February 8, 2012
Regular Meeting
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The following items are contained in the February 8, 2012 Regular Meeting Minutes:
Call to Order / Roll Call
Public Comment
Approval of Minutes: January 11, 2011, Regular Meeting and Executive Session and January 25, 2012 Work Session and Executive Session.
Board Secretary’s Financial Reports for December 2011
Board of Education Certification as of December 2011
Bills and Payrolls
Transfer of Funds
Treasurer of School Monies Report for December 2011
Cash Report for December 2011
Principal Update
Activity Calendars
Fire Drill and Lockdown Reports
Committee Reports
Board of School Estimate Members
Personnel Matters
Student Matters
Fundraising/Field Trip
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Regular Meeting
February 8, 2012
Other Matters
Public Comment
Executive Session
Personnel Matters
Student Matters
February 8, 2012
Regular Meeting
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The Regular Meeting of the Margate City Board of Education was called to order at 6:30 P.M. on February 8, 2012 by President, Mr. Jacob Sless, in the William H Ross School Cafeteria, Margate, New Jersey.
Certification of Notice:
Susan Palaia, Board Secretary, announced that adequate notice of this meeting had been provided and read the following Certification Notice:
On May 17, 2011, a notice of this meeting was posted on the district website, the bulletin
board in the Board of Education Administration Office, the Eugene A. Tighe School, and the William H Ross III School and mailed to the City Clerk and advertised in the Press.
Roll Call - Members Present: Mr. Jacob Sless, President,
Mrs. Linda Levitt Doyle, Vice President,
Mrs. Renee Bell, Mrs. Kirsten Canuso
Mr. Chris Koch, Mrs. Joanne Kulzer, Mr. Jim Olivo
Members Absent: None
Others Present: Dr. DeFranco, Superintendent, Susan Palaia, Board
Secretary/School Business Administrator;
Mrs. Michelle Carney-Ray, Director of Special
Education/Principal; Mr. John DiNicola, Director of Special Projects/Principal; Mr. Rob Muccilli, School Solicitor, Carl Tripician, Longport Representative, Members of the Community
Public Comment on Agenda Items:
Members of the public commented on the following topics:
Eighth Grade class trip
Joint transportation agreement with Longport Board of Education
Legal invoices
Shared services with Ventnor Board of Education
Approval of Minutes
Upon motion by Mr. Koch, seconded by Mrs. Levitt Doyle, the board unanimously agreed to accept the minutes of the January 11, 2011, Regular Meeting and Executive Session, and the January 25, 2012 Work Session and Executive Session.
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Regular Meeting
February 8, 2012
Financial Reports:
Motion by Mrs. Levitt Doyle, seconded by Mrs. Bell, to accept the Secretary’s Financial Reports for the month of December 2011 as attached to these minutes and certifying that no budgetary account has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.12(a). See Exhibit # 1, pages 18,198 – 18,215. The Secretary’s Report agrees with the Treasurer’s Report. Motion passed by the following roll call vote:
Ayes: Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Canuso, Mr. Koch, Mrs. Kulzer, Mr. Olivo, Mrs. Levitt Doyle, Mr. Sless
Nays: None
Board of Education Certification:
Motion by Mrs. Levitt Doyle, seconded by Mrs. Bell, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11, the Margate City Board of Education certifies that as of December 31, 2011 after review of the Secretary's Monthly Financial Reports (Revenue and Appropriation Sections) and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials that to the best of our knowledge there have been no changes in anticipated revenue sources and/or amounts and no major account or fund has been over-expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(c)2-3 so that sufficient funds are available to meet the district's financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. Motion passed by the following roll call vote:
Ayes: Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Canuso, Mr. Koch, Mrs. Kulzer, Mr. Olivo, Mrs. Levitt Doyle, Mr. Sless
Nays: None
Bills and Payrolls:
