Deltona High School English Department

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Deltona High School English Department

English III Advanced Placement English Language and Composition

Course Syllabus 2016-2017

Teacher: Mrs. Tamarah Jones Email:

Course Description: This course will enable students to write effectively and confidently in their college courses across the curriculum and in their professional and personal lives. This course will teach students to read primary and secondary source material carefully, to synthesize material from these texts in their own compositions, and to cite source material using recommended conventions. Thus, AP Language and Composition will enable students to read complex texts with understanding and to write prose of sufficient richness and complexity to communicate effectively with mature readers. Students who successfully pass the AP exam may earn college credit.

Course Overview: Some dates and selections may be subject to revision.

Course Overview



Selections/Text Pages/Assignments

1st Nine Weeks

The Art of AP Language

Students will focus on the rhetorical triangle (ethos, pathos, logos), rhetorical texts (visual, written, auditory), and rhetorical devices from sample AP tests, selections from Readings for Writers, and The Language of Composition.

1st Nine Weeks

The Perception of Sin

Students will read and analyze The Crucible and The Scarlet Letter and various selections from Puritan era in collaboration with historical and allegorical material related to McCarthyism and the 1950’s.

1st Nine Weeks

America’s Voice

Students will read and analyze selections from four prominent American writers: Franklin, Emerson, Thoreau, and Paine. Students will focus on in-depth analysis of tone and voice in conjunction with civil disobedience found in the readings.

1st Nine Weeks

Writing: Rhetorical Analysis

Students will develop knowledge of the necessary components for analytical writing (rhetorical context, audience, purpose, message, rhetorical devices, tone, voice) culminating in writing AP analytical essays on a variety of topics.

2nd Nine Weeks


Students will read and analyze selections with a focus on social injustice and civil rights: Douglass, Hansberry, Hughes, King, McBride, and Fugard. Students will synthesize the historical context and the relevant context of today of each selection in conjunction with other pieces gleaned from group research.

2nd Nine Weeks

Human Dignity

Students will read and analyze selections from Hemingway and Fitzgerald (The Great Gatsby, The Grapes of Wrath) with a focus on the topical issues of agrarianism, greed, the roaring 20’s, The Depression, materialism, and The American Dream and synthesize their importance as found in contemporary issues.

2nd Nine Weeks

Writing: Argument

Students will develop knowledge of the necessary components for argumentative writing (Rogerian Argument, Toulmin Argument, Classical Argument) culminating in writing AP argument essays on a variety of topics.

3rd Nine Weeks

The Perils of Indifference

The students will read and analyze selections from Rosenthal, Vreeland, Wiesel, and various articles on atrocities of the Holocaust and other world atrocities with a focus on the impact of such events on the contemporary world.

3rd Nine Weeks

Spiritual Journey of the Female

The students will read and analyze selections from Chopin, Hurston, Angelou, Brady, and other historical and contemporary women writers with the intent purpose of evaluating and investigating how the roles of women have evolved.

3rd Nine Weeks

Writing: Synthesis

Students will develop knowledge of the necessary components for synthesis writing (rhetorical techniques, a focus of visual and written text, analysis of differing sides of issues) culminating in writing AP synthesis essays on a variety of topics.

4th Nine Weeks

The Individual’s Voice

Students will read and analyze speeches from a variety of historical and contemporary speakers with a focus on the speaker’s purpose, audience, and message along with rhetorical elements used in the speeches. Students will compare and contrast speeches and write and deliver an original speech following the analysis of formal speeches read and analyzed in class.

4th Nine Weeks


Students will complete the process of gathering information from multiple types of sources, writing correct source cards and note cards.

4th Nine Weeks

Writing: Research Paper

Students will integrate selected researched information into an 8-10 page paper with a works cited page using MLA format.

4th Nine Weeks

Oral Presentation

Students will present their researched information in an organized, formal manner, using an effective visual display of information and/or data.

1st-4th Nine Weeks


The students will successfully implement college prep/SAT vocabulary.

1st-4th Nine Weeks

Journal Reading and Response

Students will read, analyze, and respond to non-fiction selections from the AP Language and Composition suggested reading list that includes representative authors and texts from pre-twentieth century and twentieth century to present

1st-4th Nine Weeks

Multiple Choice Strategies and Practice

Students will read and analyze selections from the College Board and past AP exams that will assist students in answering these questions: format, style, meaning, purpose, tone, attitude, author, audience, word, choice, diction, and syntax.

