Curriculum vitae howard bruce bluestein

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3 June 2011



3115 Walnut Rd. School of Meteorology

Norman, Oklahoma 73072-7511 University of Oklahoma

Telephone: (405)-364-6281 120 David L. Boren Blvd., Suite 5900

Cell phone: (405)-919-9535 Norman, Oklahoma 73072-7307

Telephone: (405)-325-3006, 6561

FAX: 405-325-7689


Research and/or teaching severe convective storms, mesoscale meteorology, and synoptic meteorology, especially using advanced radar systems.
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Meteorology, May, 1976. Thesis,

Synoptic-Scale Deformation and Tropical Cloud Bands , directed by Prof.Frederick Sanders.

S.M. (Master of Science), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Meteorology, June 1972

S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Electrical Engineering, June, 1972. Joint thesis, Prediction of Satellite Cloud Patterns Using Spatial Fourier Transforms directed by Prof. Frederick Sanders (Meteorology) and Dr. Oleh Tretiak (Electrical Engineering)

S.B. (Bachelor of Science), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Electrical

Engineering, June, 1971. Thesis, Restoration of Motion Degraded Images directed by Prof. Thomas Huang.

Professor of Meteorology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, July 1990-present.

Associate Professor of Meteorology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, July 1983- June 1990.

Assistant Professor of Meteorology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, September 1979-June 1983.

Visiting Assistant Professor of Meteorology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, September 1976-August 1979.

Adjunct Professor, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Stony Brook University,

Stony Brook, NY (2006 – 2012)

UCAR (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research) Visiting Scientist, COMET (Cooperative Program for Operational Meteorology, Education, and Training), Boulder, Colorado (1991).

National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Mesoscale Research Section, Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology Division, Visiting Scientist (summers of 1982 - 1985, 1989 - 1990, 1992 - 2000, 2004 - 2008). Visiting Scientist (Oct. 1984-April 1985, Dec. 1991, Jan. 1996 – Aug. 1996, June 2002 – Aug. 2003).

NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), AOML (Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory), Hurricane Research Division, Visiting Scientist (Aug. - Oct. 1984).

National Hurricane Research Laboratory, visiting graduate student (summers of 1970, 1971).

Research assistantships, teaching assistantships, and fellowships during graduate school; scholarships during undergraduate years.
Winner, photo contest for NCAR/MMM calendar for 2010

Finalist, 7th International Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge, Science and

the National Science Foundation, photography category (2009)

24th Annual Michelson Memorial Lecture, U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD. (2004)

George Lynn Cross Research Professorship, University of Oklahoma (2004 – lifetime)

The Teaching Excellence Award, American Meteorological Society (2004)

Outstanding Paper Award for 2002, Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR)

(jointly with R. Davies-Jones and R. J. Trapp)

Special award (jointly with T. S. Glickman and the Glossary Editorial Board), American

Meteorological Society (2002)

Louis J. Battan Author's Award, American Meteorological Society (2001) (for Tornado Alley: Monster Storms of the Great Plains )

Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation Presidential Professorship (2000 – now)

Henry Houghton Lecturer, M. I. T., Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, Jan. - Feb. 1999 (invited)

Sigma Xi Distinguished Lecturer 1998-1999

1997 Jerome Namias Lecture, Blue Hill Observatory, “The history of stormchasing: A personal account”

Who's Who in Science and Engineering 1996-2006

Who's Who in America 1998-2006

Fellow of the American Meteorological Society, 1993 - present

1993 Ogura Lecture, Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, "How to study tornadoes close up."

Oklahoma Professor of the Year, Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), national award, 1989

The Regents' Award for Superior Teaching, University of Oklahoma, 1989

University of Oklahoma Student Association Outstanding Faculty Member Award in the College of Geosciences, 1988

University of Oklahoma Associates Distinguished Lectureship Award, 1988
1. Bluestein, H., 1977: Synoptic-scale deformation and tropical cloud bands. J. Atmos. Sci., 34, 891-900.

2. Bluestein, H. and C. Sohl, 1979: Some observations of a splitting severe thunderstorm. Mon. Wea. Rev., 107, 861-873.

3. Bluestein, H., 1979: A mini-tornado in California. Mon. Wea. Rev., 107, 1227-1229.

4. Bluestein, H., 1980: The University of Oklahoma Severe Storms Intercept Project - 1979. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 61, 560-567.

