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APRIL 16, 2009






US101: Bethel Cr – Crystal Cr Paving

Oregon Coast Highway

Coos County & Curry County


Bids for the work described above will be opened and read at the Oregon Department of Transportation, 455 Airport Road SE, Building E, Salem, Oregon, at 9:00 a.m. on the 16th day of April, 2009.

Prior to 8:00 a.m. on the above date, submit Bids to:

ODOT Procurement Office, Procurement Manager

455 Airport Road SE, Building K

Salem, Oregon 97301-5348.

Between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. on the above date, submit Bids to Building K at the above address or to:

Oregon Department of Transportation

455 Airport Road SE, Building E

Salem, Oregon.


Complete all Work to be done under the Contract not later than September 30, 2009.


This is a Federal-Aid Project.


The Class of Work for this Project is: Asphalt Concrete Paving and Oiling.


The Special Provisions booklet applicable to the above-described work, for which Bids will be opened at the time and place stated above, is that which contains the exact information as shown above on this page.

Bidders are cautioned against basing their Bids on a booklet bearing any different description, date(s), class of project, or class of work.








APRIL 16, 2009

This Project Includes 2009 American

Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA)

Stimulus Funding



US101: Bethel Cr – Crystal Cr Paving

Oregon Coast Highway

Coos County & Curry County

Bids for the work described above will be opened and read at the Oregon Department of Transportation, 455 Airport Road SE, Bldg. E, Salem, Oregon 97301-5348, at 9:00 a.m. on the 16th day of April, 20­­09.


Complete all Work to be done under the Contract not later than September 30, 2009.


This is a Federal-Aid Project.


The Class of Work for this Project is: Asphalt Concrete Paving and Oiling.


Information pertaining to this Project may be obtained from the following:

Petr Lovasik

, Project Manager, 307 Highway 42 E, Coquille, OR 97423-1854; Phone 541-396-1152.























































The assigned minimum DBE goal for this Project is as follows:

DBE 0 %
(This goal is only a part of the overall Statewide DBE program.)

A DBE Directory is available from the Office of Minority, Women and Emerging Small Business (OMWESB) web site at      or by telephone at (503) 947-7924.


The assigned MWESB aspirational target for this Project is as follows:


An MWESB Directory is available from the Office of Minority, Women and Emerging Small Business (OMWESB) web site at      or by telephone at (503) 947-7924.




US101: Bethel Cr – Crystal Cr Paving

Oregon Coast Highway

Coos County & Curry County


As the preparer of the consolidated specifications for this Project I acknowledge compliance with the "Modified Exemption from DOJ Legal Sufficiency Review and Approval for ODOT Highway Construction Contracts" dated July 11, 2008.

By: _____________________________ Date: _____________________


US101: Bethel Cr – Crystal Cr Paving

Oregon Coast Highway

Coos County & Curry County

Professional of Record Certification(s):

Seal w/signature

I certify the Special Provision Sections listed below were prepared by me or under my supervision:

Sections 00210, 00220, 00225, 00280, 00290, 00305, 00310, 00334, 00440, 00442, 00480, 00490, 00620, 00640, 00730, 00745, 00748, 00749, 00810, 00812, 00850, 00855, 00865, 00867, 00868, and 02110.


I also acknowledge compliance with Part 2(b) and Part 2(e) of the "Modified Exemption from DOJ Legal Sufficiency Review and Approval for ODOT Highway Construction Contracts" dated July 11, 2008.

Seal w/signature

I certify the Special Provision Sections listed below were prepared by me or under my supervision:

Section 00503


I also acknowledge compliance with Part 2(b) and Part 2(e) of the "Modified Exemption from DOJ Legal Sufficiency Review and Approval for ODOT Highway Construction Contracts" dated July 11, 2008.











The Work to be done under this Contract consists of the following on the US101: Bethel Cr – Crystal Cr Paving Section of the Oregon Coast Highway between MP 282.76 and 294.95 in Coos and Curry Counties:

1.  Install and maintain temporary traffic control.

2.  Perform cold plane pavement removal work.

3.  Perform asphalt paving work.

4. Perform guardrail work.

5. Perform pavement markings work.

6.  Perform additional and incidental Work as called for by the Specifications and Plans.


The Specification that is applicable to the Work on this Project is the 2008 edition of the "Oregon Standard Specifications for Construction".

All number references in these Special Provisions shall be understood to refer to the Sections and subsections of the Standard Specifications and Supplemental Specifications bearing like numbers and to Sections and subsections contained in these Special Provisions in their entirety.


This is a Federal-Aid Project.



Comply with Section 00110 of the Standard Specifications.


Comply with Section 00120 of the Standard Specifications modified as follows:

00120.05  Request for Solicitation Documents - Add the following to the end of this subsection:

The Plans, which are applicable to the Work to be performed under the Contract, are included in these Special Provisions.

00120.15  Examination of Work Site and Solicitation Documents; Consideration of Conditions to be Encountered - Add the following paragraph to the end of this subsection:
Bidders are advised that additional funding could become available through a state or federal economic stimulus package resulting in possible changes in Plans, Specifications, quantities or work. Such change would be processed in accordance with other subsections of the Specifications.

00120.70  Rejection of Nonresponsive Bids - Add the following bullet to the end of the bullet list:

  • The Agency determines that any Pay Item is significantly unbalanced to the potential detriment of the Agency.

Comply with Section 00130 of the Standard Specifications.


Comply with Section 00140 of the Standard Specifications.


Comply with Section 00150 of the Standard Specifications modified as follows:

00150.15(b)  Agency Responsibilities - Replace this subsection, except for the subsection number and title, with the following:
The Engineer will perform the responsibilities described in 00305.04.
00150.15(c)  Contractor Responsibilities - Replace this subsection, except for the subsection number and title, with the following:
The Contractor shall perform the responsibilities described in 00305.05.

00150.50  Cooperation with Utilities - Add the following subsection:
(f)  Utility Information:

There are no anticipated conflicts with the Utilities listed below. Contact those Utilities having buried facilities and request that they locate and mark them for their protection prior to construction.

Utility Contact Person's

Name and Phone Number
1. Charter Communications Steve Manning (541) 888-1995
2. Coos Curry Electric Cooperative Janna Fraser (541) 247-6638 Ext. 223
3. City of Bandon Bob Shaffar (541) 347-2437 Ext. 233

  1. Langlois Water District Dave Terrusa (541) 348-2142

5. Verizon Wyatt Rutherford (541) 269-3375

Energized power lines overhang portions of the Work with a minimum vertical clearance of 18 feet. Contractor shall maintain at least 10 feet of safety clearance.

This Project is located within the Oregon Utility Notification Center area which is a Utilities notification system for notifying owners of Utilities about Work being performed in the vicinity of their facilities. The Utilities notification system telephone number is 811 (or use the old number which is 1‑800‑332‑2344).


Comply with Section 00160 of the Standard Specifications.


Comply with Section 00165 of the Standard Specifications.


Comply with Section 00170 of the Standard Specifications modified as follows:

Add the following subsection:
00170.06  Federal-Aid Participation - This Project is to be conducted according to the regulations applying to Federal-Aid Highway Projects.

Add the following subsection:

00170.67  Fees - The fee required by ORS 279C.825(1) will be paid by the Agency to the Commissioner of the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries under the administrative rules of the Commissioner.

00170.70(a)  Insurance Coverages - The following insurance coverages and dollar amounts are required pursuant to this subsection:
Insurance Combined Single Limit Annual Aggregate

Coverages per Occurrence Limit

Commercial General Liability $2,000,000.00 $5,000,000.00

Commercial Automobile Liability $1,000,000.00 (aggregate limit not required)


Comply with Section 00180 of the Standard Specifications modified as follows:

Add the following subsection:
00180.21(g)  Mentor-Protégé Agreement - If the Contractor enters into a subcontract with an Emerging Small Business (ESB) subcontractor, the Agency may offer the Contractor and its ESB subcontractor an opportunity to enter into a project specific Mentor‑Protégé Agreement.
The project specific Mentor‑Protégé Agreement will be paid for and specified by Change Order.

Add the following subsection:

00180.40(c)  Specific Limitations - Limitations of operations specified in these Special Provisions include, but are not limited to, the following:
Limitations Subsection
Cooperation with Utilities 00150.50

Contract Completion Time 00180.50(h)

Traffic Lane Restrictions 00220.40(e)

Be aware of and subject to schedule limitations in the Standard Specifications that are not listed in this subsection.

00180.41  Project Work Schedules - After the paragraph that begins "Contractor’s activity…" add the following paragraphs:
The Contractor shall submit a supplemental "look ahead" Project Work schedule each week to the Engineer. The "look ahead" Project Work schedule is supplemental to the Type A, B, or C schedule specified below. The supplemental "look ahead" Project Work schedule shall:

  • Identify the sequencing of activities and time required for prosecution of the Work.

  • Provide for orderly, timely, and efficient prosecution of the Work.

  • Contain sufficient detail to enable both the Contractor and the Engineer to plan, coordinate, analyze, document, and control their respective Contract responsibilities.

The supplemental "look ahead" Project Work schedule shall be written in common terminology and show the planned Work activities broken down into logical, separate activities by area, stage, and size and include the following information:

  • The resources the Contractor, subcontractors, or services will use.

  • The locations of each activity that will be done including the limits of the work by mile posts, stations, or other indicators.

  • The time frames of each activity by Calendar Days, shifts, and hours.

  • All anticipated shoulder, lane, and road closures.

At a minimum, the Contractor shall prepare a bar chart that:

  • Shows at least three weeks of activity including the week the bar chart is issued.

  • Uses a largest time scale unit of one Calendar Day. Smaller time scale units may be used if needed.

  • Is appropriate to the activities.

  • Identifies each Calendar Day by month and day.

Include the Contract name, Contract number, Contractor’s name, and date of issue on each page of the bar chart.

The Contractor shall submit the supplemental "look ahead" Project Work schedule starting at First Notification and continuing each week until Second Notification has been issued and all punch list items and final trimming and clean up has been completed. The Contractor shall meet with the Engineer each week to review the supplemental "look ahead" Project Work schedule. If the Engineer or the Contractor determines that the current supplemental "look ahead" Project Work schedule requires changes or additions, either notations can be made on the current schedule or the Engineer may require the submittal of a revised supplemental "look ahead" Project Work schedule. Review of the current and subsequent supplemental "look ahead" Project Work schedules does not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for timely and efficient execution of the Contract.

In addition to the "look ahead" Project Work schedule, a Type A schedule as detailed in the Standard Specifications is required on this Contract.

Add the following subsection:

00180.50(h)  Contract Time - Complete all Work to be done under the Contract not later than September 30, 2009.

