Frederick L. Ehrman Library
The Frederick L. Ehrman Medical Library contains over 230,000 total print volumes; 75,000 monographs; 21,000 print and electronic journal subscriptions; 244 databases and it serves as the Regional Medical Library for the Middle Atlantic Region after being awarded a five-year contract from the National Library of Medicine. Library materials can be accessed electronically from on-site and remotely. The mission of the Frederick L. Ehrman Library is to enhance learning, research and patient care at the New York University Langone Medical Center by effectively managing knowledge-based resources, providing client centered information services and education, and extending access through new initiatives in information technology.
NYUSOM, NYU Washington Square Campus, and each hospital has ample classroom space for formal educational sessions, equipped with computer, projection, and BlackBoard© (old fashioned and electronic). Investigators will have full access to myriad electronic collections such as Ovid, PubMed, Psychlit, and online journals through their T-1 connections to NYUSOM and downtown NYU library systems. Enormous collections are available and supported by award winning reference services.
The Elmer Holmes Bobst Library and Study Center has more than three million books and journals, and large collections of microforms, video and audiotapes. The library is one of the largest open-stack research libraries in the nation. Individually and through several consortia, the library is linked with all of the major research databases. Faculty, research staff and students have full access to highly developed computing, Internet, and database resources from office, home, and at off-campus locations secured to house research projects on an as-needed basis.
Other NYU Institutional Support
NYU School of Medicine has strong programs in place to support new as well as established investigators. These include:
Grant Writing Course for Scientists. NYU offers this course each semester. It is an intensive and hands-on course designed to give young investigators practical assistance and advice. Participants begin the class ready to write a grant proposal and are expected to submit their application (typically an R01) shortly after course completion. Each lecture covers material relevant to basic science applications as well as clinical and translational projects and there are also small group discussion sections.
NYU’s Office of Science and Research (OSR) Grants Support Team. OSR provides grant application development and writing/editing resources to the NYU Langone Medical Center Research Community. Services include Writing/Editing, Application Evaluation and Research Plan Consultation. OSR has a dedicated grants editor, who is available to provide editing and constructive criticism of NIH and other proposals for all faculty. OSR also provides a library of successful NYU grants as a resource for new investigators.
Internal Funding. There are extensive internal grant opportunities that support acquisition of preliminary data especially critical for early stage investigators, including:
Program Project Grant Development Initiative Funding
Purpose: To support the development of research teams that will be competitive in applying for large, multi-investigator-based, research grants such as program project, SPORE and other center grants.
Biomedical Research Support Bridging Fund
Purpose: To provide interim support for productive faculty who have experienced, or are about to experience, a lapse in extramural grant support. It is hoped that these funds will serve as a bridge to a successful resubmission and supports research activities that will directly contribute to a more competitive grant submission.
R01/R21 Incentive Program Fund
Purpose: To provide funds for the completion of necessary experiments, the collection of essential data, or the maintenance of essential laboratory infrastructure that are deemed necessary to address the critiques of the unsuccessful application and are likely to propel an unfunded grant application into the fundable range on its subsequent submittal.
Applied Research Support Fund
Purpose: To encourage and promote the development of original research projects and technologies which have the near-term potential for licensing and commercialization.
NYU-HHC CTSI Translational Research Pilot Project
Purpose: To support collaborative scientific studies for one year to enable development of preliminary data that will serve as the foundation for submission of translational research grant applications.
Whitehead Fellowships
Purpose: To assist faculty in the early years of their independent research careers to conduct focused research projects in the biomedical and biological sciences and enhance their ability to compete successfully for external funds.
Leadership, Education and Development for Scientists (LEADS) program: An annual three day course designed to benefit early-career faculty whose research programs and teams are growing, as well as those in mid-career who are looking to hone and expand their skills. This intensive program develops critical non-scientific skills not usually emphasized in graduate/medical school or postdoctoral training. It teaches investigators how to:
Hire, develop, and lead an exceptional lab team
Improve essential skills related to time management, resolving difficult interpersonal issues, managing grants, and teaching and presenting effectively
Build successful relationships and collaborations
Develop personal leadership skills and self awareness
Receive feedback on leadership style in order to enhance effectiveness
The NYU Langone Medical Center (NYULMC) is a world-class institution with dedicated research infrastructure, particularly for basic science, with close links to the research imaging departments of NYU at Washington Square, including the Center for Brain Imaging. NYULMC and NYU are home to a large number of internationally renowned investigators from a variety of backgrounds who possess expertise relevant to the grant proposals submitted to both federal and non-federal sponsors, and who are available to engage in scientific discussions. Overall, the NYU Langone Medical Center provides an ideal environment for the advancement of science through research proposals submitted by its distinguished faculty.
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