Food security for all

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FAO is pleased to present its Country Programme Framework (CPF) for the Republic of South Sudan (RSS) for the period 2013–2017. This CPF constitutes an integrated, multi-sectoral, recovery and development programme for food and nutrition security in South Sudan. FAO is committed to bringing the best of its technical expertise to enhance livelihood resilience, promote rural development and work for a hunger-free South Sudan. FAO shares a common vision with its principal counterparts, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Cooperatives and Rural Development and the Ministry of Animal Resources and Fisheries: food security for all. FAO will work with many significant players that make valuable contributions to food and agricultural development in South Sudan, the region and globally in order to realize our mutual ambition.

Small scale private, predominantly family-based, agriculture, fisheries and livestock enterprises hold the greatest potential for economic diversification and sustainable growth in South Sudan (Economic Development Pillar, SSDP). FAO supports the Government's mission of creating an enabling environment for the transformation from subsistence production to progressive and socially, environmentally and economically sustainable food and agriculture systems. Central to this transformation are innovative, market-orientated, and competitive approaches that maintain the integrity of the natural resource base for the benefit of current and future generations.
The FAO South Sudan CPF is the foundation to guide and to measure FAO's focused, results-based interventions in defined areas of priority over time. It is underpinned by a systematic resource mobilisation strategy to support aligned and coordinated approaches in agriculture, livestock, fisheries/aquaculture and natural resources management. The CPF articulates how FAO South Sudan will support government priorities as reflected in the South Sudan Development Plan (SSDP), the Agriculture Sector Policy Framework, and other policies governing food, nutrition and the broadly defined agriculture sectors. Further, the CPF is coherently aligned to the New Deal for Fragile States and the IGAD-led process of Ending Drought Emergencies in the Horn of Africa, among other initiatives. The CPF supports the fulfillment of FAO's responsibilities in: the 2012 United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF); FAO's Renewed Commitment to the Horn of Africa; FAO’s commitments to the Inter Agency Standing Committee, the FAO Africa Regional Conference priorities; and, FAO's revised five global Strategic Objectives.
The overarching development goal to which all of FAO's work in South Sudan will contribute during the CPF period is the resilient achievement of food and nutrition security. The CPF is underpinned by four priority areas namely:

  1. Supporting putting in place an enabling environment for sustainable agricultural development

  2. Sustainable production and productivity for food security

  3. Enhancing market opportunities for rural communities

  4. Building resilience for food security

In addition, key cross-cutting themes – gender, youth and the impact of HIV/AIDS – have been identified as overarching programme components critical to the achievement of food and nutrition security.

Implementation Arrangements
Taking into account the formulation process which involved a number of stakeholders, effective implementation will require engaging the same partners. While the main stakeholders for the CPF are the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Cooperatives and Rural development and the Ministry of Animal Resources and Fisheries, the CPF will be implemented in partnership with other UN agencies guided by the UNDAF, the private sector, civil society and development partners. The modus operandi of partnerships will vary depending on the component activities. The FAO Head of Office in South Sudan will take leadership and responsibility for the implementation of the CPF on behalf of FAO with the Government of South Sudan as a major player.
FAO, in collaboration with Government of South Sudan and other stakeholders will make every effort to provide high quality technical support for an efficient, cost effective implementation process. A managing for results approach will be applied with a comprehensive Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) framework developed to guide the performance management of project activities, outputs and outcomes. The M&E will facilitate accountability to all the stakeholders (development partners, government, civil society and direct beneficiaries). Information from the M&E process will be used routinely to strengthen the implementation of the programme, and will thus provide a valuable basis for continuous learning.

During the implementation of the CPF, feedback on the progress of the various activities is crucial in order to build confidence and transparency with beneficiaries and other stakeholders through various avenues that will provide opportunities for dialogue.

A working group will be set up to oversee monitoring and evaluation and will comprise M&E officers from FAO and Government, chaired by FAO. It is also important to include independent personnel especially from the development partners during M&E.
The estimated budget for the implementation of the CPF is about USD xxxx million. This will be funded through financial contributions from FAO’s Technical Cooperation, development partners, technical partners and in-kind1 contributions by the Government of the Republic of South Sudan.

