With g-d’s Name, it is as g-d Has Pleased. There is no Power except with The g-d

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With G-d’s Name, it is as G-d Has Pleased. There is no Power except with The G-d.

The History of Masjid Jihad at a Glance - The “Time-Line” Methodology

I witness that there is no god except The One G-d, and I witness that Muhammed is His Servant and His Messenger


Masjid Jihad is an affiliate of those Masaajid, both within and outside of the United States of America, that identify with Imam Wallace Deen Mohammed’s leadership. It has been established from information provided to our present masjid’s administration, communicated via the “oral tradition,” that the efforts to start what was to later become Masjid Jihad, began circa 1968. The initial attempts to organize a local movement that would be an affiliate of the then Nation of Islam, that was led, at that time, by the late Honorable Elijah Mohammed, experienced humble beginnings. Holding meetings either in members’ homes, or in rented store-fronts was a part of these organizing community-building efforts. Inclusive in these store-front, rented facilities, that symbolized the embryonic stage of Masjid Jihad, i.e. Mohammed’s Temple of Islam, were two locations on Barnard Street [initially in the 1200 block of Barnard’s Northeast side (this building still exists though the exact space has been eliminated); thereafter, 509 Barnard Street (this structure exists today, as it did when it was used as a Mohammed’s Temple)]. The years in which the two Barnard Street facilities were utilized were; 1970-74 and January 1974-August 1974, respectively.

Moreover, the early leaders (ministers) of the local temple were: Ministers Charles XCuspert, Carlton XWoods, Samuel 2XFranklin, Grant XEllison, and Ahmad Kareem. Though the ministers of the Nation of Islam (nationally and locally) were elevated to a status of preeminence; their efforts, however, would not have been as successful as they were without their respective, sincere and dedicated, staff members (referred to as “laborers”); and, the “rank-and-file” organization’s members, referred to as: Fruit of Islam or F. O.I (male members), and Muslim Girls Training and General Civilization Class or M.G.T.-G.C.C. (female members). The names and the official capacities, if any, of these unsung heroes and heroines are too voluminous to list; on the one hand. Then, on the other hand, not withstanding this brief narrative, the methodology employed in this effort is that of identifying those historical events that happened, chronologically, as Mohammed’s Temple of Islam was metamorphosed to Masjid Jihad.

The following represents the “time-line methodology” of presenting the history of Masjid Jihad. Hence, persons’ names will be mentioned ONLY in the context of their relationship with the historic event that occurred on that date. This humble effort is, by no means presented as the final version of Masjid Jihad’s history. Neither is it presented as a “comprehensive picture” of every historical event that occurred. Rather, it is a “beginning,” a “genesis”—if you will—of our masjid’s existence, in Savannah, Georgia. It is, therefore, our du’a that Allah—The Almighty—will Forgive us for any and all oversights, omissions, and inadvertent mistakes; that have been made, and , we Implore Him for His All-Encompassing Mercy, as we engage ourselves with this monumental task-Aameen. We, moreover, ask of those who were/have been a part of this (r)evolutionary movement to assist this effort by bringing to us, documentation (written or pictures) that can be included in this account of the history of Masjid Jihad.

1970: Mohammed’s Temple of Islam began holding its public meetings with Samuel 2XFranklin serving in the capacity of “minister,” in the 1200 block of Barnard Street. Meeting days and times were: Wednesdays and Fridays at 7:00 pm, and Sundays at 2:00 pm.

Spring 1971: Reginald XToby, who ultimately worked through the local temple’s fruit of Islam (F. O. I.) members to become the temple’s “captain,” the position that he held until the F. O. I. was dismantled by Imam Wallace Deen Mohammed, received a personal, signed letter, from the Nation of Islam’s National leader, The Honorable Elijah Mohammed, thanking him for this extraordinary efforts of charity; to both the national and the local organization’s efforts.

February 1972: In collaboration with the Freshman class at Savannah State College (University), Mohammed’s Temple of Islam hosts a “Black History Month” lecture, delivered by Southern Regional Minister of the Nation of Islam— Minister ‘Abdul Rahman of Atlanta, Georgia—in “Meldrim Auditorium,” at Savannah Stare College (University).

