We found eighteen haplotypes, seventeen already described and one novel (Table 1) in the foraging areas studied. This new haplotype was found in a single sample and consisted of point transition of haplotype CC- A2 in position 96. It was named CC-A46 (GenBank accession number: EF687771) following the nomenclature proposed by the ACCSTR. Most of the studied animals had either haplotypes CC-A1 (44%) or CC-A2 (39%). Both haplotypes are found in several rookeries in the Atlantic. Other previously observed haplotypes in nesting populations were CC-A3 (5%), CC-A4 (0.3%), CC-A7 (0.6%), CC-A8 (0.6%), CC-A9 (0.6%), CC-A10 (3%), CC- A11 (1%) and CC-A14 (2%). We found eight haplotypes not assignable to any rookery in very low frequencies (4% of the total). The online application FindModel showed that the model of nucleotide substitution that better fits the data was Tamura-Nei (Tamura and Nei, 1993). The haplotype (hd) and nucleotide (π) diversities were very similar in all foraging ground and ranged between 0.628–0.685 and 0.025–0.033 respectively. As expected, all haplotype frequencies of nesting populations (Table 2) were significantly different from those found in the Canarian feeding ground (p b 0.01) confirming that this foraging assemblage, as the other three, Madeira, Azores and Andalusia previously described, constituted mixed stocks. Furthermore, a total of five haplotypes were found in Cape Verde Islands, four previously described CC-A1, CC-A2, CC- A11, CC-A17; and one new CC-A47 (GenBank accession number EU091309; Table 2). These data were included to complete the baseline for the MSA of the foraging grounds.
Table 2
Relati ve fre quencies of mtD NA control region hap lotypes in Atlantic and Mediter ranean nesting populations.
Sample sizes
Pop size
NEFL-NC, Northeast Florida –North Carolina; NWFL, Northwest Florida; SFL, South Florida; D T, Dry Tortugas; MEX, M exico; BR, Brazil; CV, Cape Verde; GRE, Greece; CY P, Cyprus; LEB, Lebanon; CRE, Cre te; ISR, Israel; ET U, Eastern Tu rke y; and WT U, Western Tu rke y. Pop size repr esents number of nest/ year in each populati on.
Table 3
“Foraging ground-centric” many-to-many results of four oceanic feeding grounds;
includes mean and standard deviation (SD).
0.085 (0.066)
0.086 (0.072)
0.067 (0.057)
0.063 (0.051)
0.015 (0.018)
0.009 (0.011)
0.008 (0.009)
0.005 (0.006)
0.687 (0.122)
0.666 (0.126)
0.769 (0.099)
0.828 (0.079)
0.005 (0.005)
0.003 (0.004)
0.003 (0.004)
0.002 (0.002)
0.065 (0.038)
0.033 (0.025)
0.023 (0.018)
0.011 (0.011)
0.022 (0.015)
0.020 (0.018)
0.010 (0.010)
0.013 (0.012)
0.068 (0.046)
0.132 (0.078)
0.068 (0.045)
0.048 (0.044)
0.028 (0.028)
0.030 (0.030)
0.033 (0.031)
0.018 (0.017)
0.011 (0.012)
0.009 (0.010)
0.009 (0.019)
0.005 (0.006)
0.001 (0.001)
0.001 (0.001)
0.000 (0.001)
0.000 (0.000)
0.008 (0.009)
0.006 (0.006)
0.006 (0.006)
0.004 (0.005)
0.001 (0.001)
0.001 (0.001)
0.000 (0.001)
0.000 (0.000)
0.002 (0.003)
0.002 (0.002)
0.001 (0.002)
0.001 (0.001)
0.003 (0.003)
0.002 (0.002)
0.002 (0.002)
0.001 (0.001)
SFL, S outh Florid a; NWFL, Northwest Florid a; NEFL-NC, Northeast Flo rida–North Carolina; D T, Dry Tortugas; MEX, M exico; BR, Brazil; CV, Cape Verde; GRE, Greece; CY P, Cyprus; LEB, Lebanon; CRE, Cre te; ISR, Israel; ET U, Eastern Tu rkey; and WT U, Western Tu rkey; CI, Canary Islands; MAD, Madeira Island; AND, Andalusia and AZO, Azores Islands.
