En Conferencias Académicas Arbitradas

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En Conferencias Académicas Arbitradas

Por año natural

Lista actualizada al 4 de diciembre de 2013 de artículo, abstractos y presentaciones en conferencias académicas desde el 1ro de enero de 2010. En verde se indica si la participación es de un artículo completo publicado en actas, abstracto inicial (primero acepta abstracto y después se envía artículo completo u otra participación par publicación en actas), abstracto publicado en actas, sólo abstracto o sólo presentación. Leyenda:  *Facultad jubilada, ** Estudiante Graduado MBA,  (a) aceptado, por presentarse.

Conferencias Académicas Arbitradas en el 2014

  1. Anaya-Oviedo, Cl., Amador-Dumois, M., Córdova-Claudio, M. (2014). Factores que afectan el proceso de importación desde la perspectiva de los agentes navieros en Puerto Rico. 9th Quest for Global Competitiveness Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, PR, March 13-14, 2014.

    • Abstract: La importación de bienes y servicios es un factor clave en el desarrollo económico de un país. En este estudio exploratorio se identifican factores claves que afectan el proceso de importación en Puerto Rico. El cuestionario a agentes navieros operando en Puerto Rico incluía 35 preguntas cerradas sobre la administración de fronteras, entorno empresarial e infraestructura de puertos, transporte y comunicaciones. La mayoría de las áreas presentan problemas. Once preguntas tuvieron resultados positivos (31%), siete neutrales (20%) y 17 negativos (49%). Las áreas de mayor problema fueron el aumento de costos debido a cambios en regulaciones, las actitudes sobre proyectos empresariales fallidos, el crimen, y la coordinación entre la Autoridad de Puertos y los operadores. Estos resultados presentan retos para el gobierno e industrias involucradas en el proceso de importación. artículo completo en actas. 

  2. Curbelo, A. (2014). Case Study in Risk Management: Challenges of Establishing a Risk Management Program in a Payment Processing and Business Process Management Company in Puerto Rico. CEIC Conference for Cybersecurity, E-Discovery, and Digital Investigations, Las Vegas, Nevada, May 19 - 22, 2014.

    • Abstract: In this case study, the author will examine the challenges involved when establishing a Risk Management Program in a Payment Processing and Business Process Management Company in Puerto Rico. The goal is to detail some of the key issues that supervisors and practitioners have confronted in assessing and developing consolidated risk management systems. In doing so, the author will clarify why implementing consolidated risk management involves significant conceptual and practical difficulties. Furthermore, the case study will suggest areas in which additional research could help resolve some of these difficulties and tips of how to be successful in embracing the risk management challenges. artículo completo en actas.

  3. De Hoyos, M. ,Vega-Torres, J.  & Rivera-Vargas, G. (2014). An Ecosystem Approach for SME Expansion: The Case of “Grow your Business” in Puerto Rico. 9th Quest for Global Competitiveness Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, PR, March 13-14, 2014.

    • Abstract: Assisting existing Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs) in successfully implementing expansion plans to maintain or create jobs is a challenge in itself and more so in the midst of a recessionary economic environment. Research suggests that an ecosystem approach has a better chance to be effective when various entrepreneurial advocates aspire to promote job creation by enabling SMEs in carrying forward their business expansion plans. The Grow Your Business (GYB) initiative was conceptualized as an inter-organizational collaborative project between three entrepreneurial advocates to promote job opportunities for low income job seekers in the western region of Puerto Rico by assisting existing enterprises develop and execute feasible expansion plans. GYB partners delivered business acceleration services to 29 SMEs throughout a 30 month period which included capacity building to owners, individualized technical assistance and access to financing by means of an ecosystem approach intervention model. This quantitative research assessed by means of a survey to owners of firms completing the program their rating of the various interventions by the collaborative founders and their colleagues on firm performance. Research questions where: (1) How effective was the formal inter-collaborative support in order to supply entrepreneurs’ needs to achieve their business expansion plans and insertion in the entrepreneurial ecosystem? (2) Which is the economic impact of the formal inter-collaborative project between entrepreneur’s support organizations in terms of retention and creation of jobs and private or personal investment in businesses with expansion plans?, and (3) How do entrepreneurs appraise in terms of utility for their business consolidation and expansion plans, the assistance provided in the three stages of the project: capacity building, individual technical assistance and implementation financing? Analysis of the obtained data set seems to sustain the hypothesis that creating a sustainable growth business environment requires more than just offering access to capital, training, mentoring and /or support by fragmented players. It requires an ecosystem approach that includes a firm business support network based on a well-coordinated program that can supply to the entrepreneurs more than the offer of the individual partner, but rather the synergy of them.  artículo completo en actas.

