Karen allen keene (Karen Allen/Karen Whitehead)

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(Karen Allen/Karen Whitehead)
Associate Professor of Mathematics Education

Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education

Campus Box 7801

North Carolina State University

Raleigh, NC 27695-7801

919-513-3374(work) 219-628-0894(cell)



B. S. Butler University 1975 Mathematics

M. A. Butler University 1978 Mathematics

Ph. D. Purdue University 2006 Mathematics Education

Major Advisors: Dr. Chris Rasmussen and Dr. Terry Wood

Dissertation: Students' Participation in a Differential Equations Class: Parametric Reasoning to Understand Systems

Professional Experience

University Teaching

2013- Associate Professor, Mathematics Education, Department of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC

2007- 2013 Assistant Professor, Mathematics Education, Department of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC

2005-2007 Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN

1998-2005 Mathematics Instructor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN

1998-1999 Adjunct Mathematics Instructor, Purdue University North Central, Westville, IN

1985-1990 Mathematics Instructor, Saint Mary's College, Notre Dame, IN

1984 Adjunct Mathematics Instructor, Indiana University South Bend, South Bend, IN

Research Associate

2004-2005 Project Manager, Knowledge for Algebra in Teaching, Division of Science and Mathematics, Michigan State University (Worked with Dr. Joan Ferrini-Mundy to manage an NSF funded project and in PROM/SE a large K-12 Professional Development project in Mathematics and Science)

Graduate Assistantships

2001-2003 Graduate Assistant at Purdue University Calumet- worked with Dr. Chris Rasmussen as part of his NSF Early Career project to study student learning in inquiry-oriented differential equations classes and other connected areas (dissertation work)

2000-2001 Graduate Assistant at Purdue University West Lafayette-worked with Dr. Richard Lesh in the Case Studies for Kids program to develop and implement model eliciting activities as a instructional and research tool (conducted a summer workshop for teachers, as well as spending time in classrooms of middle school teachers)

High School Teaching

1996-1998 Mathematics Teacher, Mississinewa High School, Gas City, Indiana

1994-1996 Mathematics Teacher, Indiana Academy for Science, Mathematics, and Humanities, Ball State University, Muncie, (A state funded gifted residential high school for grades 11-12)

Department Chairperson 1995-1996

1990- 1994 Mathematics Teacher, North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, Durham, NC (A nationally prominent state funded residential high school for talented high school students; grades 11-12)

1980-1984 Mathematics Teacher, Mishawaka Marian High School, Mishawaka, Indiana

1976-1980 Mathematics Teacher, North Central High School, Indianapolis, Indiana


Refereed Journal Publications

Keene, K., Hall, W., & Duca, A., (in press). Sequence limits in calculus: Using design research and building on intuition to support instruction. ZDM: International Journal for Mathematics Education.

Albert, J. L., Blanchard, M. R., Keene, K. A. & Kinton, J. H. (2014). The Great Iced Tea Debate. Science Scope.

Holstein, K. & Keene, K. (2014) The Complexities and challenges associated with the implementation of a STEM Curriculum. Teacher Education & Practice, 26. Lanham, MD: Rowfield and Littlefield Education.

Keene, K., Rasmussen, C., & Stephan, M. (2012), Gestures and a chain of signification: The case of equilibrium solutions, Mathematics Education Research Journal.

McCulloch, A., Kenney, R., & Keene, K. (2012). What to trust: Reconciling mathematical work done by hand with conflicting graphing calculator solutions. School Science and Mathematics.

McCulloch, A.W., Kenney, R.H. & Keene, K.A. (2012). My answers don’t match!: Using the graphing calculator to check. Mathematics Teacher, 105(6), 464 – 468.

Rasmussen, C., & Keene, K. (2010). Inquiry-oriented instruction in post-secondary mathematics, Newsletter of the Korean Mathematical Society, 129, 23-27.

Lambertus, A., Keene, K., & Coats, H. (2009), Wanted posters as a means for alternative assessment of number sense. Teaching Children Mathematics. Reston: NCTM. 260-265.

Keene, K.A. (2007) A Characterization of dynamic reasoning: Reasoning with time as parameter, Journal of Mathematical Behavior,26. 230-246.

Rasmussen, C., Kwon, O., Allen, K., Marrongelle, K. & Burtch, M. (2006). Capitalizing on advances in K-12 mathematics education in undergraduate mathematics: An Inquiry-oriented approach to differential equations. Asia Pacific Education Review, 7, 85-93.

