Fine arts course syllabus

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Course Title: Music Theory AP
Department: Fine Arts Department
Primary Course Materials: The Music Theory Handbook by Marjorie Merryman, Music for Sight Singing by Robert Ottman , Tonal Harmony with an Introduction to Twentieth-Century Music by Stefan Kostka and Dorothy Payne, The Complete Musician by Steven Laitz

Course Description: AP Music Theory is designed for students who require it for career study as well as those who desire it for enrichment. Though the main emphasis is placed on music of the Common Practice Period (Western tonality from1600-1900), music of other stylistic periods and cultures is also studied.

Essential Questions: What is the difference between notes in different clefs? What are the differences between the three forms of minor scales? How can all the intervals be identified by ear and sight? What is good voice leading? What are the differences between basic musical forms? What are some methods for successful dictation?
Course Objectives: At the end of this course, students should be able to:
a. Notate pitch and rhythm in accordance with standard notation practices

b. Read melodies in treble, bass, and movable C clefs

c. Write, sing, and play major scales and all three forms of minor scales

d. Recognize by ear and by sight all intervals within an octave

e. Use the basic rules that govern music composition

f. Harmonize a melody with appropriate chords using good voice leading

g. Analyze the chords of a musical composition by number and letter name

h. Transpose a composition from one key to another

i. Express musical ideas by composing and arranging

j. Understand and recognize basic musical forms: binary, ternary, rondo, etc.

k. Write simple rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic dictation

Common Goals:

Thinking and Communicating

  1. Read information critically to develop understanding of concepts, topics and issues.

  2. Write clearly, factually, persuasively and creatively in Standard English.

  3. Speak clearly, factually, persuasively and creatively in Standard English.

  4. Use computers and other technologies to obtain, organize and communicate information and to solve problems.

  5. Conduct research to interpret issues or solve complex problems using a variety of data and information sources.

Gain and Apply Knowledge in and across the Disciplines

  1. Gain and Apply Knowledge in:

    1. Literature and Language

    2. Mathematics

    3. Science and Technology

    4. Social Studies, History and Geography

    5. Visual and Performing Arts

    6. Health and Physical Education

Work and Contribute

  1. Demonstrate personal responsibility for planning one’s future academic and career options.

  2. Participate in a school or community service activity.

  3. Develop informed opinions about current economic, environmental, political and social issues affecting Massachusetts, the United States and the world and understand how citizens can participate in the political and legal system to affect improvements in these areas.

Learning Standards from the Massachusetts Curriculum Framework:
A chart is attached identifying which of the standards from the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks will be assessed in this course.

Additional Learning Objectives Beyond the Curriculum Framework:      
Content Outline: 
Week 1

Review of basic pitch notation: clefs, ledger lines, grand staff, octave designation, half and whole steps, intervals, chromatic alterations, enharmonic equivalents, accidentals [SC1]

Resources: The Music Theory Handbook, Part 1

Tonal Harmony, Chapter 1
Melodic dictation/Sight-Singing: Major key, diatonic pitches, conjunct melodies using scale degrees 1-6 [SC15 & SC16]

Resources: Music for Sight Singing, Part 1
Harmonic Dictation: bass voice
Week 2

Review of meter and rhythm: the proportional system, beat and tempo, accent, meter and measure, meter signatures, simple meters, compound meters, asymmetric meter, conflict of rhythm and meter, borrowed divisions, syncopation, cross rhythms, hemiola, dots, ties, dynamic and articulation markings

Resources: The Music Theory Handbook, Part 1

Tonal Harmony, Chapter 2

Melodic Dictation/Sight-Singing: Major key, diatonic pitches, conjunct melodies using scale degrees 1-6

Resources: Music for Sight Singing, Part 1
Harmonic Dictation: bass voice
Week 3

Review of major scales/circle of fifths/key signatures: the chromatic scale, whole-tone scale, major scale, pentatonic scale, transposition, tonality, key signatures, placement of sharps and flats, outer circle of fifths [SC7]

Resources: The Music Theory Handbook, Part 1

Tonal Harmony, Chapter 1

Melodic Dictation/Sight-Singing: major key diatonic pitches, conjunct melodies using scale degrees 1-6, add movement from scale degree 7-1

Resources: Music for Sight Singing, Part 1
Harmonic Dictation: bass and soprano voices
Week 4

Review of minor scales/circle of fifths/key signatures: the inner circle of fifths, relative major and minor scales, the natural minor scale, the harmonic minor scale, the melodic minor scale, the parallel minor keys [SC7]

