Handy websites for The Engineering Student Survival Guide contents tools for School

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Handy WEBSITES for The Engineering Student Survival Guide

1. Tools for School
Paper-writing mates
Love your calculator!
Computer maintenance suggestions
Online college book vendors

2. Professional Organizations and Info for Individuals
Professional societies
Resources for female engineers
Minorities in engineering
Organizations specific to ethnic groups
Engineering students with disabilities
Engineering students of sexual minority
Returning students resources

3. Engineering and Engineers

General and discipline-specific info
The engineering ring
Public perception of engineers

4. Doing your Thang…

Suggestions for note-taking
Test and exam references
Learning styles

5. Engineering Co-ops, Internships, and Research-ships

Co-ops and internships
Research for undergraduates

6. Keeping Your Batteries Charged…
Engineering your health (fab Student Health sites)
Stress and anxiety
Computer ergonomics

7. The End (Graduation) is Near…
Finding a job
Thinking about grad school?

8. Other Fun Things

Tools for School

Dictionary and Thesaurus: www.dictionary.com

Paper-writing mates

Research paper style guides:

· MLA: www.mla.org (no real info for students here because they want you to buy the book!)

· An APA (American Psychological Association) style guide by Dr. Plonsky, at University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point: www.uwsp.edu/psych/apa4b.htm

Paper writing assistance from the University of Wisconsin--Madison Writing Center: Academic Writing: www.wisc.edu/writing/Handbook/AcademicWriting.html

Love your calculator!

Articles on the History of Electronic Calculators: www.dotpoint.com/xnumber/chistory.htm
Reverse Polish Notation references:

· Hewlett-Packard Online Museum's RPN explanation: www.hpmuseum.org/rpn.htm


Computer maintenance suggestions

Some advice on hardware maintenance to improve the life of your PC: arar.essortment.com/computersmainte_rxwv.htm
A five-part series on computer care by iVillage.com: www.ivillage.com/click/experts/computingcoach/articles/0,5639,31251,00.html


Online college book vendors

So a mini experiment was done. Two test books were priced at the following online book sellers:
· Book 1 is an excellent little book entitled, The Engineering Student Survival Guide, 1st edition, by K. Donaldson
· Book 2 is a thermodynamics classic, Fundamentals of Engineering: Thermodynamics, 3rd edition, by Michael J. Moran and Howard N. Shapiro (4th edition is also available, but 3rd used to evaluate used prices)




Book 1

Book 2






Painfully pricey!





Good prices, but few mainstream engineering texts available

Barnes and Noble's textbook.com






About what one would expect to pay for book 1 and cheap price for book 2! Very Good!






Not bad prices for book 2, but of the two books only a used of book 2 was available!

Your Book Connection





Ow! Spend the extra 9 bucks on something else!





Such an incredibly annoying website, gave up before getting to a working link that searched for books.

Textbook source




Some engineering books, but not these

Textbooks at Cost




You'd think these books didn't exist.







Great price for book 1, okay for book 2





Supposed to compare all prices on web-seem to have missed a few.






























*Book wasn't "currently available" at search time.