5. Bluestein H., 1982: A wintertime mesoscale cold front in the Southern Plains. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 63, 178-185.

6. Bluestein, H., 1983: Surface meteorological observations in severe thunderstorms. Part II: Field experiments with TOTO. J. Clim. Appl. Meteor., 22, 919-930.

7. Bluestein, H. and C. Parks. 1983: A synoptic and photographic climatology of low- precipitation severe thunderstorms in the Southern Plains. Mon. Wea. Rev., 111, 2034-2046.

8. Bluestein, H., 1984: Further examples of low-precipitation severe thunderstorms. Mon. Wea. Rev., 112, 1885-1888.

9. Bluestein, H. and K. Thomas, 1984: Diagnosis of a jet streak in the vicinity of a severe weather outbreak in the Texas Panhandle. Mon. Wea. Rev., 112, 2499-2520.

10. Bluestein, H., 1984: Photographs of the Canyon, TX storm on 26 May 1978. Mon. Wea. Rev., 112, 2521-2523.

11. Bluestein, H.B., 1985: An observational study of a mesoscale area of convection under weak synoptic-scale forcing. Mon. Wea. Rev., 113, 520-538.

12. Bluestein, H.B. and M. Jain, 1985: Formation of mesoscale lines of precipitation: Severe squall lines in Oklahoma during the spring. J. Atmos. Sci., 42, 1711- 1732.

13. Bluestein, H.B., 1985: Wall clouds with eyes. Mon. Wea. Rev., 113, 1081-1085.

14. Bluestein, H.B. 1985: A funnel cloud in the eye of Hurricane Norbert? Mon. Wea. Rev., 113, 1238-1239.

15. Bluestein, H.B., 1986: Visual aspects of the flanking line in severe thunderstorms. Mon. Wea. Rev., 114, 788-795.

16. McCaul, E.W., H. Bluestein, and R. Doviak, 1986: Airborne Doppler-lidar techniques for observing severe thunderstorms. Appl. Optics, 25, 698-708.

17. McCaul, E.W., H. Bluestein, and R. Doviak, 1987: Airborne Doppler-lidar observations of convective phenomena in Oklahoma. J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech.,

4, 479-497.

18. Bluestein, H.B. and F.D. Marks, Jr., 1987: On the structure of the eyewall of Hurricane Diana (1984): Comparison of radar and visual characteristics. Mon. Wea. Rev., 115, 2542-2554.

19. Bluestein, H.B., G.T. Marx, and M.H. Jain, 1987: Formation of mesoscale lines of precipitation: Non-severe squall lines in Oklahoma during the spring. Mon. Wea. Rev., 115, 2719-2727.

20. Bluestein, H. B., E.W. McCaul, Jr., G. Byrd, and G. Woodall, 1988: The unusual dissipation of a tornado funnel. Mon. Wea Rev., 116, 950-952.

21. Bluestein, H.B., 1988: Funnel clouds pendant from high-based cumulus clouds. Weather, 43, 220-221.

22. Bluestein, H.B., E.W. McCaul, Jr., G.P. Byrd, and G. Woodall, 1988: Mobile sounding observations of a tornadic storm near the dryline: The Canadian,

Texas storm of 7 May 1986. Mon. Wea. Rev., 116, 1790-1804.

23. Bluestein, H.B., E.W. McCaul, Jr., G.P. Byrd, G.R. Woodall, G. Martin, S. Keighton, and L.C. Showell, 1989: Mobile sounding observations of a thunderstorm near the dryline: The Gruver, Texas storm complex of 25 May 1987. Mon. Wea. Rev., 117, 244-250.

24. Bluestein, H.B. and D. S. Hazen, 1989: Doppler-radar analysis of a tropical cyclone over land: Hurricane Alicia (1983) in Oklahoma. Mon. Wea. Rev., 117, 2594- 2611.

25. Bluestein, H.B. and W. P. Unruh, 1989: Observations of the wind field in tornadoes, funnel clouds, and wall clouds with a portable Doppler radar. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 70, cover and 1514-1525.

26. Bluestein, H.B., E. W. McCaul, Jr., G.P. Byrd, and R.L. Walko, 1990: Thermodynamic measurements under a wall cloud. Mon. Wea. Rev., 118, 794- 799.

