Curriculum Vitae October 2016 Office Address

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Matthew Henry Edney

Curriculum Vitae

October 2016

Office Address

ay 05-07 History of Cartography Project, Department of Geography, 470 Science Hall, University of Wisconsin, 550 N. Park St., WI 53706-1491.

(608) 263-3992 (w/ voice-mail), 2-5686 (direct, no voice-mail), 3-0762 (fax)

regular Osher Map Library, University of Southern Maine, 314 Forest Ave., Portland, ME 04104-9301.

(207) 780-4767, -5310 (fax)

Home Addresses

wisconsin 601 N. Segoe Rd. #102, Madison, WI 53705 / (608) 442-6941, (207) 837-1931

michigan 216 S. Jenison Ave., Lansing, MI 48915 / (207) 837-1931

maine 16 Foreside Rd., Topsham, ME 04086 / (207) 725-6826, (207) 837-1931

Personal Information

Born, 23 January 1962, London SW19, United Kingdom

Citizen of the United Kingdom / permanent resident of the United States of America

Married to Kathryn Ann Tremper Edney, 29 July 2000 / no children


University of Wisconsin, Madison

1986-1990 Ph.D. Geography. Dissertation: “Mapping and Empire: British Trigonometrical Surveys in India and the European Concept of Systematic Survey, 1799-1843.” Degree awarded May 1990.

1983-1985 M.S. Cartography. Thesis: “Politics, Science and Government Mapping in the United States, 1800 to 1925.” Degree awarded December 1985.

University College London, University of London

1980-1983 B.Sc. Honors Geography. Honors dissertation: “The Computer-Based Construction of Map Projections.” Degree awarded (first-class) August 1983.

Kingston Grammar School, Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey

1978-1980 GCE A-Level: Geography, Mathematics, Physics, and GCE S-Level Geography. Awarded August 1980.

GCE O-Level: Elementary Aeronautics. Awarded August 1979

1973-1978 GCE O-Level: Chemistry, English, French, Further Mathematics, Geography, German, History, Latin, Physics. Awarded August 1978

GCE O-Level: Mathematics. Awarded August 1977.

Professional Appointments

University of Wisconsin, Madison

2005-2007 Associate Scientist. Project Director, History of Cartography Project. Department of Geography.

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

2004-2005 Visiting Associate Professor. Program in American Culture.

University of Southern Maine, Portland

1995-date Associate Professor. Departments of Geography-Anthropology and American & New England Studies.

< unpaid leave of absence, 2004-2007

1995-date Faculty Scholar. Osher Map Library and Smith Center for Cartographic Education.

State University of New York, Binghamton

1990-1995 Assistant Professor. Department of Geography.

University of Wisconsin, Madison

1989-1990 Whitbeck Fellow. Department of Geography, and Research Assistant, History of Cartography Project.

1988-1989 Dissertator Fellow. Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation.

1987-1988 Teaching Assistant. Introduction to Physical Geography.

1985-1987 Project Assistant. Department of Geography Computer Laboratory.

1983-1985 Research and Project Assistant. History of Cartography Project.


Peer-Reviewed Books and Monographs

The Origins and Development of J. B. Harley’s Cartographic Theories. Monograph 54. Cartographica 40, nos. 1 & 2. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005. ISSN 0317–7173. (x + 143 pp.)

Mapping an Empire: The Geographic Construction of British India, 1765-1843. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1997. ISBN 0-226-18487-0 cloth; 0-226-18488-9 paper. (xxii + 458 pp.)

< Reprinted, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1999 (ISBN 019-565172-3).

< Reprinted digitally by the University of Chicago Press, via netLibrary, , 2000 (ISBN 0-226-18486-2).

Peer-Reviewed Articles and Book Chapters

“Maps.” In The Encyclopedia of New England: The Culture and History of an American Region, ed. Burt Feintuch and David H. Watters, 000-00. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 2005.

“Putting ‘Cartography’ into the History of Cartography: Arthur H. Robinson, David Woodward, and the Creation of a Discipline." Cartographic Perspectives no. 51 (Spring 2005): 14-29.

[mhe and Susan Cimburek] “Telling the Traumatic Truth: William Hubbard’s Narrative of King Philip’s War and his ‘Map of New-England’.” William and Mary Quarterly 3s 61, no. 2 (2004): 317-48.

“Bringing India to Hand: Mapping an Empire, Denying Space.” In The Global Eighteenth Century, ed. Felicity Nussbaum, 65-78 and 334-36. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003; reprinted in paperback, 2005.