April 4, 1972: Mohammed’s Temple of Islam, Fruit of Islam (F. O. I.) members: Ezekial XWalker, Eric XWalker, Ronald XFlagg, and Reedy XCooper were involved in; and, were subsequently arrested for a physical confrontation with members of the Savannah Police Department, on Broughton Street, in downtown Savannah. This incident served as the catalyst for a public forum, held a Savannah State College (University) in Meldrim Auditorium, which included local speakers and featured Southern Regional Minister ‘Abdul Rahman, who delivered the keynote speech against “police brutality.”

December 1973: Mohammed’s Temple of Islam moves from the 1200 block of Barnard to 509 Barnard Street. With this move in location, Grant XEllison was commissioned by the Regional Minster, ‘Abdur Rahman-of Atlanta, Georgia to serve as the local organization’s “minister.” This change of the “minister’s” post occurred in January of 1974.

1974: The national, radio broadcast of the then Nation of Islam’s leader, The Honorable Elijah Mohammed featuring Elijah Mohammed’s National Representative, Minister Louis Farrakahn, began to air on radio station WSOK. With the passing of Elijah Mohammed in February 1975, this national, radio broadcast continued to air until the early 1980’s, with Imam Wallace Deen Mohammed delivering the weekly lectures.

1974: With charitable work efforts and monetary donations of the temple’s members, Mohammed’s Temple opened two businesses; namely the “Steak and Take” restaurant (located at 1015 West 50th Street), which evolved to become “Shabazz Restaurant” (located at what is now 1820 Montgomery Street); and, “Your Fish Market” (located at 619 Harmon Street). These “Temple” operated businesses were managed with volunteer labor, from the temple’s membership. They continued to exist as “temple businesses” until they were given to businessmen, within the local membership. The restaurant and fish market were managed by Tommy XKeys and Moses XSlaughter, respectively.

August 1974: Mohammed’s Temple of Islam experiences an historic relocation effort, transitioning from renting facilities to accommodate its weekly meetings and other temple activities, to buying a “Victorian Era” house, located 117 East 34th Street. This “house,” (“bayt” in the Arabic language, being descriptive of humans’ “social life,”) has had various renovation efforts designed to accommodate our community’s needs. With the charitable donations of individuals belonging to the “financial class” referred to as “the striving poor,” this property was paid for, in toto, in February 1983, Al-hamdu-lillah!! It is in this structure that “Masjid Jihad” is presently located.

December 1974: Mohammed’s Temple of Islam local officials: Minister Grant XEllison, Captain Reginald XToby (a/k/a Omar Abuwi), and Secretary Marvin XCastle travelled to a Southern Regional Meeting, at Mohammed’s Temple #15 in Atlanta, GA, where, with other regional officials, they were privy to what was to become an historic transitional lecture given by the then, Minister Wallace D. Mohammed, the formerly excommunicated son of Elijah Mohammed.

1975: Because of the exceptional local support provided to the national office in Chicago, Illinois, the local “Mohammed’s Temple of Islam” was renamed, by the national authority, to “Mohammed Mosque No. 81.”

February 1975: The largest delegation of Nation of Islam members from Savannah, travelled to Chicago, Illinois for the annual, national convention, “Saviour’s Day.” It was the day before this February 25 convention that Elijah Mohammed passed. The following day, during the national convention itself, the Savannah delegation members witnessed the transition of the national leadership, with pledges of support from each of the “Regional Ministers,” to Minister Wallace D. Mohammed.

May 1975: The then President of Savannah State College (University) Prince Jackson, Jr. PhD, proclaimed “The Honorable Elijah Mohammed’s Day” on Savannah State’s campus; providing to the local Muslims complete accommodations, on the campus, for various programs.

November 1975: Minister Grant XEllison (a/k/a Ahmed Atai) was transferred to New Orleans, LA, to serve in the capacity of Minister; and, his local ministerial responsibility was assumed by Minister Ahmad Kareem originally from Atlanta, Georgia. Minister Kareem continued to function as minister until November 1976, when he resigned to pursue personal, business interests.

March 1976: Began conducting the Friday Prayers (Salaatul Jumu’ah) at the masjid.

November 30, 1976: By means of a unanimous “vote of confidence” that was given during an “emergency, call meeting” of the mosques’s members; upon the resignation of Minister Ahmad Kareem, Maajid Faheem ‘Ali (f/k/a Marvin XCastle) was chosen to serve as “imam” of Mohammed Mosque No. 81. The mosque’s name was later modified, by directives given by Imam Wallace D. Mohammed, to become “Masjid Mohammed No. 81.”

