Curriculum Vitae Floyd Morgan Hammack

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Curriculum Vitae

Floyd Morgan Hammack

Department of Humanities and the Social Sciences in the Professions

Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development

New York University

246 Greene Street, Suite 300

New York, NY 10003

(212) 998-5542

Education Dates Degree
Florida State University 9/68  8/71 Ph.D.

Tallahassee, Florida

Dissertation: "SystemEnvironment Relations in Schools: A Study of Secondary School Guidance," Department of Sociology, Florida State University, 1973. Sponsor: Dr. Robert E. Herriott.
University of Oregon 1/67 - 8/68 M.A.

Master's Thesis: "A Theory of Student Deviance: Teacher

Expectations, SelfEvaluation, and Peer Influences," Department of Sociology, University of Oregon, 1969. Sponsor: Dr. Walter E. Schafer.
University of Oregon 1/64  12/66 B.A.

Eugene, Oregon (Sociology)

Portland State University 9/62  12/63 

Portland, Oregon

Professional Experience
Interim Chair, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences in the Professions, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, New York University, from July, 2000 to August, 2001.
Director, Program in Sociology of Education, Department of Humanities and the Social Sciences in the Professions, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development, New York University, 1975 to 2009; 2010-2011.
Fellow, Center for the Study of American Culture and Education, School of Education, New York University, 1997 to 2000.
Instructor to Professor of Educational Sociology and Higher Education, Department of Humanities and the Social Sciences in the Professions, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education , and Human Development, New York University, 1971 to present.

Instructor, Department of Sociology, Florida State University, 1970.

Research Assistant, Summer Research Institute, American College Testing Program, Iowa City, Iowa. Dr. Robert Herriott, Director, 1970.
Research Assistant, Institute for Comparative, Experimental Research on Behavioral Systems. Dr. Robert Aggar, Director. University of Oregon, 19671968.
Professional Affiliations
American Educational Research Association

American Sociological Association

Eastern Sociological Society
Honors, Awards, and Grants
Spencer Foundation Grant in support of The NYU Seminar on the Future of the Comprehensive High School, 1998-2001. $52,000.
School of Education, Health, Nursing and Arts Professions Research Challenge Grant Award for "Selective Public High Schools: A Preliminary Investigation," 1993-1995. $3000.
Dean's Development Fund Grant, School of Education, Health, Nursing and Arts Professions, 19791980. $3000.
United States Office of Education Graduate Training Fellowship (Sociology of Higher Education), Department of Sociology, Florida State University, 19681971.

Alpha Kappa Delta (National Sociology Honorary Society)
National Science Foundation Undergraduate Research Grant, awarded through the Department of Sociology, University of Oregon, 19651966.


Books and Editorial Projects

The Sociology of Education: A Systematic Analysis, 6th Edition. Jeanne H. Ballantine and Floyd M. Hammack. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2009; Japanese edition, 2012. 7th Edition, 2012
Guest Editor, Special Issue of Teachers College Record on Small Secondary Schools. With Brian Carolan, Vol. 110, No. 9, 2008.
The Comprehensive High School Today. Floyd. M. Hammack, editor. New York: Teachers College Press, 2004.
Teaching Sociology of Education. Published and distributed by the Teaching Resources Center, American Sociological Association, Washington, D.C., 1978 (with Jeanne Ballantine, Richard Arum, Edith King, Caroline H. Persell and Theodore Wagenaar). Revised edition, 1984. Third revision, 1989. Fourth revision, 1996. Fifth revision, 2000. Sixth revision, 2004.
Education and Society: A Reader. (edited with Kevin J. Dougherty). San Diego: Harcourt, Brace and Jovanovich, 1990.

Book Chapters and Papers

“Schooling in the United States.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Childhood Studies. Ed. Heather Montgomery. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013.

“Social Capital, Financial Knowledge, and Hispanic Student College Choice.” With Noga O’Connor and Marc Scott. Research in Higher Education. 51 (May, 2010): 195-219.
“Paths to Legislation or Litigation for Educational Privilege: New York and San Francisco Compared.” American Journal of Education. 116, (May, 2010): 371-395
“Teaching at the Secondary Level.” Pp. 831-841 in Lawrence J. Saha and Gary Dworkin (Eds.), The International Handbook of Teachers and Teaching. NY: Springer, 2009. (with Dana Grayson).

