Enfield board of education minutes of a regular meeting

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May 23, 2006
A regular meeting of the Enfield Board of Education was held at John F. Kennedy Middle School, Cafeteria, 155 Raffia Road, Enfield, CT. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Sharon Racine at 7:30 PM.
MEMBERS PRESENT Judith Apruzzese-Desroches, Donna Corbin Sobinski, Joyce Hall, Albert Harrison, Susan Lavelli-Hozempa, Samuel McGill, Sharon Racine
MEMBERS ABSENT Andre Greco, Charles Johnson III
ALSO PRESENT Dr. John Gallacher; Superintendent of Schools, Anthony Torre; Assistant Superintendent, Student Representatives, Megan Cooper, EHS

  1. Call to Order Sharon Racine

  1. Invocation or Moment of Silence Donna J. Corbin Sobinski

  1. Pledge of Allegiance Donna J. Corbin Sobinski

  1. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes – May 9, 2006 & Special Meeting Minutes – May 16, 2006

Mr. McGill moved, seconded by Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches, that the minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 9, 2006 be approved.

There were no corrections, changes or omissions.
A vote by show of hands, 6-0-1, with Ms. Hall abstaining, motion passes.
Mrs. Corbin Sobinski moved, seconded by Mr. Harrison, that the minutes of the Special Meeting of May 16, 2006 be approved.
There were no corrections, changes or omissions.
A vote by show of hands, 6-0-1, with Mr. McGill abstaining, motion passes.

  1. Board Guests None

  1. Correspondence and Communications

1. A letter from Asnuntuck Community College, Dean of Administration, Tim Hurlock, endorsing the Terra Nova Program at Asnuntuck.

