Curriculum vitae susan Lynn McCammon, Ph. D. Address

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Susan Lynn McCammon, Ph.D.

206 S. Library Street Psychology Department

Greenville, NC 27858 East Carolina University

(252) 758-3827 Greenville, NC 27858-4353

Psychology: (252) 328-6357

IRB: (252) 744-2914

Birthplace: Versailles, Missouri
Educational History

University of South Carolina

Columbia, South Carolina

Clinical-Community Psychology Graduate Program (APA approved)

Degree: Ph.D., 1981
Clinical-Community Psychology Internship (APA approved)

Vanderbilt-Peabody Program in Professional Psychology, 1978-79

Nashville, Tennessee
Drury College

Springfield, Missouri

Majors: Psychology and Spanish

Degree: B.A., 1973

Honors: Magna cum laude, Departmental Distinction in Psychology, Mortar Board

Practicing Psychologist, North Carolina License No. 1071

(Health Services Provider)
Certified IRB Professional (through the Council for Certification of IRB Professionals, an affiliate of Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research)
Professional Positions

East Carolina University

Director of Clinical Training, Health Psychology Program 3/09 to present

Associate Chair, Department of Psychology 1/07 to 3/09

Professor of Psychology 8/99 to present

Director and Chair, Behavioral and Social Sciences IRB, 8/02 to present

University and Medical Center Institutional Review Board

Professor in the Office of Interdisciplinary Health

Sciences Education 7/00 to present

Director, Social Sciences Training Consortium 8/96 to 5/02

Associate Professor of Psychology 8/90 to 9/99

Director, Women’s Studies Program 7/92 to 8/95

Assistant Professor of Psychology 8/81 to 8/90

Duties: Undergraduate and graduate teaching, research and service.

Supervisor: Kathleen Lawler Row, Ph.D., Chair, Department of Psychology

Undergraduate courses taught: Psychology of Childhood; Psychology of Adolescence; Abnormal Psychology; Introduction to Women’s Studies; Senior Seminar in Women’s Studies; Psychology of Sexual Behavior; Honors Seminar Sexual Abuse: Incidence, Impact and Prevention; Advanced General Psychology (senior capstone course); An Academic Service Learning Course: Promoting Assistance to Families with a Child Experiencing Emotional Problems
Graduate courses taught: Psychotherapeutic Interventions with Children and Families; Interdisciplinary Practice: Services for Children with Serious Emotional Disorders and Their Families; Interviewing and Behavioral Assessment; Emotional Problems in Childhood (now Child and Adolescent Psychopathology); Advanced Abnormal; Behavior Therapy: Research and Techniques; Ethics and Professional Practice; Advanced Selected Topics in Psychology: Psychological Issues in Sexual Abuse; Psychology of Sexual Behavior; Advanced Seminar in Women’s Studies
Research Associate 2006 to present

Walter R. McDonald & Associates, Inc.

Site visitor for evaluation of children’s mental health program sites funded by the Center for Mental health Services
Consultant 2003 to present

MACRO International, Inc.

Site visitor in evaluation of children’s mental health program sites funded by the Center for Mental Health Services
Consultant 2001, 2003, 2007

National Institute of Disabilities and Rehabilitation Research

Member of Summative Review Panel for children’s mental health program,

Consultant on identifying child mental health research priorities


Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health 2002 to 2003

Consultant in the development of Family Involvement Curriculum
Consultant 1984 to 2002

Pitt County Mental Health Center, Greenville, NC

Current: Supervision of MA level psychologists in Child and Family Services

Past: Consultation to Hope After Floyd (post-flood outreach project), treatment project for juvenile sexual offenders; consultation to treatment program for aggressive youth; project development and weekly consultation with program to provide follow-up services to tornado survivors.


United Behavioral Health, Philadelphia, PA 1995 to 2002

Critical Incident Stress Debriefing.
Consultant 8/00 to 3/01

American Institutes of Research, Washington, D.C.

Consultation on Quality Assurance for contract with federal Center for Mental Health Services.
Consultant 9/83 to 6/87

Tideland Mental Health Center, Washington, NC

Consultation with day treatment and residential programs for aggressive and assaultive youth.
Consultant 6/84 to 1/85

Wilson-Greene Mental Health Center, Snow Hill, NC

Co-facilitator of post-tornado support group.
Research Development, Primary Care Center 12/79 to 7/81

Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Nashville, Tennessee 37232

Member of health care research group. Responsibilities in study planning, project management, data interpretation, report writing, and grant writing.

Supervisor: James M. Perrin, M.D.
Psychology Intern 8/78 to 8/79

Vanderbilt-Peabody Internship in Professional Psychology

Nashville, Tennessee

Rotations: Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Dede Wallace Mental Health Center, Interuniversity Psychological and Counseling Center (Vanderbilt University), Peabody Child Study Center (George Peabody College for Teachers).

Assistant Director, Camp Logan 5/82 to 8/82, 5/78 to 8/78 and 5/77 to 8/77

Division of Community Mental Health Services

South Carolina Department of Mental Health

Columbia, South Carolina 29203

Duties: In this therapeutic summer camp serving children with behavior problems, supervised counselors and campers, planned treatment programs, served as liaison with mental health center staff, camp administration, staff hiring and training, and follow-up services. In 1976 worked as a camp counselor.

Supervisor: Paul Biles, Ph.D.

National Institute of Mental Health Fellowship 9/77 to 5/78
Research Assistant, Department of Psychology 9/76 to 5/77
Resident Assistant (Head resident in co-ed dorm) 8/74 to 5/76

Office of Residential Life Services, University of South Carolina

Professional Memberships

American Psychological Association (Member)

Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (53)

Trauma (56)

Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health

Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research

Professional Service

UNC System:

University Graduate Council, Faculty Representative from ECU (2004-2007)

East Carolina University Committees:

S.E.A.R.C.H. Project Advisory Board (2009-present)

Ad hoc Committee on Responsible Conduct of Research (2008)

Search Committee for Research Compliance Director (2007)

University Research Council (2005-present)

Unit Code Screening Committee (2005-present)

Safety Patrols Committee (2003)

University and Medical Center Institutional Review Board Biomedical Committee


Director and Chair for Behavioral and Social Science Committee (2002-present)

Research/Creative Activity Grants (2001-2002)

Grievance Committee (2001-2003, 2004-present)

Graduate Program Reviewer: School of Social Work Master of Social Work Program

(2000); Department of Sociology Master’s Degree Program (1999)

Search Committee for Dean, School of Education (1996-97)

Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Ad Hoc Committee on Diversity (1993-1994), Chair

Personnel Committee, Department of Communication (1992-1996, 1997-1998)

Merit Pay Committee (subcommittee of Faculty Senate, Faculty Affairs Committee) (1992-1993)