Professional Organizations and Info for Individuals

Professional societies:
Appendix A
Engineering Societies


Organization Website

AAEE American Academy of Environemental Engineers www.enviro-engrs.org
ACerS The American Ceramic Society www.acers.org
ACSM American Congress on Surveying and Mapping www.landsurveyor.com/acsm
ACEC American Consulting Engineers www.acec.org
ADDA American Design Drafting Association www.adda.org
AHS American Helicopter Society www.vtol.org
AIAA American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) www.aiaa.org
AIChE American Institute of Chemical Engineers www.aiche.org
ANS American Nuclear Society www.ans.org
ASAE American Society of Agricultural Engineers www.asae.org
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers www.asce.org
ASEE American Society for Engineering Education www.asee.org
ASEM American Society for Engineering Management www.asem.org
ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and
Air-Conditioning Engineers www.ashrae.org
ASME The American Society of Mechanical Engineers www.asme.org
ASNE American Society of Naval Engineers www.jhuapl.edu/ASNE
ASNT The American Society for Nondestructive Testing www.asnt.org
ASQ American Society for Quality www.asq.org
ASSE American Society of Safety Engineers www.asse.org
ASSE American Society of Sanitary Engineering www.asse-plumbing.org
ASTM American Society for Testing Materials www.astm.org
ASES American Solar Energy Society www.ases.org/solar
AEI Architectural Engineering Institute www.aeinstitute.org
ASM ASM International www.asm-intl.org
AACE Association for Advancement of Cost Engineering www.aacei.org
ACM Association for Computing Machinery www.acm.org
AEE Association of Energy Engineers www.aeecenter.org
AISE Association of Iron and Steel Engineers www.aise.org
AES Audio Engineering Society www.aes.org
BMES Biomedical Engineering Society www.mecca.org/BME/BMES/
CSA Cryogenic Society of America www-csa.fnal.gov
IESNA Illuminating Engineering Society of North America www.iesna.org
IEEE The Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers www.ieee.org
IIE Institute of Industrial Engineers www.iienet.org
INFORMS Institute for Operations Research and the
Management Sciences www.informs.org
IMAPS International Microelectronics and Packaging Society www.imaps@imaps.org
ISA International Society for Measurement and Control www.isa.org
SPIE The International Society for Optical Engineering www.spie.org
MRS The Materials Research Society www.mrs.org
TMS The Minerals Metals and Materials Society www.tms.org
NAWIC National Association of Women in Construction www.nawic.org
OSA Optical Society of America www.osa.org
SAE The Society of Automotive Engineers www.sae.org
SEM Society for Experimental Mechanics www.sem.org
SFPE Society of Fire Protection Engineers www.sfpe.org
SIAM Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics www.siam.org
SME Society of Manufacturing Engineers www.sme.org
SNAME Society of Naval Architects & Marine Engineers www.sname.org
SPE Society of Petroleum Engineers www.spe.org
SPE Society of Plastics Engineers www.4spe.org
SES Standards Engineering Society www.ses-standards.org/
WEF Water Environment Federation www.wef.org
Key: N not available, n/a not applicable, G student members are part of general membership.


Resources for female engineers

Association for Women in Computing: www.awc-hq.org
Clearing House for Financial Aid for Women at FinAid (not engineering specific): www.finaid.org/otheraid/female.phtml
Diversity/Careers in Engineering and Information Technology: www.diversitycareers.com
MentorNet connects women studying engineering and related sciences (in community college, undergrad, or grad school) with male and female industry mentors over email: www.mentornet.net
National Academy of Engineering Celebration of Women in Engineering: www.nae.edu/cwe
National Association of Women in Construction: www.nawic.org
National Science Foundation's reports on Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering: www.nsf.gov/sbe/srs/women/start.htm
The Society for Women Engineers (SWE) is the largest professional organization of women: www.swe.org
Women in Engineering Programs and Advocates Network (WEPAN) www.wepan.org
"Women Engineering Students Speak" is a report by Mary Madden summarizing discussions by students at the University of Maine in 1999: www.eece.maine.edu/ecews/Women_Engineers_Summary.htm


Minorities in engineering

National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering, Inc: www.nacme.org
Diversity/Careers in Engineering and Information Technology: www.diversitycareers.com
Clearing housing list for Underrepresented Individuals in Engineering www.mills.edu/ACAD_INFO/MCS/SPERTUS/Gender/wom_and_min.html
Purdue University's ESCAPE (The Engineering Specific Career Planning and Problem-Solving Environment) website
The National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science, Inc. (GEM): www.nd.edu/~gem/
National Science Foundation's reports on Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering: www.nsf.gov/sbe/srs/women/start.htm
A cool resource list from Penn State for minorities in engineering and science: www.geog.psu.edu/~kjordan/minority/minority.html
Clearing House for Financial Aid for Minorities at FinAid (not engineering specific)s: www.finaid.org/otheraid/minority.phtml


