Service buildings

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Richard Longstreth, compiler

revised 12.1.09


This compendium offers basic data on buildings constructed specifically for delivery, storage, and other service functions of the over 180 downtown-based department store companies in 59 cities studied for my book, The American Department Store Transformed, 1920-1960 (Yale University Press, 2010). The list includes discrete facilities attached or adjacent to the main store as well as ones on remote sites. The listings are chronologically arranged by date of opening, beginning with the earliest such facilities I have been able to document.

Numerous sources were used in compiling this material. Women’s Wear Daily and local newspapers were especially useful. Site visits were made in most cases, in which case I have included notation of whether the building still stands followed by the date of my last visit in parentheses as the last line in an entry.
Additions and corrections are welcome. Contact me at


FAMOUS AND BARR CO., St. Charles Street, St. Louis

opened 1913

10 stories + 2 basement

no longer standing (9.00)

OUTLET CO., Pine & Eddy streets, Providence

opened ca. 9.1.14

6 stories + basement, $108,000

no longer standing (4.04)


opened before 9.1.15

3 stories

delivery station and truck garage

J. L. HUDSON CO., Beaulieu Street, Detroit

opened 1916

1 story

delivery station

demolished ca. 2000
STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, Ninth & Poplar streets, Philadelphia

opened 1918

10 stories + basement, 234,000 square feet


extant, vacant (10.00)

J. L. HUDSON CO., Detroit


opened ca. 11.20

1-story addition to delivery and warehouse

extant, numerous additions (4.00)

WM. FILENE'S SONS, Memorial Drive & Main Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts

announced ca. 3.1.20, opened ca. 1.8.21

6 stories + basement, 97,200 square feet

no longer standing (7.96)

DAYTON CO., N. Eleventh Street & Carrie Avenue, Minneapolis

opened 1922

2 stories


extant (9.00)

MAY CO., 3401 S. Grand Avenue, Los Angeles

announced 3.13.23, opened ca. 7.23

Albert C. Martin & Associates, architect

1 story, 35,000 square feet, $300,000

demolished for new service building 1947

LANSBURGH & BRO., Eighth Street, between D & E streets, N.W, Washington, D.C.

announced 4.15.23, opened 1923

Milburn Heister & Company, architects

6 stories + basement


no longer standing (11.92)



opened ca. 6.24

4, 1 stories + basement

DAYTON CO., N. Eleventh Street & Carrie Avenue, Minneapolis


announced 2.20.24, opened ca. 8.24

Long & Thorshov, architects

4 + 2 stories + basement, 85,000 square feet, $110,000


extant (9.00)

POWERS MERCANTILE CO., Western Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota

announced 8.7.24, opened ca. 11.24

6 stories, 99,000 square feet, $200,000

extant, altered (2.00)


J. L. HUDSON CO., Beaulieu Street, near Adams Avenue, Detroit


announced 8.15.24, o. 1925

6 stories, $325,000


extant, numerous additions (4.00)

MAY COMPANY, Grand Avenue, Los Angeles

announced 6.13.23, opened by 3.10.25

A. C. Martin & Associates, architects

4 stories, 125,000 square feet

demolished for new service building 1947
KAUFMANN, BAER & CO., Wharton Street, between Twenty-First & Twenty-Second streets, Pittsburgh

announced 1.4.24, opened 5.19.25

7 stories, 293,000 square feet


store acquired by Gimbel Bros. 1925
LASALLE & KOCH, Huron & Lafayette streets, Toledo

announced 1.30.25, opened ca. 7.25

3 stories, 57,200 square feet, $125,000


L. BAMBERGER & CO., 254-284 Elizabeth Avenue, Newark

announced 12.20.24, opened 10.25

Abbott, Merkt & Company (New York), architects-engineers

2 stories + basement, 180,000 square feet

delivery station; warehouse planned for site, but never realized

extant, altered (2.93)

THALHEIMER BROS., N. Seventh Street, between Clay & Marshall streets, Richmond, Virginia

announced 8.3.25, opened ca. 11.25

2 stories

no longer standing (10.00)

L. S. PLAUT & CO., New & Wilsey streets, Newark

announced 12.7.25, project

5 stories


FAMOUS-BARR CO., Spring Avenue & Market Street, St. Louis

announced 1.7.25, opened ca. 1-2.26

Will Levy, architect

7 stories + basement, 400,000 square feet

extant, altered, in operation (9.00)
BULLOCK'S, Tenth, Eleventh & Stanford avenues, Los Angeles

announced 7.13.24, opened ca. 3.26

John and Donald B. Parkinson, architects

2 stories + basement (4 additional. stories planned), 171,000 square feet

extant (1.97)
S. KANN SONS, Delaware Avenue & C Street, S.W., Washington, D.C.

