Georgia District of Kiwanis Board Meeting March 11, 2016 7: 00 P. M. Hampton Inn, Carrollton, Ga

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Georgia District of Kiwanis Board Meeting

March 11, 2016 7:00 P. M.

Hampton Inn, Carrollton, Ga

Governor Richard Dixon called the board meeting to order at 7:00 P. M.

In Attendance: Officers - Governor Richard Dixon; Governor Elect Carol Wisdom; Vice Governor Juanita Edwards; Immediate Past Governor Jimmy McCorlew and Alexia Lieber, Executive Director.

All Lt. Governors were in attendance.
Our invocation was led by Lt. Gov Cathy Miller and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Governor Elect, Carol Wisdom.
Vice Governor, Juanita Edwards introduced the following guest:

Brent Leslie, GA CKI Administrator and Callaway Convention Co-Chair

Neil Weathington, District PR and Marketing Chair

Charles Staples, District Inter-Club Chair and District Foundation Member

Katrina Baranko, Past District Governor and Formula Chairman

Darryl Gumz, District Key Leader Chair

Bob Lambertson, Past District Governor

Andy Pipkin, District Youth Protection Chair

Bill Lieber, Past International President and District Foundation Member

George Rhodes, District Historian Chair – Candidate for Vice Governor

Dewey Smith, International Trustee and Past District Governor

Debbie Brilling, District Chair – Auditory Verbal Center - Candidate for Vice Governor

Rhonda Vrell, KI Area Director

Dottie Gregg, District Training Chair

Pat Tritt, District Fundraising Chair, Past District Governor, GA District Foundation Chairman

Johnny Johnson, Kiwanis International Foundation and Past District Governor

Ellen Springer, District International Convention Chair

George Elkins, Past Lt. Governor, Division 17

APPROVAL OF BOARD MINUTES: Minutes had been distributed by email and copies were provided at the meeting. After review, Jerry Patrone made a motion for approval of the minutes, Rick Berry seconded the motion which was then approved.
FINANCIAL REPORT – The financial report had been distributed by email and copies were provided at the meeting. Alexia briefly reviewed the report. After review, Arnold Curtis made a motion for approval of the report, Jerry Patrone seconded the motion which was then approved.
REPORTS AND OTHER: Alexia advised she had given everyone a copy of the Cumulative Balance due report. She advised that she sends weekly reports but still gets calls for information that is being sent out. She reminded everyone to open the attachments to her emails. We have 13 clubs that have not paid their dues – the report is by Division and has “CSN” showing as the status. Lt. Governor’s should follow up immediately with these clubs. Also, if a Builders Club is no longer active, clubs must let KI know so they can be removed.
The Official Board Visit report is the next report due from Lt. Governors on April 15th. If all of your visits are not completed, send in what you have.
Alexia had also included a sheet of information about registration for the GA District Supper in Toronto. This needs to be shared with clubs to provide to their members making plans to attend convention.
She provided the District Criteria for 2015-16 Distinguished Clubs and Divisions. The Lt. Governors were also given an envelope with banner patches earned for last year. There are Distinguished President pens for Presidents of Distinguished Clubs. The banner patch will be coming out later from KI.
Also in their package was a District Projects Sheet which shows what clubs have paid toward the projects.
RECOGNITION OF DISTINGUISHED DIVISIONS 2014-15 – Past Governor Jimmy McCorlew reviewed that the criteria for Distinguished last year included the building of a new club. Clubs had to do 4 of the 5 criteria to be distinguished. For Divisions to be distinguished, they had to meet 2 of 3 criteria. He recognized Andy Pipkin from Division 18 and George Elkins from Division 17 as Distinguished Lt. Governors. He advised that seven divisions had net growth and they would be recognized during Saturday’s General Session at Mid-Winter Training.
RHONDA VRELL FROM KI - She provided a brief update from the club counselors’ event in January. She advised there was a lot of bragging on the GA District. We are almost 2 ½ years into the Formula program. Our district is # 4 in all of the Americas and is # 1 in the US in net growth. She provides monthly reports about growth and she shared a report on what we need to achieve each month. At this time 13% of our clubs are under charter strength, 37% of clubs are growing and 51% are either growing or maintaining. Of the top 50 clubs in the world, GA has the most clubs on this list. At the end of October 2016, she wants Governor Richard to be able to say “we made it”.
Div 18, Lee reported they had their rally which was a good success. Most clubs are up in membership.

