Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment (cia) Monthly Update October 17, 2011 Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment (cia) Updates

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Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment (CIA) Monthly Update

October 17, 2011
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment (CIA) Updates

Contact: Pam Smith, Director (

ELA and Mathematics CCGPS

Contacts: Jan Wyche, Common Core Coordinator (

Kim Jeffcoat, English Language Arts Coordinator (

Sandi Woodall, Mathematics Coordinator (

Common Core Georgia Performance Standards in ELA/Literacy and Mathematics:


  • All October – December ELA and Mathematics Webinars may be accessed live or by recording through Elluminate Live! on the website.

  • Beginning January 25, 2012, through May 9, 2012, CCGPS Professional Learning will be made available to all education stakeholders via Georgia Public Broadcasting. The two-hour sessions will be interactive and recorded. For the times and dates of these sessions go to the GaDOE website and click on CCGPS Standards.

  • All GPB sessions will be archived and the recording will be available immediately following the live session. Closed captioning as an option for the GPB recordings will be available within a week after the live session.

  • To access all of the GPB CCGPS 2011-2012 Live Streamed Professional Learning sessions and recordings use the following link:


Contact: Sandi Woodall (

Mathematics Program Webpage at:
Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS) Mathematics Update:

  • Preparation for Georgia’s 2012-2013 CCGPS Mathematics Implementation necessitates that all mathematics teachers participate in one Fall professional learning grade level session. The professional learning session will focus on Standards for Mathematical Practice and will be offered initially at the October 19-21 Georgia Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2011 Georgia Mathematics Conference. Face-to-face sessions for K-5, 6-8, and 9-12 mathematics teachers are scheduled for October 20, 2011; the K-5 session will be repeated on October 21, 2011.

Because not all mathematics teachers will be able to attend the conference, sessions for each grade level will be repeated via Elluminate Live webinars during the months of October – December, 2011. The high school webinar session will be presented on November 1 and again on November 17. All other webinar grade level sessions will be presented on one date only as noted in the attached calendar.

  • All educators who impact mathematics education are encouraged to join the mathematics listserve appropriate to their role. The listserve addresses have been posted on the GaDOE Mathematics Program webpage. Upcoming CCGPS professional learning opportunities and additional resources will be announced by means of listserve emails.

2012 Georgia High School Graduates:

District level and school level administrators, along with high school counselors, are encouraged to reference the 2011-2012 Mathematics Graduation Guidance document and the USG Staying on Course document to assist students as they prepare to graduate from high school and to transition to post-secondary pursuits. Both documents have been posted on the GaDOE Mathematics Program webpage. Course descriptions for all Georgia mathematics courses have been provided in the Mathematics Graduation Guidance document; high school counselors are encouraged to attach a copy of the mathematics course descriptions to applications to out of state institutions.

Support from the GADOE Mathematics Curriculum Team:

  • Mathematics curriculum supervisors are invited to participate in the monthly Mathematics Curriculum Supervisor Update webinar scheduled for October 18, 2011, at 10:00 a.m. The link to join the session is:

NOTE: Thank you to those district curriculum directors who have provided us with the contact information for your district’s 2011-2012 mathematics curriculum supervisor or designee. If you have not previously done so, please email the contact information to Sandi Woodall at

English Language Arts (ELA)

Contact: Kim Jeffcoat (

In order to ensure that our teachers are well prepared for 100% implementation of the English Language Arts Common Core GPS during year 2012-13, we are steadily working on the creation and completion of resources for English language arts and literacy. Currently, the kindergarten and first grade Teacher Guidance Handbooks are almost in the “feedback ready” stage, and we would like to send these documents out for your review. It is our plan to have these guidance documents posted on the Common Core GPS tab on our Georgia Standards site once they are finalized. If you are interested in volunteering to provide feedback on this work, please send an email to Kim Jeffcoat at

I am also soliciting names of excellent and innovative teachers who would be interested in contracting with the Georgia Department of Education to write new units for ELA CCGPS. If you would like to recommend someone for this work, please let me know by giving me a call or sending me the teacher’s contact information. Thanks in advance for your partnership and input in this critical work.

Professional Learning Webinars on Elluminate Live!

