Curriculum vita

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Personal Information:

  • Name: Hassan A. Babaie Phone: (W) 404 413 5766

  • Email: Web site:


  • Northwestern University, Evanston, IL: PhD, Structural Geology; 1984

  • Northwestern University, Evanston, IL: MS, Geology; 1982

  • University of Shiraz, Shiraz, Iran: BS, Geology, 1973

Academic Appointments

  • Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA., Associate Professor; 1992-present.

  • Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA., Assistant Professor; 1985-1992

  • Stephen F. Austin State Univ., Nacogdoches, TX, Assistant Prof. 1/85-5/85

  • Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, Post-doctoral Research Assistant, 1984


  • Elected as a Fellow of the Geological Society of America, in recognition of distinguished contributions to the geosciences. 2010

  • Elected Chair of the Geological Society of America, Geoinformatics Division, 2010

  • Editor-in-Chief of the Earth Science Informatics journal since 2007



  • Develop a cyberinfrastructure to allow virtual geological mapping with Semantic Web technology.

  • Develop an internationally recognized and funded research program in geoinformatics by building:

    • Object and process ontologies for brittle and ductile deformation in structural geology

    • Semantic web-based ontologies for dynamic, nonlinear complex Earth science data


  • Train a new, hybrid generation of graduate students in geoinformatics by offering new courses in Earth science informatics in the Department of Geosciences, GSU

    • Started offering the “Geoinformatics” course in the Fall semester of 2010

  • Improve the quality of my teaching by introducing new knowledge in my course material

Computing Skills:

  • Programming/Scripting languages: C/C++, Java, Python, Visual Basic

  • Design geological ontologies with UML, Protégé, and Altova’s SemanticWorks

  • Develop ontologies with the Web Ontology Language (OWL), RDFS, and RDF

  • Design dynamic, server-side web applications with PHP, ASP, and JSP

  • Design/Map UML model into XML Schema, relational database, and Java, with Rational Rose

  • Design and implement databases with MySQL, and SQL (Structured Query Language)

Current Research Interest and Projects:

Geoinformatics - Semantic Web, Linked Open Data:

  • Formalizing the semantics of dynamic, nonlinear complex systems

  • Develop spatial and process ontologies for experimental plastic deformation of polycrystalline rock

  • Spatial analysis of faults in Montana and Idaho

Recent Projects:

  • Study of major ophiolite belts in Iran

  • Spatial and temporal analysis of faults around the Snake River Plain

  • SAFOD Brittle Microstructure and Mechanics Knowledge Base (SAFOD BM 2KB)

  • Conceptualization of the processes in the Nankai Trough accretionary prism, Japan

  • Building hydrogeology ontology by extending the SWEET upper-level ontologies

  • Designing a modular architecture for the structural geology ontology

  • Designing markup languages for structural geology

Teaching Experience:

  • Georgia State University, 1985-present:

    • Geoinformatics

    • Physical Geology; Historical Geology; Rocks and Minerals

    • Structural Geology, Advanced Structural Geology

    • Field Methods, Geotectonics, Basic and Advanced Field Geology (Montana),

    • Rock Fracture and Fluid Flow; Geology of Fractured Rocks

    • Geologic Resources and the Environment, Tectonics and Deformation

  • Stephen F. Austin State University, winter 1985, Structural Geology, Physical Geology

  • Loyola University, fall 1983, Physical Geology

  • Northwestern University, 1978-1981, Physical Geology

Publications in refereed journals (student names underlined):
Shirzad, M.R., Babaie, H. A., Kiani, T., Navi, M., Gholami, H., Arefpour, S., Fouladi, N., and Motevalli, K., 2014. Framework and modeling structure of exploration and mining cadestre system in Iran. Earth Science Inform 7, 123-138.

Davarpanah, A. and Babaie, H. A., 2013. Anisotropy of fractal dimension of normal faults in northern Rocky Mountains: Implications for the kinematics of Cenozoic extension and Yellowstone hotspot’s thermal expansion. Tectonophysics, 608, 530-544.

Babaie, Hassan A., Broda Cindi M., Hadizadeh, Jafar, Kumar, Anuj. 2013. SAFOD Brittle Microstructure and Mechanics Knowledge Base (BM2KB). Computers & Geosciences, 56, 83-91.

Khalatbari-Jafari, M., Babaie, H.A., and Gani, M., 2013. Geochemical evidence for Late Cretaceous marginal arc-to-backarc transition in the Sabzevar ophiolitic sequence, northeast Iran. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 70-71, 209-230.