  4. Frey, W. (2014). Technical Systems, Appropriate Technology, and the Capability Approach.  16th Conference for the Society for Ethics Across the Curriculum in Scottdale. Arizona, USA. October 2, 2014.

  5. Frey, W. (2014).  Emotions, Particularity, Capabilities - Some Theoretical Reflections and Pedagogical Strategies. Design and Engineering for Well-being, Agency and Justice. Delft University of Technology, Netherlands. November 20, 2014.

  6. Frey, W. (2014). Frameworks for assessing energy solutions. Delft University of Technology, Netherlands. November 21, 2014.

  7. Frey, W. J. & Cruz-Cruz, J. A. (2014, March). Collaborative Development and Sharing of EAC Best Practices: Lessons Learned--Post Grant Experience.   Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, Jacksonville, Florida.

  8. Frey, W. J., Papadopoulos, C., & Castro-Sitiriche, M. (2014). Graduate Research and Education for Appropriate Technology: Inspiring Direct Engagement and Agency.   Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, Jacksonville, Florida.

  9. Frey, W. J., Frey, W. J., & Rivera-Velez, C. (2014, May). Bringing Responsible Research into Engineering Ethics: Responsible Research in Appropriate Technology.   IEEE Ethics 2014, Chicago, Illinois.

  10. Gracia, L. (2014, March). Reporte de los gastos de recaudación de fondos de las Organizaciones Sin Fines de Lucro (OSFL) en la forma 990 de 2008.   Quest for global competitiveness, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

  11. Lozada F., Vega-Torres, J. (2014). Marketing Metrics in Successful SMEs: a Survey of Native Firms in Puerto Rico. 9th Quest for Global Competitiveness Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, PR, March 13-14, 2014.

    • Abstract: Increasing debate centers on the marketing manager's inability to account for the contribution to marketing. This has led to a deterioration of the position of marketing within the company. Marketers can use metrics to manage key areas of marketing performance. This article explores the use of different types of marketing metrics by a sample of marketing executives from successful Puerto Rican small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). The results show that the development of tools to measure the effectiveness of different marketing activities and strategies is an important function for the marketing manager. Also, most marketing executives reported that they were effective matching marketing activities with the expected financial results, and paying close attention to the financial results of the strategies or marketing activities undertaken by the company. Marketing metrics related to financial aspects are the most frequently used by SMEs in Puerto Rico. artículo completo en actas

  12. Papadopoulos, C. & Frey, W. J. (2014, June). Sponsoring Research and Education in Appropriate Technology.   121st ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Indianapolis, Indiana.

  13. Vega Torres, J. (2014), Democracia Competitiva en la Empresa Social.  9th Quest for Global Competitiveness Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, PR, March 13-14, 2014.

    • Abstract: Las denominadas "empresas sociales o comunitarias" se reconocen a nivel global como alternativas viables en el contexto del Tercer Sector para promover el desarrollo inclusivo y el bienestar colectivo. No obstante, mediante una investigación de índole conceptual y descriptiva se pretende demostrar el modo en que una empresa social operando jurídicamente como corporación sin fines lucrativos puede mantener una gobernanza democrática, la competitividad, además de la creación y retención de empleos. Para tales fines, se estudió la empresa Las Flores Metalarte, Inc., que ha demostrado ser autosuficiente, aun en tiempos de crisis económica. Como resultado se desarrolla un modelo de reglamento corporativo para una corporación sin fines lucrativos y que opere bajo el contexto democrático. Además, se concluye la importancia de establecer política pública, de promover los procesos democráticos, y de proteger el fin público a través de la sana administración, la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas. No obstante, se reconoce la necesidad de un examen empírico que valide los hallazgos teóricos. artículo completo en actas.