Kwon, O. N., Rasmussen, C., & Allen, K. (2005). Students’ retention of knowledge and skills in differential equations. School Science and Mathematics, 105(5), 227-239.

Rasmussen, C., Stephan, M., & Allen, K. (2004). Classroom Mathematical Practices and Gesturing. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 23. 301-323.

Referred Book Chapters

Keene, K. & Rasmussen, C. (2013). Sometimes less is more: Examples of student-centered technology as boundary objects in differential equations. In S. Habre (Ed.). Dynamical mathematical software and visualization in the learning of mathematics. IGI Global: Hershey, PA.


Chelst, K., Edwards, T., Young, R., Keene, K., Norwood, K. & Pugalee, D. (2010) When will I ever use this? Making Decisions using Advanced Mathematics. Raleigh, NC: Lulu press.

Bartkovich, K., Goebel, J., Graves, J., Teague, D., Barrett, G., Compton, H., Doyle, D., Lutz, J., Robinson, J., & Whitehead, K. (1995) Contemporary Calculus Through Applications. Providence: Janson Publications.

Whitehead, K., (1994) Instructors Guide, Contemporary Precalculus through Applications, Providence: Janson Publications.
Other Publications

Chelst, K., Edwards, T., Young, R., Keene, K., Norwood, K. & Pugalee, D. (2010). When will I ever use this stuff? High school mathematics with a new MINDSET. MS/OR Today.

Chelst, K., Edwards, T., Young, R., Keene, K., & Royster, D., (2008) Can you imagine ...
500,000 prep proponents of O.R.? MS/OR Today.

Rasmussen, C. & Whitehead, K. (2003). Learning and teaching ordinary differential equations. In A. Selden & J. Selden (Eds.), MAA Online Research Sampler. (http://www.maa.org/t_and_l/sampler/rs_7.html)

Referred Conference Proceedings

Keene, K. & McNeil, C. (2014). Teaching Inquiry-based mathematics to in-service teachers: Results from the field. Proceedings of the 17th Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Annual Conference. Denver, CO.

Wagner, J & Keene, K. (2014). Exploring differences in teaching practice when two mathematics instructors enact the same lesson. Proceedings of the 17th Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Annual Conference. Denver. CO.

Holstein, K & Keene, K. (2013) A Characterization of teachers’ implementations of a mathematical decision-making curriculum. Proceedings of the 35rd Annual Conference of North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Chicago, IL.

Keene, K., Holstein, K., Dietz, R., Hall, W., & Wright, S. (2012) Teacher change and agency in a curriculum development project. Proceedings of the 34rd Annual Conference of North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Kalamazoo, MI.

Keene, K.A., Duca, A., & Hall, W.L. (2012) Using design research to develop an activity to introduce limit of a sequence: “Getting Back to Sesame Street”. Long Paper Proceedings of the 15th Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Annual Conference. Portland, OR.

Keene, K.A., Duca, A., & Hall, W.L. (2012). A Case of bridging communities: Mathematicians and preservice elementary teachers. Proceedings of the 15th Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Annual Conference. Portland, OR.

Norwood, K. S., Chelst, D. K., Edwards, T., Young, R., Keene, K., & Pugalee, D. (2012). “Mathematics Instruction Using Decision Science and Engineering Tools (MINDSET): A Multi-Step Problem Solving and Modeling Course for High School Students. “ Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education’ Seoul, Korea.

Holstein, K. A., Keene, K. A., & Dietz, R. C. R. (2011). The influence of teachers’ conceptions on their implementation of a mathematical decision-making curriculum. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Reno, NV.

McCulloch, M, Kenney, R. & Keene, K. (2011).Deciding What to Trust: Conflict Resolution When Checking With a Graphing Calculator. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Reno, NV.

Lineberry, C. & Keene, K. (2011) Using dynamic geometry to develop students’ conceptual understanding of angle. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Reno, NV.

McCulloch, M. & Keene, K, (2011). Technology tools in high school mathematics: Promotion, perceptions and use. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Reno, NV.

Keene, K. A., Dietz, R. C. R., Holstein, K. A., & Craig, A. (2011). Mathematics instruction using decision science and engineering tools. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Frontiers in Education Conference, Rapid City, SD.

Keene, K.A., Glass, M. & Kim, J.H. (2011). Identifying and Assessing Relational Understanding in Ordinary Differential Equations. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Frontiers in Education Conference, Rapid City, SD.

