First christian church news

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(Disciples of Christ)

First Christian Church is a diverse family of believers and seekers, united in Christ, who share God's love and the good news of God's grace with all persons through daily acts of justice, mercy and love.

March 5, 2008

Someone has said that a practice repeated becomes a habit and what we do habitually forms our character, and our character is who we are. When six weeks of snow and ice intervened in our schedules and removed us from regular participation in worship, it may take six weeks of intentional effort to reestablish the pattern of worship attendance we want to be characteristic of us. The intentional practice of prayer several times a day can become a habit which grows into a character trait of paying attention to the presence of God in all things. Making one gift is a practice, and making many gifts constitutes a habit, and that habit becomes a generous character. Proverbs 26:11 (attributed to King Solomon) paints an ugly portrait of bad habits, “As a dog returns to his own vomit, so a fool repeats his folly.” If we expect and desire different results then we must change our behavior, and many repetitions of the positive spiritual disciplines is a good way to do just that. Rather than beating ourselves up about our bad habits, we need to replace them with better habits such as getting enough rest and exercise. For instance, I could take a walk or read a book at the time I used to have a mid-afternoon snack. Frequent prayer was one of Jesus’ primary habits. Worship, too, can be habit-forming; that’s why it should be taken frequently.

Joys and Concerns


+ Our third week of housing the homeless at First Christian this winter will be March 23-29. Please sign up NOW for volunteer shelter assignments on the schedule in the gathering space, or email Dale Kepler at with your available dates and tasks.

+ Remember to set your clocks ahead Saturday night (Sunday morning). Daylight Savings Time begins at 2 a.m. on Sunday, March 9.

+ All Board members, Deacons, Elders, and other officers of the congregation are cordially invited to be present in 10:00 a.m. worship on Sunday, March 9 when a portion of the worship service will be dedicated to recognizing and installing the new officers of the congregation.

+ Nancy Lang had some rare symptoms of polymyalgia and spent some days in the hospital recently; she’s doing much better now.

+ Bonnie Bryce has had pain recently that had meant many days in bed and a diagnosis has not been made. Your prayers are appreciated.

+ Heather Cuppy has been restricted in physical activity as her due date approaches (about 2 months away) but there was a fire in the apartment above hers that caused water and smoke damage so she and Haley and Kaitlyn have moved to a nearby apartment building in North Liberty.

+ Brooke Schultz is off bed rest now and awaiting the birth of her child.

+ Becky Hall has ceased employment at the VA Hospital in anticipation of the birth of their 3rd child in about 2 months.

+ Grayson Seaton was born to parents Marcus & Kara on Feb. 4, weighing 8 lbs. Congratulations!

+ Gary Johnson’s mother died in Missouri 2 weeks ago at the age of 89 after a long illness. Your prayers are appreciated.

+ Darrell Flinn fell and broke his ankle a few weeks ago, and has been able to get out of the house now using a cane he made himself in his shop while hobbling around on one leg.

+ Nancy Richards is doing well following coronary bypass surgery and has begun a regular exercise routine.

+ Dr. Carol Mertens has some great new shoes and they aren’t Doc Martens, but they are the first pair ever to actually fit her feet and give lots of pain relief, so we are happy along with her feet.

+ Nancy McKinstry’s sister Natalie lost her husband, who died during a routine procedure at Marshalltown Area Hospital on January 30. The family appreciates your kind expressions of sympathy.

+ Please pray for Alan Fredergill, a faithful Disciple who has homes in both Iowa City and Sioux City and has been in chemotherapy for cancer.

+ Our congregation sent a delegation to a youth ministry conference called “Youth Tools” which was held at Noelridge Christian Church in Cedar Rapids on Saturday, Feb. 9. Now, as a follow-up to that event we have Bill Spangler-Dunning, our Regional staffperson for youth ministry, coming to meet with parents and youth leaders of our congregation on Tuesday, March 22 at 6:45 p.m. to help us plan our youth program for the fall and beyond.