The first week of English language arts professional learning webinars was completed on October 6. In spite of the technical difficulties experienced on Monday, October 3, we were able to validate an

estimated, live-viewer audience of around 1,000. A list of highlights for the week’s webinar series 1 is as follows:

1. An overview of the CCGPS

2. Facts about implementation

3. K-12 resources available now

4. K-12 resources in development

5. A timeline for next steps

6. Practice implementation tasks
The second session webinars for ELA will be held the week of October 23 with a focus on text complexity. The last session will occur the week of November 14 and will focus on the integrated teaching of the standards essential for CCGPS. In addition to these ELA sessions, there are also sessions scheduled for teachers of 6-12 history, social studies, science, and technical subjects. All 6-12 grade teachers of history and social studies are encouraged to join the webinar planned to begin at 3:30 on October 17. The focus of this session will be the literacy standards for informational reading in history/social studies. On the next day, October 18 at 3:30, we will have the session on the literacy standards for informational reading for all science and technical subject teachers. Since teachers of these subject areas all share the same set of literacy standards for writing, the 6-12 webinar session for history/social studies, science, and technical subjects teachers will be held on one day, Wednesday, November 9.
Please encourage your teachers to participate in these informative sessions. If participating at the live events is not a possibility, please share with them the method for accessing “recordings” on the Elluminate Live! site. We are keeping a record of the number of participants who join us during the live sessions; however, we will not have access to the total numbers who view the recordings. We can access the number of times a recorded session is viewed, but we cannot know the number of participants within a group of viewers. We would appreciate feedback in the manner of both numbers of viewers as well as suggestions for topics or needs. We have set up an “electronic suggestion/feedback box” at the following address:

As always, our goal is to provide you and the teachers within your districts with as much support as possible during this professional learning year and implementation year to come.

Resource Roll Out

Fall 2011

  • ¨ State-wide faculty meeting introducing Common Core

  • ¨ Extensive K-12 Teacher Resource Guide posted to GSO

  • ¨ ELA Newsletter

  • ¨ ELA Listserv and Newsflash

  • ¨ ELA Professional Learning Webinars

  • ¨ Webinar series #1: Overview, Practice Tasks

  • ¨ Webinar series #2: Text Complexity

  • ¨ Webinar series #3: Integrated Learning

  • ¨ Webinar series on literacy for reading and writing for 6-12 history/social studies, science,

and technical subjects teachers

  • ¨ Gates LDC Literacy Training begins in pilot schools

Winter/Spring 2012

  • ¨ Individual K-12th grade Teacher Guidance Handbooks posted by grade level

  • ¨ Curriculum maps

  • ¨ New unit frameworks by grade level

  • ¨ First action steps professional learning on integration, instruction, unit planning, and text selection

  • ¨ Live-streaming on Georgia Public Broadcasting in 11 sessions by grade level for ELA and sessions

for teachers of 6-12 history/social studies, science, and technical subjects
To facilitate location of existing resources within the DOE website, we have created an organization chart. This chart has been posted to our Georgia Standards site under the Common Core GPS tab. If you click on the English Language Arts link on the left, you will be redirected to our ELA landing page. You will find numerous support documents posted on this page as well.

Annual Georgia Reading Association (GRA) Conference

Please mark your calendars for November 7, 2011. The Georgia Reading Association will host a one day forum on "The Common Core Georgia Performance Standards" featuring as presenters Program Coordinators and Specialists from the Georgia Department of Education. This event will be held at the Macon Centreplex in Macon, Georgia. Registration information is posted on-line at Contact Lynn Minor at for more information.

NCTE 100th Anniversary Convention

Reading the Past, Writing the Future

November 17-22, 2011, Chicago, IL

For more information, go to:

Recognizing the importance of writing in the lives of us all, NCTE celebrated its first National Day on Writing and unveiled its National Gallery of Writing on October 20, 2009. Since that day more than 30,000 pieces of writing, including poems, videos, essays, letters, audio recordings, blog entries, artwork, email and text messages, and short stories, have been submitted. Join NCTE in celebrating the third annual National Day on Writing, Thursday, October 20, 2011.