“Reconsidering Enlightenment Geography and Map-Making: Reconnaissance, Mapping, Archive.” In Geography and Enlightenment, ed. David N. Livingstone and Charles W. J. Withers, 165-98. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999.

“Cartography, Disciplinary History”; “Geography, Disciplinary History”; and, “Geography, The Word.” In Sciences of the Earth: An Encyclopedia of Events, People, and Phenomena, ed. Gregory A. Good, 1: 81-85, 277-82, and 298. Garland Encyclopedias in the History of Science, 3. New York: Garland, 1998.

“Theory and the History of Cartography.” Imago Mundi 48 (1996): 185-91.

“Cartographic Culture and Nationalism in the Early United States: Benjamin Vaughan and the Choice for a Prime Meridian, 1811.” Journal of Historical Geography 20, no. 4 (1994): 384-95.

“Mathematical Cosmography and the Social Ideology of British Cartography, 1780-1820.” Imago Mundi 46 (1994): 101-16.

“British Military Education, Mapmaking, and Military ‘Map-Mindedness’ in the Later Enlightenment.” The Cartographic Journal 31, no. 1 (1994): 14-20.

[Helen Wallis and MHE] “Cartography.” In Companion Encyclopedia of the History and Philosophy of the Mathematical Sciences, ed. Ivor Grattan-Guiness, 1101-14. London: Routledge, 1993.

“Cartography without ‘Progress’: Reinterpreting the Nature and Historical Development of Mapmaking.” Cartographica 30, nos. 2 and 3 (1993): 54-68.

“The Patronage of Science and the Creation of Imperial Space: The British Mapping of India, 1799-1843.” In “Introducing Cultural and Social Cartography,” ed. Robert A. Rundstrom, 61-67. Cartographica 30, no. 1 (1993): Monograph 44.

“The Atlas of India, 1823-1947: The Natural History of a Topographic Map Series.” Cartographica 28, no. 4 (1991): 59-91.

“Strategies for Maintaining the Democratic Nature of a Geographic Information System.” Papers and Proceedings of Applied Geography Conferences 14 (1991): 100-8.

“Politics, Science, and Government Mapping Policy in the United States, 1800-1925.” The American Cartographer 13 (1986): 295-306.

Other Separate Publications

[ed.] Program, Abstracts, and Participants: 20th International Conference on the History of Cartography / Programme, résumés, et liste de participants: 20e CongrPs Internationale de l’Histoire de Cartographie. Portland: Osher Map Library, University of Southern Maine, for Imago Mundi, Ltd., 2003. (160 pp.)

[mhe and Irwin D. Novak, eds.] Reading the World: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Pieter van den Keere’s Map, “Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica Tabula” (Amsterdam, 1608/36). Occasional Publication of the Osher Library Associates, 1. Portland: University of Southern Maine for the Osher Library Associates, 2001 (ISBN 0-939561-31-X paper). (x + 42 pp.)

Other Essays

“Recent Trends in the History of Cartography: A Selected Bibliographical Guide.” 3rd ed. Coordinates: Online Journal of the Map and Geography Round Table, American Library Association, ser. B, no. 5 (1 October 2005). .

< originally prepared (1st ed.) in 1997 for private circulation; 2nd ed. circulated 1999 and after.

“David Woodward: An Appreciation.” Cartographic Perspectives no. 51 (Spring 2005): 58-59.

“David Alfred Woodward (1942-2004).” Imago Mundi 57, no. 1 (2005): 75-83.

“New England Mapped: The Creation of a Colonial Territory.” In La Cartografia europea tra primo Rinascimento e fine dell’Illuminismo: Atti del Convegno Internazionale «The Making of European Cartography» (Firenze, BNCF-EUI, 13-15 dicembre 2001), ed. Diogo Ramada Curto, Angelo Cattaneo, and André Ferrand Almeida, 155-76. Accademia toscana di scienze e lettere «La Colombaria», «Studi» 213. Florence: Leo S. Olshki Editore, 2003.

“Mapping the Republic: Conflicting Concepts of the Character and Territory of the USA, 1790-1900.” On-line, 10 October 2003, .

“Works by J. B. Harley.” In J. B. Harley, The New Nature of Cartography, ed. Paul Laxton, 281-96. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001.

[George S. Carhart with mhe] “An Exercise in Map Genealogy: Guillaume Delisle’s L’Amerique Septentrionale and its Many Offspring.” Mercator’s World 6, no. 4 (2001): 44-49 and 6, no. 5 (2001): 28-35.