Educational Programs Committee, Faculty Subcommittee, to prepare for Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) review (1992)

Curriculum Integration Project Committee (1989-1991)

Committee on the Status of Women 1981-1996 (Chair 1988-89)

Women’s Studies Executive Committee (1988-present), Assistant Director (1991-1992)

Chancellor’s Ad Hoc Committee to Revise the Sexual Harassment Policy (1988-1989)

Women’s Studies Committee (1987-1988)

Student Health Services 1983-87 (Chair 1983-86)

Committee on Sexual Assault Awareness, Faculty Advisor (1986-88)

Family Life Committee (1983-88, Co-chair 1984-85)

Health Educator Policies and Evaluation Committee (1985-1989)

Psychology Department Committees:

Search Committee for Clinic Director (2010)

Personnel (1992-1998, 1999-present; Chair 1996, 1998-2005)

Search Committee for Psychology Department Chair (2003-2004)

Health Psychology Doctoral Program Committee

Past participation in Research, Comprehensive, Faculty Development and Evaluation, Student Appeals, and Search Committees for faculty

Tenure and Promotion Committees
Community Committees:

The Mental Health Association in Pitt County, Steering Committee Member


The Greenville Ulster Project, Board Member (2002-present), President (2007-2008)

Community Collaborative for At-Risk Children (2001-2002)

Eastern Region Child Mental Health Training Committee (1987-present)

Pitt County Schools Health Advisory Council (1999-present)

WE CARE, Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health – Board Member


Pitt County Coalition on Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Council - Board Member (1992-1999), Co-chair (1993-1998)

Eastern Carolina Critical Incident Stress Management (1991-1996)
Service on National Level:

Member, American Psychological Association Task Force on Serious Mental Illness/Severe

Emotional Disturbance, 2006-present

Reviewer for U.S. Department of Justice and for American Psychological Association,

literature reviews on trauma topics, September, 2001, January, 2002

Reviewer for the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, Formative

Program Review, Rockville, MD, December, 2001 and 2003

Member, American Psychological Association (Division 37) Work Group on Innovative

Training Approaches for Psychologists Working in the Public Sector, 1997-98

Servire Society 2009

Panhellenic Advisor of the Year, 2007 and 2008

ECU Scholar-Teacher Award, 2007

One of 10 ECU Centennial Women of Distinction, 2007

ECU Panhellenic Outstanding Faculty Award, 2004

Certificate of Achievement from the Center for Mental health Services, US Department of

Health and Human Services Administration, for participation in the Comprehensive

Community Mental Health Services program for Children and their Families, 1997-2003

Drury College, Distinguished Alumni Award in Career Achievement, June 12, 1992

Certificate of Appreciation from NC Department of Mental Health for Tornado Response Project, 1985

McCammon, S. L., Knox, D., & Schacht, C. (2007). Choices in Sexuality (Third Edition).

Cincinnati, OH: (Atomic Dog) Thomson.

McCammon, S. L., Knox, D., & Schacht, C. (2004). Choices in Sexuality (Second Edition).

Cincinnati, OH: Atomic Dog.

Dosser, D. A., Handron, D., McCammon, S., Powell, J. (Eds.). (2001). Child Mental Health:

Exploring Systems of Care in the New Millennium. New York: Haworth.
McCammon, S.L., Knox, D., & Schacht, C. (1998). Choices in Sexuality: Research and Applications. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.
McCammon, S.L., Knox, D., & Schacht, C. (1993). Choices in Sexuality. St.Paul, MN: West.

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Phelps, K., McCammon, S., Wuensch, K., & Golden, J. (2009). Enrichment, stress, and growth

from caring for an individual with an autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Intellectual

and Developmental Disability, 34, 133-141.
Phelps, K., Hodgson, J., McCammon, S.L., & Lamson, A. (2009). Caring for an individual

with autism disorder: A qualitative analysis. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental

Disability, 34, 1-27.
Nagle, A. M., Everhart, D. E., Durham, T. W., McCammon, S. L., & Walker, M. (2006).

Deception strategies in children: Examination of forced choice recognition and verbal

learning and memory techniques. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 21, 777-785.
Pullins, L.G., McCammon, S. L., Lamson, A., Wuensch, K. L., & Mega, L. (2005).

School-based post-flood screening and evaluation: Findings and challenges in one

community. Stress, Trauma, and Crisis: An International Journal, 8, 1-22.
Childs, N., Hodgson, J. L., Lamson, A.L., McCammon, S. L., Dosser, D., Geddie, L. F. (2004).

The impact of Hurricane Floyd on Eastern North Carolina’s school-aged children.

Journal of Trauma Practice, 3 (3), 17-45.
Groff, D., Spencer, S., & McCammon, S. L. (2004). Building a system of care:

Partnering with public agencies to provide recreational therapy to children with

emotional/behavioral problems and their families (pp. 177-200). Trends in Therapeutic

Recreation Programming. Ashburn, VA: National Recreation and Park Association.
McGinty, K. L., Diamond, J. M., Brown, M. B., & McCammon, S. L. (2003). Training

child and adolescent psychiatrists and child mental health professionals for systems

of care. In A. J. Pumariega & N. Winters (Eds.). Handbook of Community-Based

Systems of Care: The New Child & Adolescent Community Psychiatry (pp. 487-507)

Jossey Bass/Pheiffer.

McCammon, S. L., Cook, J.R., & Kilmer, R. P. (2002). Integrating Systems of Care Values into

University-based Training. In D. T. Marsh & M. A. Fristad (Eds.). Handbook of

Serious Emotional Disturbance in Children and Adolescents (pp. 56-76). New York:

Smyth, J. M., Hockemeyer, J., Anderson, C., Strandberg, K., Koch, M., O’Neill, H. K. &

McCammon, S. (2002). Structured writing about a natural disaster buffers the

effect of intrusive thoughts on negative affect and physical symptoms. Australasian

Journal of Disaster and Trauma Studies, 2002-1; ISSN: 1174-4707, 12pp.

McCammon, S.L., Spencer, S., & Friesen, B. (2001). Promoting family empowerment

through multiple roles. Journal of Family Social Work, 5 (3), 1-24.
McGinty, K., McCammon, S. L., Koeppin, V. P. (2001). The complexities of implementing a

wraparound approach to service provision: A view from the field. Journal of Family

Social Work, 5 (3), 95-110.
Dosser, D. A., Handron, D. S., McCammon, S. L., Powell, J. Y., & Spencer, S. S. (2001).

Challenges and strategies for teaching collaborative interdisciplinary practice in

children’s mental health care. Families, Systems & Health: The Journal of

Collaborative Family Health Care, 19, 65-82.
Powell, J.Y., Dosser, D.A., Handron, D.S., McCammon, S.L., Evans, M., & Kaufman, M.