Poetry Out Loud (October 21st deadline)

This prestigious poetry recitation contest begins at the school level, with winners attending a state-wide final in March. Georgia’s winner will compete nationally in the spring for a $20,000 scholarship. Poetry Out Loud is an amazing opportunity and beautifully illustrates the power of the spoken word. Contact:

Georgia Council for the Arts
Melanie Eisenhart

Read to Achieve

Atlanta Hawk’s Fast Break for Reading

In conjunction with the NBA’s “Read to Achieve” program, the Atlanta Hawks is accepting applications through October 17, 2011, from Georgia elementary schools who want to participate in this fun and empowering program:

Early Intervention Program (EIP)

Contacts: Sallie Mills ( and/or Pam Smith (


Contact: Tony Eitel (

The following assessment windows are on the State Testing Calendar for the month of October 2011:

- Georgia Alternate Assessment (Main Administration and High School Re-Test Options opened on September 6)

- End of Course Tests (EOCT) Mid-Month Administration (October 17 – 21)

The following ordering windows open in October 2011:

- Grade 8 Writing Assessment: October 3 – 14

- ACCESS for ELLs: October 17 – November 28

- GAA (for spring shipment): October 31 – December 2

The Assessment Division will be conducting the following webinar during October 2011:

- EOCT Pre-Administration Workshop (October 25 – 27)

A memorandum regarding testing webinar events, including details on the date and time of each, is posted at:

Several activities will be taking place in November regarding the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)

- Age 13 Long Term Trend Assessments begin in October 2011 in selected Georgia systems

- 2011 Reading and Mathematics state results will be released nationwide in November 2011 (No system level results except for the Atlanta Public Schools which is designated as a Trial Urban District Assessment (TUDA) system)

Career, Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE) Update

Contact: Emily Spann (

College Credit Now (formerly known as Dual Enrollment) Information

ACCEL Contact: Patrick Blenke (

Move On When Ready (MOWR)

Contact: Gary Mealer (

End-of-Pathway Assessment Update

Contact: Mamie Hanson (, (404-657-6279)

Student Credentialing opportunities are now available to CTAE pathway completers who participate in End-of-Pathway Assessment (EOPA) activities. Students complete the three or four designated courses in a pathway in order to participate in assessment activities. EOPA was implemented statewide during the FY2011 school year. During the initial year, approximately 18,000 pathway completers were assessed.

FY2012 Assessment information Sheets for each exam included in the inventory have been posted on the CTAE Assessment Web Page. Please click on the following link to review the current inventory:
Professional Learning Opportunities

New Workforce Education Doctor of Education Program

Please see the attached flyer regarding a NEW Practitioner-Based Doctor of Education (EdD)

in Workforce Education that is now available through the UGA Griffin Campus.

School Counselor and Teachers-As-Advisors (TAA)

Contact: Emily Spann (, Vivian Snyder ( , or Jackie Melendez (

Please see the links listed below for updated School Counselor and Teachers-As-Advisors Professional Learning Webinars. We encourage you to access these sessions to obtain up-to-date school counselor information to assist with program planning and implementation.


School Counselor Professional Learning

Elluminate Webinar Series

Archived School Counselor Webinar Topics

Grade Level

Archived Webinar

College Credit Now (Dual Enrollment)

Completed and Archived (see link to the right)

High School Counselors

Click the following archived link:

College Credit Now (Dual Enrollment) Update
Completed and Archived (see link to the right)

High School Counselors

College Credit Now (Dual Enrollment)

Completed and Archived (see link to the right)

Middle School Counselors

First Generation College Student Advisement
Completed and Archived (see link to the right)

High School Counselors

Click the following archived link:

Live School Counselor Webinar Topics


Grade Level


College Credit Now (Dual Enrollment) REPEAT

October 11, 2011 Tuesday

High School Counselors

10:00 – 11:00 am

The following webinars will be recorded, archived and available at

Archived School Counselor Webinar Topics

Grade Level

Aligning a Student’s IEP

with the Individual Graduation Plan

Completed and Archived (see link to the right)

Strategies for Advising New and Transfer Students

to Develop Individual Graduation Plans

Completed and Archived (see link to the right)

Overview of End of Pathway Assessments
Completed and Archived (see link to the right)

Encouraging Underrepresented Students into STEM

and Non-Traditional Careers

Completed and Archived (see link to the right)

Issues in Working with Migrant Students

Coming Soon!