1st-4th Nine Weeks


Students will demonstrate a command of selected conventions of grammar and usage: punctuation (apostrophes, quotations, semi-colons), usage of modifiers, usage of pronouns.

Content Standards

By the end of the course, you must demonstrate the ability to do the following:

  • Read a text independently.

  • Build and apply a vocabulary that depicts the author’s voice and purpose.

  • Master selected literary terminology.

  • Read selections of increasing complexity and sophistication from varied genres and time periods of nonfiction prose.

  • Write a timed Advanced Placement analysis essay.

  • Write a timed Advanced Placement argument essay.

  • Write a timed Advanced Placement synthesis essay.

  • Answer multiple choice questions based on selections from various genres and time periods that represent a variety of rhetorical modes.

  • Write a research paper with appropriate citation in MLA format.

  • Demonstrate command of selected conventions of Standard English grammar and usage.

Textbooks: Florida Collections $86.93 and Readings for Writers $35.00

A variety of paperback books will be used throughout the year. If a paperback book is lost, please replace it rather than pay for it! It is expected that students will bring their books daily.

Grading Policy:

Course grades are a reflection of the student’s level of academic achievement in regards to content standards. A student’s quarter grades will be computed as follows:

Deltona High School will use the VCS grading scale for summative assessments of content standards:

Summative Assessments constitute 60% of the student’s overall grade.

Formative Assessments constitute 40% of the student’s overall grade.

Diagnostic Assessments will be used to assess the student’s progress towards proficiency of measurement topics.



Quality Points



90 - 100


Outstanding Progress/Mastery


80 - 89


Above Average Progress/Mastery


70 - 79




60 - 69




0 - 59


Needs Intervention




In-progress, needs to complete work

Homework Policy:

Since this is an honors college course, there will be work consistently. Students should follow the weekly syllabus that is provided for each quarter and develop a pacing calendar for assignments and due dates. All work is expected to be turned in on time.

Directions for accessing Pinnacle: Please check Pinnacle for grades and attendance. You can get password information by contacting the School Counseling clerk at ext. 44397. You may access Pinnacle at:
Submission and Make-Up Policies:

All student work is expected to be turned in by the assigned due date. Those students who are absent from school on a due date must turn in work on the day they return to school. Students who are absent from class, but on campus during any part of that day, must turn in work prior to the end of the day. Students absent from class on the test date are expected to take an alternate make up test within one week. Test make ups will be scheduled during lunch. Tests not made up will result in a Z for that grade and the student will have to attend intervention before another test can be taken.

*Please note that any missed summative or reassessment must be completed prior to the next assessment.

Honor Code:

Cheating is a level 2 discipline infraction and should receive a referral as such. Students will receive an I and must complete intervention before being allowed to demonstrate proficiency. Cheating consists of plagiarism, study aids such as Cliff’s Notes, Spark Notes, Pink Monkey, Cheaters R US used in lieu of the work, any “cut and paste essays” or copying from other students .

Classroom Expectations:

  • Be prompt, polite and prepared for the day’s activities. Have books, notebook, paper and pen ready when the bell rings. 

  • Respect your fellow students.  Do not talk when someone else has the floor. When you are talking, you are not listening, and when you are not listening, you are not learning. We all learn from each other!

  • Follow all rules as found in the Student Code of Conduct; especially in regards to the DHS dress code.

Materials Required:

Highlighters, Post-its; blue or black pens; 3-pronged folder; one three ring 1½ - 2” binder with dividers, loose-leaf paper; bound composition notebook; flash drive if possible.
I am looking forward to working with you this year. If you or your parents have any concerns or questions, please contact me ( or feel free to schedule a parent conference through our School Counseling department.
Please complete, sign, and return the section below. You will need to keep the

above information as it IS important !

Internet Permission: Please check one.

straight connector 8My student has my permission to use the Internet for school assignments.

straight connector 7I prefer that my student use alternative reference sources and not use the Internet.

straight connector 6

Movie Permission: Please check one.

straight connector 5My student has my permission to view literature selections, documentaries, interviews, speeches, commercials, and any other selections provided in the syllabus (versions rated G, PG-13, and/or PG).

straight connector 4I prefer that my student be provided alternative assignments.

straight connector 3

I have read and understand the rules and requirements of English III Advanced Placement Language and Composition.

Sstraight connector 2tudent Name: __________________________________________________

Student Signature: _______________________________________________
Parent (Legal Guardian) Signature: ____________________________________
Phone number where parent can be reached: ____________________________
Email of Parent or Legal Guardian: ____________________________________

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