Curriculum vitae name: Muhammad Sajjad Mirza Date of Birth

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Name: Muhammad Sajjad Mirza

Date of Birth: March 10, 1958

Place of Birth: Rawalpindi District, Pakistan

Nationality: Pakistani

CNIC 33100-0906465-7

Languages: English, Urdu

Office: National Institute­­­ for Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (NIBGE), P.O.Box 577, Jhang Road, Faisalabad, Pakistan. Tel. 41-2651475 Ext. 268 Fax. 41-9201801.

Permanent address: Dhoke Mughlan, P.O. Sar Suba Shah, Via Kalar Saydan, Tehsil Kahuta, District Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

Academic Qualifications

Degree Year Division/grade Subjects/Univ

Post.Doc 2004 Soil Microbiology/plant-microbe interaction.

Univ. Claude Bernard Lyon, France

Ph.D. 1993 Agricultural and Environmental

Sciences (WAU,The Netherlands)

M.Phil. 1984 A Plant Physiology (QAU, Pakistan)

M.Sc. 1981 A Biology (Plant Sciences) QAU, Pakistan

B.Sc. 1977 2nd Botany, Zoology, Chemistry (Govt. College, RWP)

F.Sc. 1975 2nd Biology, Chemistry, Physics (Govt. College RWP)

Matric 1973 1st Chemistry, Physics, Maths (High School Choha Khalsa, RWP)

Ph.D research topic.

Characterization of uncultured Frankia strains by 16S rRNA sequence analysis

M.Phil research topic

"Studies on Biological Nitrogen Fixation by Coriaria nepalensis".

Academic Distinctions

i) Merit Scholarship in M.Sc.

ii) Merit Scholarship in M.Phil.


Dr. Kauser A. Malik

HEC Recognized National Professor,

Forman Christian College University, Ferozpur Road, Lahore

Dr. Fauzia Y. Hafeez

Chairperson Department of Biosciences, CIIT,

Chak Shahzad Campus, Park road, Islamabd

Dr. Dittmar Hahn


Department of Biology

Texas State University

601 University Drive

San Marcos, Texas 78666


phone +1 (512) 245 3372

Fax +1 (512) 245 8713


Teaching Experience (14 Years)

Faculty member Ph.D and M.Phil Biotechnology Degree Programmes, NIBGE/ PIEAS and QAU Islamabad

  • Member organizing committees of International symposium “Microbial Technologies for Sustainable Agriculture” Exploring the Hidden Potentials of Microbes. March 12-16, 2007 held at NIBGE, Pakistan.

  • Member Faculty Annual National Training Courses on Modern Techniques in Biotechnology, Organized by NIBGE.

  • Organizer Annual Training Courses “Bacterial Identification and Metagenomics”, Organized by NIBGE

Students Supervised


1. Waseem Ahmad 1999 Isolation and characterization of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria

(PGPR) from sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum)

2. Shafiq Hussain 1999 Diversity of nitrogen-fixing bacteria associated with sugarcane (Saccharum


  1. Muhammad Arslan Ashraf 2007. Studies on nitrogen-fixing, phytohormone producing bacteria

associated with sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum)

  1. Midrarullah 2008. Genetic diversity of plant growth promoting rhzobacteria (PGPR) in the

rhizosphere of rice

  1. Khadija Ayyaz 2012. Diversity of plant growth promoting Azospirillum strains in the rhizosphere of wheat

  2. Aamna Basheer 2012. Detection of inoculated bacteria in the rhizosphere of wheat


  1. Samina Mehnaz 2000 Molecular characterization of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) isolated from Rice (Oryza sativa). (Co-supervisor)

B.Sc (Honors)

  1. Zahra Iram, 2008. Phylogenetic relationship of the genus Pseudomonas based on 16S rRNA sequences deposited in data bank from Europe (B.Sc Hons. Internship Report, GC University, FSD).

  2. Marryum Zafar, 2008. Bioinformatics of 16S rRNA sequencing to characterize plant root associated beneficial bacteria (B.Sc Hons. Internship Report, GC University, FSD).

  3. Waheed Ali Memon 2009. Molecular techniques used for studying association of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) with plants. B.Sc (Hon.) in Genetic Engineering, Department of Genetics, Faculty of Science, Univ of Sindh, Jamshoro.