Elementary, Middle and High School Counselors

Developing Elementary Career Awareness

Coming Soon!

Elementary School Counselors

K-12 College and Career Counseling

Coming Soon!

Elementary, Middle and High School Counselors

Classroom Guidance and Bullying Prevention

Coming Soon!

Elementary, Middle and High School Counselors

Understanding the PSAT as a

School Improvement Strategy

Coming Soon!

High School Counselors

College and Career Ready Performance Index Update

Coming Soon!

Elementary, Middle and High School Counselors

RAMP (ASCA Model School Program)

Coming Soon!

Elementary, Middle and High School Counselors

Teachers-As-Advisors Webinar Series

Georgia DOE will offer a series of professional learning Elluminate webinars for NEW Teachers-As-Advisors programs. These webinars will be recorded and archived on the assigned dates at In addition, three Georgia school systems will provide information about their EXISTING programs including successes, challenges and “if I had it to do over” situations. Contact Vivian Snyder,

Webinar Recording Dates for NEW Programs

Teachers-As-Advisor Webinar Topics

Delivery Time

Webinar Description

October 18

Introduction; Awareness/Rationale; Education and Career Planning

2 hours

This training session will assist the local system with: creating awareness of a typical TAA program and provide rationale for such a program; reviewing the educational and career planning process also as rationale for such a program.

October 25

Statement of Purpose; Parental Involvement

1.5 hours

This training session will assist the local system with: developing a statement of purpose for their 6-12 program; providing justification, strategies, tools and resources to assist with the parental involvement in the program

November 1

Organizational/Logistics; TAA Activities

1.5 hours

This training session will assist the local system with: reaching a consensus on the organizational and logistical aspects of the program; creating content for the program

November 8

Student Assessments; Level of Leadership

1 hour

This training session will assist the local system with: identifying student assessments on Gacollege411 and how to utilize these assessments; identifying the roles and responsibilities of key leaders in the program.

November 15

Professional Learning and Support; TAA Program Evaluation

1.5 hours

This training session will assist the local system with: identifying topics for professional learning and establishing a timeline; identifying outcome data to determine the effectiveness of the program and sharing a typical rubric

Recording Dates for EXISTING Programs

Teachers-As-Advisor Webinar Topics

Delivery Time

Webinar Description

October 19

Douglas County TAA

Best Practice

1 hour

In this session the Douglas County TAA team will describe the Douglas County TAA program

January 12, 2012

Ware County TAA

Best Practice

1 hour

In this session the Ware County TAA team will describe the Ware County TAA program

November 16

Chickamauga City Schools

Best Practice

1 hour

In this session Chickamauga City TAA team will describe the Chickamauga City TAA program

College Readiness Unit

Contact: Becky Chambers ( Telephone (404-463-5098)

Be sure to speak with your ELA/Literacy colleagues in Effingham, Gwinnett, Houston, Lowndes and Ware Counties about the Literacy Design Collaborative training in which select teachers are participating. These strategies for teaching writing in all content areas will serve as an amazing compliment to successful implementation of the Common Core GPS Literacy Standards.

The state contact for this work is: Mary Lynn Huie, Literacy Trainer at GaDOE,
And, be sure to speak with your mathematics colleagues in DeKalb, Hall, Houston, Lowndes, Rabun, and Ware Counties about the Math Design Collaborative training in which select teachers are participating. The strategies for teaching Formative Assessment Lessons will improve mathematics understanding for all students and also serve as a valuable compliment to successful implementation of the Common Core GPS Mathematics Standards.

The state contact for this work is: Vicki Mixon, Mathematics Trainer at GaDOE, (


Contact: Carol Johnson ( or Cori Alston (

Project EXPRESS for Mathematics and EXPRESS (OnLine)

Contact: Pat Blenke (


Contact: Pat Blenke (

The DOE will be hosting five webinars related to Response to Intervention (RtI). The first of these webinars will be on Wednesday, October 19, 2011 at 3:00 p.m. This webinar will feature Little Mill Middle School of Forsyth County which was a 2011 SSTAGE STAR Award Winner for the secondary level. Join us on our journey as we guide you over the pitfalls to the treasures hidden within the RTI Pyramid. Follow as we wind our way through student placement and intervention scheduling, the search for appropriate programs and the tools that will monitor progress and drive instructional change, establishment of fidelity, and the building of accountability teams. Come along as we attempt to discover the treasures of success for our most needy students and their families.
To access this webinar go to and click onto, then select elluminate live. Choose the date of Wednesday, October 19, and the session named Little Mill Middle School’s Journey through RTI, and sign in. Please wait for the session name to turn a dark blue before selecting. There is no password required for this session. This webinar will be recorded.

