From high school to a social party: the history of Russian State Social University

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V. I. Zhukov,

academician, doctor of historical sciences, professor, honored scientist of Russia,

Laureate of State Prize of Marshal Zhukov, the Russian Federation Government Award

in Education, rector of RSSU.

From high school to a social party: the history

of Russian State Social University
G. V. Osipov,

academician, Russian sociologist, philosopher and organizer of science, scientific

director of ISPR RAS, president of the Russian Academy of Social Sciences, a member

of the Bureau of the department of Social Sciences.

Problems include the sociology of scientifi c

management system in the Russian society
A. V. Dmitriev,

doctor of philosophy, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Main publications: «Integration and disintegrative potential the practicing of

interaction of society and migrants» (2010), «Migrants in the new environment:

practicing of interaction» (in a co-authorship, 2011), «The social conflict» (2011),

Sphere of scientific interests: political and legal conflictology, sociology of the



G. A. Pyadukhov,

candidate of historical sciences, assistant professor.

Main publications: «Accepting society: practicing of interaction with labor

migrants» (in co-authorship, 2009), «Migrants in the new environment: practicing of

interaction» (in co-authorship, 2011).


Subjects of services in the sphere of external labor

migration: initial concepts, classifi cation

Annotation: the concepts reflecting development of the market of services in the

sphere of external labor migration, social practicians of subjects of services are analyzed.

Classification of subjects of services is carried out.

Key words: subjects of services, labor migrants, social practicians, market

of servicess.
N. V. Starostenkov,

doctor of historical sciences, professor, honorable worker of higher education of

the Russian Federation, head of the department of history of the fatherland, acting

as dean of social and humanitarian faculty of RSSU.

Sphere of scientific interests: history of Russia, methodology of historical

research, history of wars and military art.


Culture of tolerance at students of higher education

institutions: formation pr oblems

Annotation: in these circumstances, particular importance is the work of scientific

and teaching staff of universities to educate students in a culture of tolerance. In our

opinion, first of all, university education of young people on the basis of traditional

cultural values, developed the so-called «indigenous» peoples of our country in a joint

residence in the territory of Russia. Greater role in educating the students of culture of

tolerance can and should play students self-government.

Key words: youth, education, culture, tolerance.
I. V. Malofeyev,

candidate of sociological sciences, the assistant professor of the Institute of

reeducation and professional development of the executive staff and professional

staff members of the Moscow social protection system.

Basic education: astronautically and rocket engineering facility

of the Moscow Aviation Institute, law and social studies facility of the Russian State

University of Tourism and Service.

Theme of the candidate dissertation: «Environmental safety

of the Moscow region: sociological analysis».

Main publications: «Social services: theoretical aspect» (2010), «Optimization of

the social services for senior citizens» (2010), «Encyclopedia

of the social practices» (2011).

Sphee of scientific interests: social policy, social services, innovative

informational technologies.


Assessment of satisfaction of needs of elderly people

and disabled people in pr oviding social services

Annotation: the article is devoted to the estimation of satisfaction with the social

services the needs of the elderly people in regard to the modern qualitative and

quantitative changes in the system of social services for the elderly people and the new

priorities caused by the changes. The article includes the results of the questionnaire

of the elderly people in Moscow, touching satisfaction with quality, quantity, variety

and information support of the social services. Basing on the analysis of the results the

article recommends complex measures for the improvement of the social services

N. L. Shkinder,

candidate of biological sciences, assistant professor of social work of

Ural State Medical Academy (Ekaterinburg).

Theme of the candidate dissertation: «The genotoxic effects of technogenic

pollution of the Middle Urals». Theme of the doctoral dissertation:

«The institutionalization of social services for older people in modern Russia:

a regional perspective».

Main publications: «Peculiarities of the Social Service Institutionalization in

Russia in conditions of the Social Policy Liberalization» (2009), «Theoretical model

research of dynamics of social institutions in modern Russia» (2010), «The

standardization of social services for older people in modern Russia: institutional

analysis of the major controversies» (2011).

Sphere of scientific interests: sociology of social work, social gerontology.