Khalatbari-Jafari, M., Babaie, H. A., and Mirzaie, M., 2013. Geology, petrology, and tectono-magmatic sequence of the crustal, ophiolitic plutonic rocks northeast of Sabzevar, Iran. Geological Magazine, 150, 862-884.

Jafar Hadizadeh, Silvia Mittempergher, Jean-Pierre Gratier, Francois Renard, Giulio Di Toro, Julie, Richard, Hassan A. Babaie. 2012. A microstructural study of the SAFOD gouge; Implications for the deformation mechanisms and strength of the creeping segment of the San Andreas Fault. Journal of Structural Geology, 42, 242-260.

Babaie, H. 2011. Modeling geodynamic processes with ontologies. Book chapter in the ‘Geoinformatics: Cyberinfrastructure for the Solid Earth Sciences’’ Randy Keller and Chaitan Baru (eds), Cambridge Press, 166-189.

Babaie, H., 2011. "Ontological relations and spatial reasoning in Earth science ontologies". In: Societal Challenges and Geoinformatics. Krishna Sinha, David Arctur, Ian Jackson, and Linda Gundersen (eds), Geological Society of America (GSA) Special Paper 482, 13-27.

Jafar Hadizadeh a, Silvia Mittempergher b, Giulio Di Toro b, Jean-Pierre Gratier c, Julie Richard c, and Hassan Babaie, 2011. Fluid Pressure Spikes in SAFOD Rocks as Evidence of Microseismicity, Insights, the EarthScope Newsletter, Spring 2011, p. 1-3.

Babaie, H. A., 2011. Semantic Web technology-driven Geosciences Network. White paper submitted to NSF’s EarthCube, October 2011.

Walker, D., Gundersen, L., Allison, L., Babaie, H. A., Fils, D., Richard, S., Arrowsmith, R., Cervato, C., and Whitmeyer, S. (2011). A National Geoinformatics Community (NGC). White paper submitted to NSF’s EarthCube, October 2011.

Babaie, H. A. (2008). The Earth systems and Earth science informatics. Earth Science Informatics 1:1–2.

Tripathi, A. and Babaie, H. A., 2008, Developing a modular hydrogeology ontology by extending the SWEET upper-level ontologies. Computers & Geosciences journal, v. 34, 1022 -1033.

Babaie, H. A., Oldow, J. S., Babaei, A., Ave Lallement, H. G., and Watkinson, A. J., 2006, Designing a modular architecture for the structural geology ontology, in Sinha, A. K., ed., Geoinformatics: Data to Knowledge: Geological Society of America Special Paper 397, p. 269-282, doi: 10.1130/2006.2397(21).

Babaie, H. A., Babaei, A., Ghazi, A. M., and Arvin, M., 2006, Geochemical, 40Ar/39Ar age, and isotopic data for crustal rocks of the Neyriz ophiolite, Iran. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 43, 57-70.

Babaie, H. A., and Babaei, A., 2005. Modeling Geological Objects with the XML Schema. In 'Applications of XML in Geosciences'. edited by Babaie H. and Ramachandran R. Computers & Geosciences Journal Special Issue, 31, 1135-1150.

Babaie, H. A., and Rahul Ramachandran, 2005. Applications of XMl in Geology. In 'Applications of XML in Geosciences'. edited by Babaie H. A. and Ramachandran R., Computers & Geosciences Journal Special Issue 31, 1079-1080.

Babaie, H. A., and Babaei, A., 2005. Developing the Earthquake Markup Language and Database with UML and XML Schema. In 'Applications of XML in Geosciences'. edited by Babaie H. and Ramachandran R. Computers & Geosciences Journal Special Issue 31, 1175-1200

Babaei, A., Babaie, H. A., and Arvin, M., 2005, Tectonic evolution of the Neyriz ophiolite, Iran: an accretionary prism model. Ofioliti 30(2): 65-74.

Ghazi, A.M., Pessagno, E. A., Hassanipak, A.A., Kariminia, S.M., Duncan, R. A, Babaie, H. A. 2003. Biostratigraphic zonation and 40Ar-39Ar ages for the Neo-Tethyan Khoy ophiolite of NW Iran. Paleogeography-Paleoclimatology-Paleoecology, 193, 311-323.

Babaie, A., Arvin, M. and Babaie, H. A., 2002. An oblique convergence and rotation model for the emplacement of the Baft ophiolitic mélange in Iran. Ofioliti, v. 26, no. 2b, p. 401-408.