Keene, K. A., Dietz, R. C. R., & Holstein, K. A. (2011). STEM Teachers and Curriculum Writing: A New and Successful Kind of Professional Development American Educational Research Association Proceedings. New Orleans, LA.

Keene, K. Lee, T.L., & Lee, H. (2011) Linking instructor moves to classroom discourse and student learning in differential equations classrooms. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Portland, OR.

Holstein, K., Dietz, R., & Keene, K. (2010). The implementation of a decision making curriculum. Proceedings of the 32nd Psychology of Mathematics Education- North America Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Keene, K. & Lambertus, A. (2009). Frameworks for studying mathematics communities that support and retain women doctoral candidates. Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of Psychology of Mathematics Education-North America, Atlanta, GA.

Lee, H. S., Keene, K. A., Lee, J. T., Holstein, K., Early, M.E., Eley, P. (2009). Pedagogical content moves in an inquiry-oriented differential equations class: Purposeful decisions to further mathematical discourse. Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education conference, Raleigh, NC.

Keene, K. A., Lee, J. T., Lee, H. S., Early, M.E., Eley, P. Holstein, K. (2009). An investigation of one instructor’s mathematical knowledge of teaching: Developing a preliminary framework. Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education conference, Raleigh, NC.

Keene, K.A. (2008), Ways of reasoning: Two case studies in an inquiry oriented differential equations classroom. In Proceedings of the Psychology of Mathematics Education Annual Conference. Mexico: Morelia.

Glass, M., Kim, J., Allen, K., & Cousins-Cooper, K. (2008). Towards wooz-2: Supporting tutorial dialogue for conceptual understanding of differential equations. Proceedings of the 18th Midwest Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference. Chicago, IL.

Keene, K. (2008) Undergraduate mathematics tutoring: Concepts or procedures? Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education conference, San Diego, CA.

Allen K. (2006). Reasoning with time as parameter in differential equations. Proceedings of the 9th Annual Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education Annual Conference, Piscataway, NJ.

Allen, K. (2004). Using parametric reasoning to understand solutions to systems of differential equations. Proceedings of the Korean Mathematics Education Society, Korea: Seoul.

Whitehead, K. & Rasmussen, C. (2003) Undergraduate students’ mental operations in systems of differential equations. In Dawson, S., (Ed.), Proceedings of the 27th International Conference for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Honolulu, HI.

Whitehead, K. & Dost, K. (2002) “All I want to say about a function, I can’t about these three points…”: Student conceptions of function when beginning differential equations. In Mewborn, D.S., Sztajn, P. White, D.Y., Wiegel, H.G., Bryant, R.l., & Nooney, K.(Eds.), Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter for the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Columbus, OH.

Referred Presentations


Keene, K. & McNeil, C. (February, 2014). Teaching Inquiry-based mathematics to in-service teachers: Results from the field. Proceedings of the 17th Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Annual Conference. Denver, CO.

Wagner, J & Keene, K. (February, 2014). Exploring differences in teaching practice when two mathematics instructors enact the same lesson. Proceedings of the 17th Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Annual Conference. Denver. CO.

Holstein, K & Keene, K. (November, 2013) A Characterization of teachers’ implementations of a mathematical decision-making curriculum. Proceedings of the 35rd Annual Conference of North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Chicago, IL.

Keene, K & Norwood, K. (April, 2013). A new tool to assess problem solving abilities: Results from a new fourth year mathematics course. Paper presented at the 2013 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Presession. Denver, CO.

Keene, K., Holstein, K., Dietz, R., Hall, W., & Wright, S. (November, 2012) Teacher change and agency in a curriculum development project. 33rd Annual Conference of North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Reno, NV.

Keene, K.A., Duca, A., & Hall, W.L. (February, 2012). A Case of bridging communities: Mathematicians and preservice elementary teachers. 15th Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Annual Conference, Portland, OR.

Holstein, K. A., Keene, K. A., & Dietz, R. C. R. (October, 2011). The influence of teachers’ conceptions on their implementation of a mathematical decision-making curriculum. 33rd Annual Conference of North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Reno, NV.

Holstein, K., Keene, K. & Dietz, R. (October, 2011). The Influence of teachers’ conceptions on their implementation of a mathematical decision-making curriculum. 33rd Annual Psychology of Mathematics Education, North America conference, Reno, NV.