00180.85(b)  Liquidated Damages - Add the following paragraph:
The liquidated damages for failure to complete the Work on time required by 00180.50(h) will be $1,100.00 per Calendar Day *.
* Calendar Day amounts are applicable when the Contract time is expressed on the Calendar Day or fixed date basis.

Add the following subsection:

00180.85(c)  Lane Closures and Road Closures - Lane closures and road closures beyond the limits specified will inconvenience the traveling public and will be a cost to the Agency.

It is impractical to determine the actual damages the Agency will sustain in the event traffic lanes are closed beyond the limits listed in 00220.40(e). Therefore, the Contractor shall pay to the Agency, not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages, $500 per 15 minutes, or for a portion of 15 minutes, per lane, for any lane closure beyond the limits listed in 00220.40(e). In addition to the liquidated damages, all added cost for traffic control measures, including flagging, required to maintain the lane closures beyond the allowed time limits, will be at no additional cost to the Agency. The required traffic control measures will be as determined by the Engineer.

The Engineer will determine when it is safe to reopen lanes to traffic. Assessment of liquidated damages will stop when all lanes have been safely reopened. Any liquidated damages assessed under these provisions will be in addition to those listed in 00180.85(b).


Comply with Section 00190 of the Standard Specifications modified as follows:

00190.20(f-2)  Scale Without Automatic Printer - Add the following sentence after the first paragraph:
Pay costs for the weigh witness at $35.00 per hour.
00190.20(g)  Agency-Provided Weigh Technician - Add the following paragraph after the bullet list:
Pay costs for the weigh technician at $35.00 per hour.


Comply with Section 00195 of the Standard Specifications modified as follows:

00195.10  Payment for Changes in Materials Costs - Replace this subsection with the following subsection:
00195.10  Asphalt Cement Material Price Escalation/De-escalation - An asphalt cement escalation/de‑escalation clause will be in effect during the life of the Contract.
The Agency reserves all of its rights under the Contract, including, but not limited to, its rights for suspension of the Work under 00180.70 and its rights for termination of the Contract under 00180.90, and this escalation/de-escalation provision shall not limit those rights.
(a)  Monthly Asphalt Cement Material Price (MACMP) - The Monthly Asphalt Cement Material Price (MACMP) will be established by the Agency each month. For information regarding the calculation of the MACMP, and for the actual MACMP, go to the Agency website at:
If the Agency selected index ceases to be available for any reason, the Agency in its discretion will select and begin using a substitute price source or index to establish the MACMP each month. The MACMP will apply to all asphalt cement including but not limited to paving grade, polymer modified, and emulsified asphalts, and recycling agents. The Agency does not guarantee that asphalt cement will be available at the MACMP.
(b)  Base Asphalt Cement Material Price (Base) - The Base asphalt cement material price for this Project is the MACMP published on the Agency website for the month immediately preceding the bid opening date.
(c)  Monthly Asphalt Cement Adjustment Factor - The Monthly Asphalt Cement Adjustment Factor will be determined each month as follows:

  • If the MACMP is within ± 5% of the Base, there will be no adjustment.

  • If the MACMP is more than 105% of the Base, then:

Adjustment Factor = (MACMP) - (1.05 x Base)

  • If the MACMP is less than 95% of the Base, then:

Adjustment Factor = (MACMP) - (0.95 x Base)

(d)  Asphalt Cement Price Adjustment - A price adjustment will be made for the items containing asphalt cement listed below. The price adjustment as calculated in (c) above will use the MACMP for the month the asphalt is incorporated into the Project. The price adjustment will be determined by multiplying the asphalt incorporated during the month for subject Pay Items by the Adjustment Factor.
The Pay Items for which price adjustments will be made are:
Pay Items

PG 64-22 Asphalt in Level 3, ½ Inch Dense Lime Treated HMAC

PG 64-22 Asphalt in Level 3, ½ Inch Dense Lime Treated HMAC In Leveling

Emulsified Asphalt for Tack Coat

Add the following subsection:

00195.11  Fuel Cost Price Escalation/De-escalation - A fuel escalation/de‑escalation clause will be in effect during the life of the Contract.
The Agency reserves all of its rights under the Contract, including, but not limited to, its rights for suspension of the Work under 00180.70 and its rights for termination of the Contract under 00180.90, and this escalation/de‑escalation provision shall not limit those rights.
(a)  Monthly Fuel Price (MFP) - A Monthly Fuel Price (MFP) will be established by the Agency each month. For the actual MFP, go to the Agency website at:
The MFP for a given month will be the average weekly price obtained from the OPIS weekly listing dated the first Monday of that month for No. 2 diesel fuel for Portland, Oregon. Prices are based solely on rack and resellers' prices exclusive of freight, taxes, and special discounts. If the average weekly price is not posted by OPIS or is otherwise not available to the Agency for the first Monday of any month for any reason, the Agency may use the average weekly price posted by OPIS immediately before or after the first Monday of that month. If the average weekly prices cease to be available from OPIS for any reason, the Agency in its discretion will select and begin using a substitute price source or index to establish the MFP each month. The Agency does not guarantee that fuel will be available at the MFP.
(b)  Base Fuel Price (Base) - The Base fuel price for this Project is the MFP published on the Agency website for the month immediately preceding the bid opening date.
(c)  Monthly Fuel Adjustment Factor - A Monthly Fuel Adjustment Factor will be determined each month as follows:

  • If the MFP is within ± 25% of the Base, there will be no adjustment.

  • If the MFP is more than 125% of the Base, then:

Adjustment Factor = (MFP) - (1.25 x Base)

  • If the MFP is less than 75% of the Base, then:

Adjustment Factor = (MFP) - (0.75 x Base)

(d)  Fuel Price Adjustment - A fuel price adjustment for fluctuations in the cost of fuel will apply only to the major fuel usage Pay Items shown in the following list and at the respective fuel factors listed:

Item Fuel Factor
Bridge Deck Cold Plane Pavement Removal, 0-2 0.04 Gal/SQYD

Inches Deep

Cold Plane Pavement Removal, 0 – 2 Inches Deep 0.04 Gal/SQYD

Cold Plane Pavement Removal, 2 – 4 Inches Deep 0.04 Gal/SQYD

Cold Plane Pavement Removal, 2 Inches Deep 0.04 Gal/SQYD

Level 3, ½ Inch Dense Lime Treated HMAC 2.93 Gal/TON

Level 3, ½ Inch Dense Lime Treated HMAC In Leveling 2.93 Gal/TON

The Contractor is cautioned to consider that its operations may require more or less fuel.

A price adjustment () to the Contractor for fuel cost changes will be made monthly if the Monthly Fuel Price differs 25% or more from the Base Fuel Price. This adjustment will be the product of the Monthly Fuel Adjustment Factor and the estimated Monthly Fuel Used. The Monthly Fuel Used will be determined by multiplying the quantities of Work accomplished during the month for subject Pay Items, by the appropriate Fuel Factors.

Fuel requirements for constructing the Project have been estimated at 117,826.00 gallons, based on fuel factors shown.

If the Contractor elects to use an alternate fuel (natural gas, wood pellets, propane, or other), the estimated fuel requirements will not be revised. Fuel cost adjustments will continue to be made as specified and will not be revised.

00195.12(a)  Steel Material Price Escalation/De-Escalation Participation - In the sentence that begins "Before or within…" of the paragraph that begins "The Contractor may select…", replace the words "five business days" with "seven Calendar Days".
00195.12(d)  Steel Materials Pay Item Selection - Add the following to the end of this subsection:
The Contractor may elect to participate in the steel escalation/de-escalation program for this Project under 00195.12 through 00195.12(d) by marking each check box for each Pay Item in the list below the Contractor is selecting for participation in the program. The completed list must be submitted in writing, signed and dated by the Contractor, to the Project Manager before or within seven Calendar Days after the date of the preconstruction conference.
□ Guardrail, Type 2A 11%

□ Guardrail, Type 3 11%

Regardless of the number of Pay Items listed by the Agency or selected by the Contractor, or if no Pay Items qualify for the steel escalation/de-escalation program for this Project or the Contractor elects not to participate in the steel escalation/de-escalation program for this Project, the steel price escalation/de-escalation clause (and program) contained in 00195.12 through 00195.12(d) are included in this Contract and are the only steel price escalation/de-escalation clause (and program) that apply to this Contract.

________________________________________ _______________________

Contractor's Signature Date

00195.50(c-1)  Cash, Alternate A - In the paragraph that begins "Any retainage withheld on…", replace "00195.90(d)" with "00195.50(d)".


Comply with Section 00196 of the Standard Specifications.


Comply with Section 00197 of the Standard Specifications.


Comply with Section 00199 of the Standard Specifications.


Comply with Section 00210 of the Standard Specifications.


Comply with Section 00220 of the Standard Specifications modified as follows:

00220.02  Public Safety and Mobility - Replace the bullet beginning with “Do not stop…” with the following bullet:

  • Do not stop or hold vehicles on the traveled way, at intersections, or other connecting roadways within the Project limits for more than 15 minutes unless otherwise approved by the Engineer.

Add the following bullets to the end of the bullet list:

  • Do not place work zone signs or supports that will block existing walkways or existing bikeways.

  • Do not allow traffic to drive on cold planed surfaces for more than 4 days.

00220.40(e)  Lane Restrictions - Replace the paragraph that begins "Do not close any…" with the following paragraph:
Do not close any traffic lanes and remove all barricades and objects from the roadway during the following periods:

Replace subsection (1) with the following:

(1)  Weekdays:

Add the following subsections:

00220.40(f)  Maximum Lane Closures - The Contractor shall maintain one (1) open lane of travel in the northbound direction and one (1) open lane of travel in the southbound direction for three (3) and four (4) lane sections of US 101 during times when traffic lane closures are allowed. The Contractor shall maintain one shared lane of travel no longer than one (1) mile for two (2) lane sections of US 101 during times when traffic lane closures are allowed.

00220.41  Bridge Work - Before starting any grading or pavement removal at bridge ends or removal of pavement from bridge decks, arrange so that all equipment, labor, and materials required to complete the pavement replacement work are on hand or are guaranteed to be delivered. Once grading and pavement removal begins, vigorously prosecute and complete this work. Complete paving work in the shortest possible time.
Temporarily taper or bevel longitudinal and transverse grade changes or drop‑offs resulting from grading and pavement removal with asphalt concrete mixture to provide a smooth and safe transition. Construct and maintain a 1V:10H or flatter slope along longitudinal joints. Construct and maintain a 50 feet per 1 inch or flatter taper across transverse joints.


Comply with Section 00225 of the Standard Specifications modified as follows:

00225.02  General Requirements - Add the following after the last paragraph of this subsection:

Install a Type "W8" "PUTTING OREGON BACK TO WORK" (CG20-8S-48) sign with a "KEEPING OREGON ON THE MOVE" rider on the Oregon Coast Highway, according to sign spacing "A" from the "TCD Spacing Table" shown on the standard drawings, in advance of the "ROAD WORK AHEAD" sign at each end of the Project, facing incoming traffic.