“For the Record: Editors Introduction to a Special Issue on Small Secondary Schools.” With Brian Carolan. Teachers College Record, 110, 9 (September, 2008), 1739-1743.

“Off the Record--Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue: Observations on the Small High School Movement” Teachers College Record, 110, 9 (September, 2008): 2067-2072.

“The Channeling of Student Competition in Higher Education: Comparing Canada and the U.S.” The Journal of Higher Education 76, 1 (January/February, 2005): 89-106 (with Scott Davies).
“Where Are We Now in High School Reform?” The LREI Progressive Educational Bulletin, 15, 1 (Fall, 2004): 24-25.
“Introduction.” Pp.1-5 in The Comprehensive High School Today. New York: Teachers College Press, 2004.

“What Should Be Common and What Should Not?” Pp.6-25 in The Comprehensive High School Today.

“Does the Comprehensive High School Have a Future?” Pp.129-142 in The Comprehensive High School Today.
"Higher Education." Pp. 321-327 in Education and Sociology: An Encyclopedia. David L. Levinson, Peter W. Cookson, and Alan Sadovnik (Eds.). New York: RoutledgeFalmer, 2002.
“Educational Organizations.” Pp. 760-772 in The Encyclopedia of Sociology. Edgar F. Borgatta and Rhonda J.V. Montgomery (Eds.), Second Edition. New York: Macmillan/Gale Group, 2000 (with Kevin J. Dougherty).
“Internet Resources: How Instructors Are Using the World Wide Web In Teaching the Sociology of Education.” Pp. 21-30 in Jeanne Ballantine, Richard Arum, Floyd M. Hammack, Edith King, Caroline Hodges Persell, and Theodore C. Wagenaar, Teaching Sociology of Education: Syllabi and Instructional Materials, 5th Edition, 2000. Washington, D.C.: American Sociological Association, Teaching Resources Center (with Caroline Hodges Persell). Revised and reprinted in 6th Edition, 2004.
“Elisabeth Antoinette Irwin." 1999. Pp. 692-693, Volume 11, in American National Biography. John A. Garraty and Mark C. Carnes, New York: Oxford University Press.
“Ethical Issues in Teacher Research.” Teachers College Record, 99(Winter, 1997): 247-265.
"Micro-Sociology." Pp. 1871-1884 in Burton R. Clark and Guy R. Neave (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Higher Education, Volume 3 Analytical Perspectives. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1992 (with Barbara Heyns).
"Educational Organizations." Pp. 535-541 in Edgar F. Borgatta and Marie L. Borgatta (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Sociology. New York: Macmillan, 1992 (with Kevin J. Dougherty).
"The Other Side of College: The Nonacademic Effects of College." Pp. 455-461 in Dougherty and Hammack, (Eds.), Education and Society: A Reader. San Diego: Harcourt, Brace and Jovanovich, 1990.

"The Structure of American Elementary and Secondary Education." Pp. 147-157 in Kevin J. Dougherty and Floyd M. Hammack (Eds.), Education and Society: A Reader. San Diego: Harcourt, Brace and Jovanovich, 1990.
"Beyond Remediation: School-Based Strategies for Reducing Educational Risk." Research Brief #3. Contributor. Office Research, Evaluation and Assessment, New York City Board of Education, Brooklyn, New York, 1990.
"From Grade to Grade? Promotion Policies and AtRisk Youth." Pp. 74-89 in Joan Lakebrink (ed.), Children at Risk. Springfield, IL.: Charles C. Thomas, 1989.
"The Decline in Critical and Historical Sensibility Among College Students: What Has Changed?" The Gallatin Review, 7 (Winter, 19871988):2733.
"Large School Systems' Dropout Reports: An Analysis of Definitions, Procedures and Findings." Teachers College Record 87; (Spring, 1986): 324341. Reprinted in Gary Natriello, ed., School Dropouts: Patterns and Policies. New York: Teachers College Press, 1986, pp. 2037.
"Education for Nursing: Problems and Prospects," New York University Education Quarterly, XIII (Winter, 1982): 814. Revised and reprinted as "The Changing Relationship Between Education and Occupation: The Case of Nursing," in Kevin J. Dougherty and Floyd M. Hammack, (Eds.), Education and Society: A Reader. San Diego: Harcourt Brace and Jovanovich, 1990.
"Colleges Attended by Graduates of Elite Boarding Schools," The Educational Forum XLIV (May, 1980): 483490 (with Peter Cookson, Jr.).
"Contradictions of Work: The New Left Professors," Socialist Review No. 42, 8 (Nov./Dec., 1978): 93102 (with Berenice Fisher).
"Confusions and Possibilities in the Study of the Functions of Public Schooling," The Generator 8 (Fall, 1978): 812.
Review of Social Class and Education: Global Perspectives, edited by Lois Weis and Nadine Dolby. Teachers College Record, published August 1, 2013.