Institutionalization of social service of elderly people

in modern Russia: conceptualization of research strategy

Annotation: the article substantiates the author’s methodological research strategy

of the social service institutionalization process of elderly people in modern Russia on the

basis of poly-paradigmal approach which is used to study a systemic, processual and

social-synergetic nature of the social institute. According to the principle of contextuality

there is a hypothesis of interrelation between processual institutional continuum and

institutional dynamics of social service for elderly people in Russia nowadays. Essential

characteristics of institutional process are studied on the basis of matrix simulation.

Key words: social service, polyparadigmal approach, social institution,

institutionalization, contextuality, institutional continuum, institutional dynamics.
V. I. Bokov,

candidate of sociological sciences, International Academy of Sciences of Ecology,

Safety of the Person and Nature, Komi regional office.

Basic education: Northwest Academy of Civil Service.

Theme of the candidate dissertation: «Social features of service

of the population of the city».

Main publications: «From Dahl to Parsons and back. A hypothesis about the

service nature» (2003), «On the eve of a community. Primary forms and

structures of a sociality of local communities» (2010).


Service institute: claim on a registration

Annotation: in article the concept of institution of servicing. As a result, as the

author hopes, theoretical preconditions for the form analysis of the forms of service

activity as sphere of service or servicing. The special attention is given the term

«institution of servicing» itself.

Keywords: institution of servicing, social community.
G. N. Kuzmenko,

doctor of philosophy, head of the department of social philosophy of RSSU.

Basic education: Moscow State University of M. V. Lomonosov.

Sphere of scientific interests: ethics, philosophy history, social philosophy.

Model of development of international tolerance in

the teenage envir onment

Annotation: an important phase of work on international education – drawing

attention to the younger generation of specific and unique contribution made by one or

the other people in human civilization, and – importantly – to the spiritual and material

heritage of Russia and Moscow. In childhood and adolescence lays the foundations of a

tolerant attitude towards people of other nationalities,

and respect for other cultures and religions. At the same time, it means the development

of respect for their culture, awareness of her universality and, at the same time, unique.

Key words: tolerance, international relations, culture, education of pupils.
S. A. Khrapov,

candidate of philosophical sciences, senior lecturer, senior research assistant of

departament of philosophy of faculty of social communications of Humanitarian

Institute of the Astrakhan State University.

Basic education: psychological faculty of the Moscow Open Social University.

Theme of the doctoral dissertation: «Socially-philosophical interpretation

destruction in psychoanalytic concepts».

Main publications: «Crisis tendencies of public consciousness of modern Russia»

(monograph, 2009), «Socio-cultural dynamics of public consciousness

of Post-Soviet Russia (the monograph, 2010), «Conceptualization of intention

«social unconscious» and «mentality» (the cultural-historical

and philosophical analysis)» (2010).

Sphere of scientific interests: socio-cultural transformations.


The technogenic bases of cri sis of socio-cultural identity

Annotation: in article the complex of the actual problems connected with

identification crisis, technogisation of people, a society and culture is investigated. The

given problems are comprehended within the limits of a paradigm socio-cultural the

approach taking into account the basic tendencies modern civilization


Key words: a technogenic civilization, crisis, socio-cultural identity, a society,

consciousness, information, nanotechnologies, the technogenic person.
N. S. Biryukova,

candidate of philological science, docent of theory and methods of vocational

education of Surgut State University of the Khanty-Mansi

Autonomous Okrug – Yugry.

Basic education: Frunze’s teaching institution of Russian and Literature.

Theme of the candidate dissertation: «Perception by students of the case

phenomena used in modern political communications». Theme of the doctoral

dissertation: «Modern university as socio-educational phenomenon:

conceptual model».

Main publications: «Pedagogical rhetoric: a methodical textbook» (2009),

«Vocational education: questions of theory and practice of communications

in schemes and tables» (2010), «The theory and methods of vocational training:

the decision of pedagogical problems» (2010).

Sphere of scientific interests: occurrence of classical university, a phenomenon

of elite education and modern university.


Role of elite education in formation of status features

of intellectuals’ overstrat

Annotation: in the article the author proves the thesis that under influence of sociocultural

processes, namely transformation of knowledge into the information, in social

structure occur corresponding transformations, in particular, there is a new social group,

different on the criterial characteristics both from «class», and from «strata», named

«overstrat of intellectuals». The author opens status features of intellectuals’ overstrat,

formed in sphere of elite education.

Key words: a class of intellectuals, overstrat, the worker of the intellectual labour, a

new higher class, knowledge elite, postindustrial society, intellectual property.
Yu. V. Korneeva,

post-graduate student of the Moscow Humanitarian University.

