Recruit at least 2 assistants
You need help. Use your DE, District Financial Chair, successful unit Kernels, etc.
Assistant Kernel: Succession, back-up, general assistance.
Distribution Captain: organizer for Show-N-Sell and Take-Order pickup at the warehouse
Attend Manpower Seminar, May 20
You and your assistants should attend.
Free dinner, fun and prizes!
Encourage Units to Register Those who do so by May 8 will be entered to win prizes.
June - July
Continue to contact units to Register Call, email, etc. 100% by Jun 30?
Packet Stuffing, July 16-18
Encourage your units to send 1 person to help on one of those nights at the VSC. Dinner provided.
New Kernel Training: Note new unit kernels, encourage to attend New Kernel Seminar
Attend your Service Area Kickoff
New Kernel Training If you can, attend one so you know what they know, offer input, etc. Aug 3, 10 or webinar on 15
Attend 1 or 2 Unit Kick-offs if possible To remind you of the pros of the event, gives you ideas, offers unit encouragement, etc.
Finalize unit’s Show-N-Sell Orders in the Trails End System. Look for units who may have ordered by bag quantity instead of by box.
Show-N-Sell Distribution Planning
Visit Destitution Facility and meet with facility manager beforehand. Discuss issues or changes from last year
Plan (sorting, arrival time, logistics, etc.) and advertise day’s events with units.
Distribute Show-N-Sell Popcorn,September 14
Over / Under System: Plan and discuss inter-unit trading for those with too little or too much product. If creating a Google Doc, email link to your units.
Units to enter Take Orders, by October 16
Encourage them to enter on time.
Finalize Unit’s Take Orders in the Trails End System. Look for units who may have ordered by bag quantity instead of by box.
Take Order Distribution Planning
Visit Destitution Facility and meet with facility manager beforehand. Discuss issues or changes from last year
Plan (sorting, arrival time, logistics, etc.) and advertise day’s events with units.