“Class Matters in Higher Education.” An essay review of The Burden of Academic Success: Loyalists, Renegades, and Double Agents, by Allison Hurst; Degrees of Inequality: Culture, Class, and Gender in American Higher Education, by Ann L. Mullen; and Inside the College Gates: How Class and Culture Matter in Higher Education, by Jenny M Stuber. Contemporary Sociology 41, 4, (July, 2012), 460-463.
Review of Someone Has to Fail: The Zero-Sum Game of Public Education, by David F. Labaree. Teachers College Record, November 10, 2010.
Review of Making the Grade: The Economic Evolution of American School Districts., by William A. Fischel. American Journal of Sociology, vol. 116 (November, 2010), pp. 1040-1042.,
Review of Trust in Schools: A Core Resource for Improvement, by Anthony S. Bryk and Barbara Schneider. American Journal of Education, 111 (November 2004): 132-134.
Review of Beyond Affirmative Action: Reframing the Context of Higher Education. by Robert A, Ibarra. American Journal of Education. 109 (May, 2001): 397-400.
Review of Changing the Odds: Open Admissions and the Life Chances of the Disadvantaged, by David E. Lavin and David Hyllegard. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 560 (November, 1998): 218-219.
Review of Leaving College: Rethinking the Causes and Cures of Student Attrition, by Vincent Tinto. Thought and Action, 4 (Spring, 1988): 139141.

“Two Looks at Sorting In U.S. Education." Review of Keeping Track, by Jeannie Oakes and Choosing Elites by Robert Klitgaard), Phi Delta Kappan 68 (December, 1986): 332334
Review of Liberating Education, by Zelda F. Gamson and Associates. American Journal of Education 94 (November, 1985): 128134.
Review of The New American Dilemma: Liberal Democracy and School Desegregation, by Jennifer L. Hochschild. Contemporary Sociology 14 (July, 1985): 506507.
Review of Organization Without Authority, by Ann Swidler. Social Forces, 61 (March, 1983): 967968.
Review of Towards the Community University: Case Studies of Innovation and Community Service, edited by David C.B. Teather, European Journal of Education 18 (3, 1983): 271273.
Review of Learning to Labor: How Working Class Kids Get Working Class Jobs, by Paul E. Willis, American Journal of Education 88 (August, 1980): 510518.
Review of Education and Jobs: The Imbalancing of the Social Machinery, by Gregory D. Squires. American Journal of Education 88 (February, 1980): 277-281.
"The 'Value' of a College Education," Review Essay, School Review 86 (August, 1978): 669679.
"Rethinking Revisionism," History of Education Quarterly 16 (Spring, 1976): 5361.

Other Papers and Publications

“High School Reform, Again.” Commentary published in Teachers College Record, May 2, 2005.

“Legislation or Litigation for Educational Exclusion and Accommodation: New York and San Francisco Compared.” Presented at the November 16, 2004 to the New York University Education Workshop.

“How Have Changes in Postsecondary Education Affected Secondary Education?” Prepared for presentation at the February 5th, 1999 meeting of the Spencer Foundation supported NYU Seminar on the Future of the Comprehensive High School. School of Education, New York University.

“Seminar on the Future of the Comprehensive High School: A Memorandum for Discussion.” Prepared for the Spencer Foundation supported NYU Seminar on the Future of the Comprehensive High School. School of Education, New York University, July, 1998.
"Treating Our Kids Like Trash." Oped article. New York Newsday. A23, July 17, 1995.
"The Institutional and Organizational Context of Faculty Motivation to Teach." 1995. School of Education, New York
"Selective Public High Schools: A Preliminary Investigation." 1994. School of Education, New York University.

