E3 Washington Showcase News Articles (Newest to Oldest)

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E3 Washington Showcase News Articles (Newest to Oldest)

Table of Contents

  1. 2014 Green Ribbon Schools and School District Awardees Announced

2014 green ribbon schools and school district awardees announced

On April 22, 2014, the US Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools and School District Awardees were announced. The U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools (ED-GRS) recognition award honors schools and districts that are exemplary in reducing environmental impact and costs; improving the health and wellness of students and staff; and providing effective environmental and sustainability education, which incorporates STEM, civic skills and green career pathways. This year, Vancouver School District won District Sustainability Award, and Shadow Lake Elementary in the Tahoma School District, and The Bertschi School, a private school in Seattle, were named 2014 U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools. “All of these schools and districts are doing a great job in two areas,” said Randy Dorn, state superintendent of public instruction. “First, they are reducing their environmental impact, which is providing a healthy place to learn and to work. Second, they are teaching students how to approach their futures in a ‘green’ way.”

In addition, Washington State has awarded three schools and three school districts with the 2014 Washington State Green School and District Leaders for their achievement in at least one of the Green Ribbon pillars: 1. environmental impact and energy efficiency; 2. healthy school environments; 3. Environmental and sustainability education. These recipients are: Carl Sandburg Elementary (pillar 1), Liberty Middle School (pillar 1), Villa Academy (pillars 1 & 3), Issaquah School District (pillar 1), Ocosta School District (pillars 1 & 2), and the Tahoma School District (pillars 1, 2, & 3).
E3 Washington congratulates the schools and school districts awardees for continuing to create a thriving environment in Washington State for all!

  1. This Earth Day - support environmental, sustainability, and systems education at all levels through E3 Washington and NAAEE!

this earth day - support environmental, sustainability, and systems education at all levels through e3 washington and naaee!
E3 Washington is teaming up with the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) and the Affiliate Network, for the first ever International Environmental Education Giving Week 2014, a collective impact giving week that will capture support for environmental, sustainability, and systems education at all levels, from the local community to the global scale.

Contribute by Wednesday April 23 and be a part of the impact!

Your dollars support the E3 convening and resource sharing activities that drive collaborative innovation, break programmatic isolation, and achieve sustained leveling-up of relevant, real world, place based education opportunities for all in Washington state and beyond.
By giving to E3 Washington during this giving week, you will support local, national, AND global efforts to improve education and care for the green and built environments in which we live. 5% of your contribution will go to support NAAEE, as the coordinating voice for environmental education (EE) at the national level.

The future and generations to come call on us to collectively deliver no less; will you join us and help current generations live up to this promise?

For more information, please contact the E3 Washington office at (360)943-6643 or email us at e3info@e3washington.org!

Web Link: http://www.razoo.com/story/E3-Washington-Fundraising-For-Environmental-Education-Giving-Week-2014

  1. Show your support for environmental, sustainability, and systems education at all levels, from the local community to the global scale!

this earth day - support environmental, sustainability, and systems education at all levels through e3 washington and naaee!
The time to invest in E3 Washington and NAAEE is now. During the first ever Environmental Education Giving Week, E3 Washington is teaming up with the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) to leverage our collective effort in environmental, sustainability, and systems learning, into a powerful force for sustained change for all in Washington state and beyond. Contribute today!
Your dollars support the convening and resource sharing that drives collaborative innovation, breaks programmatic isolation, and achieves sustained leveling-up of relevant, real world, place based education opportunities for all. By giving to E3 Washington, you will support local Washington educators AND the national and global efforts to improve education and care for the green and built environments in which we live. Whether your concern is improving the quality and "fit" of the prevailing curriculum for our students' future, improving your profit margin, addressing climate change and other global trends, or healing corrosive impacts on the quality of life in our communities and natural environment, we together can change that story through a leveling-up of learning for healthier people, communities, economies, and the ecologies that are our biological and economic life support.
The future and generations to come call on us to collectively deliver no less; will you join us and help current generations live up to this promise? View NAAEE's Giving Week 2014 main page, or For more information contact the E3 Office at 360-943-6643 or Executive Director Abby Ruskey at aruskey@e3washington.org. Thank you!! Web Link: http://www.razoo.com/story/E3-Washington-Fundraising-For-Environmental-Education-Giving-Week-2014E3 Washington fundraising for Environmental Education Giving Week 2014

  1. E3 WA 2014 Green Apple Awards Nominations Deadline April 17th!!!

e3 wa 2014 green apple awards nominations deadline april 17th!!!
Celebrate and raise awareness about the inspiring and innovative environmental, sustainability, and systems education successes and the people achieving them, happening across Washington State! Click here to fill out the nomination form.