  1. Audiences

Martha McLeod, Elm Meadows Dr. McLeod, President of Asnuntuck Community College, is speaking tonight in support of the Terra Nova Program. Dr. McLeod has seen first hand how successful this program has been for the students who attend. These students have the opportunity to take college classes along with their high school classes. These students volunteer for all sorts of community projects. This is a remarkable program that is a model for our Nation.
Marilyn Cressotti, Enfield St. Mrs. Cressotti is the Department Chairman of the Terra Nova Program. Mrs. Cressotti is in support of the Terra Nova Program. It has been in existence for 7 years and has graduated 93 students who would have otherwise dropped out. Instead, they chose to come to Terra Nova and turn themselves around. The graduates have gone on to Asnuntuck, Baron Institute, The Culinary Institute, Nursing Programs for LPN and RN at ACC or STCC. Some of the students have already graduated college and work as Licensed Real Estate Agents and a Phlebotomist at Rockville Hospital. The staff works with families so that all can work together. The staff at ACC also works with and mentors these students. She urged the Board to retain the Terra Nova Program.
Cody Kellhofer, West St. Mr. Kellhofer is currently a student at Terra Nova. He takes 5 classes a day until noon and then takes college classes in the afternoon. He stated that he messed up pretty bad in his freshman and sophomore year and made the decision to try the program. He started the program with only 4.5 credits and has worked very hard to bring himself up to a high school junior. He stated he needs the 1 on 1 attention to help him stay focused on his studies. He has also earned 12 college credits at Asnuntuck through College Connections Machine Technology Program. He plans on earning another 12 credits next year and then pursuing Machine Technology or continuing for his Electricians License. He knows now that he has the choice to accomplish these goals and credits the Terra Nova Program for his success and the success of many others who have gone before him and who will be following him. He urged the Board to keep the Terra Nova Program intact.
Dr. Rafer Byrdsong, Hazard Ave. Dr. Byrdsong is a Clinical Psychologist for Child’s Advocacy with the State of CT and a parent of four children attending the Enfield Public Schools. Dr. Byrdsong urged the Board to retain the counselors in the elementary schools. Our School Counselors serve a very important purpose for the children. There are a lot of latchkey kids and kids who are not sure of themselves. They need someone they can go to and someone that can help them navigate their way through the school years. Teachers are overwhelmed now and cannot always address the personal issues of these children. The School Counselors fill that void. Funding is tight everywhere, but the Board needs to realize how important these positions are to the children. The problem is growing as there are more and more latchkey children every year and they need someone to count on.
Stacie Byrdsong, Hazard Ave. Mrs. Byrdsong, accompanied by 3 of her children, stated she is also concerned about the removal of School Counselors because of budget cuts. Her children addressed the Board and spoke highly of Mr. Spiwak, their School Counselor at Eli Whitney. He has helped them to deal with issues and problems and has taught them how to develop conflict resolutions to solve their problems. They all consider him their friend. Mrs. Byrdsong urged the Board to keep these positions in the school system. As a parent, she is very grateful to have them available to her children during the school day.
Jenilee Alejandro, Brett Lane Miss Alejandro stated she is in support of the Terra Nova Program. She is an alumnus of the program and has made it her civil duty to come here tonight and support this program. She stated that she can never repay the Terra Nova Program for the help and support they have given her. There is no such thing as a normal kid, but there are special kids like her. She is not a statistic; rather she is a graduate with honors from the Enfield Public Schools Terra Nova Program. She urged the Board to get the word out about this program and what it does for teens like her and maybe there would be a lot more support for the program.
Mary Ann Turner, Meadow Rd. Ms. Turner stated that she is speaking on behalf of Deb Giddings, Chairman of the Book Buddies Program. This program is a Literacy Program for the Head Start and kindergarten children of Enfield. She wished to thank the captains of each school who put in several hours to make this program work. The letter lists all who participated. She thanked the staff at each school for all their help. She especially wanted to thank the many “Book Buddies” who donated books on behalf of the children. This year alone, over 1,600 books were delivered to the children of Enfield. She thanked all the companies and businesses in Enfield who also made this a great success. Ms. Giddings letter went on to state that this would be the last year for the Book Buddies program. Over the course of five years the program has delivered more than 7,500 books to children. Due to organizational needs and the desire for those involved to move on to other endeavors, she felt the Board needed to know this is the last year. She stated she takes great pride in knowing the program was so successful.
Chuck Lauria, 122 Oldfield Farm Mr. Lauria is a teacher at JFK. He distributed information regarding the statistics of having a remedial math teacher at JFK before the position was cut a few years ago. The statistics show the need to re-institute the program at JFK. Mr. Lauria urged the Board to consider adding the position back for next year.
Robyn Shumsky, Missile Dr. Miss Shumsky is a junior in the Terra Nova Program. She stated she would have dropped out of high school if this program was not an option for her. She would like the Board to keep the program. This program has been so helpful to her and she could not deal with the thought of this program ending. She really needs this program. Please do not get rid of this program.
Joseph Saroce, Briarwood Dr. Mr. Saroce stated that we can get rid of a lot of frivolous items in the budget such as fringe benefits. He stated that the 3 and 4% raises teachers receive each year never end and insurance costs keep going up but the contributions by employees never seem to go up at the same rate. The private sector contributes 30 to 50% of insurance costs. He also feels travel allowances for teachers to go back and forth to schools and stipends for seniority are frivolous and greedy. There is a lot that can be done if we do away with the ignorance of thinking you are worth more than you are getting. It is time to face up to that and stop giving away our tax dollars. It is time to think of other people such as senior citizens on fixed incomes who earn less in a year than teachers make in 2 months. When you start thinking of other people instead of your own greedy ways then things will be accomplished.