announced 4.19.25, opened. ca. 5.26

Abbott, Merkt & Company (New York), architects-engineers

4 stories + basement, 100,000 square feet

no longer standing (2.93)
HALE BROTHERS, Fifth & Mint streets, San Francisco

opened ca. 11.1.26

10 stories + basement, 85,000 square feet


opened ca. 1926

delivery station
H. & S. POGUE CO., Sixth & Cutter streets, Cincinnati

announced 7.26.26, opened ca. 11.27

Abbott, Merkt & Company (New York), architects-engineers

3, 1 stories, 78,500 square feet, $250,000

no longer standing (4.96)
ABRAHAM & STRAUS, Second Avenue, Forty-Third & Forty-Fourth streets, Brooklyn

announced 4.2.27, probably a project

Starrett & Van Vleck, architects


MEIER & FRANK, Flanders, Everett, Fourteenth & Fifteenth streets, Portland, Oregon

announced 1.2.27, opened 2.28

Sutton & Whitney, architects

4 stories + basement, $500,000

extant, vacant (6.04)
MAY CO., Payne Avenue, between E. Forty-First & E. Forty-Third streets, Cleveland

announced 3.22.27, opened ca. 3.1.28

Lehman, Schmitt & Co., architects

5 stories + basement, 600,000 square feet, $1,000,000

extant (6.99)
GOLDEN RULE, Lafayette & Woodward streets, St. Paul, Minnesota

announced 8.18.23, opened 5.28

Clarence H. Johnson, architect

7 stories + basement, 217,600 square feet, $400,000

no longer standing (9.00)

BLOOMINGDALE BROTHERS, Hunter's Point Avenue & Fourth Street, Brooklyn

announced l.26.27, opened 6.26.28

Abbott, Merkt & Company, architects-engineers

6 stories + basement, 585,000 square feet

extant (5.92)
STIX, BAER & FULLER DRY GOODS CO., 3720 Laclede Avenue, St. Louis

announced 12.17.27, opened ca. 8.28

Mauran, Russell & Crowell, architects

6 stories + basement, $100,000

additions to 1914 relay station

extant (4.96)

DAYTON CO., Eighth Street, Minneapolis


opened 9.1.28

in basement of 4-story+ basement garage

delivery station

extant, altered (9.00)

R. H. MACY & CO., Hunters Point Avenue, Brooklyn

opened by 9.28

7 stories

addition to warehouse

extant (5.92)
JOSEPH HORNE CO., Manchester Boulevard & Shore Avenue, Pittsburgh

announced 4.18.27, opened 11.16.28

Huntin, Davis & Daniels, architects

8 stories + basement, 414,000 square feet, @ $1,500,000

no longer standing (6.95)
STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, 950 N. Ninth Street, Philadelphia

announced ca. 8.28, opened ca. 11.28

probably by Abbott, Merkt & Company (New York), architects-engineers

2 stories, 62,000 square feet

delivery station addition to warehouse

extant, vacant (1.99)

CROWLEY-MILNER & CO., Lafayette Avenue & St. Antoine Street, Detroit

announced 3.25.27, opened ca. 1928

8 stories, 153,000 square feet


ZCMI, Second West & S. Temple streets, Salt Lake City

announced 7.5.27, opened ca. 1928


warehouse, next to existing ones of company

no longer standing (4.05)

FREDERICK & NELSON, Terry Street, Seattle

opened 1928

6 stories + basement

announced 12.1.28, project

Abbott, Merkt & Company, architects-engineers

8, 4 stories, @ 320,000 square feet


ELETO CO. (for LORD & TAYLOR AND McCREERY'S), First Avenue, Thirty-Eighth & Thirty-Ninth

streets, New York

announced 10.6.27, opened 4.17.29

Starrett & Van Vleck, architects

10 stories + basement, 385,000 square feet

extant (5.97)

LION SRORE, St. Clair & Superior streets, Toledo

announced 1.15.29, opened ca. 10.29

Langdon, Hohly & Gram, architects

2 stories + basement, 100,000 square feet


G. FOX & CO., Talcott Street, Hartford

opened. ca. 1930

Abbott, Merkt & Company (New York), architects-engineers

9 stories + basement

addition to existing building

extant, altered (3.08)