The recipients of these awards are:

• Honored in person with their family and friends at the E3 Summer Evening Awards Gala on June 26, 2014 from 5:00 - 8:30 at the Seattle McKinstry Innovation Center.

• Promoted widely in the E3 Washington network and in local and state press

• Awarded a certificate, cedar box, and custom full sized poster of their achievement

• Congratulated and recognized by members of the E3 Washington board and other dignitaries

• Treated to a scrumptious reception with local beverages, delicacies, and live music

• Celebrated by their colleagues across the state

This year will feature the people and programs that are exemplifying E3 Washington’s Lead Green Goal, for working to help turn school, campuses, businesses, and public places into models of sustainability!
All are encouraged to consider self-nomination or nominating a colleague or organizational partner.

The Award Categories are:

Outstanding Informal Educator

K-12 Student Environmental Leader

Nonprofit/Community Organization

Business Excellence

Government Agency

Diversity in Action

Tribal Leader

Formal Educator (5 awards given)

Nominations Deadline is April 17, 2014.
Questions: Please contact Jessica Aronson Cook or Jennifer Pritchard, E3 Washington Green Apple Awards Co-Chairs, at E3WAGAA@gmail.com. To help sponsor the E3 Summer Evening event, please contact: Courtney Sullivan at SullivanC@nwf.org, Tom Hulst at thulst@live.com, or the E3 Washington office. Thank you! http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/WLCYS9W

  1. Leaping Frog Films: “Restoration Gone Wild” Film Series

leaping frog films: “restoration gone wild” film series

Leaping Frog Films is dedicated to increasing awareness, understanding, and community involvement and action by telling positive stories of passionate people committed to environmental action and sustainability restoration in Washington State. Shelly Solomon, a Pacific Northwest restoration biologist and cofounder of Leaping Frog Films, aims to increase awareness and encourage community involvement and volunteerism, which she believes are essential components for any environmental action.

The “Restoration Gone Wild” Film Series includes six different environmental stories that focus on wildlife habitat restoration and native species recovery programs. The film series have been shown in local theaters including the Admiral Theater in Bremerton and Broadway Center for the Performing Arts in Tacoma. Dr. Thomas Stiles, an environmental education researcher, stated the film series is, “more than documentary, this is storytelling about the wisdom that sits in places, about people who have happened upon those locations, and their power to restore spoilt lands and waters to life. These stories stalk the listener, tuning our ears to the place where we live, and subtly provoking us to narrate the wild back into our own way of life.”
Leaping Frog Films also provides fundraising support for local school districts and nonprofit organizations. Ms. Solomon hopes the “Restoration Gone Wild” film series will be shown in all schools so our students will be inspired into environmental action and volunteerism. E3 Washington would like to recognize the efforts of Leaping Frog Films to bring environmental action and education through the world of film. Leaping Frog Films helps display importance of E3 Washington’s goal of Go Out to people of all ages. To learn more about the “Restoration Gone Wild” film series, please visit Leaping Frog Film’s website.

  1. Apply Now--Education for Sustainability Scholarships Available

apply now--education for sustainability scholarships available
Camp Snowball is pleased to announce that scholarships are available for high-school student/teacher pairs who wish to attend the 2014 event in Portland, Oregon, and focus on Education for Sustainability. Do you want to make sure that our students are prepared for the future they will inherit? That what they are learning is more relevant and engaging? Do you want to carry out the promise of the Common Core? Come to camp as we scale up student success - See more at: http://campsnowball.org
Each scholarship covers both of your registrations, and includes access to workshops, meals and evening activities. Travel, accommodations and expenses are the responsibility of the scholarship recipients.
To apply for the scholarship, you and your partner must:
-Be focused on Education for Sustainability

-Be a pair from either the same school or the same district

-Be able to travel to/from Camp Snowball in Portland

-Be available for at least two (2) post-camp follow-up coaching calls with the grantmaker, who has taught and developed curriculum in this area

New attendees and alumni are encouraged to apply! We have a limited number of scholarships, which will be awarded on a rolling basis, so apply EARLY!
Applications are available here: https://soled.wufoo.com/forms/z7p9r7/
Check back often at the Camp Snowball website, as we continue to confirm and add faculty and programming over the coming weeks. Camp Snowball will be jam-packed with interesting and inspiring workshops, creative educational leaders and more!
Web Link: http://campsnowball.org/