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Honorable Dr. Betty Achan Ogwaro Dr. Sue Lautze

Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Head of Office

Cooperative and Rural Development Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

CPF Priority Areas and Outcomes





Indicators, baselines, targets


Enabling Environment

  1. Enabling environment for the promotion of food and nutrition security effectively enhanced

  1. Capacities for food security policy implementation enhanced

  • Capacity development of government officials at state and national levels

  1. Food and nutrition policies finalized

  1. Conventions and international/regional agreements ratified

  • National policy dialogue

  • Revision of the nutrition policy

  1. Institutions governing food, nutrition and agriculture strengthened

  • Producer advocacy organization, e.g., farmers union, Pastoralist unions

  • Relevant State ministries Directorates

  • FAO state-level coordination infrastructure

  1. Quality of food security information for decision making improved

  • Integrated WFP-FAO strategy on FNS info systems

  • National agriculture census

  • Disaggregated agriculture statistics data collection

  • Capacity development for food security assessments and analysis

  1. Economic privileges for producer associations established (tax policies, lending rates, etc.)

  1. Rural finance strategy established

  1. Institutional development and capacity building facilitate an enabling environment for the management of the livestock sector

  1. Support the development of infrastructure (structures, systems and resources)

  2. Develop comprehensive yet acceptable policy, legislative frameworks and regulatory systems

  3. Develop human resources through training needs analysis, development and implementation

  4. Upgrade human resources (governments private sector and communities) in numbers and quality to carry out their functions adequately.

  5. Support the public sector in posting and retain in service

Productivity and Production

  1. Sustainable agriculture production and productivity increased

  1. Sustainable livestock production and productivity increased

  1. Sustainable fisheries production and productivity increased

  1. Agriculture, fisheries and livestock extension systems expanded

  • CAHWs and Stockpersons skills training

  • Institutionalize and conduct Farmer Field Schools

  • Agricultural extension staff training

  1. Yields increase xx%

  1. Post harvest losses and waste reduced

  • Promote application of innovations in on-farm and community storage

  1. Access to improved and quality inputs enhanced

  • Private veterinarian pharmacies promoted

  1. Livestock assets protected and enhanced strengthen rural livelihoods (Improved delivery of veterinary services)

  1. Support the development and implementation of policy measures, legislative frameworks and standard operating procedures

  2. Support to the establishment of a credible and cost-effective systems for disease investigation, animal health surveillance and reporting

  3. Support to the establishment of adequate level of emergency preparedness, early warning, early detection and emergency response

  4. Design appropriate methodology and support the implementation of a National livestock census

  5. Support the development of appropriate knowledge Management and Information Exchange/ networking (Livestock and meat market information systems, records management systems, disease records, traceability system, market intelligence etc.).

  6. Enhance operative links of the private sector to the central public veterinary service

  7. Support the capacity of the regulatory authorities (boards) to formulate and enforce policy guidelines, regulations and minimum standards

  8. Establish linkage between private and public sector and support strategic planning for the establishment of a network of Veterinary pharmacies

  9. Support the Ministry of Animal resources and Fisheries at National and State level, in design and implement appropriate and sustainable deployment schemes

  1. Labor shortages reduced

  • Animal traction/power promoted

  1. Fish farming improved

  • Training of fish farmers on preservation, processing, and transportation handling

  1. Increase in fish production by 50%

Marketing and


  1. Rural incomes increased

  1. Competitiveness enhanced

  1. Infrastructure strengthened

  1. Cooperatives (and other member controlled businesses) expanded

  2. Farmer organizations expanded

  3. Rural financial services established

  4. Livestock marketing routes

  5. Market infrastructure and value chains developed

  1. Inclusive financial services that support both men and women

  2. Agricultural and business development services including ICT for both men and women

  3. Multiplication of economic associations that involve men and women

  4. Market-led skills and vocational training services for youth, women, farmers, pastoralists and rural businesses

  5. Strategic Grain Reserve

  1. Enhanced and diversified market opportunities for livestock and livestock products increases household incomes and investments

  1. Support to infrastructure and systems development

  2. Fodder development

  3. Milk sector development

  4. Poultry sector development

  5. Peri-urban and urban animal production development

  6. Alternative livelihoods and/or income generation activities



Social Protection

  1. Community-based natural resource management strengthened

  2. Crisis risks reduced

  3. Crisis effectively managed

  4. Sustainable natural resource management supports improved livestock production (Sustainable conservation and utilization of natural resources

Food chain crisis prevention/hygiene

  1. Livestock breed improvement and conservation

  2. Animal feeding programme

  3. Pro-pastoral policies

  4. Natural resources management

  5. Land and Water management

Disaster Management planning supports response to livestock emergencies (Response to emergencies)

1 In-kind contributions include staff, equipment, transport, taxes, etc.

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