Install a "ROAD WORK AHEAD" (W20-1-48) sign with "FINES DOUBLE" (R2‑6‑36) rider on the Oregon Coast Highway, according to sign spacing "A" from the "TCD Spacing Table" shown on the standard drawings. Also, install an "END ROAD WORK" (CG20‑2A‑24) sign approximately 500 feet beyond each end of the Project, facing outgoing traffic.

Provide two copies of a sketch map of the Project showing all existing tourist‑oriented directional (TOD) and business logo signs and a written narrative describing how these signs will be kept in service and protected throughout all the construction stages.
00225.05  Contractor Traffic Control Plan - Delete the bullet that begins "Two copies of a sketch map…".
Add the following subsection:
00225.11(a-5)  Light-Weight Sign Substrate - Use light-weight sign substrates from the QPL.
00225.13(d)  Plastic Drums - Replace the sentence that begins "Provide drums with…" with the following sentence:
Use retroreflective drum sheeting meeting the requirements of ASTM D 4956 Type III or Type IV.

00225.32  Traffic Control Supervisor - Replace the bullet that begins "Prepare and sign a daily…" with the following bullet:

  • Prepare and sign a "TP & DT Daily Report" form (Form No. 734-2474). Submit the report to the Engineer no later than the end of the next working day. As a minimum, include the following items in the report:


Comply with Section 00280 of the Standard Specifications.


Comply with Section 00290 of the Standard Specifications modified as follows:

00290.10  Staging and Disposal Sites - Add the following to the end of this subsection:
Equipment staging will be limited to the graveled shoulders and existing paved/graveled areas, unless otherwise approved, in writing, by the Engineer.

00290.20(c-3)  Reuse, Recycle, and Dispose of Materials - Replace the bullet that begins "Reuse demolition…" with the following bullet:
Reuse demolition debris.
00290.20(c-3-d)  Concrete and Masonry - Replace the paragraph that begins "Concrete and masonry…" with the following paragraph:
Concrete and masonry, that is not recycled and does not contain hazardous substances, may be reused to fill basements or be buried in embankments on‑site, provided that the materials are broken into pieces not exceeding 15 inches in any dimension, and places so that:
Add the following paragraph to the end of this subsection:
Uncover concrete pipe to be removed as shown. Immediately discontinue operations or move to another area of the Project Site and notify the Engineer. The Engineer will arrange for immediate testing for asbestos. Within 7 calendar days of notification, the Engineer will notify the Contractor when to begin or resume construction operations on the affected pipe.
00290.20(d)  Hazardous Waste Management - In the paragraph that begins "In addition to current Laws…", replace the two bullets that begin "If the quantity of hazardous waste projected to be…" with the following three bullets:

  • If the quantity of hazardous waste projected to be generated meets the requirements for a LQG, prepare a full Hazardous Waste Contingency Plan according to 40 CFR 265 Subpart D. Maintain a copy of the Contingency Plan on‑site at all times during construction activities, readily available to employees and inspectors.

  • If the quantity of hazardous waste projected to be generated meets the requirements for a SQG, prepare a modified Hazardous Waste Contingency Plan according to 40 CFR 262.34(d)(5) and 40 CFR 265 Subpart C. Maintain a copy of the modified Contingency Plan on‑site at all times during construction activities, readily available to employees and inspectors.

  • If the quantity of hazardous waste projected to be generated meets the requirements for a CEG, follow the contingency planning and storage requirements of the SQG unless the only potentially hazardous waste is aerosol cans smaller than 20 ounces. Limit storage to 180 days and 2,200 pounds. Prepare a modified Hazardous Waste Contingency Plan and keep a copy on‑site with emergency response procedures and contact information.

00290.20(g)  Spills and Releases - Replace the lead-in paragraph that begins "In the event…", with the following lead-in paragraph:
In the event of a spill or release of a hazardous substance or hazardous waste or the release of any other material that has the potential to harm human health or the environment, do the following:

00290.30(a)  Pollution Control Measures - Add the following subsection and bullets:
(7)  Water Quality:

  • Do not discharge contaminated or sediment-laden water, including drilling fluids and waste, or water contained within a work area isolation, directly into any waters of the State or U.S. until it has been satisfactorily treated (for example: bioswale, filter, settlement pond, pumping to vegetated upland location, bio-bags, dirt‑bags). Treatment shall meet the turbidity requirements below.

  • Do not cause turbidity in waters of the State or U.S. greater than 10% above background reading (up to 100 feet upstream of the Project), as measured 100 feet downstream of the Project.

  • If construction discharge water is released using an outfall or diffuser port, do not exceed velocities more than 4 feet per second, and do not exceed an aperture size of 1 inch.

  • The Project Manager retains the authority to temporarily halt or modify the Project in case of excessive turbidity or damage to natural resources.

Add the following subsection:

00290.34(c)  Fish Protection Measures Required by Environmental Permits:
(1)  General Equipment Requirements - Use heavy equipment as follows:

  • Secure absorbent material around all stationary power equipment ( for example: generators, cranes, drilling equipment) operated within 150 feet of wetlands, waters of the State and U. S., drainage ditches, or water quality facilities to prevent leaks, unless suitable containment is provided to prevent spills from entering waters of the state and U.S.


Section 00305, which is not a Standard Specification, is included for this Project by Special Provision.

00305.00  Scope - This work consists of all surveying activities necessary to control the many phases of work required to construct the Project to the lines and grades as shown, specified, or established.
Make all supporting computations and field notes required for control of the work and as necessary to establish the exact position, orientation, and elevation of the work from control stations, including furnishing and setting construction stakes and marks, reference marks, and additional control stations.
Plans, specifications and other data necessary to lay out the work will be available for inspection at the Project Manager’s office.
00305.01  Definitions:
Confidence Points - Random points measured in the field within the boundary of a digital terrain model (DTM), the purposes of which are to verify the accuracy of the DTM and to provide evidence just prior to construction that the DTM is a reasonable representation of the original ground for computation of volumes and pay quantities. Similarly, confidence points are used to verify that a constructed grade has been built according to the design DTM. Additional information is available from the Engineer.
Confidence point locations follow these guidelines:

  • Randomly selected without regard for the location of DTM points or triangles

  • Evenly distributed over the entire DTM area to be validated

  • Proportionately distributed between confidence point classifications as applicable

  • At a density sufficient to validate the surface, generally ten per instrument location as used in collecting DTM data or if not applicable, as in data collected photogrammetrically, 2% of DTM points

Control Network - An array of control stations either established by the Contractor or provided by the Agency.
Control Station - Any item identified in the Project records as having a position and/or elevation on the Project datum and intended to be used to control the many phases of the construction work.

Digital Terrain Model (DTM) - An electronic computer model of the shape of the ground.
Reference Stakes - Stakes set away from but with information relating back to the intended location and/or grade.
Slope Catch - The location where a design slope intersects the existing ground and where excavation or embankment work should begin to provide the intended earthwork.
Slope Staking - The process of using measurements and calculations in the field to determine the slope catch. Slope staking shall normally include setting stakes to mark the slope catch and setting a reference stake for every catch stake.
Stakes - Stakes, nails, marks, string lines, or other devices or mechanisms set or established for the purpose of indicating or controlling the location, orientation, or grade of any feature intended for construction, or for the purpose of limiting or influencing the construction work.
Staking - The act of placing stakes.
Survey Marker - Any survey monument, control station, or stake.
Survey Monument - Any natural or man-made item specified or identified in a property deed, boundary survey, government document, or other instrument of public record, when the purpose of said item is to mark or reference a property boundary, geographical location, elevation, or other position.
Surveyor - The individual designated by the Contractor and licensed in the state of Oregon as a Professional Land Surveyor and placed in "responsible charge" of the survey work as defined in ORS 672.002(6)(b).
Temporary Bench Mark (TBM) - A control station established for the purpose of providing vertical control for the Project. A TBM may or may not have an established horizontal position.
00305.02  Mandatory Pre-Survey Conference - The prime Contractor, subcontractors, surveyor, survey crew leader, and all surveying personnel who are to be involved in the survey work shall meet with the Project Manager two weeks prior to beginning survey work. The purpose of this meeting will be to discuss methods and practices of accomplishing required survey work.
00305.03  Review by the Engineer - The Engineer may periodically review the notes, calculations and layout work, including field locations, for compliance with these specifications. Survey work that does not meet the tolerances in 00305.40 may be rejected, and the work redone at the Contractors expense to meet the tolerances.
Review by the Engineer does not constitute approval or acceptance of the work, nor does it relieve the Contractor of responsibility for performing work in conformance with the plans and specifications.
00305.04  Agency Responsibilities:

  • Provide copies of plans and specifications.

  • Perform measurements and calculations for pay quantities.

  • Perform final "as constructed" measurements.

00305.05  Contractor Responsibilities - Perform or provide the following items of work:

  • Make calculations, field notes and survey drawings for the layout and control of the work as are necessary to construct the Project as specified.

  • Provide original or copies of notes, calculations and drawings as requested.

  • Preserve survey monuments and control stations according to 00305.70 and as governed by applicable law.

  • Replace and augment control stations as necessary to control the Project.

  • Establish additional control stations as necessary to control the Project.

  • Perform slope staking necessary for construction of earthwork including intersections and matchlines.

  • Set stakes defining limits for clearing. Set stakes defining approximate right-of-way and easements.

  • Set stakes to define construction centerline, centerline offsets, detour lines, or other lines necessary for control of the Project work.

  • Set stakes to define the work, that may include but is not limited to the following:

  • Roadway location and grade.

  • Fences and gates.

  • Guardrail, barrier, barricades, and associated features.

  • Traffic delineators, reflectors, and guide devices.

  • Temporary and permanent signing *

  • Temporary and permanent pavement striping and pavement marking devices.

  • Poles and footings, cabinets, junction boxes, sensors, and other features associated with illumination and signal facilities *

  • Curbs, walks, stairs, walls, mailboxes, and other miscellaneous structures *

  • Pipes, manholes, inlets, weirs, settlement basins and other drainage and water quality structures and facilities *

  • Landscaping items.

  • Earthwork features including guardrail flares and mounds, berms, and mounds

  • Buildings and other structures and facilities.

  • Environmental impact mitigation features.

* Including field verification of fit and functionality or as instructed by the Engineer.