Motion by Mrs. Levitt Doyle, seconded by Mrs. Bell, to approve the payment of bills and payrolls as listed on Exhibit # 2, pages 18,216 – 18,233. Motion passed by the following roll call vote:
Ayes: Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Canuso, Mr. Koch, Mrs. Kulzer, Mr. Olivo, Mrs. Levitt Doyle, Mr. Sless
Nays: None
Transfer of Funds:
Motion by Mrs. Levitt Doyle, seconded by Mrs. Bell, to approve the following Transfer of Funds:
Ratified Budget Transfers for 2011-2012
Transp. Contracted Serv Spec Ed
Repairs Outside Service EAT
Repairs Outside Service UAS
Repairs Outside Service WHR
Maintenance Supplies EAT
Maintenance Supplies UAS
Maintenance Supplies ADM
February 8, 2012
Regular Meeting
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Transfer of Funds: (Continued)
Maintenance Supplies WHR
Security Prof/Tech WHR
Transportation Supplies
Co-Curricular Other WHR
Salaries Student Related Service
Media Services Salaries
Repair Salaries EAT
Repair Salaries ADM
Repair Salaries WHR
Workmen Compensation
Other Employee Benefits
Salaries Resource Room
Construction Services
$ 189,799.73
Transp. Contracted Services
Health Salaries
Repair Supplies EAT
Custodial Salaries EAT
Custodial Salaries WHR
Cleaning Outside Service EAT
Cleaning Outside Service ADM
Cleaning Outside Service WHR
Security Prof/Tech UAS
Energy Electric WHR
Transportation General Supplies
Co-Curricular Supplies WHR
Other Retirement Contributions
Salaries Teachers 1 – 5
Salaries Teachers 6 – 8
$ 189,799.73
Motion passed by the following roll call vote:
Ayes: Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Canuso, Mr. Koch, Mrs. Kulzer, Mr. Olivo, Mrs. Levitt Doyle, Mr. Sless
Nays: None
Treasurer of School Monies Report:
Motion by Mrs. Levitt Doyle, seconded by Mrs. Bell, to accept the Treasurer of School
Monies Report for the month of December 2011. See Exhibit # 3, page 18,234 – 18,243.
Motion passed by the following roll call vote:
Ayes: Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Canuso, Mr. Koch, Mrs. Kulzer, Mr. Olivo, Mrs. Levitt Doyle, Mr. Sless
Nays: None
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Regular Meeting
February 8, 2012
Cash Report:
Motion by Mrs. Levitt Doyle, seconded by Mrs. Bell, to accept the Cash Report for the
month of December 2011. See Exhibit # 4, page 18,244.
Motion passed by the following roll call vote:
Ayes: Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Canuso, Mr. Koch, Mrs. Kulzer, Mr. Olivo, Mrs. Levitt Doyle, Mr. Sless
Nays: None
Principal’s Update:
Mrs. Carney-Ray reported the activities for Tighe School during the past month. Mr. DiNicola reported on the activities at Ross School.
Activity Calendars:
Dr. DeFranco distributed the Activity Calendars for William H. Ross, III School and E.A. Tighe Schools for the month of February 2012.
Fire Drill and Lockdown Reports:
Dr. DeFranco distributed the Fire Drill and Lockdown Reports for William H. Ross, III School and E.A. Tighe Schools for the month of January 2011 found attached to these minutes on Exhibit # 5, page 18,245.
Committee Reports:
Mrs. Levitt Doyle reported on the Mainland Shares Services committee meeting that was held February 2, 2012.
Mrs. Levitt Doyle reported the Curriculum/Staffing Committee is reviewing textbooks for a new math series.
Mr. Sless reported on the shared services meeting with Ventnor.
Mrs. Carney-Ray congratulated Robert and Walter Luchay (Tighe students), and their cousin, Kyle Kerr for winning the Presentation Award in the First State Championship Tournament, sponsored by the Bell Chemical Corporation, for their research project, “When Green Goes Red” about the dangers of food contamination represented by the failure to wash reusable grocery bags.
Dr. DeFranco congratulated Michelle Carney-Ray on two special honors. She was appointed as the Region 1 Director of the National Association of Middle School Principals. There are seven regions in this country. She has also been appointed as one of the co-directors
February 8, 2012
Regular Meeting
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Communications: (Continued)
of the Penn Jersey Jostens Renaissance collaborative while also being asked by Jostens Renaissance National Organization to be a part of their advisory board which assists with the national conference development.
The board discussed the 8th grade trip. A proposal is expected at the March 14th board meeting.
