Curriculum vitae (updated April 2016 )

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(updated April 2016 )

Name : Alexander Michael Abdelnoor

Place of Birth : New York, New York

Marital Status : Married to Maya Achkar

Children : Natalie, Michael, Cheryl

Beirut New York

Department of Microbiology & Immunology Department of Microbiology & Immunology

Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Medicine

American University of Beirut American University of Beirut

P.O. Box: 11-0236, Riad el Solh, 3 Dag Hammarskjold Plaza

Beirut , 11072020, Lebanon 8th Floor

Phone: +961 1 350000, ext. 5120 New York, New York 10017-2303

Fax: +961 1 744487 , +961 1 350000-5122 Phone: (212) 3192425

Mobile : +961 3 430585






Temple University



1970 - 1972

Immunochemistry & Immunology

University of Michigan

Ann Arbor-Michigan


1970 - 1969


Immunology –

Tissue Typing

University of Michigan

Ann Arbor-Michigan



Microbiology &


American University of Beirut (AUB)















University of Pennsylvania




Immunology & Immunochemistry

Yale University

New Haven-Connecticut

Associate Professor


Transplantation Immunology- Tissue Typing

Temple University


Research Associate


Immunology & Immunochemistry


  • 1992 to present:

Chairperson, Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology, (recently renamed Department of Experimental Pathology, Immunology & Microbiology) Faculty of Medicine, AUB, Beirut, Lebanon.

  • 1984 to present:

Professor, Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine (FM), AUB, Beirut, Lebanon.


  • 1996 -2004:

Associate, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Head of Tissue Typing Section, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, American University of Beirut (AUB), Beirut, Lebanon.

  • 1987-1994:

Immunology Consultant, Tissue Typing laboratory, Hopital Notre Dame Des Secours (HNDS).

  • 1985-1994:

Vice-Chairperson, Administrative Board, (HNDS).

  • 1983-1994:

HNDS-American University of Beirut Medical Center (AUBMC) Affiliation; HNDS Laboratory-Dept. of Microbiology, AUBMC Affiliation.

  • 1985-1987:

Coordinator, Graduate Program, Off Campus Program (OCP), AUB, Beirut, Lebanon.

  • 1980-1987:

Head, Tissue Typing Laboratory, AUBMC, Beirut Lebanon.

  • 1980-1984:

Associate Professor, Dept. of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, AUB, Beirut, Lebanon.

  • 1977-1980:

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, AUB, Beirut, Lebanon.

  • 1976-1977:

Visiting Research Associate, Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology, Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pa.

  • 1973-1976:

Head, Bacteriology and Immunology Laboratory, Agriculture Research Institute Fanar, Lebanon.

  • 1973-1975:

Director and Owner, private medical laboratory, Beirut, Lebanon.

  • 1972-1973:

Co-Director, Makassed General Hospital Laboratory, Beirut, Lebanon.

  • 1970-1972:

NIH Postdoctoral Fellow, Temple Univ. School of Medicine, Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology, Philadelphia, Pa.

  • 1969-1970:

Postdoctoral Fellow, Univ. of Michigan School of Medicine, Depts. Of Microbiology and Surgery, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

  • 1966-1969:

Predoctoral Trainee, Dept. of Microbiology, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

  • 1964-1966:

Graduate Assistant, Dept. of Bacteriology and Virology, School of Medicine, AUB, Beirut, Lebanon.


  1. Administrative Service

    1. Administrative and other positions

1992 to present:

Chairperson, Department of Microbiology & Immunology, Faculty of Medicine (FM), AUB.

2000 –2008:

University Chief Marshal, AUB.

  1. Standing Committees

    • Member, University (AUB) Senate, 1990-93, 1996 –99, 1999 – 2002, 2002-08, 2009-2012

    • Member, University (AUB) Board of Graduate Studies, 1996-99, 1999 – 2002, 2004- 2006, 2006-2008, 2008-2011

    • Member, FM (AUB) Graduate Committee, 1981 to 2011, Chairman, 1996–2010.

    • Member, University (AUB) Senate Steering Committee, 1991-93, 1997-2005, 2009-2010. Chairperson, University (AUB) Senate Steering Committee, 1999-2001.

    • Member, FM-AUB Med. II teaching Committee, 1983-88, 1990-present.

    • Member, FM & AUBMC Academic Committee, 1992-present.

    • Member, Pension Committee (Employee Benefit Committee), 2008- present

    • Member, FM & AUBMC Organ Transplantation Committee, 2002 to 2010.

    • Member, President Dormans’ Inauguration Committee, 2008-2009.