(1999). Challenges of interdisciplinary collaboration: A faculty consortium’s initial attempts to model collaborative practice. Journal of Community Practice, 6 (2), 27-48.

Roderick, T., McCammon, S.L., Long, T.E. & Allred, L.J. (1998). Behavioral aspects of homonegativity. Journal of Homosexuality, 36, 79-88.
Handron, D.S., Dosser, D.A., McCammon, S.L., & Powell, J.Y. (1998). “Wraparound”-The wave of the future: Theoretical and professional practice implications for children and families with complex needs. Journal of Family Nursing, 4, 65-86.
McCammon, S.L. (1996). Emergency medical service workers: Occupational stress and traumatic stress. In D. Paton and J.M. Violanti (Eds.). Traumatic Stress in Critical Occupations: Recognition, Consequences, and Treatment. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas.
McCammon, S.L. (1995) (2nd Ed., 1999). Painful pedagogy: Teaching about trauma in academic

and training settings (pp. 105-120). In B. Hudnall Stamm (Ed.). Secondary Traumatic

Stress: Self-Care Issues for Clinicians, Researchers, and Educators. Lutherville, MD:

Patel, S., Long, T.E., McCammon, S.L. & Wuensch, K.L. (1995). Personality and emotional correlates of self-reported antigay behaviors. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 10, 354- 366.

McCammon, S.L. & Allison, E.J., Jr. (1995). Treating crisis workers (pp. 115-130). In C.R.

Figley (Ed.) Compassion Fatigue: Coping with Secondary Traumatic Stress Disorder in Those Who Treat the Traumatized. New York, NY: Brunner/Mazel.

Taggart, L.A., McCammon, S.L., Allred, L.J., Horner, R.D., & May, H.J. (1993). Effect of patient and physician gender on prescriptions for psychotropic drugs. Journal of Womens Health, 2, 353-357.
McCammon, S.L. & Long, T.E. (1993). A post-tornado support group: Survivors and professional in concert. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality (special issue on

post-disaster intervention), 8(5), 131-148.

Mega, L.T. & McCammon, S.L. (1992). Tornado in Eastern North Carolina: Outreach to school and community. In L. Austin (Ed.) Responding to Disaster: A guide for Mental Health Professionals, pp. 211-230. American Psychiatric Press, Inc.: Washington, D.C.
Vail-Smith, K., McCammon, S.L., Wilson, S. (1992). Lights! Camera! Action!: Sexual decision- making. Journal of Health Education, 23, 112-114.
Byington, D.B. and McCammon, S.L. (1988). Networking as an approach to advocacy: A campus sexual assault awareness program. RESPONSE to the Victimization for Women and Children, 11(1), 11-13.
McCammon, S.L., Golden, J. and Wuensch, K.L. (1988). Predicting course performance in freshman and sophomore physics courses: Women are more predictable than men. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 25, 501-510.
McCammon, S.L., Durham, T.W., Allison, E.J., Jr. and Williamson, J.E. (1988). Emergency workers’ cognitive appraisal and coping with traumatic events. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 1(3), 353-372.
Watson, K.D., Poteat, G.M., Wuensch, K. and McCammon, S. (1987). The relationship among grade retention, self-concept, and peer relations of sixth- and seventh-grade students. Educational and Psychological Research, 7(4), 251-260.
Durham, T.W., McCammon, S., and Allison, E.J., Jr. (1985). The psychological impact of disaster on rescue personnel. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 14(7), 664-668.
Durham, T.W., McCammon, S., and Allison, E.J., Jr. (1986). The psychological impact of disaster on rescue personnel. (Summary). Psychiatry Digest, 4, 27-29.
McCammon, S. and Palotai, A. (1978). Behavioral assessment of a seven-year old girl with behavior problems at school and at home, in S.N. Haynes, Principles of Behavioral Assessment, pp. 458-480. Gardner Press, Inc.: New York.

Book and Test Reviews; Encyclopedia Entries
McCammon, S. L. & Ramby, S. (2006). Sexual abuse. (pp. 1156-1162 In The Encylopedia of

Human Development. Sage.
McCammon, S. L. (2000). Book Review of Teaching Human Sexuality: A Guide for Parents

and Other Caregivers, in Residential Treatment for Children & Youth, 17 (4), 91-94.
McCammon, S. L. (1998). Book Review of Evaluating Mental Health Services: How Do Programs for Children “Work” in the Real World?, in Residential Treatment for

Children & Youth, 16 (2),83-86).
McCammon, S. (1989). Review of College Student Experiences Questionnaire. The Tenth Mental Measurements Yearbook. J.C. Conoley and J.J. Kramer (Eds.) Buros Institute, University of Nebraska Press: Lincoln, NE, pp. 199-201.
McCammon, S. (1989). Review of LaMonica Empathy Profile. Mental Measurements Yearbook. J.C. Conoley and J.J. Kramer (Eds.) Buros Institute, University of Nebraska Press: Lincoln, NE, pp. 429-431.

Conference Proceedings and ERIC Documents
Music, A, McCammon, S.L., & Walcott, C. M. (2008). Predicting adolescents’ willingness to

seek help for mental illness from formal versus informal sources. In C. Newman, C.

Liberton, K. Kutash, & R. Friedman, (Eds.), The 20th Annual Research Conference

Proceedings, A System of Care for Children’s Mental Health: Expanding the Research

Base (pp. 95-106). Tampa, FL: University of South Florida, The Louis de la Parte

Florida Mental Health Institute, Research and Training Center for Children’s Mental

McCammon, S. l., Cook, J., Jones, L., Kilmer, R. P., Lazear, K., & Shelton, T. L. (2007). Is

there a theoretical and empirical basis for strengths-based planning? In C. Newman, C.

Liberton, K. Kutash, & R. Friedman, (Eds.), The 19th Annual Research Conference

Proceedings, A System of Care for Children’s Mental Health: Expanding the Research

Base (pp. 95-106). Tampa, FL: University of South Florida, The Louis de la Parte

Florida Mental Health Institute, Research and Training Center for Children’s Mental

Maness, J., McCammon, S. L., Durham, T, Everhart, E., & Dosser, D., Jr. (2006). The

Relationship between family empowerment and youth mental health outcomes.

