For danny casolaro. For the lion. And for the future of us all, man and machine alike

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BR:  I understand.

BD:  That’s the first thing. Wasting action. And wasted effort. For example, people think there’s going to be a difference if we elect McCain/Palin or Obama/Biden. I don’t think it makes a difference. It might make a difference if you had somebody like Cynthia McKinney or Chuck Baldwin. But how likely is it they’d be elected president?

BR:  Yeah. It’s not going to happen.

BD:  It’s not going to happen. The problem is, Cynthia McKinney is a black woman. She’s brilliant; she’s tough. She’s calling for a 9/11 investigation. This woman would make an absolutely amazing president. OK? But how likely is it for her to get in there?

And the problem is they may also come with baggage, what we call environmental baggage, which is, we’ve got to reduce the world’s oxygen/carbon dioxide. That’s crazy! It’s not science. OK?

I was an oceanographer. I did work with Greenpeace. Carbon dioxide is what makes the plants, including the phytoplankton in the upper 10 metres of the benthic layer of the oceans produce all the oxygen. And our oxygen level now is down from what it was in ancient Mesozoic era, from 30%, down to what it is now.

So you know, I think what it is, we have to stop looking for an external messiah where all these so-called great religions... Like for example, Mr. Ahmadinejad thinks he’s going to see the Imam-Mahdi, or the Christians think they’re going to see a messiah...

KC:  Right.

BD:  ...come in the clouds, you know whether...  Which is ridiculous.

BR:  And there are a bunch of people who think the ETs will save us.

BD:  Right. They think the ETs... You see, this “ET save us” stuff is crazy stuff, too.

BR:  Right.

BD:  The fact is, what’s going to save us is us. You know, it’s like the inverse of Pogo’s statement there, you know: I’ve seen the enemy and the enemy is us. I’ve seen the messiah and the messiah is us.

BR:  Very good.

BD:  I hope this kind of gets people to kind of drop their old paradigms and I hope I get them to, you know, like Marshall McKluen, “tune in and drop out.” In other words, drop out of false lies, whether it’s politics or religion or thinking these other things are solutions. Become personally responsible. Become public and interact with other people.

Don’t think that, by default, if you don’t say anything about it you’re not responsible for the death of 15- to 32-million Iranians and a radiation cloud that circulates the planet and destroys your own health.

KC:  Right.

BD:  The sins of omission are greater than the sins of commission. And the sins of silence are greater than the sins of action.

BR:  Yes.

KC:  Yes. I second that. And this is where we ask for everyone to take part.

BR:  And it’s all got something to do with you.

BD:  Right. Absolutely. I hope it transforms some hearts. As Yeshua Ha’Masaich Jesus said:  The message of the kingdom is now, which means, it’s now, as soon as you attend to shemah, to hear and do the will of the Creator God of the universe and not to think that you can set external commandments and create peace on Earth. What you’ll do is you’ll create pieces of Earth. [laughter]

BR:  Is there any final sound-byte that you... Is there anything that you haven’t said that you want to leave these people with right now? Because this is the chance.

BD:  Well, what I would say is, firstly, prepare for a series of spasms and disasters.

BR:  When you say “prepare,” you mean physically and logistically prepare?

BD:  Spiritually prepare first. But physically prepare. Have your food and water, have your civil defense. We have a whole series of civil defense things. I’m actually working with Gordon Peterson in Homeland Security to stop aircraft bringing in pandemic viruses.

Prepare to have things to protect yourself from pandemic avian flu, which we have on our website, Prepare yourself to be home-quarantined for anywhere from six weeks to two months or more.

BR:  Anywhere in the world? Or here in America?

BD:  Anywhere. Anywhere on the planet. Be prepared for food shortages on a massive scale, starting as early as this fall. Be prepared to know how to have... in other words, I don’t tell people to join the militia. I tell people to start shooting clubs.

I believe that we need to exert our Second Amendment right, not so that we can go out and start shooting fellow Americans, but we can protect ourselves if things get out of hand.

I worked with federal agents at the Federal Center in Denver and they did simulations and actually were stockpiling pallets of gold bullion, gold coins, and bales of heroine to interact with gangs; so that between 4 and 12 days after a state of national civil emergency, like nuclear war, they could trade with the gangs that would control every city.

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