Arvin, M., A. Husseinipour, A. A., Babaei, A., and Babaie, H.A., 2002. Geochemistry and tectonic significance of basalts in the Dar-e Anar complex; evidence from the Kahnuj ophiolite complex, southeastern Iran. Journal of Science, Iran, v. 12, no. 2. 157-170.

Babaie, H. A., Ghazi, A.M., Babaei, A., La Tour, T.E., and Hassanipak, A. A. 2001, Geochemistry of arc volcanic rocks of the Zagros crust zone, Neyriz, Iran. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 19, p. 61-76.

Babaie, H. A., 2001, The Brunton Compass and Geological objects. Georgia Geological Society Guidebook, v. 21, p. 55-60.

Babaie, H. A. and La Tour, T. E., 1998, Semi-brittle deformation and cataclastic flow of hornblende-quartz rock in a ductile shear zone. In: "Atlas of mylonitic and fault-related rocks", edited by A.W. Snoke, J. A. Tullis, and V. R. Todd, p. 180-183.

Babaie, H. A., Hadizadeh, J., and Babaei, A., 1995, Self-similar cataclasis in the Saltville Thrust zone, Knoxville, Tennessee. Journal of Geophysical Research, 100, 18,075-18,084.

Babaie, H. A., and La Tour, T. E., 1994. Semibrittle and cataclastic deformation of hornblende-quartz rocks in a ductile shear zone. Tectonophysics, vol. 229, 19-30.

Vauchez, A., Babaie, H. A., and Babaei, A., 1993. Oregon-parallel tangential motion in the Late Devonian Early Carboniferous southern Appalachians internides. Can. J. Earth Sci., 30, 1297-1305.

Babaie, H. A., Speed, R. C., and Claypool, G., 1992. Source rock and maturation evaluation of Barbados accretionary prism. Journal of Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 9, 623-631.

Babaie, H. A., Babaei, A. A., and Hadizadeh, J., 1991. Initiation of cataclastic flow and development of cataclastic foliation in nonporous quartzites from a natural fault zone. Tectonophysics, v. 200, 67-77.

Hadizadeh, J., Babaie, H. A., and Babaei, A. A., 1991. Development of interlaced mylonites, cataclasites and breccias: Example from the Towaliga Fault, south central Appalachians, J. Struc. Geol. 13, 63-70.

Babaie, H. A., Hadizadeh, J., and Babaei, A. A. 1991. Timing and temperature of cataclastic deformation phases along segments of the Towaliga fault zone, Georgia, Jour. Struc. Geol., 13, p. 579-586.

Babaie, H. A., and Speed, R. C. 1990, Origin of kink bands in the Golconda allochthon, Nevada: Implications for accretionary prisms: Geological Society of America Bulletin. 102, 315-321.

Babaie, H. A., 1987. Paleogeographic and tectonic implications of the Golconda allochthon, southern Toiyabe Range, Nevada: Geological Society of America, Bulletin, v. 99, 231 243.

Babaie, H. A., 1986. A comparison of two-dimensional strain analysis methods using elliptical grains: Jour Struc Geol, v. 8, p. 585 587.
Babaie, H. A., Atchison, C., Sunderraman, R., 2014. Adaptive Semantic and Social Web-based learning and assessment environment for the STEM fields. Geophysical Research Abstracts, v. 16, EGU2014. EGU General Assembly 2014. Vienna, Austria.

Babaie, H. A., Khalatbari-Jafari, M., and Moslempour, M. E., 2014. MORB to supra-subduction geochemical transition in the extrusive sequences of major upper Cretaceous ophiolites of Iran. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco.

Babaie, H. A., Sunderraman, R., and Zhu, Y., 2013. Building a semi-automatic ontology learning and construction system for geosciences. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.

Davarpanah, A. and Babaie, H. A., 2013. Kinematics of thermally-induced Neogene cross fault system around the Snake River Plain, ID and Mt. GSA Annual Meeting, Denver, Co.

Khalatbari, M., Babaie, H. A., and Moslempour, M.E., 2013. Geochemical characteristics of major massifs in Iran: Tectonic implications. GSA Annual Meeting, Denver, Co.

Sarajlic, S., and Babaie, H. A., 2013. Contaminant Hydrogeology Ontology: Integration with the Linked Open Data Cloud. SE-GSA, 20-21 March, 2013, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Babaie, H. A., (2012), Semantic Web-based digital, field and virtual geological mapping. Presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec.

