Further ideas for story sequencer and talking photo album Syniadau pellach ar gyfer y ‘story sequencer’ a ‘talking photo album’

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Further ideas for story sequencer and talking photo album

Syniadau pellach ar gyfer y ‘story sequencer’ a ‘talking photo album’

  • Lluniau digidol o brofiadau teithio, megis lluniau o wyliau arbennig, rhannu’r profiadau.

Digital images of real life travel experiences, such as holiday snaps, share their holiday experiences.

  • Creu stori newydd, penderfynu ar ffurf o adrodd y stori e.e. lluniau, ffotograffau, adrodd y stori ar lafar

Create a new story, decide on how to deliver the story e.g. photos, drawings, recite orally

  • Albwm darganfod :- Helfa drysor tu allan, recordio’r pethau wnaethom ddarganfod

Discovery album:- Treasure hunt outdoors, record the things they have discovered outdoors

  • Llyfr Synhwyrau - mynd am dro , recordio beth wnaethom ddarganfod yn defnyddio’r synhwyrau e.e. Gweld _____________ Clywed ____________ Teimlo ____________

Blasu __________ Arolygu _____________

Sensory book – go for a walk, using their senses record their findings e.g. See ______ Hear_________ Smell ____________ Touch ____________ Taste ____________

  • Creu albwm lluniau o amgylchedd arbennig, megis lluniau o barc, gardd, ar lan y môr a.y.b.

Create a photo album of a special environment, such as the park, a garden, the seaside etc.

  • Ymwelydd arbennig sydd wedi ymweld â’r lleoliad e.e. nyrs - lluniau o’r nyrs, gwisg y nyrs, lluniau o’r ysbyty/meddygfa, lluniau o offer nyrs. Nyrs i recordio rôl ei swydd.

A visitor who visited the setting e.g. nurse – pictures of a nurse, her uniform, pictures of the hospital/surgery, pictures of equipment she uses. Nurse to record her role.

  • Albwm o drip arbennig, plant i rannu eu profiadau e.e. trip i’r archfarchnad - dyma fi yn dewis ffrwyth ar gyfer amser snac

Album of a special trip, children to share their experiences e.g. trip to the supermarket – here I am choosing a fruit for snack time

  • Recordio arsylwadau .E.e. tywydd, tyfiant planhigyn, cylch bywyd,

Record observations e.g. weather, plant growth, life cycles,

  • Adrodd/perfformio hwiangerdd/ caneuon e.e. 5 crocodeil, dau gi bach yn mynd i’r coed

Recite/perform rhymes/songs e.g. 5 crocodiles, Incy Wincy spider,

  • Lluniau o offerynnau cerdd i gyfansoddi miwsig a recordio’r sain yn yr albwm neu ddilyn y lluniau a’r sain i chwarae miwsig syml.

Images of musical instruments to compose and record the sound or follow the images and sounds recorded to play a piece of music.

  • Dilyn y lluniau a gwrando ar y recordiad i greu patrymau syml e.e. siapiau, lliwiau, lluniau

Follow the images and recordings to create simple patterns e.g. shapes, colours, images

  • Gan ddefnyddio'r darluniau a’r sain, dilyn stori neu gerdd syml

Using the sound and images, follow the simple stories and rhymes

  • Dilyn y cyfarwyddiadau a’r darluniau i goginio e.e. coginio cacen

Follow the images and instructions to cook e.g. bake a cake

  • Season album - darluniau a sain o dymor arbennig e.e. haf - y môr, gwylanod, gwenynen, diod oer, peiriant torri porfa

Season album – images and sounds of a special season – summer – sea, seagulls, bees, cold drink, lawn mower, bucket and spade

  • Albwm symud y corff - gwnewch siâp seren, siâp uchel, siâp diddorol, siâp doniol, siâp hapus,

Movement album – make a star shape, make a high shape, make an interesting shape, make a happy shape, make a funny shape

  • Albwm cyfarwyddiadau – dilynwch y cyfarwyddiadau i greu e.e. adeiladwch wal newydd i Hympti Dympti

Instruction album – follow the instructions to create e.g. build a new wall for humpty dumpty
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