  14. Vélez S., Martínez, JG. (2014). Inteligencia competitiva y manejo del cambio estratégico en las PYMES de la región oeste de Puerto Rico. 9th Quest for Global Competitiveness Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, PR, March 13-14, 2014.

    • Abstract: The objective of the investigation was to assess whether there is a positive relationship between the process of Organization Competitive Intelligence and strategic management change, using as a case study directed at small and medium-sized enterprises, i.e., SMEs, originated with native or Puerto Rican capital in the manufacturing segment of the Western region. A validated questionnaire was randomly distributed to the identified sample. The collected data were analyzed using the test (a) Pearson, (b) ANOVA, (c) t-test, (d) descriptive statistics, such as mean, figures, and tables, and (e) side effect analysis. The researchers found statistically 2 significant relationships between each of the components of the process of competitive intelligence and strategic management change. artículo completo en actas.

  15. Zapata-Ramos, M. & Kim, Y. (2014). College Students' Perceptions of CSR Programs in the United States and Puerto Rico. 2014 AMHCR Conference Program, Telluride, Colorado, February 26- March 1, 2014.

    • Abstract: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs are being implemented by many companies in the United States. Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory, is also exposed to those CSR messages created for U.S. audiences. For example, multinational companies found in P.R. such as Jetblue, Procter and Gamble, SCJohnson, etc. make their CSR efforts known to P.R. audiences through their websites and cable television commercials. Not only that, but companies within the island have also created few of their own CSR programs especially targeted toward Puerto Ricans, such as those of Subway Restaurants (Subway Honduras, 2013). U.S. consumers nowadays expect companies to not only sell them the goods and services at a price and quality that they want, but they also expect companies to help their communities. This has caused CSR efforts to continually grow. However, in Puerto Rico, the trend seems to be adopted at a slower rate. Public relations practitioners within the island recognize the importance of CSR programs (Robles, 2013), however; not many programs are well-known. A qualitative study with PR media stakeholders demonstrated that not many people have heard the term “corporate social responsibility” but could decipher what it meant correctly. It also showed that P.R. stakeholders are not aware of what CSR practices are being conducted by companies within the island – this being due to a lack of practice or a lack of communication. (Gomez, Morales, Vargas-Preciado, & Cea-Moure, 2012). This study seeks to quantify the perceptions that college students have of CSR programs implemented in the U.S. and in Puerto Rico. It also seeks to compare and contrast consumers’ attitudes and perceptions of the importance and the number of CSR programs implemented within each country. It is important to do so because, although U.S. perceptions of CSR programs have been studied in the past, Puerto Rican perceptions have not been studied. It is important to understand Puerto Rican perceptions because this audience is exposed to the same messages as U.S. audiences and marketers must know and understand if they are effectively reaching Puerto Rican audiences. Also, although Puerto Ricans have the opportunity to be exposed to the same messages, the frequency in which this occurs is less than U.S. audiences. In addition, there is a large diaspora of Puerto Ricans in the U.S. which have already obtained certain attitudes toward CSR programs from the time they spent living on the island. This study will see if that diaspora of Puerto Ricans are leaving with a favorable, unfavorable or no attitude or perception about CSR programs. Therefore, this study will employ a survey to learn: 1) if college-students know what CSR programs are; 2) how important they find CSR programs to be; 3) if they can recall seeing any CSR-programs; 4) how having or lacking a CSR program affects corporate image; and 5) the level of skepticism audiences have toward CSR programs. Nota aclaratoria: Se presentó un análisis preliminar de los resultados. artículo completo en actas.

  16. Zapata-Ramos, M.L. & Kim, Y.(2014). College Students' Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility Programs in the United States and Puerto Rico. PRSA Educators Academy Super Saturday Conference, Washington, DC, October 11, 2014. Nota aclaratoria: Se presentó el "full paper" de la investigación.