Davarpanah, A., and Babaie, H. A. (2012), Variation of the fractal dimension anisotropy of two major Cenozoic normal fault systems over space and time around the Snake River Plain, Idaho and SW Montana. 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec.

Babaie, H. A., Broda, C. M, Kumar, A., and Hadizadeh, J., (2010) Representation and Management of the Knowledge of Brittle Deformation in Shear Zones Using Microstructural Data from the SAFOD Core Samples. EOS Trans. AGU.

Babaie, H. A., (2010) Spatial and Spatio-temporal Reasoning in Earth Science with Foundational Ontological Relations. Eos Trans. AGU, 91(26), Meet. Am. Suppl., Abstract.

Jafar Hadizadeh, Jean-Pierre L Gratier, Silvia Mittempergher, Francois Renard, Julie Richard, Giulio Di Toro, Hassan A Babaie (2010) Implications of Microstructural Studies of the SAFOD Gouge for the Strength and Deformation Mechanisms in the Creeping Segment of the San Andreas Fault. EOS Trans.AGU.

Gunderson, L., Whitmeyer, S.J., Walker, D., Allison, L., Arrowsmith, R., Babaie, H., Cervato, C., Fils, D., Richard, S.M (2010) New Initiatives in the Development of a National Geoinformatics Community, EOS Trans. AGU.

Davarpanah, A., Babaie, H. A., and Reed, P., (2010) Spatiotemporal analysis of Quaternary normal faults in the Northern Rocky Mountains, USA. Abstract IN33A-1297, 2010 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 13-17 Dec.

Blackburn, E. D., Hadizadeh, J., Babaie, H. A. 2009. A microstructural study of SAFOD gouge from actively creeping San Andreas Fault zone; Implications for shear localization models. Eos, Trans. AGU 89(53), Abstr.T21B-1802.

Babaie, H. A., (2009). Depiction of geological processes with ontologies. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 41, No. 7, p. 556.

Babaie, H. A., Hadizadeh, J., Kumar, A., and Broda, C., (2009). SAFOD BM2KB: A Web- and ontology-based brittle deformation microstructural and mechanics data submission and query system for the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth core samples. Earthscope National Mtg., Boise, ID., May 12-15, 2009.

Hadizadeh, J., Blackburn, E., and Babaie, H. A. (2009) A preliminary study of deformation in gouge from actively creeping fault zone encountered in the SAFOD Phase 3 drill hole: Implications for exhumed gouges and shear localization models. Earthscope National Mtg, Boise, ID, May 12-15, 2009.

Stephen Hickman (and many others; includes Babaie) (2009), Structure and composition of the San Andreas Fault in central California: Recent results from SAFOD sample analyses. Earthscope National Meeting, Boise Idaho. May 12-15.

Babaie, H., Hadizadeh, J., Di Toro, G., Mair, K., Kumar, A., (2008), SAFOD brittle microstructure and mechanics knowledge base (SAFOD BM2KB). Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract IN13A-1061.

Babaie, H. A., and Hadizadeh, J., 2007, Spatial and process ontologies for brittle shear zones: SAFOD project. Earthscope National Meeting. Monterey, CA. March 27-30

Hadizadeh, J., Babaie, H. A., Di Toro, G., and Mair, K., 2007, What is the role of minor gouge zones in the damage zone of the SAF system? Earthscope National Meeting. Monterey, CA. March 27-30.

Babaie, H. A. (2006). Formal ontological relations and the depiction of reality in the Nankai Trough, Japan. Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract N43D-04.

Babaie, H. A., and Hadizadeh, J., 2006, Ontology of brittle deformation in natural and experimental shear zones. IODP-ICDP Workshop on Fault Zone, Miyazaki, Japan.

Babaie, H. A., Designing Dynamic Earth Sciences Ontologies, 2006, USGS, Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5201, 2006, p. 2, in Geoinformatics 2006 – Abstracts, S. R. Brady, A. K. Sinha, and L. C. Gundersen (eds.).

Richard, S. M., Babaie, H. A., Oldow, J. S., Avé-Lallemant, H. G. and Watkinson, A. J., 2006, Formalization of Fold and Fault Concepts in a Structural Geology Ontology. USGS, Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5201, 2006, p. 51, in Geoinformatics 2006 – Abstracts, S. R. Brady, A. K. Sinha, and L. C. Gundersen (eds.).