Board of School Estimate Members:
Motion by Mrs. Levitt Doyle, seconded by Mr. Koch, to appoint Mr. Sless as Board of School Estimates member. Motion passed by the following roll call vote:
Ayes: Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Canuso, Mr. Koch, Mrs. Kulzer, Mr. Olivo, Mrs. Levitt Doyle, Mr. Sless
Nays: None
Motion by Mr. Sless, seconded by Mrs. Levitt Doyle, to appoint Mrs. Canuso as Board of School Estimates member. Motion passed by the following roll call vote:
Ayes: Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Canuso, Mr. Koch, Mrs. Kulzer, Mr. Olivo, Mrs. Levitt Doyle, Mr. Sless
Nays: None
Personnel Matter:
Motion by Mrs. Levitt Doyle, seconded by Mr. Koch, to accept the resignation of
Melanie Woodall, secretary to the principal at the Eugene A. Tighe Middle School. Motion
passed by the following roll call vote:
Ayes: Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Canuso, Mr. Koch, Mrs. Kulzer, Mr. Olivo, Mrs. Levitt Doyle, Mr. Sless
Nays: None
Motion by Mr. Koch, seconded by Mrs. Bell, to approve the following personnel matters:
Approve advertising for the secretary to the principal at the Eugene A. Tighe Middle School to fill the open position.
Approve Jen Carey for pupil transportation in a private vehicle.
Motion passed by the following roll call vote:
Ayes: Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Canuso, Mr. Koch, Mrs. Kulzer, Mr. Olivo, Mrs. Levitt Doyle, Mr. Sless
Nays: None
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Regular Meeting
February 8, 2012
Student Matters:
Motion by Mrs. Bell, seconded by Mrs. Levitt Doyle, to approve Tighe Renaissance presents ‘Margate’s Got Talent’ on Saturday, March 30, 2012. Wave PAC fee as this is a school activity. Cost: Wayne/sound tech at $30.00 per hour which will be paid from the profits of the event. Motion passed by the following roll call vote:
Ayes: Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Canuso, Mr. Koch, Mrs. Kulzer, Mr. Olivo, Mrs. Levitt Doyle, Mr. Sless
Nays: None
Motion by Mrs. Bell, seconded by Mrs. Levitt Doyle, to approve the following contracts:
Approve revised Education/Law Enforcement Uniform Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for the 2011-2012 school year.
Approve a tuition contract with Atlantic County Vocational School for the 2011-2012 school for five full-time students at $5,355.00 each and four shared-time students at $255.00 each for a total amount of $27,795.00.
Approve a joint transportation contract with Longport School Districts to transport two students from Egg Harbor Township to Margate Schools at a cost of $150.00 per day effective January 30, 2012 as follows:
Route #
# Students
Daily Rate
E.A Tighe School
William H. Ross
Motion passed by the following roll call vote:
Ayes: Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Canuso, Mr. Koch, Mrs. Kulzer, Mr. Olivo, Mrs. Levitt Doyle, Mr. Sless
Nays: None
Motion by Mr. Koch, seconded by Mrs. Levitt Doyle, to approve the following resolutions:
Approve a Resolution to support Coastal Learning Center’s policy on school breakfast and lunch for the 2012-2013 school year, attached as Exhibit # 6, page 18,246.
Approve a resolution to waive participation in the Special Education Medicare Initiative (SEMI) program, attached as Exhibit # 7, page 18,247.
Motion passed by the following roll call vote:
Ayes: Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Canuso, Mr. Koch, Mrs. Kulzer, Mr. Olivo, Mrs. Levitt Doyle, Mr. Sless
Nays: None
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Regular Meeting
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Contracts: (Continued)
Motion by Mrs. Canuso, seconded by Mr. Koch, to approve the following contract:
Contract with Lab Corp for drug screening for new applicants at the following fees per screening:
10 Panel (AMP, BAR, BZP, COC, MTD, MTQ, OPI, PCP, PPX, THC) $25.00
At COMPANY Patient Service Centers (PSCs) ONLY $15.00
TOTAL $40.00
Account Set-up (one-time Fee) $100.00
Motion passed by the following roll call vote:
Ayes: Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Canuso, Mr. Koch, Mrs. Kulzer, Mr. Olivo, Mrs. Levitt Doyle, Mr. Sless
Nays: None
Motion by Mrs. Levitt Doyle, seconded by Mrs. Bell, to approve the Fire Department to use Tighe gym on February 18, 2012 for basketball game. Rental fees waived. Black Seal costs will be absorbed by the district’s facilities budget. Motion passed by the following roll call vote:
Ayes: Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Canuso, Mr. Koch, Mrs. Kulzer, Mr. Olivo, Mrs. Levitt Doyle, Mr. Sless
Nays: None
Fundraisers/Field Trips:
Motion by Mrs. Levitt Doyle, seconded by Mrs. Bell, to approve the following fundraisers:
Approve Renaissance fundraiser, Madden Football Tournament, in March with teacher supervision. No costs. Students will pay a $5.00 donation to join. Teachers are volunteering services for Renaissance.