GIMBEL BROS., Hamilton Street, Philadelphia

opened 7.27.31

Abbott, Merkt & Company (New York), architects-engineers

2 stories

delivery station

no longer standing (9.99)

PALAIS ROYAL, First Street, between L & M streets, N.E., Washington, D.C.

announced 12.30, opened 9.17.31

Abbott, Merkt & Company (New York), architects-engineers

4 stories + basement 125,000 square feet

demolished 1993

STEWART & CO., 641 (?) W. Saratoga Street, Baltimore

opened ca. 5.37

4 stories, 136,000 square feet, $175,000

no longer standing (9.98)
HECHT COMPANY, New York Avenue & Fenwick Street, N.E., Washington, D.C.

announced 1.12.36, opened ca. 6.30.37

Abbott, Merkt & Company (New York), architect-engineers

6 stories + basement, 350,000 square feet

extant (12.09)
JOHN SHILLITO CO., Seventh & Elm streets, Cincinnati

announced 3.8.37, opened 10.26.37

10 stories + 2 basement levels

Potter, Tyler & Martin, architects

extant (4.08)

J. L. HUDSON CO., Detroit


opened. by 5.9.38

Abbott, Merkt & Company (New York), architects-engineers; Smith, Hinchman & Grylls, associated


6, 4 stories + basement, @ $500,000

delivery station

extant (4.00)
QUACKENBUSH CO., Furman Street, Paterson, New Jersey

announced 6.17.38, opened 12.38

John Graham (Seattle), architect

5 stories, @ 45,000 square feet


no longer standing (7.00)

WOODWARD & LOTHROP, 131 M Street, N.E., Washington, D.C.

announced 1.22.48, opened ca. 4.9.39

Abbott, Merkt & Company (New York), architects-engineers

6 stories + basement, 450,000 square feet, $1,100,000

extant (12.09)

opened ca. 10-11.39

2, 1 stories


F. & R. LAZARUS CO., Front & State streets, Columbus, Ohio

announced ca. 2.39, opened 11.6.39

Richards, McCarthy & Bulford, architects

10 stories + basement, 275,000 square feet, $1,000,000

extant (4.08)

SIBLEY, LINDSAY & CURR, Rochester, New York

opened ca. 1.40

1 story, 30,141 square feet

Abbott, Merkt & Company (New York), architects-engineers

delivery station

LIT BROTHERS, Buttonwood Avenue, Seventeenth & Eighteenth streets, Philadelphia

announced 8.8.39, opened ca. 9.40

Simon & Simon, architects

5 stories + basement, @ 500,000 square feet, $2,000,000

no longer standing (11.92)
LANSBURGH & BRO., S. Capitol & P streets, S.W., Washington, D.C

announced 4.39, o. ca. 1940

2 stories + basement, @ 74,000 sqft.

service facility, warehouse

extant (5.08)

STIX, BAER & FULLER DRY GOODS CO., 3720 Laclede Avenue, St. Louis


announced 3.5.41, opened ca. 1941.

Abbott, Merkt & Company (New York), architects-engineers

2 stories + basement

extant (4.96)

M. O'NEIL COMAPNY, S. Main & State streets, Akron

announced. 6.17.41, project

Graham, Anderson, Probst & White (Chicago), architects

3-story addition to main building, 165,000 square feet, $500,000


HOCHSCHILD, KOHN & CO., Park Avenue & Center Street, Baltimore

announced 5.1.41, opened ca. 1.42

Abbott, Merkt & Company (New York), architects-engineers; James Edmunds, associate architect

6 stories + basement

extant, altered (10.07)

FAMNOUS-BARR CO., Market Street, near Spring Avenue, St. Louis

announced 7.29.45, opened ca. 1946-47

Will Levy, architect

7 stories + basement, $1,000,000

extant, altered (9.00)

J. L. HUDSON CO., Beaulieu, Adams, Beacon & Brush streets, Detroit

announced 11.16.45, opened ca. 3.47

Smith, Hinchman & Grylls, architects

3 stories, 133,600 square feet

extant, altered (4.00)
ABRAHAM & STRAUS, Livingston Street, Brooklyn

announced 9.14.45, opened by 6.25.47

Shreve, Lamb & Harmon, architects

8 stories + basement

MILLER & RHOADS, 2709 Hermitage Road, Richmond, Virginia

announced 1946, opened ca. 8.47

Carneal & Johnston, architects

1 story, 120,000 square feet., $750,000

extant (10.00)
GIMBEL BROTHERS, Sidney, Twenty-Fourth & Twenty-Firth streets, Pittsburgh

announced 12.16.46, opened ca. 10.15.47

William York Cocken, architect; Abbott, Merkt & Company (New York), consultants

2 stories, 140,000 square feet, $1,2500,000

MAY CO., Jefferson Boulevard & Grand Avenue, Los Angeles

announced 11.7.45, opened ca. 1947

Albert C. Martin & Associates, architects

6 stories + basement, 800,000 square feet

extant, altered (11.00)
FOLEY BROTHERS, 2103 Eastwood, Houston

opened 1947

Kenneth Franzheim, architect

1 story, 123,000 square feet, $450,000

extant, numerous additions, altered, in operation (4.99)

