Environment 30 am 12 Pest Management Policy and Responsibilities

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Pest Management Policy and Responsibilities



Pest Management Policy and Responsibilities
12.1 Purpose
12.2 Scope
12.3 Policy
12.4 Policy Application
A. Choice of Control Method

B. Land Management Practices

C. Endangered Species Review

D. Training

E. Compliance
12.5 Definitions
12.6 Responsibilities
A. Fish and Wildlife Enhancement

B. Region 8

C. Regional Directors

D. Project Leaders

E. National Pest Management Coordinator

F. Regional Pest Management Coordinator

12.1 Purpose. To promulgate policy, procedures, and responsibilities for Service pest management activities in a manner consistent with the Department of Interior (Department) Pesticide Use Policy (517 DM 1) and applicable Federal laws. The policy adopts integrated pest management as the method for pest management decision making. It stresses the elimination of unnecessary use of pesticides through land and resource management, and training in integrated pest management.
12.2 Scope. The policy applies to pest management activities on lands and facilities owned or managed by the Service, including properties managed by Service personnel as a result of the Food Security’ Act of 1985, in Service projects by non-Service personnel on Service owned or controlled lands and facilities, and any other pest ~management activities conducted by Service personnel. Protective covenants, easements, contracts, or agreements off Service lands are not covered except where they specifically state that the Service is responsible for pest management. Service lands managed by other agencies are covered. The policy does not apply to research experiments conducted by Service Research personnel, or to pest management activities solely related to controlling fish and wildlife pathogens and their vectors in hatchery situations or captive breeding programs. The policy does not apply to management activities on State lands paid for in whole or in part by Federal Aid funds, except where specifically mentioned.
12.3 Policy. The Service will eliminate unnecessary use of pesticides by implementing integrated pest management techniques and by selecting crops that are beneficial to fish and wildlife but do not require pesticides. The ultimate goal is to eliminate pesticide use on Service lands and facilities,-.where possible, and to encourage pest management programs that benefit trust resources and provide long-term, environmentally sound solutions to pest management problems on sites off of Service lands.
12.4 Policy Application.
A. Choice of Control Method. The basis for choice of pest reduction methods will be, in order of priority, 1) human safety and environmental integrity, 2) effectiveness and 3) cost. Physical, cultural, and biological alternatives, or combinations thereof will be used, unless they are impractical, incapable of reducing pest populations to prescribed target levels or will adversely affect nontarget organisms and Service lands. Chemical pesticides will be used only as part of an integrated pest management program that clearly identifies strategies to reduce and eventually eliminate pesticide use, where possible, and then only to supplement, rather than substitute for damage control measures of other types. Environmental integrity and

ecological safety include consideration of target specificity of the pesticide, risk to nontarget organisms, incidental reduction of food resources for trust species, persistence, control and prevention of the spread of fish and wildlife diseases, and other environmental hazards. Special consideration should be given to protecting Service trust resources. The lowest effective application rate and number of pesticide applications will be used.