Organizations specific to ethnic groups

American Indian Science and Engineering Society: www.aises.org
Association of Cuban Engineer: www.netside.net/~ace
Black Data Processors Associates: www.bdpa.org
Center for the Advancement of Hispanics in Science and Engineering Education: www.cahsee.org
Chinese-American Engineers and Scientists Association of Southern California: www.cesasc.org
A Coalition of Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Fortune 500 Companies (AMIE) with programs designed to increase the representation of African-Americans among engineers: alexadao.morgan.edu/academic/Special/Amie/AMIE.HTM
Haitian-American Engineering Society: www.haiti-science.com/haes/
National Society of Black Engineers: www.nsbe.org
Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science: www.sacnas.org
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers: www.shpe.org
Society of Mexican American Engineers and Scientists: www.tamu.edu/maes
Vietnamese Association for Computing, Engineering Technology and Science: www.vacets.org


Engineering students with disabilities

National Science Foundation's reports on Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering: www.nsf.gov/sbe/srs/women/start.htm
Clearing House for Financial Aid for Students with Disabilities at FinAid (not engineering specific): www.finaid.org/otheraid/disabled.phtml
EASI (Equal Access to Software and Information): www.rit.edu/~easi/


Engineering students of sexual minority

National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical Professionals: www.noglstp.org
Sexual Minorities in Science and Engineering resource list: www.mills.edu/ACAD_INFO/MCS/SPERTUS/Gender/wom_and_min.html
The Journey: One Engineer's Struggle to Be Himself: www.younggayamerica.com/streettalk3.shtml
Clearing House for Financial Aid for Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Students at FinAid (not engineering specific): www.finaid.org/otheraid/gay.phtml


Returning students resources

News and resources for non-traditional and adult students: www.back2school.com
George Washington University's Admissions Department resource page of "Challenges Facing Returning Students": www.gwu.edu/~gsehd/admissions/student_services/challenges.html
Opinion Column in Chico State's The Orion: "Re-entry students prove Chico State gets better with a age": orion.csuchico.edu/Pages/vol43issue1/opinion/o.4.old.html
McGill University's Mature Students' Association (MSA) links and info: www.ssmu.mcgill.ca/mrsa/details.html
The Re-entry Student Center at University of California - Berkeley has an excellent website with resources for prospective and current students: students.berkeley.edu/reentry
Tips and information from University of California, Irvine for re-entry students: www.transfercounseling.uci.edu/ResourceFiles/ReEntry.html


Engineering and Engineers

General and discipline-specific info
ASEE's Precollege website: "Engineering Your Future": www.asee.org/precollege/
Discover Engineering Online: www.discoverengineering.org
Cartoons accompany explanation of some mainstream and narrower-focused disciplines: www.todays-engineers.org/2001/engineers.htm
The Institution of Australian Engineers gives us some explanations from down under: www.ieaust.org.au/engineering/what_do.html
Iowa State's College of Engineering answers "What do Engineers Do?" www.eng.iastate.edu/about/engineers.html
JETS (Junior Technical Society): www.jets.org
National Engineers Week: www.eweek.org
Society of Women Engineers overviews engineering disciplines and types of jobs: www.swe.org/SWE/StudentServices/CareerGuidance/EngrForYou/ UKBrochure.html
For info on specific disciplines, check out professional society websites and try typing: "What do --- engineers do?" in to search engine like Google.
Greatest Engineering Achievements of the 20th Century: www.greatachievements.org
A hard-to-find website addressing what material scientists and engineers do: www.crc4mse.org
Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology: www.abet.org


The engineering ring

Order of the Engineer (US): www.order-of-the-engineer.org
The Ritual of the Calling of the Engineer (Canada): www.ironring.ca