Research projects completed

1. Use of nitrogen-fixing, plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) for development of Biofertilizers for crops of economic importance. (ALP/PARC) Rs.3.2 million 2005-2008. P.I. Dr. M.Sajjad Mirza

2. Studies on molecular ecology of nitrogen fixing bacteria associated with rice and wheat. Funded by the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB). Project No. CRP/PAK (96-01), US$ 48,000, 1997-1999. P.Is. Dr. M.Sajjad Mirza/ Dr. K.A.Malik.

3. Identification, preservation, storage and development of nitrogen fixing bacteria for sugarcane crop. Funded by the Science and Technology Cell, Planning and Development Department, Govt. of Sindh. 1998. Rs:400,000. PI Dr. M.Sajjad Mirza

4. DNA-probe mediated detection of plant-microbial interaction in saline environment. (IAEA No. Pak-7223/R2/RB). US$ 5,000/- 1995-1996. PI Dr. M Sajjad Mirza

5. Applications of DNA Barcoding in Pakistan. The International Barcode of Life Project (iBOL)/ Biodiversity Institute of Ontario, University of Guelph, Canada. US$ 28,000 (2012-2013). PI. Dr. M Sajjad Mirza

Work experience:

2002-todate Principal Scientist, NIBGE, Faisalabad

1994-2002 Senior Scientific Officer, NIBGE, Faisalabad

1989 - 1993 PhD student at Department of Micro­biology, Agricul­tural University, Wagenin­gen, The Netherlands.

1987 - 1989 Research Assistant/Consultant in MART/Winrock Inter­national, NARC Research Plan Cell, Islamabad, Pakistan.

1986 - 1987 Teaching and Research Associate, Department of Biological Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.

1984 - 1986 Research Officer in PL480 Project, Department of Biological Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.

1983 - 1984 Research Fellow in PL480 Project, Department of Biological Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.

1981 - 1983 Junior Research Assistant Department of Biological Scien­ces, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.


16-18 Nov. 2005 Basic Sequencing and Fragment Analysis on Genetic Analyzer (DNA Sequencer), ABI, Manchester, UK

26 Sep.-15 Oct.1987 Training in Techniques of Plant Genetic Engineering, Lahore, Pakistan. Jointly organized by Centre for Advanced Molecular Biolo­gy, Pun­jab University, Lahore, and The Johns Hopkins University, Bal­timore, USA.

Jan. - Apr., 1986 Short-term course in FORTAN Language, Department of Computer Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Sep. - Dec., 1985 Short-term course in BASIC Language, Department of Computer Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Mar.18 - 28, 1985 Soybean Production Training Course, Islamabad, Pakistan. Organized by the International Soybean Program, INTSOY of the University of Illinois College of Agriculture, and NARC, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Apr. - Oct. 1984 Six-months research and training in the field of Biological Nitrogen Fixation in the Department of Microbiology, Agricultural University, Wageningen, The Netherlands.

Jan. 8 – 21, 1983 Post-graduate training course on Isotopic and Advanced Techniques in Biological Nitrogen Fixation, Faisalabad, Pakistan.

Organized by the Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology, Faisalabad, Pakistan.

Oct.19 - 21, 1982 First National Training Course in Biological Nitrogen Fixation, arranged by Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Research interests

Molecular Microbial Ecology

Working on diversity and population dynamics of nitrogen-fixing and Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) colonizing rhizosphere of major crops (rice, wheat, maize, sugarcane, cotton). Research activities include:

  1. Isolation of the nitrogen-fixing bacteria from roots and aerial parts of plants.

  2. Identification of the bacterial isolates by using physiological/biochemical tests.

  3. Ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) sequence analysis for studing phylogenetic relationships of the bacterial isolates.

  4. Development of methods for detection of specific bacteria in environmental samples (soil, plant samples) e.g development and use of 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes and specific primers in PCR.

  5. Studying diversity of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the rhizosphere by PCR amplification of 16S rRNA and nifH genes from soil DNA and sequence analysis

  6. Identification and quantification of phytohormones produced by bacterial isolates.

  7. Studying beneficial effects of bacterial inoculations on plant growth.

  8. Development of biofertilizers based on nitrogen-fixing, phytohormone producing bacteria

List of major achievement:

  1. Supervised research work of the team which developed biofertilizer (BioPower) for rice.

  2. Isolated, identified and characterized a number of PGPR strains from all major crops (rice, wheat, maize, sugarcane, cotton) for biofertilizer production.

  3. Established DNA sequencing facility at PMD, NIBGE

  4. Supervised research work of M.Phil/PhD students.

  5. Recipient of research grants from ICGEB, Italy; P&D Deptt., Govt Sindh; PSF; PARC (ALP project).

  6. Worked as a member of the organizing committee of the 7th International Symposium on “BNF with non-legumes” (1996) and edited Proceedings of the Symposium (Kluver Publishers, The Netherlands)

  7. Organized training course on “Bacterial Identification and Metagenomics” (March 5-9, 2012) for students, teachers and researchers of universities and research organizations.