February 1977: A local “prison ministry” was incorporated into the responsibilities of the “office of imam,” with chaplaincy services being provided to the inmate populations of Georgia State Prison at Reidsville (Reidsville State Penitentiary) and Chatham County Correctional Institute. This “prison ministry” would later expand to include state facilities in both Mt. Vernon and Jesup, Georgia. With brief “pauses” in between, this “prison ministry,” being performed from the “office of imam,” evolved to become “contract chaplaincy” services provided at Georgia State Prison at Reidsville and Rogers Prison; ultimately concluding, from the “office of imam” in 1991. Thereafter, in coordination with Colonel McArthur Holmes of the Chatham County Detention Center an historic, first, “Muslim dormitory,” was established in November 2000. The “office of Imam” continued to provide chaplaincy services to the Chatham County Detention Center, until February 2006.

Summer 1977: The initial “Islamic Educational” efforts that evolved to become a Clara Mohammed Weekend School were implemented. Please refer to the “History of the Clara Mohammed Weekend School” for more information.

November 1977: Masjid Mohammed No. 81’s local efforts, in cooperation with the national efforts of Imam Wallace D. Mohammed, established a chapter of C.R.A.I.D. (Committee for the Removal of Images that Attempt to Portray Divine). Initially, through dialogue with various Christian ministers; ultimately, with peaceful, “walks” (carrying signs with various messages written upon them) efforts were made to call to the general public’s attention, the psychological harm/damage that is caused by having “racial icons” depicted as Almighty G-d’s manifestation/incarnation. The C.R.A.I.D. effort culminated with a national convention held in Dallas, Texas, in August 1982. A delegation from our masjid attended this convention.

Summer and Fall 1978: Subsequent to the conducting of a survey/questionnaire titled: “Be Your Brothers ‘ Keeper,” and addressing the “neighborhood crime problems,” male members of the masjid went into the “high crime” communities and openly challenged the “criminal element” to abandon their criminal behavior; whilst, simultaneously, encouraged these communities residents, respectively; to stand with us, in taking back their neighborhoods/communities. Because of the risk of corporal retaliation being directed against, us , by the criminal element; and, because of the “news worthiness” of these “anti-crime” efforts, local NBC affiliate, WSAV (reporter Ms. Roz Harper), and local owner and general manager of radio station WSOK, Mr. Benjamin Tucker, provided extensive media coverage of these “crime prevention” efforts.

October 8, 1978:
September 25- Invitation accepted by Maajid Faheem ‘Ali, Imam; and, Samuel Muhammad, Assistant Imam, to participate in a two week intensive, “imam’s training course,” sponsored by The Muslim World League of North America. Subjects taught during this course included: Quraan, Hadith, Islamic Jurisprudence, Islamic Doctrines, Arabic Language, and lectures covering Islamic culture and ethics. Certificates were awarded, during a graduation ceremony, upon the successful completion of this course. This “imam’s training course” was held in Atlanta, Georgia.

November 1978: ‘Abdullah El-Amin, is the first person, among the individuals of the local membership, to perform the pilgrimage to Makkah, Saudia Arabia (hajj).

1979-1981: The local masjid, in compliance with other masaajid and centers, experienced national affiliate name changes including: “The World Community of Al-Islam in the West—Savannah Masjid,” “The American Muslim Mission-Savannah Center,” and “The American Muslim Mission-Savannah Masjid.”

October 1981: Proclamations are issued by The City of Savannah and Chatham County, recognizing October as: “Get to Know Al-Islam Month.” Various activities are sponsored by the masjid to educate the local, non Muslim population concerning the religion of Al- Islam.

January 1982: Attorney Lester B. Johnson, III (a/k/a Hakeem ‘Abdul Ahad) is appointed as an “Assistant City Attorney” for the city of Savannah. He is the first and the only Muslim to hold this position. Attorney Johnson has held this position for 31 years. Attorney Hakeem is a personal friend of Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas.

January 23, 1982: Members of Masjid Jihad recognized Imam Maajid Faheem ‘Ali’s fifth year of service as imam with a banquet at the Regency Downtowner Motor Inn. The theme was “A Night of Appreciation for Imam Maajid F. ‘Ali.” Muslims from other communities and several prominent local community leaders were present to share in this momentous occasion.