HECHT COMPANY, New York Avenue & Fenwick Street, N.E., Washington, D.C.

opened 7.48

Abbott, Merkt & Company (New York), architects-engineers

6 stories+ basement, 130,000 square feet, $600,000


extant (12.09)
B. GERTZ CO., One Hundred, Eighty-Third & Liberty streets, Queens, New York

opened 12.48

Abbott, Merkt & Company, architects-engineers

4 stories, 190,000 square feet

extant (5.97)

H. & S. POGUE CO., Race Street, south of Fourth Street, Cincinnati

announced 2.13.46, opened ca. 3.49

Harry Hanke and Harry Hanke, Jr., architects

11 stories+ basement, 116,439 square feet, $2,000,000

extant (4.08)

F. & R. LAZARUS & CO., W. Whittier Street, Columbus, Ohio

announced ca. 4.48, opened 4.8.49

Austin Company (Cleveland), architects-engineers

1 story + mezzanine, 250,000 square feet,, @ $1,500,000

extant, vacant (7.99)
L. BAMBERGER & CO., Franklin Street & Watsesing Avenue, Bloomfield and Belleville, New Jersey

announced 8.7.47, opened 5.24.49

Abbott, Merkt & Company (New York), architects-engineers

1 story, 396,000 square feet

extant, vacant (7.97)
B. ALTMAN & CO., Hunter's Point Avenue, Thirty-Fifth & Thirty-Sixth streets, Queens, New York

ann. 5.28.48, o. 6.49

Abbott, Merkt & Company, architects-engineers

2 stories, 216,000 square feet

HALLE BROS. CO., Prospect Avenue, Cleveland

announced 11.23.46, opened 7.30.49

Walker & Weeks, architects

7 stories + 2 basement levels

extant (7.97)

CARSON, PIRIE, SCOTT, Cicero Avenue & Seventy-First Street, Chicago

announced 4.49, opened, 6.6.50

DeYoung, Moskowitz & Rosenberg (New York), architects

1 story, 484,460 square feet, $3,000,000

no longer standing (8.95)

LOVEMAN, JOSEPH & LOEB, Ninth Avenue, Eighteenth & Nineteenth streets, N., Birmingham, Alabama

announced 2.21.51, opened ca. 9.1.51

Abbott, Merkt & Company (New York), architects-engineers

1 story., $750,000

no longer standing (5.99)

KRAUSS CO., Ibreville, Basin & Crozat streets, New Orleans

announced 1.12.50, opened 4.1.52

Faurot & Reed and Abbott, Merkt & Company (New York), associated architects

5, 6 stories, 100,000 square feet

extant (11.06)

NEIMAN-MARCUS, 2620 N. Haskell Street, Dallas

announced by 1.51, opened ca. 4.52

DeWitt & Swank, architects

100,000 square feet

no longer standing (1.97)
THALHEIMER BROTHERS, Westmorland Street near Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia

announced 1.50, opened 10.52

DeYoung, Moskowitz & Rosenberg (New York), architects

1 story, 200,000 square feet, $2,000,000

extant, altered (10.00)
FORBES & WALLACE, Springfield, Massachusetts

announced by 8.51, opened ca. 1952.

Abbott, Merkt & Company (New York), architects-engineers

2, 1 stories

DENVER DRY GOODS COMPANY, 50 S. Klamath Street, Denver

opened 4.53

Harry E. Rathbaum, architect

1 story
L. S. DONALDSON CO., Hiawatha Avenue, Thirty-Sixth & Thirty-Seventh streets, Minneapolis

announced 12.19.52, open summer 1953

David Griswold, architect; Alvin L. Weidt associated

2 1/2 stories, 200,000 square feet, $750,000

extant, altered (9.00)

MAAS BROS., Gandy Boulevard & Manhattan Street, Tampa

announced by 3.25.53, opened ca. 1953

175,000 square feet
D. H. HOLMES, S. Dupre Street, between Euphrosine Street & Tulane Avenue, New Orleans

opened ca. 1953

2 stories

extant (11.06)

