people together in simultaneous travel or largely populated environments. Research shows that current location-based applications provide specific affordances by using specific pieces of socialization, navigation, location and coordination. Although existing applications harnesses different aspects of what our design will do, they do not tie all of these interactions together in a comprehensive and salient way. After examining closely related existing technologies such as Life360, Waze, Uber and Google Maps we realized, although they lend themselves to specific interactions, they have not taken a comprehensive approach that allows users the freedom to interact in all four methods.

Humans have always been social creatures. Although new technologies have focused on social interactions from a distance, they have a long way to go when bringing or keeping people together in real contexts. Our design idea is inspired by the way humans already interact, in groups, placed in various contexts. This includes: following each other when driving, locating each other in crowded spaces and making general decisions on how to coordinate with one another. Many of these interactions have cumbersome communication methods that lend themselves to practical improvements. Our design will fill this needed gap by providing less cognitive effort and will provide a stage to create new and useful ways of interacting in these contexts. The design addresses these areas by providing a platform for staying connected with one or more people while traveling or interacting in groups. This real time location-based feedback saves time, enhances feedback, allows for better communication and most importantly, allows people to better enjoy traveling travelling together.

In this paper we will be exploring a few different areas. First we will be exploring existing systems and applications available in this domain in order to ground our work and give a better perspective on how our technology is unique. Secondly, we will talk about what our design does in order to give a general understanding of the gap and need in this space.  Thirdly, we will demonstrate our solution and design through scenarios and screenshots of our application. Finally, we will discuss user feedback we received on our design in order to find any gaps in our understanding of how people wish to interact through this type of design.
Technical Considerations

Location-based technologies are getting more accurate every day. Location-based accuracy was once only accurate to a kilometer; there are now some technologies with accuracy down to a millimeter. These extremely accurate technologies open the gates for many new exciting location-based interactions. From a technical aspect there are three types of location-based technologies: client-based (GPS), network-based (IR), and network assisted (Assisted GPS). The six techniques of determining location are proximity, trilateration, hyperbolic lateration, triangulation, fingerprinting, and dead reckoning (Varshavsky, 2010). Our design is not suggesting the use of any one of these technologies, but rather serves as a groundwork for understanding how we may wish to interact by using them.  These location-based technologies will be a vessel for executing the design.

Another consideration for our work includes the types of maps that will be used in our system. Our application plans to overlay interactions onto an existing infrastructure like “Google Maps” for dependable and accurate geographical information. Although there are sometimes concerns with updated map information, there are new emerging methods for dealing with this problem.  Cao discusses a method for automatically converting raw GPS traces from everyday vehicles into a routable road network. This would be a new method for creating a routable road map from GPS traces of everyday drivers (Cao, 2009). A system like this could allow for more flexibility and relevant updated maps for our location-based interactions. This could be used as a supplement to existing digital infrastructures.

Mobile-device power and battery usage is a major area of concern when using location-based and navigation technologies. We hope to figure out methods to deal with this issue by looking into existing energy efficient research.  A good example of methods in place to deal with this issue includes research methods conducted by Robin Ouyang. This research focuses on assisted GPS (AGPS). The research talks about how location fixes should not be performed frequently to save on power consumption and simultaneously not lose important information about the user’s mobility patterns and routines (Ouyang, 2010). We are also optimistic that battery power and more efficient processing technologies will only improve over time, making this gradually a smaller issue.

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Existing Systems/ Applications

Existing research is abundant when it comes to socialization, location, navigation and methods of coordination. Although many applications explore these areas, most applications explore them independently or with limited interaction between all elements. There is little research and hardly any evidence of mobile applications that tie these ideas together in a very practical sense. Applications like “Life 360” and “Google Maps” come close to what our design intends to do but do not fill in the gaps, combining affordances for specific social and coordination contexts. Research efforts have been made on efficiently tracking a user’s raw coordinates, few attempts have been made to efficiently provide everyday contextual information about these locations as places and paths (Kim, 2010).

Applications such as Life360, Uber, Waze and Google Maps lend themselves as similar candidates to the types of interactions we are designing for, although they only provide very specific pieces of our design as a whole.