27. Bluestein, H.B., E.W. McCaul, Jr., G.P. Byrd, R. L. Walko, and R. Davies-Jones, 1990: An observational study of splitting convective clouds. Mon. Wea. Rev., 118, 1359-1370.

28. Bluestein, H.B. and G.R. Woodall, 1990: Doppler-radar analysis of a low- precipitation (LP) severe storm. Mon. Wea. Rev., 118, 1640-1664.

29. Bluestein, H.B., 1990: Observations of "steam devils" over a lake during a cold-air outbreak. Mon. Wea. Rev., 118, 2244-2247.

30. Keighton, S., H.B. Bluestein and D. MacGorman, 1991: The evolution of a severe mesoscale convective system: Cloud-to-ground lightning location and storm structure. Mon. Wea. Rev., 119, 1533-1556.

31. Bluestein, H. B. and S. Parker, 1993: Modes of isolated, severe convective-storm formation along the dryline. Mon. Wea. Rev., 121, 1354 - 1372.

32. Bluestein, H. B., W. P. Unruh, J. LaDue, H. Stein, and D. Speheger, 1993: Doppler-radar wind spectra of supercell tornadoes. Mon. Wea. Rev., 121, 2200 - 2221.

33. Bluestein, H. B., 1993: CLASS for class. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 74, 1697 - 1702.

34. Hane, C. E., C. L. Ziegler, and H. B. Bluestein, 1993: Investigation of the dryline and convective storms initiated along the dryline: Field experiments during COPS-91. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 74 , 2133 - 2145.

35. Bluestein, H. B. and S. D. Hrebenach, 1994: Doppler-radar analysis of vortices over the mountains of Taiwan. Mon. Wea. Rev., 122, 93 - 110.

36. Bluestein, H. B., S. D. Hrebenach, C.-F. Chang, and E. A. Brandes, 1994: Synthetic dual-Doppler analysis of mesoscale convective systems. Mon. Wea. Rev., 122,

2105 - 2124.

37. Bluestein, H. B., 1994: High-based funnel clouds in the Southern Plains. Mon. Wea. Rev., 122, 2631 - 2638.

38. Black, R. A., H. B. Bluestein, and M. L. Black, 1994: Unusually strong vertical motions in a Caribbean hurricane. Mon. Wea. Rev., 122, 2722 - 2739.

39. Golden, J. H., and H. B. Bluestein, 1994: The NOAA - National Geographic Society Waterspout Expedition (1993). Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 75, 2281 - 2288.

40. Bluestein, H. B., 1995: Riders on the storm: Stalking tornadoes to learn how they are born.The Sciences, 35 (2), New York Academy of Sciences, 26 - 30.

41. Bluestein, H. B. and D. A. Speheger, 1995: The dynamics of an upper-level trough in the baroclinic westerlies: Analysis based upon data from a wind-profiler network. Mon. Wea. Rev. , 123, 2369 - 2383.

42. Spangler, T. C., J. E. Ahlquist, H. B. Bluestein, H. D. Orville, and R. M. Wakimoto,

1995: On the future of research-intensive universities and their associated

atmospheric science programs. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 76, 721 - 727.

43. Bluestein, H. B., A. L. Pazmany, J. C. Galloway, and R. E. McIntosh, 1995:

Studies of the substructure of severe convective storms using a mobile 3-mm

wavelength Doppler radar. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. , 76, 2155 - 2169.

44. Wakimoto, R. M., W.-C. Lee, H. B. Bluestein, C.-H. Liu, and P. H. Hildebrand,

1996: ELDORA observations during VORTEX 95. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 77, 1465 - 1481.

45. Bluestein, H.B., W. P. Unruh, D. C. Dowell, T. A. Hutchinson, T. M. Crawford, A.

C. Wood, and H. Stein, 1997: Doppler-radar analysis of the Northfield, Texas tornado of 25 May 1994. Mon. Wea. Rev. , 125, 212 - 230.

46. Hane, C. E., H. B. Bluestein, T. M. Crawford, M. E. Baldwin, and R. M. Rabin, 1997: Severe thunderstorm development in relation to along-dryline variability: A case study. Mon. Wea. Rev. , 125, 231 - 251.