MAISON BLANCHE, 916 Bienville Street, New Orleans

announced before 6.21.52, opened 5.8.54

4 stories+ basement

extant (11.06)

LANSBURGH & BRO., Eighth Street, between D & E streets, N.W., Washington, D.C.

opened 3.1.55

Abbott, Merkt & Company (New York), architects-engineers

8 stories + 2 basement levels

demolished 1990s
RIKE-KUMMLER, near Stewart Street, Dayton

announced 1.1.53, opened ca. 3.55

Abbott, Merkt & Company (New York), architects-engineers

1 story, 282,000 square feet

extant, altered (7.97)

WM. FILENE'S SONS, Cabot Street off Highland Avenue, Needham, Massachusetts

announced 2.17.55, opened 9.55

1 story, 200,000 square feet

probably no longer standing (5.01)

SCRUGGS, VANDERVOORT & BARNEY, Oakland Avenue, St. Louis

announced by 11.54, opened by. 12.55

Abbott, Merkt & Company (New York), architects-engineers

1 story

no longer standing (9.00)
THE BROADWAY, 3808 Mission Street, near Soto Street, Los Angeles

announced 1.29.53, opened 1955

Chaix & Johnson, architects

2 stories, 600,000 square feet, @ $3,000,000

extant (3.00)

MAY- D&F, 445 Bryant Street, Denver

announced 3.5.55, opened ca. 1956

1 story, @ 180,000 square feet

HECHT CO., Erdman Avenue & Federal Street, Baltimore

announced 5.4.55, opened 6.56

Abbott, Merkt & Company (New York), architects-engineers

1 story, 304,000 square feet

extant (2.00)
H. C. CAPWELL CO., Oakland, California

opened before 7.17.56

2 stories, 230,000 square feet, $1,750,000
DENVER DRY GOODS COMPANY, 50 S. Klamath Street, Denver


opened by 8.14.56

43,000 square feet

R. H. MACY & CO., 200 Paul Street, San Francisco


announced 5.17.55, opened 1956

2 stories, 156,000 square feet, $1,000,000

BURDINE'S, Northeast Seventy-First Street & Thirty-Second Avenue, Miami

announced 10.2.55, opened ca. 1956

Abbott, Merkt & Company (New York), architects-engineers ?

385,000 square feet, $2,500,000

extant, altered (6.00)

STIX, BAER, FULLER & CO., 1431 Kingsland Avenue, Pagedale, Missouri.

announced 1.24.56, spring 1957

Abbott, Merkt & Company (New York), architects-engineers

1 story, 420,000 square feet. $1,800,000

extant (9.00)

G. FOX & CO., Talcott Street, Hartford


announced 7.10.56, opened ca. 1957

Abbott-Merkt & Company (New York), architects-engineers

4 stories, 225,000 square feet

extant, altered (3.08)

M. RICH BROS. & CO., Atlanta

announced 3.24.58, opened ca.1958

Smith & Wilkinson, architects

2 stories + basement, 130,000 square feet

at rear of Store for Homes


STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, Filbert & Eighth streets, Philadelphia

announced ca. 8.10.59, opened ca. 5.60

Abbott, Merkt & Company (New York), architects-engineers

6 stories, 217,000 square feet, $2,500,000

extant (10.00)
BAILEY CO., Cleveland

announced 12.17.59, opened ca. 5.1.60

1 story, 132,000 square feet
D. H. HOLMES, Dauphine & Bienville streets, New Orleans

opened spring 1960

Benson & Riehl, architects

4 stories, 50,000 square feet, $750,000

extant (11.06)
H. & S. POGUE CO., Fairfax, Ohio

announced 1.19.60, opened ca.1960

A. POLSKY CO., High & E. State streets, Akron, Ohio

announced 6.26.60, opened ca. 7.1.61

@ 200,000 sqft., incl. parking garage -- built?

diagonally across from store

This compendium offers basic data on parking structures commissioned for patron use by the over 180 downtown-based department store companies in 59 cities studied for my book, The American Department Store Transformed, 1920-1960 (Yale University Press, 2010) The list does not include parking lots used for the same purpose, which appear to have been much more numerous. The listings are chronologically arranged by date of opening, beginning with the earliest such facilities I have been able to document.
Many sources were used in compiling this material. Women’s Wear Daily and local newspapers were especially useful. Site visits were made in most cases, in which case I have included notation of whether the building still stands followed by the date of my last visit in parentheses as the last line in an entry.
Additions and corrections are welcome. Contact me at

