Number: 1-605-475-6333 Access: 10142000

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Wisconsin Theta Chapter AVC Monthly Meeting

September 14, 2013 10:00 a.m.


Number: 1-605-475-6333 Access: 10142000

  • Upcoming Meetings:

October 5 – Platteville, WI—Homecoming: 2PM @ TBD

November 8 – Platteville, WI –Tentative Fall Banquet (Platteville)

December 7 – Platteville, WI

  • Reports:

  • President

    • Including technology into meetings, websites/video conferencing.

  • VP of Relations

    • Looking at releasing Newsletter after Homecoming in order to have more content

    • Looking at smaller, month by month or every other month 1-page Update instead of 2 larger newsletters

    • See Events Coordinator notes for Homecoming updates.

  • VP of Financial Operations

    • Savings: $1707.78, Checking: $2778.28

    • Security Deports being sent out for Bergeson and Kirby

    • Two undergrads behind on rent, will be following up

    • Van Heuklom behind? Need to check into detail

  • VP of Housing

    • Looking at potential new house in Greek Row

      • Taking tour of house today, 14th at 1PM

    • House is for sale—asking price is $260,000

    • Need to decide between re-signing current lease or moving elsewhere

    • Fire sprinkler mandate—every Fraternity needs a fire sprinkler. Working with legislation to get it changed

  • Events Coordinator

    • Homecoming Alumni Weekend Events:

--Friday, October 4th--
-5:00PM--Welcome Alumni/Undergrad Viewing House Decorations/Float
-[Shenanigans on 2nd]

--Saturday, October 5th--

-9:00AM--UWP Homecoming Parade @ Usual Gathering Spot
-11:00AM--WI-Theta Cookout @ SigEp House
+Food, yard games, and Brotherly Love
-2:00PM--AVC Monthly Meeting @ TBD

--Sunday, October 6th--

-BMS Golf Outing [TBA]-*Seperate Facebook Event to Follow*

  • Recruitment Coordinator

    • No report

  • Fundraising Coordinator

    • Working on donation insert for donations

    • Analyze current campaign, improvements for next campaign

  • Balanced Man Steward

    • No Report

  • Chapter Reports

  1. Programming

    1. Philanthropy

      1. Big Brothers Big Sisters

        1. Presenting to SigEp at 9/15 meeting

        2. Develop ideas for man hours and fundraising

      2. Family Advocates

        1. Develop official local partnership

        2. Kickball event, Christmas party

    1. Socials

      1. Some BMS/recruitment events are socials

      2. Planning just a few more this semester

    1. Homecoming

      1. Typical SigEp Domination

    1. Banquet

      1. Location and date not yet finalized

  1. Finance

    1. Communication improvement

      1. Pre Planning for events (actual cost of supplies, cost of event)

      2. Periodical budget updates to executives

      3. Fall bill coming up

    1. Brat Fest Results

      1. $1000.00 to Scouts with Special Needs

      2. $3278.00 for SigEp (will be allocated this weekend)

  1. Member Development

    1. Balanced Man Program

      1. Up and running, tracker is now online

      2. Help brothers in reaching the challenge they “should” be in

      3. Strong programs to retain 95% of membership

    1. Events

      1. Planned and on the calendar

      2. Coordinators working on semester schedule

  1. Recruitment

    1. BMS going well this semester!

    2. Working on utilizing an online PNM list

    3. Goal: implementing 365 recruitment

    4. Goal: 20 new brothers this semester

  1. Communications

    1. Newsletter

      1. Will be a yearly edition because it seemed like a lot of the same things were being put into the semesterly edition

    1. Press Releases

      1. Work toward getting SigEp and WI-Theta out there

      2. Local newspapers

      3. SigEp Journal and Sound Bite

    1. Develop a working list of awards SigEp can apply for locally and nationally

    2. Continue to enhance the usage of the social media things (Twitter, Facebook, Website, etc.)

  1. Chaplain

    1. Updating Standards Code to align with the recently passed legislation at Conclave

    2. Spring 2013 GPA = 3.019

    3. Goal: 90% of chapter above a 2.800 GPA for the Fall 2013 semester

  1. President

    1. Buc Cup

      1. This semester marks the first of the four semesters that qualify for the 2015 Buc Cup

      2. A task force will be formed to assess where we are now, and what we need to do to earn a Buc Cup

    1. Constitution Updates

      1. Integrate any necessary changes to the Constitution from the legislation passed at Conclave

    1. RLC

      1. Continue to enhance our Learning Community and find ways to integrate being an RLC chapter into our programs

  1. Chapter Goals

    1. Three basic goals that were selected during the retreat

      1. Every brother makes grades (2.800) for Fall 2013 semester

      2. 50 brothers at the start of Fall 2014

      3. Revamped BMP kick-off and supplemental programs to enhance the experience

  • Chapter Counselor

    • No Report

  • Old Business:

    • BMS Event—No information given about event—funding needed? Alumni invited?

      • Tabled to next meeting.

  • New Business:

    • House Options

      • Attending House tour today to look at potential new house option

      • Will email trustees with more information/recommendation based upon tour.

    • Asset Committee

      • Looking for volunteers—committee will look at overall assets of the Chapter and create actions and policies (House, property, items owned by the AVC). If you are interested in being on the committee, let Skittel know.

  • Closing

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