B. Land Management Practices. Land management practices, including farming programs, will be examined to ensure that 1) they have a high value for fish and wildlife resources, 2) they do not encourage the exposure to pathogens or development of disease vectors that affect fish or wildlife resources, and that 3) they require minimal or no application of hazardous chemicals. This may require reevaluation of permitted crops, pest control, and cultivation or other management practices.
C. Endangered Species Review. Internal endangered species review, including any necessary formal internal Section 7 consultation, must be completed for all pest management activities that may affect threatened or endangered species or their habitat. Pesticides will not be used if threatened or endangered species will be adversely impacted (i.e. killed, harmed, harassed, or substantially displaced on a long-term or permanent basis), or their habitats reduced in suitability, unless refraining from pesticide use will preclude implementation of necessary conservation actions that will benefit the recovery of the species.
D. Training. Appropriate Service personnel, trained in integrated pest management, will maintain an up-to-date knowledge of current techniques and issues, and provide outreach and guidance to pesticide applicators and landowners whose use of pesticides may impact Service lands and trust resources.
E. Compliance. Service personnel who apply pesticides, farm cooperators, mosquito control districts, and pest control contract personnel who apply pesticides on Service lands must comply with the provisions of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act and the Endangered Species Act, Department and Service policy, and other applicable laws and regulations. All pesticides used must be registered. Pesticides may only be used in accordance with the pesticide label. Leftover pesticides, rinse water, and empty containers must be disposed of properly. All pesticides labeled as “Restricted Use” must be applied under the direct supervision of a Certified Pesticide Applicator who holds a current and applicable State certification. Service personnel will be held responsible for any misuse of pesticides on Service lands under their management or by Service personnel under their supervision. All applications of pesticides will be in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and this Chapter.
All proposed uses of pesticides on Service lands, facilities or in Service-funded projects will undergo pesticide review (see definitions) at the Regional and, if required, at the Departmental level, except Federal Aid funded projects, projects involving uses of disinfecting agents for control of fish and wildlife pathogens, and others as noted in scope. Complete proposals will be submitted for approval prior to pesticide use and within the time specified by the reviewer. Proposals apply only to the specific application regime, time, location, pesticide and target use for which they were approved.
12.5 Definitions. The following terms and their definitions aid personnel in interpreting this directive.
A. Biological Control. The use of biological agents in pest control to reduce the population of pest species to acceptable levels. Included are the use of natural enemies (predators, parasites), natural or genetically engineered diseases, attractants, sterilized animals, pheromones, hormones and trap crops.
B. Cultural Control. The reduction of pest populations through physical manipulations of the environment by manual or mechanical means. Examples include fertilization, mowing, cultivating, fallowing, mulching, crop rotation, timing of planting or harvesting, manipulating water levels, managing wastes, burning, and certain types of sanitation.
C. Emergency Review. The process by which pesticide proposals are sent to the Pest Management Coordinator for expedited review due to unanticipated significant pest control problems. Proposals that normally require Departmental Review must be submitted to the Departmental Pesticide Review Work Group under emergency conditions.
D. Integrated Pest Management. The control of pests utilizing a practical, economical and scientifically based combination of biological, physical, cultural and chemical control methods. Integrated pest management emphasizes these methods in order to reduce or eliminate the need for chemical pesticides. It is a balanced approach which considers hazard to the environment, efficacy, costs and vulnerability of the pest. Integrated pest management requires:
(1) Identification of acceptable thresholds of damage, based on congressional mandates for management of Service lands and facilities.
(2) Environmental monitoring.
(3) A carefully designed control program to limit damage to an acceptable~ level.
E. Pesticide Review. The process by which proposals for pesticide use on Service lands or in Service-funded projects are reviewed and approved at the Regional and/or Departmental level. Review is initiated at the level of the applicator and examined at the Regional level for compliance with Service and Departmental Policy, and local, State and Federal laws and regulations. Where stipulated by Departmental guidelines, the proposals are then sent to the Departmental Pesticide Review Work Group for recommendations for action by the Office of Environmental Affairs.
F. Pests. Those organisms (vertebrates, invertebrates, plants, and microorganisms and their vectors, etc.). which are detrimental to fish, wildlife, human health, fish and wildlife habitat or to established management goals. Pests also include noxious weeds and other organisms which are classified as pests by law.
G. Pest Management. All activities (including biological, cultural, chemical, and physical control) intended to reduce pest populations and keep them at acceptable levels as defined by integrated pest management thresholds.
H. Pesticides. As defined in the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, those substances or mixtures of substances which are:
(1) Intended to prevent, destroy, repel, or reduce to acceptable levels any pest.
(2) Intended for use as a plant regulator, desiccant, or defoliant.
I. Physical Control. The reduction of pest populations through means other than chemical, cultural, or biological controls. It includes, but is not limited, to shooting, trapping, fencing, and use of sonic devices.
J. Trust Resources. Service lands and associated natural resources, birds protected under Migratory Bird Treaties, anadromous fish, endangered and threatened species, and fish and wildlife protected under international and/or Tribal treaties.
12.6 Responsibilities.
A. The Assistant Director, Fish and Wildlife Enhancement, will:
(1) Designate a National Pest Management Coordinator to carry out this policy.
(2) Ensure that States are encouraged to develop integrated pest management programs on Federal Aid projects and/or lands.
(3) Ensure that information on innovative and updated pest management techniques is developed, maintained, and distributed.
(4) Coordinate a consistent Service-wide approach to pest management.
B. Regional Director, Region 8 will:
(1) Maintain an active research program that will develop and enhance capabilities to fully implement integrated pest management related to pest management of our trust resources.
(2) Ensure that appropriate Service employees are kept informed of innovative and updated techniques for integrated pest management developed by Region 8.
C. The Regional Directors will:
(1) Ensure that pest management is accomplished in accordance with t his policy.
(2) Designate a Regional Pest Management Coordinator.
(3) Ensure that appropriate Service employees receive training in integrated pest management.

(4) Ensure that appropriate Service employees are kept informed of innovative and updated pest management techniques.