“Life360” is a family locating application that enables users to monitor each other’s geographical position. This can be executed by checking in, or having their phone GPS continuously turned on. Life360 allows for users to form groups of people and gives users the ability to message amongst group members for better socialization and communication. Though Life 360 offers these affordances it does not allow for coordination and navigation between its users.

“Uber” is an application that uses crowdsourcing in order to provide taxi services to the general public. Users are able to request an Uber vehicle and watch the Uber vehicle on a GPS map in real time. The location-based technology is very accurate and users are able to follow the Uber vehicle turn-by-turn on its way to pick them up. The application provides very accurate timelines on when Uber drivers will arrive for pick-up.  Uber allows for accurate location and navigation affordances but does not allow users to connect with each other in any other contexts. It is very specific to this type of interaction.

“Google Maps” is another application that provides excellent satellite/aerial images which helps provide clear directions for users to reach their desired destination. Google Maps gives very accurate geographic feedback along with excellent turn by turn directions. Although Google maps does a comprehensive job of showing locations and giving navigational turn-by-turn directions, it does not connect people in any type of social or coordinated way.

Lastly, Waze is an application that uses the location-based affordances of smartphones in order to generate traffic information (Jeske, 2013).  Some of these communications include:  accidents, construction and police officer reporting.  Although Waze does have social and location-based affordances, it does not connect people or use navigation to help drivers.

Each of the applications above connect and use location-based technologies in different and unique ways. They all use locations in order to identify where users are. Some even provide methods of communication and socialization. These existing technologies are limited when it comes to bridging the gap between socialization, location, navigation and coordination. Our design intends to bring all of these qualities into one platform in order to create rich interactions between people, that existing applications have overlooked.

What Our Design Does

Our work will take location-based services as well as social applications of previous work and connect them, in real time, with other people for specific useful contexts. Using existing location-based digital infrastructures, we can apply our design in order to make sense of how people already trying to efficiently interact in real life.  We seek to bridge social connectivity with location based technologies in order to physically bridge people together in very specific and already needed ways. We specifically are looking to use location-based technologies in order to mutually tie people together, while they are simultaneously moving through an environment. This interaction will give feedback to both parties, in respect to each other’s location, while also providing optional turn-by-turn directions to the other user’s current location.

Our design is distinct and unique in the fact that we tie socialization, location, navigation and coordination in order to provide rich interactions in various contexts.  The design will provide a platform that makes sense with what people are already trying to accomplish when moving through environments together. Existing applications only take pieces of what our application does and focus on them in specific contexts forcing users into isolation or limiting the richness of what is possible with the technologies available. We are empowering the user to decide how they want to interact with others and providing them the digital tools to do so.

The original context that was explored harnessed driving and travelling scenarios. We discovered an additionally rich and salient application to this interaction for connections on foot. We have decided to bridge the two ideas together in order to create a rich and flexible environment for the user.


Traveling has become an important and necessary part of the human experience. With the invention of automobiles we have slowly become a culture that heavily relies on them as a form of transportation. Being that we are social creatures we take road trips together, follow each other and make adjustments during our trips based on unforeseen circumstances. Although there are many applications out there that help us in specific ways when traveling, most do not focus on how to keep groups of travelers together with rich feedback and support.

Our design allows for users to not only find a final destination, but allows them to connect to other drivers on the road in order to better keep track of each other while moving simultaneously. Users connect via GPS by either: username, phone number or by tapping each other’s devices.  After users connect they are linked up on a map through the application. At this point the application allows for navigation directions to the other vehicle or vehicles connected to each other. These directions are based on existing digital road infrastructures like “Google Maps”. It will give turn by turn directions (if desired) in order to closely follow people. The destination is always the other user’s vehicle. This eliminates the need to always physically see the other person’s vehicle (while following) and allows for pit stops, alternate routes and eliminates confusion/ phone calls. Some examples of types of interactions include, but are not limited to: casual road trips, following friends, logistical trucking, professional purposes, military coordination, and parades.


