Follow-Up Checklist
Keep these questions in mind as you are scheduling ongoing follow-up contacts. The following are some of the critical events that require contact between you and the beneficiary.
☐ Start or end of employment
☐ Changes in earned or unearned income
☐ Transition to 1619(b) status
☐ Identification and use of IRWE or BWE (Remember it is one or the other, not both)
☐ Changes in student status or attainment of age 22 for Student Earned Income Exclusion (SEIE)
☐ Attainment of age 18
☐ Changes in living arrangement, marital status, or resources
☐ SSI is accurately and timely reduced due to new or different earnings.
☐ Follow up on enrolling in reporting through phone, application or My Social Security account.
Title II
☐ Start or end of employment
☐ Completion of the TWP
☐ Beginning and end of the EPE
☐ Identification and use of IRWE
☐ Identification and use of Subsidy or Special Condition
☐ Identification and use of Un-incurred Business Expenses and Unpaid Help (if self-employed)
☐ Work CDRs and SGA determinations
☐ Reminder to follow up on Marriage status if CDB.
☐ Beginning and end of Extended Period of Medicare Coverage
☐ Attainment of dual entitlement (CDB becomes insured on own record)
☐ Transition to retirement benefits (early retirement or Full Retirement Age)
☐ Follow up on enrolling in reporting through My Social Security account.
☐ Start or end of the Medicare Savings Program – Ongoing Reporting
☐ Eligibility for the State Medicaid Buy-In – Apply and Ongoing Reporting
☐ Eligibility for Low Income Subsidy – Application process when applicable
☐ Change in Category of Medicaid Eligibility (i.e. Medically Need Medicaid to Medicaid Buy In)
☐ Identify or follow up on employer Insurance offer
Employment Services
☐ Check in on VR referral and status
☐ Check Ticket Status
☐ Identify and transfer Ticket to an Employment Network
☐ Identify long term employment supports (i.e. Waiver Services, Ticket to Work)
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