3 .1. Spatial variation in ju venile distributi on
There was no significant difference in the comparison of overall haplotype frequencies between foraging grounds (p N 0.24) except for the pairs Andalusia and the Canary Islands (p = 0.02). The “foraging ground- centric” MSA for the four foraging areas revealed that the vast majority of the eastern Atlantic juveniles come from the South Florida rookery (67–
83%) while the rest of juveniles originated from Northeast Florida–North Carolina (6–9%), Mexico (1–7%) and Cape Verde (5–13%). The analysis also confirmed that Mediterranean juveniles are rare or absent in Atlantic waters (Table 3). Revelles et al. (2007) found that only 9 out of 105 turtles (8%) collec ted in the Str ait of Gibraltar area were born in the Mediterranean Sea and similar results were obtained by Bolten et al.
(1998). They found no contribution of Mediterranean nesting populations to Azores and Madeira foraging areas. Consequently, we conducted the “rookery-centric” MSA for the Atlantic populations only.
The “rookery-centric” MSA, which takes into account the size of
the rookeries to establish the relative contribution of each of them to the foraging grounds, showed latitudinal significant differences in the distribution of the North American source populations (χ2 = 698.30; p b 0.05): there was a latitudinal equivalence between the major foraging ground selected by juveniles and the rookery of origin. The contribution of the Mexican rookery from the Caribbean coast of Quintana Roo to the Canary Islands is a good example to illustrate the results of this type of analysis. This is very small rookery with less than
2000 nests per year while the South Florida rookery is the largest in the Atlantic with over 60,000 nests per year. Thus, despite the fact that up to 69% of the Canarian juveniles originated in South Florida, the relative contribution of this rookery to this foraging ground is as small as 13%. Likewise, only 7% of the Canarian juveniles originated in Mexico but the relative contribution of this rookery to this foraging ground is as big as 34%. Interestingly, according to this analysis a large proportion of the juveniles from Cape Verde (61%) and Brazil (49%) rookeries seem to go to unknown feeding areas, while the remaining samples were clearly distributed among the four studied sites (Fig. 2; Table 4).
3.2. Fidelity to specific feeding a reas
Hapl otypes used for tempo ral ana lysis are sh own in Table 1. No s ig nifica nt di ff ere nces in h ap lot ype fr equ enci es were f ound f or Canarian turtles samples f rom diffe rent years (p N 0.54), and the Man n–Whitn ey U test reve aled no significant differe nces bet ween the mean sizes present in Canary Islands and Andalusia samples (p = 0.49 ). This sizes r ang ed betw een 15–67 cm (mean = 37.8, n = 82) and 13–79 cm (mean = 41. 7, n = 96) for Canary Islands and Andalusia samples res pecti vel y.
Fig. 2. “ Rookery-centric” ma ny-to-m any results. Bars repr esent mean estimation. Results include unknown areas where juveniles of a particular population are feeding.
Table 4
“ Rookery-centric” ma ny- to-ma ny results.
Latitude 28°06′ 32°66′ 36°53′ 38°45′
NEFL-NC 31°40′ Mean 0.131 0.193 0.175 0.239 0.261
SD 0.114 0.152 0.145 0.170 0.186
2.5% 0.005 0.006 0.0526 0.010 0.012
97.5% 0.429 0.556 0.005 0.622 0.688
NWFL 29°44′ Mean 0.209 0.200 0.196 0.200 0.195
SD 0.170 0.163 0.156 0.165 0.155
2.5% 0.008 0.005 0.006 0.005 0.005
97.5% 0.631 0.595 0.569 0.609 0.556
SFL 25°47′ Mean 0.127 0.193 0.276 0.296 0.107
SD 0.090 0.111 0.132 0.131 0.092
2.5% 0.021 0.041 0.076 0.087 0.003
97.5% 0.353 0.468 0.555 0.587 0.331
DT 24°37′ Mean 0.186 0.192 0.222 0.201 0.198
SD 0.158 0.152 0.176 0.169 0.162
2.5% 0.004 0.007 0.006 0.006 0.006
97.5% 0.563 0.554 0.669 0.632 0.587
MEX 21°17′ Mean 0.342 0.232 0.187 0.127 0.112
SD 0.148 0.141 0.128 0.103 0.104
2.5% 0.082 0.012 0.008 0.005 0.002
97.5% 0.645 0.544 0.493 0.385 0.385
BR − 24°00′ Mean 0.120 0.149 0.107 0.135 0.488
SD 0.125 0.152 0.117 0.138 0.232
2.5% 0.007 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.033
97.5% 0.476 0.556 0.430 0.527 0.193
CV 16°00′ Mean 0.051 0.159 0.102 0.078 0.610
SD 0.053 0.145 0.096 0.088 0.186
2.5% 0.003 0.012 0.006 0.002 0.168
97.5% 0.193 0.566 0.355 0.169 0.880
NEFL-NC, Northe ast Flo rida–North Carolina; SFL, South Florida; NWFL, Northwest Florida; D T, Dry Tortugas; MEX, Mexi co; BR, Brazil; CV, Cape Verde; CI, Canary Islands; MAD, Madeira Is land; AND, Andalusia; AZO, Azores Islands. Latitude v alues of each area are shown in italics. Values include mean contribution, standard deviation (SD), and lo wer (2.5%) and upper ( 97.5%) bounds of the 95% confidence inter val.