Bob Tkacz, Bernadino Ave. Mr. Tkacz stated that Enfield’s production in education is very dismal. Census data shows that people with a bachelor degree is 18% of the population of Enfield. The State average is 31%. 16% of the Enfield population does not have a high school diploma. Maybe it is time to start evaluating the staff and see if they are qualified to teach math before we hire a remedial math teacher. Mr. Tkacz stated there are 831 employees in the school system and 6,617 students. 8 years ago there were 6,873 students and 733 employees. Something is wrong if we are hiring more staff with fewer and fewer students. He also stated that there are over 400 employees in the food service program which doesn’t even get talked about. He feels the problem with our budget is too many employees and poor performance. We should start to evaluate the teachers and administrators. It feels like there are a lot of people who will not admit that this is the problem in the school system.
Raymond Peabody, Washington Rd. Mr. Peabody stated that he left CT and then moved back. One of the reasons he came back to Enfield was because of the school system. Compared to other towns, we were good, but over the years the school system is going down. He applauds some of the teachers in the school system and some he does not feel are any good. He recently worked with some of the school secretaries and they are very valuable to the system. He has concerns such as test scores – are they where they should be? His answer is no, but he would like to know how the Board plans to get them back up there. He would like to know what the ratio of administrators is to staff. He feels there is no accountability in the school system. When his child had a problem in school, a lot of blame went around but nothing was resolved. He was flabbergasted. Colleges are looking at well rounded students. There has to be other ways to trim the budget without losing programs. He also asked that the Board give more of an advanced notice of their meetings as he did not know until today’s paper about the meeting tonight.
Mary Lombardo, Northfield Rd. Mrs. Lombardo stated she is proud to be one of the 531Enfield teachers and that she teaches 5th grade at Alcorn School. She also stated that she is very proud of her former student, Jenilee Alejandro who spoke here tonight. She has grown-up to be a very wonderful young lady. Mrs. Lombardo stated she is surprised that we are still discussing the budget this late in the year. She feels it is in the Board’s power to keep the programs that we currently have. She stated that School Counselors are a valuable asset and very needed in our schools. She also supports the Terra Nova program and the recalling of the non-tenured teachers who should have been called back as soon as you knew there would be funds in the budget.
Bridgette Birchall, Farmstead Circle Mrs. Birchall stated she had served on the Budget Advisory Council and is pleased to see the award that was given to the Board. She stated her concerns about the budget discussions though. There is enough of an award to take care of the fixed costs and continue with the programs that are already in place, including Terra Nova. The recommendation of the BAC was to form an Advisory Committee to review the existing program before next year’s budget, not the proposed budget year. She encourages the Board to follow that recommendation. She stated that the Board should be addressing the needs of the system over and above the fixed costs. We need supplies, additional days for the New Directions Drug and Alcohol Counselor, address issues from the FHS accreditation that must be settled within 5 years. She suggested that the Board form an Advisory Committee to take a look at and talk to the Town Council about what we can go out for in a referendum on capital improvements. There are a number of things in the FHS Accreditation Report that are considered capital improvements, such as computers. They should be removed from the school system’s yearly budget and handled as a Capital Improvement. There is no way to afford the computer technology year after year for the school system with the allocation of funding that we get. Mrs. Birchall also supports the ongoing Curriculum Development of programs and the professional development that goes with it. This directly affects K-12, NCLB, AYP, CAPT scores and CMT scores. She also thinks the Board should develop programs for early childhood literacy programs.
Jack Sheridan, Buchanan Rd. Mr. Sheridan stated that he has not finished yet, but is up to $722,000 of the Town’s side of the budget that goes to schools. That is above what was allocated for the school budget. So the per pupil expenditure is much higher than what we report in our ERG. Mr. Sheridan suggested that remedial math and reading intervention needs to be identified at an earlier age so we can avoid the need for remediation in the secondary schools. He asked Board Members how many people they are willing to displace from this town. He feels there are fewer students because fewer people can afford to move into our town. We need to look at taxpayer affordability. We should look at what programs we can double up on. It is a fine line between what we would like to have and what we can realistically afford.
Lisa Rogers, Winter Way Mrs. Rogers is baffled as to why we need to discuss how to spend our allocated funds. She thought the budget was set. Why are the School Counselor positions being considered for reduction when they were already in the proposed budget? How come the public was not made aware of this proposed reduction? How many more things do you want a classroom teacher to handle? The minutes of the last meeting are not posted on the web so how is the public suppose to be aware of these situations? The Board needs to make more of an effort to get their agenda to the public. The town has an email service for events and happenings. The Board should consider doing something more to notify the public.
Susan Hart, Cynthia Circle Mrs. Hart stated she gets somewhat irked when she hears people talk about how much teachers are paid. Teachers are professionals who have earned their Bachelors, Masters and PhD’s to teach our children. They work very hard and earn every dollar of their salaries. Teachers do so much more today than they had to do years ago. Mrs. Hart stated she believes in the Terra Nova Program. She hopes the Board evaluates the program before deciding its course. Mrs. Hart further stated that if you are going to evaluate the Terra Nova Alternative Learning Program, then the Board needs to be equitable to all students in an alternative program and evaluate all the alternative schools including MLC, GHAPA, Cheney Tech and Suffield Vo-Ag.
Bob Tkacz, Bernadino Ave., Mr. Tkacz stated that he has been going to budget meetings since the 70’s and he would like everyone to know that every year it is the same thing. We rush to do the budget within a certain time frame and come up with what to fund for one year only. Proposing a Committee to look at budgeting long term is a good idea. We need a fresh set of eyes to look at items throughout the year and determine what works and what doesn’t work. The process now is unfair to students, employees and taxpayers. Other countries are ahead of us in education. It is something to consider because our education system has failed us.