Lineberry, C. & Keene, K. (October, 2011) Using dynamic geometry to develop students’ conceptual understanding of angle. 33rd Annual Conference of North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Reno, NV.

McCulloch, M, Kenney, R. & Keene, K. (October, 2011).Deciding what to trust: Conflict resolution when checking with a graphing calculator. 33rd Annual Conference of North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Reno, NV.

Keene, K. A., Dietz, R. C. R., Holstein, K. A., & Craig, A. (October, 2011). Mathematics instruction using decision science and engineering tools. 41st Annual Frontiers in Education Conference, Rapid City, SD.

Keene, K.A., Glass, M. & Kim, J.H. (October, 2011). Identifying and Assessing Relational Understanding in Ordinary Differential Equations. 41st Annual Frontiers in Education Conference, Rapid City, SD.

Keene, K. A., Dietz, R. C. R., & Holstein, K. A. (April, 2011). STEM Teachers and Curriculum Writing: A New and successful kind of professional development. American Educational Research Association. New Orleans, LA.

Keene, K. Lee, T.L., & Lee, H. (February, 2011) Linking instructor moves to classroom discourse and student learning in differential equations classrooms. 14th Annual Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education Conference, Portland, OR.

Holstein, K. A., Dietz, R. C. R., & Keene, K. A. (October, 2010). The implementation of a decision-making curriculum. 32nd Annual Conference of North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Columbus, OH.

Keene, K. A., Dietz, R. C. R., Holstein, K. A., & Scott, W. (April, 2010). Analyzing the author-classroom teacher partnership in curriculum writing. National Council for Teachers of Mathematics Conference, San Diego, CA.

Holstein, K., Dietz, R., & Keene, K. (October, 2010). The implementation of a decision making curriculum. 31st Psychology of Mathematics Education- North America Conference. Atlanta, GA.

Keene, K., Dietz, R., Holstein, K., Scott, W. (April, 2010). Analyzing the author classroom teacher partnership in curriculum writing. Research Pre-session of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, San Diego, CA.

Keene, K. & Lambertus, A. (September, 2009). Frameworks for studying mathematics communities that support and retain women doctoral candidates. Psychology of Mathematics Education North America conference, Atlanta, GA.

Lee, H. S., Keene, K. A., Lee, J. T., Holstein, K., Early, M.E., Eley, P. (February, 2009). Pedagogical content moves in an inquiry-oriented differential equations class: Purposeful decisions to further mathematical discourse. 12th Annual Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education Conference, Raleigh, NC.

Keene, K. A., Lee, J. T., Lee, H. S., Early, M.E., Eley, P. Holstein, K., (February, 2009). An investigation of one instructor’s mathematical knowledge for teaching: Developing a preliminary framework. 12th Annual Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education Conference, Raleigh, NC.

Keene, K.A. (July, 2008), Ways of reasoning: Two case studies in an inquiry oriented differential equations classroom. Psychology of Mathematics Education Annual Conference, Mexico: Morelia.

Rasmussen, C., & Allen, K.A. (April, 2008) Gestures and a chain of signification: The Case of equilibrium solutions. Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association, San Francisco, CA.

Keene, K.A. (February, 2008). Undergraduate mathematics tutoring: Concepts or procedures? 11th Annual Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.

Keene, K.A., (July 2007). Intelligent tutoring systems and differential equations. Presentation at the International Conference on Teaching and Modeling Applications (ICTMA-13), Bloomington, IN.

Allen, K (February 2007). Participation in an undergraduate mathematics class: Advancing mathematical activity. Presented at the Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.

Allen, K. (April, 2006) Using parametric reasoning to understand solutions to systems of differential equations. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association, San Francisco, CA.

Allen, K. (February 2006). Reasoning with time as parameter in differential equations. Presented at the 9th Annual Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education Annual Conference, Piscataway, NJ.

Rasmussen, C., Stephan, M., & Allen, K. (April, 2005). The form and function of gestures: The case of equilibrium solutions. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada.

Allen, K. (August 2004). How students use parametric reasoning to know solutions to systems of differential equations. Research presentation: Korea Society of Mathematical Education, Seoul, South Korea.

Allen, K. & Rasmussen, C. (October, 2003) Undergraduate students’ mental operations in systems of differential equations. Research presentation at the Eighth Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Phoenix, AZ.

Rasmussen, C., Stephan, M., & Whitehead, K. (April, 2003). Classroom mathematical practices and gesturing. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.