"Protecting Human Subjects, As Teachers Turn to Research." Letter, Chronicle of Higher Education, 26, February 20, 1991.
Papers Read at Professional Meetings
“Schools for Social Mobility: What it takes for Kids to Succeed in High Achieving Schools.” Revised version. Paper read at the Annual Meetings of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, April, 2011.
“Schools for Social Mobility: What it takes for Poor Kids to Succeed in High Achieving Schools.” Paper read at the annual meetings of the Eastern Sociological Society, Boston, March 18, 2010.
“Legislation or Litigation for Educational Exclusion: New York and San Francisco Compared.” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, Philadelphia, August, 2005.
“The Hecht-Calandra Bill: Legislation for Educational Exclusion and Accomodation.” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, April, 2005.
“Does the Comprehensive High School Have a Future?” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, April, 2004
“Changing Forms of Competition in Higher Education: Comparing Canada and the U.S.” revised (with Scott Davies). Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, Anaheim, CA, August, 2001.
“The Comprehensive High School Ideal: Its Myth and Reality for Contemporary Reform.” Paper read at the annual meetings of the American Educational Research Association, Seattle, WA, April, 2001.
“How Instructors are Using the World Wide Web in Teaching the Sociology of Education.” Paper read at the Teaching Workshop: Teaching the Sociology of Education. Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Washington, D.C., August, 2000 (with Caroline Hodges Persell)
“Changing Forms of Competition in Higher Education: Comparing Canada and the U.S.” Paper read at the Annual meetings of the Canadian Anthropology and Sociology Association, Edmonton, May, 2000 (with Scott Davies).
“How Has Growth in Higher Education Enrollments Affected Comprehensive High Schools?” Paper read at the Annual Meetings of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, April, 2000.
“Current Prospects for the Comprehensive High School.” Paper presented at the John Dewey Society SIG sponsored session, Perspectives on the Comprehensive High School in the United States. Annual Meetings of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, April, 2000.
“Comprehensiveness: A Comparison of Research on High Schools and Community Colleges.” With Thomas Bailey. Presented at Community College Research Center, Institute on Education and the Economy, Teachers College, Columbia University, May 12, 1999.
“The Deconstruction of the American Comprehensive High School.” Presented at the annual meetings of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, 1997.
"Complexities of Student Aspirations in a Selective Public High School." Presented at the annual meetings of the American Educational Research Association, New York City, 1996.

"Selective Public High Schools and the Death of Comprehensiveness in U.S. Secondary Schooling." Presented at the Greater New York Sociologists of Education meeting, April 16, 1996.
"Wither the Comprehensive High School?" Presented to the Columbia University Seminar on Innovations in Education. March 20, 1996.
"Selective Public High Schools: A Preliminary Investigation." Presented at the annual meetings of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA., 1994.
"Ethical Issues in Teacher Research," Presented at the annual meetings of the American Educational Research Association, Atlanta, 1993.
"What's So Special About Regular Education." Keynote Speech, Community District Four, Special Education Staff Development Day. September 6, 1990.
"Large School Systems' Dropout Reports: An Analysis of Definitions, Procedures and Findings," presented at the meetings of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, 1986.
“The Success Ideologies of White and Minority University Graduates: Attributions of Higher Education`s Contribution to Career Advancement in the Business Sector," presented at the annual meetings of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, 1984 (with Samuel Long and others).
"The Impact of Higher Education on the Career Paths of Minority Students Majoring in Business: A Comparative Study of Three Universities," presented at the annual meetings of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, 1984 (with Samuel Long and others).
"Education for Nursing: Problems and Prospects, A Sociological Perspective," presented at the annual meetings of the American Nurses Association, Washington, D.C., 1982.
"Private School Graduation and College Attendance: Patterns of Transition," presented at the annual meetings of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Washington, D.C., 1981 (ERIC citation number Ed. 203 816).
"Corporations and Collective Goods: Notes on Corporate Philanthropy and the Ethics of Social Responsibility," presented at the annual meetings of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Toronto, 1981 (with David Kamens).
"Private Secondary School Graduation, Ability and College Attendance: Further Evidence of Institutional Constraints in Educational Stratification," presented at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, New York City, 1980.

