Dance-Video-Performance meatmechanics (1n0ut) Robert Praxmarer Reinhold Bidner

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Dance-Video-Performance MEATMechanics (1n0ut)

Robert Praxmarer

Reinhold Bidner

(watch DVD Video Works Meatmechanics)

MEATMechanics is a visual realtime dance performance and experimental video project about the relation of humans, their body and their destiny. In our time humans are reduced to be robots skinned with meat intended to function and work in a rhythmic flow to the benefit of capitalism and our society.

We are the biomass, we are the robots, but in the end we are fragile. This will be a visual trip which should remind us on what we are.

People generate their own bodies virtually in Massive Multiplayer Games (Second Life) or fix their physical bodies with cosmetic surgery what is left?

Do we loose our relation to ourselves and see us more and more as a machine, which if it not works gets replaced by a virtual avatar or where applicable gets a face lifting done?

The dance will be choreographed for one to two dancers. Same what counts for the choreography of the dance apllies to the realtime visual performance.

The music artists will be whether Polmo Polpo or JEŽÍŠ TÁHNE NA BERLÍN or Michal Marianek (Canadian artist and Czech artist) who have shown great interest in working with us.
How the performance works

Faces and other body parts of the dancers are textured with structures and graphics of meat and inner organs, and will be mapped to organic or humanoid 3d objects (legs, hands, chunks of meat etc.) and composite a visual experience in realtime. With the help of 3 camera live feeds I take imagery of the real dancers and realtime composite him/her with filmed structures of meat and separate his/her body limbs in realtime and compsite it in another topographic way and play with time and space (see Fig 1. and Fig 2). For example the hands of the femal dancer are where the feet of the male dancer used to be and all around and all in movement and realtime which will construct a new reality of dance it will be an important step in making Duchampian ideas work in a live context. The whole performance is a big mix up of real and virtual body, respectively body parts and real and virtual meat and blood. The dancer will dance with a virtual dancer which is controlled in realtime and they improvise to one another.

The real and the virtual will merge so perfectly in one another that it can hardly be distinguished; living eyes become gelatine balls moving in 3d zero gravity space. The face of the model will intertwine with a steak as naturally as one fluid is mixed with another one. These are just some examples, the possibilities are endless and as they are performed in realtime the outcome will vary from show to show.

And there is different scales of the performance, from without dancer (Hand silhouette improvisation choreography), to big dance show with 12 dancers. (See video of Paris for a small budget version, without dancer)

Fig. 1 Theodore Gericault’s limbs

Fig 2. Marcel Duchamp’s Nude Descending a Staircase No. 2
On the DVD and on the following screenshots you see a first prototype of the work Meatmechanics and the Dance Realtime Tracking Engine also developed by Robert Praxmarer called Lumen Engine.

Fig 2. Setup: The Projection will be somewhere else where the audience can see it, for the setup we just need a white background where someone can dance in front or infrared lights which is even better.

Realtime Camera Shape Tracking of Limbs and dancer to allow realtime separation of limbs

Other dance performance from Robert Praxmarer with same technology

The eyes of the dancer are filmed in realtime so they improvise to the music with blinking and moving their eyes, this images can then be mapped in their realtime body silhouette see above, the camera will be a wireless one mounted on scuba dive for maximal freedom of the dancers.

Separation of eyes and deformation in realtime and all mapped to shapes of the realtime body or hand see above

Prototypic visual impressions of the show

Other work samples and description of concepts
Package includes 1 DVDs

  • Showreel of first performed MeatMechanics Show in Karlin Studios Prague this is still an unfinished prototype vision and first artistic steps with this production, the thing will be far more developed with a real educated dancer (probably Baby-Q from Japan) and technology pushed to it’s limits

1n0ut (Robert Praxmarer, Reinhold Bidner)

Founded in 2004

1n0ut is an artist collective that works both collaboratively and individually on a variety of video and interactive art projects with a focus on generating synesthetic experiences. The artists mix analogue and digital processes in their work to achieve a perfect aesthetic blend which can be understood as a reflection upon all of our lives. Cross-disciplinary by nature, their approaches reach from a self programmed real-time video montage system based on Praxmarer’s ongoing PhD work to the charming photo stills and composed video works from Bidner. Both like to think in shades of grey - between black and white - which gives the audience an experience of fuzziness, fault and, despite algorithmic perfection, harmony.