August 1982: At the urging of the owner and general manager of radio station WSOK, Mr. Benjamin Tucker, Maajid Faheem ‘Ali, through the “office of Imam,” accepted the responsibility to host a “live,” radio talk show named “Rebirth of America.” This program addressed the then current issues, utilizing the “socio-religious” perspective of Al-Islam. It aired weekly (Sundays), initially, until February 1984. “Rebirth of America,” subsequently, returned to WSOK in June 1986 and aired until January 1991.

October 1983: An historic banquet, honoring the achievements of Mr. Benjamin Tucker and Attorney Lester B. Johnson III, is hosted by the masjid, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, in downtown Savannah.

June 1984: At a regional imam’s meeting, held subsequent to the masjid dedication ceremony of Masjid Nakettah Muhammed in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; local imam, Maajid Faheem ‘Ali, upon the resignation of Imam Ibrahim Pasha, of Atlanta, Georgia, is elected, to serve as the “Regional Convener” of the “Southern Region’s Majlis-Ash-Shura.” In this capacity, along with the other “Regional Conveners,” he participated with the organizing and planning of the “10 Year Commemoration of Imam Wallace Deen Mohammed’s Leadership.” Imam ‘Ali held this position until September 1985, whereupon he recommended (and the recommendation was accepted) that the “Regional Convener’s” position should be an elected position, that would, therefore, rotate among the imams and the masaajid in the Southern Region. This process continues to be practiced, within the region.

1986: Upon exercising “due diligence,” the members of the American Muslim Mission- Savannah Masjid, following the recommendation of Imam Wallace Deen Mohammed, chose to rename our masjid, Masjid Jihad. It was, moreover, in this year that we filed with the office of the Secretary of State, as a “not-for-profit,” 501©3 religious corporation. Since 1986, with the payment of our annual filing fee, the name Masjid Jihad remains the exclusive name of our masjid, in the state of Georgia.

July 4, 1987: Under the coordinated efforts of ‘Abdul Hafeez(th) El-Amin, members of Masjid Jihad organized, sponsored, and implemented the first and only (in the more recent history of this city) fourth of July parade held in Savannah. Following in the tradition of Imam Wallace Deen Mohammed’s leadership; and, corresponding with the parade held in Chicago, Illinois, the local parade was called: “The New World’s Patriotism Day Parade.” The theme for the occasion of this historic, local, July 4th celebration was: “Equality of Opportunity For All People.”

January 1988: With continuous encouragement of ‘Abdul Hafeez(th) El-Amin (f/k/a Vernon Williams), Maajid Faheem ‘Ali, through the “office of imam,” began hosting a weekly (Saturdays), cable access, television program; through the then Jones Communications, Corp: on cable, Channel 7. This television program was, too, named “Rebirth of America” (as was the radio program). Though it was a prerecorded program; its format was, nevertheless, comparable to the radio program’s format. “Rebirth of America,” television, aired until May 2001. Omar Abuwi served as cameraman for these prerecorded programs. However, once again, with ‘Abdul Hafeez(th) El-Amin managing the administrative aspect with “Comcast Cable,” another weekly (Saturdays) cable access, television program titled: “Renaissance and Reformation: Issues and Answers,” began to air on cable, channel 7. From its hosting to its format, it was comparable to the previous; “Rebirth of America.” “Renaissance and Reformation…”aired from November 2006 until October 2012.

April 1990: A “Proclamation” was issued by Mayor John P. Rousakis of the City of Savannah, emphasizing the “Jewish-Christian-Muslim Code of Ethics” upon which our nation is built; thereby urging the citizens of Savannah to express mutual respect for its Muslim citizens.

September 1992: Through a donation of one of our then masjid’s members; namely, Dr. Mohammed ‘Ali Masroor, purchase was made of the “Florence Street School” building, and its adjacent lots. Florence Street School was originally built in 1929 (during the era of “Jim Crow,” racial segregation) specifically for the education of African-American students, at the elementary school level. It became desegregated in 1971, and was discontinued for use, by the local, public school system, in 1987. Located at 700 West 35th Street, it was to be developed, renovated and used as an Islamic Cultural Center, Educational facility; and ultimately a studio. The adjacent lots were to be developed to accommodate businesses, apartments, and a masjid. However, because of unforeseen tax liabilities and property valuation issues with the Chatham County Tax Assessors office, the properties were sold, in October of 2000, to a housing development corporation.

February 1993: The masjid began to have brothers designated, mainly through volunteering, to open the masjid for each of the five daily prayers (salawaat). Notwithstanding occasional adjustments, the masjid continues to fulfill this religious obligation to this day.