Resources: The Music Theory Handbook, Part 1

Tonal Harmony, Chapter 1

Melodic Dictation/Sight Singing: major key, diatonic pitches, conjunct melodies using scale degrees 1-6, add movement from scale degree 7-1

Resources: Music for Sight Singing, Part 1
Harmonic Dictation: bass and soprano voices
Week 5

Review of intervals: numeric values of intervals, quality of intervals (major, minor, diminished, augmented), the intervals of the major scale, alteration of interval quality, enharmonic intervals, inversions of intervals, simple versus compound intervals, diatonic versus chromatic intervals

Resources: The Music Theory Handbook, Part 1

Tonal Harmony, Chapter 1

Melodic Dictation/Sight-Singing: Major key, diatonic pitches, melodies with skips using scale degrees 1, 3, and 5

Resources: Music for Sight Singing, Part 2 & 3
Harmonic Dictation: bass and soprano voices
Week 6

Review of triads/seventh chords: building and identifying triads (major triads, minor triads, diminished triads, augmented triads), building and identifying seventh chords (major seventh chords, minor seventh chords, diminished seventh chords, augmented seventh chords)

Resources: The Music Theory Handbook, Parts 1 & 3

Tonal Harmony, Chapter 3

The Complete Musician, Part 1

Melodic Dictation/Sight-Singing: Major key, diatonic pitches, melodies with skips using scale degrees 1, 3, and 5

Resources: Music for Sight Singing, Part 2 & 3
Harmonic Dictation: bass and soprano voices
Week 7

Chord inversions: identifying and building triadic inversions (root position, 1st inversion, 2nd inversion), identifying and building inversions of the seventh chord (root position, 1st inversion, 2nd inversion, 3rd inversion) [SC1]

Resources: The Music Theory Handbook, Part 3

Tonal Harmony, Part 3

The Complete Musician, Part 1

Melodic Dictation/Sight-Singing: Major key, diatonic pitches, melodies with scale degree 1-3-5 skips, add cadential skips from scale degree 5-1

Resources: Music for Sight Singing, Part 2 & 3
Harmonic Dictation: bass and soprano voices
Week 8

Chord symbols and figured bass, using traditional 18th century nomenclature to identify and analyze chords, realization of Roman numeral progressions [SC3, SC4 & SC5]

Resources: The Music Theory Handbook, Part 1

Tonal Harmony, Chapter 3

The Complete Musician, Part 1

Melodic Dictation/Sight-Singing: Major key, diatonic pitches, melodies with scale degree 1-3-5 skips, add cadential skips from scale degree 5-1

Resources: Music for Sight Singing, Parts 2 & 3
Harmonic Dictation: bass and soprano voices
Week 9

Diatonic triad functions in major and minor keys, diatonic primary and secondary chords in a major key, diatonic and chromatically altered primary and secondary chords in a minor key (based on form of scale) [SC8]

Resources: The Music Theory Handbook, Parts 1 & 3

Tonal Harmony, Chapter 4

Melodic Dictation/Sight-Singing: Major key, diatonic pitches, melodies with scale degree 1-3-5 skips, add cadential skips from scale degree 5-1

Resources: Music for Sight Singing, Parts 2 & 3
Harmonic Dictation: bass and soprano voices
Week 10

Functional tonal principles: tonality, chordal hierarchy, progression versus regression, harmonic motion, harmonic rhythm, variants in a minor key, idiomatic chord substitutions (vii/V, IV/ii)

Resources: The Music Theory Handbook, Parts 3 & 4

Tonal Harmony, Chapter 7

The Complete Musician, Part 1

Melodic Dictation/Sight-Singing: Major key, diatonic pitches, melodies with skips, add skips to scale degree 6

Resources: Music for Sight Singing, Parts 2 & 3
Harmonic Dictation: bass and soprano voices, authentic cadence
Week 11

Cadences: authentic and perfect authentic cadence, plagal cadence, half cadence, deceptive cadence [SC13]

Resources: The Music Theory Handbook, Parts 3 & 5

Tonal Harmony, Chapter 10

The Complete Musician, Part 2

Melodic Dictation/Sight-Singing: Major key, diatonic pitches, melodies with skips, add skips to scale degree 6

Resources: Music for Sight Singing, Parts 2 & 3
Harmonic Dictation: bass and soprano voices, authentic and plagal cadences
Week 12

Embellishing/nonharmonic tones: passing tone, neighboring tone, changing tone, anticipation, suspension, retardation, simultaneous embellishing tones, pedal point, use of nonharmonic tones in harmonic analysis [SC9]