[principal contributor] “Worldly Treasures: A Fifth Anniversary Celebration.” On-line, 4 October 1999, .

“Strategic Planning in the American Revolution: Hugh, Earl Percy and the Cartographic Image of New England in the Eighteenth Century.” On-line, 19 April 1998, .

“Defining a Unique City: Surveying and Mapping Bombay after 1800.” In Bombay to Mumbai: Changing Perspectives, ed. Pauline Rohatgi, Pheroza Godrej, and Rahul Mehrota, 40-57. Bombay: Marg Publications, 1997; reprinted, 2001.

< This was one of four essays selected from the book’s eighteen for simultaneous publication as Marg: A Magazine of the Arts 48, no. 4 (1997): 28-45.

“The Mitchell Map: An Irony of Empire.” On-line, 21 April 1997, .

“Cartographic Creation of New England.” On-line, 5 December 1996, .

“The Basel 1494 Columbus Letter.” On-line, 14 October 1996: .

“The History of Cartography and Cartographic Education: Responding to Institutional and Theoretical Changes.” In Proceedings of the Seminar on Teaching the History of Cartography II, held at The Newberry Library, Chicago, June 23, 1993, during the 15th International Conference on the History of Cartography, ed. F. J. Ormeling and Yde T. Bourma, 45-49. Utrecht: International Cartographic Association, 1994.

“Cartographic Confusion and Nationalism: The Meridian of Washington, DC, in the Early 19th Century.” Mapline: Newsletter of the Hermon Dunlap Smith Center for the History of Cartography at The Newberry Library 69/70 (Spring/Summer 1993): 4-8.

“J. B. Harley (1932-1991): Questioning Maps, Questioning Cartography, Questioning Cartographers.” Cartography and Geographic Information Systems 19, no. 3 (1992): 175-78.

“Mapping and the Early Modern State: The Intellectual Nexus of Late Tudor and Early Stuart Mapping: Review of Richard Helgerson, Forms of Nationhood: The Elizabethan Writing of England (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992).” Cartographica 29, nos. 3 and 4 (1992): 89-93.

“Systematic Surveys and Mapping Policy in British India, 1757-1830.” Colonel Sir George Everest CB FRS: Proceedings of the Bicentenary Conference at the Royal Geographical Society, 8th November 1990, ed. James R. Smith, 1-11. London: Royal Geographical Society and Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, 1990.

“The Ordnance Survey and British Surveys in India.” Sheetlines: Newsletter of the Charles Close Society 26 (December 1989): 3-8 and 27 (April 1990): 9-10.

[Untitled] In “Responses to J. B. Harley’s Article, ‘Deconstructing the Map,’ Published in the Last Issue of Cartographica (Volume 26, Number 2, Summer 1989, pp. 1-20),” ed. Edward H. Dahl, 93-96. Cartographica 26, nos. 3 and 4 (1989): 89-121.

“The Thirteenth International Conference on the History of Cartography, Amsterdam, 26-30 June, 1989: A Review and Perspective.” Cartographica 26, nos. 3 and 4 (1989): 121-27.

Short Contributions

“Puritan New England’s Precarious Perch on ‘this Western Coast’.” In The Map Book, ed. Peter Barber, in press. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2005.

“Eighteenth-Century Maps of New England and the Intersections of Manuscript Circulation and Print Publication.” In Actas = Proceedings = Comptes-rendus / XIX Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Cartografía = 19th International Conference on the History of Cartography = XIX CongPs International d’Histoire de la Cartographia: Madrid 1-6, VII, 2001, ed. Victoria Arias Roca, [Abstracts] 44-45. Madrid: Ministerio de Defensa, Secretaria General Técnica, 2002.

[mhe and Irwin D. Novak] “Editors’ Preface.” In Reading the World: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Pieter van den Keere’s Map, “Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica Tabula” (Amsterdam, 1608/36), ed. mhe and Irwin D. Novak, ix. Occasional Publication of the Osher Library Associates, 1. Portland: University of Southern Maine for the Osher Library Associates, 2001.

[Yolanda Theunissen and mhe] “The Osher Map Library and Smith Center for Cartographic Education / Charting Neptune’s Realm: From Classical Mythology to Satellite Imagery.” Cartographic Perspectives 36 (2000): 92-94.

