How to organise your body 101: postfeminism and the (re)construction of the female body through How to Look Good Nakedjspui/bitstream/123456789/3183/1
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Marine Pollution And Its Effects on Global Environmentarizona/bitstream/10150/106296/1
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Just a wind up? Ethnicity, religion and prejudice in Scottish football-related comedy Introductionbitstream/123456789/153476/1
Biomchanics and Medicine in Swimming, Jyväskyla, Finland June 1998bitstream/2381/33075/2
Title: Architecture, symbolic capital and elite mobilizations: The case of the Royal Bank of Scotland corporate campusbitstream/10393/34949/1
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Эумк по дисциплине «иностранный язык (английский)»для студентов заочной формы обучения специальностейbitstream/2438/11713/3
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Augmented and Geo-located information in architectural education frameworkdspace/bitstream/2160/446/2
Orde wingate and the british army, 1922-1944: Military Thought and Practice Compared and Contrastedbitstream/2123/13549/2
Centre for disability research and policybitstream/handle/1969.1/149299
Master of sciencebitstream/2268/3759/1
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Self-recognition in everyday life Serge Brédartbitstream/handle/1774.2/37845
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Keywords Domestication research, older adults, digital games, media adoption, motivation, time expenditure, display of technology, identification Corresponding Authorarizona/bitstream/10150/105246/1
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Keywords Informality, confinement, formalization, squatters, street vendors. Corresponding Author Contact detailsdspace-jspui/bitstream/2134/21786/6
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A new Method to Determine Dispersive Surface Energy Site Distributions by Inverse Gas Chromatographybitstream/2164/5574/1
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From Via della Scala to the Cathedral: Social Spaces and the Visual Arts in Paolo Uccello’s Florencebitstream/NAU/24408/2
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Meeting Quality Standards for Mobile Application Development in Businesses: a framework for Cross-Platform Testingcual/bitstream/10759/336628/1
Teaching a second language to Anglophones: evidence from Irelandbitstream/10044/1/29003/2
A case study of japanese language teachingbitstream/123456789/21216/1
Paralinguistic factors affecting foreign language acquisitionbitstream/2164/5737/1
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Indigenous futures and sustainable development in northern Australia: Towards a framework for full Indigenous participation in northern economic development Discussion Paperbitstream/10603/11604/18
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Bibliography Abd El Halimbitstream/123456789/998/2
Literature reviewbitstream/123456789/998/4
Managing copyright in open networksbitstream/2381/32107/1
Guest Editorial Ethical Issues in Online Research Introductionbitstream/123456789/3478/3
Unit I. Airport Structure Termsjspui/bitstream/123456789/12603/2
Навчальний посібник Для студентів економічних І правових спеціальностей немовних вузів Суми двнз "уабс нбу" 2014bitstream/123456789/25900/1
Celex espolbitstream/2122/5572/1
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After the British Worldbitstream/10261/57141/4
Organic carbon, phosphorus and nitrogen in surface sediments of the marine-coastal region north and south of the Paria Peninsula, Venezuelanhm/bitstream/10141/620703/3
Title: Has land use pushed terrestrial biodiversity beyond the planetary boundary? A global assessment Authorsjspui/bitstream/123456789/2956/1
Kankam boadubitstream/10261/97446/4
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Effect of different icing conditions on lipid damage development in chilled horse mackerelbitstream/10261/47337/1
Scomber scombrus during frozen storagebitstream/123456789/328993/1
A regional analysis of contraction rate in written Standard American Englishbitstream/10044/1/31055/16
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It Wasn’t Just Emily Davison! Sport, Suffrage and Society in Edwardian Britainbitstream/1807/77599/2
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciencesbitstream/10261/95967/3
An assessment of contaminant concentrations in toothed whale species of the nw iberian Peninsula: Part I. Persistent organic pollutantskaust/bitstream/10754/583300/5
Appendix S2 References for updated checklist of shore fish from the Arabian Peninsula region. Footnotes for Appendix S2 fish checklistbitstream/10261/89102/1
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Министерство сельского хозяйства и продовольствия республики беларусьbitstream/2268/164064/1
10 June 2010 Twice-weekly publicationbitstream/2268/175791/2
Supporting Information Bioaccumulation of organohalogenated compounds in sharks and rays from southeastern usabitstream/2268/216708/3
Palynologists and Plant Micropalaeontologists of Belgiumkaust/bitstream/10754/593685/2
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Blair W. McPhee, a, b, cjspui/bitstream/123456789/3653/1
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B. ceranic, Research Fellow and C. Fryer, Head of Departmentbitstream/10044/1/38392/6
Archie Hughes-Hallett, mrcsbitstream/10044/1/31806/2
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Micronutrient supplementation augments anti-mycobacterial immune responses in tst reactive household contactsjspui/bitstream/10366/123981/1
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Encouraging Active Transportation in Tucson By: Loran Shamis Mentor: Arlie Adkins, PhD. Sbe 498 Fall 2015 Table of Contentsbitstream/10453/51518/1
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Учебно-методическое пособие по профессионально-ориентированному английскому языку для студентов специальности «Финансы и контроль в сфере таможенной деятельности»bitstream/10453/37392/1
Sex and the Virtual Suburbs: The Pornosphere and Community Standards. Alan McKee1, Brian McNair, Anne-Frances Watson Introduction: From physical spaces to virtual spacesdspace/bitstream/handle/10161/837
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Article type: Advanced Review Article title: Aging and Computational Systems Biology Authors: Full name and affiliation; email address if corresponding author; any conflicts of interestdirectory bitstream
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