Public perception of engineers

The Harris Poll: A poll done sponsored by the American Association of Engineering Societies to determine the impact of public awareness of engineering upon the size and quality of the U.S. engineering workforce, particularly given the changing demographics of the overall domestic workforce. www.ieeeusa.org/releases/1998/pr0904981.html


Doing your Thang…

Suggestions for note-taking
A Study Skills Help website created by Dr. Carolyn Hopper, Learning Strategies Coordinator for the Developmental Studies Department at Middle Tennessee State University: www.mtsu.edu/~studskl/hslisten.html
The University of Tasmania Learning Skills Unit's suggestions for better note-taking: student.admin.utas.edu.au/student_services/lsu/notes.html
An online "Student Survival Manual": www.luminet.net/~jackp/survnote.htm
University of Nevada, Reno gives some good advice in skim-able manner! www.unr.edu/acssv/ASC/skills/notes/notes.html
Some excellent info on "Notetaking Skills" developed by a class at Penn State: www.ma.psu.edu/~malc/notetaki.htm


Test and exam references

Stress-busting tips for revision and the exam by the International Stress Management Association (UK): www.isma.org.uk/exams.htm
Tips on Taking Multiple-Choice Tests (scroll down to "Taking the Test"): jan.ucc.nau.edu/~haw4/test.html
St. Elizabeth High School reminds you of all the good practical advice that you didn't absorb fully in high school: www.sehs.org/testtips.htm
University of Texas at Austin compiled a ton of class handouts to create an amazingly comprehensive test-taking advice site that addresses everything from foreign language tests to how to study for math and science: www.utexas.edu/student/utlc/handouts/stutips.html


Learning styles

Richard Felder's webpage Resources in Science and Engineering Education isn't just for Professors and Instructors! Go there to learn about how you best learn by taking the learning styles quiz and reading through techniques for each: www2.ncsu.edu/unity/lockers/users/f/felder/public/RMF


Engineering Co-ops, Internships, and Research-ships

Co-ops and internships

"A little advice about co-ops" by Nick Corcodilos on EETimes.com: www.eetimes.com/story/mentors_at_work/OEG20001214S0032
Penn State has an excellent resource on finding co-ops and internships including a huge list of job-seeking links: www.engr.psu.edu/coop/student/NEW/index.htm
Michigan State University's Cooperative Education Program has some interesting tidbits in their co-op newsletters: www.egr.msu.edu/coop/newsletters/
University of Missouri-Columbia's info on co-ops: www.engineering.missouri.edu/co-ops.htm
Mount Holyoke's comprehensive list of references for internships and other opportunities: www.mtholyoke.edu/courses/sbrowne/sistahs/links/engineering.html
Northwester University's Walter P. Murphy Cooperative Engineering Education Program's "Questions to Ask when Comparing Co-op Programs": www.tech.northwestern.edu/co-op/prospective/comparing.html


Research for undergraduates

National Science Foundation's REU information and program listings: www.nsf.gov/home/crssprgm/reu/reulist.htm Also see job-searching for more references


Keeping your Batteries Charged…

Engineering your health (some fab Student Health sites)
University of Iowa's Health Iowa answers questions on every possible health topic: www.uiowa.edu/~shs/index.html
Columbia University's "Go Ask Alice" website: www.goaskalice.columbia.edu/
On caffeine
· How Caffeine Works, A "thorough explanation about a popular addictive drug" on Marshall Brain's website: www.howstuffworks.com/caffeine.htm


Stress and anxiety

· The Academic Resource Center at Sweet Briar College has a quiz to determine how stressed you are and tips to de-stress: www.arc.sbc.edu/stress.html
· Stress at Williams (and Elsewhere . . .) also has a test to measure stress, relaxation techniques, and ideas of how to manage exam stress: wso.williams.edu:8000/orgs/peerh/stress/
· Stress-busting tips for revision and the exam by the International Stress Management Association (UK): www.isma.org.uk/exams.htm