47. Dowell, D. C., H. B.Bluestein, and D. P. Jorgensen, 1997: Airborne Doppler radar analysis of supercells during COPS-91. Mon. Wea. Rev. , 125, 365 - 383.

48. Crawford, T. M. and H. B. Bluestein, 1997: Characteristics of dryline passage during COPS-91. Mon. Wea. Rev., 125, 463 - 477.

49. Bluestein, H. B., S. G. Gaddy, D. C. Dowell, A. L. Pazmany, J. C. Galloway, R. E.

McIntosh, and H. Stein, 1997: Mobile, 3-mm wavelength, pulsed Doppler radar

observations of sub-storm scale vortices in a supercell. Mon. Wea. Rev. , 125,

1046 - 1059.

50. Bluestein, H. B. and T. M. Crawford, 1997: Mesoscale dynamics of the near-dryline

environment: Analysis of data from COPS-91. Mon. Wea. Rev., 125, 2161 - 2175.

51. Dowell, D. C. and H. B. Bluestein, 1997: The Arcadia, Oklahoma storm of 17 May 1981: Analysis of a supercell during tornadogenesis. Mon. Wea. Rev. , 125,

2562 - 2582.

52. Hutchinson, T. A. and H. B. Bluestein, 1998: Prefrontal wind-shift lines in the Plains of the United States. Mon. Wea. Rev. , 126, 141 - 166.

53. Fritsch, J. M., R. A. Houze Jr., R. Adler, H. Bluestein, L. Bosart, J. Brown, F. Carr, C. Davis, R. H. Johnson, N. Junker, Y.-H. Kuo, S. Rutledge, J. Smith,

Z. Toth, J. W. Wilson, E. Zipser, and D. Zrnic, 1998: Quantitative precipitation

forecasting: Report of the Eighth Prospectus Development Team, U. S.

Weather Research Program, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 79, 285 - 299.

54. Bluestein, H. B. and D. R. MacGorman, 1998: Evolution of cloud-to-ground lightning characteristics in the Spearman, Texas tornadic supercells of 31 May 1990. Mon. Wea. Rev. , 126, 1451 - 1467.

55. Bluestein, H. B., E. Rasmussen, R. Davies-Jones, R. Wakimoto, and M. L. Weisman, 1998: VORTEX Workshop summary, 2-3 Dec. 1997, Pacific Grove,

California. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 79, 1397-1400.

56. Bluestein, H. B., 1999: A history of storm-intercept field programs.Wea.

Forecasting, 14, 558-577.

57. Pazmany, A. L., J. C. Galloway, J. B. Mead, I. Popstefanija, R. E. McIntosh, and H. B. Bluestein, 1999: Polarization diversity pulse pair technique for millimeter- wave Doppler radar measurements of severe-storm features. J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech., 16, 1900-1911.

58. Bluestein, H. B., 2000: A tornadic supercell over elevated, complex terrain: The Divide, Colorado storm of 12 July 1996. Mon. Wea. Rev. , 128, 795-809.

59. Crawford, T. M. and H. B. Bluestein, 2000: An operational, diagnostic surface energy budget model. J. Appl. Meteor., 39, 1196-1217.

60. Bluestein, H. B., and M. L. Weisman, 2000: The interaction of numerically simulated

supercells initiated along lines. Mon. Wea. Rev. , 128, 3128-3149.

61. Bluestein, H. B., and A. L. Pazmany, 2000: Observations of tornadoes and other convective phenomena with a mobile, 3-mm wavelength, Doppler radar: The spring 1999 field experiment. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 81, 2939-2951.

62. Forbes, G. S., and H. B. Bluestein, 2001: Tornadoes, tornadic thunderstorms, and photogrammetry: A review of the contributions by T. T. Fujita. Bull. Amer.

Soc., 82, 73-96.

63. Bluestein, H. B., B. A. Albrecht, R. M. Hardesty, W. D. Rust, D. Parsons, R. Wakimoto, and R. M. Rauber, 2001: Ground-based mobile instrument workshop summary, 23-24 February 2000, Boulder, Colorado Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 82, 681-694.

64. Renno, N. O., and H. B. Bluestein, 2001: A simple theory for waterspouts. J. Atmos. Sci., 58, 927-932.

65. Lehmiller, G. S., H. B. Bluestein, P. J. Neiman, F. M. Ralph, and W. F. Feltz, 2001:

Wind structure in a supercell thunderstorm as measured by a UHF wind profiler.