Div 17, Byron reported his division had 105 attend their rally. The Tattnall County club was recognized by their Chamber as one of the top volunteer clubs in their county.

Div 16, Arnold advised their rally is completed. He expressed thanks to Nancy Dixon for her help. He reported the Airport club had sent a letter that they want to fold. At their Council Meetings, his division clubs want to see if they can help grow membership. The dues for this club have not been paid. Alexia advised him they need to get a good roster of members left in the club and maybe KI will accept the count and adjust the amount due.

Div 15, Bob reported they had approximately 200 attend their rally. They have a new Circle K to charter soon. At this time they have 16 planning to go to Toronto. The division is showing positive growth.

Div 14, Scott advised their rally is completed and had the best turnout they have seen in the last five years. He is doing his club board visits. On March 20th they are hosting the lst annual Family & Friends day with the Atlanta Gladiators – deadline for tickets is March 17th. The Doraville club is hosting an Arts Showcase on March 29th.

Div 13, Mary Joyce advised they have 12 new members in her division. They have a Circle K and a Key Club being organized. April 28th is their rally date and will be a fish fry.

Div 12, Dan reported he had been to all of his club board meetings except one to go. On the balance due report, he has been talking with club presidents of two of his clubs.

Div 11, Jamie advised their division rally is April 14th. The local Career Academy Culinary Arts Department will be preparing and serving our meal that night. The Division has a good turnout for the Mid-Winter Training.

Div 10, Ken advised the division rally is April lst. The division is even on membership. Blairsville and Blue Ridge clubs have fair events coming up.

Div 9, Kim advised they had their rally about a month ago with approximately 40 attending. They elected the next two Lt. Governors for their division

Div 8, Ross reported their rally was last night. He says membership is hanging tight, they are working on programs and good speakers. The Alpharetta/Johns Creek club plans to change its name to Johns Creek. They only have three members now but in about three weeks they are planning a kick off meeting with the Business Alliance Club. There is also a possibility of starting a satellite.

Div 7, Lauri Ann advised their rally was about a month ago. Several clubs have gained younger new members. Club Counselors are working to get clubs back to charter strength.

Div 6, Rick advised their rally is completed. They are holding their own on membership and several clubs have applications in process. A Key Club was chartered last night.

Div 5, Bill advised the Americus Club is starting an AKtion club. The division is plus 6 in membership. They have several clubs below charter strength. Their rally is the last one on the schedule on April 29th – which will include a train ride. This is just ahead of the Arts & Music Showcase on April 30th in Albany.

Div 4, Alan reported they had their rally on February lst (the rock shrimp was great by the way). They are plus 8 on membership. The Jesup club is to provide the next Lt. Governor.

Div 3, Cathy advised they are plus 5 on membership – they have one club in trouble and are going in with a counseling team next Tuesday. One K-Kids and one Builders Club have been chartered. Their rally was an SLP Showcase with 18 clubs participating with about 70 kids at the event. Many participated in the program and some received recognition awards.

Div 2, Jerry advised their rally was the first on the schedule with approximately 117 attending – 100% of their clubs participated. All clubs are working hard on membership – some are working on satellite clubs. They want to build one new club.

Div 1, Karen reported they are actually the last rally as they had to change their date to May 6th in Atlanta. They recently had a division wide interclub where Governor Elect, Carol Wisdom, presented the program on Youth Protection. Membership is up 10-12 overall. The Peachtree Club (which is their only breakfast club) is struggling with membership.

