Do you drive in to work from Santa Cruz, San Jose, Monterey, or parts beyond?
Would you like to better understand the Whole Student as she or he is influenced by environment, socio-economic class, and cultural factors?
Are you a local who doesn’t know your town well?
Do you wonder whether Gilroy has a good restaurant, Hollister has a decent café, or whether Morgan Hill really has a hill named after Morgan? Wonder no more!
Sign up for a Reality Tour, get flex credit, and find out all this & more! Thursday Feb. 5: Gaps and Gangs in Gilroy, 3-7 p.m.
Please commit to the entire tour including end meal, and to the Feb. 10 DeBrief Session at the TLC at 3 p.m. Friday Feb. 20: Hungry for Hope in Hollister, 9 a.m. -1 p.m.Please commit to the entire tour including end meal, and to the Feb. 27 DeBrief Session at the TLC at noon. Monday March 2: Marginalization and Money in Morgan Hill, 3-7 p.m. Please commit to the entire tour including end meal, and to the March 9 DeBrief Session at the TLC at 3 p.m. Sign up at Staff Development Day, or contact Scott Sandler,, asap—limited space and cool learning format! Free lunch or dinner will be part of each tour. All tours will utilize volunteers’ cars and all will start and end at Gavilan College. Participants should expect to travel by carpool caravan to maximize time and learning opportunities.
Sponsored by the Office of Student Services, Professional Development Day Committee, Student Equity Committee, and Service Learning at Gavilan College