Whitehead, K. (February, 2003) “All I want to say about a function, I can’t about these three points…”: Student conceptions of function when beginning differential equations. Poster Presented at the Mathematics Education and Mathematics in the Twenty-first Century: The Roles of Outreach, Teacher Preparation, and Research on Teaching and Learning in a Research I Mathematics Department Conference, Tucson, AZ.

Rasmussen, C., & Whitehead, K. (2002, July). Knowing solutions with rate in differential equations. Research Presentation at the Seventh Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Burlington, VT.

Whitehead, K. (April, 1994). The Midge problem. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference. Indianapolis, IN.


Whitehead, K. (April, 1996). National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference. South Bend, IN.

Invited Presentations and Panels


Keene, K. (February, 2014). MPWR Seminar (Empowering Women in Research in Undergraduate Mathematics).

Keene, K. (March, 2012). MINDSET, an innovative fourth year mathematics course. Webinar at mathfutures.org.


Keene, K., Dietz, R. & Holstein, K. (April, 2012). A New fourth year STEM Course: Advanced mathematics using technology and engineering models. Scaling STEM: Transforming Education Matters. Raleigh, NC.

Young, R. & Keene, K. (July, 2009). Using CPM in high school mathematics. Integrated Mathematics Institute. North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, Durham, NC.

Keene, K. (July, 2009). How can the Friday Institute help in moving to Integrated High School Mathematics. Seminar for Teachers, Asheville, NC.

Keene, K. (January, 2009) Location problems from operations research. Teaching Contemporary Mathematics Conference, North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics; Durham, NC.

Allen, K. (October, 2005). Parametric reasoning in a university inquiry oriented classroom. Improvement of Mathematics Teaching 24th Annual Conference: Celebrating the Work of Erna Yackel, Hammond, IN.

Whitehead, K. (October, 2002). Knowing solutions with rate in differential equations. Invited Research Presentation at Mathematics Association of America, Indiana Section, Fall Conference. Gary, IN.

Non-refereed Presentations (most recent)

Keene, K. , Duca, A., & Hall, W.(January 2012). Calculus for elementary teachers: An Innovative context. Joint Meetings of the Mathematical Assocaition of America and American Mathematical Society, Boston, MA.

Keene, K. (January 2011). MINDSET: Mathematics instruction using decision science and engineering tools. Joint Meetings of the Mathematical Association of America and the American Mathematical Society, New Orleans, LA.

Keene, K. (January 2011). Calculus for elementary teachers: An Innovative context. Joint Meetings of the Mathematical Association of America and the American Mathematical Society, New Orleans, LA.

Keene, K. (March, 2009). Teaching inquiry oriented differential equations. Southeastern Regional Section of Mathematics Association of America, Elon, NC.

Keene, K. & Young, R. (February, 2009). Give students a new MINDSET: Operations research mathematics for high school students. Brown bag presentation, Friday Institute for Educational Innovation, Raleigh, NC.


Externally funded

TIMES: Teaching Inquiry Mathematics: External Supports: Submitted to National Science Foundations. 2014-2016, $1,600,000.

CELTIC: Calculus for Elementary Teachers: An Innovative Context. National Science Foundation, Principal Investigator, K. Keene. 2010-2013. ($197,000)

CCLI grant awarded to develop a course that will provide a deeper understanding of mathematics for future elementary mathematics teachers.

Core Grant for MINDSET. 2012-2013. Oak Foundation. Principal Investigator, K. Keene. ($250,000)

Continue dissemination of MINDSET materials (see below).

Mathematics Instruction using Decision Science and Engineering Tools. National Science Foundation, co-Principal Investigator, K. Keene with Robert Young (PI), Ken Chelst (co-PI), Tom Edwards (co-PI), and David Pugalee (co-PI). 2007-2013. ($3,000,000)

DRK-12 grant funded this innovative project to develop a fourth year high school mathematics course for students not taking precalculus or calculus. A full year draft of material has been developed and approximately 250 teachers have been trained around the country to teach the materials. Departments of Instruction in North Carolina and Georgia have adopted the course.

Tutoring to Apply Conceptual Understanding of Ordinary Differential Equations: Analysis for Cognitive and Computable Patterns. National Science Foundation, co-Principal Investigator, K. Keene with Michael Glass, PI, Valparaiso University.. 2007-2011. ($214,000)

REESE grant to develop an assessment of conceptual understanding for procedures in differential equations and an online tutoring system.