    • Member, FM & AUBMC Advisory Committee, 1982-85, 2001-2003, 2005-2007, 2007- 2009.

    • Member, University (AUB) Commencement Committee, 2000 – 2008.

    • Member, AUBMC Infection Control Committee, July 1996 –2006.

    • Member, University (AUB) Graduate Admissions Committee, 2005.

    • Member, University (AUB) Institutional Research Board (IRB), 1998.

    • Member, FM & AUBMC Medical Practice Plan (MPP) Committee, 1991-93.

    • Member, FM & AUBMC Curriculum Committee, 1981.

    • Member, FM & AUBMC Research Committee, 1978-87, 2011-2013.

  1. Ad-hoc Committees

            • Coordinator, FM & AUBMC Immunology Program, 1980 to present.

            • Member, of a Expanded Department group for MLT to review applications for a vacant

faculty position, 2007.

            • Member, FM & AUBMC Strategic Planning Committee, 2005.

            • Consultant, FM & AUBMC MS Oral Biology Program, 2003.

            • Consultant, FM & AUBMC MS Nursing Program, 2003.

            • Chairperson, FM & AUBMC MS Nutrition Task Force, 2003.

            • Chairperson, FM & AUBMC MD/MS Program Task Force, 2003.

            • Member, FM & AUBMC MS Clinical Pharmacy Task Force, 2003.

            • Member, (AUB) Senate Sub-Committee on promotion policy, 2003.

            • (AUB) Senate Ad-Hoc Committee to study recommended promotion policy, 2003.

            • Chairperson, FM,AUB Biochemistry Department Chairperson Search Committee, 1992.

            • Chairperson, FM & AUBMC Pathology Department Chairperson Search Committee, 1985.

            • Member, FM, AUB Biochemistry Department Chairperson Search Committee, 1984.

            • Member, FM Pharmacology Department Chairperson Search Committee, 1984.

            • Member and Secretary, FM & AUBMC Deans Search Committee,1978.

            • Member, FM & AUBMC Ad Hoc Clinical Immunology Committee, 1977.

            • Member, Expanded Advisory Committee, Faculty of Health Sciences, 2010.

            • Member, Department of Dermatology Promotion Committee, 2011

            • Member, Expanded Advisory Committee, Faculty of Agriculture & Food Sciences, 2011.

            • Member, Department of Animal Sciences (FAFS) Promotion Committee, 2011.

    • Interviewer, 10 potential medicine I students/year, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011

    • Member, Ph.D. Task force, 2010-2011

    • Chairperson, MS Task Force; to link MS to Ph.D. program

    • Ex-Officio Member, Ph.D. Committee.

    • Member, Student Affairs Transition Task Force

    • Member, Task Force to review and evaluate Graduate Studies at FM

  1. Others

      • Member, Council of the Alumni Association, AUB, Jan. 1, 1997 -to present.

      • President, Pharmacy Chapter, Alumni Association, AUB, Jan. 1,1997 - to present.

      • Vice-Chairperson, Administrative Board, Hopital Notre Dame Des Secours (HNDS), 1985-1993 (FM/AUBMC-HNDS agreement).

      • Coordinator, HNDS-AUMC Affiliation, 1983-93.

      • Coordinator, HNDS Laboratory-Dept. of Microbiology, AUMC Affiliation,1983-94.

      • Immunology Consultant, HNDS 1985-94.

      • Member, Medical Board, HNDS, 1984-90.

  1. Clinical Service

Tissue typing tests. These tests were also used for research purposes; determination of HLA frequencies in Lebanese and determination of de novo synthesis of anti-HLA antibodies post-transplantation.

PUBLICATIONS (refer to Appendix 1 for details)

135 articles

126 abstracts


  1. Effect of atorvastatin (Lipitor) on survival of skin transplants and growth of tumors in mice.

  2. Preparation and activity of Mixed Bacterial Toxin (MBT)

  3. Detection of Vibrio sp. in water sources in Lebanon

  4. Preparation of anti- Aspergillus fumigatous antibodies in egg-laying hens and their protective efficacy in immunocompromized mice.