Conferencias Académicas Arbitradas en el 2013

  1. Altamirano, N.** & Amador-Dumois, M. (2013). A content analysis of internet services offered by Latin America and the Caribbean export promotion agencies. In Gabriel Ogunmokun (Ed.), Proceedings of 2013 International Conference on Leadership, Management and Strategic Development, University of the Virgin Islands, St. Thomas Campus, US Virgin Islands, May 13-15, 2013.

    • Abstract: This paper discusses the effectiveness of Export Promotion Agencies (EPAs) of Latin America and the Caribbean when using the Internet in delivering their services. The method used in this study was a content analysis of the main web sites of the seventeen EPAs of Spanish-speaking countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. This study concludes that there is a wide difference between EPAs web sites in terms of reputation (measured in terms of number of external sites linked to the site) and services provided. The most common services are product market identification, followed by foreign promotion activities, commercial information and, lastly, specialized support.  Some EPAs use the most basic tools and features available for web site design for the delivery of their services. They have not yet realized the full potential of more personalized and interactive features. The results suggest that Export Promotion Agencies must adjust their web site design and services to their audience and, if failing to effectively reach their audience, modify their marketing efforts.

  2. Amador-Dumois, M., Córdova-Claudio, M, Sepúlveda-Rivera, J., & Frontera-Agenjo, J. (2013). Business entity selection method. In Zulma Quiñones, Karen Orengo-Serra and Evelyn González-Gracia (Eds.), Proceedings of 58th International Council for Small Business (ICSB) World Conference, Ponce, Puerto Rico, June 20-23, 2013.

    • Abstract: The proposed model's main goal is to help micro, small- and medium-sized enterprises make a more informed business entity selection. The model, drawn from the international model selection literature, and the Rational Choice Theory, is centered on the business life cycle: creation, operation, and reorganization. The seven critical success factors included are business characteristics, formation, governance, liability risk, financing, taxation, ongoing management, and continuity.

  3. Anaya, C., Córdova, M. & Amador-Dumois, M. (2013). Factors affecting Puerto Rico´s imports from a custom broker perspectiveProceeding of Consejo Lationoamericano de Escuelas de Administración (CLADEA), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 20-22, 2013. artículo completo en actas.

    • Abstract: Imports are essential elements of the international exchange dyad frequently overlooked when compared to exports. The objective of this exploratory study is to identify the key factors that affect imports. The method used was an online survey to customs brokers in Puerto Rico. The questionnaire draws from the World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Index, World Economic Forum Global Enabling Trade Index and the World Bank Logistics Performance Index. The factors included are part of border administration, information and communication infrastructure and the business environment. Most border administration and communication infrastructure factors are not barriers to imports, contrary to most business environment factors. The result suggest that government, businesses, intermediaries and industry organizations should collaborate more and help improve the factors that restrict international exchanges.

  4. Andújar-Rojas, C. & Nieves-Hernández, M. (2013).  Normalización y desarrollo de un perfil de la Escala de Optimismo Aprendido en una muestra de empleados de la región norte de Puerto Rico. Program of the 2do Congreso Psicología Industrial Organizacional de Puerto Rico, Ponce, PR, March 21-23, 2013. (a)

  5. Colón, E.** & Córdova-Claudio, M. (2013). Current factors for biotechnology development in Puerto Rico. In Gabriel Ogunmokun (Eds.), Proceedings of 2013 International Conference on Leadership, Management and Strategic Development, University of the Virgin Islands, St. Thomas Campus, US Virgin Islands, May 13-15, 2013. artículo completo en actas

  6. Córdova, M. & Amador-Dumois, M. (2013). A study on the use of quantitative methods by businesses in Puerto RicoProceeding of Consejo Lationoamericano de Escuelas de Administración (CLADEA), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 20-22, 2013. artículo completo en actas.