Resources: The Music Theory Handbook, Part 3

Tonal Harmony, Chapters 11 & 12

The Complete Musician, Part 2

Melodic Dictation/Sight-Singing: Major key, diatonic pitches, melodies with skips, add skips to scale degree 6

Resources: Music for Sight Singing, Parts 2 & 3
Harmonic Dictation: bass and soprano voices, authentic/plagal/half/deceptive cadences
Week 13

Melodic principles in four-part writing/voicing chords: characteristics of the individual line’s range, tessitura, spacing, movement, and doubling and resolution of tendency tones [SC8]

Resources: The Music Theory Handbook, Parts 2 & 3

Tonal Harmony, Chapter 6

The Complete Musician, Part 2

Melodic Dictation/Sight-Singing: Major key, diatonic pitches, melodies with skips, add skips to scale degree 4

Resources: Music for Sight Singing, Parts 2 & 3
Harmonic Dictation: bass and soprano voices, primary triads (major and minor)
Week 14

Principles in chord connection: contrary motion, oblique motion, similar motion, parallel motion [SC8]

Resources: The Music Theory Handbook, Part 3

Tonal Harmony, Chapter 5

The Complete Musician, Part 2

Melodic Dictation/Sight-Singing: Major key, diatonic pitches, melodies with skips, add skips to scale degree 4

Resources: Music for Sight Singing, Parts 2 & 3
Harmonic Dictation: bass and soprano voices, primary triads (major and minor)
Week 15

Connecting root position triads: triads in a fifths relationship, traids in a third relationship, triads in a seconds relationship, realization of figured bass [SC3]

Resources: The Music Theory Handbook, Part 3

Tonal Harmony, Chapters 3 & 11

The Complete Musician, Part 1

Melodic Dictation/Sight-Singing: Major key, diatonic pitches, melodies with skips, add skips to scale degree 4

Resources: Music for Sight Singing, Parts 2 & 3
Harmonic Dictation: bass and soprano voices, primary and secondary triads (major and minor)
Week 16

Voicing triads in first inversion: frequency, spacing, doubling of first-inversion chords, connecting root position and first-inversion triads, successive first-inversion triad

Resources: The Music Theory Handbook, Part 3

Tonal Harmony, Chapter 5

The Complete Musician, Part 2

Melodic Dictation/Sight-Singing: Major key, diatonic pitches, melodies with skips to any scale degree

Resources: Music for Sight Singing, Chapter 3
Harmonic Dictation: bass and soprano voices, primary and secondary triads (major and minor)
Week 17

Part writing using nonchord tones: voicing suspensions and retardations, stylistic use of nonchord tones

Resources: The Music Theory Handbook, Part 3

Tonal Harmony, Chapter 11

The Complete Musician, Part 3

Melodic Dictation/Sight-Singing: Major key, diatonic pitches, melodies with skips to any scale degree

Resources: Music for Sight Singing, Chapter 3
Harmonic Dictation: bass and soprano voices, primary and secondary triads (major and minor)
Week 18

Review for Exam

Melodic Dictation/Sight-Singing: Major key, diatonic pitches, melodies with skips to any scale degree

Resources: Music for Sight Singing, Chapter 3
Harmonic Dictation: bass and soprano voices, primary and secondary triads (major and minor)
Week 19

Triads in the second inversion: the cadential six-four chord, the passing six-four chord, the pedal six-four chord, the arpeggiated six-four chord

Resources: The Music Theory Handbook, Part 3

Tonal Harmony, Chapter 9

The Complete Musician, Part 3

Melodic Dictation/Sight Singing: Major key, chromatic pitches based on natural minor

Resources: Music for Sight Singing, Chapters 3 & 4
Harmonic Dictation: outer voices, primary and secondary triads (major and minor)
Week 20

Connecting triads in all positions

Resources: The Music Theory Handbook, Part 3

Tonal Harmony, Chapter 7-9

The Complete Musician, Part 3

Melodic Dictation/Sight Singing: Major key, chromatic pitches based on natural minor

Resources: Music for Sight Singing, Chapters 3 & 4
Harmonic Dictation: outer voices, primary and secondary triads (major and minor)
Week 21

Harmonizing a melody and part writing for SATB voices: writing with inversions, writing with nonchord tones, writing with inner voices [SC2]

Resources: The Music Theory Handbook, Part 3

Tonal Harmony, Chapter 7-9

The Complete Musician, Part 3

Melodic Dictation/Sight Singing: Major key, chromatic pitches based on natural minor

Resources: Music for Sight Singing, Chapters 3 & 4
Harmonic Dictation: outer voices, primary and secondary triads (major and minor)
Week 22

Phrase structure, motives, and melodic forms [SC6 & SC13]