  1. Board Members’ Comments

Mrs. Lavelli-Hozempa announced that John Hurst, of Troop 888, did a wonderful job re-doing the Veteran’s Memorial in Scitico. She went to the unveiling of the Memorial and the Troop did a wonderful job. It is good to see young men and women honoring those who fought to protect our country. Mrs. Lavelli-Hozempa stated that she is dismayed that 90% of our budget goes to salaries. She feels our system is flooded with employees. She would like to see a more equitable distribution of funds and the students getting 30% of the budget that they can get their hand on such as supplies, computers and musical instruments. The time is coming in our nation when the demands of union workers are loaded to bear against what the public can afford to pay. CMT scores are not what they should be. We need to make sure that the resources this school system has are being used to their fullest potential.

Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches stated that education is a service to deliver to the public and it requires people to make that happen. Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches further stated that a book used alone is an education, a computer used alone is an education but you need the book, the computer and the curriculum wrapped around an individual who knows how to use it , how to share it and provides the education service. The resources to support that individual also have to be there in the form of appropriate curriculum design, training and tools. She thinks our budget is enormous and we need to look at the tangibles and the intangibles and make sure that we are properly delivering the best quality of education to our children.
Mrs. Corbin Sobinski thanked everyone for coming out tonight to give us your views on the budget.
Mr. Harrison thanked everyone for coming out tonight. He wishes we had the money to fund everyone’s request. Mr. Harrison commented that the FHS Prom went very well and that no students tested positive for alcohol. He thanked the FHS Lamplighters for their help in pre-prom activities. With the help of Sue Reese, Head of the Lamplighters and Parent Advisor, the Lamplighters put on a two part production of “I Won’t Be There”. He hopes to be able to air it on cable access on Tuesday night. It was more valuable having our own students deliver a message of being safe. It really had an impact on the students and helped with having a safe Prom weekend.
Mr. McGill stated that budget time is a very difficult and trying time and every Board member takes their job very seriously. We are charged with working within a budget and will have to make some difficult decisions that we are forced to do. We received a good budget this year and we need to make decisions on where to allocate these funds properly.
Ms. Hall commented that there is a lot of support for the Terra Nova Program and a lot of the references made for the success of that program have to do with smaller class size and personalized attention. Based on that we need hundreds more teachers in our system because small individualized teaching is what will inspire students along with other things. Teachers are not underpaid. They are required to get a Master’s Degree and continue earning education credits yearly. It is not something that stops when they graduate college. She stated she is tired of being compared to China. They may graduate more engineers than the United States, but their population is huge so percentage wise, it may not be that many more. Also, every child in the United States can have a public education verses foreign countries where millions of children do not receive any education, ultimately contributing to the high poverty rates. We on the Board are trying to make available, every opportunity to our children.
Meghan Cooper commented that she recently traveled to Washington, D.C. with 18 students, chaperoned by Dr. Taylor and Ms. O’Connell. The field trip, “Close-Up”, is a week long trip where they got to meet and Senators and meet with State Representatives and tour the city. It was a wonderful experience. She stated that tonight is her last meeting. She thanked the Board for giving her the opportunity to work with the community and understand how the community feels and how the whole process works. She is really glad she was a part of it.
Mrs. Racine thanked Megan for her participation and input. It helped the Board to better understand the student’s perspective on the process as well. She wished Meghan much luck and success in her future.
Mrs. Corbin Sobinski thanked the Board for all the cards and flowers and remembrances of her father’s passing on April 28th. It was greatly appreciated.
Chairman Sharon Racine stated that in reference to questions about Board Meetings, they are always held the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month. The budget process started in December right after the Board took their seats. The Board presented their proposal on February 18th and the Town Council awarded our budget on May 15th. That is why we are setting the final budget items now. There are some choices to make because of the 4.4% increase instead of the 6.9% we had asked for. Also, the Town Council granted us a one time additional $450,000 thanks to the hard work of our State Legislators. Hopefully, that helps the community to understand the budget process and why we are still making decisions on how to appropriate our funds.
Chairman Sharon Racine stated that we need staff to deliver the curriculum or there is no education. We negotiate contracts in good faith with our teachers. Out teachers and administrators have come to the plate with give backs in previous years and they are contributing more and more to their benefits and we will continue to negotiate more and more as contracts expire. We are well aware of that topic and continue to work on it.