  8. Published research results in national/international scientific journals (IF 60).

  9. Recipient of the productivity allowance (2002 & 2012) from HEC/Min. S&T.

  10. Recipient of Rs. one million from PSF as research grant awarded to Productive Scientists



  1. Chaudhary A.H. and Mirza M.S. 1987. Isolation and characterization of Frankia from actinorhi­zae of Pakistan. Physiologia Plantarum 70,255-258.

  2. Mirza M.S., Chaudhary A.H. and Akkermans A.D.L. 1987. Hydrogen uptake by the nitrogen fixing root nodules and nodule homogenates of Coriaria nepalensis. Pakistan Journal of Botany 19, 237-241.

  3. Akkermans A.D.L., Hahn D. and Mirza M.S. 1991. Molecular ecology of Frankia: Advantages and disadvantages of the use of DNA probes. Plant and Soil 137, 49-54

  4. Mirza M.S., Janse J.D., Hahn D. and Akkermans A.D.L. 1991. Identification of atypical Frankia strains by fatty acid analysis. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 83, 91-98.

  5. Mirza M.S., Hahn D. and Akkermans A.D.L. 1992. Isolation and characterization of Frankia strains from Coriaria nepalensis. Systemic and Applied Microbiology 15, 289-295.

  6. Mirza M.S., Rademaker J.L.W., Janse J.D. and Akkermans A.D.L. 1993. Specific 16S riboso­mal RNA targeted oligonucleotide probe against Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 39, 1029-1043.

  7. Akkermans A.D.L. and Mirza M.S. 1994. Actinorhizal symbiosis of Casuarina: Involvement of the soil microflora and microfauna in plant growth. In "Nitrogen Fixation with Non-Legumes". Proceedings of the sixth international symposium on nitrogen fixation with non-legumes, Ismailia-Egypt, 6-10 September 1993 (eds. N.A. Hegazi, M. Fayez and M. Monib). The American University in Cairo Press. pp 559-566.

  8. Mirza M.S. and Akkermans A.D.L. 1994. The use of oligonucleotide probes to detect uncultured Frankia strains in the root nodules of Coriaria nepalensis Wall. In "Nitrogen Fixation with Non-Legumes". Proceedings of the sixth international symposium on nitrogen fixation with non-legumes, Ismailia-Egypt, 6-10 September 1993 (eds. N.A. Hegazi, M. Fayez and M. Monib). The American University in Cairo Press. pp 211-220.

  9. Hameed S., Hafeez F.Y., Mirza M.S., Malik K.A. and Akkermans A.D.L. 1994. Confirmation of an isolate from Datisca cannabina as atypical Frankia strain using PCR amplified 16S rRNA gene analysis. Pakistan Journal of Botany 26, 247-252

  10. Mirza M.S., Chaudhary A.H. and Akkermans A.D.L. 1994. Seasonal fluctuations in nitrogen-fixing ability (C2H2 reduction) and hydrogen uptake by root nodules of Coriaria nepalensis and Datisca cannabina. Pakistan Journal of Botany 26,241-246.

  11. Akkermans A.D.L., Mirza M.S., Harmsen H.J.M., Blok H.J., Herron P.R., Sessitsch A. and Akkermans W.M. 1994. Molecular ecology of microbes: A review of promises, pitfalls and true progress. FEMS Microbiology Reviews 15, 185-194.

  12. Mirza M.S., Pawlowski K., Yusuf F., Chaudhary A.H. and Akkermans A.D.L. 1994. Ultrastructure of the endophyte and localization of nifH transcripts in root nodules of Coriaria nepalensis by in situ hybridization. New Phytologist 126, 131-136.

  13. Mirza M.S., Hahn D., Dobritsa S. and Akkermans A.D.L. 1994. Phylogenetic studies on uncultured Frankia populations in nodules of Datisca cannabina. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 40, 313-318.

  14. Mirza M.S., Akkermans W.M. and Akkermans A.D.L. 1994. PCR-amplified 16S rRNA sequence analysis to confirm nodulation of Datisca cannabina L. by the endophyte of Coriaria nepalensis Wall. Plant and Soil 160, 147-152.