Archival Documents

[editor] Benjamin Vaughan, “An Account of some late Proceedings in Congress respecting the Project for Establishing a First Meridian at Washington; with Remarks,” ca. 1811. American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia; class B/V46p. Reconstructed version of unfinished and fragmentary manuscript, 25 June 1992, deposited with the American Philosophical Society.

“The Atlas of India: A Cartobibliography (1827-1924).” 23 January 1991. Summary based on 1,526 map sheets. Copies deposited with the British Library, both Map Room and Oriental and India Office Collections, London. Note that this document has served as the basis for the British Library-OIOC’s cataloging of its atlas sheets since 2000.

Book Reviews

Dov Gavish, The Survey of Palestine under the British Mandate, 1920-1948, RoutledgeCurzon Studies in Middle East History, 3 (London: RoutledgeCurzon, 2004). Imago Mundi 58, no. 1 (2006): forthcoming.

Ian J. Barrow, Making History, Drawing Territory: British Mapping in India, c. 1756-1905 (New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2003). Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 33, no. 1 (2005): 125-27.

Mary Pedley, ed., The Map Trade in the Late Eighteenth Century: Letters to the London Map Sellers Jefferys & Faden, Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century, 2000:06 (Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 2000). Imago Mundi 54 (2002): 160-61.

Felix Driver, Geography Militant: Cultures of Exploration and Empire (Oxford: Blackwell, 2001). Times Higher Education Supplement no. 1509 (19 Oct 2001): 28.

Jeremy Black. Maps and Politics (London: Reaktion Books, 1997; Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998). Journal of Historical Geography 25 (1999): 103-4.

Robert W. Karrow, Jr., Mapmakers of the Sixteenth Century and Their Maps: Bio-Bibliographies of the Cartographers of Abraham Ortelius, 1570 (Chicago: Speculum Orbis Press for The Newberry Library, 1993). Annals of the Association of American Geographers 85, no. 1 (1995): 229-31.

Denis Wood, The Power of Maps (New York: Guilford, 1992; London: Routledge, 1993). Journal of Historical Geography 20 (1994): 220-21.

David Buisseret, ed., Monarchs, Ministers, and Maps: The Emergence of Cartography as a Tool of Government in Early Modern Europe (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992). Cartographic Perspectives 15 (Spring 1993): 22-24.

Stanley H. Palmer and Dennis Reinhartz, eds., Essays on the History of North American Discovery and Exploration (College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1988). Cartographica 29, no. 2 (1992): 66-67.

Susan Gole, Indian Maps and Plans from the Earliest Times to the Advent of European Surveys (New Delhi: Manohar Publications, 1989), and Maps of Mughal India Drawn by Colonel Jean-Baptiste-Joseph Gentil, Agent for the French Government to the Court of Shuja-ud-Daula at Faizabad, in 1770 (London: Kegan Paul International, 1988). Cartographica 29, no. 1 (1992): 61-63.

J. B. Harley, Maps of the Columbian Encounter: An Interpretive Guide to the Travelling Exhibition (Milwaukee: The Golda Meir Library, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1990), and K. Nebenzahl, Atlas of Columbus and The Great Discoveries (Chicago: Rand McNally, 1990). William & Mary Quarterly (April 1992), 395-97.

David Buisseret, Historic Illinois from the Air (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990). Cartographica 28, no. 2 (1991): 100-1.

Barry W. Higman, Jamaica Surveyed: Plantation Maps and Plans of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries (Kingston: Institute of Jamaica Publications, 1988). The Map Collector 53 (Winter 1990): 48-49.

Thomas G. Manning, U.S. Coast Survey vs. Naval Hydrographic Office: A 19th-Century Rivalry in Science and Politics (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1988). Cartographica 27, no. 1 (1990): 95-98.

Richard A. Jarrell, The Cold Light of Dawn: A History of Canadian Astronomy (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1988). Cartographica 26, no. 2 (1989): 123-24.

James R. Smith, From Plane to Spheroid: The History of Geodesy from 3000 BC to 1750 AD (Rancho Cordova: Landmark Enterprises, 1987). Cartographica 25, no. 3 (1988): 115-17.

Gary L. Fitzpatrick, The Early Mapping of Hawaii (Honolulu: Editions Limited, ca.1986). Cartographica 25, no. 3 (1988): 142-44.

Josef Konvitz, Cartography in France, 1660-1848: Engineers, Scientists, and Statesmen (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987). Journal of Historical Geography 14 (1988): 72-73.

J. H. Andrews, Plantation Acres: An Historical Study of the Irish Land Surveyor and his Maps (Belfast: Ulster Historical Foundation, 1985). Journal of Historical Geography 13 (1987): 76-77.