Resources: The Music Theory Handbook, Part 5

Tonal Harmony, Chapter 10

The Complete Musician, Part 3 & 4

Melodic Dictation/Sight Singing: Major key, chromatic pitches based on harmonic minor

Resources: Music for Sight Singing, Chapters 3 & 4
Harmonic Dictation: outer voices, primary and secondary triads, seventh chords

Week 23

The dominant-seventh chord: part writing with the V7 chord, part writing with inversions of the V7 chord, proper resolutions of tendency tones in the V7 chord [SC10]

Resources: The Music Theory Handbook, Part 3

Tonal Harmony, Chapter 13

The Complete Musician, Part 2

Melodic Dictation/Sight Singing: Major key, chromatic pitches based on harmonic minor

Resources: Music for Sight Singing, Chapters 3 & 4
Harmonic Dictation: outer voices, primary and secondary triads, seventh chords
Week 24

The leading-tone seventh cord: part writing with the vii°7 chord, part writing with inversions of the vii°7 chord, proper resolution of tendency tones in the vii°7 chord [SC10]

Resources: The Music Theory Handbook, Part 3

Tonal Harmony, Chapter 14

The Complete Musician, Part 2

Melodic Dictation/Sight Singing: Major key, chromatic pitches based on harmonic minor

Resources: Music for Sight Singing, Chapters 3 & 4
Harmonic Dictation: outer voices, primary and secondary triads, seventh chords
Week 25

Harmonizing with other seventh chords: common diatonic seventh chords in major keys, common diatonic seventh chords in a minor key (based on scale), voice leading with non-dominant seventh chords, predominant seventh chords, sequences using seventh chords, chain suspensions using seventh chords [SC10]

Resources: The Music Theory Handbook, Part 3

Tonal Harmony, Chapter 15

The Complete Musician, Part 3

Melodic Dictation/Sight Singing: Major key, chromatic pitches based on harmonic minor

Resources: Music for Sight Singing, Chapters 3 & 4
Harmonic Dictation: outer voices, primary and secondary triads, seventh chords
Week 26

Secondary dominant chords: the V/V, V/iii, V/ii, V/vi chords and the V7/V, V7/iii, V7/ii, V7/vi chords [SC11]

Resources: Tonal Harmony, Chapter 16

The Complete Musician, Part 5

Melodic Dictation/Sight Singing: Major key, chromatic pitches based on melodic minor

Resources: Music for Sight Singing, Chapters 3 & 4
Harmonic Dictation: outer voices, all triads, seventh chords, secondary dominants
Week 27

Secondary leading-tone chords: the vii°/V, vii°/iii, vii°/ii, vii°/vi chords and the vii°7/V, vii°7/iii, vii°7/ii, vii°7/vi chords [SC11]

Resources: Tonal Harmony, Chapter 17

The Complete Musician, Part 5

Melodic Dictation/Sight Singing: Major key, chromatic pitches based on melodic minor

Resources: Music for Sight Singing, Chapters 3 & 4
Harmonic Dictation: outer voices, all triads, seventh chords, secondary dominants
Week 28

Identifying secondary dominants in analysis of music, part writing with secondary dominants, voice leading with secondary dominants

Resources: Tonal Harmony, Chapter 16 & 17

The Complete Musician, Part 5

Melodic Dictation/Sight Singing: Major key, chromatic pitches out of the key (that is, secondary dominants)

Resources: Music for Sight Singing, Chapter 5
Harmonic Dictation: outer voices, all triads, seventh chords, secondary dominants
Week 29

More harmonization and analysis with use of secondary dominant chords, modulation to closely related keys [SC12]

Resources: The Music Theory Handbook, Part 3

Tonal Harmony, Chapter 16 - 18

The Complete Musician, Part 5

Melodic Dictation/Sight Singing: Major key, chromatic pitches out of the key (that is, secondary dominants)

Resources: Music for Sight Singing, Chapter 5
Harmonic Dictation: outer voices, all triads, seventh chords, secondary dominants
Week 30

Small forms: simple binary, rounded binary, ternary form, and theme & variations [SC14]

Resources: The Music Theory Handbook, Part 5

Tonal Harmony, Chapter 20

The Complete Musician, Part 7

Melodic Dictation/Sight Singing: Major key, chromatic pitches out of the key (that is, secondary dominants)

Resources: Music for Sight Singing, Chapter 5
Harmonic Dictation: outer voices, all triads, seventh chords, secondary dominants
Weeks 31-34

Review for AP Music Theory Exam

Take practice free-response questions

Week 35

Work on final analytical/compositional projects [SC18]
Week 36

Present final analytical/compositional projects


Major Evaluation Strategies:

Name of Assessment

Type of Assessment






Other Objectives





Melodic dictation

2, 5, 6b, 6e, 7

1, 2, 4, 5


Harmonic dictation

2, 5, 6b, 6e, 7

1, 2, 4, 5



1, 3, 5, 6b, 6e, 7

1, 2


Harmonic Analysis

1, 2, 5, 6b, 6e, 7

2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10



1, 2, 5, 6b, 6e, 7

2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10






























































































Learning Standards from the Massachusetts Curriculum Framework:




Students will sing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.