SCRUGGS, VANDERVOORT & BARNEY DRY GOODSCO., St. Charles Street, between Eleventh &

Twelfth streets, St. Louis

announced 1.122, opened 8.14.22

4 stories + roof deck+ basement, 400 cars, $250,000

demolished ca. 1999

FAMOUS-BARR, Seventh, Elm & Walnut streets, St. Louis

announced 2.19.22, opened ca. 8.22

Will Levy, architect

1 story + roof deck, 235 cars, 54,000 square feet

no longer standing (9.00)

EMPORIUM, Mission Street near Fifth Street, San Francisco

announced 6.14.24, project

10 stories, 700-1000 cars

THE HUB, Uhler's Alley, Baltimore

announced 7.2.24, opened ca. 1924

100 cars

no longer standing (9.96)


STORES GARAGE, First Avenue & Union Street, Seattle

announced 11.11.24, opened 4.5.25

Thomas & Grainger, architects

7 stories, 500 cars, $500,000

extant, altered (4.95)
MAY COMPANY, Lakeside Avenue, west of Ontario Street, Cleveland

announced 2.4.25, opened 6.22.25

Lehman & Schmidt Company, architects

3 stories, 600 cars, 100,000 square feet, $500,000

no longer standing (8.97)
ROSENBAUM CO., Pittsburgh

announced 4.25, conversion of delivery garage

SANGER BROS., Elm & Austin streets, Dallas

announced 4.18.25, opened 10.10.25

5 stories + roof deck, 350 cars

no longer standing (2.97)

JORDAN MARSH CO., SHOPPER’S GARAGE, 14-22 Beach Street Boston

announced 6.14.24, opened 9.15.26

8 stories + roof deck + basement, 500 cars

extant, altered (7.99)

MAY COMPANY, Ninth & Hill streets, Los Angeles

announced 10.11.26, opened 9.6.27

Curlett & Beelman, architects

4 stories + 3 basement levels, 535 cars, $1,850,000

extant (6.07)

M. O'NEILLCO., State & S. Main streets, Akron

announced 12.7.26, opened 3.12.28

Graham, Anderson, Probst & White (Chicago), architects

2 stories, 400 cars, 57,000 square feet

incorporated in store building

section no longer standing (1.98)
M. RICH & CO., Hunter & Forsyth streets, Atlanta

opened ca. 8.15.28

2 stories, 150 cars, 32,000 square feet, $225,000

no longer standing (5.99)

DAYTON CO., 24-38 Eighth Street, Minneapolis

opened 9.1.28

4 stories + basement, 300 cars

remodeled as part of store ca. 1954

THE BROADWAY, S. Olive & Fourth streets, Los Angeles

opened. ca. 11.20.29

7 stories, 600+ cars

purchase of Mutual Garage (built 1923-1924)

demolished late 1980s
J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, Seventeenth & Dodge streets, Omaha

announced 1.17.29, project

George Prins, architect

DANIELS & FISHER, Sixteenth & Arapahoe streets, Denver

announced 9.18.29, opened 8.25.30

5 stories, 200 cars, $150,000

incorporated in store building

demolished ca. late 1950s

A. POLSKY CO., S. Main, Center, State & High streets, Akron, Ohio

announced 4.9.29, opened 9.14.30

Starrett & Van Vleck (New York), architects

incorporated in store building

converted to storage space 1941

extant (1.98)


KAUFMANN’S, Smithfield & Diamond streets, Pittsburgh

announced 8.5.36, opened ca. 11.36

Metzger-Richardson Company, engineers

2 stories + roof deck, 350-450 cars, $100,000

demolished for new garage ca. 1956

HECHT CO., Seventh & E streets, N.W., Washington, D.C

announced 8.10.37, opened 9.29.37

Abbott, Merkt & Company (New York), architects-engineers

2 stories + roof deck, 275 cars, $100,000

demolished early 1980s

JOHN SHILLITOCO., Sevenh & Elm streets, Cincinnati

announced 3.8.37, opened 10.26.37

Potter, Tyler & Martin, architects

4 story, 300 cars

incorporated in store building addition

extant (4.08)

J. L. HUDSON CO., Grand River Avenue & Broadway, Detroit

opened 1939

275 cars, 22,000 square feet

replaced by new garage ca. 1949

WOODWARD & LOTHROP, Tenth & H streets, N.W., Washington, D.C.