Mon. Wea. Rev., 129, 1968-1986.

66. Hane, C. E., M. E. Baldwin, T. M. Crawford, R. M. Rabin, and H. B. Bluestein, 2001: A case study of severe storm development along a dryline within a synoptically active environment. Part I: Dryline motion and an Eta Model forecast. Mon. Wea. Rev., 129, 2183-2204.

67. Bluestein, H. B., and S. G. Gaddy, 2001: Airborne pseudo-dual-Doppler analysis of a rear-inflow jet and deep convergence zone in a supercell. Mon. Wea. Rev.,

129, 2270-2289.

68. Bluestein, H. B., and P. C. Banacos, 2002: The vertical profile of wind and

temperature in cyclones and anticyclones over the eastern two-thirds of the

United States: A climatology. Mon. Wea. Rev., 130, 477-506.

69. Hane, C. E., R. M. Rabin, T. M. Crawford, H. B. Bluestein, and M. E. Baldwin,

2002: A case study of severe storm development along a dryline within a synoptically active environment. Part II: Multiple boundaries and convective

initiation. Mon. Wea. Rev., 130, 900-920.

70. Weiss, C. C., and H. B. Bluestein, 2002: Airborne pseudo-dual Doppler analysis of a

dryline-outflow boundary intersection. Mon. Wea. Rev., 130, 1207-1226.

71. Dowell, D. C., and H. B. Bluestein, 2002a: The 8 June 1995 McLean, Texas storm.

Part I: Observations of cyclic tornadogenesis. Mon. Wea. Rev., 130, 2626-


72. Dowell, D. C., and H. B. Bluestein, 2002b: The 8 June 1995 McLean, Texas storm.

Part II: Cyclic tornado formation, maintenance, and dissipation. Mon. Wea. Rev., 130, 2649-2670.

73. Wakimoto, R. M., H. Murphey, D. C. Dowell, and H. B. Bluestein, 2003: The

Kellerville tornado during VORTEX: Damage survey and Doppler radar

analyses. Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 2197-2221.

74. Bluestein, H. B., C. C. Weiss, and A. L. Pazmany, 2003: Mobile-Doppler-radar

observations of a tornado in a supercell near Bassett, Nebraska on 5 June 1999. Part I: Tornadogenesis. Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 2954 – 2967.

75. Bluestein, H. B., C. C. Weiss, A. L. Pazmany, W.-C. Lee, and M. Bell, 2003:

Mobile-Doppler-radar observations of a tornado in a supercell near Bassett, Nebraska on 5 June 1999. Part II: Tornado-vortex structure. Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 2968 – 2984.

76. Bluestein, H. B., C. C. Weiss, and A. L. Pazmany, 2004: Doppler-radar observations

of dust devils in Texas. Mon. Wea. Rev., 132, 209 – 224.

77. Banacos, P. C., and H. B. Bluestein, 2004: Hodograph variability within analytically

modeled, synoptic-scale, baroclinic systems. Mon. Wea. Rev., 132, 1448 –


78. Bluestein, H. B., C. C. Weiss, and A. L. Pazmany, 2004: The vertical structure of a

tornado near Happy, Texas on 5 May 2002: High-resolution, mobile, W-band,

Doppler-radar observations. Mon. Wea. Rev. , 132, 2325 – 2337.

79. Hamill, T. M., R. Schneider, H. E. Brooks, G. Forbes, H. B. Bluestein, M.

Steinberg, D. Melendez, and R. M. Dole, 2005: The May 2003 extended

Tornado outbreak. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 86, 531 – 542.

80. Bluestein, H., 2005: A review of ground-based, mobile, W-band, Doppler-radar

observations of tornadoes and dust devils. Dyn. of Atmospheres and Oceans,

40, 163 – 188.

81. Kramar, M. R., H. B. Bluestein, A. L. Pazmany, and J. D. Tuttle, 2005: The

“Owl Horn”radar signature in developing Southern Plains supercells. Mon.

Wea. Rev., 133, 2608 – 2634.

82. Bluestein, H., 2005: More observations of small funnel clouds and other tubular

clouds. Mon. Wea. Rev., 133, 3714 – 3720.