"Selected Characteristics of Colleges Attended by Graduates of Elite Secondary Boarding Schools," presented at the American Educational Research Association annual meetings, Boston, 1980 (with Peter Cookson, Jr.).
"Bureaucracy and the Professionalization of Guidance: An Examination of Hypotheses Drawn from The Educational DecisionMakers," presented at the annual meetings of the Eastern Sociological Society, New York City, 1979.
"Private Secondary Schooling and College: Implications for Employment," presented at the annual meetings of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, San Francisco, 1978 (with Peter Cookson, Jr.).
Reports and Consultation
Member, Visiting Committee, review of Department of Sociology, Lehman College, City University of New York, 2009.
Final Report, Spencer Foundation funded project The NYU Seminar on the Future of the Comprehensive High School, 1998-2001.
Consultant, PROJECT ACHIEVE, New York City Board of Education, 1990, 1991
Consultant to Office of Research, Evaluation and Assessment, New York City Board of Education, 1984 to 1990.
Member, University Consultants on Admission to High School, High School Division, New York City Board of Education; coauthor of report, "High School Admission and the Improvement of Schooling," 1986.
Consultant, New York City Dropout Study Project, funded by the New York Alliance for the Public Schools, 19851986.
"Private Secondary School Characteristics and Selectivity of Colleges Attended by their Graduates." Final Report to the Dean's Development Fund, School of Education, Health, Nursing and Arts Professions, New York University, 1981.
"An Examination of Sex Equity in New York City Secondary Occupational and Vocational Programs." A report commissioned by the Sex Equity Project of the Equal Opportunity Office of the Board of Education of the City of New York, 1979.
Professional Service
Member, Editorial Board, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 2013-2015.
Reviewer, Sociology of Education SIG, American Educational Research Association annual meetings, 2010, 2011, 2012.
Chair, “Education in International and Cross-National Context” session, American Educational Research Association annual meeting, Chicago, 2007.
Discussant, “Small Secondary Schools: Exploring the Outcomes of Innovation Symposium,” American Educational Research Association annual meetings, San Francisco, 2006.
Chair, “From High School to College: The Effects of Social Stratification on Educational Attainment” session, American Educational Research Association, Montreal, April, 2005.
Member, Willard Waller Award Selection Committee, Sociology of Education Section, American Sociological Association, 2004.
Organizer/Chair, The Future of Comprehensive High Schools: A Reconsideration of James Bryant Conant’s Contribution Symposium, American Educational Research Association annual meetings, San Diego, 2004.
Chair, “Teaching and Working in Academia,” Refereed Roundtables Session, Sociology of Education Section, American Sociological Association annual meetings, Atlanta, 2003.
Discussant, “Processes, Correlates, and Indicators of School Change” Session. American Educational Research Association annual meetings, Chicago. 2003.
Reviewer, Division L and Sociology of Education SIG, American Educational Research Association annual meetings, 2002.
Reviewer, Focused Dialogues sessions, Association for the Study of Higher Education annual meeting, 2001.

Organizer/Presenter “The Legacy of the Comprehensive High School: Bridges to Contemporary High School Reforms.” Symposium, annual meetings of the American Educational Research Association, Seattle, WA, April, 2001.
Organizer/Presenter “Whither (Wither) the Comprehensive High School?” Symposium, annual meetings of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, 2000.
Panelist in Higher Education Workshop at the Drum Major Institute sponsored forum, “Every Child Deserves...A Quality Education and Safe School.” December 13, 1999, Baruch College, New York City (with Alan Sadovnik, Leon Botstein and Matthew Goldstein).
Discussant, Sociology of Education Section Refereed Roundtable Session, “Urban Schools,” and Regular Session, “Higher Education Policy,” American Sociological Association annual meetings, Chicago, IL, 1999.
Member, Editorial Board, Sociology of Education, 1998-2001.
Chair/Discussant, Sociology of Education Section referred Roundtable Session, “Student and Faculty Work in Higher Education,” American Sociological Association annual meetings, San Francisco, 1998.
Elected Chair, Sociology of Education Special Interest Group, American Educational Research Association, 1997-1999.
Discussant, “Social Context of Post-Secondary Institutions” Session, American Sociological Association annual meetings, Toronto, 1997.
Referee. Paper Selection Committee, Division L, American Educational Research Association, 1997.
Discussant, Sociology of Education Session: High Schools. Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meetings, Boston, 1996.
Member, Editorial Board, Teachers College Record, 1995-present.
CoChair, Columbia University Seminar on Higher Education, 1986 to 1995.
Chair, Afternoon Session, Academia 1990: European and American Perspectives Conference. September 10, 1990. Graduate Center, City University of New York.
Organizer and Presider, Thematic Session on "Democratic Participation and School Policy." Eastern Sociological Society annual meetings, Boston, 1990.
Discussant, CUNY Center for European Studies Conference, "The Impact of a Changing Labor Force on Higher Education: Europe and the U.S.A.," New York City, 1986.

