General meeting

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The March General Meeting of the Lebanon 9-12 Project was held on Tuesday, March 17, 2015 at

“All About You Catering” in Lebanon. The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman Titus Hostetter at 6:30 p.m. Titus led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mario Paveglio gave the invocation in the form of an uplifting St. Patrick’s Day Prayer.


A newsletter for March, put together by our Chairman Jim Rodkey, was distributed to everyone present. Along with Legislative Contact Information and Issue Resource Information was a listing of upcoming events/meetings of other grassroots groups. The next Lebanon 9-12 Meeting will be April 21st. Our guest speaker will be Senator Mike Folmer who will give an update on the Medical Cannabis Bill (SB3) and the Property Tax Independence Bill (SB76).

Jeff Griffith spoke about the upcoming PA Leadership Conference at which COOL will be one of the presenters. He said what we are doing in Lebanon County is great but we need to contact other like minded people state wide and the PA Leadership Conference gives us this opportunity.

Mario Paveglio said he put together a DVD to help us get a better understanding of Islam and the

“Three Stages of Jihad”. The DVD’s are free but a free will offering will be appreciated to offset costs.

Treasurer’s Report – Sue Rodkey, Treasurer

While there is never a fee to attend any of our meetings, there is a cost to our Lebanon 9-12. That’s why we have a donation basket on our Literature Table because your donations help us to fund the rental of our meeting hall, our P.O. Box, our website and the shipping costs for our packages to our two adopted soldiers. Donations are only used to further the vision of our Lebanon 9-12 Group. We need to continue to get the message out to the masses about the importance of returning to our roots which means our Constitution and Declaration of Independence.

AAUSS (Adopt a U.S. Soldier) – Sue Rodkey, Facilitator

One of our two adopted soldiers, Scott Lease, has returned home safe and sound to his family! Our other soldier, Hank Cooper, is still in Bagram fighting for our freedoms. Sue contacted AAUSS and they gave her the name of another soldier whom we can support through this program. Her name is Specialist Bernice Pompa who is a Pennsylvania girl deployed from Ft. Indiantown Gap. Sue will update us on Bernice at our next meeting. She thanked everyone for their overwhelming generosity in filling the boxes for our soldiers every month.


Membership Committee – Harry Fies, Chairperson

Harry welcomed everyone and thanked both our members and guests for attending our meeting. Our 2015 Membership Cards for those who paid their dues are in alphabetical order on our Entry Table. If you haven’t already picked yours up, please do so. Harry said he updated our email list. If and when any of your information changes please let us know so you can continue receiving our emails. About 50% of our members have paid their dues for 2015!

Education Committee – Sandy Paveglio, Chairperson

In Sandy’s absence, Janie Birli gave the report. She gave reminders of the PA Pastors Network Conference on Thursday, March 19th at the Lancaster Bible College from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and the Women and Youth Safety and Shooting Classes at the Palmyra Sportsmen’s Club on May 9th. Doris Shyda, one of our 9-12 members, will be one of the instructors for the Shooting Classes.


Pro Life/Respect Life - Sandy Paveglio, Moderator

In Sandy’s absence, Janie Birli gave the report. Since our first Pro-Life Meeting on May 22, 2014, we have been in the process of formulating a Mission Statement to define what our Committee is about and what we hope to accomplish. At our 9-12 Board Meeting on March 4th we presented the Mission Statement our Committee approved for Board approval, which we received. Janie then read the Mission Statement. The next meeting of our committee is on Monday, April 27 at 6:30 p.m. There is a signup sheet on our Entry Table so please think about joining us to see what we are planning for our next project. We would welcome your input and ideas.

Chairman’s Report/Remarks – Jim Rodkey

Jim dressed in Colonial Garb spoke about the Founding Principles Course our Lebanon 9-12 is sponsoring with Jim as the moderator. He affirmed that it is not our intention to compete but rather compliment the work that COOL is doing with their Constitution Course. He explained that since our 9-12 beginnings we have placed a strong emphasis on education. Part of that education involves the advancement of the founding principles that shaped both the political thought of the American Revolution as well as the founding of our government. We will launch this Course in a small group format to allow for more open questions and discussion. It will not be a video lecture but rather we’ll be exploring the original sources and making those sources available to read in full at your leisure. We’ll start by dissecting the Declaration of Independence to establish what the founding principles of this nation were and why they were important. The course will take 12 weeks and each study group will be about 90 minutes in duration. You must register so we know how many to expect and how to best accommodate. We plan on holding two separate sessions, one morning and one evening, to better accommodate the schedules of those who want to participate. There are registration forms on our Literature Table. At present, there is no cost to attend this course but we will accept donations to help offset the cost of providing materials. This is a serious commitment on your part but we do believe the benefits of that commitment will far outweigh the temporary sacrifice of your time and effort.

Guest Speaker – Todd Hoover, a retired PA State Police Officer, will inform us about the U.S. Law Shield Firearms Defense Program. Below is an excerpt of his presentation. To view his presentation in its entirety you can access our website at
Jim introduced Todd and said his organization offers a great service to PA so listen carefully to the important information he is going to give us tonight.
Todd thanked us for inviting him and gave us some of his background information and how he got started in the U.S. Law Shield Program. He said you need to understand human nature to understand freedom. It doesn’t mean you get to do anything you want to do. There are two basic types of people, one group believes that every person is good and something serious has to happen to make them do the wrong thing. The other group feels we are pre-disposed to do the wrong thing and it is a constant battle to do the right thing. In reality, to be a free person requires self reliance, self responsibility, honesty, integrity and respect for the rights of others. All these principles make you a free person. When we start to lose these principles, we start to lose our freedoms. When the fabric of our moral fiber corrodes, it undermines our freedoms.

One of the gun grabbing groups in our country today is the IACP. The 2nd Amendment is falling victim to what ideology you follow. The context of legality is much different than it was years ago. The NRA is now telling its instructors they cannot use the word weapon. The reason the U.S. Law Shield Firearms Defense Program exists is for the protection of people in pure justification cases. The D.A. needs to look at these cases through the eyes of the law but they are passing these cases on to the Grand Jury.

Todd then explained how the politicians and the news media are changing the perception of how people view justified shooting cases. They want us to view all justified shooting cases as BAD!

Members in the U.S. Law Shield Firearms Defense Program receive a membership card with a phone number. Whenever you call this number you are immediately put in contact with an attorney. We are holding seminars all over PA which explain the finer points of gun laws. If you want to become a member of our program we encourage you to attend one of our seminars to meet our attorneys. The charge of membership is $10.95 a month which includes all attorney fees.

A question and answer period followed.
Jim closed by saying if you carry you should protect your rights and the rights of others by getting involved in this program.
Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,

Jane Birli

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