  5. Effect of antimicrobial agents on the complement system.

  6. Effect of caffeine and adenosine on Nitric Oxide and cytokine production induced by LPS.

  7. Effect of antimicrobial agents on growth of tumors in mice.

  8. Polyclonal and specific IgE levels in SLE & Rheumatoid arthritis

  9. Effect of Bovine Cartilage on growth of mouse melanoma


  1. Invitations to present

  1. US, Europe, Japan

    1. American Biosafety Association Conference, Oct 9-14, 2015, Providence, Long Island.

    2. AAAS tele-conference on Mentorship, Jan 28-March, 2014.

    3. Interpol conference on biosafety, Amman Jordan, Jan 11-16, 2014

    4. International congress of Immunology (ICI) 2013; Aug 22-27 2013, Milan. Italy

    5. American Association for the Advancement of Science. June 8th-June 12th, 2013, Amman Jo

    6. American Association for the Advancement of Science, Oct. 17-19, 2012, Washington DC

    7. American Society for Microbiology, San Francisco, CA, June 15th- -19th 2012

    8. American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting, International Engagement Workshop Dubai, March 28th - March 31, 2012 (Mentor & Facilitator).

    9. American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting, International Engagement Workshop Tunis, Oct 30th – Nov. 4th, 2011 (Mentor & Facilitator).

    10. FOCIS (Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies) meeting, Washington DC, 2011

    11. American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting, International Engagement Workshop Kuwait, March 13-17, 2011 (Chairperson of session)

    12. American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting, International Engagement Workshop Amman, Oct 3-6, 2010

    13. 24th EFI (European Federation of Immunogenetics) meeting, Florence, May 2010.

    14. 23rd EFI meeting, ULM, 2009

    15. American Society for Microbiology, Meetings of 1967-1972, 1990,1997, 1998, 1999, 2009

    16. FOCIS meeting, Boston, June 2008

    17. 22nd EFI meeting, Toulouse, France, April 2008

    18. 21th EFI meeting, Barcelona, Spain, May 2007.

    19. Member of a Ph.D. examining committee (headed by Prof. J. Hoffmann, President of the French Academy of Sciences), Strasbourg, France, Sept. 2007

    20. 20th EFI meeting, Oslo, Norway, June 2006

    21. 7th International Conference on New Trends in Immunosuppression and Immunotherapy, Berlin, Germany, Feb. 2006

    22. 19th EFI meeting, Istanbul, Turkey, April 2005.

    23. 12th International Congress of Immunology/4th Conference of FOCIS, Montreal, Canada, July 2004.

    24. EFI meeting, Sofia, Bulgaria, May 2004.

    25. The International HLA and Transplantation Conference, Los Angeles, Jan./Feb. 2004.

    26. 17th World Asthma Congress, St. Petersburg, Russia, July, 2003.

    27. FOCIS meeting, Paris, May, 2003.

    28. 17th EFI meeting, Baden-Baden, May, 2003.

    29. 7th Conference of the International Endotoxin Society, Washington DC, July, 2002.

    30. XIII IHWC (Congress of Histocompatibility & Immunogenetics), Seattle, May,2002.

    31. FOCIS meeting, Boston, May 2001

    32. Immunology in the New Millennium; Irvington Institute/Rockefeller University, NY, Oct. 2001.

    33. Basic Aspects of Vaccines, Bethesda, May 2001.

    34. 18th International Congress of the Transplantation Society, Rome, Aug. 2000

    35. International Endotoxin Society-6th Conference, Paris, Aug. 2000.

    36. American Association of Immunology/Clinical Immunology Society (AAI/CIS) joint Meetings Anaheim, CA, 1994. San Francisco, 1995. Denver May, 1993. New Orleans, 1996. Seattle WA., May 2000.

    37. Conference on Soluble MHC, Tolerance, Madison, WI., May 2000.

    38. Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology (FASEB) Meetings, 1967-1972, 1979, 1981, 1985, 1987, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1999.

    39. 3rd National Symposium; Basic Aspects of Vaccines, April 29-May1, Washington D.C., 1998.

    40. Annual meeting of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Rhodes, Hellas, June, 1997.

    41. Fourth International Congress on Endotoxins, Nagoya, Japan, Oct., 1996.

    42. 12th International Histocompatability Conference, June, 1996, Paris.

    43. International Congress of Immunology, Paris, 1980; Budapast, 1992; San Francisco, 1995.

    44. Third International Congress on Endotoxins, Helsenki, Finland, 1994.

    45. Second International Congress on Endotoxins, Vienna, Austria, 1992

    46. International Conference on Drug Delivery Systems, Salt Lake City, 1991.

    47. First International Congress on Endotoxins, San Diego, Ca., 1990.

    48. International Symposium on Endotoxins, Japan, 1988.

    49. 3eme Cours Europeen d'Histocompatibilite, Paris, 1981.