  1. REAL School Gardens are Growing Successful Students

real school gardens are growing successful students
School gardens are effective educational opportunities for teaching hands-on place-based STEM, as well as language arts. In a recent US News publication, REAL School Gardens, a nonprofit organization with offices in Washington DC and Texas, was highlighted for its work of bringing gardens to low-income elementary schools and having a positive impact on the students’ education success. Currently, more than 90 elementary schools throughout Texas have installed gardens, with hopes of expanding the program to more schools throughout Texas and Washington DC. As Jeanne McCarty, the executive director of REAL School Gardens explains, "I saw a golden opportunity to actually bring what was happening outside of the classroom into the school day. Our whole mission is to create learning gardens that grow successful students, so we focus heavily on the learning garden as a space to do that, a way that kids can get real, hands-on experience outdoors that is linked to what they're studying in the books." Since the gardens have been installed in the elementary schools, the schools on average have seen about a twelve percent increase in standardized test pass rates. The gardens not only help students learn about science and math; these gardens help to develop descriptive storytelling and art skills. REAL School Gardens seeks to educate the teachers and school faculty, as well as the students. The organization provides training for teachers and faculty to learn about gardens and how to help maintain them. To learn more, click here to read the US News Article.

  1. Action Needed ASAP for Federal EE Funding

action needed asap for federal ee funding
Please reach out to your Congressional reps. and senators to encourage them to support environmental and sustainability education (ESE)! The deadline to save funding in the president's 2015 budget is only 1 day away!

What You Can Do:

1. Find your congressional members

Senator Cantwell: (206) 220-6400

Senator Murray: (866) 481-9186

Rep. Larsen (2nd): (800) 562-1385

Rep. Kilmer (6th): (253) 272-3515

Rep. McDermott (7th): (206) 553-7170

Rep. Reichert (8th): (206) 498-8103

Rep. Smith (9th): (425) 793-5180

2. Contact them and encourage their support to fund EE in fiscal year 2015

Ask to speak with staff responsible for appropriations or education

Tell them why EE matters to you and WASHINGTON

Encourage their support for EE funding

Email them appropriate sign on letters

E3 Washington sent letters to our Washington State delegation, have you?

  1. Engaging the Next Generation

engaging the next generation
United States Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell has launched an ambitious initiative to inspire millions of young people to play, learn, serve and work outdoors. In a new video from the Department of the Interior, she lays out her vision for connecting America’s youth to the great outdoors. Her Secretarial Order will significantly expand recreational, educational, volunteer and career opportunities for millions of youth and veterans on the nation’s public lands, including partnerships with businesses and youth organizations. “The next generation of scientists, wildlife biologists, tribal experts, park managers and conservation leaders are now in school or just entering the workforce,” she said. “This is the time we need to invest in creating meaningful connections between young people and the great outdoors.” To learn more about the Interior Department’s Youth Initiative click here. The goals of the Interior Department’s Youth Initiative align with E3 Washington’s five goals: Lead Green, Get Together, Go Out, Connect Up, and Build Support. E3 Washington is committed to outdoor engagement to build a healthy environment, strong communities, and sustainable economies for all.

  1. World Water Day

world water day
World Water Day is March 22nd, 2014! Water is important for overall health, a sufficient and healthy food supply, and energy production. Without an abundance of clean water the nexus of energy, food, and healthy communities suffers. The United Nations has declared World Water Day 2014 to be interlinked with energy to facilitate the development of policies and crosscutting frameworks that bring together sectors and communities that are leading the way in energy security and sustainable water use for a green economy. Nonprofits and organizations will be celebrating World Water Day 2014 throughout Washington by hosting various events and hands-on activities. E3 Washington encourages everyone to participate; spend the day learning about water use, water conservation, and brainstorm with others about creating better models for sustainable communities and economies. As part of E3 Washington’s five goals, Lead Green is about leading the change to transform schools, campuses, businesses, and overall communities into models of sustainability. You and your families can make real and lasting change by simply learning about water.

  1. Environmental & STEM Education Prezi

environmental & stem education prezi
The Environmental Education Association of Oregon (EEAO) recently created a Prezi presentation linking together STEM learning, Environmental and Sustainability Education (ESE), and systems thinking, viewable here. This is part of the Oregon State Environmental Literacy Plan to engage students to build sustainable communities. Traci Price, an Environmental Literacy Consultant of Gray Family Foundation, EEAO Board Member, and Oregon State Lead E2E Project said, “Schools and organizations are creating and inspiring programs to support the natural connection of E-STEM. E-STEM gives students the tools to build sustainable, informed communities that are economically, environmentally, and socially viable.” This EEAO presentation displays the various programs being implemented and how such programs are achieving Oregon’s education standards. E3 Washington and EEAO are continuing to work together to develop a more sustainable and sound future for all, especially through collaboration in the Educator 2 Educator “Regional” Initiative, to co-create a replicable model to leverage environmental and sustainability education in the Pacific Northwest. To watch EEAO’s Prezi presentation, click here. Web Link: http://prezi.com/w4tuo0ctebe_/environmental-stem-education-a-natural-connection/

  1. Ellen Lettvin Selected as Inaugural Robert Noyce Fellow in Informal STEM Learning

ellen lettvin selected as inaugural robert noyce fellow in informal stem learning

E3 Washington congratulates Dr. Ellen Lettvin for being selected as the inaugural Robert Noyce Fellow in Informal STEM Learning. Dr. Lettvin is the Vice President of Science and Education at the Pacific Science Center, co-director of Washington LASER (Leadership and Assistance for Science Education Reform), and an E3 Washington Board Member. Mid-March she will travel to Washington D.C. to work with the US Department of Education’s Office of Innovation and Improvement.