Reading and Notation

Students will read music written in standard notation.


Playing Instruments

Students will play instruments, alone and with others, to perform a varied repertoire of music.


Improvisation and Composition

Students will improvise, compose, and arrange music.


Critical Response

Students will describe and analyze their own music and the music of others using appropriate music vocabulary. When appropriate, students will connect their analysis to interpretation and evaluation.


Purposes and Meanings in the Arts

Students will describe the purposes for which works of dance, music, theatre, visual arts, and architecture were and are created, and, when appropriate, interpret their meanings.


Roles of Artists in Communities

Students will describe the roles of artists, patrons, cultural organizations, and arts institutions in societies of the past and present.


Concepts of Style, Stylistic Influence, and Stylistic Change

Students will demonstrate their understanding of styles, stylistic influence, and stylistic change by identifying when and where art works were created, and by analyzing characteristic features of art works from various historical periods, cultures, and genres.


Inventions, Technologies, and the Arts

Students will describe and analyze how performing and visual artists use and have used materials, inventions, and technologies in their work.


Interdisciplinary Connections

Students will apply their knowledge of the arts to the study of English language arts, foreign languages, health, history and social science, mathematics, and science and technology/engineering.




Students will develop acting skills to portray characters who interact in improvised and scripted scenes.


Reading and Writing Scripts

Students will read, analyze, and write dramatic material.



Students will rehearse and stage dramatic works.


Technical Theatre

Students will demonstrate skills in using the basic tools, media, and techniques involved in theatrical production.


Critical Response

Students will describe and analyze their own theatrical work and the work of others using appropriate theatre vocabulary. When appropriate, students will connect their analysis to interpretation and evaluation.


Purposes and Meanings in the Arts

Students will describe the purposes for which works of dance, music, theatre, visual arts, and architecture were and are created, and, when appropriate, interpret their meanings.


Roles of Artists in Communities

Students will describe the roles of artists, patrons, cultural organizations, and arts institutions in societies of the past and present.


Concepts of Style, Stylistic Influence, and Stylistic Change

Students will demonstrate their understanding of styles, stylistic influence, and stylistic change by identifying when and where art works were created, and by analyzing characteristic features of art works from various historical periods, cultures, and genres.


Inventions, Technologies, and the Arts

Students will describe and analyze how performing and visual artists use and have used materials, inventions, and technologies in their work.


Interdisciplinary Connections

Students will apply their knowledge of the arts to the study of English language arts, foreign languages, health, history and social science, mathematics, and science and technology/engineering.



Media, Materials, and Techniques

Students will demonstrate knowledge of the media, materials, and techniques unique to the visual arts.


Elements and Principles of Design

Students will demonstrate knowledge of the elements and principles of design.


Observation, Abstraction, Invention, and Expression

Students will demonstrate their powers of observation, abstraction, invention, and expression in a variety of media, materials, and techniques.


Drafting, Revising, and Exhibiting

Students will demonstrate knowledge of the processes of creating and exhibiting artwork: drafts, critique, self-assessment, refinement, and exhibit preparation.


Critical Response

Students will describe and analyze their own work and the work of others using appropriate visual arts vocabulary. When appropriate, students will connect their analysis to interpretation and evaluation.


Purposes and Meanings in the Arts

Students will describe the purposes for which works of dance, music, theatre, visual arts, and architecture were and are created, and, when appropriate, interpret their meanings.


Roles of Artists in Communities

Students will describe the roles of artists, patrons, cultural organizations, and arts institutions in societies of the past and present.


Concepts of Style, Stylistic Influence, and Stylistic Change

Students will demonstrate their understanding of styles, stylistic influence, and stylistic change by identifying when and where art works were created, and by analyzing characteristic features of art works from various historical periods, cultures, and genres.


Inventions, Technologies, and the Arts

Students will describe and analyze how performing and visual artists use and have used materials, inventions, and technologies in their work.


Interdisciplinary Connections

Students will apply their knowledge of the arts to the study of English language arts, foreign languages, health, history and social science, mathematics, and science and technology/engineering.

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