Robert Praxmarer was born in Hallein in 1976, he soon was part of the Austrian « Hochbegabtenfoerderung » and continued his carreer after school in the direction of art and media, he was an artist at the reowned Ars Electronica Futurelab for 7 years and now he is a highly educated computer engineer and artist. Currently he teaches at Art University Linz at the institute of Interface Cultures. He is a guest lecturer at Trinity College Dublin, FH Hagenberg for Media Design and art school Aix en Provence. His research interests include interactive art, with a special focus on Interactive Video Manipulation, Realtime Performances, Computer Games and Software Art in general. He received various prizes and grants, including honorary mention from UNESCO Digital Arts Award. He exhibited internationally (ARCO Madrid, Ars Electronica, VIPER, Crossing Europe, Stuttgarter Filmwinter, Cynet Art, Microwave Media Festival, just to name a few). Currently he is an Artist in Residence of the “Les pepinieres pour les jeunes artistes” program of the European Union for the most promising talents in Europe at CIANT in Prague.

In 2006 he started his work on his PhD in digital performance and video art. His supervisior is Christa Sommerer a well known and established media artist and pioneer in this field.

Reinhold Bidner was born in Salzburg, Austria. He studied at the University of Applied Sciences & Technologies, Salzburg, (study program: MultiMediaArt.), at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, Scotland, Dundee (Animation and Electronic Media) and finished his Diploma Work at K.O.P.P.-Film, Berlin. He is Key Researcher at Ars Electronica Futurelab Linz (Austria) in the field of Time Based Media.
He received various prizes for his work, exhibited internationally and currently works on projects and ideas connected to his 6 month art residency at Palac Akropolis Prague (Czech Republic; "Les pepinieres pour les jeunes artistes” program).
CV ROBERT PRAXMARER born 02.09.1976 in Hallein Austria

2006 PhD candidate for philosophy and art

2001 Diploma Engineer for Computer Science University of Linz Austria
1995 - 2001 Computer Science at Johannes Kepler University of Linz Austria
1992 - 1995 Scholarship for gifted pupils Austria

Professional career

2006 Guest lecture at art school in Aix en Provence France

2005 -2006 Guest lecture at Trinity College Dublin and Polytechnical University for Media Design
2004 – 2006 Lecturer at the art university of Linz Interface Cultures
2002 - 2003 Civil Service (tutor for problem kids) at Soz.päd. Jugendwohnheim Wegscheid
1997 – 2004 Artist and Creator at Ars Electronica Futurelab

1997 Development of a measurement system for eye surgery

1996 Development of CBL systems (computer based learning)
1987 - 1990 Wrote several programs as a teenager for computer magazines and companies

Exhibitions, Filmfestivals, Performances

2006 upcoming VAD Festival Girona Spain

2006 Konzertvisualisierung eines Stuecks von Phillip Manoury, Brucknerorchester, Denis Russel Davis (Ars Electronica)

2006 upcoming Contemporary Mathematical Photography and New Media, New Image Gallery, USA