    • Abstract: One of the most significant responsibilities of any School, including a School of Business, is to ensure that the teaching topics included in its curriculum remain relevant. This requires constant attention ti the educational literature related to its disciplines, as well as, periodic contact with the community that it intends to serve, in the authors' case, businesses currently operating in Puerto Rico. The authors examine the use that the Puerto Rican business community makes of quantitative techniques commonly taught in most business curricula. The study also focuses on the businesses understanding of the technique, as well as, establishing a link between business knowledge of the technique and the use of it. An ANOVA and a T-test revealed statistical differences in the usage frequency of these techniques, and suggest that the differences in usage may be due to the knowledge of these techniques rather than their actual relevance. 

  7. Curbelo, A. (2013).  Ethical considerations in information security/ assurance curriculum. Symposium on Curriculum Development in Security and Information Assurance. San Jose, CA. May 3, 2013.  - (a)

  8. Curbelo, A. (2013).  Mobile device security challenge in healthcare:  Privacy and security consideration. Presentation at the 2013 Grace Hooper Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota. October 2-5, 2013.  - presentación en actas.

    • Abstract: In recent years, the technology landscape has been drastically changed by the proliferation of mobile computing devices. This increasing use of mobile computing devices is more noticeable in the healthcare industry. The focus of this paper is to describe and discuss privacy and security challenges in mobile computing device in healthcare industry. In addition to describe how organization are managing and securing the risk of using mobile computing device to store healthcare information.

  9. Curbelo, A. (2013). Risk factor and security threats of using online social media in business. ISACA Latin America CACS Information Security and Risk Management 2013. Medellín, Colombia. September 30 - October 1, 2013. Presentación en actas

  10. Curbelo, A. & Cruz, A. (2013). Faculty attitudes toward teaching ethical hacking to computer and inforation systems underggraduate studentsLACCEI (Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions). Cancún, México. August 14-16, 2013.  - artículo completo publicado en actas 

    • Abstract: This paper deals with faculty attitudes toward teaching ethical hacking to Computer and Information Systems undergraduate students. The authors examine issues that should be considered when designing information security curriculum. Furthermore, the paper discusses issues involved when faculty teach students how to hack and explors the issues involved in designing and information security course with laboratory components that can involve destructive actions. Many university programs have increased the course offerings and the depth of computer security programs, as the ethics of teaching hacking as an ongoing professional development tool is certainly an issue in today’s digital age. If you want to catch a criminal, you have to be able to think like one. Finally, this paper will provide university administrators with an idea of the issues encountered when designing an information assurance curriculum, and at the same time demystify the term of hacking or ethical hacking between faculties. More research should be done on how to integrate the concept of ethics, not in just an isolated course but across the information assurance curriculum. 

  11. De Hoyos- Ruperto, M. (2013).  The effect of poorly infrastructual environment for entrepreneurship - The case of Puerto Rico. In Zulma Quiñones, Karen Orengo-Serra and Evelyn González-Gracia (Eds.), Proceedings of 58th International Council for Small Business (ICSB) World Conference, Ponce, Puerto Rico, June 20-23, 2013. - artículo completo en actas

    • Abstract: This exploratory research focuses on studying the distribution networks of the commercial cooperatives of Puerto Rico since they greatly contribute to the social and economic growth of the island. However, commercial cooperatives are directly impacted by the market's competitive environment in which their members operate. Designing and implementing efficient and effective distribution networks is of great important for their success. This research has a three main objectives as follows: 1) describing, studying, and analyzing the actual distribution networks; 2) evaluating and suggesting possible improvements to the actual designs; and 3) justifying future research in the distribution network and supply chain arena following the improvements suggested by the second objective.  

  12. Figueroa, C. I. (2013). "Career Choices in First-Time Graduate Students: Gender Scenario at University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez Campus ".   "Joint Conference of Academic Business World International Conferences and International Conference on Learning and Administration in Higher Education ", Unknown, Unknown.

  13. Figueroa, C. & González, C. (2013). Developing research skills for undergraduate business students: Experiential learning on introduction to personnel administration and industrial relations course. Proceedings of the International Conference on Learning and Administration, Nashville, Tennessee, US May 22-24, 2013. artículo completo en actas (BEST PAPER AWARD).
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