  • Remove and dispose of all flagging, lath, stakes and other temporary staking material after the Project is completed

  • For bridge work, supply survey drawings depicting the location and elevations of the elements of substructure and superstructure and place stakes for features including but not limited to the following:


  • Piling

  • Footings

  • Columns, walls, and abutments

  • Pile caps and cross beams

  • Bearing pads or devices


  • Horizontal alignment and deck edges

  • Soffit grades

  • Seismic restraints

  • Wing walls and retaining walls

  • Bridge end panels

  • Deck elevations

  • Railings

  • Deck drains and other bridge drainage facilities

  • Set reference stakes and elevations in the vicinity of the structure work, as are necessary for the Engineer to check the layout. This may include establishment of a control network.

00305.06  Survey Methods - Survey procedures shall be appropriate for the equipment being used and be according to current Agency practices.
New survey procedures that are not according to current Agency practices shall be submitted to the Engineer for review 21 days prior to conducting the work. The surveyor may be required to demonstrate the capabilities, accuracy, and reliability of the intended procedure. The Engineer will evaluate the procedure and intended application and provide approval or rejection within 21 days. Work may proceed immediately upon approval of procedures by the Engineer.
Test and adjust survey equipment according to Agency’s procedures and maintain records of test results and submit copies to the Engineer upon request. Information on Agency test procedures may be obtained from the Engineer.
00305.07  Survey Work Records - Contractor’s survey personnel shall maintain a Project daily record of work performed by the survey crew. The daily record shall contain the date, crew names, type and location of work, and work accomplished. Upon request, furnish a copy of diary entries to the Engineer. Furnish a final copy of the diary when the Project is complete.
Contractor’s survey personnel shall make all field notes and calculations in a manner consistent with current Agency practices and on forms provided or approved by the Engineer. Computations, survey notes and other records necessary to accomplish the work shall be neat, legible and complete. Furnish copies of computations, notes and other records when requested by the Engineer.
When a Project affects any permanent change to vertical clearances within the traveled way, complete and submit a Standard Vertical Clearance form (Form No. 734-2614) within 30 days of the change to the vertical clearance.
When a Project temporarily restricts any vertical clearances, complete and submit a Standard Vertical Clearance form (Form No. 734-2614) 28 days before the restriction takes effect.

For bridges, furnish computations, layout notes, and drawings of the structure to the Engineer for review 7 days before beginning construction.

Upon completion of construction staking and prior to final acceptance of the Contract, furnish to the Engineer, computations, survey notes, Project records and other data used to accomplish the work. Include an itemized list of the data.
All data and original documentation associated with this Project will become the property of the Agency.
00305.08  Communication With the Surveyor - The Engineer has the right to communicate directly with the surveyor.
00305.09  Electronic Data - The Engineer will not be responsible for any data translations. Compressed data provided by the Engineer or the Contractor will be in a "self-expanding executable" format. The method of exchange of electronic data will be mutually agreed upon at the pre-survey conference.
(a)  Data Formats Provided by the Engineer:

  • CAD (graphics) Files - Microstation Design File (.DGN) format.

  • Horizontal Control Coordinates - ASCII Coordinate File format.

  • Elevations - ASCII Elevation File format.

  • Horizontal Alignments - Intergraph Inroads ASCII Horizontal Alignment format.

  • Vertical Alignments - Intergraph Inroads ASCII Vertical Alignment format.

  • DTM Data - Intergraph DTM or Microstation Design File (.DGN) format.

  • Cross Section Data - Cross Section or Station, Offset and Elevation (SOE) File Format.

(b)  Data Formats Provided by the Contractor:

  • DTM Data - Intergraph DTM or Microstation Design File (.DGN) format.

  • CAD (graphics) Files - Microstation Design File (.DGN) format.

  • "As Staked" Coordinate Data - ASCII Coordinate File format.

  • Confidence Points - ASCII Coordinate File format.

  • Vertical Control Point Elevations - ASCII Elevation File format.

  • Coordinates of Miscellaneous Survey Points Set - ASCII Coordinate File format.

(c)  Data Format Details - Data exchanged between the Agency and the Contractor will be in the following formats as referred to in this subsection:
(1)  ASCII Coordinate File Format:
Point ID Northing Easting Elevation Feature Description

  • Point IDs are alphanumeric up to 8 characters long.

  • Coordinates/Elevations are decimal numbers in the units required by the Project.

  • Feature names are up to 8 character alphanumeric codes.

  • Descriptions may be up to 27 characters and may contain any combination of printable ASCII characters.

  • Columns may be separated by spaces or commas.

  • Name all ASCII coordinate files with an extension of .CRD.

Example: 105 216473.675 576231.905 102.562 SET_NTW 1/2 inch iron rod

(2)  ASCII Elevation File Format:
Point ID Elevation Description

  • Point IDs are alphanumeric up to 8 characters long.

  • Elevations are decimal numbers in the units required by the Project.

  • Descriptions may be up to 27 characters and may contain any combination of printable ASCII characters.

  • Columns may be separated by spaces or commas.

  • Name all ASCII elevation files with an extension of .ELV.

Example: 425 542.768 TBM12, n.w. bolt on lum.

(3)  Cross Section or Station, Offset and Elevation (SOE) File Format:
Station Offset Elevation Pen Up (Pen Down)

  • The station values should be in ascending order.

  • For each station, the offsets should be in ascending order from left to right.

  • The pen up (pen down) column distinguishes one cross section from the next.

  • The first point in each cross section should have a value of 1 in the pen column.

  • The final point in each cross section should have a value of 2 in the pen column.

  • All intermediate cross section points should have a value of 0 in the pen column.

  • Name all cross section data files with an extension of .SOE.

Example (This example shows metric units. Provide data in English units.):

Station Offset Elevation Pen Up

(Pen Down)

20+020 - 26.500 260.617 1

20+020 - 10.606 268.664 0

20+020 - 2.500 269.012 0

20+020 0.000 269.045 0

20+020 3.500 269.007 0

20+020 12.650 263.004 0

20+020 25.250 261.005 2
(4)  Intergraph Inroads ASCII Horizontal Alignment Format:
Records beginning with an "*" are ignored.

The record beginning with "{" defines the format.

Name all ASCII Horizontal Alignment files with an extension of .HAL.
Example (This example shows metric units. Provide data in English units.):


* Alignment name: FRS_CON

* Alignment description: 409 "FRS" construction centerline

* Alignment preference: ALI1



LIN 0+000.000 0.0000 2299517.9122 160263.0134 320^03'23.5393" 0.0000

SPI 0+025.455 0.0000 2299501.5693 160282.5292 320^03'23.5393" 25.0000

CIR 0+050.455 -40.0000 2299483.6919 160299.8495 302^09'05.7873" 0.0000

SPI 0+090.052 0.0000 2299445.7747 160302.3626 245^25'56.3948" 25.0000

LIN 0+115.052 0.0000 2299425.7678 160287.5532 227^31'38.6429" 0.0000

CIR 0+139.727 60.0000 2299407.5675 160270.8918 227^31'38.6429" 0.0000

LIN 0+206.006 0.0000 2299345.7282 160259.0654 290^49'08.8378" 0.0000

SPI 0+217.793 0.0000 2299334.7113 160263.2545 290^49'08.8378" 20.0000

CIR 0+237.793 -45.0000 2299315.5846 160268.9480 278^05'12.2142" 0.0000

SPI 0+265.317 0.0000 2299288.8537 160264.5055 243^02'29.0797" 20.0000

LIN 0+285.317 0.0000 2299272.5967 160252.9315 230^18'32.4561" 0.0000

LIN 0+319.254 0.0000 2299246.4821 160231.2576 230^18'32.4561" 0.0000

(5)  Intergraph Inroads ASCII Vertical Alignment Format:
Records beginning with an "*" are ignored.

The record beginning with "{" defines the format.

Name all ASCII Vertical Alignment files with an extension of .VAL.
Example (This example shows metric units. Provide data in English units.):


* Alignment name: b1v1

* Alignment description: Bikepath Finish Grade

* Alignment preference: default



LIN 10+006.142 32.6790 -0.002331 0.0000

PAR 10+021.391 32.6435 -0.002331 15.0000

LIN 10+036.391 32.4096 -0.028856 0.0000

PAR 10+058.666 31.7668 -0.028856 20.0000

LIN 10+078.666 31.4983 0.002002 0.0000

PAR 10+123.970 31.5890 0.002002 44.3355

LIN 10+168.305 32.7639 0.051001 0.0000

PAR 10+183.208 33.5239 0.051001 25.0000

LIN 10+208.208 34.1467 -0.001179 0.0000

LIN 10+235.186 34.1149 0.000000 0.0000

(6)  Microstation Design File Format:
Bentley Systems, Inc. / Intergraph Corporation proprietary format.
00305.10  Materials - Furnish all materials including supplies, clothing, and incidentals required to accomplish the work. Use materials of good quality and suitable for the purpose intended. Stakes, hubs, and guinnies are to be of sufficient length to provide a solid set in the ground. Mark the stakes in such a way as to remain legible for the intended duration. Provide and use safety equipment required by State and federal regulations.
00305.20  Survey Equipment - Furnish survey equipment required to accomplish the work that meets the following requirements:

  • Components designed to work together.

  • Suitable for the purpose intended.

  • Capable of achieving specified tolerances.

  • In good operating condition.

  • Maintained to meet manufacturers specifications.

  • Kept in proper adjustment throughout the duration of the Project.

Submit documentation on survey equipment that is new to the industry, to the Engineer for review 21 days prior to its use. The Engineer will evaluate the equipment and intended application and provide approval or rejection within 21 days. Equipment may be used immediately upon approval by the Engineer.

00305.30  Personnel - Provide technically qualified personnel capable of performing required tasks in a timely and accurate manner. Perform work under the direction and review of the Surveyor.
The Surveyor is responsible for:

  • Maintaining registration as a Professional Land Surveyor in the State of Oregon.

  • Performing or validating requirements for procedures and testing of equipment.

  • Maintaining familiarity with the site conditions and progress of the Project.

  • Becoming familiar with the plans and specifications.

  • Determining notes and documentation required for types of survey work.

  • Determining the accuracy required for each survey stake.

  • Using appropriate equipment and methods.

  • Keeping close communication with the Project inspector(s), Project Manager, and Agency survey crews working on the Project.

  • Being familiar with the varying construction survey requirements of each aspect of the Project, including the various bridge construction techniques when applicable.

  • Notifying the Project inspector of conflicts and changes necessary due to utilities, match point variations, design revisions, or other variables.

The survey crew leader is responsible for:

  • becoming familiar with the plans and specifications.

  • keeping close communication with the Project inspector(s), Project Manager, and Agency survey crews working on the Project.

  • Notifying the Project inspector of conflicts and changes necessary due to utilities, match point variations, design revisions, or other variables.

00305.40  Construction Staking Tolerances - Set stakes or other devices at an adequate frequency and within the following tolerances:
Item Horizontal Vertical

Box Culverts  0.10 ft.  0.05 ft.