+ John Clark, Steve Clark’s father, had gall bladder surgery 3 weeks ago and is doing well in recovery.

+ We are looking for a few volunteers to help with Children’s Moment during Sunday worship services. We have 3 volunteers now and would appreciate having others. Please call the church office if you are interested.

+ Congratulations are in order for the City High School 4A girl’s basketball state champs, for Coach Jan Jensen’s Women’s Basketball Big Ten Champions, and for Coach Wes Hand’s Big Ten wrestling champs!

+ A special 2008 Easter Offering will be taken on Easter Sunday, March 23. Special envelopes will be in the pews. The Easter Special offering provides financial resources for many ministries including Disciples Hurricane Recovery Initiative, Disciples Women’s Ministries, Disciples Care for children, the Student Ecumenical Partnership, Global Ministries, web and internet ministries, Ministerial Relief and Assistance, and many more.

+ The February 22-24 WATCH (We Are The Church) retreat at the Christian Conference Center was an excellent spirit-filled time apart with the leadership provided by six persons from our congregation, several Disciple pastors, and Deacon Efinger and members of the WATCH organization.


We encourage everyone to call or write the church office any Joys and Concerns you may have.
Holy Week Schedule

Maundy Thursday Service & Meal: 6:30 p.m.

Palm Sunday: Sunday School 9:00 a.m.

Easter Sunday:

Early Worship: 7:30 a.m.

Easter Breakfast: 8:30 a.m.

Easter Egg Hunt: 9:30 a.m.

Worship: 10:00 a.m.

Sunday's Scriptures

March 9, 2008

Ezekiel 37:1-14; Psalm 130; John 11:32-45

March 16 2008

Isaiah 50:4-9; Psalm 31:9-16; Phil 2:5-11; Matthew 27:11-54

Worship Leaders__________________________
March 9 - 10:00 am Service

Greeter: Marilyn Stewart

Ushers: Anna Gay

Servers: Beth Pelton, Jan Ricklefs, Dave & Bette Klein

Elder: Joel Ringdahl

Reader: Nancy McKinstry

Hospitality: TBA

Acolyte: Grace Hall & Caitlin Klein

A/V: Martha Hedberg

Communion Prep: Barb Brodersen

March 16 - 10:00 Service

Greeters: Anna Gay

Ushers: Darrell Flinn, Brad Flinn

Servers: Roger & Sherry Child, Daryl & Barb Henry

Elder: Patricia Arnold

Reader: Linda Flinn

Hospitality: TBA

Acolyte: Brandon & Jeremy Lantz

A/V: Jim Lang

Communion Prep: Barb Brodersen

Easter lily forms will be available in the pews on Sunday, March 9. Cost is $11 per lily ordered and deadline is Monday, March 10. The forms can be placed in the offering plate during worship or turned into the church office. Lilies can be taken home following worship on Easter Sunday.

WOW Themes for March & April

March 5 – Sudanese Night

March 12 – St. Patrick’s Day

March 19 – No WOW – spring break

March 26 – Prelude to Easter

April 2 – Kite Night

April 9 – Banquet, last WOW
Kindergarten – High School aged children are invited to the WOW Movie Night, March 7 from 6-8. Participants are encouraged to bring a pillow, sleeping bag or blanket. Pizza will be served! Parents are invited too!


The next Women’s Nite Out will be held in April. Stay tuned for details. The group meets on the third Thursday of each month at a different location. All are welcome!

Jane Setzer and Eunice Welsh will host the next meeting of the Hannah Circle at 1:30 p.m. on Monday, March 17, at First Christian Church. All women of the church are invited!

2008 World Day of Prayer

United Under God’s Tent

Friday, March 7

Christ the King Lutheran Church

Registration & Refreshments 9:15 a.m.

Program 9:45 a.m.

Thank you for all your help after our fire. A special thank you to Julie for helping with our clothing and to John who washed 15 loads of laundry. Thank you to Carol Mertens for giving us furniture and other goodies.