  1. Board Committee Reports

Ms. Hall reported that the Curriculum Committee met last Thursday and reviewed the curriculum for American History at all levels in the high schools and will implement the changes as soon as the Board approves them. The committee is now reviewing the Family Consumer and Sciences department Foods II curriculum.

Ms. Hall reported that she attended the 40th Anniversary CREC Meeting last week. The CREC organization started in a basement and has grown to a large organization, owning their own building and operating 9 Magnet Schools. They have developed many programs for members of the organization that support local schools. The most recent is a purchasing consortium for members of CREC that may save us money as well as an Energy Consortium that she will share with Mr. Pongratz.
Ms. Hall reported that the Head Start Policy Committee met today. They are currently going through a Federal Review for accreditation. Several Policy Committee Members were interviewed by the Federal Reviewers. Following the interview session, the regular Policy Meeting took place. She will share copies of the details of the meeting if anyone is interested.
Mr. Harrison reported that the Policy Committee met this evening. There are two items on the agenda to be voted on later. The committee discussed a minor change to the Graduation Policy which is updating the policy due to some courses that will no longer be offered.

  1. Superintendent’s Report

As presented in the Board Packet.

Chairman Sharon Racine requested that the Board wait until after elections this year to invite a State Legislator to a meeting.

  1. Approval of Accounts and Payroll

  1. For the Month of April 2006

Mr. McGill moved, seconded by Mr. Harrison, that the Enfield Board of Education accepts the Superintendent’s certification as follows:

“I hereby certify that in the month of April for FY 2005-2006, total expenditures amount to $5,260,497.49, broken down between payroll totaling $3,981,870.03 and other accounts totaling $1,278,627.46. All payments have been made in accordance with the approved budget and are properly accounted for within the books of accounts. Copies of approval for check invoices are properly documented.” A vote by show of hands 7-0-0, motion passes.
Mr. McGill moved, seconded by Mr. Harrison, that the Enfield Board of Education accepts the Superintendent’s certification as follows:
“I hereby certify that in the month of April for FY 2004-2005, total expenditures amount to $13,847.09, broken down between payroll totaling $0 and other accounts totaling $13,847.09. All payments have been made in accordance with the approved budget and are properly accounted for within the books of accounts. Copies of approval for check invoices are properly documented.” A vote by show of hands 7-0-0, motion passes.

  1. Line Item Transfer

Mr. McGill moved, seconded by Mrs. Corbin Sobinski, that the Enfield Board of Education approves the following line item transfers:

From: Certified Salaries $266,000

New Equipment` 75,000

Total: $341,000
To: Supplemental Certified Salaries $55,000

Plant Maintenance 286,000

Total: $341,000
A vote by show of hands 7-0-0, motion passes.

  1. Unfinished Business

  1. Proposed New Policy #6142 – Wellness Policy – Final Reading

Mr. Harrison moved, seconded by Ms. Hall, that the Enfield Board of Education approve, as a final reading, new Board policy #6142 - Wellness Policy and that an adoption date of May 23, 2006 be noted on the policy.

A vote by roll call 7-0-0, motion passes.

  1. Proposed Policy Revision #5140.1 – Child Abuse/Neglect – Final Reading

Mr. Harrison moved, seconded by Mrs. Corbin Sobinski, that the Enfield Board of Education approve the revisions to Policy #5140.1 - Child Abuse/Neglect as presented and that a revision date of May 23, 2006 be noted on the policy.

