We have not made any substantive changes in revision 1.
, corrected a few misspelled words, and modified our choice of words to be more concise. We made the formatting more consistent in Section V – Test. We added a few more references to outside publications. And, we changed the file name of this document to make it more descriptive and user-friendly.
Revision 1 Changes
I. Think about your audience 9
a. Identify and write for your audience 10
b. Address separate audiences separately 11
II. Organize 12
a. Organize to meet your readers’ needs 13
b. Address one person, not a group 16
c. Use lots of useful headings 17
d. Write short sections 20
III. Write your document 22
a. Words 23
1. Verbs 24
i. Use active voice 25
ii. Use the simplest form of a verb 27
iii. Avoid hidden verbs 28
iv. Use “must” to indicate requirements 30
v. Use contractions when appropriate 32
2. Nouns and pronouns 33
i. Don’t turn verbs into nouns 34
ii. Use pronouns to speak directly to readers 35
iii. Minimize abbreviations 39
3. Other word issues 41
i. Use short, simple words 42
ii. Omit unnecessary words 43
iii. Dealing with definitions 46
iv. Use the same term consistently for a specific thought or object 49
v. Avoid legal, foreign, and technical jargon 50
vi. Don’t use slashes 52
b. Sentences 53
1. Write short sentences 54
2. Keep subject, verb, and object close together 56
3. Avoid double negatives and exceptions to exceptions 58
4. Place the main idea before exceptions and conditions 60
5. Place words carefully 64
c. Paragraphs 66
1. Have a topic sentence 67
2. Use transition words 68
3. Write short paragraphs 69
4. Cover only one topic in each paragraph 71
d. Other aids to clarity 72
1. Use examples 73
2. Use lists 74
3. Use tables to make complex material easier to understand 77
4. Consider using illustrations 80
5. Use emphasis to highlight important concepts 85
6. Minimize cross-references 86
7. Design your document for easy reading 90
IV. Write for the web 91
a. How do people use the web? 92
b. Write for your users 94
c. Identify your users and their top tasks 95
d. Write web content 96
e. Repurpose print material for the web 97
f. Avoid PDF overload 98
g. Use plain-language techniques on the web 99
h. Avoid meaningless formal language 100
i. Write effective links 101
V. Test 102
a. Paraphrase Testing 103
b. Usability Testing 104
c. Controlled Comparative Studies 107
d. Testing Successes 109
1. Paraphrase Testing from the Veterans Benefits Administration 110
2. Usability Testing from the National Cancer Institute