Study Abroad. National Science Foundation. East Asia and Pacific Summer Institute for U.S. Graduate Students, Principal Investigator, K. Keene. 2004. ($10,000)

Mathematics in Business and Industry, Professional Development for Middle School and High School Mathematics Teachers, Eisenhower Program through Indiana Higher Education Commission: continuation 2000-2001, Principal Investigator, K. Keene. ($39,816)

Mathematics in Business and Industry, Professional Development for Middle School and High School Mathematics Teachers, Eisenhower Program through Indiana Higher Education Commission: 1999-2000. Principal Investigator, K. Keene. ($70,230)

Woodrow Wilson Summer Program, Geometry for Middle School Teachers, Eisenhower Program through North Carolina Department of Education. 1993. Principal Investigator, K. Keene. ($30,000)

Internally funded

Teaching Inquiry-Oriented Differential Equations: Learning Mathematics in a Special Science Based- Learning Environment. 2012-2013: Faculty Research and Development Grant, North Carolina State University. Principal Investigator, K. Keene. ($7000)

Research Grant to study how practicing teachers’ participation in an inquiry-based upper level mathematics course based in modeling science context with differential equations can affect their conceptions of mathematics and teaching of mathematics.

MEDIAN: A Diversity Grant to encourage underrepresented students. 2011-2012. North Carolina State University. Co-Principal Investigator with Allison Mitchall (PI), Eileen Williams, & Allison McCulloch. ($4,000)

Valparaiso University Alumni Association Faculty Development Grant, Principal Investigator, K. Keene 2003-2004. ($2,200)

Work with Students

Graduate Students (and Mentoring)

* for joint publications

+for joint research projects/studies

Doctoral Chair

Amanda Lamburtus* (Dissertation Defense Passed 2010)

Krista Holstein*+ (Dissertation Defense Passed 2012)

Carrie Lineberry*+

William Hall*+

Richelle Dietz*+

Megan Ryals*

Celethia McNeil*

Emily Thrasher+

Douglas McBroom

Doctoral Committee Member

Tyrone Washington (PhD 2012)

Zeynep Yurtseven+ (Educational Technology) (PhD 2012)

Ryan Smith (Dissertation Defense Passed 2010)

H. Tyler Pulis

Nadia Monrose

Lara Dick+

Christine Taylor

John Pritchett

Drew Corley (PhD, 2013)

Marggie Toledo-Gonzales

Kayla Chandler

Marcus Green

Tracy White

Derek Williams

Master’s Thesis Chair

Morgan Early*+ (Thesis Defense Passed 2010)

Lindsay Holland (Thesis Defense Passed 2009)

Joshua Griffin (Thesis Defense Passed 2014)

Asli Murfi

Master’s non-Thesis Chair

Michael Hoyes

Linda Wilson

Tiffany Jenkins

Undergraduate Advisor

Approximately 60 secondary mathematics education students during the last 7 years

Professional Service

National level

Program Coordinator, Special Interest Group of the MAA, Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, 2014-2016

Participant, Mathematics Teacher Education Project with NCSU Mathematics Education program, 2012-2014.

Conference Committee Member, Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, 2008- Present

Editorial Advisory Board, Community of Ordinary Differential Equations Educators, 2008-2012

Conference Organizing Chair, Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, 2009 and 2010 Conference

NSF Review Panelist, REESE program, January, 2008

Reviewer, International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, North American Chapter. 2003-2011

Reviewer, American Education Research Association Annual Conference, 2008-2010

Reviewer, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 2010, 2011, 2012

Reviewer, Mathematical Teaching and Learning, 2010, 2011, 2012

Reviewer, Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 2008, 2009, 2011

State/Regional levels

President, North Carolina Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, 2014

NC Development NTE Elementary Mathematics PD materials, 2014

NC Ready for Success Alignment Team, NC University, NC Community College, NC K-12, 2013-2015

Writing Team, North Carolina Essential Mathematics Standards, 2009

External Evaluator, Making Algebra Realistic Knowledge (MARK), Purdue University Calumet, 2007-2009

Collegiate Representative, State Board of Directors, Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2003-2007

Unversity/College levels

Committee on Undergraduate Education 2011-2014

Faculty Chair, College of Educaiton, 2012-2013

College Curriculum Committee 2013-2015

Harrelson Committee 2009-2012

Other ad hoc committees 2007-2013

Teacher Development Leadership Roles

Organizer, Developer, Teacher, MINDSET: Mathematics Instruction using Decision Science and Engineering Tools, Summers, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 (2 weeks each summer) and ongoing in school year.