  15. Mirza M.S., Hameed S. and Akkermans A.D.L. 1994. Genetic diversity of Datisca-compatible Frankia strains deter­mined by sequence analysis of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA gene. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 60, 2371-2376.

  16. Malik K.A., Bilal R., Mehnaz S., Rasul G., Mirza M.S. and Ali S. 1997. Association of nitrogen-fixing, plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) with kallar grass and rice. Plant and Soil 194, 37-44.

  17. Rasul G., Mirza M.S., Latif F. and Malik K.A. 1998. Identification of plant growth hormones produced by bacterial isolates from rice and wheat. Proceedings 7th International Symposium on "Nitrogen Fixation with Non-legumes". Eds. K.A. Malik, M. Sajjad Mirza & J.K. Ladha. Kluwer Publishers, The Netherlands. PP 25-37

  18. Hassan U, Mirza M.S., Mehnaz S, Rasul G and Malik K.A. 1998. Isolation and identification of diazotrophic bacteria from rice wheat and kallar grass.Proceedings 7th International Symposium on "Nitrogen Fixation with Non-legumes". Eds. K.A. Malik, M. Sajjad Mirza & J.K. Ladha. Kluwer Publishers, The Netherlands. PP 197-205

  19. Mehnaz S., Mirza M.S., Hassan U., and Malik K.A. 1998. Detection of inoculated plant growth promoting rhizobacteria in the rhizosphere of rice. Proceedings 7th International Symposium on "Nitrogen Fixation with Non-legumes". Eds. K.A. Malik, M. Sajjad Mirza & J.K. Ladha. Kluwer Publishers, The Netherlands. PP 75-83

  20. Mirza M.S., Rasul G., Mehnaz S., Ladha J.K., So R.B., Ali S and Malik K.A. 2000. Beneficial effects of inoculated nitrogen-fixing bacteria on rice. In: The quest for nitrogen fixation. Ladha JK, Reddy PM, editors. Proceedings of The 3rd Working Group Meeting on Assessing Opportunities for Nitrogen Fixation in Rice, 9-12 Aug.,1999, IRRI, Philippines. PP 191-204.

  21. Mehnaz, S., Mirza, M.S., Huarat, J., Bally, R., Normand, P., Bano, A. and Malik K.A. 2001. Isolation and 16S rRNA sequence analysis of the beneficial bacteria from rice. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 47, 110-117.

  22. Mirza, M.S., Ahmad, W., Latif, F., Haurat, J., Bally, R., Normand, P., and Malik, K.A. 2001. Isolation, partial characterization, and the effect of plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) on micro-propagated sugarcane in vitro. Plant and Soil 237, 47-54.

  23. Malik, K.A., Mirza, M.S., Hassan, U., Mehnaz , S, Rasul, G, Haurat, J., Bally, R. and Normand, P. 2002. The role of plant-associated beneficial bacteria in rice-wheat cropping system. In: Biofertilizers in Action, Eds. I. R. Kennedy and A. T. M. A. Choudhury. Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, Kingston, Australia. Pp.73-83

  24. Malik, K.A., Hafeez, F.Y., Mirza, M.S., Hameed, S, Rasul, G. and Bilal, R. 2005. Rhizospheric plant-microbe interactions for sustainable agriculture. In: Biological Nitrogen Fixation, Sustainable Agriculture and the Environment, Eds. Yi-Ping Wang, Min Lin, Zhe-Xian Tian, C. Elmerich and W.E. Newton. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Pp 257-260

  25. Mirza, M.S., Mehnaz , S., Normand, P., Prigent-Comboret, C., Moenne-Loccoz, Y., Bally, R. and Malik, K.A. 2006. Molecular characterization and PCR detection of a nitrogen-fixing Pseudomonas strain promoting rice growth. Biology and Fertility of Soils 43, 163-170

  26. Blaha, D., Prigent-Combaret, C., Mirza, M.S. and Moenne-Loccoz, Y. 2006. Phylogeny of the 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid deaminase-encoding gene acdS in phytobeneficial and pathogenic proteobacteria and relation with strain biogeography. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 56 (3), 455-470

  27. Mirza, B.S., Mirza, M.S., Bano, A. and Malik KA 2007. Coinoculation of chickpea with Rhizobium isolates from roots and nodules and phytohormone producing Enterobacter strains. Australian J. Experimental Agriculture (re-named as Animal Production Science) 47:1008-1015.

