Delaware Commission on Interstate Cooperation Minutes of the Meeting of January 27, 2015 1: 30 p m. Senate Majority Caucus Room

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Delaware Commission on Interstate Cooperation
Minutes of the Meeting of January 27, 2015

1:30 p.m.

Senate Majority Caucus Room
Member Attendees:

Gary B. Patterson, Chair

Sen. Patricia M. Blevins

Sen. David B. McBride

Sen. F. Gary Simpson

Rep. Peter C. Schwartzkopf

Rep. Valerie Longhurst

Rep. Daniel B. Short

Michael A. Barlow
Not Attending:

The Hon. Nancy Cook

Public Attendees:

Rep. Deborah Hudson

Rep. William J. Carson

Dave Saveikis, DNREC

John Clark, DNREC
A quorum being present, the meeting was called to order at 1:30 p.m. by Chairman Patterson.
Chairman Patterson moved that Mr. Barlow be appointed the Secretary of the Commission. Mr. Barlow seconded. Chairman Patterson’s motion was unanimously approved by the Commission by voice vote.
I. Appointment to the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission
Mr. Barlow reported on the current need for a legislative appointment to the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC). The ASMFC is an organization founded by interstate compact to regulate and advise on the use of fisheries on the Atlantic seaboard. Delaware is represented by three commissioners: (1) the Legislative Commissioner; (2) the Administrative Commissioner, Mr. David Saveikis, the Director of DNREC’s Division of Fish & Wildlife, and (3) a Commissioner appointed by the Governor, Mr. Roy Miller.
Mr. Barlow remarked that Dave Saveikis of DNREC was available to answer any questions about the work of the ASMFC.
Chairman Patterson pointed out that the role of Legislative Commissioner had been filled for some time by Sen. Robert Venables.
Mr. Barlow moved for the appointment of Rep. William J. Carson to serve as Legislative Commissioner of the ASMFC. Mr. Patterson seconded. The Commission unanimously approved the appointment by voice vote.
II. Election of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson
Chairman Patterson reported that he had served as Chairman of the Commission for some time, but that historically the House and Senate leadership had exchanged leadership roles as Chair and Vice Chair of the Commission. He opened the subject to discussion among the membership.
Sen. Blevins asked how often the Commission met, to which Chairman Patterson answered, at the call of the chair. Sen. Blevins asked historically what role the Commission had played, and Chairman Patterson addressed its role in addressing matters involving the Council of State Governments and the Eastern Regional meeting of the Council of State Governments. There was a discussion of how many funds were in the budget for the Council, and Chairman Patterson remarked that the Controller General’s office kept control of those funds.
After discussion, Chairman Patterson moved for the appointment of Rep. Peter C. Schwartzkopf as Chairperson and Sen. Patricia M. Blevins as Vice Chairperson. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously by voice vote.
III. Public Comment
Chairman Patterson asked if there was any public comment. There was none.
IV. Adjourn
Chairman Patterson moved to adjourn the meeting. His motion was seconded and unanimously approved by voice vote. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 1:45 p.m.
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