Babaie, H. A., and Hadizadeh, J., 2006, Ontology of Experimental and Simulated Fault Gouge USGS, Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5201, 2006, p. 39-40, in Geoinformatics 2006 – Abstracts, S. R. Brady, A. K. Sinha, and L. C. Gundersen (eds.).

Ajay Tripathi and Babaie, H. A., 2005. Developing a Modular Hydrogeology Ontology Extending the SWEET Ontologies. AGU Trans.

Babaie, H. A., Hadizadeh, Jafar, Mair, Karen, and DiToro Giulio, 2005. Developing a cyberplatform for sample-based brittle deformation research. GEON 3rd Annual GEON Meeting on Research Frontiers in Cyberinfrastructure for the Geosciences, San Diego, CA, May 5, 6, available at:

Sinha, A. K., McGuinness, D., Raskin, R., Lin, K., Brodaric, B., Babaie, H. A., Barnes, C., Keller, R., Gates, A., Dungan, J., Zhong, J., Seber, D., Hanan, B., Frank, E., and Najdi, J., 2005. Geo-Ontology: empowering new discoveries in Earth sciences, GEON 3rd Annual GEON Meeting on Research Frontiers in Cyberinfrastructure for the Geosciences, San Diego, CA, May 5, 6, available at:

Babaie, H. A., and Babaei, A., 2004. Modeling discipline-specific geologic concepts with the W3C XML Schema, GSA Abs w. Prog. Vol. 36, No. 5, p. 130.

Babaie, H. A., 2004. Representation of Structural Geology Knowledge with Ontology: Design and Implementation Issues. AGU Trans., 85(47),

Babaie, H.A., and Babaei, A., 2003. Development of the Plate Tectonics and Seismology markup languages with XML. EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly, Abstracts from the meeting held in Nice, France, 6 - 11 April 2003, abstract #13438

Babaie, H. A., Ghazi, A.; Babaei, A.; Duncan, R.; Mahony, J.; Hassanipak, A. New Ar-Ar age, isotopic, and geochemical data for basalts in the Neyriz ophiolite, Iran". EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly, Abstracts from the meeting held in Nice, France, 6 - 11 April 2003, abstract #12899.

Babaie, H. A., Babaei, A., 2003. Design and development of discipline-specific geoscience markup languages and databases applying UML and XML. GSA Abs w. Prog.,

Babaie, H.A., and Babaei, A., 2002. SGeoML, An XML markup language for communication and processing of structural geological information. GSA Abstracts with Program, v. 34, no. 6, p.374.

Khallouf, Donna, and Babaie, H. A., 2002. Cataclastic deformation and fluid activity along the Armstead and Ermont thrust faults, southwest Montana. GSA Abs. with Prog., vol. 34, no. 6, p 370.

Babaie, H. A. and Babaie, A., 2001. Object-oriented paradigm: and efficient tool for teaching and research in structural geology. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Program, v.23, no. 6.

LaTour, T.E., Babaie, H. A., and Babaei, A., 2001. Tectonic origin of the amphibolites in the basal thrust sheet of the Neyriz ophiolite, Iran. Geol. Society of America Abs. with Program, v.23, no. 6.

Babaie, H. A., Ghazi, A. M., Hassanipak, A. A., Chatham, B. D., 2000. Deformation structures of the Khoy ophiolite complex, northwest Iran: Implications for contractional tectonics. AGU Trans., v.81, 19, S414.

Babaei, A., and Babaie, H. A., 2000, Accretionary tectonics of the Neyriz ophiolitic complex, Iran. AGU Transactions, v. 81, no. 19, p. S415.

Hadizadeh, J., Babaie, H. A., and Babaei, A., 2000. Digital image analysis of mylonite microstructures from San Jacinto fault zone, southern California. AGU Transactions, v. 81, no. 19, p. S409.

Arvin, M., Houseinipour, A., Babaei, A.A., and Babaie, H.A., 1999. Geochemistry of basalts in the Kahnuj ophiolitic complex: Implications for the tectonic evolution of the Jaz Murian ophiolitic belt, SE Iran. GSA Abs. with Programs, v. 31, no. 7. A96.

Arvin, M., Hosseinipour, A., Babaei, A.A., and Babaie, H.A., 1999. Basalt geochemistry used to investigate past tectonic environment of Jaz Murian ophiolitic belt: Evidence from Kahnuj ophiolitic complex, SE Iran. GSA Abs. with Programs, v. 31, no. 7, A97.