GaDOE HIV/AIDS Prevention Program

Contact: Pat Blenke (

Georgia Virtual School (GaVS)

Contact: Christina Clayton (

  • 122+ courses available for Online Instruction through Georgia Virtual School.

  • Students are no longer limited to the one Carnegie Unit (2 half units) per semester for FTE funding.

  • Seven schools from around the state have now begun the Blended Learning pilot with over 1500 Georgia Virtual School course enrollments.

  • Georgia Virtual School has made available online its full course content in many core subject areas including middle school courses, which are fully aligned to the Georgia Performance Standards. Known as Free Shared Resources, this online content includes free digital resources such as interactive video lessons, self-check assessments, and educational links to help enrich instruction for students of all levels. Any student, parent, and educator in the state can access the most current listing of shared learning content by visiting and clicking on the resources tab.

Gifted Education

Contact: Annette Eger (

Health Education and Physical Education

Contact: Therese McGuire (

Georgia and National School Bus Safety Week October 17-21 is a great time to review school bus safety materials
School Bus Safety Instructional Materials: Grade K – 5
In the 2009 – 2010 & 2010 – 2011 school years Georgia had 7 student fatalities, 5 serious injuries and 4 near misses when students were getting on and off the school bus. These tragic events point out the need to look at ways to reduce the possibility of similar tragedies ever happening again. You can play an important role in the delivery of essential school bus safety training to our student riders. Classes receiving the instruction will be composed of those who ride the bus to and from school and others who may ride infrequently or who ride only on field trips. This instruction is for everyone. The school bus safety training provided to students should be developmentally appropriate and is an integral part of the Health and Safety Curriculum.

Fitness Assessment:

Every school must have physical education teachers trained.

If your system or local RESA has not secured a training date please contact Therese. All schools with a physical education program are required to assess students this school year.

Assessment Training Information:

Purpose and Description: The goal of full day training is to ensure consistency of fitness test administration, data collection, and messaging about fitness testing in addition to improving knowledge about health and fitness. The full day training will include: Fitnessgram test protocol, collection of student health related fitness data, the opportunity to see how all test items are administered and scored, as well as learn about best practices for efficient testing.

Who should attend? Physical Education Teachers – At least one per school

Beginning in the 2011-2012 school year, OCGA 2-7-777 requires each local school district in Georgia to conduct an annual fitness assessment program for all students in grades 1 - 12 enrolled in all public school physical education classes. The S.H.A.P.E. partnership will provide each school with testing material and licensing for data collection and parent reporting. Therefore every school should be represented at a training.... it is highly recommended that two physical education teachers per school participate in the training. Substitute teacher reimbursement for up to two per school will be provided.

  • The fitness assessment training manual can be found at:

  • Information concerning the least minimum requirements can be found at

  • Fitnessgram will be the fitness test instrument used. Information about Fitnessgram can be found @
Georgia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Annual Conference

2011GAHPERD Convention

October 22-25:   SUNDAY-TUESDAY

Hilton Atlanta/Marietta Hotel and Conference Center

500 Powder Springs Street-Marietta, GA 20064

Library Media Services
Contact: Judy Serritella (
The Exemplary and Exceptional Library Media programs were recently announced.
The following schools were named as having Exemplary Library Media Programs


Parsons: Gwinnett LMS Suzanne Skeen Principal: Charlotte Sadler
Compton: Cobb LMS Peggy Milam-Creighton Principal: Liz Murphy


Palmer: Cobb LMS Janell McClure Principal: Cathy Wentworth
Midway: Liberty LMS Cristina Dover Principal: Debra Frazier
Clarke: Clarke LMS Shawn Hinger Principal: Tad MacMillan

Glynn Academy: Glynn LMS Melissa Purcell and Amy Bradley Principal: Scott Spence
Sequoyah: Cherokee LMS Jan Reed and Elease Franchini Principal: Elliott Berman