People not only follow or keep track of each other in vehicles but also attempt to keep track of each other on foot. We also have taken this into consideration especially when groups enter largely populated events where they are more likely to lose track of each other.  Some contexts of this type of interaction might include, but are not limited to: concerts, sporting events, conferences, amusement parks, campuses, parks, populated urban environments, festivals and museums. Through location-based technologies, users will be able to connect to each other’s devices and monitor each other’s location for rich feedback and visibility. The feedback would work in the same ways that the vehicle context does but in this scenario will not use existing roads as constraints. Each user will be tied to each other with direct lines or “bungees” on their map view. The application will show distance and connected users transposed on a geographic map. The application will also allow for interactions that include but are not limited to:  messaging, status, pulling users and built-in coordination affordances.


Being that privacy is always a concern when it comes to location-based interactions, we wanted to address it for our design.  Location Based services commonly use the information garnered in order to make predictions about users and target advertising. According to Freudiger this information is easily obtainable and useful at inferring home and work locations, narrowing down personal identity, and even identifying a specific user. (Freudiger, 2011). Our design does not intend to garner and use this information in any way other than making the experience more salient and relevant for the user. There will be clear disclaimers as far as information being collected. Disconnection options are easy and effective when it comes to disconnecting from other Bungee members. Users will have full control on if they are viewable or not viewable to other users.  

Looking into the Future

Our design can lend itself to many different paths in the future. Some of the various contexts for interaction could include, business use, logistic trucking companies, military use, connection with social media and connection with environmental beacons. When it comes to interacting with the environment, ideas like “Sense-Loc” could provide methods of more location-relevant interaction for our application. Sense-Loc can both semantically and energy-efficiently provide location context to applications by using a combination of acceleration, Wi-Fi, and GPS sensors to find semantic places, detect user movements, and track travel paths (Kim, 2010). We may also look at how other location-based traveling research deals with power, accuracy, cost and GPS. A good example of a system that can lend itself to these insights is “IVTrace”. This research developed to provide and assist with the travels, transport, and courier companies can give us some insight on how to deal with these interactions and technological issues while moving (Sudharsan, 2012). Before any future interactions are approached, our application will need to be extensively tested in order to address any preliminary and core issues.

Our Design (Bungee)

In this section we provide two scenarios in order to illustrate how our application would work. Screenshots are provided below the scenarios for easy reference.


1. (Vehicle Interaction) Matt, a user experience researcher in his mid-twenties, bought 4 tickets for a big-ticket concert at White River State Park in Indianapolis. He invited three of his friends to go with him to the big event. On the day of the concert, all of his friends meet at his house. Because of everyone’s obligations after the show, the group decides to drive separately but want to follow each other in order to be able to park next to one another at the show. Before the group leaves for the show, they decide to use “Bungee” in order to keep track of one another on the road. They each get out their phones and open up the “Bungee” application. They tap each other’s phones and hit “connect”. Matt decides to be the lead driver so he designates himself as such through the application. As the group takes off down the road they can see each other’s vehicles connected on a map that gives turn by turn directions to the lead driver. The group gets slightly separated, due to heavy traffic. Matt realizes he is low on gas. He makes a stop at a gas station where the other drivers are able to find him through directions given by Bungee. They eventually all park next to each other at the concert given the affordances of the application.

Figure 1: Scenario 1 using vehicle interaction mode

2 . (In-person Interaction) Once arriving at White River State Park for a the large concert event, Matt and his friends get out of their vehicles. They decide they still

want to know each other’s location and keep the group together so they hit “switch mode” on the Bungee application. This allows them to keep track of one another on foot/ in-person. They are connected with straight bungee lines on the application that stretch the further they get away from each other. The group walks into the event and decides to split up in order to find the best view at the show. Matt happens to stumble upon a perfect plot of grass for the group. He uses “Bungee” to then bring the group to his location by signaling the others. The rest of the group finds Matt easily with the application and enjoy the show.  When anyone in the group begins to get tired they could signal the rest of the group through “Bungee” and cut the line connected to the group. The group enjoyed being connected in a large crowd and avoided confusing phone calls and texts.