(5) Ensure that performance plans and annual work activity guidance for appropriate personnel reflect the duties and objectives of the Pest Management Policy and that funds allocated for pest management programs are appropriately spent.
(6) Ensure that reports are written and records are kept of actual pesticide use on all land managed by the Service, and that annual reports are sent to the National Pest Management Coordinator.
(7) Encourage States to develop integrated pest management programs on Federal Aid projects and/or lands.
D. Project Leaders who supervise activities within the scope of this policy will:
(1) Ensure that all pest management decisions are made and I mplemented in accordance with this policy.
(2) In coordination with the Regional Pest Management Coordinator, l ocal agricultural agents, and co-op farmers, develop an integrated pest management program consistent with environmental and wildlife management objectives so that all pest management activities are carried out in accordance with this policy.
(3) Manage and supervise Pest Management programs in accordance with all applicable local, State and Federal laws and regulations and Departmental and Service policies.
(4) Ensure that on Service-controlled lands under their jurisdiction, all Service personnel who apply pesticides and non-Service pesticide applicators have received any necessary certification, and are trained and equipped to safely carry out pest management activities.
(5) Promote and encourage, to the extent possible, integrated pest management to pesticide applicators and land owners whose use of pesticides may affect Service lands and/or trust resources.
(6) When necessary, coordinate with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (Agriculture), Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), Animal Damage Control Program, to conduct programs for the control of depredating animals on Service lands, as stipulated in the Memorandum of Understanding between the Department and the Department of Agriculture dated January 30, 1987. Ensure that integrated pest management techniques and concepts are incorporated into programs developed.
(7) Evaluate crops grown on Service lands with the long- range goal of eliminating crops that frequently require environmentally hazardous pesticides and promoting crops with maximum benefit to wildlife.
(8) Provide complete pesticide proposals to the Regional Pest Management Coordinator for all pesticides used on Service lands under their control, within the time frame specified by the reviewers.
(9) Ensure that pesticide treatment sites are properly posted to warn workers and visitors of pesticide use, if required by the pesticide label.
(10) Apply pesticides by aerial application methods only when the advantages over ground methods are distinct, and then only when precautions are used to ensure positive placement and minimal drift.
(11) Complete the internal Endangered Species review process, including, if necessary, formal internal consultation pursuant to Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, prior to the use of pesticides that may affect endangered and threatened species. Abide by the results of the Endangered Species review/consultation.
(12) Establish threshold levels of damage or pest populations according to ½rvice or field station goals and objectives, and applicable laws. Verify that treatment site has damage levels or pest populations that exceed the threshold levels prior to treatment. Evaluate all pesticide applications to determine whether the application achieved the desired results and whether there were any significant unanticipated or nontarget impacts. Document results of all pest management activities. Reports will contain a description and results of the pest management program, including, number of acres treated, methods used, adverse impacts on fish or wildlife, and efficacy of control of target pests. Provide the Regional Pest Management Coordinator with annual summaries of all pesticide use under the scope of this policy, by the end of the calendar year.
(13) Ensure that all pesticides and pesticide containers are lawfully stored, handled and disposed of in accordance with the label, and in a manner that will safeguard human health, fish, and wildlife, and prevent soil and water contamination. Comply with any applicable EPA reporting requirements.
(14) Ensure that all Service personnel who apply pesticides comply with the policy on Health and Safety for contaminant-related activities.
E. The National Pest Management Coordinator will:
(1) Develop, maintain, and distribute information concerning innovative and up to date pest management techniques to Regional personnel
(2) Serve on the Departmental Pesticide Review Work Group.
(3) Ensure that concerns regarding pesticide contamination are incorporated into the training of Regional personnel in integrated pest management and operational pest management activities.
(4) Review pesticide use proposals in a timely fashion to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and Departmental Policy.
(5) Promote awareness of and compliance with the Service Pest Management Policy to provide a consistent national approach to Service Pest Management.
(6) Review Regional annual reports of pesticide use.
(7) Coordinate with the National Fisheries and Wildlife Academies to incorporate integrated pest management tools into their curriculum.
F. The Regional Pest Management Coordinator (Coordinator) will:
(1) Review pesticide use proposals in a timely fashion to ensure that chemical pesticides are only used as part of an integrated pest management program and to ensure compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and Service policy.
(2) Provide the National Pest Management Coordinator with information concerning proposed pesticide applications

when requested.

(3) Provide for emergency review of pesticide proposals.
(4) Coordinate with the National Pest Management Coordinator for review of pesticide use proposals by the Departmental Pesticide Review Work Group where necessary.
(5) Provide Regional personnel with information concerning environmental hazards and updated pest management techniques.
(6) Keep records of the amount of each pesticide applied to Service lands or projects or by Service personnel. Collate and summarize the evaluations and documentation of the results of pest management activities that are provided by Project Leaders. Provide the National Pest Management Coordinator with an annual report of Regional pesticide use.

Release 30-5, 8-22-90

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