    50. Cellular Antigens, Philadelphia, Pa., 1972.

    51. Red Blood Cell Antigens, Washington, DC, 1971

  1. Regional including Lebanon

    1. Middle East and South Asia Conference on Epigenitics and Genomics of Infectious Diseases, March 7th-8th 2016, Amman, Jordan

    2. The ninth Arab Conference for Antimicrobial Agents, Nov. 15-17, Key Note speaker.

    3. Kidney Transplantation Course, May 5th and 6th, 2012, co-chairman of a session.

    4. Organization of the Infection and Immunity Symposium in association with the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), May 11th and 12th, 2011, Beirut Lebanon.

    5. The 4th International Conference of the Jordanian Society of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, April 14-16 2011, Amman, Jordan.

    6. American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting, Kuwait, March 2011.

    7. American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting, Amman, Oct. 2010.

    8. 13th International Scientific Conference of Alexandria Thoracic Association. Nov. 25-26, 2010, Alexandria, Egypt.

    9. Invited to give a presentation on panel reactive antibodies (PRA), Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, April 27, 2010

    10. Invited to give a presentation on Basic immune mechanisms of uveitis, XVIIIth Lebanese Opthalmological Society Congress, April 23rd-25th, 2010.

    11. Invited to give a presentation on TLR antagonists and agonists, Dept. of Dermatology, Jan 2010.

    12. Chairperson of a session, Arab Alliance for the Prudent Use of Antimicrobials, Nov.6th, 2009.

    13. Invited to give a presentation on the effects of antibiotics on the biological properties of LPS, Arab Alliance for the Prudent Use of Antimicrobials, Nov.6th, 2009.

    14. Invited to give a presentation on patented small molecules against psoriasis, 10th Annual Dermatology Update, Nov. 7th, 2009.

    15. Chairperson of session, JSP International Conference, Amman, Nov. 2008

    16. T and B Cell Development, Immune Response, Tolerance and Autoimmunity, Immunotherapy of some Rheumatic Diseases. Presented to the Rheumatology Division, Department of Internal Medicine, Jan. 9th, 2007 (3 one hour sessions).

    17. Monoclonal Antibodies; Their Preparation and Function/Structure Relationship. Presented to the Rheumatology Division, Department of Internal Medicine, Dec. 5th, 2006.

    18. The Second JSP International Conference, Amman, Jordan, Aug. 2006

    19. Co-chairman of session, Update in Nephrology (LSNH & ISN), Beirut, March 2005.

    20. Auto-Immune Diseases: Predisposing Factors, Triggering Factors and Pathogenesis, presented to Rheumatology Division, Department of Internal Medicine, Dec. 28th, 2004

    21. Anti-donor and anti-non-donor HLA antibodies in post-transplant sera of kidney allograft recipients. Presented in Update Nephrology Meeting of the Lebanese Society of Nephrology and Hypertension, March 2004.

    22. Member of Scientific Committee & Co-Chairperson of Session, The 1st Annual Congress on Transplantation and Organ Donation, Beirut/Tripoli, 2003.

    1. Workshop on Curriculum Development for Medical Education, Beirut, Nov. 2002

    1. DNA Vaccines, presented in the Lebanese Society of Infectious Diseases Conference, Oct. 2001, Beirut.

    2. Member, Scientific Committee, First Annual Middle East congress on Allergy/ Immunology, 2000-01.

    3. Co-Chairman, Session on Immune Tolerance in the 7th International Congress of MESOT, June 2000.

    4. West Nile and Rift Valley fever viruses. Presented in the Lebanese Society of Infectious Diseases Conference, Oct. 2000, Beirut.

    5. Co-Chairman, Application of Molecular Biology in Medicine, 35th MEMA, May 2000.

    6. Member Scientific Committee, 7th International Congress of MESOT, 2000.

    7. Soluble HLA molecules as immune regulators in transplantation, presented in the International Congress for MESOT, Beirut, 2000.

    8. Workshop on Assessment Methods and Clinical Teaching, Beirut, Oct. 2000.

    9. Lebanese Society for Infectious Diseases, Annual meeting, Beirut, Oct. 2000, Oct. 2001.

    10. Member, Scientific Committee, Seventh International Congress of the Middle East Society for Organ Transplantation, 1999 – 2000.

    11. 4th International Meeting on Molecular Epidemiology and Evolutionary Genetics of Infectious Diseases, Dakar, 1999.

    12. DNA vaccines, presented in The Second Annual Meeting of the Association of Colleges of Pharmacy in the Arab World, Oct. 18, 1998, Byblos.