In C. Newman, C. Liberton, K. Kutash, & R. Friedman, (Eds.), The 18th Annual

Research Conference Proceedings, A System of Care for Children’s Mental Health:

Expanding the Research Base (pp. 117-120). Tampa, FL: University of South Florida,

The Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute, Research and Training Center for

Children’s Mental Health.
McCammon, S. L., Golden, J., Ballard-Krishnan, S., & McDonald, J. (2005) Graduate training

in Parent Professional partnerships: A training model that impacts children’s mental

health. In C. Newman, C. Liberton, K. Kutash, & R. Friedman, (Eds.), The 17th Annual

Research Conference Proceedings, A System of Care for Children’s Mental Health:

Expanding the Research Base (pp. 185-188). Tampa, FL: University of South Florida,

The Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute, Research and Training Center for

Children’s Mental Health.
Davenport, S. W., McCammon, S.L., Dosser, D., Handron, D., Powell, J. Y., Spencer, S.,

Wuensch, K. L., & Cope, J. (2004). Training students in a system-of-care model:

Measuring the effects of an interdisciplinary training course on student’s attitudes Pp. 513-516. In C. Liberton, C. Newman, K. Kutash, & R. Friedman, (Eds.), The 16th Annual Research Conference Proceedings, A System of Care for Children’s Mental Health: Expanding the Research Base (March, 2003). Tampa, FL: University of South Florida, The Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute, Research and Training Center for Children’s Mental Health.
McCammon, S. L., Handron, D. S., & Hodges, A. T. (2002). Barriers to Social Network

Interventions: A survey of SOC service coordinators. Pp. 307-311. In C. Liberton, C.

Newman, K. Kutash, & R. Friedman, (Eds.), The 14th Annual Research Conference

Proceedings, A System of Care for Children’s Mental Health: Expanding the Research

Base (March, 2001). Tampa, FL: University of South Florida, The Louis de la Parte

Florida Mental Health Institute, Research and Training Center for Children’s Mental


McCammon, S. L. & Leach, B. (2002). Faculty and parent rewards for PAL participation. In T.

Shelton & L. Baumhover (Co-Chairs). The North Carolina Public-Academic Liaisons:

facilitating collaboration between university and community. Pp. 421-427. In C.

Liberton, C. Newman, K. Kutash, & R. Friedman, (Eds.), The 14th Annual Research

Conference Proceedings, A System of Care for Children’s Mental Health: Expanding the

Research Base (March 2001). Tampa, FL: University of South Florida, The Louis de la

Parte Florida Mental Health Institute, Research and Training Center for Children’s Mental Health.

McCammon, S. L., Johnson, H. C., Groff, D., Spencer, S., Osher, T. W. (2001). The power of

parent-professor partnerships. Pp. 287-289. In C. Liberton, C. Newman, K. Kutash, &

R. Friedman, (Eds.), The 13th Annual Research Conference Proceedings, A System of

Care for Children’s Mental Health: Expanding the Research Base (March 2000).

Tampa, FL: University of South Florida, The Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health

Institute, Research and Training Center for Children’s Mental Health.

McCammon, S., Durham, T.W., Allison, E.J., Jr. and Williamson, J.E. (1987). Emotional reactions of rescue workers following a tornado. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 282 163)
McCammon, S., Parker, L. & Horton, R. (1987). Community post-tornado support groups: Intervention and evaluation. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 283 062)
McCammon, M., Israel, R.G., McCammon, S., Delozier, M. and Shaw, R. (1985, February). The effects of large weight loss following gastric bypass surgery on general well-being and physical self-efficacy. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Southeast Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine.
McCammon, S. (1984). Camp/Mental health center liaison: Linking camp and local systems. Atlanta, GA: Southeastern Psychological Association Annual Meeting. (ERIC document Reproduction Service No. ED 244 201, Vol. 19, No. 10)
McCammon, S., Felder, C., Fitz-Ritson, S., & Pratola, S. (1977). A social problem solving intervention and consultation program. Hollywood, FL: Southeastern Psychological Association. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 155 583).

Gibson, L. E., Elrod, C. L., & McCammon, S. L. (2005). North Carolinas Response to

Hurricane Floyd 1999. In Provider Perspectives on Disaster Mental Health Services:

Four Case Studies. Section D. Retrospective 5-Year Evaluation of the Crisis

Counseling Program. Prepared for The Emergency Mental Health and Traumatic Stress Services Branch by The National Center for PTSD.
McCammon, S. (1985). The Family. Primary Providers in the Care of Handicapped Children (pp. 10-13). Conference Report. Vanderbilt University Primary Care Center and Department of Pediatrics. Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN.
Perrin, J., Dunlop, D., Burr, C., and McCammon, S. (1980). A study of quality of health care

delivery in East Tennessee Primary Care Clinics supported by the Appalachian Regional Commission. Final Report to the Appalachian Regional Commission.

McCammon, S., Hansen, M. and Harris, Y. (1979). Incidence and resources for remediation of

learning disabled juvenile offenders. Final Report to Department of Correction, State of Tennessee.

Presentations at Professional Meetings and Colloquia
McCammon,S.L., Schenk, S., & Knauss, L. (2009). EBP for Youth with SED/SMI: Addressing

Gaps in the Blue Menu. American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada

Phelps, K., Hodgson, J., McCammon, S., & Lamson, A. (October, 2007). Caring for an

individual with autism disorder: A qualitative analysis. Collaborative Family

Healthcare, Asheville, NC
Davis, K., McCammon, S. L., Lyndon, A., Mooney, l., & Jordan, C. (August, 2007). Factors

influencing stigma towards individuals with mental illness. American Psychological

Association, San Francisco, CA.
McCammon, S., McDonnell, G., & Slate, C. (May, 2007). Promoting assistance to families:

university/family partnership. Presentation at Building on Family Strengths: Research

and Services in Support of Children and their Families Conference, Portland, OR.
Music, L., McCammon, S.L., & Walcott, C. (March, 2007). Predicting adolescents’ willingness

to seek help for mental illness from formal vs. informal sources. Poster presentation at

The 20th Annual Research Conference, A System of Care for Children’s Mental Health:

Expanding the Research Base. The Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health

Institute, Research and Training Center for Children’s Mental Health. University of

South Florida. Tampa, FL.

McCammon, S. L., Bunch, S., Knox, D., Zusman, M, & Raj, S. (November, 2006). Sex,

love, and marriage in Black and White. Poster presented at the Society for the Scientific

Study of Sex, Las Vegas, NV.
Phelps, K., McCammon, S., Wuensch, K., Golden, J., & Ironsmith, M. (June, 2005).

Enrichment, stress, and posttraumatic growth from parenting an individual with autism disorder. Poster presented at Building on Family Strengths: A National Conference on Research and Services in Support of Children and Their Families, Portland, OR.