Facilitator, STEMTEAMS summer professional development, 2010 (3 days), 2011 (2 days), 2012 (4 days).

Organizer and Teacher. Deepening Middle School Teachers Understanding of Algebra, Purdue University Calumet, 2005, 2006 (4 weeks each summer).

Curriculum Development and Instructor, Promoting rigorous outcomes in K-12 mathematics and science education (PROM/SE). Michigan State University, 2005, 2006, 2007.

Instructor, Various Science and Mathematics workshops Valparaiso University, 2003, 2004.

Developer and Lead Instructor, Building Science and Mathematics Connections through Technology at Valparaiso University: Professional Development Program for Middle School and High School Mathematics and Science Teachers, 2002,2003,2004.

Project Director, Mathematics in Business and Industry at Valparaiso University: Professional Development Program for Middle School and High School Mathematics Teachers, 1999, 2000, 2001.

Workshop Organizer and Teacher, Advanced Placement Calculus for Duke University, 1994.

Workshop Organizer and Teacher, Mathematica in High School Mathematics, Wawasee High School, 1995.

Executive Director, Durham Mathematics Council, 1991-1993.. Administered a long running program to improve mathematics education in Durham, North Carolina. I developed short term and long term professional development programs for teacher, wrote grant proposals, and administered grants for this purpose.

Other Selected Teacher Workshops and Presentations

Whitehead, K. (November, 2003). Presenter, Grade K-5 Teachers, Workshop on Problem Solving, Northview Elementary School, Valparaiso, IN.

Whitehead, K. (October 2002). Facilitator, Grade 3-5 teachers: Twenty-Second Annual Conference for the Improvement of Mathematics Teaching, Purdue University Calumet: Using Problem Solving in the Teaching of Mathematics. Hammond, IN.

Workshop Presenter, Teaching Contemporary Mathematics, North Carolina School for Science and Mathematics, Summers 1993, 1994, 1995, February 1992, 1993 Examples: Using Graphing Calculators in Calculus and Precalculus, Iteration in Calculus and Precalculus, Using MathCAD in Calculus.

University Teaching Experience

Mathematics Education (North Carolina State University courses unless otherwise noted)

Graduate Mathematics Education

Using Technology in Mathematics Teaching (2007, 20 students; 2010, 15 students )

Advanced Mathematical Thinking in Mathematics Education (2009, 15 students; 2011, 10 students)

Curriculum and Evaluation in Mathematics Education (2012, 12 students)

Undergraduate Mathematics Education

Teaching Topics of High School Math (2007, 30 students; 2008, 20 students;, 2010, 15 students; 2011, 10 students; 2012, 15 students)

Student Teacher Supervision (2009, 6 students; 2010, 5 students)

Mathematics Methods for Secondary Mathematics Teachers (at Valparaiso University , 20 students in two semester)

Advanced Topics in High School Mathematics (2013, 15 students, 20 students)

Undergraduate Mathematics Courses (1992-2013)

Calculus for Elementary Teachers (North Carolina State University)

Differential Equations (North Carolina State University, as a master’s teacher course; Valparaiso University)

Developmental Mathematics (Purdue University, North Central; Indiana University, South Bend)

Precalculus (Purdue University, North Central; Valparaiso University)

Quantitative Problem Solving (Valparaiso University)

Mathematics for Elementary Teachers (Valparaiso University)

Finite Mathematics (Valparaiso University)

Calculus I (Valparaiso University)

Calculus II (Valparaiso University)

Intuitive (Business) Calculus (St. Mary’s College)

Multivariable Calculus (North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics)

Elementary Statistics (St. Mary’s College)

Linear Algebra (Indiana School for Science, Mathematics and Humanities)

Undergraduate Mathematics Research (Valparaiso University)

Undergraduate Mathematics Colloquium (Valparaiso University)

Number Theory (Valparaiso University)

Professional and Academic Association Memberships

American Educational Research Association (AERA) and the AERA Special Interest Group for Research in Mathematics Education

Mathematical Association of America (MAA) and the Special Interest Group of the MAA on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)

North American Chapter of the International group for the Psychology of MathematicsEducation (PMENA)

Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE)

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