Basic education: faculty of social technologies and design of the Tolyatti State

Academy of Service.

Main publications: «Modern tendencies of cultural-political revival of the people

of the Samara region» (2006), «City culture and petty bourgeoisies» (2007), «Ethno

cultural originality as a nutrient medium for formation of traditional culture of small

cities of the Average Volga region» (2009).

Sphere of scientific interests: cultural history of small cities of the Average

Volga region.


Culture of small cities of the Average Volga region

in second half of XIX-th century

Annotation: in article features of development of small cities of the Samara province

of second half of XIX-th century are considered and investigated, specific features of city

culture of region taking into account dynamics of interrelation of various indicators are

revealed: a population, an industry level of development, development of craft

manufacture and trade relations

Key words: culture, small city, city culture, the Average Volga region.
I. A. Korsakova,

associate professor of sociology and philosophy of culture of faculty of arts and

socio-cultural activity of RSSU.

Theme of the candidate dissertation: «The esthetic analysis of crisis of the

ladogarmonic beginning in musical thinking of the XX century». Theme of the

doctoral dissertation: «Musical communication in modern socio-cultural space».

Main publications: «World outlook bases of a musical esthetics» (2010),

«Semiotics aspects of musical communication» (2010), «Steps of complex

development of the identity of the preschool child» (2011).

Sphere of scientific interests: philosophy of music and music education.


New discoveri es of music of the Thir d Mi llennium

Annotation: the introduction of computers in the art of music has provided new

opportunities for the composer's creativity. These features are implemented on threelevels,

according to three levels of perception of music – acoustic, syntactic, conceptual.Computers

have penetrated into the world, inaccessible to our ears. «Liberation of sound», ie possibility

of separating the main components of the sound (pitch, duration, dynamics, timbre),

opened in the twentieth century, a new stratum of the musicaluniverse.

Key words: art of music, composer and listener, computer, art, music tone, the

emancipation of sound.
O. A. Rozhnov,

candidate of sociology, doctoral student, assistant professor of sociology, social

work of RSSU, deputy minister of sport, tourism and youth policy.

Basic education: history department of the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical Institute.

Theme of the candidate dissertation: «Management of youth policy

in modern Russia».

Main publications: «On strengthening the role of youth in the implementation of

youth policy: improving governance and infrastructure» (2010), «Social engineering

as a technology of youth policy» (2011).

Sphere of scientific interests: sociology of youth, sociology, law, sociology of crime.


The activities of institutions for young people in cri me

pr evention and combating alcoholism and anesthesia

Annotation: we discuss the programs and mechanisms for preventing anti-social

phenomena among young people: alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse, tobacco

smoking. A comparative analysis of the number of offenses committed by juveniles;

evaluated the effectiveness of state youth policy in the field of crime prevention and the

proportion of the engaged in the work of young people.

Key words: dynamics of crime, prevention of asocial phenomena among young

people; priority areas of the state youth policy.
G. I. Andryushchenko,

chief of department of social insurance, economy and the organization of

enterprises of RSSU.

Basic education: Moscow State University, economic faculty.

Theme of the candidate dissertation: «A state role in development of nonproductive

sphere of Great Britain».

Main publications: «Theoretical bases of formation of social policy of the state»

(2010), «Social insurance: a modern course» (manual, 2010), «The organization of

insurance activity in the Russian Federation» (monograph, 2011)

I. A. Mitrofanov,

candidate of economical science.

Theme of the candidate dissertation: «Finance and development agencies of

higher school at the present stage».

Main publications: «Economic crisis and the competitive advantages of the

university» (2009), «Higher education at the present stage of development» (2009),

«State individual financial commitments: classification models and the quality of

higher education funding» (2010).

Sphere of scientific interests: higher education, state and municipal orders, the

autonomy of public institutions.

Hi gher education institution PR envir onment

as factor of increase of its pr ofi tability

Annotation: this paper analyzes the problems of formation of a consumer information

product of a definite opinion about the institution and the individual aspects of its work,

the technique of forming the marketing behavior of the university in modern


Key words: integrated marketing communications; On-line activities; Off-line

activities, marketing activities.
E. O. Efremenkova

post-graduate student at finance and credit department of the RSSU.