Heather Cuppy, Hailey & Kaitlyn Rohm


Look Who’s Having A Birthday!

March 1 Fred Grems

March 2 Arlo Fry

Andrew Koch

Louise Pearson

Helene Petty

March 3 Zain Arnold

Linda Flinn

March 4 Amy Sorensen

March 7 JoEllen Crowe

Scott VanOss

March 10 Jack Johnson-Chen

March 13 Jeff Keyser

March 17 Joe Chen

Pat Harding

March 18 Annika & Mara Jensen

March 19 Vi Miller

March 20 Marc Rebal

March 21 Greg Kilberger

March 22 John Williams

March 23 Meredith Music

Jan Ricklefs

March 25 Soren Arnold

Greg Beaver

March 29 Del Ebersole

March 31 Mark Smith

February 3 119

February 10 84

February 17 35 (snowstorm)

February 24 89
Feb. Net Income All Funds (income less expenses): -$5,893.59

Feb. Net Income Year To Date: $26,193.97

Hills Bank Mortgage Balance: $572,935.64


February 12, 2008
Present: Beth Smith, John McKinstry, Barb Henry, Steve Clark, Vince Risden, Ted Knights, Bette Klein, Dave Klein, Patricia Arnold, Rex Brandstatter.
Assistant Moderator Patricia Arnold chaired the meeting.
Devotions were led by Patricia Arnold.
The minutes from the January meeting were approved as written.
North Lot Committee: written report. Rex Brandstatter clarified items and answered questions. The Board discussed the report. It was decided to inform the Congregation of this information through the newsletter and on-line. The March Board meeting would include more discussion of this report and its recommendations. A final vote by the Board would come in March or April.
Moderator’s Report: given by Patricia Arnold. Pat touched on: that the Youth Tools workshop held in Cedar Rapids on Saturday, February 2 was very useful; that she was excited about the work of the Nominating Committee; and that each person makes a difference in our Congregation.
Pastor’s Report: John reported that Sharon Pickens would like to give a headset microphone for the Sanctuary in memory of Ken so all could hear the pastor better. The Board voted to approve the memorial gift.
Nominating Committee: Steve Clark reported that existing Deacons were asked in what committee they would like to be involved. There were still a few spots to be filled. The Congregational vote will be Sunday, Feb. 24th.
Worship: The department had a meeting on Jan. 28th. Bette Klein reported that the Lenten season decorations had begun to be displayed. Also, it was discussed to introduce an evangelism program for church leaders but it was decided to wait until after the WATCH retreat.
Mission and Witness: There is a new Food Pantry opening in Coralville looking for volunteers. They meet the second Monday of every month @ 5:30. See Patricia Arnold for more details.
New Business: a letter from Jan Christensen stated she was resigning after many years as our representative for the Church Women United. Also, Beth Smith mentioned that there were missionaries from Honduras interested in speaking to a Sunday school class in May.
Next meeting: Tuesday, March 11, 2008.
Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Henry


February 24, 2008

The Congregational meeting was called to order at 11:05 am by Steve Clark. He thanked the Nominating Committee for their hard work. Steve spoke of the reorganization of the church Board and also thanked those outgoing members of the Board. The slate of the new candidates was presented. The congregation unanimously voted to accept the candidates as listed below. The meeting was adjourned at 11:12 am.
Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Henry

Slate of Candidates for First Christian Church Board 2008-09
Deacon (elect 6)

Tara Clark

Mary Hanson

Bette Klein

Nancy Richards (1 yr. term)

Beth Smith

Jan Ricklefs (filling 2 yr. vacated term)
Elder (elect 2)

Daryl Henry

Don Racheter
Treasurer (elect 1)

Nancy Ream

Trustee (elect 1)

Gail Crowe

Financial Secretary (elect 1)

Jim Lang


Board Moderator

Patricia Arnold

Assistant Moderator

Nancy Richards

Board Secretary

Maggie Keyser

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