Discussant, "Organizational Response to Change" session, annual meetings of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, 1985.
Member, Nominating Committee, Sociology of Education Section, American Sociological Association, 1984.
Discussant, "Equity Issues at the Postsecondary Level, 1984 and Beyond" session, annual meetings of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, 1984.
Member, Research Paper Committee, Association for the Study of Higher Education, 1983, 1984, 1985 annual meetings.
Discussant, the CUNY Academy for the Sciences and Humanities Conference, "The Functions and Problems of the Urban University: A Comparative Perspective," New York City, 1982.
Organizer (with Prof. Denise Kandel), Sociology of Education Section program for the American Sociological Association, San Francisco, 1982.
Discussant, "Research on the Undergraduate Experience" session, annual meetings of the American Educational Research Association,

New York City, 1982.

Reviewer, contributed papers sessions, annual meetings of the American Association of Higher Education, 1982.
Chair/Discussant, "Policy Analysis and Planning" session, annual meetings of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Washington, D.C., 1982.
Member, Program Committee, Association for the Study of Higher Education, 1982.
Chair, "Sociology of Education: Organizational and Interactional Factors" session, Sociology of Education Section, American Sociological Association, annual meetings, Toronto, 1981.
Organizer, "Change and Crisis: Education and the Economy" session, Educational Problems Division, Society for the Study of Social Problems, annual meetings, Toronto, 1981.
Organizer, Roundtable Sessions, Educational Problems Division, Society for the Study of Social Problems, annual meetings, Boston, 1980.
Discussant, Session on "Credentialism, Curriculum, and Educational Problems," annual meetings of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Boston, 1979.

Organizer and Chair, Roundtable Session, "Education and Interdependence," Educational Problems Division, Society for the Study of Social Problems, annual meetings, 1978.
Member, Program Review Committee, Special Interest Group in Postsecondary Education, American Educational Research Association, 1977.
Member, Sociology of Education Section Committee on Undergraduate Education, 1977.
Member, Nominating Committee, Educational Problems Division, Society for the Study of Social Problems, 1974.
Department, School and University Service (Partial List)
Chair, Faculty Council and Steinhardt School Senate, Steinhardt School of Cultural, Education, and Human Development, 2012-2013.
Chair, New York University Senate Academic Affairs Committee, 2010-2012.
Chair, New York University Faculty Senators Council, 2009-2010.
Vice Chair, New York University Faculty Senators Council, 2008-2009.
Member, Middle States Periodic Review Report Committee, 2007-2009
Member, University Undergraduate Curriculum Advisory Committee, 2008 to 2013.
Faculty Senator, New York University Senate, 2006-2012.
Member, Center for Teaching Excellence Director Search Committee, 2006-2007.
Interim Chair, Department of Humanities and the Social Sciences, 2000-2001.
Chair, Faculty Welfare Committee, School of Education, 1998-2002.
Member, School of Education Grievance Panel, 1997-2000.
Member, Ad Hoc Committee on Undergraduate Curriculum, School of Education, 1995-96.
Faculty Senator, New York University Senate, 1991-1994.
Member, University Committee on Activities Involving Human Subjects, 1989-1994.
Member, Presidential Study Group for Advancing the Cause of Teacher Education, 1989-91.
Chair, Faculty Search Committee, Department of Administration, Leadership and Technology, 1992-3; 1993-4.
Senator, School of Education Faculty Council, 1987-1990; 2005-2006.
Reviewer for Articles, Book Manuscripts, and Grant Proposals
American Educational Research Journal

American Journal of Education

American Sociological Review

British Journal of Sociology

Canadian Journal of Higher Education

Comparative Politics

Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis

Educational Policy Analysis Archives

General Learning Press

Holt, Rinehart and Winston

Journal of Higher Education

McGraw Hill Higher Education

New York University Research Challenge Fund

National Science Foundation

Professional Staff Congress-City University of New York Research Award Program

Polity Press

Routledge Publishers

Social Problems

Sociology of Education

Springer Publishers

Stanford University Press

State University of New York Press

Teaching Sociology

Teachers College Record

The Sociological Quarterly

Urban Education

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