opened ca. 1939

2 stories + roof deck

demolished 1980s

STIX, BAER & FULLER, Seventh Street & Lucas Avenue, St. Louis

announced 12.10.39, opened 8.1.40

Morris F. Marks, designer

2 stories + roof deck+ basement, 275 cars, 75,000 square feet, $250,000

extant (4.96)

GIMBELBROS., THRIFT PARK, Eighth & Chestnut streets, Philadelphia

announced ca. 9.40, opened 1.27.41

Abbott, Merkt & Company(New York), architects-engineers, Silverman & Levy, consulting architects

3 stories + roof deck, 400 cars, $500,000

extant (10.00)

BUFFUM’S AUTOPORT, First Street between Pine & Pacific avenues, Long Beach, California

opened 2.19.41

J. H. Davis, engineer

4 stories + roof deck+ basement

extant (1.08)

MILLER & RHODES, Seventh Street, Richmond, Virginia

opened 1944

5 stories

purchase of Richmond Garage (built 1927-28)

extant (10.00)

JOHN SHILLITO CO., Seventh & Elm streets, Cincinnati

opened 4.47

Potter, Tyler & Martin, architects

3 stories + roof deck, 1000 cars, 248,000 square feet, $884,000

extant (4.0 8)
GIMBEL BROS., N. Plankinton Ave. & W. Michigan Street, Milwaukee

announced 1.14.46, opened 5.19.47

Drolshagen & Boynton, architects

2 stories + roof deck, 450 cars, $750,000

extant (10.99)
M. O'NEILL CO., State & Water streets, Akron

opened 9.2.47

1 story + roof deck, 500 cars

no longer standing (1.98)

FOLEY BROS., Travis Street between Lamar & Dallas, Houston

announced 5.22.45, opened 10.21.47

Kenneth Franzeim, architect

5 stories + roof deck+ basement, @ 600 cars, 191,205 square feet

extant (6.00)
F. & R. LAZARUS CO., W. Town Street & Riverside Drive, Columbus, Ohio

announced by 4.16.47, opened 11.6.47

Potter, Tyler & Martin, architects

3 stories + roof deck, 1000 cars

extant, altered (4.08)

M. RICH & CO., 1 Forsyth Street, S.W., Atlanta

opened 8.12.49

Stevens & Wilkinson, architects, MacDougall-Warren, engineers

4 stories + roof deck, 325 cars, 108,000 square feet, $500,000

no longer standing (5.99)

DAVISON-PAXON, Carnegie Way, Atlanta

announced 6.30.49, opened 11.9.49

R. Kennon Perry, architect

4 stories + roof deck



Seventh, Richmond, Virginia

opened 10.1.50

Carneal & Johnson, architects

2 stories+ roof deck+ basement, 475 cars, $1,500,000

extant, later additions (10.00)

J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, Eighteenth & Dodge streets, Omaha

announced 2.22.50, opened 12.1.50

Noel S. Wallace, architect

4 stories + roof deck + 2 basement levels, 400 cars, $500,000

J. L. HUDSON CO., Broadway, Grand River Avenue, Central & John R streets, Detroit

announced 1949, opened ca. 1.51

Smith, Hinchman & Grylls, architects

4 stories + roof deck, 850 cars, $1,500,000

extant (4.00)
WURZBURG’S, Ottawa Avenue & Lewis Street, Grand Rapids

announced 4.17.50, opened 4.9.51

3 stories + roof deck (?), 320 cars, $250,000

no longer standing (4.00)

HECHT BROS., Baltimore & Pine streets (?), Baltimore

opened by 12.51

Abbott, Merkt & Company (New York), architects-engineers

2 stories + roof deck, 343 cars, 119,200 square feet

no longer standing (9.99)

STIX, BAER & FULLER, Seventh Street & Delmar Boulevard, St. Louis

announced 10.5.50, opened 11.18.51

Russell, Crowell, Mullgardt & Schwartz, architects

4 stories + roof deck+ basement, 400 cars

extant (4.96)

CAIN-SLOAN PARKING CENTER, Church & Fifth avenues, N., Nashville

opened 8.19.52

3 stories, 504 cars, 150,000 square feet, $1,500,000

incorporated into new Cain-Sloan store, 1956-57

demolished 1994



opened 1.4.53

A. R. Claus, architect

5 stories + roof deck, 240 cars, $350,000

demolished 1980s

G. FOX, Morgan & Market streets, Hartford

announced 10.14.52, opened ca. 10.1.53

Abbott, Merkt & Company (New York), architects-engineers

3 stories + roof deck, 500 cars, $1,000,000

no longer standing (5.01)
J. GOLDSMITH & SONS CO., Front, McCall & Hoteel streets, Memphis

announced 1.21.53, opened 10.19.53

E. H. Harrison, architect

4 stories + roof deck, 500-600 cars

no longer standing (3.07)
MAY COMPANY, Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles

opened by 10.30.53

A. C. Martin & Associates, architects

2 stories + roof deck, 1189 cars, $1,000,000

extant (3.00)