Bridge Substructures  0.03 ft.  0.03 ft.

Bridge Superstructures  0.02 ft.  0.02 ft.

Clearing and Grubbing Stakes  1.00 ft. n/a

Construction Centerline Control Points  0.05 ft. n/a

Construction Centerline Station Points  0.10 ft. n/a

Curbs, Walks, and Bikepaths  0.03 ft.  0.02 ft.

Grade Stakes - Roadway Subgrade  0.20 ft.  0.05 ft.

Grade Stakes - Top of Rock  0.20 ft.  0.03 ft.

Grade Stakes - Roadway Finish  0.10 ft.  0.02 ft.

Manholes, Inlets, and Culverts  0.10 ft.  0.03 ft.

PCC Pavement  0.10 ft.  0.02 ft.

Slope Stakes and References  0.30 ft.  0.10 ft.

Traffic Markings  0.20 ft. n/a

Walls - Retaining, MSE, Sound, etc.  0.10 ft.  0.05 ft.

Wetland Mitigation Control Stakes  0.20 ft.  0.20 ft.

Luminaire and Signal Poles (incl. ftgs.)  0.20 ft.  0.03 ft.

Miscellaneous items not listed above will have a horizontal and vertical tolerance of 0.20 foot, unless otherwise directed. Features that are to be constructed flush to another surface should take on the same tolerance as that surface.
Tolerances for special circumstances will be discussed at the pre-survey meeting.

00305.41  Slope Stakes and References - Set slope stakes and references on both sides of centerline at 50 foot stations and at terrain breaks and changes in the typical section. Establish slope stakes in the field as the actual point of intersection of the design roadway slope with the existing ground line. Direct staking of the theoretical (computer generated) slope stake catch point requires prior approval of the Engineer.
Set slope stake references farther out from centerline than the actual catch point. Include all reference point and slope stake information on the reference stakes.
If an automated slope staking routine is intended to be used, the system shall be able to perform the proper superelevation, lane transitions, and benching, as well as duplicate other details in the design surface. The system shall record field modifications made to the final catch slopes. Any modifications shall be recorded and provided to the Engineer.
Record the actual as staked (three dimensional) position of the slope and reference stakes. Prepare field notes showing slope stake and reference information, and provide to the Engineer.

00305.42  Clearing Limits - Set clearing limit stakes according to Section 00320. Space clearing limit stakes at intervals not greater than 50 feet or as directed.
00305.43  Grade Stakes - Set grade stakes or other control for grade elevation and horizontal alignment. Set grade stakes at each grade break line. Set additional points at intervals, as necessary, not to exceed the width of the grading equipment, or as approved by the Engineer. Set these rows at 50 foot stations or as required in special situations, as in road connections and other areas where conditions require tighter spacing of grade stakes to assure grade and alignment.
Measure and record confidence points upon completion of each course and prior to the placement of the next course. Location and spacing of these confidence points shall be such that they provide a reasonable record of the grade as constructed and placed at a nominal rate of one confidence point for every 2,000 square feet of grade.
Provide confidence point data in the form of an ASCII Coordinate File Format to the Engineer for analysis. The Engineer may request additional confidence points if quantity, distribution, or placement does not meet the stated criteria in this subsection and in the confidence point location guidelines in 00305.01. The Engineer may choose to collect additional confidence points using Agency personnel.
The Engineer will evaluate the grade using any combination of industry-standard techniques and the standard Agency confidence point analysis procedure. The confidence point analysis will use the tolerance value defined in 00305.40 for the particular course, and will be deemed unacceptable if less than two-thirds of all confidence points meet the tolerance or if any confidence points exceed the tolerance by a factor of three or more.
The Engineer will evaluate the grade and provide acceptance or rejection before the end of the first business day following receipt of the confidence point data. Do not begin placement of the next course until the Engineer has accepted the grade and approval is given to proceed.

00305.47  Manholes and Inlets - Determine the location of manholes, inlets, siphon boxes, slope protectors, and other similar structures. This may require an approved field adjustment to the planned location in order to avoid obstacles or assure placement at the low point. Determine the elevation of the center of the grate.
Set a stake referencing the center of the structure. Set a guard stake with the following information written on it:

  • Type of structure

  • Centerline station

  • Centerline offset

  • Reference distance

  • Cut or fill to top of structure

  • Center of structure elevation

Establish a reference line to control the alignment of the structure. Record data on the Culvert Data Sheet (Form 734-3247) containing staking information for the outlet pipe from the specific drainage structure.

00305.49  Horizontal Control - Establish horizontal control stations using Theodolite/EDM network or static GPS techniques. Least squares adjustments shall be applied to either method. The use of traverses will be permitted only if approved by the Engineer.
Preserve all Agency provided and Contractor established horizontal control stations for the life of the Project. If the horizontal control network cannot be preserved in its original position during construction or if the Agency provided control stations are not of adequate quantity or location, establish a secondary horizontal control network using the original control as a basis. This secondary control network may then be used by the Contractor to layout all construction items and may be used by the Agency for right-of-way monumentation and for other purposes.
(a)  General Specifications - Horizontal control networks shall conform to these general requirements in addition to Theodolite/EDM or GPS specifications to follow.
(1)  Equipment:

  • Use tripods for all occupations with theodolite, target, or GPS antenna.

  • Test all components and adjust according to manufacturer specifications.

(2)  Procedures:

  • Include in field notes a detailed point description and vicinity sketch for each control station and survey monument established or used.

  • Perform a minimally and fully constrained Least Squares adjustment.

  • The line used for the basis of bearing shall be greater than 1,000 feet unless approved by the Engineer.

  • Prior to using 2 points for the basis of bearing, perform an analysis to verify that the points are actually those indicated in the record.

  • Control station monuments shall conform to the requirements of the Agency "Right-of-Way Monumentation Policy" available from the Engineer.

  • If available, include at least three existing control stations in establishing any control network.

  • Establish a point identifier for each control point within the range of 1 ‑ 399. Alphanumeric point identifiers up to eight characters may be used. Inscribe the point identifier on the monument.

(3)  Acceptance Standards - A least squares adjustment shall be accepted base on the following criteria for all specified tolerances.

  • Two-thirds of all values shall be within the total tolerance.

  • 100% of all values shall be within 3 times the total tolerance.

  • Tolerance for confidence regions at the 95% level is 0.05 feet + 50 ppm based on the shortest distance to the nearest unadjusted control station.

(4)  Data Requirements:

  • Field notes containing a detailed point description and vicinity sketch for each control station and survey monument established or used.

  • Minimally and fully constrained least squares adjustment reports.

(b)  Theodolite/EDM Networks:
(1)  Equipment:

  • Use Theodolites with a maximum angular standard of error no greater than ± 6 seconds.

  • Use EDMs with a maximum distance standard error no greater than  0.02 feet ± 5 ppm.

  • All components shall be of compatible accuracy and designed to be used together.

(2)  Field Procedures:

  • Include distance measurements with all observations unless impractical.

  • Have at least one redundant observation for every point in the network.

  • Triangulation, trilateration, and resection methods are acceptable.

(3)  Acceptance Tolerances:

  • Tolerance for angle residuals is ± 3 seconds.

  • Tolerance for distance residuals is  0.02 feet ± 2 ppm.

(4)  Data Requirements - Provide the following to the Engineer for each network or circuit established:

  • Raw Data Files - These are electronic data files containing original measurements produced by the Theodolite (total station). The file shall contain:

  • Observation data for each measurement, including:

  • point identifier

  • direction, plate reading, or horizontal angle

  • vertical or zenith angle

  • slope distance

  • Supplemental measurement data, including:

  • distance units recorded

  • angular units recorded

  • curvature and refraction correction applied

  • atmospheric correction applied

  • prism correction applied

  • Codes or instructions to the processing software on how to process the data.

  • Atmospheric conditions at the time of the survey.

  • Angular and distance units recorded, and whether the distance has been corrected for curvature and refraction and/or atmospheric conditions.

  • Set Reduction Report - This report summarizes the reduction of the angle sets and mean distances.

  • Least Squares Adjustment Reports - These reports contain details of the least squares adjustment, including a list of all angular and distance residuals, confidence region values at a 95% confidence level, and final adjusted coordinates.

(c)  GPS Networks:
(1)  Equipment:

  • GPS receivers shall be dual frequency geodetic receivers with a manufacturer-specified accuracy of  0.02 feet ± 1 ppm or better.

  • All components shall be of compatible accuracy and designed to be used together.

(2)  Field Procedures:

  • Ensure that satellite geometry during the field observation phase is sufficient to produce accurate results. The geometric dilution of precision (GDOP) shall not be greater than 8.

  • The number of healthy satellites being observed at any time shall be four or more.

  • The elevation mask shall be not less than 15 degrees.

  • Horizontal survey measurements, once completed, shall form a closed figure, and shall be connected to at least two existing horizontal control stations.

  • Network shall be comprised entirely of independent baselines.

  • Adjacent stations shall have direct connections.

  • Every station shall be connected to two or more stations.

  • Receiver documentation shall be followed for observation times and epoch intervals.

  • Each control station shall be occupied no less than twice, of which two occupations shall be separated from each other by time. Separation shall be measured start-time to start-time. Separation shall be 90 minutes or more from initial occupation and 90 minutes or more from any 12 hour multiple thereafter for 30 days. Additional occupations beyond two are not subject to time restrictions.

  • Back-to-back occupations of 90 minutes or more shall be separated by off leveling and re-setting the tripod and rotation of the tribrach or leveling equipment by 120 degrees or more.

  • Stations closer together than 1,500 feet shall be connected with terrestrial observations.

  • Inter-visible stations closer together than 3,000 feet shall be connected with terrestrial observations.

(3)  Acceptance Tolerances:

  • Tolerance for linear residuals in latitude, longitude, and elevation is ± 0.05 feet.

(4)  Data Requirements - Provide the following to the Engineer for each network established:

  • Receiver Independent Exchange (RINEX) Data Files - These are industry‑standard non-proprietary electronic data files containing original data collected by the receiver. The provided files shall contain all data supported by both the RINEX file format and the equipment and software employed in the survey. Files provided shall include as a minimum:

  • GPS observation data file

  • GPS navigation message file

  • Observation Log Sheet - This log includes, for each observation, start and stop times, and antenna height including measurement procedure.

  • Least Squares Adjustment Reports - These reports contain details of the least squares adjustment, including a list of all latitude, longitude, and height residuals, confidence region values at a 95% confidence level, and final adjusted coordinates.

(d)  Traverses:
(1)  Equipment:

  • Identical to requirements for Theodolite/EDM networks.

(2)  Field Procedures:

  • Include distance measurements with all observations unless impractical.

  • Close both traverse for angle and distance.