83. Weiss, C. C., H. B. Bluestein, and A. L. Pazmany, 2006: Fine-scale radar

observations of the 22 May 2002 dryline during the International H2O Project

(IHOP). Mon. Wea. Rev., 134, 273 – 293.

84. Tanamachi, R. L., H. B. Bluestein, S. S. Moore, and R. P. Madding, 2006:

Infrared thermal imagery of cloud base in tornadic supercells. J. Atmos.

and Oceanic Tech., 23, 1445 – 1461.

85. Bluestein, H. B., C. C. Weiss, M. M. French, E. Holthaus, R. L. Tanamachi,

S. Frasier, and A. L. Pazmany, 2007: The structure of tornadoes near Attica,

Kansas on 12 May 2004: High-resolution, mobile, Doppler-radar observations.

Mon. Wea. Rev., 135, 475 – 506.

86. Bluestein, H. B., M. M. French, R. L. Tanamachi, S. Frasier, K. Hardwick,

F. Junyent, and A. L. Pazmany, 2007: Close-range observations of tornadoes

in supercells made with a dual-polarization, X-band, mobile Doppler radar.

Mon. Wea. Rev. , 135, 1522 – 1543.

87. Tanamachi, R. L., H. B. Bluestein, W.-C. Lee, M. Bell, and A. Pazmany, 2007:

Ground-based velocity display (GBVTD) analysis of W-band Doppler radar

data in a tornado near Stockton, Kansas on 15 May 1999. Mon. Wea. Rev., 135, 783 – 800.

88. Bluestein, H. B., 2007: Advances in applications of the physics of fluids to severe

weather systems. Reports on Progress in Physics, 70, 1259 – 1323.

89. Weiss, C. C., H. B. Bluestein, E. Fedorovich, and R. Conzemius, 2007:

Variational pseudo-multiple-Doppler-wind-retrieval in the vertical plane for

ground-based-mobile radar data. J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol., 24, 1165 – 1185.

90. Bluestein, H. B., 2008: A funnel cloud in a convective – cloud line to the rear of

a surface cold front. Mon. Wea. Rev. , 136, 2786 – 2795.

91. Bluestein, H. B., 2008: On the decay of supercells through a “downscale

transition:” Visual documentation. Mon. Wea. Rev. , 136, 4013 – 4028.

92. French, M. M., H. B. Bluestein, D. C. Dowell, L. J. Wicker, M. R. Kramar, and

  1. L. Pazmany, 2008: High-resolution, mobile, Doppler-radar observations of

cyclic mesocyclogenesis in a supercell. Mon. Wea. Rev., 136, 4997 – 5016.

93. Mercer, A., E., M. B. Richman, H. B. Bluestein, and J. M. Brown, 2008:

Statistical modeling of downslope windstorms in Boulder, Colorado. Wea. Forecasting, 23, 1176 – 1194.

94. French, M. M., H. B. Bluestein, L. J. Wicker, D. C. Dowell, and M. R. Kramar,

2009: An example of the use of mobile, Doppler radar data for tornado

verification. Wea. Forecasting, 24, 883 – 890.

95. Bluestein, H. B., 2009: The formation and early evolution of the Greensburg,

Kansas supercell on 4 May 2007. Wea. Forecasting, 24, 899 – 920.

96. Bluestein, H. B., M. M. French, I. PopStefanija, R. T. Bluth, and J. B. Knorr,

2010: A mobile, phased-array Doppler radar for the study of severe convective

storms: The MWR-05XP. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 91, 579 – 600.

97. Snyder, J., H. B. Bluestein, G. Zhang, and S. Frasier, 2010: Attenuation

correction and hydrometeor classification of high-resolution, X-band, dual-

polarized mobile radar measurements in severe convective storms. J. Atmos.

Ocean. Technol., 27, 1979 – 2001.

REFEREED JOURNAL ARTICLES (in press or accepted):

98. Houser, J. L., and H. Bluestein, 2011: Polarimetric, Doppler radar

observations of Kelvin-Helmoltz waves in a winter storm. J. Atmos. Sci. (in press)
99. Palmer, R. D., D. Bodine, M. Kumjian, B. Cheong, G. Zhang, Q. Cao, H. B.