Approve annual Jump Rope for Heart Health event and fundraiser on February 16, 2012 in the gym to benefit the American Red Cross. No cost.
Approve 12th annual Read-a-thon for Multiple Sclerosis, scheduled to kick off the week of March 5, 2012.
Motion passed by the following roll call vote:
Ayes: Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Canuso, Mr. Koch, Mrs. Kulzer, Mr. Olivo, Mrs. Levitt Doyle, Mr. Sless
Nays: None
Motion by Mrs. Levitt Doyle, seconded by Mrs. Bell, to approve the following Workshops/Meetings:
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Regular Meeting
February 8, 2012
Workshops/Meetings: (Continued)
Approve Michelle Carney-Ray to attend the National Jostens Renaissance Advisory Board Planning workshop in Red Wing, Minnesota on Friday, March 2, 2012. Jostens is paying for room, board, and flight. No cost to the district.
Approve Jennifer Germana, Assistant to the BA, to attend the following Systems 3000 training sessions. No cost for training; travel reimbursement requested.
February 1, 2012 FA Review
March 7, 2012 FA Part 1
March 21, 2012 FA Part II
April 17, 2012 HR Review
May 8, 2012 FA Year-End
October 2, 2012 FA Budget Projection
Approve Dr. Theresa DeFranco to attend the Commissioner’s Convocation on Wednesday, February 29, 2012 at Jackson Liberty High School, in Jackson, NJ. No cost for event; travel reimbursement requested.
Motion passed by the following roll call vote:
Ayes: Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Canuso, Mr. Koch, Mrs. Kulzer, Mr. Olivo, Mrs. Levitt Doyle, Mr. Sless
Nays: None
Other Matters:
Motion by Mrs. Levitt Doyle, seconded by Mr. Koch, to approve the following other
Approval for the Tighe School basketball team to attend the NCAA Atlantic 10 Basketball Tournament at Boardwalk Hall on March 9, 2012. Tickets are donated. Andrew Miles from the Recreation Department has secured a sponsor for the cost of the bus. Parents are required to sign a permission slip in order to attend.
Approval to adopt EnVision Common Core Math textbook program (2012 Pearson), Investigations for Common Core, and focus Math Intensive Intervention for grades K-5.
Ross $30,053.97 plus s/h
Tighe $7,548.91 plus s/h
TOTAL $37,602.88 plus s/h
Approve Cyndie Eastman to attend The Essentials of Communicating in Atlantic City on February 23rd and 24th. Cost is $269.00 plus mileage, tolls, parking, and substitute.
Approve advertising for a basic skills position.
Motion passed by the following roll call vote:
Ayes: Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Canuso, Mr. Koch, Mrs. Kulzer, Mr. Olivo, Mrs. Levitt Doyle, Mr. Sless
Nays: None
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Regular Meeting
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Public Comment:
Members of the public commented on the following topics:
Student test results
Difference between Honor and Merritt roles
Standardized testing
District legal fees
Executive Session:
Upon motion by Mrs. Levitt Doyle, seconded by Mr. Koch, the board unanimously agreed to go into Executive Session at 8:05 PM for the purposes discussing confidential personnel and student matters and advice of counsel on personnel and student matters.
Upon motion by Mrs. Bell, seconded by Mrs. Canuso, the board unanimously agreed to reconvene the meeting at 8:15 PM.
Personnel Matters:
Motion by Mrs. Levitt Doyle, seconded by Mrs. Kulzer, to approve the following
Personnel matters:
Approve hiring Richard French as a full-time night Black Seal Custodian at a salary of $24,960/year prorated, pending criminal history, drug screen, Mantoux, and physical.