A vote by roll call 7-0-0, motion passes.

  1. FY06-07 Adopted Budget

It was announced that Item 12C will follow item 13C on the agenda.

  1. New Business

  1. Three Year Technology Plan Template

Mrs. Corbin Sobinski moved, seconded by Ms. Hall, that the Enfield Board of Education approves the District’s ED616 Connecticut Stated Department of Education’s Educational Technology Plan Template

as presented.
A vote by roll call 7-0-0, motion passes.

  1. BOE Resolutions for Enrico Fermi High School Soil Remediation Project

Mr. McGill moved, seconded by Mrs. Corbin Sobinski, that the Enfield Board of Education approves the following resolution for the Enrico Fermi High School Soil Remediation Project as follows:

Enrico Fermi High School Soil Remediation Project
Board of Education Resolution
WHEREAS, the Enfield Town Council and Board of Education have determined a need to remediate the soil at the Enrico Fermi High School;
AND WHEREAS, the Board of Education has determined that this soil remediation meets their stated long term educational goals for the School District;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Superintendent of the Enfield Public Schools is authorized to submit Form ED049 “Grant Application and Executive Summary of Educational Specifications for a School Building Project” on behalf of the Board of Education, for the Enrico Fermi High School Soil Remediation Project.
A vote by roll call 7-0-0, motion passes.
Mr. McGill moved, seconded by Mr. Harrison, that the Enfield Board of Education approves the following resolution for the Enrico Fermi High School Soil Remediation Project, Educational Specifications as follows:

Enrico Fermi High School Soil Remediation Project
Board of Education Resolution

Educational Specifications
WHEREAS, the Enfield Town Council and Board of Education have determined a need to remediate the soil at the Enrico Fermi High School;
AND WHEREAS, it is the expressed desire of the Enfield Board of Education to continue operation of the Enrico Fermi High School for substantially the same nature and purpose;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Enfield Board of Education does hereby adopt this resolution with the intention of establishing and approving Educational Specifications, as a part of the School Construction Grant process, for the Enrico Fermi High School Soil Remediation Project.
A vote by roll call 7-0-0, motion passes.

  1. CIRMA Rate Lock on Property Liability Insurance

Mr. McGill moved, seconded by Mrs. Corbin Sobinski, that the Enfield Board of Education approves the CIRMA letter of commitment for liability, automobile, and property insurance coverage for a three year period beginning July 1, 2006 under CIRMA’s Rate Stabilization Program and that the Superintendent is authorized to enter into the agreement on behalf of the Board.

A vote by roll call 7-0-0, motion passes.
Continue item 12c. - FY06-07 Adopted Budget
Dr. Gallacher reviewed the proposed budget memos in the Board’s packet. The Board discussed how to allocate the year end funds estimated at this time to be $475,000. Of that $475,000, the Board needs to reserve $375,000 for excess fuel costs. The Board discussed the allocation of the remaining $100,000.
Mr. Harrison moved, seconded by Mr. McGill that the Enfield Board of Education allocates the year-end funds as follows:
1. Excess fuel costs $375,000

2. Replacement of Secondary Desks 24,000

3. JFK Science Classroom Chairs 6,000

4. Direct Digital Control Systems 33,990

5. Pre-Buy Custodial Supplies 16,010

6. After School ERfC request 20,000

Total $475,000
A vote by roll call 6-1-0, with Mrs. Lavelli-Hozempa in dissent, motion passes.
Dr. Gallacher reviewed the CIP budget allocation the Town Council created for textbooks and computers as their first budget related task for their FY06-07 Adopted Budget.
Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches moved, seconded by Mr. McGill that the Enfield Board of Education appropriate CIP budget funds as follows:
1. Purchase of New Texts $332,000