Bluestein, A. Ryzhkov, T. – Y. Yu, and Y. Wang, 2011: The 10 May 2010

Tornado outbreak in Central Oklahoma: Potential for new science with high-

resolution polarimetric radar. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. (accepted)

100. Tanamachi, R. L., H. B. Bluestein, J. B. Houser, S. J. Frasier, and K. M. Hardwick, 2011: Mobile, X-band polarimetric Doppler radar observations of the 4 May 2007 Greensburg, Kansas tornadic supercell. (submitted to Mon. Wea. Rev.)
101. Wurman, J., D. Dowell, Y. Richardson, P. Markowski, D. Burgess, L. Wicker, and H. Bluestein, 2011: Verification of the Origin of Rotation in Tornadoes Experiment 2: VORTEX2. About to be submitted to Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.)

1. Bluestein, H.B., 1992: Synoptic-Dynamic Meteorology in Midlatitudes (Vol. I): Principles of Kinematics and Dynamics. Oxford Univ. Press, New York,

431 pp. Textbook for upper-division undergraduate and graduate students, and reference source, on the analysis of scalar and vector fields, atmospheric dynamics, and dry and moist thermodynamics. The five chapters include

material on the vorticity equation, potential vorticity, isentropic coordinates,

turbulent friction, quasigeostrophic theory, objective analysis, and modern

observing systems such as Doppler radar and wind Profilers.
Reviewed in Meteorologica, Dec. 1992, p. 52; Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., May 1993, pp. 876 - 877; Weather, June 1993, pp. 191 - 192.
2. Bluestein, H.B., 1993: Synoptic-Dynamic Meteorology in Midlatitudes (Vol. II): Observations and Theory of Weather Systems. Oxford Univ. Press, New York., 594 pp. Textbook for upper-division undergraduate and graduate students, and reference source, on the behavior of synoptic-scale systems in the context of

both quasigeostrophic theory in pressure coordinates and isentropic vorticity

(IPV) analysis, frontal theory and observations, and precipitation systems in midlatitudes. The three chapters include material on surface and upper-level fronts, coastal fronts, the dryline, density-current dynamics, jets, global height and temperature climatology, the geostrophic-momentum approximation and

the semigeostrophic equations, symmetric and conditional symmetric instability, convective cells and mesoscale convective systems, mesoscale precipitation bands, and ducted gravity waves.

Reviewed in Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Nov. 1993, pp. 2225 - 2226.
3. Bluestein, H. B., 1999: Tornado Alley: Monster Storms of the Great Plains Oxford Univ. Press., New York, 180 pp. (recipient of 2001 American Meteorological Society's Louis J. Battan author's award) (in paperback,

spring 2006)

Reviewed in Kirkus Reviews (15 Jan. 1999); Publishers Weekly (15 Feb. 1999); Nature (25 March 1999, p. 304); Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. (Aug. 1999, pp. 1722-1723); Science (Browsings, 3 Sept. 1999, p. 1498), Weatherwise (Nov./Dec. 1999, pp. 42-43); Times (London) Higher Education Supplement (29 Oct. 1999, p. 23); Salon (People, 19 July 1999); RALPH (The Review of Arts, Literature, Philosophy, and the Humanities (Winter, 1999-2000, pp. 2-3);

Science Books and Films (Jan./Feb. 2000); Weather (Aug. 2000, pp. 294-295);

Tenki (Japan, 1999, 46, 10, pp. 103-104; Natural Hazards Observer (Nov. 1999, p. 25).
4. Bosart, L. F. and H. B. Bluestein, eds., 2008: Synoptic-Dynamic Meteorology and

Weather Analysis and Forecasting: A Tribute to Fred Sanders. Amer.

Meteor. Soc., 440 pp.

5. Bluestein, H. B., 2007: Clouds: Sculptures in the Sky (tentative title). Yale Univ.

Press (submitted Feb. 2005)

6. Bluestein, H. B., 2011: Severe Convective Storms and Tornadoes: Observations

and Dynamics. Praxis/Springer (in preparation; have contract)

1. Bluestein, H., 1986: Fronts and jet streaks: A theoretical perspective. Mesoscale Meteorology and Forecasting, Chapter 9 (P. Ray, ed.), Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston, 173-215.

2. Bluestein, H. B. and J. H. Golden, 1993: A review of tornado observations. The Tornado: Its Structure, Dynamics, Prediction, and Hazards, Geophys. Mono. Series, 79, Amer. Geophys. Union, Washington, D. C., 319 - 352.