3.3. Swimming capacity of larger animals and effect of geographic distance
A comparison of hapl otype fre quencies bet ween the two size classes established within the Canarian or the Andalusi an samples revea led no significant diffe rences (p N 0. 41). Inte resting ly h owe ve r, we found sign ificant diffe rences bet ween Canary Islands (n = 59) and the Andalusia (n = 48) samples when we compared haplotypes fre quencies on ly f rom lar ger ju veniles ( N 32 and 36 cm respect ivel y, p = 0.02), but no diffe rences were found bet ween smaller Canarian (n = 18) and Andalusi an (n = 49) animals (p = 0. 73). Furtherm ore, the “ rooker y-centri c” MSA considering on ly smaller (n = 67) or big ger animals (n = 10 7) revea led diffe rences in their distribution (χ 2; Canary Islands, p = 0. 00 and Andalu sia, p = 0.04). Results sho wed that distribution of lar ger ju veniles fitted bet ter to the latitudinal e qui valence bet ween the m ajor for aging g round selec ted by ju veniles and the rook ery of origin ( Table 5). Finall y, we found no significant cor relation bet ween the percen tage of ind ividuals that go to a fo raging ar ea and the geog raphic distance that sepa ra tes their natal rook eries to the diffe rent feeding g round (p = 0.23).
4. Discussion
Of the four p redictions ana lysed in this study under the gener al hypoth esis of non- random distribution during the oceanic stage, th ree were suppor ted by the data. First, the re is a clear latitud inal variation in the ju venile distribution in all studied ar eas; second, there is sufficient evidence of si te fidelity of ju veniles to their oceanic feeding ar eas and the size rang es within ar eas are also simila r; and thi rd, the size of the turtles appea red to influence their distribution among the for aging g rounds. Finall y, our last pre diction was n ot suppor ted as the re is no cor relation bet ween the perce ntage of indiv iduals that go
to a foraging area and the geographic distance that separates their natal rookeries to the different feeding grounds.
4 .1. Spatial variation in ju venile distributi on
In 1986, Carr p roposed a model of log ge rheads' mig ration fr om west ern Atlantic populations during their de velopmental stage: After hatching, log gerhe ad turtles en ter the ocean, swim to le ave the wa ters of the continent al shelf, and become ent rained in the Gulf Stre am. They are carried by the North Atl antic gy re to the Azo res and past Madei ra and the Canary Islands during sev eral years of g rowth at sea. In this con text, the mixtu re of hatchlings of distinct populatio ns and their ran dom distribution in the eas tern oceanic envi ronment due to pass ive dispers al with the cur rents were assumed. H oweve r, our results indica te that the re is a non- random distrib ution of ju veniles in the eas tern Atl antic fo raging groun ds. The M SA of the easte rn Atlantic fo raging g rounds indica ted that the re are differe nces in composit ion among ar eas, and there appears to be a latitudinal pat tern for this distributio n.
Accor ding to Carr ( 1986), if animals c ross the Atl antic Ocean carried by the Gulf St ream cur rent, a mixtu re of diffe rent populations would be expec ted when they arri ve to the easte rn and pr oximal ar eas. Also, ea rly sta ges, whe re size limits free m ove ments, should be mo re affect ed by oceanic cur rents. Once ju veniles are able to mo ve mo re indepe ndently from the cur rents, they could select a fora ging ar ea to stay for sev eral years. In our stud y, we h ave shown that southern rook eries, such as M exican population, pre fer southern latitudes to feed. N orthern populations such as south Florida population are mo re common in Azo res than in Madei ra or Canary Islands (Fig. 2). Rookeries of an inte rmedia te latitude ge ogr aphic position, like Dry Tortugas or North west Florida, distribu te in similar fre quencies in all studied ar eas. T wo po tential causes could explain the obser ved structu re: (1) segr egation thr oughout the Gulf Stre am, under a dri ft pass ive dispersio n, and/or (2) select ion of spec ific feeding ar ea for each r ooker y. Below we discuss the evidence for each of these possible scenarios that are n ot mutual ly exclusi ve.