(3)  Acceptance Standards:
Closure shall be a minimum of 1:20,000 after angular adjustment and prior to coordinate adjustment.
(4)  Data Requirements - Provide the following to the Engineer for each traverse established:

  • Adjustment Report - This report contains details of the traverse adjustment, including adjusted coordinates.

  • Other Reports - All data required for Theodolite/EDM networks except least squares adjustment report.

00305.50  Vertical Control - Establish vertical control stations using differential leveling and third order or better equipment and techniques. The development of vertical control by techniques other than differential leveling must be approved by the Engineer. A least squares adjustment shall be applied to each network of acceptable level circuits.
The Agency provided and Contractor established vertical control stations shall be preserved for the life of the Project. If the vertical control network cannot be preserved in its original position during construction or if the Agency provided control stations are not of adequate quantity or location, establish a secondary vertical control network using the original control as a basis. This secondary control network would then be used to layout all construction items and may be used by the Agency for other purposes.
(a)  Field Procedures:

  • Use a compensated (or "automatic") optical level or compensated digital level.

  • Use precise non-adjustable rod(s) unless otherwise directed. Do not use "Lenker" or self-computing rods.

  • Use a rod level with each rod.

  • Include a minimum of two published bench marks in each circuit unless otherwise directed.

  • If the circuit between benches does not close within the tolerance stated below, close circuit back to the starting point.

  • If the use of one benchmark is approved, close circuit back to the starting point.

  • Select turning points that are firm, solid objects with a defined high point. Set a nail, spike, or stake if no existing items are acceptable. Turning plates with a weight of not less than 4.5 pounds may be used.

  • Balance backsight and foresight distances to within 30 feet on each setup and to within 30 feet on the entire circuit.

  • Make a record of the rod reading(s) and the observation distance on each sighting

  • Set TBMs near significant construction items (bridges, intersections, and other locations where elevations will be needed) and not more than 1,000 feet apart throughout the Project.

  • Select TBM monuments that are firm, solid objects with a defined high point, not likely to be moved by human or natural influences, readily identifiable, and out of the path of construction. Do not use fire hydrants, guardrails, highway signs, or nails or spikes in utility poles or fence posts.

  • Include detailed point descriptions and vicinity sketch in field notes.

  • Take field notes when recording measurements electronically. Include data and information not electronically measured and recorded.

  • Apply a vertical least squares adjustment to allowable errors. The use of proportional distribution of error may be used if approved by the Engineer.

(b)  Acceptance Standards - Each leveling circuit shall be accepted based on the "point-to-point" or "closed-loop" limits described below. A single least squares adjustment shall be applied to the observations in the leveling circuits meeting the acceptance standards

  • Accept point to point circuit based on the following. Error of closure shall be no greater than:

D = Shortest level line distance in miles

  • If a closed loop, the error of closure shall be no greater than:

E = Perimeter of level loop in miles
(c)  Data Requirements - Provide the following to the Engineer for each network or circuit established:

  • Raw Data - These are hand written field notes or hand written field notes accompanied by electronic data files containing original measurements produced by the level. The file shall contain:

  • Data for each measurement, including a:

  • point identifier (within a range of 400 - 499 and also inscribed on the monument)

  • rod reading

  • observation distance

  • Supplemental measurement data, including:

  • distance units recorded

  • curvature and refraction correction applied

  • Level Computation Report - This report contains the computation of unadjusted elevations, observation distance imbalances, computer allowable error, and closure error.

  • Level Adjustment Report - This report contains the adjustment details, including residual values, adjusted elevations and standard errors.

  • ASCII Elevation Data File

00305.51  Bridges - Set stakes, nails, or other devices to control the location and elevation of the various parts of bridges and progressive phases of construction. Provide horizontal and vertical control for all elements of bridge construction. Stake drainage facilities, electrical conduits, water and sewer pipes, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, traffic signal and sign supports, illumination devices, and other items shown or identified that are to be integrated into the construction of the bridge.
Identify marks or provide field notes or reports to the Engineer. Such provision of information shall be adequate for the Engineer to review the location and elevation of the mark for the intended purpose prior to incorporating material that is based on the mark.
(a)  Bridge Survey Control Stations - Use the smallest number of original Project control stations as is practical for establishing positions and reference points for bridge construction on one bridge. Use of multiple control stations will increase the probability of incorporating error into the construction. Use control stations that are as closely related mathematically as practical. The Contractor may establish additional control stations as necessary to complete the survey work. Additional control stations shall be established in such a manner as to provide the accuracy needed to meet the tolerances in 00305.40.
Original Project control stations shall be used only after the following evaluation is completed for each bridge:

  • Supply a list of original Project horizontal and vertical control stations intended by the Contractor to be used in establishing positions on a given bridge.

  • Measure relative positions of original Project horizontal control stations intended to be used.

  • Measure elevation differences between original Project vertical control stations intended to be used.

  • Supply horizontal and vertical measurement data to the Engineer.

  • Compare measured values with those computed from original horizontal network coordinates and vertical network elevations.

  • Any discrepancy of concern to either the Contractor or the Engineer will be resolved before that combination of control stations is used.

(b)  Layout Marks and Reference Points:
(1)  Substructure - Stake, reference, or otherwise identify locations, orientations, and elevations necessary for placement of substructure components, including but not limited to cofferdams, pilings (including batter), footings, columns, abutments, caps, cross beams, bearing devices, temporary supports or falsework, and excavations and embankments associated with any of the above.
Verify and document the locations, elevations and spatial relationships with adjacent substructure components. On bridges where prefabricated beams will be used, measure and document span lengths between bearing devices at each beam location as soon as practical. Supply a copy of such documentation to the Engineer for review before the next stage of construction.
Compute the final elevations after studying the plans, specifications, and shop drawings. Adjust the grades as needed to compensate for camber of prefabricated beams, chording of beams across the low side of superelevations, width of flat beams on superelevated surfaces, and any other factor resulting from design or construction methods.
(2)  Superstructure - Stake, reference or otherwise identify locations, orientations, and elevations necessary for placement of superstructure components including but not limited to beams, girders, diaphragms, earthquake restraints, deck, rails, structure mounted traffic control and illumination devices, and concrete forms, temporary supports and falsework associated with any of the above.

Stake alignment of structure as needed at each stage of construction. Stake alignment of poured-in-place items at 10 foot stations or as established by the Engineer. Stake alignment for the following items as needed to maintain the horizontal tolerance defined in 00305.40:

  • Outside edge of girder(s).

  • Face(s) or centerline(s) of internal girders or stem walls.

  • Edge of deck.

  • Alignment of grade breaks.

  • Pedestrian and bicycle facilities.

  • Rails and railings.

Stake grades at each stage of construction. Stake grade of poured-in-place items at 10 foot stations, or as established by the Engineer. Apply corrections to design grades based on the dynamics of the evolving structure. Corrections that may be required depend upon the design of the bridge and the construction methods employed. Provide correction values to the Engineer at least 15 working days prior to incorporating into the structure. The following list is examples of possible corrections:

  • Design camber (upward adjustment to compensate for anticipated deflection).

  • Structural deflection (deflection of the bridge under its own increasing weight).

  • Post tensioning lift (upward movement of the bridge under post tensioning forces).

  • Structural shifting (dynamics of the bridge under eccentric loading).

  • Falsework deflection (deflection of falsework beams under increasing weight).

  • Falsework crush (compression of falsework supports under increasing weight).

  • Form crush (compression of forms under increasing weight).

  • Equipment deflection (deflection of deck finishing machine or deck rails).

  • Other adjustments to staked value to achieve the design grade.

(c)  Bridge Deck Grades - Set stakes or other devices to control the deck grade elevations. The exact process will depend upon the type of deck and the equipment being used. Stake and construct finished deck grades within the tolerances of 00305.40.
(1)  Portland Cement Concrete Deck - The surveyor and survey crew leader shall attend the first of the two deck pre-placement conferences, described in 00540.02(a), required for each deck placement.
Control of a PCC deck may involve significant work with the deck placement crew to establish control for a deck finishing machine. Rails for supporting the deck finishing machine are generally set up on either side of the deck. Each rail is held up by adjustable supports every 5 feet. Adjust the rail at each support to the desired grade while the rail is supporting the weight of the finishing machine. Corrections may need to be applied as listed in 00305.51(b-2).
(2)  Asphaltic Concrete Deck - Control of an AC deck will not generally involve as many variables as PCC. An AC deck serves as a wearing surface, but not a structural component. Asphaltic concrete will frequently be used as filler to create the desired superelevations when flat beams form the superstructure. Stake control of the finish grade like any asphalt finish grade. Under some circumstances, design camber and structural deflection may need to be considered.
00305.52  Pavements - Set stakes or other control devices to control the location and elevation of asphalt and PCC pavement as shown. Provide surveying or survey-related activity necessary to control grade, thickness, and smoothness as required.

00305.60  Temporary Protection and Direction of Traffic - Provide all work zone signing conforming to "ODOT Signing and Flagging Standards for Short Term Work Zones 1998" and "Short Term Traffic Control Handbook for ODOT Survey Crews 1998".
Signs for use by the survey crew may be constructed of plywood, sheet aluminum or fabric. Signs, flaggers and flagger equipment shall conform to the requirements of Section 00225.
Maintenance and Monumentation
00305.70  Preservation of Survey Markers:
(a)  Project Control Points Established by the Engineer - Maintain, relocate or replace existing survey monuments, control points, and stakes, as determined by the Engineer. Perform the work to produce the same level of accuracy as the original monument(s) in a timely manner, and at no additional cost to the Agency.
(b)  Monuments of Record - Preserve survey monuments according to 00170.82(c), and ORS 209.140 and ORS 209.150. If such monuments are to be disturbed or destroyed, comply with requirements of these ORS at no additional cost to the Agency.
00305.71  Project Monumentation - The Contractor will not be responsible for performing right-of-way monumentation.
00305.80  Measurement - No measurement of quantities will be made for construction survey work.
00305.90  Payment - The accepted quantities of performing construction survey work will be paid for at the Contract lump sum amount for the item "Construction Survey Work".
Payment will be payment in full for furnishing all material, equipment, labor, and incidentals necessary to complete the work as specified.
No separate or additional payment will be made for all temporary protection and direction of traffic measures including flaggers and signing necessary for the performance of the construction survey work.
No separate or additional payment will be made for preparing surveying documents including but not limited to office time, preparing and checking survey notes, and all other related preparation work.
The amount to be allowed for "Construction Survey Work" in the progress payments will not be in excess of the reasonable value of the surveying work performed under this specification as said reasonable value is estimated by the Engineer.
Costs incurred as a result of survey errors will be borne by the Contractor. Such costs include price adjustments for failure to meet requirements of the construction specifications, repair or removal and replacement of deficient product, and over-run of material.