Fitzpatrick, K., McCammon, S., Wuensch, K., Handron, C., & Knox, D. (November, 2005). Do

interventions in college sexuality classes reduce homonegativity? Presentation at Society

for the Scientific Study of Sex (Eastern and Midcontinent Regions), Atlanta, GA.
McDonnell, G., Morris, L., Johnson, J., McCammon, S, & Slate, C. (November, 2005). Family

respite: A model for family/college student partnerships. Presentation at Federation of

Families for Children’s Mental Health, Washington, DC.
Nagle, A. M., Everhart, D. E., Durham, T. W., McCammon, S. L., & Walker, M. (February,

2006). Cognitive dissimulation strategies in children: Examination of forced choice

recognition memory and verbal learning and memory. Presented at the International Neuropsychological Society, Boston, MA.
McCammon, S. L., Cook, J., Shelton, T. L., Lazear, K., Kilmer, R. P., & Jones, L. (February,

2006). Is there a theoretical and empirical basis for strength-based planning? The 19th

Annual Research Conference, A System of Care for Children’s Mental Health:

Expanding the Research Base. The Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health

Institute,Research and Training Center for Children’s Mental Health. University of

South Florida. Tampa, FL.

Maness, J., McCammon, S. L., Durham, T., Everhart, E., & Dosser, D. (2005). The relationship

between family empowerment and youth mental health outcomes. Poster presentation at

The 15th Annual Research Conference, A System of Care for Children’s Mental Health:

Expanding the Research Base. The Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health

Institute,Research and Training Center for Children’s Mental Health. University of

South Florida. Tampa, FL.3/04.

McCammon, S. L., Spencer, S., Pitts, L. & Golden, J. (2004). Graduate training in Parent

professional partnerships: A training model that impacts children’s mental health.

Poster presentation at The 14th Annual Research Conference, A System of Care for

Children’s Mental Health: Expanding the Research Base. The Louis de la Parte Florida

Mental Health Institute, Research and Training Center for Children’s Mental Health.

University of South Florida. 3/04,Tampa, FL.

Geddie, L., McCammon, S., Lamson, A., & Mega, L. (2003). Post-disaster child mental health

screening: Barriers and recommendations. Poster presentation at the 19th Annual

International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, 10/30/03, Chicago, IL.
Davenport, S. W., McCammon, S. L., Dosser, Jr., D., Handron, D., Powell, J. Y., Spencer, S.,

Wuensch, K. L., & Cope, J. (2003). Training students in a system of care model:

Measuring the effects of an interdisciplinary training course on students’ attitudes.

Poster presentation at the 16th Annual Research Conference, A System of Care for

Childrens Mental Health: Expanding the Research Base. 3/ 4/03, Tampa, FL.
Geddie, L. F., McCammon, S. L., Smith, A. L., Childs, N. M., Harkness, J. L., & Dosser, Jr., D.

(2002). Use of children’s narratives to inform study of post-flood symptoms. Poster

presentation at the 18th Annual International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies,

11/8/02, Baltimore, MD.

Hansen, M., Jones, G., McCammon, S., Mwaura, J., Spencer, S., & Walker, D. Approaches to

Training Professionals to Work in System of Care. National Training Institutes.

Washington, DC, 7/11 & 13/02.
McCammon, S., Dosser, D., Powell, J, Handron, D. & Spencer, S. Preparing

practitioners for an evolving system of care. CMHS Fall 2001 Grant Community

Meeting. Stamford, CT. 10/24/01.
McCammon, S. L., Nader, K., Vernberg, E., & Jones, R. School-based post-disaster

intervention: Barriers and solutions. International Society for Traumatic Stress

Studies, New Orleans, LA. 12/8/01.
McCammon, S. L. Discussant for Symposium: Family therapy and wraparound

services—Integrating treatment approaches for children. American Psychological

Association, San Francisco, CA, 8/27/01.
Geddie, L. F., Smith, A., McCammon, S. L., Mega, L. T., & Harnett, N.

Efficacy of postdisaster child mental health screening. (Poster). American

Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA, 8/25/01.
Shelton, T., Reed-Ashcroft, K, Waring, D., Arbuckle, M., MacKinnon-Lewis, C., Zipper, I.,

McCammon, S., Cook, J. & Kilmer, R. North Carolina Public-Academic Liaisons:

Facilitating collaboration between university and community. (Topical Discussion).

The 14th Annual Research Conference: A System of Care for Children’s Mental Health:

Expanding The Research Base. Tampa, FL., 2/26/01.

McCammon, S. L., Handron, D., Teague, A. Barriers to social network interventions: A survey

of service coordinators. (Poster session). The 14th Annual Research Conference:

A System of Care for Children’s Mental Health: Expanding the Research Base.

Tampa, FL., 2/25/01.
Geddie, L. F., McCammon, S. L., Mega, L. T., Smith, A., & Harnett, N. Post-disaster screening

of children: A rational response? (Poster session). International Society of Traumatic

Stress Studies, San Antonio, TX, 11/17/00.
McCammon, S. Integrating systems-of-care values into university-based training programs.

In Symposium: Children with serious emotional disturbance: New perspectives in

working with families. (presentation) American Psychological Association,

Washington, DC, 8/4/00.

Handron, D., McCammon, S., Dosser, D., & Spencer, S. Educational Techniques to Promote

Interdisciplinary Practice. (presentation). The Fourth Annual Collaborative Family

HealthCare Coalition Conference, Bethesda, MD, 1/28/00.

McCammon, S., Johnson, H., Groff, D., Spencer, S., & Osher, T. The Power of Parent-

Professor Partnerships. (Roundtable discussion). 13th Annual Research Conference, A

System of Care for Children’s Mental Health: Expanding the Research Base,

Clearwater, FL, 3/6/00.

Handron, D., McCammon, S., Dosser, D., Powell, J., Spencer, S. Interdisciplinary Education

Promotes Children’s Mental Health: Learning as We Move Forward Together.

(Presentation). The 2nd Biennial Women’s and Children’s Health Issues: A Global

Perspective, Maui, HI, 8/9/99.
Cook, J., Wong, E., & McCammon, S. Strengthening Community Collaboratives through

University Partnerships: Improving Children’s Mental Health Services Delivery.

Biennial Conference on Community Research and Action, New Haven, CT, 6/9/99.
Spencer, S. & McCammon, S. Parents in Residence Model: PEN-PAL & NC FACES Projects,

North Carolina. Spring Grantees Meeting: Comprehensive Community Mental Health

Services for Children and Their Families Program. Arlington, VA, 5/19/99.
Spencer, S. & McCammon, S. New Roles for Families. Spring Grantees Meeting:

Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services for Children and Their Families

Program. Arlington, VA, 5/19/99.
McCammon, S. L. & Ragavan, B. Discussion of prostitution in college sexuality textbooks:

From “victimless crime” to examination of context and impact. Southeastern Women’s

Studies Association, Raleigh, NC, 3/26/99.
Friedman, R., Myers, J., Levy Zlotnick, J., Burchard, J., McCammon, S., & Leach, B.

Professional Training and Research (Symposium). Twelfth Annual Research Conference

of the Research and Training Center for Children’s Mental Health, Clearwater Beach,

FL, 2/23/99.