1. Seg regation th roughout the Gulf Stre am: Once en tering the wa te r, hatchlings dri ft pass ive ly in ocean curren ts (Car r, 1986) and dri ft scenarios can be pre dic ted using oceanog raphic particle t rac king models (Ha ys and Marsh, 19 97). A segr egation of animal mo ve- ments th roughout the Gulf Stream acco rding to their natal location results in a latitudinal distribution pat tern. Animals from South Florida would ente r, and the refor e, be swe pt further north than M exican turtles and will arri ve mo re to northern ar eas like Azo res, and less to southern latitudes like Canary Islands. This hyp othesis is extr eme ly di fficult to test as it would re quire samples of stran ded turtles in northern latitudes which are n ot re adily available fr om fishing vessels. In this scenario, it would be expec ted that turtles born in M exico, for example, would be absent in these northern
Table 5
“ Rookery-centric” ma ny- to-ma ny results of Canary Islands and Andalusia, considering only larger (N 32 cm and 36 respecti vely) or smaller (≤ 32 cm and 36 respecti vely) animals; includes mean and standard deviation (SD).
Canary Islands
Smaller Larger
Smaller Larger
NEFL-NC 0.326 (0.232) 0.273 (0.206) 0.313 (0.229) 0.326 (0.225) NWFL 0.333 (0.231) 0.340 (0.236) 0.343 (0.244) 0.326 (0.231) SFL 0.287 (0.187) 0.245 (0.153) 0.357 (0.211) 0.553 (0.189) DT 0.323 (0.235) 0.323 (0.230) 0.332 (0.239) 0.354 (0.235) MEX 0.361 (0.218) 0.575 (0.207) 0.419 (0.228) 0.228 (0.176) BR 0.323 (0.240) 0.244 (0.196) 0.263 (0.221) 0.246 (0.205) CV 0.389 (0.215) 0.083 (0.101) 0.289 (0.192) 0.173 (0.173)
SFL, South Florid a; NWFL, Northwest Florida; NEFL-NC, Northeast Florid a–North Carolina; D T, Dry Tortugas; MEX, M exico; BR, Brazil; CV, Cape Verde; CI, Canary Islands and AND, Andalusia.
latitudes or be occurring at an e ven lo wer f re quency than in the Azo res. The ana lysis of ot her feeding ar eas in the N orth Atlantic m ay pr ovide mo re data for understan ding the ju veniles' distribu- tion during the oceanic stage. Also, the use of oceanog raphic particle models to compa re dri ft scenarios of hatchlings from Florida vers us M exico could be used to test this hypoth esis.
2. Selection of specific feeding areas: Carreras et al. (2006) found that immature loggerheads entering the Mediterranean from the Atlantic remain linked to particular water masses, with a limited exchange of turtles between water masses. A number of different cues could be used to reach and stay in a particular area (e.g. chemical trails in the currents or provided by winds, geomagnetic parameters, water temperature or landmark-based orientation along the coast) and to feed in similar ambient conditions to the natal areas (Carr and Hirth, 1962; Koch et al., 1969; Luschi et al.,
1996, 1998; Papi et al., 2 000; Lohmann and Lohmann, 2 006; Lohmann et al., 2 008). In 1994, Lohmann sh owed that hatchlings are capable of det ecting diffe rent magnetic inclination angles and that could be used to identify latitudes (Lohmann and Lohmann,
1994). Se ver al featu res of the earth's magnetic field vary in a p redictable way acr oss the surface of the earth, like the in tensity (st rength) of the tot al field, in tensity of the horiz ontal and vertical fields and the inclination angle. Among these, field line inclination is the most reliab ly cor rela ted with latitude (Skiles, 198 5). We found that most of the ju veniles we re in ar eas with the same isoclines of their natal rook eries (Fig. 1). The cur rent kno wledge of the log gerhe ad turtle's orientation capabilitie s, based on experi- mental test in tanks as we ll as field tele metry studies, sug gest that the data he re pre sented could be explained e qual ly by the turtles' selection of specific fo raging ar eas, or the segr egation th roughout the Gulf Stre am or bot h.