  28. Malik, K.A., Hafeez, F.Y., Hameed, S., Mirza, M.S., Mubeen, F., Yasin, S., Aslam, A., and Gull, M., 2007. Diverse role of diazotrophs in the rhizosphere. Paper presented in 15th International Congress on Nitrogen Fixation and 12th International Conference of the African Association for Biological Nitrogen Fixation “BNF Applications for Poverty Alleviation” 21-26 January, 2007 at Cape Peninsula University of Technology & Sister Institutions in Cape Town, South Africa. p. 107.

  29. Hafeez, F.Y., Hameed, S., Mirza, M.S., Mubeen, F., Yasmin, S., Aslam, A., Gull, M., Malik, K.A. 2008. Diverse role of diazotrophs in the rhizosphere. In: Biological nitrogen fixation: Towards poverty alleviation through sustainable agriculture. Dakora, Flix, Chimphango, S.B.M., Valentine, A.J., Elmerich, C., Newton, W.E. (eds.). Springer Science and Business Media. P 151

  30. Baudoin, E., Lerner, A., Mirza, M.S., El Zemrany, H., Prigent-Combaret, C., Jurkevich, E., Spaepen, S., Vanderleyden, J., Nazaret, S., Okon, Y., Moënne-Loccoz, Y. 2010. Effects of Azospirillum brasilense with genetically-modified auxin biosynthesis gene ipdC on the diversity of the indigenous microbiota of the wheat rhizosphere. Research in Microbiology 161, 219-226.

  31. Ashraf, M.A., Rasool, M., Mirza, M.S. 2011. Nitrogen Fixation and Indole Acetic Acid Production Potential of Bacteria Isolated from Rhizosphere of Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.). Advances in Biological Research 5 (6): 348-355

  32. Khan, S., Afzal, M, Iqbal, S. Mirza, M.S. Khan, Q.M. 2013. Inoculum pretreatment affects bacterial survival, activity and catabolic gene expression during phytoremediation of diesel contaminated soil.


  1. Bashir A., Midrarullah, Mirza, M.S. 2013. Effects of inoculation with plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPRs) on different growth parameters of cold area rice variety, Fakre Malakand. African Journal of Microbiology Research 7: 1651-1656

  2. Tahir, M., Mirza M.S., Zaheer A, Dimitrov, M.R., Smidt H., Hameed S. 2013. Isolation and identification of phosphate solubilizer Azospirillum, Bacillus and Enterobacter strains by 16SrRNA sequence analysis and their effect on growth of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Australian Journal of Crop Sciences 7:1284-1292


  1. Chaudhary, A.H., Hafeez, F., Akkermans, A.D.L., Chaudhary, M.F. and Mirza, M.S. 1985. Morphology, physiology and potential in agroforestry of Datis­ca, Coriaria and Alnus species from Pakistan. In Proceedings International Symposium on Nitrogen and the Environment. 1984, Lahore, Pakistan (eds. K. Malik, Naqvi and Aleem) Publ. NIAB Faisalabad pp 213-224.

  2. Mirza, M.S. and Chaudhary, A.H. 1985. Nitrogen fixation by actinorhizal Coriaria nepalensis from Northern Pakistan. In "Procee­dings First National Congress of Soil Science", Lahore, Pakistan. pp 433-438.

  3. Chaudhary, A.H. and Mirza, M.S. 1985. Nitrogen fixing root nodule symbiosis in non-leguminous angiosperms of Pakistan. In "Proceedings First National Congress of soil science", Lahore, Pakistan. pp 140-150.

  4. Hussain, S., Mirza, M.S. and Malik, K.A. 1999. Production of phytohormones by the nitrogen-fixing bacteria isolated from sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.). Biohorizons 2(1-4), 61-76.

  5. Rasul, G., Mirza, M.S., Hassan, U., Mehnaz, S., Malik, N.N. and Malik, K.A. 1999. Inoculation, survival and colonization of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) in the rice rhizosphere. Biohorizons 2(1-4), 107-115.

  6. Hafeez, F.Y., Hameed, S, Mirza, M.S. and Malik, K.A. 2005. Biofertilizers-Meeting future demands for rice. In: Proceedings of the international seminar on rice crop, Oct 2-3, 2005. (Eds. M. Akhtar and Ch. Mustaq Ahmad). PP 79-86.

Books edited:

1. Malik K.A., Mirza M.S. and Khalid A.M (eds) 1996. Abstracts: 7th Internationl Symposium on BNF with Non-legumes. Oct. 16-21, 1996, Faisalabad, Pakistan.

2. Malik K.A., Mirza M.S. and Ladha J.K. (eds) 1998. Nitrogen Fixation with Non-legumes. Kluwer publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

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