Approve hiring Sean Leidy as a part-time night Black Seal Custodian at the rate of $12.00 per hour ($12.00/hour x 25 hours/week x 52 weeks = $15,600 annually), pending criminal history, drug screen, Mantoux, and physical.
Approve motion to terminate the employment of Frank Repici effective immediately.
Approve motion to terminate the employment of Aaron Smith effective immediately.
Motion passed by the following roll call vote:
Ayes: Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Canuso, Mr. Koch, Mrs. Kulzer, Mr. Olivo, Mrs. Levitt Doyle, Mr. Sless
Nays: None
Student Matters:
Motion by Mrs. Levitt Doyle, seconded by Mrs. Kulzer, to approve the following student matters:
Approve contract for bilingual psychological and learning evaluations that are needed for new ESL transfer student as part of triennial special education re-evaluation process. This is IEP driven. Cost is $650.00 funded through CST Consultant Source.
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Regular Meeting
February 8, 2012
Student Matters: (Continued)
Approve contract for psychiatric evaluation for 2nd grade student. Cost of full psychiatric evaluation is $450.00 funded through CST Consultant Source.
Approve Lisa Drexler, Karen Petitt, and Tracy Magel to complete 1 hour of homebound instruction per school day for BS for a minimum of 6 weeks at a rate of $34.00/ hr. Total cost is $1,200 (1 hour per day x 5 days, x 6 weeks) funded by homebound instruction account.
Approve contract for preschool student for a one-on-one ABA program to receive three hours a week from certified ABA therapist (Interactive Kids) and two hours from preschool paraprofessional.
Costs (funded through CST Consultant Source and staff payroll):
- Paraprofessional: 94 days of school remaining x 1 hour x $13.00 = $1,196
- ABA Services: 3 hours a week x 19 weeks remaining = 57 hours of ABA x
$115 = $6,555
Total for entire program for remainder of school year = $7,751
Motion passed by the following roll call vote:
Ayes: Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Canuso, Mr. Koch, Mrs. Kulzer, Mr. Olivo, Mrs. Levitt Doyle, Mr. Sless
Nays: None
Motion by Mr. Koch, seconded by Mrs. Levitt Doyle, to accept Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB) Semester Report for Fall 2011. Motion passed by the following roll call vote:
Ayes: Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Canuso, Mr. Koch, Mrs. Kulzer, Mr. Olivo, Mr. Sless
Nays: None
Abstain: Mrs. Levitt Doyle
Motion by Mr. Koch, seconded by Mrs. Levitt Doyle to acknowledge receipt of the following HIB Investigation Timeline and Checklist:
Deemed NOT HIB
Date of Occurrence School
12/16/2011 Ross
Motion passed by the following roll call vote:
Ayes: Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Canuso, Mr. Koch, Mrs. Kulzer, Mr. Olivo, Mrs. Levitt Doyle, Mr. Sless
Nays: None
Motion by Mrs. Levitt Doyle, seconded by Mr. Koch, to affirm the following HIB Investigation Timeline and Checklist:
Deemed HIB
Date of Occurrence School
December 14, 2011 Tighe
February 8, 2012
Regular Meeting
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Student Matters: (Continued)
Deemed NOT HIB
Date of Occurrence School
December 1, 2011 Tighe
December 7, 2011 Ross
December 8, 2011 Ross
December 16, 2011 Tighe
Motion passed by the following roll call vote:
Ayes: Mrs. Bell, Mr. Koch, Mrs. Kulzer, Mr. Olivo, Mr. Sless, Mrs. Canuso
Nays: None
Abstains: Mrs. Levitt Doyle
Motion by Mrs. Levitt Doyle, seconded by Mrs. Canuso, to acknowledge receipt of the following HIB Investigation Timeline and Checklist:
Deemed HIB
Date of Occurrence School
January 19, 2012 Tighe
Motion passed by the following roll call vote:
Ayes: Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Canuso, Mr. Koch, Mrs. Kulzer, Mr. Olivo, Mrs. Levitt Doyle, Mr. Sless
Nays: None
Motion was made by Mrs. Levitt Doyle, seconded by Mrs. Bell, the board unanimously agreed to adjourn at 8:25 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan E. Palaia
Board Secretary/School Business Administrator
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