    13. The immune response and graft rejection. Department of Surgery Grand Round, Oct. 5, 1998.

    14. Pfizer Conference on Bacterial Resistance, Cairo, Egypt, Jan., 1997.

    15. Chairman of Immunology session, The Eight Arab conference of Clinical Biology, Amman, 1997.

    16. Co-chairman of Tuberculosis session Egyptian Conference on Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis, Cairo, 1997.

    17. ENT Resident Basic Medical Science Conference, AUH, Immunology and Allergy, April 31,1997.

    18. The First Syrian Conference of Thoracic Medicine and Surgery, Damascus, Oct. 18, 1996.

    19. Identification of Allergens in patients with allergic asthma in Lebanon. Presented in

    20. Some Aspects of the Immune Response in Tuberculosis. Presented in The First Syrian Conference of Thoracic Medicine and Surgery, Damascus, Oct. 18, 1996.

    21. Serology cell protein profiles and PCR as tools in laboratory diagnosis and typing. Presented in the 5th Pharmacy Congress, Arab University, Beirut. July 25, 1996.

    22. HLA-an Overview, presented to Dept. of Laboratory Medicine, Feb.1996, Department of Internal Medicine, March 1996, Department of Surgery, March 1996, Department of Pediatrics, May 1996, AUBMC.

    23. NCSR Symposium: 1994, 1995,1996, Beirut.

    24. 5th Congress of Pharmacy, July 24 - 27, 1996, Beirut.

    25. First Lebanese Epidemiological Day., Oct. 21, 1995.

    26. Chairman of lst session, Human Genetics and Heriditary Diseases. NCSR-French Faculty. Sept. 3,1995, Beirut.

    27. Chairman of Immunology-Allergy Session, MEMA, 1995.

    28. Surgical Residents Lectures on Immunology, Dec. 7 & 8/1994, SB 101.

    29. Moderator; Genetic Medicine: the anti-sense. Hotel Bustan, Oct. 31/1994.

    30. Chairman of session. National Council for Scientific Research Symposium, June 28/1994.

    31. Chairman of session, conference on Disseminated Systemic Lupus Erythmatosus. Organized by the Lebanese Association of Rheumatologists June 25, 1994, Sin el Fil, Lebanon.

    32. Chairman of session, 12th meeting of LAAS, May 1994.

    33. Genetic Medicine: The Antisense; 1994, Beit Meri.

    34. Immune effectors in Skin Allograft rejection. Presented at KFMMC - Necker Education Program. Symposium on Surgical Application of Cell Biology Technics, Feb, 7-8, 1993. Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.

    35. Surgical Applications of Cell Biology Technics. KFMMC, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, 1993.

    36. Surgical Applications of Cell Biology Technics. KFMMC, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, 1993.

    37. Immunology of the eye, presented, at the AUMC, Allergy and Infections of the Eye Symposium, Dec. 12, 1992.

    38. Recent Advances in Immunotherapy, Presented at the Lebanese University (First Congress of Pharmacy), 1992.

    39. Immunology of AIDS, Presented at the BUC, Byblos, 1992.

    40. HLA, cytotoxic antibodies and kidney transplantation. Presented at Rizk Hospital, Beirut, 1991

    41. Immunology of Reproduction. Presented at the St. Georges Hospital, Beirut, 1991.

    42. Immunological aspects of kidney transplantation. Presented in the LIONS-sponsered conference in Byblos, 1990.

    43. Immunological aspects of AIDS, presented in the HNDS conference, 1990.

    44. Immunological causes of habitual abortions. Presented in the Rizk Hospital Conference, 1988.

    45. National AIDS Day, Participant, Dec. l, 1988, Beirut.

    46. Immune complex diseases as a consequence of infectious disease. Presented in The Lebanese Rheumatology Society Conference, L'Hotel Dieu de France, Beirut, 1988

    47. HLA-B5 and B12 in Behcets Syndrome. Presented in the Lebanese Rheumatology Society Conference, L'hotel Dieu de France, Beirut, 1987.

    48. HLA-B5 and B12 in Behcets Syndrome. Presented in the Lebanese Rheumatology Society Conference, L'hotel Dieu de France, Beirut, 1987.

    49. HLA-B5 and B12 in Behcets Syndrome. Presented in the Lebanese Rheumatology Society Conference, L'hotel Dieu de France, Beirut, 1987.

    50. HLA and immune mechanisms in graft rejection. Presented in the Second Medical Congress, Ehden, Lebanon, 1986.

    51. First International Symposium on SSPE, Beirut, 1983. Co-Chairman, Organizing Committee.

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