Ghazi, A.M., Hassanipak, A. A., LaTour, T.L., Duncan, R.A., Babaie, H. A. 1999. Geochemistry, petrology and 40Ar/39Ar ages of metamorphic rocks from Khoy ophiolite, NW Iran. AGU Trans., v.80, no.46, F1094.

Babaie, H. A., Babaei, A., Ghazi, A. M., 1998. Mid ocean ridge crustal sequence of the Neyriz ophiolite, southwest Iran: Evidence for the Neo-Tethys oceanic crust. AGU Transactions, v. 79, no. 45, F945.

Arvin, M., Babaie, A., and Babaie, H. A., 1998. New data on the petrology and geochemistry of basalt in Kahnuj ophiolite complex, southeast Iran: An emplacement alternative. GSA Abs w Prog., v. 30, A236.

Babaie, H. A., Babaei, A., and Ferring, T. J., 1996, Deformation mechanism and kinematics of mylonitic deformation in San Jacinto fault zone, southern California. AGU Transactions, vol. 77, F717.

Babaie, H. A., Babaei, A., Ghazi, A. M., La Tour, T. E., and Hassanipak, A. A., 1997, Ocean floor and island arc tholeiites in the Neyriz ophiolite complex, Iran: Implications for forearc tectonics. AGU AGU Transactions, vol. 78, 46, 719-720.

Babaie, H. A., Babaei, A., Ghazi, A. M., La Tour, T. E., and Hassanipak, A. A., 1996, Tectonic assembly and mylonitization of the Neyriz ophiolite, Iran. GSA Abs. with Programs, v. 28, p. 443.

Caudill, H. L., and Babaie, H. A., 1995, Fracture and lineament characteristics and well productivity in the Georgia Piedmont. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 27, A100.

Babaie, H. A., Hadizadeh J., and Babaei, A., 1993. "Fractal study of cataclasites in the Saltville thrust zone, Knoxville, Tennessee." Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 25, (6), A281-A282.

Smith, D. C., Babaie, H. A., Vanko, D. A., and La Tour, T. E., 1993. "Temperature, pressure, and kinematics of cataclastic deformation in the Beaver Creek shear zone, Bitterroot Mountains, Montana." Geol. Soc. of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 25, (6), A167-A168.

Babaie, H. A., Hadizadeh, J. and Babaei, A. 1991, Association of pressure solution with cataclastic deformation in the Saltville thrust zone at Sharp Gap, Knoxville, TN. 1991. GSA Abs. w. Progr., v. 23, No. 5, A235.

Smith, D. C., Babaie, H. A., and La Tour, T. E., 1991, Semibrittle and cataclastic deformation along the Towaliga fault zone, north of Barnesville, Georgia", 1991. GSA Abs. w. Prog., 23, 5. A235.

Nurmi, S. L. Babaie, H. A., and La Tour, T. E., 1991, Low Temperature mylonitization and cataclastic deformation in the Bitterroot Range shear zone, Hamilton, Montana", 1991. GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 23, No. 5, A103.

Babaie, H. A., and La Tour, T. E., 1990, Ductile deformation accommodated by both brittle and plastic mechanisms in a naturally-deformed hornblende-quartz mylonite. EOS 71, p. 630.

Babaie, H. A., Hadizadeh, J., and Babaei, A. A., 1989, Fluid inclusion study of foliated cataclasites along the Towaliga Fault zone, west central Georgia. Geol. Soc. Am. Abs. with Programs, v.21, A65.

Hadizadeh, J. Babaei, A. A., and Babaie, H. A., 1989, Intermittent brittle and ductile deformation in a retrograde mylonite zone, Geol. Soc. Am., Abs. w. Prog., 21, A70.

Vauchez, A., Babaie, H. A., and Babaei, A. A., 1989, Southwestward displacement in amphibolite facies mylonites of the Inner Piedmont near the Brevard fault zone in Atlanta, Geological Society of America, Abs. with Programs, v.21, A67.

Hadizadeh, J. and Babaie, H. A., 1988; A microstructural study of cataclastic rocks in the Towaliga fault zone, Pine Mountain Belt, Georgia, Geol. Soc. America, Abs. w. Prog. 20, 7, A180.

Babaie, H. A, 1987, Formation of kink bands in accretionary prisms: Geol. Soc. Am. Abs. w. Prog. 19, p577.

Babaie, H. A., and Speed, R. C., 1983, Significance of tectonic fabric of the Golconda allochthon in Toiyabe Range, Nevada: Geol. Soc. of Am., Abs. w. Prog., v. 15, 383.

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