Handron, D., McCammon, S., Dosser, D., & Powell, J. Piloting a Graduate Course on

Interdisciplinary Practice: Challenges for Learners and Faculty. The 20th Annual

Interdisciplinary Health Care Team Conference, Williamsburg, VA. 9/18/98.
Behar, L., McCammon, S., Spencer, S., MacKinnon-Lewis, C., & Zipper, I. Partnerships with universities for human resource development. Developing Local Systems of Care in a Managed Care Environment for Children With Serious Emotional Disturbances and their Families Training Institutes, Orlando, FL, 6/14/98 and 6/16/98.
Kaufaman, M., Spencer, S., MacKinnon-Lewis, C., and McCammon, S. Public academic liaisons: Pre-service and in-service training in a system of care. Sixth Annual Comprehensive System of Personnel Development (CSPD) Conference on Leadership and Change, Arlington, VA, 5/5/98.
Cook, J.R., Kaufman, M., McCammon, S., McKinnon-Lewis, C., Spencer, S., & Williams, B. Multi-campus, multi-community partnerships and family alliances to improve children’s mental health. Community Campus Partnerships for Health: Principles and Best Practices for Healthier Communities, Pittsburg, PA, 4/27/98.
McCammon, S.L., Roderick, T., Allred, L.J., Long, T.E., & Wuensch, K.L. (1997). On measuring homonegative behavior and its correlates. American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists and The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality Joint Annual Meeting, Arlington, Virginia, 11/15/97.
McCammon, S.L., Handron, D., Dosser, D., & Powell, J. Integrating system of care principles and practices into psychology curricula. American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL, 8/19/97.
McCammon, S.L. Adolescent Pregnancy: Costs, prevention programs, and feminist concerns. Southern Women’s Studies Association. Athens, GA, 4/19/97.
McCammon, S.L. “Done in, fed up, and burned out:” Occupational and traumatic stress in EMS workers. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, San Francisco, CA, 11/12/96.
Allred, L.J. & McCammon, S.L. (Panel chairs and discussants) Issues in Research on Attitudes Toward Women. Southeastern Women’s Studies Association, Richmond, VA 4/12/96.
Beacham, B., Dosser, D., Handron, D., Mattsson, A., McCammon, S., Powell, J. & Powell, J. The PEN-PAL Consortium: A six discipline, family-centered training project that is far greater than the sum of its parts, National Association for Family Based Services, Chicago, IL 12/6/95.
McCammon, S.L. (Symposium participant) Expanding the horizons of self care: Clinicians, researchers and educators, International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Boston, MA 11/4/95.
Miller, M., McCammon, S.L., Hudnall Stamm, B. & Williams, M.B. Teaching and training about trauma, dissociation and treatment: Considering student safety, International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Boston, MA 11/4/95.
McCammon, S. ECU Social Sciences Training Consortium-Agency Assets Assessment Protocol, PEN-PAL Best Practices Development Conference, Atlantic Beach, NC 9/11/95.
McCammon, S.L. Chair, Panel Discussion, Painful Pedagogy: Teaching about trauma in academic and training settings. American Psychological Association, New York, NY 8/11/95.

Long, T.E., Roderick, T., McCammon, S.L. & Allred, L.J. Behavioral aspects of homonegativity. IV European Congress of Psychology, Athens, Greece 7/2-7/95.

McCammon, S.L. Plenary Panel Presentation: Textbooks in Human Sexuality. The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Mid-continent Region, Minneapolis, MN 6/3/95.
McCammon, S., Violanti, J., Schumuckler, E., & Miller, M. Painful Pedagogy: Trauma survivors in academic or training classes. The International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Chicago, Illinois 11/8/94.
McCammon, S.L., & Schmuckler, E. A descriptive study of stress-related symptoms of public safety dispatchers. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, San Antonio, TX. 10/93.
Allred, L.J., McCammon, S.L., Bassman, M., Farr, M. & Randolf, S. Handling diversity of opinion in courses about diversity. Southeastern Women’s Studies Association, Nashville, TN, 4/93.
McCammon, S.L., Bassman, M. & Sorenson, S. Teaching college courses about trauma (Chair and Workshop participant). International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Beverly Hills, CA, 10/24/92.
Farr, M.T. & McCammon, S.L. What do we do when teachers’ theory meets students’ experience? Trauma survivors in the introductory Women’s Studies course. Southeastern Women’s Studies Association, Tampa, FL, 3/14/92.
McCammon, S.L., Riggs, J.V., & Durham, T.W., & Horton, R. (1991). Personality and attitudinal characteristics of parents of adolescent sex offenders. Paper presented at the National Conference on Managing Abusive Sexuality, Chicago, IL, 11/18/91.
McCammon, S.L., Durham, T.W., & Allison, E.J., Jr. (1991). Incident appraisal and impact in cardiopulmonary workers: A pilot study. in Symposium: Unrecognized trauma risks: Duty/work support personnel. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Washington, DC, 10/26/91.
Taggart, L.P., Horner, R.D., McCammon, S.L., Allred, L.J. & May, H.J. Effect of patient and physician gender in prescriptions for psychotropic drugs. Paper presented at Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA, 3/21/91.
Farr, M.T., McCammon, S.L. & Trapasso, A. Problems and possibilities in educating women: The introductory women’s studies course. Presentation at Southeastern Women’s Studies Association Conference, Charlotte, NC, 4/12/91.
McCammon, S. Publishing (Not Pershing) In Traumatic Stress Studies (Chair and panel participant). International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, New Orleans, LA, 10/29/90.

McCammon, S. Classroom programming on sexual harassment. N.C. Association of Women Deans, Counselors and Administrators, Burlington, NC, 4/19/90.