Computer ergonomics

Computer Dealer News article, "Hand injuries reduced with ergonomics" includes preventative tips: www.findarticles.com/m3563/n28_v14/21033824/p1/article.jhtml
10 steps for computer users from Cornell University's ErgoWeb: ergo.human.cornell.edu/ergoguide.html
An excellent website at University of Minnesota addressing ergonomics for laptop usage: www.dehs.umn.edu/ergo/office/laptop.html
Stanford University's Environmental Health and Safety website, Key to Safe Computer Usage, includes the proper set up of equipment, healthy work habits and practices, and office stretches: www.stanford.edu/dept/EHS/work/ergo/keys.html
University of Waterloo's Health and Safety Program Manual online covers all important ergonomic issues for computer usage (including pictures!): www.safetyoffice.uwaterloo.ca/hspm/documents/officeergo/ergo/vdt.html


The End (Graduation) is Near…

For EIT/FE information go to the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) website. Click on "Funadmentals info for information on becoming a licensed engineer, the FE/EIT, and statistics on engineering by the Labor Bureau. Click on "Site Map" to find information specifically on the FE/EIT: www.ncees.org
Passing rates for FE/EIT: www.ncees.org/professional/principles.html
The Society of Professional Engineers tells you about the licensure process and why you would want to be licensed: www.nspe.org/lc1-how.asp


Finding a job

The most up-to-date engineering salaries can be found at this National Society of
Careers and the Technology Undergrad magazine put out by BrassRing Campus Publications: www.cbacareer.com/magazines/magsceng.html
Diversity/Careers in Engineering & Information Technology: www.diversitycareers.com
Graduating Engineer and Computer Careers comes out monthly and covers job-seeking and grad school-seeking activities and issues: www.graduatingengineer.com
For negotiating your salary and other excellent advice start at J. Steven Niznik's articles on technical job searching at jobsearchtech.com and surf the site:: jobsearchtech.about.com/careers/jobsearchtech/library/weekly/aa101298.
Tips for Technical Job Interviews by Allan Hoffman on Monster.com: technology.monster.com/articles/interviewing/


Scannable resumes:

· Info on scannable job resumes on Quintessential Careers website: www.quintcareers.com/scannable_resumes.html
· Tips for Creating a Scannable Resume on Monster.com: content.monster.com/resume/resources/scannableresume/
Regular resumes:
· Resumes 101 at jobsearchtech.com: jobsearchtech.about.com/careers/jobsearchtech/library/weekly/ aa070599.htm
· If you read all this and implemented it you will definitely get the job! See University of Waterloo's website for preparing resumes and for job interviews: www.adm.uwaterloo.ca/infocecs/CRC/manual/resumes.html


Thinking about grad school?

Clearing House for Financial Aid for Graduate School at FinAid:www.finaid.org/otheraid/grad.phtml
Graduate Student Survival Kit: www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Lakes/6007/Survival.htm
A hilarious comic strip about being a graduate student in engineering by Jorge Cham called Piled Higher and Deeper: phd.stanford.edu
The official GRE website has all the info you need to know short of the answers to the exam: www.gre.org
Lots of info for folks thinking about grad school from William & Mary: www.wm.edu/csrv/career/stualum/guidschl.html
A good brief overview of considerations when thinking about grad school by Boston College: www.bc.edu/bc_org/svp/carct/gradartsci.html
"Useful tips on how to succeed in graduate school and your subsequent research career
(somewhat slanted towards signal processing)": nexus6.cs.ucla.edu/~huijuan/IMPORTforANDREW/mainPage.html


Other Fun Things

The Medieval Technology Pages. scholar.chem.nyu.edu/technology.html
The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive: www-groups.dcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/~history/
Everything on NASA's website: www.nasa.gov
What is a slide rule anyway? Check out these two sites:
· This site has pictures and instructions should you ever use one: www.hpmuseum.org/srinst.htm
· The Slide Rule Homepage: www.photobooks.com/~slipstick/slipstik.html
Some footage from the 8-minute video of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapse: www.civeng.carleton.ca/Exhibits/Tacoma_Narrows/

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