3. Bluestein, H. B. and W. P. Unruh, 1993: On the use of a portable FM-CW Doppler radar for tornado research. The Tornado: Its Structure, Dynamics, Prediction, and Hazards, Geophys. Mono. Series, 79, Amer. Geophys. Union, Washington, D. C., 367 - 376.

4. Bluestein, H. B., 1995: Tracking tornadoes through the Southern Plains of the United

States (Guest Essay, Chapter 13, Winds, Weather, and Deserts). The Blue Planet: An Introduction to Earth System Science, Skinner, B. J. and S. C. Porter, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 356 - 357.

5. Bluestein, H. B., 1996: Hailstorms. Encycl. of Climate and Weather (Vol. I)(S. Schneider, Ed.) Oxford Univ. Press, New York, 382 - 383.

6. Bluestein, H. B., 1996: Tornadoes. Encycl. of Climate and Weather (Vol. II)(S. Schneider, Ed.) Oxford Univ. Press, New York, 764 - 768.

7. Bluestein, H. B., 1998: Tornado. The World Book Encyclopedia. World Book Publishing, Chicago, 333 - 335.

8. Bluestein, H. B., 1999: Forecasting Tornadoes. The Nova Reader: Science at the Turn of the Millennium (S. Hackman, ed.), TV Books, New York, 156-159.

9. Bluestein, H. B., 2000: Riders on the Storm: Tornado Chasers Seek the Birthplace

of an Elusive Monster. The Reading Portfolio (D. Bosco and J. Buchner, eds.)

Houghton-Mifflin, 112 – 114. (textbook for first-level college student reading)

10. Davies-Jones, R. P., R. J. Trapp, and H. B. Bluestein, 2001: Tornadoes. Severe

Convective Storms, Meteor. Monogr., 28, no. 50 (C. Doswell III, ed.), Amer. Meteor. Soc., 167-221.

11. Bluestein, H. B., 2001: Tornadoes. Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Change, Vol. I,The Earth system: physical and chemical dimensions of global

environmental change, (M. MacCracken and J. S. Perry, eds.),Wiley , 713-715.

12. Bluestein, H. B., 2002: Instability: Symmetric Stability. Encyclopedia of Atmospheric

Sciences (J. Holton, J. Pyle, and J. Curry, eds.), Academic Press, 3, 1014-1019.

13. Bluestein, H. B., 2002: Tornadoes. Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences (J. Holton, J.

Pyle, and J. Curry, eds.), Academic Press, 6, 2290-2297.

14. Bluestein, H. B., and R. M. Wakimoto, 2003: Mobile radar observations of severe

convective storms (Chapter 5). Radar and Atmospheric Science: A Collection of

Essays in Honor of David Atlas (R. Wakimoto and R. Srivastava, eds.) Meteor.

Monogr. , 30, no. 52., Amer. Meteor. Soc., 105 – 136.

15. Bluestein, H. B., 2008: Atmospheric pressure and wind: Upper-level winds. Climate. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 6 pp.

16. Bluestein, H. B., 2008: Surface boundaries of the Southern Plains: Their role in the

initiation of convective storms. Synoptic-Dynamic Meteorology and Weather

Analysis and Forecasting (L. Bosart and H. Bluestein, eds.), Meteor. Monogr., 33, no. 55, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 5 – 33.

17. Weiss, C. C., H. B. Bluestein, A. L. Pazmany, and B. Geerts, 2008: Fine-scale radar

observations of a dryline during the International H2O Project (IHOP 2002).

Synoptic-Dynamic Meteorology and Weather Analysis and Forecasting (L. Bosart and H. Bluestein, eds.), Meteor. Monogr., 33, no. 55, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 203 – 227.

18. Bluestein, H. B., 2011: Recent advances in tornado observations. McGraw-Hill 2011

Yearbook of Science and Technology, McGraw-Hill, 281 – 285.

19. Bluestein, H. B., 2011: Tornado. The World Book Encyclopedia. World Book Publishing, Chicago, (submitted).

20. Bluestein, H. B., 2011: Symmetric Stability. Encyclopedia of Atmospheric

Sciences, 2nd Edition (Zhang, F. and North, G., eds.), Academic Press (submitted)

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