February 1995: Having both national and international contacts, through various Muslim organizations, individuals in our masjid; among them Dr. Masood Ahmed, Mamdouh Abu Karam, and others; we began to host “Hafeeth of Quraan,” at the masjid, during the month of Ramadaan; mainly, for the purpose of leading the Tawarih Prayers, at the masjid. Among the countries of origin from which these “hafeeth” and “qari” of The Quraan came include: England, Egypt (Al Azhar University), and Saudi Arabia. This practice of hosting hafeeth and qari of The Quraan, during the month of Ramadaan, for leading the tawarih prayers, continued until the year of 2000.

January 1996: An invitation is accepted, by the “office of imam,” to participate, with leaders from Savannah’s Jewish and Christian communities: respectively, in the Mayor of Savannah Inauguration Ceremony’s “Interfaith Benediction.” This “interfaith benediction” tradition was inclusive of Mayor Floyd Adams’ two terms, Mayor Otis Johnson’s two terms; and, as of January 2012, the initial term of Mayor Edna Branch Jackson. Furthermore, during Mayor Adams’ two terms, and once during Mayor Johnson’s administration, via the “imam’s office,” Maajid Faheem ‘Ali, provided the “invocation,” for city council meeting.

August 1996: Through the “office of imam,” Maajid Faheem ‘Ali is appointed by the then Mayor Floyd Adams, to serve, along with other religious leaders, on the mayor’s “Human Relations Council.”

December 1996: The Daw’ah Committee of the masjid sponsors a history making weekend of activities – including various workshops – at Savannah State College (University), culminating with the “Public Address” delivered by Imam Wallace Deen Mouhammed, on December 8th at the Wiley-Wilcox Gymnasium, titled: “Islam in America; Past, Present, and Future.”

November 21, 1998: November 30, 1998, would mark 22 years of Imam Maajid Faheem ‘Ali serving as resident imam of Masjid Jihad. At the suggestion of Mumtahanah ‘Abdul Maalik, the members of the Social and Da’wah Committtees (chaired by Lynne Thompson Hill and Willis [Hakim] Jones, respectively), and Attorney Lester B. Johnson, III worked together to sponsor and organize “In Recognition of 22 Years of Service.” This banquet was held at the Savannah Marriott Riverfront. Imam Salahuddin H. Hanif, of Albany, Georgia delivered the keynote address. Several community leaders, and clergy from various congregations, either appeared on the program or attended the event. Among the many efforts to recognize Imam ‘Ali’s service, commitment, and progress, was a letter of congratulations from Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

January 24, 2002: At the local observance of the “Interfaith Prayer Service For World Peace” program, held at St. John The Baptist Catholic Church, before an audience of about 600 persons, Maajid Faheem ‘Ali, through the “office of imam,” pronounces the athaan (Muslim’s “call to prayer”) and gives a prayer, for this occasion; an historic “first” for the city of Savannah.

March 17, 2002: “Getting to Know our Muslim Brothers and Sisters from the Continent of Africa,” was coordinated by the Social Committee (Lynne T. Hill, chairperson) and Atty. Lester B. Johnson, III. Speakers from Egypt, Nigeria, Senegal, Somalia, and Sudan spoke on various topics including Salaatul Jumu’ah, women, weddings, funerals, education, ‘Eid celebrations, business, and foods. The event ended with an African feast.

November 2002: In recognition of their “commitment and dedication” to “service and sacrifice;” and, in following the recommendation provided to the national membership of the Muslim American Society (American Society of Muslims) that was given by Imam Wallace Deen Mohammed, a local effort of “Patriot’s Day” was hosted by the masjid, with the then Chief of the Savannah police Department, Dan Flynn, and the Fire Chief of the Savannah Fire Department, Paul Taylor, being in attendance. Though, without the presence of any city officials being in attendance, a subsequent “Patriot’s Day” observance was held, at the masjid, in September 2009.

November 2002: Existing historically, as the only “continuous, organized effort” of a masjid (dating back to the 1968 days of the then “”Mohammed’s Temple of Islam,” of the Nation of Islam’s movement) with the establishment of “The Islamic Center of Savannah,” Masjid Jihad becomes the “oldest masjid” in Savannah, Georgia.