Z.C.M.I., S. Temple Street, Salt Lake City

opened 11.2.54

4 stories + roof deck, 520 cars, $750,000

demolished 1970s
M. O'NEILLCO., Water, State & Bowery streets, Akron

opened by 11.17.54

1 story + roof deck, 400,000 square feet, 1150 cars, $1,000,000

no longer standing (1.98)


GOLDEN RULE, Eighth & Roberts streets, St. Paul

announced 8.7.55, opened ca. 12.55

3 stories + roof deck, 600 cars, 220,000 square feet, $800,000

no longer standing (9.00)

F. & R. LAZARUS CO., Rich & Front streets, Columbus, Ohio

announced 4.27.53, opened 11.56

Austin Company (Cleveland), architects-engineers

3 stories + roof deck, 500 cars, 140,000 square feet, $500,000

demolished (4.08)
KAUFMANN’S, Smithfield & Diamond streets, Pittsburgh

announced 12.20.55, opened ca. 11.56

Hoffman & Crumpton, architects

6 stories + roof deck, 864 cars

built by Pittsburgh Parking Authority for store

extant (4.07)

KAUFMANN’S, Smithfield Street & Boulevard of the Allies, Pittsburgh

opened ca. 1956

Hoffman & Crumpton, architects

5 stories + roof deck, 528 cars

built by Pittsburgh Parking Authority for store

extant (4.07)

F. & R. LAZARUS CO., Rich & Front streets, Columbus, Ohio

announced 1.1.56, opened 11.11.56

Benham, Richards & Armstrong, architects

3 stories + roof deck, 575 cars

demolished between 1998 and 2008

CAIN-SLOAN CO., Church Street & Fifth Avenue, Nashville

opened ca. 10.25.57

8 stories, 568 cars

JOHN SHILLTIO CO., Seventh, Elm & Race streets, Cincinnati


announced 3.23.56, opened ca. 8.15.57, 10.6.57

4 stories (rooftop addition to existing structure) and 5 stories + roof deck (side addition), 770 cars

included corporate offices of Federated Department Stores

extant (4.08)

KRAUS CO., Iberville, Liberty & Treme streets, New Orleans

announced before 7.2.57, opened 2.15.58

5 stories + roof deck, 350 Cars, $500,000+

extant, vacant (11.06)
L. S. AYRES & CO., Illinois & Maryland streets, Indianapolis

opened ca. 8.17.58

4 stories + roof deck, 545 cars

no longer standing (4.08)

AUERBACH’S's, State Street & Exchange Place, Salt Lake City

announced ca. 1.57, opened 11.28.58

Ashley Carpenter, architect

1500 cars, $1,500,000

JOSPEH HORNE CO., Pittsburgh

announced 8.7.56, opened 7.27.59

680 cars

built by Pittsburgh Parking Authority for store

ABRAHAM & STRAUS, Elm Place, Hoyt & Livingston streets, Brooklyn

announced 5.19.58, opened ca. 8.4.59

4 stories, 600 cars

on former Namm-Loeser store site, purchased 7.57

extant (7.02)
DAYTON’S, Seventh & Eighth streets, Minneapolis

opened 8.31.59

750 cars

replaced earlier garage

extant (9.00)

announced 2.16.59, opened ca. 11.1.59

6 stories, 208,200 square feet, $1,252,000

BON MARCHE, Pine & Stewart streets, Seattle

announced 10.27.58, opened 3.2.60

George A. Applegarth (San Francisco), architect

9 stories, 1300 cars, $3,000,000

extant (6.04)


J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, Douglas Street, Omaha

announced 3.21.59, opened 5.14.61

8 stories + roof deck + basement, 653 cars, $3,000,000

extant (5.97)

F. & R. LAZARUS CO., Front & Rich streets, Columbus, Ohio

opened 1961

5 stories + roof deck

demolished 2008

FAMOUS-BARR CO., Sixth, Seventh, Olive & Pine streets, St. Louis

announced 10.31.60, opened 10.10.62

Schwarz & Van Hoefen, architects

10 stories + roof deck., 269,000 square feet

extant (9.00)

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