Farmborough parish council

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Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 08 November 2016 in the Memorial Hall at 7.30pm.
Present: Cllrs: Martin Carter in the Chair Malcolm Allen

Adrian Davies Sally Davis

Phil Gray Ray Langley

Chris Pike Jean Rogers

Janet Wilkes

Clerk: Trudi Gilbank

  1. Apologies for Absence: Derek Gould

  1. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 11 October 2016 will be amended and signed next month. (Proposed Malcolm Allen, seconded Adrian Davies)

  1. MATTERS ARISING not otherwise on the Agenda:

  1. Red phone box consultation. Firm offers of help to manage and maintain the red telephone

box have now been received from Chris Lovell, Patrick Bridges, Paul Evans, Eric Nott and John Hayes. The Council therefore agreed to adopt the telephone box for the benefit of the village. The Clerk will liaise with BANES and BT.
4. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: Cllr Sally Davis stated that as both District and Parish

Councillor, any views she expressed on planning matters would be based on the information

in front of the Parish Council. Cllr Malcolm Allen stated he would abstain from voting on

agenda item 6.1a)

  1. PARISHIONERS MATTERS (3 minutes each):

Andy Smart voiced his concern about the volume and speed of traffic on Little Lane and the absence of any road markings. Also the old road-sign on the corner of Ferenberge Close/Little Lane which is rusting at the bottom. Highways to be approached about worn road markings and rusting sign to be reported to Council Connect.

Cllr Sally Davis read a letter from Dave Roberts regarding the planning application at agenda item 6.1a). He addressed various points raised as objections on the planning website and

requested the council support his application.

a) Boystown Limited, Bath Road, Farmborough – 16/04451/FUL – Demolition of existing Use

Class B8 building and erection of 9 new dwellings with associated gardens, car parking and

highways and 2 new garages

SUPPORT in principle with comments and conditions (Proposed: Jean Rogers Seconded:

Phil Gray, 7 voted in favour, 2 abstentions)

  1. Unoccupied Bath Road Garage, Bath Road, Farmborough – 16/04999/RES – Approval of

Reserved matters with regard to outline application 16/01614/OUT for the re-development of

The site to provide 4 No. terraced houses.

OBJECT in principle with comments (Proposed: Chris Pike Seconded: Janet Wilkes, 7 voted in favour, 2 abstentions)

a) 4 Bridge Gardens, Farmborough – 16/04247/FUL – Erection of a single story side extension

(amendment to application 14/04447/FUL) - Retrospective

6.3 OTHER PLANNING (referrals, enforcement, appeals etc.):

a) Holly Farm, The Green, Farmborough – 15/04179/LBA – Internal and external alterations to

include erection of 2 no. new dwellings to the rear of the plot and conversion of existing barn

and cowsheds to 2 no. dwellings with associated works.

Notification that this application will be considered by the Development Management

Committee on 16 November 2016.

b) Holly Farm, The Green, Farmborough – 15/04085/FUL – Internal and external alterations to

include erection of 2 no. new dwellings to the rear of the plot and conversion of existing barn

and cowsheds to 2 no. dwellings with associated works.

Notification that this application will be considered by the Development Management

Committee on 16 November 2016.

c) Farmborough Memorial Hall, Little Lane, Farmborough – 16/04284/FUL – Erection of a

community shop.

Notification that this application will be considered by the Development Management

Committee on 16 November 2016. .



Cllr Sally Davis has had an informal consultation on future plans for Old Lane. Highways are

considering making the Lane one way from the Timsbury Road, past the bungalows and then

becoming two ways again from the new development. It is anticipated there will be some

funding available from the new development. This will go to a formal consultation. The speed

camera is also on schedule.

Trudi Gilbank Parish Clerk had attended a Parish Liaison Meeting on 12 October 2016 at

Bath. The Parish Sweeper scheme is to under-go yet more consultation. Comments and

feedback are required. 18 parishes out of 45 are part of the scheme and many more wish

to join but the money is not available. £73,000 is currently spent on the scheme. There is a

degree of confusion over what the role of the sweeper and the role of the Council is and there

is concern amongst the Parish Councils using the scheme that it does not allow for any growth

in the size of the villages. The reliance on the “goodwill” of the sweeper is not something

the Parish Councils using the scheme are happy with.

The question of the cutbacks to the rural bus services was also raised, Timsbury Parish

Council are very unhappy with the reduction of services to the local area. BANES confirmed

there had been no consultation with them, as this is currently not required. An anticipated

change in the legislation may help the situation in future.

Cllr Martin Carter will be sending an email to all regarding the West of England Joint Spatial

Plan and Joint Transport Study, which is going to consultation. Comments required by 19

December 2016.


The electrical system and heating system in the Memorial Hall are both in need of up-

dating and replacing. Cllr Martin Carter has recently attended a Memorial Hall Committee

meeting to look at all the various options. There is a lot of work to be done to find the best

solution for the Halls needs and the Parish Council are being asked for some help. It was

agreed a new electrical circuit board was the first step and the Parish Council will look into

funding this when setting the budgets for the new financial year.


  1. The following payments were approved:

  1. David Judd (Sweeping October) £333.75

  2. Martin Carter (Chairman’s Expenses) £9.90

  3. Grant Thornton (Annual Audit of Parish Accounts) £360.00

  4. Firemagic (Village Firework display) £2,160.00

Proposed Chris Pike, seconded Jean Rogers.

  1. Financial State at 01/11/2016:

Current Account £21,600.43

Savings Account £10.03


Cllr Phil Gray reported that the Fireworks event had been a great success, both in terms of

attendance and an overall profit of £580. They are looking to book for 03 November 2017.

A complaint from the new development houses that the bonfire was too close to their

boundary was deemed to be groundless by BANES and the Fire Services.

The tables and chairs in the Pavilion need replacing.

The surface of the Play Area is very slippery and very over-grown, despite having been

sprayed for weeds a few weeks ago. The Clerk will make enquiries. It may be that the actual

surface needs replacing, which again the Clerk will look into.

There continues to be a problem with dog mess around the Paly Area. Clerk will contact

the dog warden for signs.

The footpath between Tilly Lane and the A39 next to the new development is to be re-


The Memorial Service for Graham Dall will be held at Haycombe on Monday 14 November

2016.Jean will attend and speak on behalf of the Parish Council. It was agreed something

should done to remember Graham and his enormous contribution to the village and a bench

on the Recreation Ground, overlooking the cricket pitch was suggested.

a) Invitation to Bristol Airports Annual Community Review – 06 December 2016

b) Notification from Farmborough Church Primary School of Proposed Conversion to Academy


The meeting concluded at 9.40pm.

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