Figure 2: Scenario 1 continuied with Map View

Figure 4: Scenario 2 continuied with Disconnection

Figure 3: Scenario 2 using in-person interaction mode

User Feedback

We asked 6 participants what they thought about our design in order to get useful feedback on how we could improve this kind of interaction. We received feedback by showing the application on a mobile device while reading through our scenarios. Users were encouraged to casually interrupt or provide constructive criticism along the way. Overall, participants were pleased with the interaction and the idea. Some participants got hung up on certain aspects of interaction and questioned interactions that were not revealed by the application. We received both positive and critical feedback on our design and discuss some of the main remarks below.

Positive Feedback:

  • All of our participants were enthusiastic about our design idea and advised that they would use this type of system.

  • All of the participants liked that this application could be used for multiple situations

  • Most of the participants had new ideas about how they could use the application in a specific context

  • Most of our participants thought this would make the coordination process more efficient by eliminating phone calls.

Constructive Criticism:

  • Most of our participants wanted a way to connect to social media through “Bungee”

  • Some participants were confused on how the connections were working in vehicle mode in regards to the lead driver

  • Some participants mentioned they would prefer navigational mode while driving, not be the default, although they still wanted to know the other driver’s status.

  • Some of our participants were concerned about privacy

  • Some of our participants would like to see time until arrival/ efficiency notifiers

  • Some of our participants prefer on screen gestures for actions over the toolbox feature.


In the area of ubiquitous location-based technologies, we hope that our design will serve as an inspiration for other designers. We are paying attention to the ways humans already interact and take that information to make these experiences easier. By looking at existing systems and combining affordances in coordination, navigation, socialization and location, we have created a customizable context relevant interaction for users. Although the design is not fully functioning at this point, we hope that our research and idea serves as a way for other designers to start thinking about how we create applications with the abundant resources and cutting edge technologies available. We have designed “Bungee” in order to illustrate how this type of interaction might occur in the near future.  Using both positive and negative feedback we plan to re-iterate our design for a better experience. Based on the enthusiastic response from participants, we are very encouraged that we are tackling a useful problem space. Our design aspires to serve as a stepping stone in understanding how to bring people together with technology; instead of making it convenient to be apart.


We would like to thank Dr. Stephen Voida for all his help throughout this research


  1. Cao, L., Krumm, J. 2009. From GPS traces to a routable road map. In Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems(GIS '09). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 3-12.

  2. Freudiger, J., Shokri, R.,  Hubaux J. (2011). Evaluating the privacy risk of location-based services. In Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC'11), George Danezis (Ed.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 31-46.

  3. Jeske, T. (2013). Floating car data from smartphones: What google and waze know about you and how hackers can control traffic. Proc. of the BlackHat Europe.

  4. Kim, D. , Kim, Y., Estrin, D.,  Srivastava, M. (2010). SensLoc: sensing everyday places and paths using less energy. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys '10). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 43-56.

  5. Sudharsan D.,  Sudheer, K.. (2012).  IVTrace : A Cost-Effective Vehicle Tracking System-A Prototype. International Journal of Engineering and Technology. 2012;2(7):1162–1171

  6. Varshavsky, A.,  Patel, S. (2010). Location in ubiquitous computing (Chapter 7, pp. 285-320). In J. Krumm (Ed.), Ubiquitous Computing Fundamentals. Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis/CRC Press.


We thank all the volunteers, and all publications support and staff, who wrote and provided helpful comments on previous versions of this document. As well authors 1, 2, & 3 gratefully acknowledge the grant fron NSF (#1234-2012-ABC). Author 4 for example may want to acknowledge a supervisor/manager from their original employer. This whole paragraph is just for example … Some of the references cited in this paper are included for illustrative purposes only.



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  5. Mather, B.D. Making up titles for conference papers. Ext. Abstracts CHI 2000, ACM Press (2000), 1-2.

  6. Schwartz, M. Guidelines for Bias-Free Writing. Indiana University Press, Bloomington, IN, USA, 1995.

  7. Zellweger, P.T., Bouvin, N.O., Jehøj, H., and Mackinlay, J.D. Fluid Annotations in an Open World. Proc. Hypertext 2001, ACM Press (2001), 9-18.

  8. The 1998 ACM Computing Classification System.

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