NEXT CONFERENCE CALL: Richard advised he will be sending out the date of the next call. Everyone agreed it has helped keep everyone informed of what is going on. Carol is considering continuing this conference call format next year.
MID WINTER CONFERENCE: March 12th at the University of West GA in Carrollton. Dan reported we have 340 registered for the training. He and Dottie have been working on this for a year. All of the events will be on one floor. Lunch will be in another building about 400 yards away. He has a shuttle service set up to help as needed. He will have an IT person on site to assist.
Dottie reported the training schedule had been sent out to all club Presidents and Secretaries. Evaluation forms will be in the training rooms, along with sign-in sheets.
ON TO TORONTO - Ellen provided everyone with a package of information. April 15th the early bird rate ends. The Westin is our District hotel. The airfare is approximately $369 on Delta. She has set up the Facebook page like last year. She reminded everyone about the District Dinner and to be sure to register. Jerry reminded everyone that the Lt. Governors contribute to the hospitality room. Cathy Miller will be the contact person about the schedule everyone will need to work for the room
DISTRICT CONVENTION REGISTRATION: Brent provided a handout about the Convention. We have a lot of people coming in on Thursday night. We have 150 rooms reserved with the excess to be at the hotel across the highway. About 60 of the rooms have booked so far. He briefly discussed the entertainment plans. The Ad Form for the Convention Program is available on the district website. Ad sales helps offset expenses. Deadline is June 19th for turning in ads.
The proceeds from the silent auction went to the Eliminate Project last year. Jerry made a motion that this year’s proceeds go to the Eliminate Project, Karen seconded the motion which was then approved.
The convention committee has been formed and is working on the 2017 convention which will be at the Waverly in Cobb County and 2018 convention will be at Jekyll Island.
RAFFLE FOR CONVENTION: Pat Tritt reported the tickets for the raffle will be mailed to club secretaries in May. The club selling the winning ticket will receive $1,000. Last year, the Foundation voted to match the profits from the Raffle to go to the Eliminate Project. They have voted to do the same again this year.
Pat also reported that during the Finance Committee meeting there was discussion about cost related to Charter Members of new clubs. Charter members pay $50 if the club is chartered from January – September which covers their dues for the balance of the year and the next year. Our District new member dues are prorated. Katrina helped explain about wanting to change the District dues structure to $30 to be handled the way KI handles Charter Member dues. A motion was made by Rick Berry to approve the Finance Committee proposal, Lee seconded the motion which was then approved.
When a new club is built, the District gets 20% of the dues. Pat advised there was discussion in the Finance Committee meeting that proposes we designate these funds to go into the Formula budget line rather than just to the District budget. Karen made a motion that we approve this proposal, seconded by Jerry and the motion was approved.
CIRCLE K – Brent Leslie provided a handout. The district convention is completed – it was held recently at Jekyll Island. The new District Governor is Drew Kelly, from West Georgia College. They have completed over 3,000 service hours.

He also advised that if clubs have not given to Tomorrow’s Leaders, these funds support Circle K and Key Clubs - Lt. Governors were reminded to encourage their clubs to donate – the $2 per member is split between Circle K and Key Club and is used to send their officers to convention.

Brent also advised that several clubs are not in good standing. We should talk to sponsoring clubs about passing on the traditions of the clubs.

Brent discussed a needed amendment to combine the positions of Secretary and Treasurer into one position. A motion was made by Jerry, seconded by Karen, the motion passed.

KEY LEADER - Darryl reported we are four weeks from today for the Key Leader weekend – April 8-10th, in Covington at the FFA Campus. The session is for 14-18 year old youth and the cost is $250 per student. There is $150 scholarship available – if the youth is a member of a Key Club or Builders Club, they get an additional $25 so they only have to pay $75 up front. He says clubs should consider giving this back if the student comes to their club and provides a report of the event. He has 14 registered at this time and needs 60. This represents nine schools in GA. He will be at next week’s Key Club Convention and will cover Key Leader with them. There is a coupon code to use at checkout – use GAKC to get $175 discount, or just GA for the $150 discount if not a Key Club member.

ELIMNATE PROJECT – Bob Lambertson provided a report in John Holley’s absence. He handed out a list showing contributions – if anyone has questions about Eliminate, they should plan to come to his session tomorrow. We have commitments for $110 million – with $54 million received in cash. The challenge is for us to help finish the game – ask clubs to make a commitment. The District goal is $3.8 million, we have $1.9 in pledges with $1.1 received.

OLD BUSINESS – Richard commented about the Trustee Board structure study received from the Past Lt. Governor Association. It has been reviewed and the decision is to not go forward with any action at this time.

NEW BUSINESS - Byron advised he wants clubs to check on the SLPs – they had one that has been operating for six years and had never been chartered. They should contact their clubs that have K-Kids and make sure the clubs are working with them.

On the Division rallies, Jerry reminded others to look at their Division agreement about the dollars spent and to get money from the clubs to offset cost.

Carol’s incoming Lt. Governor Training will be in May.

Carol and Juanita will provide a presentation on the I-Plan at the May board meeting. He wants the blessing of the Lt. Governors to support the plan, it does not require their vote.

The April conference call will be in mid-April – Richard will send out a notice.

May 14th is our next board meeting in Macon. On the 13th, we will go out as a group to the Back Burner Restaurant, the district will pay for our dinner; however, if your spouse attends, you must pay for their meal.

October 15th is GA Kiwanis Day at GA Tech – with GA Tech playing GA Southern.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Juanita Edwards, Vice Governor

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