January 2003: A major renovation effort that included: providing front entrances for males and females (Brothers and Sisters); erecting a combination, brick and chain link fence, around the masjid’s perimeter; laying a combination, brick and stone sidewalk, at the masjid’s front area; installing central heat and air conditioning; painting the masjid’s exterior; and installing a metal roof on the masjid was initiated. This major renovation effort would extend over a three-year period, and it would be completed in the summer of 2006.

May 8, 2004: Through the “office of imam,” Maajid Faheem ‘Ali, is invited to provide, both, the “invocation” and “benediction” at “The One Hundred Sixty Fourth Commencement Ceremony “ of Savannah State University. As a member of the Historic Black Colleges and Universities system, this graduation program was historic in that it marked the largest graduation class, at that time, in Savannah State’s existence. An article about this historic event was printed in the August 13, 2004 edition of the Muslim Journal.

June 7, 2004 Imam Maajid Faheem ‘Ali was a speaker at the “Interfaith Service for World Peace and Global Justice,” where the theme was “Bridging Our Differences…Connecting Our World.” The event took place at the Ritz Theatre in Brunswick, Georgia.

June 4, 2005: In an effort to address the need for a greater business presence, and a stronger business community among Muslims and African-Americans, a “Business Conference” titled “The Spirit of Competition—Striving as in a Race for Virtuous Business Life,” is sponsored by the masjid, at the City of Savannah’s Entrepreneurial Center. In addition to invited speakers from the academic and technical sides of starting one’s business, including “how to” secure the financing of one’s business; and how to develop a “business plan,” the conference included a tour of the Entrepreneurial Center, with an emphasis placed upon the services provided by the center, itself.

2006: In Amir N. Muhammad’s publication America’s Masaajid and Islamic Centers A Pictorial Account, in which he captures the photographic images of over 100 Masaajid and Islamic Centers across the United States of America, on page 67; listed among the Masaajid and Islamic Centers of the “southeastern region,” is a picture of Masjid Jihad, before it’s major renovation effort that began in January 2003.

March 4, 2006: Emphasizing and highlighting the tremendous significance that Al- Islam places upon “education,” through the coordinated efforts of the masjid’s Treasurer, ‘Abdul Mumin Saleem, and the Chairman/Chairperson of the Masjid’s Fundraising Committee, Lynne Thompson Hill, an historic banquet, focusing upon “education” and the “freedom movement” of African-Americans, is held at the Marriot Riverfront Hotel. The theme for the historic event was: “Heroes and Heroines of the African-American Tradition: Recapturing the Ethos of the Freedom Movement.” The Keynote speaker for the occasion was Dr. Evelyn Dandy.

January 2007: The New South, a locally published magazine, publishes an article titled: “Faces of Faith,” an article concerning religious diversity in Savannah, wherein, Maajid Faheem ‘Ali, via the “office of imam,” is interviewed by the magazine’s reporter Andrew Odom with photographer Cain Douglas Gray; with Maajid’s responses, during the interview, being listed as the “lead” quotes, for the article.

December 18, 2007: During the pilgrimage to Makkah, Saudia Arabia, on the “Day of ‘Arafah,” Imam Maajid Faheem ‘Ali (having been appointed to this responsibility) delivers the sermon/lecture (khutbah) on the “Plain of Arafah,” for the delegation, with which he was traveling.

April 2008: Our masjid is invited to participate with other churches, of various denominations; churches located, primarily in the downtown Savannah area, in providing volunteer labor to various social service agencies and individuals (who would not otherwise have this service provided) throughout the city of Savannah. This work-effort is provided during the early spring and fall seasons of each year. The name of this volunteer, work- effort is: “Congregations in Service.” Our masjid continues to participate in this program, in coordination with other persons of the Jewish, Christian, and Baha’i faith traditions.

September 2009: Combined with the masjid’s “Patriot’s Day” observance, the “Islamic Artifacts Exhibit,” of collector and historian – Willis Hakim Jones- is held at the masjid. Hakim’s exhibit evolved in quantity and quality, which prompted him, in coordination with Dr.s Peggy Blood and Mohammed Mukhtar, of Savannah State University, to host and exhibit in Savannah State’s Social Science Building, titled: “Islamic Expo 2010.” This exhibit was hosted at Savannah State beginning August 24, 2010. Furthermore, because of the expanding collection of articles, documents, publications, etc., with a specific emphasis of the metamorphosis/evolution of the “ Nation of Islam,” to Quraanically based Islam- under Imam Wallace Deen Mohammed’s leadership, Hakim’s Islamic exhibit was again hosted-in part-at the masjid, during an International Food Festival in October 2011; at Armstrong Atlantic State University in March 2012; and, as a sequel to “Islamic Expo 2010,” in October 2012, “Islamic Expo 2112: Reflections and Accommodations for the Global Islamic Presence ;” again, hosted in the Social Science Department, at Savannah State University.