2. Computers for FHS 18,000

Total $350,000
A vote by roll call 7-0-0, motion passes.
Dr. Gallacher reviewed the recommendations of the Administration’s suggestions presented to the Board at the last meeting.
Mr. McGill moved, seconded by Mrs. Corbin Sobinski, that the Enfield Board of Education approves the Teen Leadership Pilot course at EHS as a permanent course and fund the Teen Leadership position by a reduction of one FTE in the EHS Business Department.
A vote by roll call 7-0-0, motion passes.
Mr. Harrison moved, seconded by Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches, that the Enfield Board of Education fund the JFK Remedial Reading Teacher and two additional days a week of service from New Directions via the dissolution of the Alternative Learning Center Program at JFK.
A vote by roll call 7-0-0, motion passes.
Mrs. Lavelli-Hozempa moved, seconded by Ms. Hall, to table budget discussions until the next meeting.
A vote by roll call 3-4-0, with Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches, Mr. Harrison, Mr. McGill and Chairman Sharon Racine in dissent, motion fails.
Dr. Gallacher distributed information requested by the Board at the last meeting and reviewed his memo dated May 23, 2006, Re: Superintendent’s suggestions on completing FY2006-2007 budget.
Mrs. Corbin Sobinski moved, seconded by Mr. Harrison to allocate $5,000 for music repairs for FY2006-2007 through monies available from the GHAPA tuition savings.
A vote by roll call 7-0-0, motion passes.
Ms. Hall moved, seconded by Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches, to approve 10 seats at MLC and allocate $11,000 from the favorable balance of the GHAPA to cover the tuition of additional seats.
A vote by roll call 7-0-0, motion passes.
Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches moved, seconded by Mrs. Corbin Sobinski to approve 1 seat at GHAPA for a total of 5 seats for FY2006-2007.
A vote by roll call 7-0-0, motion passes.
Ms. Hall moved, seconded by Mrs. Lavelli-Hozempa, to table the remaining dollars on the FY2006-2007 budget until the next meeting when the Board has a chance to review the information presented at tonight’s meeting and review what has already been approved.
A vote by roll call 6-1-0, with Mr. Harrison in dissent, motion passes.
The Board will have a Special Meeting on May 30th to complete and adopt the FY2006-2007 budget, Award scholarships after holding an Executive Session to review scholarship recipient’s records and to approve the recalling of Non-Renewed Staff.

  1. Action on ETA Grievance(s)

Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches moved, seconded by Mrs. Corbin Sobinski that the Enfield Board of Education enter into Executive Session to discuss the following prior to acting on items 13d. on the agenda:

Matter(s) Related to Grievance(s)
A vote by show of hands, 7-0-0, motion passes.

  1. Executive Session

  1. Matter(s) Related to Grievance(s)

The Board adjourned to the Staff Lounge for Executive Session at 10:15 PM.

Dr. Gallacher, Mr. Torre and Craig Cooke; Human Resources Director, joined the Board in Executive Session.
Mrs. Corbin Sobinski moved, seconded by Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches to end Executive Session at 10:40 PM and return to Open Session. All ayes, motion passes. There were no other actions while in Executive Session.
Continue item 13d. - Action on ETA Grievance(s)
Mr. Harrison moved, seconded by Ms. Hall that the Enfield Board of Education denies the ETA grievance on lost preparation time as follows:
The Board finds that the Enfield Teacher’s Association contract was not violated when the grievant was denied compensation for his lost preparation time. The grievant did receive a period of preparation time at the secondary level as it does at the elementary level. If there was a required time, the contract would specify it. Enfield High School is able to run an altered schedule as they do on several occasions throughout the school year such as for delay openings, early release, school assemblies, half days, exams, etc…
In addition, this was the second mentoring and coaching day held at Enfield High School. No grievance was filed as a result of the first day nor was a grievance filed as a result previously altered schedules. This grievance is therefore untimely.
A vote by roll call 7-0-0, motion passes.
Mr. Harrison moved, seconded by Mrs. Corbin Sobinski that the Enfield Board of Education, with approval from the ETA, moves to table the Aon Grievance until its next regularly scheduled Board of Education meeting.
A vote by roll call 7-0-0, motion passes.

  1. Adjournment

Mrs. Corbin Sobinski moved, seconded by Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches that the Enfield Board of Education adjourns the Board Meeting at 10:45 PM. All ayes motion passed unanimously.

Meeting stood adjourned at 10:45 PM.

Donna Corbin Sobinski


Enfield Board of Education Respectfully Submitted,

Patricia West, Recording Secretary

Board of Education

May 23, 2006

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