McCammon, S. Sexual harassment: Development of a policy. Southeastern Women’s Studies Association, Salem, VA, 3/24/90.
McCammon, S. Invited address for Psychology Department Colloquium Series, In disaster’ wake: Roles for psychologists, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 1/23/90.
McCammon, S. Sexual assault prevention on the university campus (discussion group). Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, San Francisco, CA, 1/29/89.
McCammon, S.L. & Long, T.E. A pre-trauma workshop: Promoting balance between problem and emotion-focused coping in emergency workers. Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Baltimore, MD, 10/87.
Durham, T.W., McCammon, S.L., Allison, E.J., Jr. and Williamson, J.E. Psychological adjustment of rescue workers following two disasters. Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, St. Louis, MO, 3/87.
McCammon, S., Durham, T.W., Williamson, J.E. and Allison, E.J., Jr. Coping theory related to emergency workers coping with traumatic events. Papers presented at Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Denver, CO, 10/1/86.
McCammon, S., Durham, T.W., Allison, E.J., Jr. and Williamson, J.E. Emotional reactions of rescue workers following a tornado (poster session). American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, 8/23/86.
McCammon, W., Parker, L. and Horton, R. Community post-tornado support groups: Intervention and evaluation (poster session). American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, 8/23/86.
McCammon, S., Golden, J.A. and Wuensch, K. Predicting performance in introductory physics courses. Annual Conference for the NC Association for Research in Education, Greenville, NC, 3/21/86.
McCammon, S. Pitt County response to tornado victims in Symposium: Response to Rape, Disaster and Victims of Authoritarian Political Regimes, Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Atlanta, GA, 9/22/85.
Penland, M., and McCammon, S. The impostor phenomenon: Feelings of intellectual phoniness in honors candidates. Southeastern Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA, 3/28/85.
McCammon, M., Israel, R.G., McCammon, S., Delozier, M., and Shaw, R. The effects of large weight loss following gastric bypass surgery on general well-being and physical self- efficacy. Annual Meeting of the Southeast Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine, Boone, NC, 2/2/85.
McCammon, S., Richard, W. and Long, T. Response to tornado victims. Second Annual Southeastern Community Conference, Taccoa, GA, 10/24/84.
McCammon, S. Adolescent contraception: Addressing a problem that will not go away. Half-day seminar presented at Alternative for the 80’s in Research, Action 7 Theory Sponsored by the Midwest Region of the Association for Women in Psychology (AWP) and the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 5/20/84.
Penland, M. and McCammon, S. The impostor phenomenon: Feelings of intellectual phoniness in high achievers. Presented at the Conference on Teaching/Learning About Women, Roanoke, VA, 4/6/84.
Cope, J. and McCammon, S. The 500 hats of the community psychologist. Symposium at Southeastern Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA, 3/26/83.
McCammon, S., Golden, J. and Roberts, W. Summer camp as therapeutic context: The Camp Logan program. Symposium at Southeastern Psychological, Atlanta, GA, 3/23/83.
McCammon, S. Camp/Mental health center liaison: Linking camp and local systems. Paper presentation at the Southeastern Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 3/23/83.
McCammon, S. Psychology of women integrated into psychology core courses. Presented at Teaching/Learning about Women Conference, Roanoke, VA, 3/12/83.
Staff Member and Group Leader for the conference “The Role of the Primary Care Provider in the Treatment of Handicapped Children.” Sponsored by the Primary Care Center of the Vanderbilt University Medical Center and the Tennessee Department of Public Health, Maternal and Child Division, Nashville, TN, 9/81.
Burr, C., Perrin, J., Shoaf, E., Wodicka, S. and McCammon, S. Nurse practitioners as primary providers in rural health: Quality of care. Presented at American Public Health Association, 108th Annual Meeting, Detroit, MI, 10/23/80.
McClure, L., Fitz-Ritson, S., Pratola, S., Ellis, F., Felder, C. and McCammon, S. Modifying social climate and enhancing social problem solving in a public middle school. Presented at American Psychological Association, New York, NY, 1979.
McClure, L., Felder, C., Fitz-Ritson, S., Pratola, S. and McCammon, S. Building interpersonal competence and enhancing social climate in a public middle school. Presented at Southeastern Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA, 3/16/78.
McCammon, S., Felder, C., Fitz-Ritson, S., and Pratola, S. A social problem solving intervention and consultation program. In symposium, New Directions in School Mental Health Consultation, Southeastern Psychological Association, Hollywood, FL, 5/6/77.

Editorial Work and Reviews
Reviewer, APA proposals for Division 56 (Trauma) (2006, 2007, 2008, 2009)
Reviewer, Children and Youth Services Review (2008)

Accountability in Research (2007)

Social Science and Medicine (2005-2006)

Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research (2005)

Aggressive Behavior (2002)

Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (2001)
Reviewer for trauma-related manuscripts: Department of Justice, September, 2001

American Psychological Association, 2002

Journal of Traumatic Stress, Member of Editorial Board (1993-1999),

Consulting Editor (1990-1993)

National Womens Studies Association Journal, Member of Editorial Board (1997-1998)
Journal of Social Behavior and Personality; Consulting Editor (1991-1993)
Reviewer for texts on Psychology of Adolescence and child Psychopathology; Pitt County Sexuality Education Curricula

Grants and Contracts
Macro International, Inc. Strength-based Planning in Care Plans for Children with SED Being Served in a CMHS-supported System of Care. Susan McCammon, PI. $15,579. Not funded.
Golden Leaf. Improving One of the Lowest High School Graduation Rates. Jeff Krepps, PI. Susan McCammon, David Dosser, Dorothea Handron, Vivian Mott Co-PIs. $353,450. Proposal submitted August 1, 2005. Not funded.
Children’s Miracle Network, Pitt Memorial Hospital Foundation, Inc. Connecting Parents: Support and Education for parents of Children with SED. Susan McCammon, PI. $64,919. Not funded.
North Carolina Department of Human Resources: Division of Mental Health. ECU Course

Distance Education Proposal, Interdisciplinary Practice: Services for Children with SED and Their Families. $125,093. Not funded.

Pitt County Health Education Foundation. Flood Follow-up Project. Susan McCammon, Principal Investigator, Angela Smith, Co-PI. $2000.00. Awarded September, 2000.
North Carolina Department of Human Resources; Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services; Child and Family Services Section

Eastern North Carolina Public-Academic Liaison: Curriculum Development and Training

Susan McCammon, Principal Investigator; David Dosser, Dorothea Handron, John Powell, Kaye McGinty, & John Diamond, Co-Investigators.

$403,365 Awarded October 1, 2000. (However, State of N.C. withdrew all UNC-system PAL contracts in January, 2001)

North Carolina Department of Human Resources

System of Care Training and Curriculum Development Project

Gary Lowe (PI) & Susan McCammon, (CPI); Dosser, Handron, Powell, McGinty & Diamond

$444,956 Awarded July 1, 1999

North Carolina Department of Human Resources:

Year V of the Social Sciences Training Consortium (SSTC) Segment of the Pitt- Edgecombe-Nash Public Academic Liaison (PEN-PAL) (The PEN-PAL Project was

funded by grant from the Center for Mental Health Services, Washington, DC to

improve the system of care for children with serious emotional disturbance and their

Susan McCammon (Psychology), (PI and Chair of the SSTC)

David Dosser, Jr. (Child Development and Family Relations), John Powell (Social Work), and Dorothea Handron (Nursing) (Co-PIs).

$191, 778 awarded July, 1998
Year IV of the Social Sciences Training Consortium

Susan McCammon (PI & SSTC Chair)

David Dosser, Jr., Dorothea Handron, & John Y. Powell (Co-PIs).