Comply with Section 00310 of the Standard Specifications modified as follows:

00310.41(a)  General - Replace this subsection, except for the subsection number and title, with the following:
Where an abutting structure or part of a structure is to be left in place, make clean, smooth, vertical cuts with a saw or other approved cutting device. Avoid operations that may damage any portion of the remaining structure.


Section 00334, which is not a Standard Specification, is included in this Project by Special Provision.

00334.00  Scope - This work consists of blading, leveling, and compacting shoulders as required to bring the shoulder subgrade to the required widths, grade, and condition to receive the pavement as shown.
00334.40  General - Sidecast all material resulting from shoulder preparation without obstructing existing ditches.

00334.80  Measurement - The quantities of preparation of shoulders will be measured on the length basis. When preparation is performed on both shoulders, measurement will be measured along the center line of the highway excluding the length of bridges. Where preparation of shoulders is performed on only one shoulder, the pay length will be one-half the length as measured above.
00334.90  Payment - The accepted quantities of shoulder preparation will be paid for at the Contract unit price, per mile, for the item "Preparation of Shoulders".
Payment will be payment in full for furnishing all equipment, labor, and incidentals necessary to complete the work as specified.
No separate or additional payment will be made for watering.


Comply with Section 00440 of the Standard Specifications modified as follows:

00440.10  Materials – Delete the material requirements for “Aggregates”.


Comply with Section 00442 of the Standard Specifications.


Comply with Section 00480 of the Standard Specifications.


Comply with Section 00490 of the Standard Specifications.


Comply with Section 00503 of the Standard Specifications modified as follows:

00503.42  Disposal of Materials - Replace this subsection, except for the subsection number and title, with the following:
Dispose of all materials according to 00290.20.


Comply with Section 00620 of the Standard Specifications modified as follows:

00620.40  Pavement Removal - Replace paragraphs (b), (c), (d), and (e) with the following paragraph (b):
(b)  Removal and Replacement - Repave all cold-planed areas within 4 days.
00620.42  Disposal of Materials - Replace this subsection, except for the subsection number and title, with the following:
Dispose of all materials according to 00290.20.


Comply with Section 00640 of the Standard Specifications.


Comply with Section 00730 of the Standard Specifications.


Comply with Section 00745 of the Standard Specifications modified as follows:

00745.00  Scope - Add the following paragraph to the end of this subsection:
Lime treatment of new aggregate is required on this Project.
00745.03  Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) Material - In the paragraph that begins "The amount of…", replace the sentence that begins "The amount of…" with the following sentence:
The amount of asphalt cement in the RAP shall be established in the mixture design phase according to ODOT TM 319 and the ODOT Contractor Mix Design Guidelines for Asphalt Concrete or other method if approved by the Engineer.
00745.10  Aggregate - In the paragraph that begins "Provide and stockpile…", remove the words "and RAP aggregates".
00745.10(b-3)  Grading - Replace the tolerance table with the following table:
Separated Sizes

1 1/4" - 3/4" 3/4" - No. 4 3/4" - 1/2" 1/2" - No. 4
Percent Passing (by Weight)

Sieve Size T T T T
1 1/2"  1   

1 1/4"  5   

1"  10  1  1 

3/4"  5  5  7  1

1/2"   8  8  5

3/8" *    

No. 4  3  8  8  8

No. 8   5  5  5

No. 16 *   - 

No. 30  1  3  3  3

No. 50 *    

No 100 *    

No 200   1.0  1.0  1.0
* Report percent passing sieve when no tolerance is listed.
00745.10(c-3)  Grading - Replace the tolerance table with the following table:
Separated Sizes

No. 4 - 0 No. 4 – No. 8 No. 8-0
Percent Passing (by Weight)

Sieve Size T T T

3/8" -1 -1 

No. 4  7  10 -1

No. 8  7  7  10

No. 16 *   

No. 30  7  5  8

No. 50 *   

No 100 *   

No 200  3.0  2.0  4.0
* Report percent passing sieve when no tolerance is listed.
Add the following subsection:
00745.11(d)  Aggregate Treatment - Latex Polymer - A latex polymer aggregate treatment material may be used to treat new crushed aggregates instead of lime if Tensile Strength Ratio test results on the mixture with the latex polymer treatment at the JMF meet the minimum criteria in 00745.13(b).
(1)  General:
a.  Provide a system to automatically meter the latex emulsion at the proper rate and apply the emulsion uniformly to the aggregate prior to the addition of the asphalt cement. Follow manufacturer’s recommendations to set up, adjust and calibrate the equipment.
b.  Demonstrate to the Engineer’s satisfaction that the required application rate of latex solids is being met. If it is not, take corrective action. Document and notify the Engineer of the corrective action.
(2)  Material - Use latex polymer emulsion concentrate meeting the following:
Minimum Maximum Test Method
Solids Percent 66.0 71.0 ASTM D 1417

pH 9.75 11.25 ASTM D 1417

Brookfield Viscosity ─ 2000 ASTM D 1417

Spindle 2, 20 RPM, cPs

Provide a quality compliance certificate for the polymer latex emulsion concentrate to the Engineer according to 00165.35.
(3)  Application Rate - Apply the latex emulsion to achieve a minimum of 0.75 pounds of latex solids per ton of new aggregate (0.0375%) for dense graded mixtures and a minimum of 0.50 pounds of latex solids per ton of aggregate (0.025%) for open-graded mixtures. Higher application rates may be required to meet minimum TSR limits. Determine application rate during mix design testing.
(4)  Treatment During HMAC Production:
a.  Adjust aggregate moisture content to meet manufacturer’s recommendation for emulsion application. Apply the latex emulsion at the minimum rate specified above or at a higher rate if TSR testing indicates a higher rate is required.
b.  Apply the latex emulsion to the aggregate just prior to entry into dryer drum. Mix aggregate with the emulsion in a pugmill or in the dryer drum prior to application of asphalt cement. Heat aggregates to at least 250 °F after treatment and prior to addition of asphalt cement.
00745.14 Tolerances and Limits – Add the following note at the end of the tolerance table:
** Report percent passing on No. 16, No. 50, and No. 100 sieves for informational purposes.

00745.16(a-1)  Personnel Requirements - Add the following bullet to the end of the bullet list:

  • Providing at least one CAT-1 full-time at each plant site when producing mixture for the Project.

00745.16(a-4)  Testing Frequency - Delete the paragraph that begins "After the Mix Design...".
Add the following subsection:
00745.16(a-5)  Plant Calibration - Calibrate all meters and belt scales at the HMAC mixing plant according to ODOT TM 322 prior to beginning production.
00745.16(b-1)  MDV Quality Control - Replace this subsection with the following subsection:
(1)  MDV Quality Control:
a.  General - Perform MDV testing on projects with Level 2, Level 3, or Level 4 dense graded HMAC. Perform MDV tests on every sublot and as required at start up according to 00745.16(b-1-c) and the MFTP. Perform gradation and asphalt content testing with each MDV test. Calculate the following values for each MDV test.

  • Air Voids

  • Voids in Mineral Aggregate (VMA)

  • Voids Filled with Asphalt (VFA)

  • P No. 200 / Effective AC (Pbe) Ratio

The running averages of four MDV results shall be within the limits given below:

Average of Limit
Air Voids 4 samples JMF Target  1.0%

VMA 4 samples 11.5 - 17.0 (1" Mix)

12.5 - 17.0 (3/4" Mix)

13.5 - 17.0 (1/2" Mix)

14.5 - 17.0 (3/8" Mix)

VFA 4 samples 65 - 75 (3/4" and 1/2" Mix in

Level 2, 3 and 4)

65 - 78 (3/8" Mix in

Level 2, 3 and 4)

70 - 80 (1/2" and 3/8" Mix in

Level 1)

Passing No. 200 / Pbe 4 samples 0.8 - 1.6

The CDT shall provide the results from the initial control strip to the CAT II for evaluation and comparison with the MDV results. If the MDV and density test results are contradictory, initiate an investigation. The CAT II shall recommend a plan to the Engineer for resolving the discrepancy based on the results of the investigation.
Take corrective action when required by the MDV start-up process of 00745.16(b‑1‑c). After the requirements of 00745.16(b-1-c) have been met, take corrective action if the MDV test results show that two consecutive running average of four samples are outside the above limits for air voids, VMA, VFA, or P No. 200/Pbe ratio. Document the corrective action and notify the Engineer. If test results continue to be outside the tolerance, stop production and make adjustments. Restart production only after the Engineer has approved the proposed adjustments. If the MDV test results are outside tolerance, but the mixture meets the current requirements for gradation and asphalt content, an adjustment to the JMF targets is required. Do not start a new lot as a result of the adjustment.
A request for an adjustment to the JMF targets may be made to the Engineer by the Contractor’s CAT-II. The requested change will be reviewed and documented by the Engineer. If acceptable, a revised JMF will be allowed. Clearly document the sublot test for which the adjusted targets are in effect. Adjustments for gradation shall not exceed the tolerances specified for the original JMF limits. Adjustments for AC content shall be within 0.5% of the original JMF. The JMF asphalt content may only be reduced if the production VMA meets or exceeds the above requirements. Adjustments for RAP content shall be within 5% of the original JMF, but shall not exceed the requirements of 00745.03. Regardless of these tolerances, the adjusted JMF shall be within the mixture specification control points of 00745.12. If a redesign of the mixture becomes necessary, submit a new JMF according to the requirements of these specifications.
Perform a Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR) test (AASHTO T 283) on a sample obtained during the first two days of production after QC test results verify that HMAC constituents with a weighting factor greater than one according to 00745.95 are in tolerance. Provide test results to the Engineer within four working days of obtaining the sample. Stop production and make adjustments if the TSR is less than 70. Restart production only after the Engineer has approved the proposed adjustments.
b.  Laboratory Compactor Selection - Use a Gyratory compactor for MDV when a Gyratory compactor is used to develop the JMF. For all other cases, use a Gyratory compactor or Marshall compactor, as selected by the Contractor.
c.  MDV Requirements at Start-Up - Perform MDV testing at the start-up of the JMF production according to the following process:
1. Obtain a sample during the first 100 tons of production and immediately perform MDV testing.
2. If air voids and VMA are within tolerance, then continue remaining MDV testing at the established random QC sublot interval. If not, then go to step "3".
3. If air voids and/or VMA are out of tolerance according to 00745.16(b-1-a), then make adjustments and immediately obtain another sample and perform MDV testing. Go to step "4".
4. If air voids and VMA from the MDV testing in step "3" are within tolerance, then continue remaining MDV testing at the established random QC sublot interval. If not, go to step "5".
5. If air voids from step "3" are more than  1.5% from the target, then stop production immediately and make adjustments. If they are not, then go to step "6". Obtain approval of the Engineer before restarting production. Begin MDV testing again at step "1".
6. If air voids from step "3" are out of tolerance and 1.5% or less from the target, or the VMA from step "3" is out of tolerance, then make adjustments and immediately obtain another sample and perform MDV testing. Go to step "4".
The initial MDV sample shall be used as the first random QC sublot test. Subsequent MDV samples required due to failure of start-up criteria will be used for a sublot QC test if the sample is taken within 100 tons of the scheduled random QC sample location. If not, the MDV testing shall be performed separate from, and not included in, the random QC testing program. Any required MDV testing will be completed at the Contractor’s expense.
Add the following subsection:
00745.16(b-3)  MDV for Open Graded HMAC - Adjust asphalt content and gradation targets for open graded HMAC during production as directed. The Engineer will document the sublot test for which the adjusted targets are in effect.
00745.24(a)  Steel-Wheeled Rollers - Replace this subsection with the following subsection:
(a)  Steel-Wheeled Rollers - Provide steel-wheeled rollers with a minimum gross static weight as follows:
Level 1 and Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Breakdown and

Intermediate 8 ton 10 ton 12 ton

Finish 6 ton 8 ton 10 ton

00745.24(b)  Vibratory Rollers - Replace the fourth bullet of the first group of bullets and replace the first bullet of the second group of bullets with the following bullet:

  • Have a minimum gross static weight meeting the requirements of 00745.24(a).