As the Robert Noyce Fellow, Dr. Lettvin will work closely with the Department of Education, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, the National Science Foundation, Smithsonian Institution, and other leading research groups to identify tools and strategies for significantly impacting STEM learning. She will focus on identifying ways that informal STEM learning can improve existing and proposed education programs.
“This is a very exciting time for the field, as informal approaches to learning about science, technology, engineering, and math are being integrated more deliberately into education programs. I am honored to have the opportunity to engage more broadly with the educational community on a national scale and look forward to helping make a difference as we engage and inspire youth about the STEM fields,” said Dr. Lettvin. E3 Washington thanks Ellen for her work on behalf of students, who seeks to expand their learning and empowerment experiences through informal science, technology, engineering, and math. Exemplary educators such as Ellen are significantly contributing to the improvement of education and learning standards for all students and bringing all levels of leadership together.

  1. Environmental Justice Month

environmental justice month
February 11th, 2014 marked the 20th Anniversary of President Clinton’s Environmental Justice Executive Order. In recognition, U.S. EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy declared the month of February as “Environmental Justice Month.” The U.S. EPA plans to kick-start Environmental Justice Month by highlighting successful projects, hosting events and various activities, and launching new environmental justice training for all EPA employees. These activities will continue throughout 2014.
The month of February is Environmental Justice Month. On February 11, 1994, President Clinton signed Executive Order 12898 which implemented governmental actions to protect minority and low-income populations from disproportionately high and adverse human health and environmental effects. Environmental Justice is the protection of our human right to:

  • Clean air, water and land

  • Full consideration of individuals and communities in environmental public policy, education processes, and implementation

  • Equal enforcement under environmental laws and regulations

  • Equal access to sustainable economic development and redevelopment.

E3 Washington is committed to environmental justice and public health for all. Stated Effenus Henderson, recently retired Chief Diversity Officer for the Weyerhaeuser Company and Immediate Past President of E3 Washington, “Our organization has integrated the educational programs and priorities of the public health and environmental justice sectors in our vision and work.” Henderson is also a member of the US EPA National Environmental Justice Advisory Council. E3 Washington continues to pursue a system of education for sustainable communities by inspiring diverse and equitable educational networks, policies, and community and business practices that support sustainable, healthy, and thriving environments for everyone.

Photo: Effenus Henderson, E3 Washington Immediate Past President, thanks U.S. EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy for her agencies grant program which is funding E3 Washington’s Educator-to-Educator project

  1. Ben Klasky Gives TEDxTalks

ben klasky gives tedxtalks
E3 Washington congratulates Ben Klasky, President and CEO of IslandWood on Bainbridge Island, who recently gave a TEDxTalks segment about the importance of children spending time outdoors. IslandWood believes that the natural world holds the power to educate and inspire the way we live and the way we see. They use an integrated approach to scientific learning, self-awareness, and stewardship.
During his TEDxTalks, Ben presented some shocking statistics about the lack of outdoor activity among today’s youth. For example, on average, US children today receive less than an hour of outdoor exposure; while some schools provide children with fifteen minutes or less of recess.
Ben believes that kids are just not getting the adequate amount of time for outdoor physical activities today compared to past generations. Moreover, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation, on average, kids are getting 7 hours and 40 minutes of “screen time” (time spent in front of a television or device) a day. This has helped lead to tripled US obesity rates and forty times more Ritalin prescriptions to treat ADHD since the 1970’s.
The “Nature Deficit Disorder” as coined by author Rich Louv, describes this phenomenon happening among today’s youth. Parents, family members, legislators, and formal and non-formal educators all have a responsibility and opportunity to get youth outdoors.
E3 Washington encourages youth be enrolled in nature-based programs offered by organizations such as IslandWood. Exemplary programs like these are significantly contributing to implementation of our Go Out goal strategies. Together we are working to provide students of all ages with the opportunities to experience all that nature has to offer. E3 Washington thanks IslandWood and Ben Klasky for their work on behalf of our youth and their learning and empowerment through outdoor experiences.
To watch Ben Klasky’s TEDxTalks segment, please click on the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArhjLa4xbNk

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