$143,010 awarded July, 1997

Year III of the Social Sciences Training Consortium (SSTC) Segment of PEN-PAL

Susan McCammon (PI and SSTC Chair)

David Dosser, Jr., Dorothea Handron, and John Powell (Co-PIs)..

$132,645 awarded July 1996

Year II of the Social Sciences Training Consortium (SSTC) Segment of PEN-PAL

David Dosser, Jr. (PI and SSTC Chair)

John Y. Powell, Dorothea Handron, Susan McCammon, Åke Mattsson, and Betty Beacham (Co-PIs).

$268,389 awarded July, 1995

Comprehensive SSTC PEN-PAL Contract

John Y. Powell (PI & SSTC Chair)

David Dosser, Jr., Dorothea Handron, Susan McCammon, Åke Mattsson, John Diamond, and Marlene White (Co-PIs).

$252,462 awarded August, 1994

NC Department of Mental Health Development Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services

Susan McCammon with Jesse V. Riggs of Pitt County Mental Health Center

Research Project to Study Characteristics of Parents of Adolescent Sex Offenders

$2896.30 awarded July, 1990

Ford Foundation Curriculum Development Grant

Susan McCammon

Duke-UNC Center for Research on Women, for development of the course “Empowerment Against Sexual Abuse”

$750.00 awarded October, 1988

Z. Smith Reynolds Mini-grant

Susan McCammon

NC Council on the Status of Women for production of Date Rape Prevention Video

$350.00 awarded April, 1988

East Carolina University Teaching Grant

Susan McCammon & John Cope

Presentation by Lawrence Siegel, Ph.D. in a process model for departmental faculty evaluation

$634.00 awarded October, 1983

East Carolina University Teaching Grant

Susan McCammon & Jeannie Golden

Predicting and Enhancing Effectiveness in Physics performance

$485.00 awarded July, 1982

$1110.00 awarded January, 1983

Undergraduate Theses Directed

Ashley Arens. (co-directed with Beverly Harju). Body Appearance and Functionality: How is Body Satisfaction Related? 2008.

Carol Nicole Crews. Investigation of Feminist Ideologies of Body Dissatisfaction in College Women. 2007.
Kenneth Phelps. Enrichment, Stress, and Posttraumatic Growth from Parenting an Individual with Autism Disorder. 2004

Courtney Puuri. Predictors of Homonegative Attitudes. 2003.

Alison Witmer. Effects of Nonverbal Variables on Attitudes Toward Rape. 2003

M.A. Theses Directed

Katherine Daniels. Body Dissatisfaction and Stigma Towards Anorexia and Bulimia in College Women. 2009

Steven J. Hardy. Mediation and moderation of Smoking in Adolescents with Asthma:
the Role of Depression, Peer Cigarette Use and School Connectedness. (co-chaired with Cecelia Valrie). 2007.
Karen Davis. Factors Influencing Stigma Towards Individuals with Mental Illness. 2006.
Katie Fitzpatrick. Do Interventions in College Sexuality Classes Reduce Homonegativity?

Jennifer Maness. The Relationship Between Family Empowerment and Youth Mental Health Outcomes. 2004.

Beth Bizzell. Isabel’s Effects: Screening for Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms in a Population of Elementary School Students. 2004.
Carmen Gragnani. Relationship Between Rape Supportive Attitudes and Perceptions of Sexual Coercion: A Study of university Men and Women. 2003.
Shaun Wesley Davenport. Training Students in a System of Care Model: Measuring the Effects of an Interdisciplinary Training Course on Students’ Attitudes. 2002.
Rhonda Cardinale. A Preliminary Investigation of the Reliability of the PHASE Typology: Using the Phase Typology to Categorize a Sample of Adolescent Sex Offenders. 2001.
Caroline Dezio-Cottle. School-based screening after Hurricane Floyd: Flood exposure and trauma symptoms. 2000.

Judith K. Collins. Secondary Traumatic Stress Symptoms Among Educators in Flood-damaged Eastern North Carolina, 2000.

Amy E. Teague. Barriers to Social Network Interventions with Children with Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities: A Survey of Case Managers/Service Coordinators Working Within

Systems of Care, 2000.

Gwen Smith. The Relationship Between Family Environment and Risk Behavior Among Adolescents, 1998.
Lauri Maridian Purvine. The Effect of Group Therapy on Disciplinary Infraction Rates at North Carolina Correctional Institution for Women, 1998.
Barbara Galloway. Effects of Participant Gender, Plaintiff-Defendant Age, and Plaintiff’s Physical Maturity on Mock Jurors’ Decisions in a Statutory Rape Case, 1998.
Page Jerzak. Sexual Anxiety, Sex Role Orientation, and Locus of Control as Predictors of Erotophobia/Erotophilia, 1996.
Valerie Lamos Labo. Correlates of Depression and Social Engagement in Elderly Nursing Home Residents, 1996.
Camilla Rogers. The Effects of Race on Psychotropic Prescribing Practices for Community Mental Health Outpatients, 1995.
Tristan Roderick. Homonegativity: An Analysis of the SBS-R, 1994.
Hope Guy. The Psychosomatic Impact of the Human Papillomavirus, 1993.
Jay Taylor. Acceptance of Rape Supportive Beliefs and Attitudes Toward Women in Two Groups of Adolescents, 1993.
Erin Lesko. The Relationship between Dissociative Experiences and Reported Symptoms in a College Population, 1993.
Patricia Grand-Holsten. A Descriptive Study of Stress-related Symptoms of Public Safety Dispatchers, 1992.
Shartra Syllivant. The Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Components of Adolescent Homonegativity, 1992.
Penny Gaskins. Humor: Its Use and Relationship to Burnout Among Providers of Geriatric Care, 1991.
LeeAnn Taggart. A Comparison Between Male and Female Physicians’ Prescription Writing Practices for Psychotropic Drugs, 1990.
Mariana Bier. A Comparison of the Degree of Racism, Sexism, and Homophobia Between Beginning and Advanced Psychology Students, 1990.
Catherine M. Beckman. Understanding Sexual Cues: A Study of College Students’ Attitudes Related to Coercive Sexual Behaviors, 1989.
Timothy Hughes. The Association Between the Client’s Perception of the Therapist’s Empathy and Therapy Dropout Rates, 1986.
Michael Penland. The Impostor Phenomenon: Feelings of Intellectual Phoniness Among Honors Students, 1985.
Sandra Diaz. An Investigation of the Relationship Between Sex-Role and Spatial Ability, 1984.

Member, Dissertation Advisory Committee

Lena W. Carawan, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s Newfoundland, Canada

Listening to the Voices of the Fishers, 2003.
Examiner for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

L. Steed, Curtin, University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia

The Relationship Between Personality, Coping, Flexibility and Psychological Outcomes of Stressful Episodes, 1995.

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