November 5&7, 2010: The Reform Judasim Synagogue in Savannah, Temple Mickve Israel and Masjid Jihad join over 100 masaajid and 100 synagogues internationally in what it termed a “Weekend of Twinning.” This “Weekend of Twinning” observance encompasses 22 countries. The local effort continued in 2011; and, it was expanded, locally, in 2012 to include the congregation of Asbury Memorial United Methodist Church; thereby, evolving into a “Weekend of Tripletting,” i.e. being inclusive of the 3 Abrahamic Faith Traditions. This event is coordinated to occur, internationally, during a weekend in the month of November of each year. Autonomy is provided to the local efforts, with respect to specifics and the nature of how the observance is performed. Therefore, the “lecture” followed by an “interactive session” format, featured facilitators: Rabbi Arnold Beltzer and Imam Maajid F. ‘Ali, 2010; Rabbi Daryll Crystal and Imam Maajid F. ‘Ali, 2011; and Rabbi Robert Haas, Pastor Billy Hester, and Imam Maajid F. ‘Ali, 2012.

1980-June 2012: Ibrahim ‘Abdul Maalik served in the capacity of assistant imam at which time for purposes of relocation, his resignation was tendered.

June 15 & 16, 2012: Interfaith and Interracial Conference, coordinated through the efforts of First Tabernacle Baptist Church and Masjid Jihad, is hosted at First Tabernacle. This conference was inclusive of religious leaders and others including: First Tabernacle Baptist Church-Rev. Dr. Clarence “Teddy” Williams, Masjid Jihad - Imam Maajid Faheem ‘Ali, Second African Baptist Church-Rev. C. M. Brown, Asbury Memorial UMC-Rev. Billy Hester, Holy Spirit Lutheran Church-Rev. Jim Nelson, St. Matthews Episcopal Church-Rev. Cheryl Parris, St. Paul C.M.E. Church-Rev. Da’Herri R. Thurmond, Sr. Thankful Baptist Church-Rev. Paul Shepherd Chatham County Sheriff’s Department-Ret. Col. McArthur Holmes, and The Polote Corp.- Bennie Polote, Sr. This conference featured lectures and workshops with presenters reflecting upon the theme of: “Embracing Time Tested Traditions for the Preservation of Fatherhood.”

Summer 2012: In coordination with Lynne Thompson Hill, Faraz Yousef develops/creates Masjid Jihad’s website www.masjidjihad.com

December 30, 2012: Because of her untiring commitment to community-building efforts and her sustained support for masjid’s activities and events, expanding over a period of thirty-six (36) years; and, because of her work with Masjid Jihad’s Education Youth Leadership Preservation Committee, extending to incorporate her serving as Chairman/Chairperson and as an instructor(tress) with the Clara Mohammed Weekend School, until she was no longer physically/medically capable to sustain her work –efforts; Sakinah Ziyadah Sabir ‘Ali, via the Education Youth Leadership Preservation Committee of Masjid Jihad coordinated “The Ni ‘mat Sabreen Abuwi Museum/ Library of Masjid Jihad Inc.” dedication ceremony, at the masjid. “The Ni ‘mat Sabreen Abuwi Museum/ Library of Masjid Jihad Inc.” is located on the masjid’s second floor.

2014: Inasmuch as “2014” will represent the “40th year” of the masjid being located at 117 East 34th Street; and, with an awareness of the religious significance” associated with the number “40;” i.e. Noah’s flood lasting “40 days and 40 nights;” Moses’ wandering in the wilderness for “40 years;” Jesus Christ having fasted for 40 days; and, Prophet Muhammed (ppbuh) having been inspired with Quraanic revelation at the age of “40;” and, when he was asked to identify “who” is to be considered to be one’s neighbor, he responded: “count 40 houses to your right, 40 houses to your left, 40 houses to your front, and 40 houses to your rear,”…it is, therefore, with the religious significance associated with the number 40 that a “40 Year Anniversary” of Masjid Jihad being located at 117 East 34th Street is to be observed.

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