2.2 Group type Respondents were asked to indicate the type of group they were visiting with and this is displayed below. Overall, people were most likely to be visiting with a partner or spouse although for residents, a high percentage were visiting on their own (29%) compared to just 16% of visitors. Families with children were also a significant group type, particularly for residents.
2.4 Age & Gender The charts below show the ages of respondents. It is clear that the age profile of visitors was quite different to that of residents. For residents, the largest age group was 16-24 accounting for 33% of respondents. By contrast, only 5% of visitor-respondents were in this age band. For visitors, the majority of respondents were in the higher age groups, with 26% aged 65+ (compared to just 7.5% of residents in this age band). The pyramid-charts which follow give a better picture of the age profile of all visitors rather than just those interviewed.