Basic education: Russian State Social University.

Theme of candidate dissertation: «The formation of the mechanism of financial

maintenance of activity of the higher educational institutions, focused on result».

Main publications: «Funding of higher education in terms of innovation

development of economy» (collective monograph, 2010),

«The urgency of implementation funding, result-oriented: the experience of foreign

countries» (2011), «Actual problems of financial support

of the higher educational institutions of Russia

and their solutions» (2011).

About some aspects of formation of the mechanism of

fi nancial maintenance of activity of the higher

educational institutions, focused on result

Annotation: this paper examines current approaches to the construction of the

mechanism of financial support of higher education institutions, result-oriented;

analyzes the stages of the formation of such a mechanism, and its elements, and

technology applications.

Key words: financing higher education, the funding mechanism, funding based on

the results.
V. A. Zhebit,

candidate of psychological sciences, the project director at P. N. Lebedev Physical

Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Basic education: electro power faculty of Novosibirsk Electro Technical Institute.

Theme of the candidate dissertation: «Socially-psychological factors of dynamics

of image of the politician».

Main publications: «Communication theory. Nonlinear communication»

(monograph, 2005), «Theory of nonlinear communication. Sources - Aspects -

Axioms» (monograph, 2010), «Image of the politician: as it depends on mood of

electorate» (monograph, 2010).

Sphere of scientific interests: social psychology, general psychology,

psychoanalysis, imageologies, communications.


About a power basis of an hierarchy through new idea

of communication

Annotation: from the point of view of energy & information interactions the

Hierarchy represents the system which elements are subordinated to the law: growth of

energy & information potential of elements (quality growth) inversely proportional to

quantity of elements. The energy & information potential of the individual it is necessary

to understand the sum of such indicators as strong-willed qualities, aspirations,

experience, the power, money, business ties and support, social recognition, spiritual

qualities etc. Variety of qualitative and quantitative parameters of aforementioned

components causes socially-psychological dissimilarity of individual characteristics and

uniqueness of their sum. Presence of such inequality also allows to consider any set of

individual or group energy & information potentials as some hierarchical system built by

qualitative criterion.

Key words: hierarchy, communications, entropy, energy & information potential,


O. V. Golenkova,

senior teacher of RSSU branch in Bryansk.

Basic education: faculty of social work of the Moscow State Social University

branch in Bryansk.

Main publications: «The contents and the organization of continuous practice

of students in «Social work» in the course of training» (2008),

«The reasons of a social orphanhood in modern Russia» (2010), «Psychological

observation of the social worker in the course of work with children with limited

possibilities Social work as a factor of a humanization of social being» (2010).


Modeling of pr oblem situations in the course

of vocational training of social workers to supp ort

of children without parental supp ort
N. I. Korotkova,

post-graduate student of social psychology department of RSSU.

Basic education: RSSU.

Theme of the candidate dissertation: «Impact of social guidelines on ethnic

identity of senior pre-school children performed by their parents».

Main publications: «Social and psychological specifics of ethnic identifying

performed by pre-school child» (2011).


Diffi culties in ethnic identity perf ormed

by pr e-school children

Annotation: active study of difficulties in ethnic identity is closely linked with a

period of ethnic renaissance of the XX century’s second part. Presently, an extensive

methodic base to identify national specifics of self-comprehension, inter-ethnic awareness,

ethnic patterns, etc. is developed, although we face several difficulties. Thus, most

methods are representative for sampling, starting from the school age. Due to absence of

a single concept developing ethnic identity at early ontogenesis stages, the researches

face a problem – which methodic tools are suitable for diagnosing the given children’s


Key words: ethnic identity, pre-school age, nationality, ethnic pattern.
M. Yu. Chernyshov,

candidate of philological science, head of the methodological department

of the Presidium of Irkutsk Scientific Center, honorary professor

of the University of Cambridge (UK), honorary professor

of the International Association for Logic Programming ALP.


On the plausibility of the conception of linking

thought organization of vari ous texts

Annotation: the paper discusses some results of the investigation bound up with

identification of the mediators of text sense integration known as «verbally expressed

linking thoughts». The plausibility of the conception of linking-thought text sense

integration of texts, which belong to various functional styles, is proved.

Key notions: text sense integration, analysis for sense integration of texts, mediators

of text sense integration, linking thoughts.

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