2006 FILE Sao Paulo Sesi Gallery

2006 Park in Progress Exhibition (Selection of the best European young artists) Paris

2006 Karlin Studios Prague Czech Republic

2006 LUX Sevilla Spain

2006 Crossing Europe Filmfestival Austria

2006 Fresh Spring VJ Storm, Palace Akropolic Prague

2006 Performance, Mala Scena Prague

2006 VIPER Basel Switzerland

2006 ARCO Madrid Art Fair Spain Austrian Showcase Digital Transit

2005 VideoMedeja Serbia

2005 FILE Festival Sao Paulo Brasil

2005 Re:Activism Budapest Hungary

2005 Microwave Festival Hong Kong China

2005 Piksel Bergen Norway

2005 Prog:me Festival Rio de Janeiro Brasil

2005 Interferenze Festival Italy

2005 Temp Records Festival

2005 VAD Festival Girona Spain

2005 Version Festival Invincible Desire Chicago USA

2005 Point of View - Art Show of DIGRA Vancouver Canada

2005 Entermultimediale 2 Prague Czech Republic

2005 Illegal Machines Artopos Center Greece

2005 Stuttgarter Film Winter Stuttgart, Germany

2004 cosign 2004 University of Split, Croatia

2004 Liquid Music Judenburg Austria

2004 Electrofringe Newcastle Australia

2004 New Forms Festival Vancouver Canada

2004 FILE GAMES Sao Paulo Brasil

2004 Machinista 2004 Best Works

2004 Schmiede Hallein Austria

2004 FocusOn Austria

2004 RebelArt Festival at "Club der polnischen Versager" Berlin

2004 "Galerie zur Moebelfabrik" Berlin

2003 MAD 03 Madrid Spain

2003 Orgasmatron at Ars Electronica Pixelspaces Exhibition Austria

2003 Ars Electronica Festival together with x-space

2003 Kulurhauptstadt Graz 2003 “Stadt, Land, Kunst together with x-space

2002 Baltic Art Center, Sweden

2001 CynetArt Festival Dresden

2001 NIC 2001 Nordic Interactive Conference


2006 Age of simulation Ars Electronica Austria

2005 Mensch & Computer Conference

2005 PLAYING WITH CODE Software Art Italy

2004 Cosign Conference Computational Semiotics in Media, Art and Games

2004 Electrofringe Panel Cause & Effect: The Human in the Interface

2004 New Forms Festival Artist Talk

2003 “D.A.T.A. 14” Dublin Art and Technology Association: My works and projects in the field of media, art and technology

2001 Ars Electronica Festival 2001 - PixelSpaces: Open Lab FutureLab Production Space

2001 Ars Electronica Festival 2001 - PixelSpaces: Applied Environments: CAVE Applications by the Ars Electronica FutureLab

2001 CynetArt Festival 2001 - Nukke: Religion, mysticism and cyberspace


2006 Honorary Mention at Crossing Europe Film Festival

2006 Nominee for best Audio/Visual realtime production at FMX Germany

2005 Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes Scholarship

2004 4th place at Memefest 04 Festival for radical communication

2003 Upcoming artist prize for experimental art from MAD 03 Madrid Spain (segundo encuentro internacional de arte experimental de madrid)

2003 Honorary mention from Digital Arts Award UNESCO "Digital Pluralism" - IAMAS Japan

1994 5th place in the national youth programming award of the Austrian computer society

1993 Participation in the Olympiad in Informatics, Mendoza Argentina

1993 Qualification for the international Olympiad in Informatics, Mendoza Argentina

1993 7th place in the national youth programming award of the Austrian computer society

Committee/Jury Member

2006 ACM SIGCHI International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology ACE

2005 MEDIAGALA FH Hagenberg

2005 ACM SIGCHI International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology ACE


  • Praxmarer, R., DiY SURVIVAL - There is no subculture only subversion. p. 91-95. C6. Lightning Source Ltd. UK. ISBN 0-9550664-9-2. 2005

  • Christopher Lindinger, Florian Berger, Horst Hörtner, Pascal Maresch, Reinhold Plösch, Gustav Pomberger, Robert Praxmarer, Wolfgang Ziegler. ARSBOX and Palmist - Technologies for Digital Mock-up Development in Immersive Virtual Environments. Proceedings of IASTED INternational Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications-EuroIMSA 2005, Grindelwald, February 21-23 2005, Switzerland

  • Praxmarer, R. Media Pop Art - Electronic Art as Satire on Everday's Life. CoSign Conference Proceedings 2004

  • Hörtner, H., Praxmarer R., Maresh, P., Naglhofer, C. Libro Vision - Gesture-Controlled Virtual Book. Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment. TIDSE Conference Proceedings, Darmstadt, Germany, 2004

  • Horst Hörner, Christopher Lindinger, Robert Praxmarer, and Andreas Riedler. ACM SIGGRAPH 2002, Emerging Technologies, page 64, 2002.

  • RebelArt – How to provoke today. ISBN: 3 – 9 80 94 07 – 0 – 5. Berlin Germany

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