00745.40  Season and Temperature Limitations In the table, for Surface Temperature of Dense Graded Mixes 2 inches to 2 1/2 inches, replace "50 °F" with 40 °F".

00745.46  Control of Line and Grade - Add the following paragraphs to the end of this subsection:
Establish references at reasonable intervals for line and grade control of placement operations for the following:

  • Before placing each leveling lift.

  • Before placing the top base course for new construction.

Line and grade for the top base course of new construction and top leveling lift shall be within 1/2 inch of design line and grade.

00745.48(b)  Depositing - Replace the paragraph that begins "Deposit HMAC from..." with the following paragraph:
Deposit HMAC from the hauling vehicles so segregation is prevented. Do not deliver the HMAC directly into the paving machine for wearing courses where the continuous length of the panel is greater than 500 feet. Deliver the HMAC to the paving machine by either a windrow pick-up machine or an end-dump transfer machine.
00745.49(b-1)  General - In the paragraph that begins "Compliance with the density...", replace the sentence that begins "Use the MAMD method..." with the following sentence:
Use the MAMD method of compaction measurement.
Replace the paragraph that begins "For Level 3 and Level 4..." with the following two paragraphs:
For Level 2, Level 3, and Level 4 mixes, construct a control strip at the beginning of work on each JMF on the project according to ODOT TM 306. The purpose of the control strip is to determine the maximum density that can be achieved for the JMF, paving conditions, and equipment on the project. Additional control strips are necessary when there is a change in compaction equipment or when JMF targets are adjusted according to 00745.16(b-1-a). The Engineer may waive the control strip for irregular areas or areas too small to establish a reasonable roller pattern.
Stop paving if three consecutive control strips fail to achieve the specified density. Take all actions necessary to resolve compaction problems. Do not resume paving until allowed by the Engineer.
00745.49(b-3)  Moving Average Maximum Density (MAMD) Method – Replace the table showing minimum density for various lifts and HMAC Levels with the following:
Level 1, Level 2,

Course of Construction Level 3, and Level 4 HMAC
Base lift less than 3 inches on aggregate base 91.0

All other lifts 92.0

Delete the note beginning with “If any part…”.

00745.49(b-4)  Control Strip Method - Delete this subsection.
00745.49(b-5)  Test Results - Renumber this subsection to b-4.
00745.61(c) Placing HMAC Under Traffic – Add the following paragraph to the end of this subsection:
Traffic shall not be on newly placed HMAC base course for more than 14 days.

00745.75(a-2)  Wearing Course - Replace the bullet that begins "Profile to a maximum depth..." with the following bullet:

  • Profile to a maximum depth of 0.3 inch with abrasive grinder(s) equipped with a cutting head comprised of multiple diamond blades and apply an emulsified asphalt fog coat as directed.

00745.80  Measurement - The quantities of HMAC shown in the Contract Schedule of Items were computed on the basis of aggregates having a Specific Gravity of 2.70.

Add the following sentence to the end of the paragraph that begins "When RAP materials are used...":

For non-RAP mixtures, measurement of the total asphalt quantity will be based on quality control tests averaged to the nearest 0.01% when the Engineer determines that payment by invoice and tank sticking is impractical.
00745.93  Other Items - Delete the bullet that begins "Anti-stripping…".
Add the following paragraph to the end of this subsection:
Antistripping additives will be paid for at the Contractor’s actual documented costs with no percentage allowance or markup allowed.


Comply with Section 00748 of the Standard Specifications.

Comply with Section 00749 of the Standard Specifications.


Comply with Section 00810 of the Standard Specifications.


Comply with Section 00812 of the Standard Specifications.


Comply with Section 00850 of the Standard Specifications modified as follows:

00850.20(b)  Equipment for Longitudinal Lines - Replace the paragraph that begins "Use equipment capable of…" with the following paragraph and bullets:
Provide equipment that can:

  • Place two parallel lines simultaneously with 4 inch minimum to 12 inch maximum spacings between the two lines.

  • Place the entire width of a line in one pass.

00850.46  Placement Tolerance - Replace the bullet that begins "Thickness of lines…" with the following bullet:

  • Thickness of flat, surface applied lines:  + 1/3 of the specified thickness,  1/10 of the specified thickness

00850.47(b)  Curing of Material - Replace the sentence that begins "Rate the line…" with the following sentence:
Rate the line, markings, and pavement marker adhesive at the time of installation to determine if the material has properly cured.
00850.47(c)  Retroreflectivity - Replace the sentence that begins "Use a retroreflectometer…" with the following sentence:

Use a 30 meter geometry retroreflectometer to measure the retroreflectivity within 48 hours of curing, except for paint applications:

00850.70  Disposal of Waste - Replace this subsection with the following subsection:
00850.70  Disposal of Materials - Dispose of all materials according to 00290.20.


Comply with Section 00855 of the Standard Specifications modified as follows:

00855.40(c)  Installation - In the paragraph that begins "Do not install…", replace the sentence that begins "Adjust spacing between…" with the following two sentences:
To avoid longitudinal cracks and joints, adjust pavement markers up to one half the width of the marker. To avoid transverse cracks and joints, adjust pavement markers ahead or back on line  5 inches.


Comply with Section 00865 of the Standard Specifications.


Comply with Section 00867 of the Standard Specifications modified as follows:

00867.90  Payment - Replace this subsection, except for the subsection number and title, with the following:
The accepted quantities of work performed under this Section will be paid for at the Contract unit price, per unit of measurement, for the following items:

Pay Item Unit of Measurement

(a) Pavement Legend, Type B: Arrows Each

(b) Pavement Bar, Type B Square Foot

In items (a) through (b), the type of pavement marking material will be inserted in the first blank.

Item (a) includes single or multiple headed arrows as required.

Item (b) includes all transverse pavement markings that are defined as a "BAR", including but not limited to, stop bars, crosswalk bars, chevron bars, transverse median bars, and transverse shoulder bars.

Payment will be payment in full for furnishing and placing all materials, and for furnishing all equipment, labor, and incidentals necessary to complete the work as specified.
Payment for work under this Section will be limited to 75% of the amount due until the Agency has received the signed warranty.


Section 00868, which is not a Standard Specification, is included in this Project by Special Provision.

00868.00  Scope - This work consists of removal and disposal of existing no passing zone paddles and posts as needed and furnishing and installing new posts and no passing zone paddle markers as shown or established.
00868.10  Materials - Furnish materials shall meet the following requirements:
Galvanized support posts...............................................................From QPL

Target members.............................................................................From QPL

Black nonreflective sheeting for no passing zone arrows…...........From QPL
00868.11  Use of Salvage Materials – No passing zone paddle components salvaged from existing no passing zone paddles may be reused in new permanent paddle installations providing they are of the current design, conform to the Specifications and are free of damage that would impair their appearance or serviceability.
Suitability of salvaged materials proposed for reuse will be determined by the Engineer.
00868.40  Lines, Grades and Preparation Work – Install posts to the lines, grades and spacings as shown and as established. To avoid difficult installation at any individual post site, the spacing may deviate perpendicularly from roadway a maximum of 36 inches. No deviation is allowed longitudinally with the roadway unless approved by the Engineer. Remove vegetative growth from the post sites as needed for installation.
00868.41 Installation of Posts – Post depths may vary from that recommended by the

manufacturer. Posts set in sandy, gravelly or other unconsolidated material may need to be longer to provide adequate anchorage. Posts may be shortened to avoid unnecessary penetration in solid rock or in large rock fragments, as approved. If set in rock, drill a 9 inch deep hole, 1 inch greater in diameter than the large dimension of the post, and grout in place using grout as described in Section 02080. The posts shall be vertical and firm. Remove and discard posts that become split, cracked, twisted, or bent, or whose tops become badly misshapen during installation, and replace with undamaged posts. Post to be located approximately at the right of way or as directed.

00868.42 Target Members – Assemble, fasten, set and align target members appropriate to the type and arrow direction involved as shown or directed. All fastenings shall be tight. Attach the black non-reflective sheeting to the posts by an approved positive means, which has adequate strength to prevent loss of the non-reflective material during the life of the post or target.
Finishing and Clean Up
00868.70 General – Remove and dispose of excess excavated materials, litter, and debris resulting from the operations according to 00290.20. Finish the surface around the support to match the surrounding surface or as shown. Remove vegetative growth from the post sites as needed for visibility from the roadway and installation.
00868.80 Measurement – The quantities of no passing zone paddles and posts will be measured on the unit basis.
00868.90 General– The accepted quantities of no passing zone paddles and posts will be paid for at the Contract unit price per each for the item “No Passing Zone Paddle Markers”.
Payment will be payment in full for furnishing and placing all materials, and for furnishing all equipment, labor, and incidentals necessary to complete the work as specified.
No separate or additional payment will be made for preparation work, earthwork, grouting, backfilling, removal of vegetation, and cleaning up.


Comply with Section 02110 of the Standard Specifications modified as follows:

02110.40(a)  Grading - Replace the Douglas Fir and Hem‑Fir grading requirements with the following grading requirements:
Species 4" x 4" 4" x 6" 6" x 6"

and Larger
Douglas Fir 124‑c WCLIB 123‑c WCLIB 131‑cc WCLIB

42.12 WWPA 62.12 WWPA 80.12 WWPA

Hem-Fir 124‑c WCLIB 123‑c WCLIB (not allowed)

42.12 WWPA 62.12 WWPA (not allowed)

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