Kingston: Bartow LMS Lori Pilgrim Principal Stefany Howard
Medlock Bridge: Fulton LMS Leigh Martin Principal Margaret Pupillo


Ridgeview Charter: Fulton LMS Taylor Wickline Principal Lisa Hastey
Little Mill: Forsyth LMS Anna Murdock Principal Connie McCrary
Heard Middle: Heard LMS Glovis South Principal Mike Roberts

 The GaETC (Georgia Educational Technology Conference) will be held November 2nd through November 4th at the Georgia International Convention Center in Atlanta. More information can be found at: The Exemplary and Exceptional Library Media Program recipients will present at GaETC.

There are 32 systems that have not yet responded to the Library Media Feedback Form. This is a short (11 questions) Library Media Feedback form was sent to all system’s Library Media Coordinators in April with a deadline of May 27th. Some school systems do not have anyone listed as Media Coordinator in the GaDOE portal and this could be a possible reason for no response. It is a GaDOE policy (IFBD 160-4-4-.01) that the local school superintendent appoints a system media contact person to serve as liaison to the department. In some systems the System Level Media Coordinator holds other positions, in some cases Library Media is their only role, and in others the Media Coordinator also serves as a local school Library Media Specialist.
Reminder: GaDOE cannot add a name to the portal. Adding a name must be done by your system’s Security Officer. If your system does not have someone serving in this role, I have emailed Library Media information to the Curriculum Director.
The data gathered from this feedback form will help us determine where we are in terms of Library Media programs and where we need/want to go.
The Media Matters October 2011 newsletter can be found at:


Contact: Julie Morrill (

Georgia has been awarded one of six Striving Reader Comprehensive Literacy Grants. The $25,600,000.00 will be competitively sub-granted to districts and non-profit providers of early learning. The sub-grant competition package will be released on November 1, 2011, with the applications being due to the GaDOE by December 16, 2011. Grants are expected to be awarded in March 2012. To join the Striving Reader list serv, send an email to An Elluminate Grant Overview session was held on October 4th and has been recorded.

Migrant Education Program

Contact: John Wight (

Teacher Line

Contact: Judy Serritella (

Math Science Partnership

Contact: Amanda Buice (


Contact: Juan-Carlos Aguilar (

2012 Georgia Science and Engineering Fair (GSEF)

The Georgia Science and Engineering Fair (GSEF) is one of a number of learning experiences that help young people meet the challenges of the future. It provides a stage from which the junior high and high school students of Georgia can demonstrate their serious contributions to the advancement of society and our way of life.

The schedule for the 2012 GSEF is below:


February 19, 2012

Last possible date to complete Regional Fairs

10 days after regional fair

Finalists’ paper documents and registration fee due at GSEF


March 2, 2012

Last possible day for any corrected finalists’ documents / missing items / late payments to be received by GSEF


March 29-31, 2012

GSEF Fair in Athens

The registration fee per student is $39. More information about the GSEF can be found at their webpage ( or by contacting the GSEF Program Coordinator Mrs. Christine Burgoyne by calling the GSEF phone line (706-542-3554 or 706-542-6473).

Presidential Award for Excellence in Science Teaching
The new nomination period for Elementary Science Teachers (K-6) opened October 1. The eligibility requirements are as follows:

  • Teach mathematics or science at the K-6th grade level (2012 deadline) or 7-12th grade level (2013 deadline) in a public or private school.

  • Hold at least a Bachelor's degree from an accredited institution.

  • Be a full-time employee of the school or school district as determined by state and district policies, and teach K-12 students at least 50% of the time.

  • Have at least 5 years of full-time, K-12 mathematics or science teaching experience prior to the 2011-2012 academic school year (2012 deadline) or prior to the 2012-2013 academic school year (2013 deadline).

  • Teach in one of the 50 states or the four U.S. jurisdictions. The jurisdictions are Washington, DC; Puerto Rico; Department of Defense Education Activity schools; and the U.S. territories as a group (American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands).

  • Be a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident.

  • Not have received the PAEMST award at the national level in any prior competition or category.

More information about the nomination process can be found at the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching website ( or by contacting Juan-Carlos Aguilar at

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