Walter W. Ristow, American Maps and Mapmakers: Commercial Cartography in the Nineteenth Century (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1985). Journal of Historical Geography 13 (1987): 99-100.

Works Edited (mostly uncredited)

Carhart, George S. “How Long did it Take to Engrave an Early Modern Map? A Consideration of Craft Practices.” Imago Mundi 56, no. 2 (2004): 194-97.

Sasser, Daryl, and Seth Klenk. “Exodus and Exile: The Spaces of Diaspora.” Exhibition at the Osher Map Library, February 2002 to January 2003. On-line, 1 July 2002, .

French, Robert. “Road Maps: The American Way.” Exhibition at the Osher Map Library, 13 February to 21 December 2001. On-line, 10 March 2001, .

Gill, Brinda. “The Big Man: Surveying Sir George Everest.” Mercator’s World 5, no. 4 (2000): 24-27.

Enggass, Peter M. “Maps of Spain from the Enggass Collection.” Exhibition at the Osher Map Library, 2 September 1998 to 13 February 1999. On-line, 6 October 1998, .

Hamilton, Nathan D. “Maine Wilderness Transformed: Timber, Sporting, and Exploitation of the Moosehead Lake Region.” Exhibition at the Osher Map Library, 22 May 1997 to 7 January 1998. On-line, 22 May 1997, .

Works in Progress

“The Irony of Imperial Mapping.” Chapter for The Imperial Map: Cartography and the Mastery of Empire, ed. James R. Akerman. Submitted to the University of Chicago Press in February 2005, for publication in late 2006 or 2007.

“Mapping Parts of the World.” In Maps: Eight Thousand Years of Mapping the Worlds Around Us, ed. James R. Akerman and Robert W. Karrow, Jr. Chicago: University of Chicago Press for the Field Museum of Natural History and the Newberry Library, for publication in 2007.

“Cartography, History of”; “Geo-Body”; and “Map-Reading.” In preparation for The Dictionary of Human Geography, ed. Derek Gregory, Ron Johnston, Geraldine Pratt, Michael Watts, and Sarah Whatmore. 5th ed. Oxford: Blackwell, for publication in late 2006.

Cartographies of Colonial New England: Geographical Practice, Public Discourse, Regional Construction. For submission to either the University of Chicago Press or the University of Virginia Press.

[mhe and Mary Pedley, eds.] Cartography in the European Enlightenment, volume 4 of The History of Cartography, founding editors J. B. Harley and David Woodward, to be published by the University of Chicago Press.

Exhibitions, Conference Organization, and Academic Presentations


“Mapping the Republic: Conflicting Concepts of the Territory and Character of the USA, 1790-1900.” Osher Map Library and Smith Center for Cartographic Education, University of Southern Maine. 15 May 2003 to 29 May 2004. Established in conjunction with the 20th International Conference of the History of Cartography, Cambridge, MA and Portland, 15-20 June 2003. is the catalog.

[Project Humanist] “The Shape of Maine: Drawing Boundaries, Mapping History.” Curated by John Mayer. Maine Historical Society, 19 June to 31 December 2003.

[Contributor] Paola Pirolo, Angelo Cattaneo, and André Ferrand Almeida, “La Cartografia europa tra Rinascimento e Illuminismo.” Tribuna Dantesca, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Firenze. Florence, Italy. 30 November to 15 December 2001. Established in conjunction with the international workshop, “The Making of the European Cartography,” Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Firenze, Florence, 13-15 December 2001. The catalog is “Catalogo della Mostra,” in La cartografia europea tra primo Rinascimento e fine dell’Illuminismo, ed. Diogo Ramada Curto, Angelo Cattaneo, and André Ferrand Almeida (Florence: Leo S. Olshki Editore, 2003), 335-72, esp. 360-61.

[mhe and Daryl Sasser] “Eighteenth-Century Cartographies.” Facsimile exhibition prepared for the Northeast American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Portland, 26-28 October 2000.

[principal curator] “Worldly Treasures: A Fifth Anniversary Celebration.” Osher Map Library and Smith Center for Cartographic Education, University of Southern Maine. October 1999 to April 2000. is the catalog.

“The Cartographic Creation of New England.” Osher Map Library and Smith Center for Cartographic Education, University of Southern Maine. 6 November 1996 to 27 April 1997. Established in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Society for the History of Discoveries, Portland, 31 October to 2 November 1996. is the catalog.

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