Department of technical cooperation

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Guidelines for Preparing a CPF

  1. The CPF Guidelines are intended to help the CPF Development Team to prepare a CPF as the first step in the provision of technical assistance to a Member State. The CPF Development Team should as a minimum consist of a National CPF Coordinator who is the country’s focal point, a Programme Management Officer (PMO) who is the focal point for CPF activities within the IAEA and Technical Officers (TOs) from the IAEA. National counterparts may provide inputs to the team as need be but the principal task of preparing the document lies with the CPF Development Team.

  2. The National CPF Coordinator initiates the preparation of a CPF. A detailed explanation of the process and key steps in the formulation of the CPF are provided in the CPF Operational Guidelines. Key steps also include consultations with relevant national stakeholders, UN organisations and donors aimed at achieving consensus on development priorities for future programmes. The National CPF Coordinator should also establish sectoral task teams to review the identified opportunities for integration with existing national development plans.

  3. The CPF document should be prepared based on the Contents of a CPF provided below. The templates provided are designed to help the CPF Development Team prepare a country programme of high quality standard that can significantly increase the impact of collaboration between the Member State and the IAEA.

  4. Contents of a CPF document

PART A: Cover Page

This section constitutes an endorsement of the contents of the CPF. The signatories should be the highest level of national authority involved with the programme in the country and the Head of the Department of Technical Cooperation.

PART B: Contents of a CPF

This section provides the rationale for programme development in selected areas based on an analysis of the national development plans and the enabling environment which includes policy frameworks, technical and managerial competencies and an operating environment that supports the use of nuclear science and technology.

  1. Introduction
    Country Profile including development goals, objectives and priorities (2 pages.)

  2. National Development Priorities and Activities Relevant to the Agency’s Technical Cooperation Programme (2 pages.)

  3. Relevant International Development Assistance (1 page.)

  4. Overview of Past and Present Technical Cooperation Activities in the Country (max. 5 pages.)

  5. Envisioned Country Programme Outline – Areas, Objectives, and Expected Results (max. 5 pages.)

PART C: Annexes

Annex 1 — List of Resource Institutions

Annex 2 — Resource Estimates and Forecasts

Annex 3 — Plan of Action (including) assessment of required national capabilities

Annex 4 — Compilation of Treaties under the Auspices of the International Atomic Energy Agency signed by the Member States

  1. The above mentioned forms should also be used in the review or update of CPFs if the original document is not structured as indicated.

  1. If the CPF is prepared in any other language other than English which is the working language of the IAEA, a translation should be provided at the time of submission for signature.

PART D: Reference Materials

  1. Country Programme Framework (CPF) Operational Guidelines

  1. Country Programme Framework (CPF) Roles and Responsibilities of the CPF Development Team






20   – 20  

On behalf of the Government:

On behalf of the International Atomic Energy Agency:




Deputy Director General
Head, Department of Technical Cooperation






  1. Introduction [2 pages]

Provides the objectives of the national programme, overview of identified priorities and rationale for programme development in the defined areas.


  1. National Development Priorities and Activities Relevant To The Agency’s Technical Cooperation Programme [2 pages]

Key elements in the situation analysis of the country should include an explanation of the national plans, programmes and objectives that relate to the IAEA’s programmes; a sectoral assessment of advantages, risks, benefits, costs, and constraints; technical, managerial and necessary operating environment and a strategy on how to link MDG indicators and targets to identified priority activities.


  1. Relevant International Development Assistance [1 page]

A concise description of activities supported by the government’s development partners in each priority area identified in Section II, particularly limitations/problems and opportunities.


  1. Overview Of Agency Past And Present Technical Cooperation Activities In The Country [max 5 pages]

Provide an assessment of lessons learned, accomplishments, limitations, management and technical capabilities developed in past cooperation activities with the IAEA. Should also include an inventory of resource institutions relevant to the programme.


  1. Envisioned Country Programme Outline [max 5 pages)

Provide explanation of the strategy for planning and implementing the programme of activities using a phased approach as follows:

V.1 The Near-Term Programme should consist of activities to be included in the next biennial TC programme including those requiring least lead-time or enabling activities such as Radiation and Waste Safety.


V.2 The Medium-Term Programme should include activities to be implemented during future TC cycles e.g. those requiring building components of infrastructure and require significant lead time.


V.3 General Support Activities should identify support activities that are essential for sustaining ongoing or completed activities.


Annex ………: Resource Estimates and Forecasts

Country Programme 20Error: Reference source not found–20Error: Reference source not found

Date originated:      

Dated updated:      


These figures should be based on a historical reference figure from past approved national programmes (average of previous TC Programme Cycles if applicable e.g. 2001 2002, 2003 2004), as an indicative planning figure1 for the period of coverage.

Estimated government cash contribution2 for the planning period

Estimated government in-kind contribution3 for the planning period



Total estimated resources

$ 0.00

Preliminary estimates for the agreed programme/projects reflected in the CPF


(Double-click the buttons on the left to add or remove rows)






Total estimated costs

$ 0.00

Total estimated resource (1) less total estimated costs (2)

$ 0.00

Estimated resource requirements


Annex……….: Plan of Action

Detailed Plan of Action (Double-click the buttons on the left to add or remove rows)

CPF Referenced
(project ideas)

Proposed Action

Responsibility for Action

Expected Output

Time Frame

Resource Requirements

Project Concept Number









Attachments to the Plan of Action

1. Archive of Completed Actions

2. Report on National Competence Assessment (by Technical Officer)

3. Mid-Term Review and Update (if CPF is being revised)

Annex….….: Compilation of Treaties under the Auspices of the International Atomic Energy Agency signed by the Member State

    Below is a list of treaties that should be reviewed during the CPF process. The CPF Coordinator should compile those that have been ratified and signed by the Member State and attach this list to the CPF prior to its signing. Please tick as appropriate

Yes  No 

The Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material

Yes  No 

  • The Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident

Yes  No 

  • The Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency

Yes  No 

  • The Convention on Nuclear Safety

Yes  No 

  • Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management

Yes  No 

  • Revised Supplementary Agreement concerning the Provisional of Technical Assistance by the International Atomic Energy Agency

Yes  No 

Additional relevant treaties can be listed below:


Department of Technical Cooperation

Internal Clearance Sheet4 for Country Programme Frameworks

(For IAEA Use Only)

Special Remarks

Responsible Programme Management Officer



Once the CPF is finalized, it should be cleared accordingly before submission to the Office of the Deputy Director General, Department of Technical Cooperation.


Section Head:



Division Director:



Deputy Director General

Department of Technical Cooperation:




1 The country indicative planning figure does not obligate the Agency to provide such funding, nor does it suggest the expectation of continued levels of Agency funding. The sole purpose is to assist planning and prioritization of the country framework.

2 The indicative government cash contribution does not commit the government to the stated amount, but indicates the intent and likelihood of such support.

    3In-kind contributions represent the value assigned to non-cash contributions such as providing experts, training courses, and infrastructure. Planning for in-kind contribution can also include bilateral trade and intergovernmental cooperation agreements in the respective programme area.

4 To be prepared by the Programme Management Officer.

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