On the oth er h an d, we h ave n ot fou nd a s ign ific ant c on tr ib ut ion of t he M ed iter ra nean n es ti ng a reas to t he ea stern Atl an tic fe ed ing grou nds d es pi te be ing geo gra ph ic ally c lo se. T he St ra it of Gib ra lt ar m ay be a ct ing as a b arri er, or t he d om in ant c ur re nts in the M ed ite rra nean S ea c ou ld p revent a h igh er pre se nce of Me di ter ra nean j uven iles in t he e as tern Atl an tic (C arre ras et a l., 2006; Re vell es et al ., 20 07). Al so, t he s iz es of Me di ter ra nean p op ul ati ons a re qu ite sm all c om pa red to the n umb er of t ur tles bre ed ing in Atl an tic rook eries (Brod erick et a l., 200 2; Ma rga r- ito ul is et a l., 200 3). T his a lso de crea ses t he prob ab ili ty of fin ding Me di ter ra nean j uve nil es in At la ntic wa te rs. H en ce, the n um ber of j uve niles f ou nd in dif fere nt a reas of the Atla nt ic wou ld be a c on se que nce of b oth, ( 1) t he n um bers c om ing out of th ose d if fe rent rook eries a nd ( 2) h ow t hey m ove f rom ro ok er ies. Fin al ly it is im po rt ant to n ote the h igh f requ en cy of j uve nil es from C ape Ve rde a nd B ra zil t hat go to un kn own a reas du ring t heir p ela gic st ages (Fi g. 2). Th ese res ults a re al so c onfirm ed by the l ow f reque nc ies of h ap loty pes C C- A17 ( Ca pe Ve rde) a nd CC -A4 ( Bra zil) (Ta bl es 1 a nd 2) wh ich a re un ique to ea ch ro ok ery. T he geog ra ph ic l oc at ion of th ese t wo ro ok eri es, C ape V erde in t he s ou th ea stern ed ge of the Gu lf Stream a nd B ra zil in t he Sou th At la nt ic, c ou ld c au se th at Ca pe V erd ean a nd Bra zi lian j uve nil es a re ra re in o ur s tu died a rea s. Fu rt her s tud ies n eed to inve stig ate oth er p os si ble c au ses s uch as h atc hling m orta lity or u nk nown j uve nile f eed ing a reas ( e. g. the wes tern a nd e as tern Sou th At la nt ic ).
4.2. Fidelity to spec ific feeding are as
The re is a te mpor al stability in size and ge netic composi tion of each ar ea, sug gesting that once a ju venile reaches a st ock, it sta ys the re for a long period. Sizes found in each area are simila r; hence we can disca rd the idea of a size depend ent distribution. These results are in acco rdance with sa tellite tele metry studies and flipper tag ret urns in other ar eas (Bolt en, 2 003; Pol ovina et al., 2 006; López- Jurado pers comm). H owe ve r, variation in sto ck re cruitment could al ter this stability (Bjorndal and Bolt en, 2 00 8). We did n ot find significant
temporal variation but this may have resulted from the short temporal interval of our sampling or the relatively small annual sample size.
4.3. E ffects of the geog raphic distance and of the swimm ing capacity of larger animals
No correlation bet ween rookeries' di spersion and geogr aphic distance to fo raging g rounds was found. Ther efore, other fac tors, such as population sizes segr egation th rough oceanog raphic cur rents and/or selection of specific feeding area, may det ermine the population composit ion of a mi xed st ock. Other studies h ave obtained similar results, concluding that distance is n ot a det erminant fac tor in feeding g round composi tion (Lahanas et al., 1998; Luke et al., 2 004). The genetic diffe rences among Canary Islands and Andalusi an feeding g rounds are found on ly in the size class that is able to swim independen tly of the sea curre nts of the ar ea, sug gesting that act ive ar ea selecti on should be higher in lar ger animals. Also, the comparison of the mi xed sto ck ana lyses using smaller and lar ger ind ividuals sh ow statistic ally significant differe nces in the compositi on of mi xed sto cks further substantia ting this hyp othesis.
In conclusion, our study supports the model proposed by Carr (1986) about the mysterious and little known “lost years” where hatchling and young loggerhead sea turtles were supposed to wander around the Atlantic gyre. However, our data also substantiates the hypothesis that juveniles do not distribute randomly, providing some evidence that juveniles distribute in order to forage in areas of similar latitude to their original rookery.
A ckn owl edg ements
We would like to thank the foll owing people for their contributions and for critical ly review ing the manuscr ip t: Ana Belén Casal, Nuria Va ro, Ana Liria and Joa quín Muñoz. D avid Ar ag onés helps us with the map. B. Bolker and X. Vélez-Zuazo helped us in ma ny to ma ny mi xed sto ck ana lysis using R2WinBu gs. We also thank P.L.M. Lee, G. Ha ys and t wo ano nymous refe rees for their helpful review and commen ts. We are also g ra teful to the foll owing institutio ns: Cent ro de Recupe ración de Fauna Si lvest re de Tafira, Institu to Canario de Ciencias Marinas, Estación Biológica de Doñana and Cent ro de Recupe ración de Especies Marinas Amenaza das (CREMA ). The study was partial ly funded by the Fu ndación B BV A. The first author was suppor ted by a PhD g rant from the Canary Islands g over nment. [RH]
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